Week's Television Programs
WEEK'S PLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS NDAY ORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZIN F•ews Highlights of litton •asf Paterson Fair Lawn rfield Haledon H•wthorn L di Falls • untaln View orth Haledon Paterson Passaic Pompton Lakes rospect Park iagac Totowa Wayne West Paterson JACKPOT BOWLING SlePTEMBER 11, 1960 VO .. XXXII, No. 37 '1 435 STRAIGHT STREET PATERSON, N.J. MUlberry 4-7880 Gift Department Living Rooms Bedrooms- Bedding Dinin g Rooms Furniture Accessofi• Carpeting Appliances THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE /L•' . ,• ? ß ITALIAN-AHERICAk• I. -.--. SE.FOOD 'NATIONAL VELVET'--. Adapted from the best-selling novel and Academy Award-winning motion picture which made a star BROILED LOBSTER • -- DAILY of Elizabeth Taylor, the new Sunday night NBC-TV Network VROGS' I EGS - •VT StlELL ChO•- •UBFISH - RAINBO• family entertainment series tells the story of a typical rural TROUT - HALIBUT- SALMON - SHRIMPS- •ALL•- American family and stars 12-year-old Lori Martin in the title [b• BELMONTAV• {Cot. 8urh•ss).HAL[DON - - - •mbe• 5.•$ role of Velvet. Co-starred, among others is James McCallion as OYSTERS-CLAM - COD FIEH - SWORD F• - DAI• DlfiN'R• handyman M i Taylor. The half-hour "National Velvet" serie-8 is designed to appeal to every age group. I. PARRILLO Save ... Borrow... TheMan from Equitable asks- and Check with Willyou !ease your family a..honte --or a mortgage? •.• ";4¾ß .',..•.,'.,.=.,:•'..,,. ,•:.. • THE:ODDS that you •vill die beforeyou pay off your mortgageare 16 times greaterthan the chanceyour i •.'• .: ß'1"•.C, , •,.'2.•a.•.ß .-.,.U'e*'. r? ß' , '.• '.•,•..'.. ,, .• ß .•.'.•..•'• ...... • ...... :..•.'•: house will catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance.Why •..X• ..,•,,.
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