The 29th World Festival of Animated Film – The Festival reserves the right to determine Animafest Zagreb (hereinafter: Festival) whether an entry qualifies for the chosen FILM SELECTION is specialised international competition competition category. festival of animated films, taking place in Zagreb, from 3 to 8 June 2019. Film selection is carried out by the Artistic There is no entry fee. Online entry forms are Director in collaboration with selected available on the official Festival website: professionals. Their duty is to preview each www.animafest.hr/en. work entered on time and decide upon final film GENERAL Submission deadline is 1 February 2019. selection. The list of films selected for the competition and CONDITIONS The Festival does not pay screening fees for the world panorama programs will be announced works selected for the competition or panorama on the Festival’s official website not later than Festival’s submissions are open to films programs. 1 April 2019. All applicants will be notified applying all techniques, including regarding the selection results. Each director combinations with live action and documentary. whose film is selected for the official festival Over 50% of the production must be animated, program will be contacted by the Festival and the Festival reserves the right to determine SUBMISSION management for hospitality arrangements. whether an entry qualifies as animation. Films should be completed after 1 January 2018. Films entered for previous Festival will PROCEDURE not be taken into consideration. For each film the applicant is required to fill out SCREENING COPIES a separate online entry form and submit a 1. DCP – no encryption key preview screener of the film 2. 35 mm COMPETITION The online application should contain additional The Festival reserves the right to refuse a materials: director’s photograph; 3 still screening copy of dubious technical condition images from the film (min. 300 dpi); that may cause problems during the screening. CATEGORIES dialogue list in English Films with dialogues or narration in languages The submitted work must be in the final edited other than English must have integrated English Short films (maximum running time 40 version. subtitles. minutes) can be submitted to following Unfinished films will not be taken into competition categories: consideration. 1. Short Film Competition Films with dialogue or narration in languages 2. Student Film Competition – films produced at other than English should have English SCREENING COPY educational institution subtitles. Films with dialogue or narration 3. Films for Children Competition in English are recommended to be TRANSPORT 4. Croatian Film Competition – films whose entered with a screener with English majority producer is Croatian and/or films subtitles. The sender bears the cost of sending the by Croatian directors. (NOTE: addition A preview screener must be submitted online screening copies of selected films for to Regulations regarding films entering entering a link and a password for competition programs, while Festival covers the Croatian Films Competition is available download in the online application form. cost of the return. The sender must inform the HERE.) Preview screener must be available Festival on the manner and date of sending of for download until 1 April 2019. (NOTE: the screening copies. Feature films (minimum running time 40 Festival recommends using Vimeo as Parcels arriving from abroad should be marked minutes) can be submitted to the following video sharing service.) with: “No commercial value, for cultural competition category: Preview screener of the film: digital file with purposes only”; materials sent by express 1. Feature Film Competition the following technical specifications: courier (DHL, FedEx, UPS etc.) must be Format: Quicktime or MPEG4; Codec: accompanied by a pro-forma invoice amounting NOTE: Films suitable for children submitted H264; FPS: Native; Resolution: 1920x1080 to a maximum of 20 EUR or 20 USD. The for Short Film Competition, Student Film or 1280x720; bitrate: max. 10000kbit/s. screening copy will be returned within two Competition or Croatian Film Competition can Films with dialogues or narration in weeks after the Festival on the address stated in also be additionally submitted for the Films for languages other than English must have the entry form. Children Competition category. integrated English subtitles. Croatian films submitted for Short Film Competition, Student Film Competition and Films for Children Competition also qualify for the Croatian Film Competition. JURY AND AWARDS RIGHTS, ACCEPTANCE OF

Members of the international juries of the Short Film Competition, Feature Film Competition, OBLIGATIONS AND TERMS Student Film Competition and Croatian Film Participation in the Festival, and its film Competition are proposed by the Artistic RESPONSIBILITIES submission process, implies acceptance, Director and approved by the Festival Council. without reservation, to the terms of the present Films for Children Competition jury consists of Each applicant declares to be the author or regulations. An entry form is valid without five children age 6 to 18. rights owner of the submitted film(s) and to a signature and a seal. The Regulations are own all literary, dramatic and musical rights. written in Croatian and English languages and Short Film Competition The producers and directors of award-winning in case of ambiguities the Croatian version is Grand Prix - Short Film (best short film of the films should mention the name of the prize, binding. festival) – cash award of 2,500 € the year and the name of the in all promotional Golden Zagreb Award (for creativity and materials for the film. The file containing innovative artistic achievement) – cash publicity materials will be sent to the applicants award of 2,000 € in digital form. CONTACT Zlatko Grgić Award (best first production out of Preview screeners will be included in the World Festival of Animated Film educational institutions) – cash award of Festival’s library. The Festival reserves the right – Animafest Zagreb 1,500 € to use the films for strictly non-commercial, c/o Hulahop Ltd. Mr. M – Short Film, audience award educational purposes. 18 The Festival has the right to use all materials 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Feature Film Competition related to the submission as well as a film Grand Prix - Feature Film (best feature film of excerpt up to 10 per cent of the total length Email: [email protected] the festival) – cash award of 2,500 € of the film that will not exceed more than 3 Web: www.animafest.hr Mr. M - Feature Film, audience award minutes for promotional purposes. The Festival takes responsibility for the Student Film Competition screening copy of the film from the arrival at Dušan Vukotić Award for best student film – cash the festival office to its returning. In case of award of 1,000 € damage during the festival period, the Festival Best Animation School – award to an educational will reimburse only the material value of institution for the best choice of films physical copies (after a presentation of the submitted for selection (at the discretion original invoice). The Festival is not responsible of the Student Films Competition for copies lost in transport, unless the loss has selection committee) been caused by the Festival’s doings.

Films for Children Competition Best film for children

Croatian Film Competition Best Croatian Film – cash award of 1,000 €.

Jury members can present special awards and mentions. The Festival may permit other Croatian or international organizations or institutions to present their own awards.

For the awards that include financial remuneration, money will be given to the directors of awarded films.