Appendix F Biological Resources Supplemental Information

Selected Elements by Scientific Name Department of Fish and Game California Natural Diversity Database

Rare Rank/CDFG Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank SSC or FP Accipiter cooperii ABNKC12040 None None G5 S3 WL Cooper's hawk Ambystoma californiense AAAAA01180 Threatened Threatened G2G3 S2S3 SSC California tiger salamander Amsinckia lunaris PDBOR01070 None None G2? S2? 1B.2 bent-flowered fiddleneck Antrozous pallidus AMACC10010 None None G5 S3 SSC pallid bat Aquila chrysaetos ABNKC22010 None None G5 S3 FP golden eagle Archoplites interruptus AFCQB07010 None None G3 S1 SSC Sacramento perch Arctostaphylos pallida PDERI04110 Threatened Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 pallid manzanita Astragalus tener var. tener PDFAB0F8R1 None None G2T2 S2 1B.2 alkali milk-vetch Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 None None G4 S2 SSC burrowing owl Atriplex joaquinana PDCHE041F3 None None G2 S2 1B.2 San Joaquin spearscale Branta hutchinsii leucopareia ABNJB05035 Delisted None G5T4 S2 cackling (=Aleutian Canada) goose California macrophylla PDGER01070 None None G2 S2 1B.1 round-leaved filaree Calochortus pulchellus PMLIL0D160 None None G2 S2 1B.2 Mt. Diablo fairy-lantern Calystegia purpurata ssp. saxicola PDCON040D2 None None G4T2 S2.2 1B.2 coastal bluff morning-glory Carex comosa PMCYP032Y0 None None G5 S2 2.1 bristly sedge Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre PDSCR0J0C3 None None G4?T2 S2.2 1B.2 Point Reyes bird's-beak Chorizanthe cuspidata var. cuspidata PDPGN04081 None None G2T2 S2.2 1B.2 San Francisco Bay spineflower Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta PDPGN040Q2 Endangered None G2T1 S1 1B.1 robust spineflower Cicindela hirticollis gravida IICOL02101 None None G5T2 S1 sandy beach tiger beetle Cicuta maculata var. bolanderi PDAPI0M051 None None G5T3T4 S2 2.1 Bolander's water-hemlock Circus cyaneus ABNKC11010 None None G5 S3 SSC northern harrier

Commercial Version -- Dated January, 1 2013 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 1 of 4 Report Printed on Friday, January 11, 2013 Information Expires 7/1/2013 Selected Elements by Scientific Name California Department of Fish and Game California Natural Diversity Database

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank SSC or FP andrewsii PDAST2E050 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2 Franciscan thistle Clarkia concinna ssp. automixa PDONA050A1 None None G5?T3 S3.3 4.3 Santa Clara red ribbons Clarkia franciscana PDONA050H0 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 Presidio clarkia Danaus plexippus IILEPP2010 None None G5 S3 monarch butterfly Dipodomys heermanni berkeleyensis AMAFD03061 None None G3G4T1 S1 Berkeley kangaroo rat Dirca occidentalis PDTHY03010 None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.2 western leatherwood Egretta thula ABNGA06030 None None G5 S4 snowy egret Elanus leucurus ABNKC06010 None None G5 S3 FP white-tailed kite Emys marmorata ARAAD02030 None None G3G4 S3 SSC western pond turtle Eriogonum luteolum var. caninum PDPGN083S1 None None G5T2 S2 1B.2 Tiburon buckwheat Eucyclogobius newberryi AFCQN04010 Endangered None G3 S2S3 SSC tidewater goby Euphydryas editha bayensis IILEPK4055 Threatened None G5T1 S1 Bay checkerspot butterfly Fritillaria liliacea PMLIL0V0C0 None None G2 S2 1B.2 fragrant fritillary Geothlypis trichas sinuosa ABPBX1201A None None G5T2 S2 SSC saltmarsh common yellowthroat Gilia capitata ssp. chamissonis PDPLM040B3 None None G5T2 S2.1 1B.1 blue coast gilia Haliaeetus leucocephalus ABNKC10010 Delisted Endangered G5 S2 FP bald eagle Helianthella castanea PDAST4M020 None None G2 S2 1B.2 Diablo helianthella Helminthoglypta nickliniana bridgesi IMGASC2362 None None G2T1 S1 Bridges' coast range shoulderband Hemizonia congesta ssp. congesta PDAST4R065 None None G5T2T3 S2S3 1B.2 white seaside tarplant Hoita strobilina PDFAB5Z030 None None G2 S2 1B.1 Loma Prieta hoita Holocarpha macradenia PDAST4X020 Threatened Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 Santa Cruz tarplant

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Rare Plant Rank/CDFG Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank SSC or FP Horkelia cuneata var. sericea PDROS0W043 None None G4T2 S2? 1B.1 Kellogg's horkelia Hydroprogne caspia ABNNM08020 None None G5 S4 Caspian tern Isocoma arguta PDAST57050 None None G1 S1 1B.1 Carquinez goldenbush Lasionycteris noctivagans AMACC02010 None None G5 S3S4 silver-haired bat Lasiurus cinereus AMACC05030 None None G5 S4? hoary bat Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus ABNME03041 None Threatened G4T1 S1 FP California black rail Layia carnosa PDAST5N010 Endangered Endangered G2 S2 1B.1 beach layia Leptosiphon rosaceus PDPLM09180 None None G1 S1 1B.1 rose leptosiphon Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus ARADB21031 Threatened Threatened G4T2 S2 Alameda whipsnake Meconella oregana PDPAP0G030 None None G2G3 S1 1B.1 Oregon meconella Melospiza melodia maxillaris ABPBXA301K None None G5T2 S2 SSC Suisun song sparrow Melospiza melodia pusillula ABPBXA301S None None G5T2? S2? SSC Alameda song sparrow Melospiza melodia samuelis ABPBXA301W None None G5T2? S2? SSC San Pablo song sparrow Microcina leei ILARA47040 None None G1 S1 Lee's micro-blind harvestman Microtus californicus sanpabloensis AMAFF11034 None None G5T1T2 S1S2 SSC San Pablo vole Monolopia gracilens PDAST6G010 None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.2 woodland woollythreads Northern Coastal Salt Marsh CTT52110CA None None G3 S3.2 Northern Coastal Salt Marsh Northern Maritime Chaparral CTT37C10CA None None G1 S1.2 Northern Maritime Chaparral Nycticorax nycticorax ABNGA11010 None None G5 S3 black-crowned night heron Nyctinomops macrotis AMACD04020 None None G5 S2 SSC big free-tailed bat Phalacrocorax auritus ABNFD01020 None None G5 S3 WL double-crested cormorant

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Rare Plant Rank/CDFG Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank SSC or FP Plagiobothrys chorisianus var. chorisianus PDBOR0V061 None None G3T2Q S2.2 1B.2 Choris' popcornflower Plagiobothrys diffusus PDBOR0V080 None Endangered G1Q S1 1B.1 San Francisco popcornflower Rallus longirostris obsoletus ABNME05016 Endangered Endangered G5T1 S1 FP California clapper rail Rana boylii AAABH01050 None None G3 S2S3 SSC foothill yellow-legged frog Rana draytonii AAABH01022 Threatened None G4T2T3 S2S3 SSC California red-legged frog Reithrodontomys raviventris AMAFF02040 Endangered Endangered G1G2 S1S2 FP salt-marsh harvest mouse Sanicula maritima PDAPI1Z0D0 None Rare G2 S2.2 1B.1 adobe sanicle Scapanus latimanus parvus AMABB02031 None None G5T1Q S1 SSC Alameda Island mole Serpentine Bunchgrass CTT42130CA None None G2 S2.2 Serpentine Bunchgrass Sorex vagrans halicoetes AMABA01071 None None G5T1 S1 SSC salt-marsh wandering shrew Sternula antillarum browni ABNNM08103 Endangered Endangered G4T2T3Q S2S3 FP California least tern Streptanthus albidus ssp. peramoenus PDBRA2G012 None None G2T2 S2.2 1B.2 most beautiful jewel-flower Stuckenia filiformis PMPOT03090 None None G5 S1S2 2.2 slender-leaved pondweed Suaeda californica PDCHE0P020 Endangered None G1 S1 1B.1 California seablite Taxidea taxus AMAJF04010 None None G5 S4 SSC American badger Trachusa gummifera IIHYM80010 None None G1 S1 San Francisco Bay Area leaf-cutter bee Trifolium hydrophilum PDFAB400R5 None None G2 S2 1B.2 saline clover Tryonia imitator IMGASJ7040 None None G2G3 S2S3 mimic tryonia (=California brackishwater snail) Valley Needlegrass Grassland CTT42110CA None None G3 S3.1 Valley Needlegrass Grassland Viburnum ellipticum PDCPR07080 None None G5 S2.3 2.3 oval-leaved viburnum Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus ABPBXB3010 None None G5 S3S4 SSC yellow-headed blackbird Record Count: 84

Commercial Version -- Dated January, 1 2013 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 4 of 4 Report Printed on Friday, January 11, 2013 Information Expires 7/1/2013 CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 34 items

CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered

Status: Plant Press Manager window with 34 items - Fri, Jan. 11, 2013 20:11 c Standard List - with Plant Press controls

ECOLOGICAL REPORT scientific family life form blooming communities elevation CNPS •Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr) Amsinckia •Cismontane 3 - 500 List Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-Jun lunaris woodland (CmWld) meters 1B.2 •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs) •Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs) •Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs) perennial Arctostaphylos •Chaparral (Chprl) 185 - 465 List Ericaceae evergreen Dec-Mar pallida •Cismontane meters 1B.1 shrub woodland (CmWld) •Coastal scrub (CoScr)/siliceous shale, sandy or gravelly •Playas (Plyas) •Valley and foothill Astragalus grassland 1 - 60 List tener var. Fabaceae annual herb Mar-Jun (VFGrs)(adobe clay) meters 1B.2 tener •Vernal pools (VnPls)/alkaline •Chenopod scrub (ChScr) •Meadows and Atriplex seeps (Medws) 1 - 835 List Chenopodiaceae annual herb Apr-Oct joaquinana •Playas (Plyas) meters 1B.2 •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/alkaline •Chaparral (Chprl) •Cismontane woodland (CmWld) Balsamorhiza perennial 90 - 1555 List Mar-Jun •Valley and foothill macrolepis herb meters 1B.2 grassland (VFGrs)/sometimes serpentinite •Cismontane woodland (CmWld) California 15 - 1200 List Geraniaceae annual herb Mar-May •Valley and foothill macrophylla meters 1B.1 grassland (VFGrs)/clay •Chaparral (Chprl) •Cismontane perennial woodland (CmWld) Calochortus 30 - 840 List Liliaceae bulbiferous Apr-Jun •Riparian woodland pulchellus meters 1B.2 herb (RpWld) •Valley and foothill[1/11/2013 5:13:29 PM] CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 34 items

grassland (VFGrs) •Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr) •Coastal dunes Calystegia (CoDns) perennial 10 - 105 List purpurata ssp. Convolvulaceae Apr-Sep •Coastal scrub herb meters 1B.2 saxicola (CoScr) •North Coast coniferous forest (NCFrs) •Marshes and Chloropyron annual herb swamps 0 - 10 List maritimum Orobanchaceae Jun-Oct hemiparasitic (MshSw)(coastal meters 1B.2 ssp. palustre salt) •Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr) Apr-Jul(Aug), •Coastal dunes Chorizanthe Months in (CoDns) 3 - 215 List cuspidata var. Polygonaceae annual herb parentheses are •Coastal prairie meters 1B.2 cuspidata uncommon. (CoPrr) •Coastal scrub (CoScr)/sandy •Chaparral (Chprl)(maritime) •Cismontane woodland Chorizanthe (CmWld)(openings) 3 - 300 List robusta var. Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Sep •Coastal dunes meters 1B.1 robusta (CoDns) •Coastal scrub (CoScr)/sandy or gravelly •Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs) •Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr) Cirsium perennial •Coastal prairie 0 - 150 List Asteraceae Mar-Jul andrewsii herb (CoPrr) meters 1B.2 •Coastal scrub (CoScr)/mesic, sometimes serpentinite •Coastal scrub (CoScr) Clarkia 25 - 335 List Onagraceae annual herb May-Jul •Valley and foothill franciscana meters 1B.1 grassland (VFGrs)(serpentinite) •Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs) •Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs) •Chaparral (Chprl) Jan-Mar(Apr), perennial •Cismontane Dirca Months in 25 - 425 List Thymelaeaceae deciduous woodland (CmWld) occidentalis parentheses are meters 1B.2 shrub •North Coast uncommon. coniferous forest (NCFrs) •Riparian forest[1/11/2013 5:13:29 PM] CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 34 items

(RpFrs) •Riparian woodland (RpWld)/mesic •Chaparral (Chprl) •Cismontane woodland (CmWld) Eriogonum •Coastal prairie 0 - 700 List luteolum var. Polygonaceae annual herb May-Sep (CoPrr) meters 1B.2 caninum •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/serpentinite, sandy to gravelly •Cismontane woodland (CmWld) •Coastal prairie (CoPrr) perennial Fritillaria •Coastal scrub 3 - 410 List Liliaceae bulbiferous Feb-Apr liliacea (CoScr) meters 1B.2 herb •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/Often serpentinite •Coastal dunes Gilia capitata (CoDns) 2 - 200 List ssp. Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul •Coastal scrub meters 1B.1 chamissonis (CoScr) •Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs) •Chaparral (Chprl) •Cismontane woodland (CmWld) Helianthella perennial 60 - 1300 List Asteraceae Mar-Jun •Coastal scrub castanea herb meters 1B.2 (CoScr) •Riparian woodland (RpWld) •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs) •Chaparral (Chprl) May- •Cismontane Jul(Aug),(Oct), Hoita perennial woodland (CmWld) 30 - 860 List Fabaceae Months in strobilina herb •Riparian woodland meters 1B.1 parentheses are (RpWld)/usually uncommon. serpentinite, mesic •Coastal prairie (CoPrr) •Coastal scrub Holocarpha (CoScr) 10 - 220 List Asteraceae annual herb Jun-Oct macradenia •Valley and foothill meters 1B.1 grassland (VFGrs)/often clay, sandy •Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs) •Chaparral Horkelia perennial (Chprl)(maritime) 10 - 200 List cuneata var. Rosaceae Apr-Sep herb •Coastal dunes meters 1B.1 sericea (CoDns) •Coastal scrub[1/11/2013 5:13:29 PM] CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 34 items

(CoScr)/sandy or gravelly, openings May-Jul(Sep), •Marshes and Lathyrus perennial Months in swamps 0 - 4 List jepsonii var. Fabaceae herb parentheses are (MshSw)(freshwater meters 1B.2 jepsonii uncommon. and brackish) •Coastal prairie Meconella (CoPrr) 250 - 620 List Papaveraceae annual herb Mar-Apr oregana •Coastal scrub meters 1B.1 (CoScr) •Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs) •Chaparral (Chprl) Micropus •Cismontane 45 - 825 List Asteraceae annual herb Mar-May amphibolus woodland (CmWld) meters 3.2 •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/rocky Monardella perennial •Chaparral (Chprl) 500 - List antonina ssp. Lamiaceae rhizomatous Jun-Aug •Cismontane 1000 3 antonina herb woodland (CmWld) meters •Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)(openings) •Chaparral (Chprl)(openings) (Feb),Mar-Jul •Cismontane 100 - Monolopia Months in List Asteraceae annual herb woodland (CmWld) 1200 gracilens parentheses are 1B.2 •North Coast meters uncommon. coniferous forest (NCFrs)(openings) •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/Serpentine •Chaparral (Chprl) Plagiobothrys •Coastal prairie chorisianus 15 - 160 List Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-Jun (CoPrr) var. meters 1B.2 •Coastal scrub chorisianus (CoScr)/mesic •Coastal prairie Plagiobothrys (CoPrr) 60 - 360 List Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-Jun diffusus •Valley and foothill meters 1B.1 grassland (VFGrs) •Chaparral (Chprl) •Coastal prairie (CoPrr) •Meadows and Sanicula perennial 30 - 240 List Apiaceae Feb-May seeps (Medws) maritima herb meters 1B.1 •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/clay, serpentinite •Chaparral (Chprl) (Mar),Apr- •Cismontane Streptanthus Sep(Oct), woodland (CmWld) 94 - 1000 List albidus ssp. Brassicaceae annual herb Months in •Valley and foothill meters 1B.2 peramoenus parentheses are grassland uncommon. (VFGrs)/serpentinite •Marshes and[1/11/2013 5:13:29 PM] CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 34 items

perennial 300 - Stuckenia swamps List Potamogetonaceae rhizomatous May-Jul 2150 filiformis (MshSw)(assorted 2.2 herb aquatic meters shallow freshwater) •Marshes and perennial Suaeda swamps 0 - 15 List Chenopodiaceae evergreen Jul-Oct californica (MshSw)(coastal meters 1B.1 shrub salt) •Marshes and swamps (MshSw) •Valley and foothill Trifolium grassland 0 - 300 List Fabaceae annual herb Apr-Jun hydrophilum (VFGrs)(mesic, meters 1B.2 alkaline) •Vernal pools (VnPls) •Chaparral (Chprl) •Cismontane perennial 215 - Viburnum woodland (CmWld) List Adoxaceae deciduous May-Jun 1400 ellipticum •Lower montane 2.3 shrub meters coniferous forest (LCFrs)[1/11/2013 5:13:29 PM] Group Name Population Status Lead Office Recovery Plan Name Recovery Plan Stage Amphibians California tiger Salamander U.S.A. (CA - Sonoma County) Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Amphibians California red-legged frog (Rana Entire Threatened Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for the California Final Birds Western snowy plover Pacific coastal pop. Threatened Arcata Fish And Wildlife Office Final Recovery Plan for the Final Crustaceans Conservancy fairy shrimp Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Final Crustaceans Longhorn fairy shrimp Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Final Crustaceans Vernal pool tadpole shrimp Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Final Fishes Delta smelt (Hypomesus Threatened San Francisco Bay - Delta Fish Recovery Plan for the Final Flowering Plants Pallid manzanita Threatened Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Draft Recovery Plan for Draft Flowering Plants Presidio clarkia (Clarkia Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for Serpentine Final Flowering Plants Palmate-bracted bird's beak Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for Upland Final Insects Mission blue butterfly (Icaricia Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for San Bruno Final Insects Callippe silverspot butterfly Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Mammals San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes U.S.A(CA) Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Recovery Plan for Upland Final Mammals Salt marsh harvest mouse U.S.A.(CA) Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Draft Recovery Plan for the Draft Mammals Salt marsh harvest mouse U.S.A.(CA) Endangered Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse and Final Reptiles Alameda whipsnake (=striped Entire Threatened Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Draft Recovery Plan for Draft Reptiles Giant garter snake (Thamnophis Entire Threatened Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Draft Recovery Plan for the Draft