1937-02-12, [P PAGE SIX]
PAGE SIX THE CARBON COUNTY NEWS, RED LODGE, MONTANA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1937. - Household Bd Lincoln—the First American President •i. • Questions ». Pie crusts will be flakier if a Davi/; It tablespoon of cornstarch is added » to the flour used for each pie. By ELMO SCOTT WATSON /Recipe * * • When the teakettle becomes dis braham LINCOLN, the first American President? colored inside, it can be bright A Yes, he was! Helen ened by boiling a clean oyster Joys and Trlbnlatlon* of a Trailer Keller Now, that doesn't mean that an attempt is being made ■ No. 1—Why Folks Leave Home. shell in it. : V * * * to upset commonly accepted history nor to deny to George ilSi* reaking the ties that Tablecloths that are no longer Washington, who was “First in War, First in Peace and First i m Golden Gate Salad. xXy X iiiii constitute a definite ad In use make good cot covers, bed in the Hearts of His Countrymen,” the further honor, usually ,5 B H pound of fresh marshmallows spreads, or curtains if they are dress, tearing out the roots accorded him, of being the first chief executive of this repub > ; cut in halves. dyed to match the color scheme L; ; X' that fix upon this earth an 2 nice oranges, carefully peeled of the room. lic. But the fact is that Lincoln, not Washington, was the : : « XS H Ml homestead, auctioning and cut in small pieces. • • • first American President” and for this reason : the lares and penates that 2 bananas, cut in dicelike pieces. Leather book bindings can be When a child is born, its ;X X have been accumulating for 2 thick slices of fresh pineapple preserved by periodic treatments cut in the same way.
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