A LAWSUIT LOSES ONE MILLION "Men is sho’ fickle,” said Miss Mia- WINNING mi Brown; “dey goes back on you on IN ’S BIRTHPLACE. IN TWELVE MONTHS de slightest provocation.” “What's happenin’?" INCIDENT IN LEGAL CAREER OF been asked Miss Alice Jef- Gamblers Get That Amount From HUMOR ferson Tompkins. "Mr. Rastus Pink- . Theodore R. Hostetter, Who ley come aroun’ tryin’ to kiss, an’ se- as not to Died In seem too willin’ an’ audaci- Woman Living in New England Whose Fa. then Was Born in the a Sanitarium. ous I smashed 'lm wlf a flat-iron, an* Simple Scheme Evolved in His Shrewd WIBEMf jes' foh dat he Jilted me!” New Brain by Which He Saved His Client, York, Feb. 9.—Theodore R. Historic Log Cabin.—Stories of the Early Days. Hostetter, the multimillionaire, who In his "Random Recollections,** "Duff" from Death on A Most Statesman. Armstrong, at the age of 32 died suddenly at a Accomplished Chas. H. E. Brookfield, a highly es- "My boy, the is the Gallows. Park avenue sanitarium in August way to succeed teemed actor on the London stags, always right. Clay said last, left a check book which shows to do Henry says: "I remember a piece which we be than Presi- Lincoln has been dead thirty-eight sick, in Indiana, la ISIS, abont the | "The river rose while grandma was that during the final year of his Ilfs he would rather right produced at the Comedy Theatre, writ- have so many garbled ten by popular author, and very fears. same time that Lincoln’s mother, away and she toiled laboriously to get There been he lost $636,000 at gambling dent" a i in this cast, amused all Most of those who knew Nancy Hanks, and her uncle and aunt home as soon as she When she versions of the famous incident in city. places he patronized were "Was he President?” strongly which us personally | could. The so much that we could hardly rehearse Mtn have also passed on into silence, Sparrow died. All were buried to- ¦ got nearly home she found everything Abraham Lincoln's legal career in those run by Richard Canfield, Phil “No; but he was right” which he by an almanac saved the tried to be didn’t It. Charles Hawtrey used every now tnd, like Washington, he has become gether In rude coffins const! used by- afloat, and as she passed a tree that Daly and Dave Johnson. It is stated "He President and then warn us: ‘Now don’t speak life of with he?” h the popular mind a sort of mystical , who was now a wid- was well submerged she thought she a man charged murder by Hostetter’s friends that in addi- too soon on that; there’s certain to be Igure. associated with a bygone age of ower with two small children. Aft< • heard a cry from the branches. She that it is appropriate Just now to nar- tion to the sums Indicated by the "Yes—but he was not elected." a big laugh, and we don't want them Iramatlc heroism—a patron saint. Lincoln became President, someone paddled to the tree, and there found rate the correct one, as told by R. W. checks he also lost thousands of "Then he must have been both to miss the next line.’ We rehearsed Although New England loved Lin- erected a monument over his mother a her baby, , afloat in his Armstrong, a barber of Mason City, dollars in cash. His passion for gam- right and left.” for six weeks. On the first night coln as much as any other section of grave in the wilderness, but Aunt cradle, which had been washed through who is the son of the man defended, bling, it is estimated, cost him at nothing went wrong—but the piece. There laugh lhe country did, when It came to know Roseanne told me that the selection of the door of the cabin, and had drifted and who was known as "Duff’’ Arm- $1,000,000 during the last twelve Exception to the Rule. was not one nor one least round of applause finish. Sim, yet always regarded grave about till it found lodgment in the top strong. He very with the two dudes,” the girl at the from start to he was as a the for the monument must is familiar months of his life. The attention of "Them We took off the in days, of the tree, where his mother found it. case, time before bis music counter remarked, "is trying to comedy ten characteristic product of the pioneer have been mere guesswork, since none as but a short the executors of the Hostetter estate during which we rehearsed as a stop country, and, although efforts not alto- of the graves had ever been marked, "Another of her stories was about father, who, by the way, is still living, was called to the gambling items by get me to look at ’em.” gap a conventional three-act farce don’t gether successful have been made to and there was no means of identifying Guinea niggers. I suppose you bad related to him the exact facts in a suit just eompromisea which was "Where’s your grammar?” said the no literary pretensions. I “ with think chow that he was of Hingham ances- any one of them." know what Guinea niggers were, do the affair. brought by Dave Johnson to recover girl at the book counter. ‘Two dudes’ it ran for a year." try, never till now has Massachusetts Ccming to the subject of the migra- you? Well, they were not uncommon In all the histories of Lincoln and $115,000 on a note and checks given is plural.” brought! A sick man is always in a Seen conscious of the presence In this tion of the survivors of the three fami- in the days when slaves were in most of the school books It Is told by young Hostetter just before he “I guess not!” contemptuously re- favor of very constitutional amendment ocallty of any living connection be- lies from Indiana to Illinois Mrs. from Africa. They were small how Lincoln defended Armstrong and died. joined the other. "It takes more than tween the Immortal rail-splitter and Moore says: in stature and very unprepossessing cleared him by proving that the moon two of them fellows to make a plural." An Important Discovery. were said to be ANOTHER $50,000 FOR OBERLIN sur own soil. ", who taught Thomas in appearance and they was not shining when the murder was Granton, Okla., Feb. 9th.—After ten Nevertheless for seventeen years Lincoln, 's father, the carpenter’s cannibals. committed "by the light of the moon." What Worried Jones. years E. H. Gosney of Granton has at just years ago, her youth she Second Gift Ohio Col- pne of the environs of Boston has bar- trade, 100 was one of "Grandma said that in The father of Duff Armstiong was Anonymous to last found a cure for Kidney Trouble. the in Illinois, having knew a young couple who bought a sored a woman who makes the proud first settlers Jack Armstrong, who lived near New lege From Same Source. Mr. Gosney suffered very severely with from about 1820. pair of Guinea niggers. One day their boast that her father and Abraham gone there Kentucky Salem, and who was the leader of the Cleveland, 0., Feb. 9.—At a meeting Kidney Complaint and some ten years his son, the famous John little child disappeared and it was Lincoln were first cousins; that both It was “Clary Grove" boys. He it was who of the board of trustees of Oberlin col- ago made up his mind to find a cure had the celebrated wrestling match lege here President Henry Churchill if one was to be had. with Lincoln back of the old store at King announced the second anonymous He has tried and tried and experi- New Salem. gift of $50,000 from the same source mented with every kidney medicine he Afterward they became great since his election to the presidency of could hear of. Although he was always friends. Toe home of Jack Armstrong the college. The SIOO,OOO will be a disappointed he kept on trying till at and of his wife Hannah was always nucleus for the sum of $500,000 to be last his perseverance was rewarded open to Lincoln, and he visited there raised this year. New buildings and he found a complete cure. many times. planned are a chapel, biological He is a well man to-day and explains It was during the summer of 1857 science hall, administration building, it as follows: that Duff Armstrong, with a numb.er woman’s gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. and "Everything failed to cure me and I of other young fellows, attended a men’s club. was growing worse and worse till I tried a new remedy called Kid- camp meeting twelve miles south of KRUGER'S ILLNESS IS TRIVIAL Dodd’s Mason City. The young fellows were ney Pills and I had not taken many of them before I knew that I had at last drinking, as was the custom of those Alarmist Reports of Health of Boer times. Duff became involved in a found the right thing. I am entirely Leader Are Unfounded. I for quarrel with a companion named cured and cannot say too much New York, Mr. Metzger one night a short distance Feb. 9. —Friends of Dodd’s Kidney Pills.” Kruger, the former president of fiom the camp meeting. Duff claimed the When a man owns but one suit Transvaal, having received a message of that he struck Metzger with his fist clothes he is in a position to guy the from Mentone stating that health just under the eye. The stories in so his "No, gentle reader, Mr. Jones Is not festive moth. is entirely shattered, inquiry many books that he used a club or was made under the influence of liquor. Mr. by cable and the following reply was There is more Catarrh in this sectton of the slingshot or other weapon, he insists Jones is merely trying to come down country than all other diseases put together, received: Mentone, Feb. 6.—The re- and until the few was are false. The next morning Metzger a moving staircase that is moving up last years supposed to ba port that Mr. Kruger’s Is shat- Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro- was out and around, pre- health nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local but it is tered remedies, and by constantly failing sumed that he caught cold In the in- is purely fantastical. His re- Reason for Early Rising. to cure cent Indisposition was ot a very with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. jured eye. At any rate, the injury "I hope all you little boys," said the Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu- slight character and did not cause the tional disease, and therefore requires affected bis brain in some manner, teacher, "commence the week right consti- slightest anxiety to tutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, man- his friends. His by getting up early Monday morning." ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio, and he died. Is only cure health is unimpaired.” “Yes’m," replied the constitutional on the market. The elder Armstrong had just died little Johnny, “I It Is taken Internallv In doses drops to a from 10 and the mother of the prisoner was in COPPER GOES HIGHER always love to get up early Monday teaspoonfuL It acts directly upon the blood CASE and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer great trouble. She, in her poverty morning." one hundred dollars for any case Itfails to cure. and distress, thought of her old friend Supreme “And you feel all the better for It, Send forcirculars and testimonials. Address Court Acts In Boston and F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. and occasional boarder, Abraham Lin- Montana Litigation. don’t you, Johnny?” Sold by Druggists, 73c. coln, and asked “Yes’m. That's the mornin’ we Hall's Family Pills are the best. him to defend her Helena, Mont., Feb. 9.—The Su- boy. Lincoln agreed to do have pancakes and syrup.” Even happiness may become mo- willingly preme court has issued a of cer- so. The evidence seemed all against writ notonous. were born In the same rude tiorari in the application ot the Bos- log cabin him. One witness swore that he saw Full Limit. Dr. Lawrence’s special treatment in Kentucky, ton and Montana for a writ ot super- cures but three months apart, Armstrong strike Metzger with a Jenkins—" What I told you was that Dyspepsia. Guaranteed, 50c. Lawrence ia 1809, and she visory control restraining Patrick that herself Is a slingshot and others corroborated the Dr. Price-Price never insisted upon a Co.. Des Moines. la. Sample free. grandniece of Lincoln's Mullins (Heinze) from examining the mother, the story. Lincoln asked each one fee for his advice from those whc When Nancy how books of the company in the Coman- it comes to waltzing the awk« famous Hanks. he saw the fight, couldn't afford to pay him.” and the invariable re- che case. This removes the case ward man gets there with both feet. She is Mrs. Nellie M. Moore, who ply was, "By the light of the moon." Markley—“Well, when he got was born not many years before from the district to the upper court McCarthy’s “EZ FOOT COMFORT" the Lincoln then produced an almanac injunction through with me he asked me if 1 of war, In The in the Pennsylvania ” positively cures Chilblains. Price 25c. outbreak the civil the then of the current year and proved by It had any money and I said ‘Yes.’ exceedingly mine case secured by Heinze also was F. R. McCarthy, Jefferson, la. town of Frank- that at the time they swore they saw Jenkins—“ Well?" ford, Mo., and has been for three vacated by the court An old bachelor recommends the the assault In the moonlight the moon Markley—“Well,”he said, “I’ll take months past gold cure for feminine heart troubles. a resident of East Pep- was Invisible. Lincoln then addressed FALLING BUILDING KILLS FIVE perell, Mass., where her husband. the jury, making, it is said, of the In Winter Use Allen’s Foot-Ease. Moore, Is engineer in a one Charles W. strongest and most eloquent pleas Several Others Hurt by Collapse of As to Sex. A powder. Your feet feel uncom- mill. ever made in that court. At the close Old Structure in Buffalo. Towne—l see there's a western fortable. nervous and often cold and to define her relation- damp. If you have sweating, When asked he turned to the weeping mother and scientist who declares that the Insect sore feet the Buffalo, N. T., Feb. 9. —Joseph or tight shoes, try Allen’s Foot-Ease. ship to martyred President, Mrs. said: "Aunt Hannah, you can have which says “Katie did” is the mala Moore Hanks, livingin Missouri, who In never seen again. They afterward Becker, William Burke, John Schnei- Sold by all druggists and shoe said: still your boy again goes and the one that says “Katie didn't,’ stores. 1830 Induced Thomas Lincoln, Dennis found that the cannibals had eaten before the sun der, Adam Herzog and Michael Am- 25 cents. Sample sent free. Address "My father. William S. Hall, was a And is female. Hanks and my father to pull up stakes the child, and they were banged for it. down." she did, for the jury brose were killed and M. Straus and the Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. son of Martha Hanks, sister of Nancy all nonsense, be and also remove Illinois, where Abe brought in a verdict of not guilty. Belser and Charles Fagel in- Henpeck—That’s Hanks, who married Thomas Lincoln to "Grandma, like most of the Hankses were cause if notice the one that says The under dog may have our sym- was achieve fame that Lincoln received no fee and asked jured by the collapse of a building at you’ll pathy, and the mother of Abraham destined to that and Lincolns, was an ardent Metho- did" frequently had the last but we don’t bet on him. became gained Presidency. none. Afterward Armstrong enlisted William street and Fillmore avenue “Katie you for him the dist. In her old age she always knit- Magnet Lincoln. So, see, my father was In the army. He was only & word. I'll bet they’re both females. Pile Killer Cures Plies. "Having arrived In Macon county. ted just so much on a stocking every the sup- occupied by Straus Son as a tan- first cousin and 1 was second cousin to port of his mother, other 111., the party, which numbered thir- week One morning she was in- the children nery. The men were part of a force The gift of silenoe has saved many the President. day. being small. That Settles It. teen, settled for a while. My father dustriously engaged In the perform- When Lincoln became engaged in razing the building prepar- a reputation. "My grandfather, who married Mar- President Mrs. Armstrong wrote to atory to “1 see that some one is advocating and Abe Lincoln were In their 21st ance of her allotted stint, when some the erection of a new one. Wlir.N tha Hanks, was Levi Hall, aud they him, asking him to her the project of a newspaper printed tn YOU BUT BLUEING year, and they, with John Hanks, Abe's of the younger folks came in with their release son Chicago Board of Trade. Insist on getting Russ Bleaching Blue. Don’s and Thomas and were from the army he might a compact tabloid form like a book,* take a cheap Allgrocers, lue. second cousin, built the log cabin best clothes on. that come Chicago, Feb. Imitation. living together in the little log cabin home, as needed his 6.—Quotations oa the said Mr. Torque. some say was exhibited on Bos- “ she services. “It is never late in La Rue county, Ky„ in 1809, when which 'Why. grandma! What are you do- Board of Trade to-day: too to mend," said years ago. Neighbors told her that It was non- "The very idea!” cried Mrs. Torque; the who too lazy to begin. ton Common thirty or more ing?' somebody 'Only knitting,’ Wheat— Open. dose. man was Abraham Lincoln was born there. My asked. sense to write to the great Lincoln High. Low. “It’s simply ridiculous.” They also split the famous fence rails surprise. May 3 .79% * » .79 father was born three later in she replied, with some 'What, .79% 3 .79% “In what way?” Dyeing Is months that samples of which did about such a small matter as the dis- July 74% .74% .74% .74% as easy as washing when cabin.” at time, knitting on Sunday, grandma?’ 'ls Corn— the same charge of a soldier out of such a great “Why such a paper would be simply PUTNAM FADELESS DYES much to arouse the enthusiasm in the this Sunday?' asked grandma, in Feb .43% .43% used. are When questioned as to the antece- army, and May 43% .43% useless to put under a carpet." Illinois convention in 1860, which se- amazement. When convinced that it especially when Lincoln 44% .46 .44% .44% dents of the Hanks, Lincoln and Hall was so deeply immersed the July 43% .43% .43% .43% The more a man owes con- cured the Presidential nomination for was she unraveled every stitch she in mo- Sent 43% .43% .43% the more families, Mrs. Moore says It is a tradi- mentous .43% Not a Question of Faith. spicious he Is as a financier. Lincoln. had done that morning, in order to affairs of state. She only re- Oats— tion of all three families that they plied: God, Abe Feb MU .MH .MH .MU Patient—Although, doctor, I bars “After serving as major in the Black atone as far as possible for her dese- "Please will give back Muy .37H emigrated together from New England my boy to .3»H .S7H -«H sent for you at the earnest solicitation Hawk war, in which Abe Lincoln was cration of the day." me once more." As soon as July S2’4 .« .12% .32% Thompson's Eys Water about 200 years ago to Pennsylvania, Lincoln received the he ordered Pork- of my friends, and to please them, let captain, my father became one of the Mrs. Moore describes letter May 18.85 18.85 16.72 18.75 from there to Virginia and later to having seen a discharge made for me tell you that I have not the leasl earliest settlers in Missouri, and dur- with out William July 16.3> 16.30 16.26 16.26 Kentucky, as they eventually did to some amusement Abraham Lin- and Lard— faith in medical LUMPY JAW CURE. ing the greater part of his life kept a making Armstrong, within ten days he modern science. ONE APPLICATION 18 ENOUGH. Indiana finally Illinois coln a political speech in Mis- Feb 9.45 9.45 9 45 9.45 and to and Mis- was at home with bis mother. May 9.40 932 9 Physician—Ob, that doesn’t mattei Dr. J. C. Mitchel l a Lump Jaw tavern, first at Hannibal and later at souri, 9.4214 37V4 prepared by souri. She has been for some time arrayed in a long and exceeding- July 9.25 9.20 at all, I assure you. The mule has nc Cure io a vetenua- Frankford. ly 9.2 S 9.17 ft nan. Cures d!chml wka on engaged in investigating possible crumpled linen "duster,” and a tall S. ribs— hordes itnii tumors on pigs af- the May faith in the veterinarian, yet the lattei "I around among hat of ancient pattern. says The President and Hie Boys. 9.15 9 IT 9.19 9.12 ter caatratio t. One bor tle cures early connection of the families with often visited the She that July 9.06 9.00 9 00 just more At It was a frequent custom 9.06 cures him the same. N.. JIWwM four or head. ilrug- New England, and intends to prepare Hankses in my childhood, too, and my when Lincoln was nominated for Pres- of Lin- -6* igflT'ligW * *'*. >1 oo Del vere«l si 15. No coln’s to carry his • ure St. I’.iv MAK*• Distributors U. a shoulders, says the Used to IL for labor. as we called John Hanks' mother, who Hankses held up their hands with Literary Digest St. John’s. N. F„ Feb. ».—This port tJ.. Marshalltown. lowa. her rarely Towne—You don’t mean to say you Quincy, amazed incredulity He went down street that he Is by Ice floes. The Red Continuing her story of the vicissi- lived In what is now known as and exclaimed with blockaded didn't notice that earthquake shock? I used to her skein of yarn practical unanimity: "Abe for did not have one of his younger boys Cross line steamer Rosalinda, from tudes of the Lincoln, Hanks and Hall 111. hold Lincoln Browne—l guess I was home Ir for her when she wound into a ball, President? 1 don't believe it!” mounted on bls shoulder, while an- New York, and the British steamer families, Mrs. Moore says: it Aiguhurst at the time. For Cenfa operation she would other hung to the tall of his long coat. Glencoe, from Halifax, unable 12 "My aunt, Rosanne Hall, who rode and during the "There was always something queer were —But early The antics of the boys with enter, sailing Towne the shake must havs this home In Maryland to Ken- tell me stories of her life in the about the Hankses," she says; "for al- their fath- to and a whole fleet of paper, we will send you from her er and the species of been perceptible there. packet pioneer days in Illinois. though they were among tyranny they ex- vessels is unable to leave the port 1 each of Kram- tucky behind her husband on his horse the earliest Browne —I guess all of us just er's 20th Century Giant settlers In Illinois excised over him are still the subjects took Pansies, 16c.; told me that there were Quakers "One story was in regard to a fresh- and had their pick it for our malaria. Mixed of the land, and of of thlk In Springfield. Roland Diller, Sage’s Money Called In. Mixed Asters, 5c.; Di- among my ancestors, as there are said et such as used to come almost yearly plenty it, and some an Pink, who was a neighbor of Mr. Lincoln, York, Feb. the mill- thus 5c.; Poppy to have been In the . to those who lived along the river bot- of them had large, productive farms New 9.—A1l of Snowdrift. 5c.; Phlox tells one of the best of the He of the Russell Sage money Extremely Rare. Star Quedlinburg, 10c.; She also said that my great-grand- toms eighty years or so ago. Grandma yet every one of them turned out as stories. ions that was called to the door one day by hear- was out on call haa been called In Tommy—Pop, what Is meant by the Giant Sweet Williams. father was killed by the Indians at the went several miles down the river on poor as Job’s cat. of humor? 10c. ; total Me. Special ing a great noise of children, and and reloaned on The competi- sense price 12c. same time that Abraham Lincoln’s a raft, one day, to the mill, to have "My mother owned slaves before the time. Catalogue there was Mr. Lincoln striding by among put Father—The sense of humor, my Illustrated grandfather was, while they were some corn ground, leaving the chil- war, but my father never did, nor did with tion banks to out call of flower, vegetable and farm seeds, plants, the boys, both of whom money continues, the son, consists largely of knowing when bulbs. for IVO3, free. clearing the ground to plant corn, on dren in the log house. The river had any of the Hankses, and for that rea- were wailing to great satis- •andthanameof aloud. "Why, Mr. Lincoln, the of the not to be funny. their arrival in Kentucky. It was she been threatening to rise for several son they were called ’poor whites’ by what's faction borrowers. L N. KRAMER7& SOfii. matter with the boys?" he asked. RARIDR, who told me my father was born In days, but the children well knew from their neighbors who had slaves. All le CEDAR IOWA. “Just what’s the matter with Lord Beresford 111. Those Sa lee. Lincoln log cabin. former experiences, that if the river tue Hankses were stanch supporters of the New Feb. B.—Admiral the whole world,” Lincoln replied. York, Lord “My grandparents, Levi Hall and Invaded the house they were to climb the union during the civil “Ive Charles war.”—Bos- got three walnuts, and Beresford is ill. He was to Hanks, both died of the milk- up on the root for safety. Globe. each wants Low Rates to California. Martha ton two." have been a guest of the Transatlan- tic Society of America at its annual Via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. meeting in Philadelphia, was MONUMENT FOR LOG CABIN. where the ancient old structure is now home. He never talked of these days Lincoln Letter Recovered. but com- and pelled to telegraph bis regrets. Paul Union Pacific line. no one seems to know. For many to his Intimate friends. Once, when Soiled and faded, torn and frayed, a Lincoln Lived In years after the asked what February 15 April 30, Spot Where First the Lincolns vacated it he remembered about the letter written by Abranam Lincoln a Dies In Italy. to 1903. Illinois Will Be Marked. cabin was used as a schoolhouse. war with Great Britain, he replied: few months before his assassination New York, Feb. is of 9.—The death Only $33 Chicago to San Fran- The Illinois State Historical Society There are several of the old-timers "Nothing but this: 1 had been fish- has been found in some rubbish and announced in Florence, Italy, of Mrs. Is pushing a Macon county who attended school ing one day, a movement to erect mon- and caught a little fish papers on Broadway, New York, near Howard Townsend Martin, wife of a cisco, Los Angeles and many other the site the log cabin In there. say that an elderly lady which I ument on of They was taking home. I met a the postoffice. It reads as follows: younger brother of Bradley Martin. county, named was teacher. No- soldier California points. One-way, sec- Harristown township, Macon Macintosh the in the road, and having always "Executive Mansion, Washington. She was Miss Camilla oX the first home body has been who knows what Thompson which was of Abraham found been told at homo that we must be Nov. 21, 1864.—T0 Mrs. Bixby, Boston, St Louis. ond-class, colonist tickets. Lincoln when he came to Illinois. No- became of her. good to the soldiers, I gave him my Mass.: I have been shown in the file Ball Killed. glad to you body knows what has become of the Harristown's first white settler was fish." of the war department a of Player Is Will be send addi- statement Philadelphia, famous old structure. It was a hut of a relative of Abraham Lincoln. He This Is the only faint glimpse, but the adjutant general of Massachusetts Feb. 9.—Hardie Hen- tional information. square. Hanks, located on what derson, "Reginald, all shop- one room, about fourteen feet was William who It shows Is rather pleasant—the that you are the mother of five sons the former baseball player, we’re through It had loose boards for a loft and a section 23 in 1828. Three years later, generous child and the patriotic house- who have died gloriously was killed by a trolley car at Thirti- ping. except—my slippers, some on the field dishes, gas r. A. MILLER. Gan«ral Chlesq*. clapboard roof. The logs were chinked according to a Macon county histori- hold. But there is no question that oi battle. eth and Marketstreets. a hat, a stove, a piano—” Mr. with mud. an, "Mr. Lincoln, John Hanks, these first years of his life had their "I feel how weak and fruitless must onio traction Deal. first father, and John Johnson, The of A DENTIST'S DRILL The old structure attracted pub- Lincoln’s lasting effect upon the temperament be any word of mine which should at- Toledo, 0., Feb. 4.—Negotiations are Voice Experience. SWALLOWS step-brother, “I lic attention when It was sent to the Mr. Lincoln’s erected a oi this great mirthful and melancholy tempt to beguile you from the grief of on foot for the sale of the Toledo, don’t care to marry—at least not In 1876. It 28 in the edge of yet,” said flirt. Instrument From Hand of Centennial In Philadelphia log cabin on section man. a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot Bowling Green and Southern Traction the Slips Opera- there, and a Sangamon not?" was brought back from the timber along the river." He had little schooling. He accom- refrain from tendering you the con- Company, operating between Toledo “Why asked the matron. tor and Is Lost. same de- cabin, which was said to be the It is hoped soon to agree upon a panied his sister, Sarah, to the only solation that may be found in and Findlay, forty-seven miles. "Because at matters are now I have Rochester, Feb. World’s the N. Y.. 6.—Frank one, was on exhibition at the sign for the monument designed to schools In their neighborhood, one thanks of the republic they died to the attentions of half a dozen men, Chapman of the Charlotte life-saving Chicago, although Its authen- mark where the cabiu was by while if I married I Fair In the spot kept Zacharlah Rlney and another save. I pray that our Heavenly Fath- TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. would have the crew Is having X-ray pictures of him- at time. constructed. only one.” ticity was disputed the by Caleb Hazel, where he learned the er may assuage the anguish of your attention of self made for the purpose of locating old cabin is In alphabet The exact size of the and little more. But of all bereavement and leave only the cher- Jesse Beghtol was struck by a train "Huh!" exclaimed the matron, a dentist's drill, which he swallowed. and for some efforts have His Childhood. advantages for "you wouldn't have even doubt time Solitary those the cultivation ished memory of loved and lost and and instantly killed while he was walk- tbaL” A day after swallowing the drill, which to Of all years Abraham Lin- of young spirit been made by historians determine the of a mind and which the solemn pride that must be yours ing on the tracks at Kewanee, 111. from the dentist's band while now .practically settled coln's early we know almost every now to Its slipped the spot. It is childhood home offers children, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon Grace Jackson, aged 10, was The forest reserves of the United he was working on Chapman’s mouth, cabin on the spot now nothing. lived a solitary in the books, Ingenious now that ths stood He life toys, games and the altar of freedom. drowned at Clinton, Ind. She went States aggregate an area almost Chapman had an operation performed an old farm house on the the woods, returning from his lone- dally devotion of parental love, be sincerely twice that of the of occupied by "Tonrs very and respect- after vinegar tor supper and tell into state Pennsylva- on bis oesophagus, but the drill was Scroggln farm, Harristown. Juat some little games to bls cheerless knew absolutely nothing. nia. near fully, “A. IJNCOLN." the cistern. not found.