April 2012 Volume 15 Issue 1 Easter Tidings from Kirk FAREWELL TO GRAEME SIMMERS, OUR TREASURER FOR 33 YEARS ! Graeme and his wife Jennifer have now moved to St Andrews. They first joined Killearn Kirk in 1965, Graeme became an elder in 1972 and was then asked by Stuart McWilliam to become Honorary Treasurer in 1979. During this extraordinary length of time Graeme steered the finances of the Kirk through some troubled waters and succeeded in carrying out several major capital projects. Graeme has always regarded himself as a “private Christian” and considered that he could best serve the Church by quietly making use of his talents. He was a choir member for several years and in the course of his term as Treasurer there were many fluctuations in the financial health of the Kirk. He specifically mentions that the Gift Aid scheme was a success from an early start and, whenever the finances looked difficult, an appeal was made to the congregation and the circumstances improved! During his time he has served 5 ministers, all very different and has seen the sale and build of a manse and a Church Hall – all successfully financed.

Having qualified as a CA in 1959 in the family firm of S. Easton Simmers & Co. Graeme joined the Royal Marines for his National Service and received the Stick of Honour at the passing out parade at Mons Officer Cadet School and became a Commando instructor. He then joined the family Chartered Accountants firm as partner and was promoted to the Board of Scottish Highland Hotels Group becoming Chairman of this family Group in 1972. Graeme held many appointments and directorships including Chairman of the Scottish Division of the British Hotel Association; he was a member of the Scottish Tourist Board and was a Governor of Queens College, . In 1993 he became non-executive director of the Royal Infirmary NHS Trust. He was made a Deputy Lieutenant for Stirling and Falkirk districts in 2004 and served as a member of Stirling University Court.

When considering Graeme’s career achievements both in business and in sport, numbers come readily to hand. He played 14 seasons with Glasgow Academicals, captaining them for 3 seasons. Some people are accomplished enough to receive one honour in their lifetime but Graeme was awarded 2 honours, firstly the OBE for services to Tourism in 1982 and then in 1998 he was also awarded the CBE for Services to Sport having become Chairman of the Scottish Sports Council in 1992 and was a founder director of the Scottish Institute of Sport in 1998. Graeme is an excellent golfer and still plays off a handicap of 7. He won the Club Championship at Buchanan Golf Club on 2 occasions. Graeme became a member of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews in 1975. He was Chairman of the Championship Committee for 3 years and also refereed at The Masters on 4 occasions. In September 2001 Graeme was appointed Captain of the R & A, duly driving himself into office off the first tee in front of a large crowd of spectators, which he described as “one of life’s most daunting experiences”.

Graeme recently wrote reflecting on his many years as Treasurer and said: “We have received amazing gifts and legacies at Killearn Kirk over the years, which enabled us to embark on so many projects. I was always so grateful for the support from the members of the Session and the congregation. I have greatly enjoyed the experience of serving Killearn Kirk for such a large portion of my life. We have now moved to St Andrews and I am attending a small church in Dunino, capacity about 100, just outside the town where the current minister is someone I knew from Helensburgh. My thoughts often go back to Killearn Kirk and I would wish everyone there the best of fellowship and worship in the years ahead”.

Graeme returned to Killearn in March to present the accounts, but was himself the recipient of a presentation in the form of a signed bible and a beautiful painting on behalf of the congregation and the Session. We offer our heartfelt thanks to him for his remarkable achievements and dedicated service as Treasurer for 33 years and we wish long health and happiness to both Graeme and Jennifer together with their 4 children and 10 grandchildren. Easter services and events Please do come along to one or more of the Easter services this year – you will be very welcome. Easter Wednesday 4 April 7.30 pm Killearn Kirk Session House Maundy Thursday 5 April 7.30 pm Church Good Friday 6 April 7.30 pm Killearn Kirk Easter Sunday 8 April 10.30 am Killearn Kirk and Communion Sunday 3 June 10.30 am & 6.30 pm Killearn Kirk Page 2 Easter Tidings from Killearn Kirk The hope of Easter – and the excitement of … a donkey?

As Easter approaches our thoughts turn to the promise of running a small marketing consultancy. Family is the new life and reconnection with God and others that Easter centre of their lives. Their son Christopher and his wife brings. We remember Palm Sunday, Good Friday and look Debbie work for IAM in Afghanistan as part of the Baptist forward to the victory and hope of Easter Sunday. And Mission and they have a young family of four; there is great children’s thoughts turn to Easter Eggs … and donkeys. excitement this year when they return in the summer for Those of you of a certain age will remember with a smile a long holiday. Their elder daughter Georgina leads a very the travails of John Noakes on Blue Peter with the baby (but busy life in Otley north of Leeds where she works as a Year still heavy!) elephant. It is with some sense of excitement Manager in a large comprehensive school. Georgina is 5 therefore that the children are looking forward to having a years older – to the day – than her sister Katie, married to live donkey in church on Palm Sunday. (Remember, John’s Shaun with two children and living near Inverurie. Richard problems weren’t just with the elephant standing on his and Lavinia love the great outdoors and are very involved foot – we have a shovel ready). Whether you come along with animals – dogs, cat, sheep, hens and horses and to church regularly, or hardly ever, you are very welcome Richard’s latest challenge is donkey training. As an antidote to attend any of the services in any of the local churches to all this, music, art, theatre, books and sailing also feature this Easter. A list of services is printed elsewhere in this prominently in their lives. magazine. And I for one also want to find out whether we will need that shovel! Iain has also taken over the post of Church Officer and features elsewhere in Tidings. There have been some other happy events recently. We were delighted a few weeks ago to welcome Katy Withers, Richard There have been other changes too. Our youth and family Drew, and Iain Sinclair as new elders in the Kirk. The church team is now established with Amanda McCall joining us as sees itself as a body- with all members having different full time family and young people’s worker for the next three roles which come from their different skills, personality years. Amanda joins Tim (our established part-time youth and enthusiasms. The elders role is partly administrative worker), whose contract has also been extended for the next but importantly is spiritual to work with Lee in helping the two years. We are delighted that funding has been made church to grow and do good things for the church and wider available to allow this through a very generous bequest from community. It was lovely to have Katy, Richard and Iain be Mrs Helen Jamieson (check spelling) which has enabled this happy to take on this new role. Many readers will know all work. Tim and Amanda are very busy- and are also great three of them already. fun. Their new office in the Kirk has been turned into a welcoming and light room for the teens to meet. There are Katy lives in with her also lots of new things they are leading with work at both husband & two teenage children. local schools and also in the wider community and it’s led She is a busy housewife and already to many more people coming to a mums and toddlers enjoys exploring our beautiful area meeting held in church with much “messy play”. either by bike or on foot when time allows. She was brought up in a We also look forward also to welcoming more village groups small village just outside Bristol. In and events in our kirk halls over the next months as work 2004 Katy and her husband Mark finally gets underway on the exciting developments on settled in Balfron & it was then the Village hall. The hall itself was originally given to the they started to attend Killearn precursors of Stirling Council by the Kirk in 17 June 1949 with Kirk. As her biological family is the wish that it would be used for the wider physical, social hundreds of miles away, Katy and spiritual good of the village. We have been delighted views the ‘family’ in the Kirk as to have been invited back onto the Village Hall committee being very important to her. Over the years she has become and to help join with those already on the committee in involved working with and learning from the younger children helping work go through the final legal stages of transfer of in the Church and she is one of the main leaders of Kirk Kids ownership to Killearn Community Futures Company. There (for the youngsters every Sunday morning). At the beginning were some interesting legal issues raised along the way of the year she was approached to become an elder and (it was a great surprise that the Kirk Session was told out after much thought, prayer and advice-seeking she decided of the blue by the Stirling Council that it had the first right to accept. Katy says she is looking forward to serving the to purchase the hall for example). We are delighted that community in any way she can in the coming years and says this transfer is now completed and the rebuilding can now she hopefully wants to put back some of the love she has occur. The new rebuild to the hall is going to be fantastic for received. the village community. And in the mean time we welcome individuals and organisations to use our three Kirk Halls Richard was brought up in the for events, parties and celebrations (contact Sue Beck West of and with his ([email protected]) for details of this. wife Lavinia bought a derelict farmhouse on the Road Finally, I wish you a really Happy Easter! And that through some 40 years ago. Their three the eggs and holidays – and donkeys- that we will all be children were all raised there able to gain something from the hope and encouragement and now their six grandchildren that Jesus provides. So that if things are feeling hard, or continue to enjoy the wide open difficult just now – or happy and successful that you will find spaces and wildlife. Richard a sense of peace and hope. The entire church looks forward and Lavinia have spent most of to welcoming you this Easter- and at any time. their careers in book publishing and currently work from home Chris Williams [email protected] Easter Tidings from Killearn Kirk Page 3 Iain Sinclair Letter from our Minister,

Many of you will have read in a Rev Lee Messeder previous edition of Tidings that Angus MacDonald was retiring 2, The Oaks, as church officer, and we are Killearn pleased to say that local man Iain Sinclair has taken over the post. Dear Friends Ian has lived in the Village all his life and is best known to many Can a word make a difference? as the softly spoken piper who has for years played the pipes Grace is a word we seldom encounter today. It use to be a at Remembrance Day, weddings fairly common girls name. Perhaps it is now considered old and Burns events and has tutored fashioned and out of step with our modern way of living. many local youngsters in both the chanter and pipes. Along with his In Christian tradition, grace is always seen as something love of traditional Scottish music, which originates with God. The biblical record portrays Ian is an accomplished artist, this as God seeking to enter into life and enter into our painting in acrylics and tutoring watercolours at neighbourhood. It is not to do with our initiative nor anything House. His varied life has seen him behind the wheel of to do with how attractive we are, it is always portrayed the Number 10 bus and now as a relief janitor for Stirling as happening when we least expect it to take place. This Council. is God’s grace, God’s goodness which reaches across the chasm of our indifference. You might wonder what happens He has responsibility for making sure the church is ready when this takes place, what does it feel like? And what good for the Sunday services and it is clean and tidy after use as if any, does it make to my circumstances? well as ensuring that the halls are kept clean. Fortunately the organisations that use it regularly do their bit by Grace has an impact. This impact is a gradual one. It begins clearing up after themselves. He keeps a good eye on the by putting everything into focus. It is like being short place. Many have already said that everywhere looks good sighted and not realising it. Your world has always been and no complaints. Ian has enjoyed being part of the Kirk like this. Then comes God’s grace, your eyes focus and community throughout his life and brings to the job not with this comes a new distinctness. Everything becomes only his janitorial experience but also a helpful attitude defined, outlines become clear, colours take on depth and and a deep understanding of and affection for his home more importantly comes a clearer insight into one’s own community. He is enjoying his new post and says that the character. Insecurities that have been well hidden come to friendly people along with the beautiful church building make light, fears which have been a cause of frustration because it a joy to work there. This is a busy time for Iain as he has of their restrictive, vice like grip, are named. Yet this is only also been appointed an elder in the Kirk (see elsewhere in the beginning, the first signs of spring, however with this this Tidings). comes the stirrings of hope.

Grace brings hope. Not wishful day dreaming hope, but STEWARDSHIP 2012 a hope that the things which have always held a person back can be looked at rather than denied. This hope brings The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is urging all a sense of wonder. A wonder which once again becomes Congregations to conduct a Stewardship Campaign during startled at the little things of life, a new born babies fist, 2012. In response we are planning to have a Stewardship a wrinkled smile, a warm embrace. Grace heightens these season which will be from 22 April until 20 May culminating occasions and brings with it a sense of wonder. It is this in the Away Day on Saturday, May 19 at Gartmore House. wonder which defeats scepticism and combats negativity. During the season we will be seeking members’ views on how they would like the Session to develop our Church, its Ultimately the gift of God’s grace enables a person to see commitment to worship God and its place in the community new possibilities. Grace sees value in all people, it is not and we will seek some commitment of your time and/or limited to whether you are in or out, black or white, rather talents to achieving the agreed goals. This will be a good it’s motto says ‘you are worth it’. This Easter, grace comes opportunity to consider where we are at present as a church to us in the form of a man who somehow dared to believe and also an occasion to plan for the future. that making the ultimate sacrifice would make a difference, from this act comes enough grace to set a person free. John, No plea for additional giving this year! Though we will be the elderly follower of Jesus, speaks of the impact that the addressing the money issue in 2013 when we will report Grace man had on him, ‘...perfect love casts out fear…..we on what we plan to do and on how we plan to use your love because he first loved us’ 1 John 4:18. giving. We look forward to your participation and to hearing your views. Happy Easter!

Jim Kennedy Lee

Once again sincere thanks to everyone who put their used postage stamps in the collection boxes over Christmas. However you may well have more lying around so keep them coming. They will continue to be delivered for the help and care of those with leprosy. Jim Fallas Page 4 Easter Tidings from Killearn Kirk Young People and Families

Well, its been a fun year so far as the Youth and Family Kirk Kids have had a busy time since the Christmas break! Outreach Worker at Killearn kirk. As well as working alongside We looked at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount Tim at TFNT, hanging out at lunch in , to see what He taught about how to best live our lives eating lots of tasty food at Curious, attending “Thirsty”, and in the way God intended for us. We learned about good helping in the Sunday morning youth group I have been attitudes, God’s laws for life and the importance of prayer working with the younger children in Killearn. January in our everyday lives. 2012 saw the launch of a new Scripture Union Group a At the beginning of Lent, we had a great time making a huge Killearn Primary School. We have had lots of fun, meeting banner showing all the different things we could give up for together P5-7`s in the gym hall to play games, learn some Lent. We took it into Church to show everyone and talked Bible lessons, draw, make crafts and…go home with googly about what Lent means and why we give things up – it’s eyes!(which have become our trade mark). In the run up to really to do with making time in our lives to concentrate on Easter I have been working with P2/1, learning the Easter the important things and prepare for Easter. story over 3 Fridays looking at Palm Sunday celebrations, In the run-up to Easter we have been concentrating on the Jesus I the Garden of gethsemane and the rolling away of Easter story, exploring how all the pieces come together. the stone on Easter Sunday. We have made a mountain of We are looking forward to a special Palm Sunday service, crafts which help to tell the story. Well done P2/1!!! and of course Easter day! Mess and More Mess. Kirk Kids is here for any children from age3 to end of On the 26th January the kirk began its Messy play/Toddlers primary school. Our sessions involve a short time in Church Toy and Tea sessions, fortnightly Thursdays in the Kirk Halls. with a children’s talk, then we move to the hall for games, A HUGE thankyou to all the children and adults who have bible teaching, craft, sometimes drama, always juice and been attending. We have looked at Noah and the Ark and biscuits! had fun with water, sand, paint, aquadoodle mat,playdough The crèche is also always available for under 3s. Children and shaving foam. The children have made claycreatures, aged 3-4 can choose to be in the crèche or Kirk Kids. Both masks, Arks, rainbows and much much more. We also groups will aim to continue throughout school holidays. embraced the Easter celebrations and had fun making easer Come and join us! Bring a friend or come alone and meet arts and crafts. We will continue to run all the way through new friends! All are very welcome. the summer holidays,come along and see what interesting stories you can hear, sing some songs, play and maybe get The Kirk Kids Team a litle messy.

Catching Up! Bible Quiz It`s been good to be able to have some tea and toys for all the lovely parents, grandparebs, childminders and children 1. What was the first thing that God created? who attend the Monday and Tuesday music groups in the 2. Which day did God create plants? Kirk halls and also to pop in and see all the new babies, 3. What was the boat Noah built called? toddlers and mums on Wednesdays as toddlers enjoy heir 4. How many of each type of animal did Noah have on his new, temporary home in the Kirk halls. Thank you all for boat? your kindness to me, please let me know if I can be of any 5. What is the symbol of God's promise to Noah? help to you. 6. Who received the 10 commandments from God? 7. What are we told to do in the fifth commandment? Kirk Kids. 8. What was the name of Moses' brother? We are having lots of fun at Kirk Kids as we enjoy seeing 9. What food do we ask God to give us in the Lord's all the Toddlers using the creche on Sunday mornings, and Prayer? to see al the Primary age children learning about God, and 10. People look on the outward appearance, but what does reading stories of Him. We have enjoyed decorating biscuits, God look on? making our Lent banner, sticking on fake money and real 11. Whose father gave him a coat of many colors. jell babys. We have made Palm branches, been on a Bible 12. Who was thrown into a lions' den by King Darius? This adventure through Luke 24, used our fingers as donkeys person prayed to God three times a day. and disciples to tell the easter story. Please join us if you 13. This young boy defeated a giant. have young children, all helpers are disclosed, and there is 14. This prophet was swallowed by a fish. a lot of fun to be had. 15. What animal was often used for transportation in the Summer time. Bible? The 8,9,10 & 12th Aug sees our Holiday Club in the Kirk Halls, 16. Who was the Son of God? to book a space please call me or pop along on the day! 17. What was the name of Jesus' mother? 18. What did Jesus' father do for a job? Killearn Hoolie. 19. Jesus told a parable about a prodigal _____. The Kirk are looking forward to all the Hoolie celebrations. 20. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? There will be a tearoom in the Kirk halls, as well as a 21. How many disciples or apostles did Jesus have? community art project on the Glebe. Please come and join 22. Which of the apostles betrayed Jesus? in on the day, I will be helping with the Art Project, so come 23. What is another name for the Sermon on the Mount? and introduce yourself and get stuck in. 24. What did Jesus feed to 5,000 people? 25. What was the name of the Sea where Jesus calmed a Amanda McCall storm? 01360550326, or email familyworker@killearnkirk Answers Page 7 Easter Tidings from Killearn Kirk Page 5

I’m glad to say that my contract has been extended for another 2 years and am enjoying working alongside Amanda The First Crusade the church’s Youth and Family Worker. I am still enjoying going into Balfron High School and am spending the morning There was a program on TV recently concerning the there up until the end of lunch on Wednesdays and Fridays. crusades. Did you watch it? How much can you remember? I’ve also been invited to help out with some of the PSHE Anyway, I enjoyed it and thought a short refresher course lessons too after the Easter holidays. was in order. In the year 637 the armies of Islam lead by the Caliph Omar conquered the city of Jerusalem, the center of the Christian world and a magnet for Christian pilgrims. For the next 440 years the city's Muslim masters exhibited a level of religious tolerance. No new churches were to be built and crosses could not be publicly displayed outside church buildings, I’m loving the new air hockey table and giant jenga. Also but the pilgrims were allowed to continue their treks to the it’s great to have Amanda with us offering a craft corner holiest shrines of Christendom (the pilgrims were charged including jewellery making! This terms optional talks have a toll for access). In the latter part of the 11th century, the been based on who God wants us to be – the fact that he Turks swarmed westward out of Central Asia overrunning wants to be in relationship with Him, accepted and loved. all that lay in their path. Jerusalem fell to them in 1076. The After the Easter break we will be spending some time looking tolerance practiced by the Muslims was replaced by vicious at the character of God and finding out what God is like. attacks on the Christian pilgrims and on their sacred shrines in Jerusalem. Reports of robberies, beatings, killings, and degradation of holy sites made their way back to Europe. To the Europeans the Holy Land was now in the grip of the Infidel and something must be done.

Curious is a new group that Tim and Amanda are leading. In response, Pope Urban II called a conference at the city If you are in secondary school and have questions about of Clermont, France in 1095, concluding the eight days of faith, or life in general then come along with them. Or if deliberation with one of history's most influential speeches. you’d rather just come to chat, chill and munch it would be Mounting a lofty scaffold, the Pope exhorted the assembled brilliant to see you! Currently Curious is running from 6:30pm multitude to wrest the Holy Land from the hands of the Infidel – 8:00pm during term times, feel free to check it out. and assured them that God would absolve them from any sin associated with the venture. His words fell on receptive ears as the crowd responded with cries of "It is the will of God!", "It is the will of God!” The Crusades had begun. It is important to note that absolution from sin meant that any participant would go to Heaven. In those years Christianity for the masses was simple. You either went to Heaven or Weekly from 27th April we will be opening the doors for all Hell when you died. What do you believe now? Primary 7 age children to come and enjoy the activities we currently enjoy at TFNT. Air Hockey, Table Tennis, Giant The First Crusade was the most successful in that it Jenga, Table Football, crafts, and Tuck shop. This will run accomplished what it set out to do - conquer Jerusalem. Fridays 6.30 -7.30pm. Led by Tim and Amanda. But it had its problems. Responding to the Pope's challenge, thousands of peasants rallied to the cause motivated by a combination of religious fervor and the desire to escape their squalid condition at home. Led by Peter the Hermit and Walter the Penniless the hapless rabble marched across Europe to Constantinople, only to be slaughtered by the Turks soon after crossing the Bosphorus into Asia Minor.

Thirsty youth group is still going strong. Christian? Want to In the meantime, the nobility of Europe raised an army of understand and grow in your faith further? Not sure what you thousands that made its way through various routes and believe? Want to know a little more about the Christian faith? with much mishap to Constantinople. Unfortunately, many Come along to Gartmore House first Sunday of each month of these crusaders could not wait until they met the Muslims in term time. 7:00pm would be great to see you there on the field of battle to demonstrate their religious zeal. As they progressed through Europe many Jewish communities became the target of their wrath and thousands were Of course we are still meeting during the church services for massacred. the Sunday Morning Youth Group. We are currently looking into the Easter story and assessing different evidences for In the spring of 1097, a host of over 100,000 crusaders an empty tomb and a risen Jesus! We have also just recently joined forces on the eastern side of the Bosphorus. The decided to turn our findings into a short film which should combined army then fought its way along the coast of the be awesome fun! Mediterranean reaching the gates of Jerusalem in June of 1099 and took it in an orgy of killing. If you are interested Tim Burnham in the details of the orgy go to the citation mentioned: youthworker@killearnkirk "The Crusaders Capture Jerusalem, 1099," Eyewitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (2000). Page 6 Easter Tidings from Killearn Kirk Congregational Accounts

The congregational Accounts for the year to 31 December 2011 have now been examined. These accounts were approved by Session and presented to the congregation on Sunday 25th March 2012. A summary of the accounts is given below.

Income Actual Actual Budget Expenditure Actual Actual Budget 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 £ £ £ £ £ £ Freewill Offering 6779 4790 5800 Ministry Gift Aid 51692 57145 60000 & Mission Tax Recovery 16225 14171 15000 & WiderWork 55301 59348 58423 Open Plate 4617 5222 5600 Local Costs 10663 9871 9700 Donations 554 499 500 Building Costs 23692 26485 27850 Use of Hall 5464 5548 6000 Youth Project 10139 10609 -- Other Income 2772 4102 3850 Other Costs 3299 4274 3400 ------88103 91477 96750 Deficit 14991 19110 2623 ------Total 103094 110587 99373 Total 103094 110587 9937

As can be seen from the above, the results for the year show a deficit of £19,110, but this is after the cost of the Christian Youth Project of £10,609. The Session again took the decision to fund the cost of the Christian Youth Worker out of reserves and Drymen, for the six months to 30th June, and Strathblane Churches met part of these costs. We were also pleased to receive specific donations against these specific costs. However, we received a substantial legacy from the estate of the late Helen Jamieson, amounting to £378,501. £100,000 of this bequest was to be donated to the Killearn Malawi Fund and the balance was to be used to provide facilities for the young people of Killearn. Already having a Christian Youth Worker, the Session has now engaged a Youth and Family Outreach Worker and both posts will be funded out of the Bequest Fund. As a result of this, the budgeted deficit for 2012 is reduced to £2,623 and hopefully will be eliminated.

Income With most donors increasing their commitment, I am pleased to report that Gift Aid, which is the main and most beneficial source of income for the Church, along with the tax recovery, showed a good increase and that will be continued in the current year. I am very grateful to those who commenced giving by this method and to those who have been giving by this method for many years. The income from the use of the Hall maintained the level of last year and is well used use by our organisations. Overall, our total income showed an increase of £3,374.

Expenditure We have again met our allocations as determined by the Treasurer’s Department of the Church of Scotland, although after the period of the vacancy our commitment rose by £11,571, offset this year by the savings in locum costs. We attempt to contain our costs year on year, but it is increasingly expensive to insure, heat and maintain the Church and the Hall. However, encouragingly, the Hall is being well used by the congregation and outside organisations. On two occasions during the year, we had the lead stolen from the Church roof, and as the Church of Scotland Insurance Company, who insure our property, were not covered for this risk, we were forced to bear the cost not only of the replacement but also the considerable provision of anti- theft precautions. As a result of a considerable number of claims, the Insurance Company are now belatedly covering this risk, albeit for an additional premium. We also had to undertake extensive repair work to the Hall walls. In all this year, £51,498 came out of our Fabric Fund reserves.

Budget We already know our commitments to the Church of Scotland for the Ministries and Mission Allocation, which continue to increase. We continue to keep control our congregational costs. The majority of our expenditure for the current year has virtually been established and with the Youth Workers costs being covered we should again be in a break even situation. Jim Kennedy is always ready to assist you with your Gift Aid contributions. I am very grateful for all that has been achieved in the past difficult year and with your help I am confident that we shall continue to meet our commitments.

I would like to thank Mrs Gill Smith, our Independent Examiner, and all the Treasurers of the Church Organisations for their work during the year – it is much appreciated. On a final note, after almost 33 years and having moved to St. Andrews, I was pleased to hand over to Bob Ballantyne on 1st January 2012, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the congregation for all their considerable support over the years, which has always enabled us to meet all our commitments, build a new Manse and new Halls and keep Killearn Kirk as the Christian centre of the community.

I leave you with many memories and wish you continued success for many years to come.

Graeme Simmers (PastTreasurer) Easter Tidings from Killearn Kirk Page 7 The Guild. Killearn Kirk Officebearers

It does not seem amy time at all since the planning group was discussing syllabus ideas and now that time is upon us again. Minister Rev. Lee Messeder Time passes quickly, when you are having fun !! 2 The Oaks 550045 Session Clerk Chris Williams Our winter session went well with good attendances and excellent Blair House, 660020 speakers. Lee gave us a most interesting evening talking about Roll Keeper Kirsty Smith people and experiences that have influenced him along with 26 New Endrick Road 550654 appropriate music. Lorna Paterson, a former National Guild Convenor, told us about our chosen project “ A place for Hope Personalia & Reconciliation” Thanks to David Munro, who stepped in at very short notice and as always gave a thought provoking talk. FUNERALS We finished with Norman McNab’s inspiring and wonderful films of high camps on Scotland’s sub artic landscape. It was great to Mr William Sinclair be transported to the peaks, enjoy the fantastic views without (28.12.11) the hard work of getting there! 42 Allan Road, Killearn Mr Thomas Blyth Our Session will close on 27th March with our AGM and dinner in (27.12.11) the Black Bull. Many thanks to all who planned, took meetings, 51 Lampson Road, Killearn made tea and helped in mant ways to make our Guild truly a Miss Penny Skelton “team effort” In this the 125th year of the Guild in Scotland lets (22.12.11) keep going with dedication, enthusiasm and encourage others Ashlea Nursing Home, to join us in the Autumn. Mr John McGowan (01.11.11) Horticultural Show The Mill, Drumbeg Loan, Killearn The Killearn Cottagers Horticultural Society Annual Show is being Bible Quiz Answers held in Killearn Kirk on Saturday 24th August. There will be a Flower Festival on Sunday 25th incorporating some of the entries 1. LIGHT 15. CAMEL or DONKEY from the Show. If you wish to enter the Show or are able to assist 2. THIRD (both correct) in decorating the Kirk, please contact us – don’t be shy. 3. AN ARK 16. JESUS Hazel Veitch (550372) or Helen Loudon (770225) 4. TWO 17. MARY 5. RAINBOW 18. CARPENTER 6. MOSES 19. SON At the present time the Government is trying to redefine 7. HONOUR OUR FATHER 20. JESUS WEPT the meaning of the word 'marriage'. & OUR MOTHER 21. TWELVE If you are quite happy with the current meaning: 8. AARON 22. JUDAS 'The union of a man and a woman etc etc etc ....' 9. BREAD 23. THE BEATITUDES you may wish go to the following website to vote for 10. THE HEART 24. FIVE LOAVES OF the meaning not to be altered, thank you. 11. JOSEPH BREAD & TWO http://c4m.org.uk/. 12. DANIEL SMALL FISH 13. DAVID 25. THE SEA OF 14. JONAH GALILEE And Finally . . .

There is an unconfirmed report from the Church of Scotland Worship Group dated 1st April stating that the wedding vows have been updated We have a thriving Worship Group in Killearn Kirk and now end with the minister saying: 'I pronounce you husband and are continually adding new worship songs to our and wife, you may now update your Facebook status.' repertoire. If you’re interested in exploring using your musical gifts to serve the congregation, please contact us. If you are eager to serve with your favourite musical instrument or voice, we are eager to integrate you into our team. Please contact me on Blacklands1@hotmail. com or just see me in church.

Karen Heron

Visit us online at www.killearnkirk.org.uk or visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/Killearn-Kirk/116334885136784 Killearn Kirk is a Charity Registered in Scotland No SC012140 Killearn Kirk Tidings is produced by: Scott Macintosh (tel 550794) - [email protected] Laurie Crawford (tel 550525) - [email protected] Printed by The Macintosh Partnership (Scott Macintosh tel 550794 - [email protected]) Page 8 Easter Tidings from Killearn Kirk GEORGE DAVISON Friends of Malawi Jumble Sale

The Friends of Malawi Annual Jumble Sale took place on Saturday 25th February in the Village Hall, Killearn. Action took place in the three weeks preceding this date to advertise in the local press and church notices, to push flyers through every door in Killearn, to rally the troops and to pin notices on every board in all the villages round about. Boards were put up at the three entrances to the village. Contacts were made with other charities who would gratefully receive anything that was left over. Sue Beck ordered some fetching T-shirts so that customers would know who to give their money to. Coloured bags were bought so that the ‘Fill a bag for a pound’ would be controlled. George enjoyed a successful career in ship building and design. Brought up in Glasgow he qualified as a naval architect. Just a year after George Friday night was setting up time. At 6pm the and Irene were married George accepted an offer from the leading Greek teams arrived at the hall to set up tables, Scaramanga yard owned by Hellenic; this led to a permanent position back put up signs and to unpack the many black in Piraeus as Head of Design at Hellenic in 1968. George spent the next bags full of goods which had begun to stream 7 years travelling the world winning new orders while supervising a high through the doors. Electrical goods, clothes, rate of production. George and Irene made lifelong friends during their handbags, shoes, books, videos, records, stay in Greece. An example of the scale of the operation at Scaramanga is furniture, buggies, toys, bikes, and bric-a brac the construction of their 15,000 ton SD 14 class of cargo ship. These bulk all had to be put on their assigned tables or carriers were produced at the rate of one per month with the keel of next in every spare corner. Dealers began to haunt vessel being laid on the day of the launch party of the previous ship the doors well before their allotted time of entry at 8.30pm. Frantic unpacking, hanging, 1976 was an exciting time – a new job back in Glasgow as Naval Architect piling, placing- ‘we need more tables; more to Y-ARD, the Yarrows-owned shipyard later acquired by BAE. George hangers; more tea! Finally the dealers were and Irene moved from to a new built house in Killearn with fine allowed in and the first haggling of the event views towards . This new position also involved long spells began. overseas with trips to Australia, Spain, Korea and South Africa. George retired in 2001. The next day the teams were in place well before opening time at 10 o’clock. Back at home George enjoyed his sport. Always very competitive he played The customers streamed in eager for a wicked game of badminton and was a keen golfer becoming Captain of bargains. Noisy hubbub, grabbing, measuring, Buchanan Castle Golf Club in 2008. He even went on a luxury cruise for exclaiming’ Would this fit?’ ‘How much is this?’ two by winning a competition in the Herald. ‘Yes all books £1 or a bargain 3 for £2’ ‘Mum can I get this toy?’ George was a steadfast Christian and very involved in Killearn Kirk as a member, long-serving elder and Captain of the Boys Brigade. The Church By twelve noon it was all over. The big clear up was the centre of his life and he devoted much time and energy in began. Some unusable stuff went to Balfron carrying out a variety of duties including serving on the recent Nominating Dump. Clothes were bagged up again ready Committee. He constantly explored Christianity and was a regular member for the Mary’s Meals van. Bric-a- brac, books of the Book Group and even during his last illness was pleased to receive and sundry items were collected together for transcripts of sermons. Capability Scotland. Some things were stored in the Kirk vestibule until the vans could come. The joy of retirement centred on the family with their son Graeme graduating But the most important thing was to count the from St Andrews to train with the RAF as a pilot. George and Irene’s family money! How much had we made? increased with Graeme’s marriage to Claire and then with the addition of their two grandchildren, Logan and Carter. George and Irene celebrated The answer was £1900. A very good result! their Golden Wedding anniversary on 2 September 2011. Thanks to everyone who contributed their time, who donated goods, and who came George died on 16 November 2011. The retiring collection at his service to buy. The Friends of Malawi Jumble Sale raised £1,100 for the Boys Brigade. He was a determined and principled is second to none in bringing the community man with a twinkle in his eye. George will be remembered as professional together for a good cause. Only 11 months naval architect, as a good Christian friend and above all as very caring to the next one so make a start to clear out family man. your cupboards now.

Richard Drew June Thomas