Supplement to Mycologia Vol. 50(3) June 1999 Newsletter of the Mycological Society of America

In This Issue -- Databases of the United States US B~lr/Dn~nbase ...... 1 -3 1997 MSA Forq~Li.r/ ...... 3 -4 National bguscollections: MSA Official Business From the President ...... 5-6 Interactive Identification of Bunt MSA Constitution ...... 6 Change of Address ...... 6 Fungi Teliospores (Tikkeetia spp.) MSA Bylaws ...... 7-1 1 by F. Farr and Amy Y. Rossman Council Mid-Year Minutes ...... 1 1- 13 David MSA Copyright Policy ...... 13 DI: I;arr is Curator and DK Rossman is Director ofthe US Nntir17a/ Endowment Honor Roll ...... 14 Co1'/ecfionsassoci' with the Jvste~naticBotan~/ii)~o/qql' J Graduate Poster Info ...... 14 Luboratory in Be/tsvi//e. 1999 Auction ...... 15 Databases developed at the U.S. National Fungus Collections pro- NSF: Thanks! ...... 16 vide access to information about fungi, primarily fungi associated Gift Membership ...... 28 with plants of agricultural importance. These databases are main- Endowment & Contributions ...... 30 tained and continuously updated by members of the USDA- Agricul- Sustaining Members ...... 3 1 tural Research Service Systematic Botany and Laboratory. Society Membership ...... 32 Information about the databases about fungi are available at the WWW Wr/,/:r//a/ion...... 17- 1 8 site . The databases can be accessed directly From the Editor ...... 18 through this Web site. At the Home Page, select SYSTEMATIC RE- Mycologist's Bookshelf ...... 19 SOURCES, followed by DATABASES. All data previously available through the telnet system have been converted to this new system in Mycological News ...... 20-23 MS-Access. No login is necessary and, at some point in time in the Mycological Classifieds ...... 23-24 future, the old telnet system will no longer be available. Pn.ri/iom, ~yco/q,pica/Goot/s & Sen~ices, P~~b/icnfin~~s,Fungi Once you have selected SYSTEMATICS RESOURCES, the op- Mycology On-Line ...... 25-26 tions are divided into those related to plants or fungi. Plant patholo- No1. Si/e.r. Dirrc/o/~~ gists may be interested in finding the accurate scientific name of the Calendar of Events ...... 26-27 crop or host plants through use of the PLANT NAMES option under MSA Memoirs ...... 28-29 PLANTS. This takes you into the Germplasm Resources Information Network in which there are over 50,000 names of economically im- 1 1 Important Data -- portant vascular plants with accurate scientific names indexed with June 15 - Deadline: /nor& 50(4) their common names, their uses, and worldwide distribution. This July I - Deadline: Housing information is continuously updated as taxonomic revisions occur. Aug~~st1-7 - IBC I MSA Annual Meeting Under FUNGI,there are a number of options, some of which are interconnected. The most direct route to all of the fungal databases i~ 1 1 Editor -- to select COMPUTER DATABASES. Under COMPUTER DATA- Lnr~/c,iiZ,on~r//. 6720 NW Sk,./i/reB/IJ~ BASES, one finds all of the data that were previously available through PO~//CIII~OR 97229- 1309 USA the telnet system including all the records and nomenclature in Farr, 503.29%3296 FAX 503.296.6745 et al. 1989 (Fungion PLant and P/mt Pmdc/cts in the Uni& Stntrs) [email protected] and the database of the fungal specimens in the U.S. National Fungus MSA Honlepape -- Collections. Notice that these data are no longer maintained as sepa- rate special project databases. For example, all data in Fu/~gionP/./~t.r and P/anr Products in the UnitedStafer are available but they have been combined with about 250,000 additional reports of fungi on plants from around the world. As new reports appear in the literature, these USDatabases, continued.. records are added to the HOST-FUN- gal specimens world wide and is the erence is cited for each entry and all ref- GUS DISTRIBUTION database so that largest such collection in the world. erences are found in the literature data- users can easily determine both the U.S. Information associated with these speci- base as discussed below. and worldwide distribution of a plant- mens constitute an enormous data re- associated fungus. source, especially about plant-associ- LITERATURE is the database includes ated fungi. All groups of importance all the literature that was used for the The newest addition to the databases to agriculture has been completed in- various projects cited above (Fungi on is an interactive identification system for cluding the Uredinales (rusts), Plants and Plant Products in the United species of Tilletia (bunt fungi) in the Ustilaginales (smuts), Polyporales States; Fungi on Rhododeendron: A Worl'd United States. Because the identifica- (polypores) and miscellaneous Basidi- Reference; and Literature Guide for the tion is based primarily on plant host and omycetes (Gasteromycetes, jelly fungi), Ident~jfcationofPL7nt Pathogenic Fungi characteristics of the teliospores, this Deuteromycetes (imperfect fungi), As- by Rossman, Palm, and Spielman, 1987). system consists of data about the hosts comycetes and the C.G. Lloyd Collec- In addition, data are continuously added of species of Elletia and photomicro- tions. About sixty percent of these from the mycological literature received graphs of teliospores. Description ter- specimens are from the United States at the ARSISBML. All important refer- minology of teliospores characteristics and thus represent a large body of in- ences on that systematics of fungi of are illustrated. Teliospore ornamenta- formation about the fungi in this coun- agricultural importance are entered in- tion is particularly important. Using this try. Data are continuously entered from cluding the literature from which the system it is possible to distinguish the the approximately 10,000 newly Host-Fungus records are taken. At teliospores of Kamal bunt of wheat from accessioned specimens each year. Re- present more than 25,000 references have the teliospores of Zllletia walkeri on quests to borrow specimens can be been entered. Keywords for each piece ryegrass (LuZium perenne) with which mailed directly from the Web site or sent of literature are entered separately from Kamal bunt has been confused. via email to or mailed to Ms. Jenny hosts. For fungi, the genus and species The options under COMPUTER DA- is entered while for hosts, the data often TABASES are: Nomenclature, Speci- O'Driscoll, U.S. National Fungus Col- lections, Systematic Botany and Mycol- are limited to the plant genus name. mens, Host-Fungus Distribution, Litera- Records also can be retrieved by the ture, Saccardo Index, Index of Fungi, ogy Laboratory, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Rm. 304, BOIIA, author's name. The database of the over and Search all the Databases. Each op- 4,000 books in the John A. Stevenson tion is explained below. 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350. Mycology Library is included in the lit- NOMENCLATURE is the option to erature file. Although these books can- be used to determine the accurate sci- HOST-FUNGUS DISTRIBUTION not be sent on loan, inquiries about their entific name of a fungus. At present is the database that includes the records contents can be directed to about 32,000 scientific names of fungi for Farr et al. (1989) as well as more or mailed have been reviewed and are listed with recent reports from the literature. Data to Mrs. Harriet Gladish, Systematic accurate authorities, synonyms, alternate about fungi on vascular plant hosts from Botany and Mycology Laboratory, states, notes on worldwide distribution both inside and outside the United USDA-Agricultural Research Service, and important literature references. States are being continuously entered Rm. 304, BOI lA, 10300 Baltimore Av- These are the scientific names of the as new publications are received. Also, enue, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 fungi in Fungi in Plants andPlant Prod- earlier publications of international fun- or Director Fan; D, H Bartolome Esteban, ME Palm. an option that will search all of the Rossman , VOX 1996. Fungi on Rhododendron.. A World above databases for a particular fungus 301.504.5364; 301.504527& FM Reference. 192 pp. Available from US or host. Thus, if one is looking for any 301,5045810, Nations/ Fungus Parkway Publishers, Boone, NC or Collections, Systematic Botany and information about a particular fungal Mycology hboratory, USDA -ARS BOIZA, Reed, CF and DF Fan 1993. Index to species, this option can be selected to Rm. 304; 10300 Balhore Ave., Beltsville, Saccardo's Sy//oge Fungorum Mmes 1- search through the nomenclature files, MD 20705 USA XWZZNXY/X 1882-1972. Available the specimens in the U.S. National Fun- from Clyde Reed Press, 122 Main St., gus Collections, the literature, the host- Literatore Cited Darlington, MD 21034- 1416. fungus distribution database, and the Fan, D, G Bills, G Chamuris, A Rossman. Rossman, AY, ME Palm, LJ Spielman. two fungal indices. 1989. Fungi in Plants and Plant 1987. Literature Guide for the Zdent~jca- Products in the United States . 1 152 pp. tion of Plant Pathogenic Fungi. Avail- Questions and suggestons about these Available from APS Press, 3340 Pilot able from APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob databases or problems gaining access to Knob Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55121- Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55121-2097; the system should be addressed to Curator 2097; 1.800.328.7560. 1.800.328.7560

MSA FORAY 1997: St. Hippolyte, Quebec, Canada

by Donald G. Ruch, Ball State University

Pho/o by Don RNch Partic~pantsofthe 1997MSA Foraj Univerxig ofMonreaLBioZogicaL FieLd Station in the Lower burentian Hi//s.

The 1997 annual foray of the Mycological Society of identified (Table 1). Overall, seven participants of the foray America occurred on Saturday, August 2, 1997 prior to the reported their collections: J. Murphy (Field Museum of annual meeting. The foray was held at the University of Natural History, Chicago); S.L. Miller (University of Montreal Biological Research Station at St. Hippolyte, Wyoming, Laramie, WY); P. Neumann (University of located in the lower Laurentian Hills approximately 100 km Montreal, Quebec, Canada); L.L. Norvell (Pacific North- NW of Montreal. Collections were made in a mixed west Mycology Service, Portland, OR); D.H. Pfister deciduous forest growing on acid soil with a thick organic (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA); D.G. Ruch (Ball layer. The area included numerous lakes and brooks with a State University, Muncie, IN); and P. Widden (Concordia rich riparian flora, swampy areas dominated by white cedar University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada). Additionally, R.H. (Thuja occidentalis), and peat bogs at different stages of Petersen (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN) identi- development. Although dry summer conditions limited fied specimens brought back to the post foray lab at collecting, nearly 100 fungal species were collected and Concordia University. /997Montrea/MSA Foray, conc/uded.. The participants of the foray express their appreciation to Dr. Paul Widden and his students, Tonia DeBellis and Joel Coburn, Concordia University, for making the local ar- rangements for the foray. We also express our appreciation to the Cercle des Mycologues de Montreal, especially Dr. Peterjurgen Neumann and Raymond and Therese Cardin, for leading trips and assisting participants during the foray.

Some ofthe St. H@po&teforay partic@ants aamining the morning collections at the Universio of Montreal Biological Field Station in Quebec 's burentian Hills. Table 1. Fungi collected on the 1997 (Montreal) MSA Annual Foray Species & Authority1 Identifie' 46. Laccuria /acca/a (Fr.)Berk. and Br. LN, PN, RP 1. A/ba/re//usoviw (Fr.) Mum PN 47. Lac/arius camphom/us(Bull.ex Fr.) Fr. RP 2. Amanifa bisporigera A&. RP 48. Lac/aricrrgeram'iiPk. RP 3. Amanita brunnescens Atk. RP 49. Lucfariusgriseus Pk. RP 4. Arnani/aflavoconiaAtk. RP 50. auran/iacum (Fr.)S.F. Gray RP 5. Amanitamuscnria var.fomosa (Pers. ex Fr.) Betillon LN, PN 5 1. Leccinum imo/ens var. bruneomacula/um Smith, Thiers & Watling PN 6. Amanita sinicofr'ava Tulloss LN, PN 52. Leccinum scabrum (Fr.)S.F. Gray LN, PN, RP 7. Amada vagina(a(Bu1l. ex Fr.) Vitt. RP 53. Lenzi/es betu/im (Fr.)Fr. DR 8. Amanita vima (Fr.) Quel. RP 54. Leplonia sp. LN, PN 9. Bo/efuspiperafusFr. LN, PN 55. Mamsmi'us scomdoniw Fr. LN, PN 10. Bo/erusre/ipesBerk.& Curt. RP 56. Microglossum vi'de (F'ers.) Gill. DP 1 1. Can/hare/IuscibariusFr. LN, RP 57. Mitrula sp. JM 12. Chlomcibona aeruginnscem (Nyl.) Karsten ex Ram DR 58. Mycorraphium adusrum (Schw.)Maas Geest. DR 13. C/adonia ch/omphea (Flk.)Spreng. DR 59. Orbi/ia de/ica/u/a (Karst.)Karst. DP 14. C/avicoronapyxi&/a (Fr.) Doty RP 60. Orbilia /u/eomeu Boud. DP 15. Co/(ybia acerva/a (Fr.) Kummer RP 61. Pachyeella babinglonii(Berk.and Br.) Boud. DP 1 6. Co/lybia bufyracea Fr. RP 62. Phe//inus chryso/oma (Fr.)Donk DR 17. Co//ricia cinnmomen (Pers.)Mum. LN, RP, DR 63. Phe//inusgi/vus(Schw.) Pat. DR 18. Co/triciaperenms (Fr.) Mum. LN. PN 64. PheILnus igniarius(Fr.) QuB1. LN, DR 19. Coprinus a/ramentarius(Bull. ex Fr.) Fries LN, RP 65. Pipoporus befulinus (Bull. ex Fr.) Karst. DR 20. Coprin~p/ica/iLsFr. JM, LN 66. P/eum/crrpopuLnus(?) RP 21. Daeda/eopsis confragosa (Botl.:Fr.)Schroet. DR 67. P/eum/uspu/momnnw(Fr.) Qu61. RP 22. Ento/oma cu@h/a Pk. RP 68. Polyporus badiw (Pers.:S.F.Gray) Schw. DR. RP 23. En/o/oma sa/moneum (Pk.) Sacc. RP 69. Po/yporus bruma/is Fr. DR 24. Fomes fomnfariw (L.ex Fr.) Kickx LN, DR 70. Polyparus elegam Fr. RP, DR 25. Fuligo septica (L.)Wiggers LN, PN 71. Ramrbofomiacrec'c&uerau/fii(Crounan) Boud. (= 26. Canodema app/ana/um (Pers.ex Wallr.) Pat. LN, PN, RP, DR Lumprospora crec %hquemu//i[) DP 27. Geog/ossum g/abrum Pers. DP 72. Rudaalbonigra (Krombh.)Fr. SM, LN 28. C/omus aggregatum Schenk & Smith PW 73. Russu/a compacfaFrost SM 29. C/omcrr c/arum Nicholson & Schenk PW 74. Russuh delca Fr. RF' 30. G/omushoiBerch & Trappe PW 75. Rudademifo(ia Secr. SM 3 1. C/omus rnacmcarpumTulasne & Tulasne PW 76. RwsuIa eme/ica(Schaeff.:Fr.)S.F. Gray LN, PN 32. G/omus rubiforme (Berd. & Trap.)Almeida & Achenk PW 77. RudapeckiiSing. PN 33. Hapa/opi/~tsnidulans (Fr.) Karst. JM 78. Sc/emderma ci/rinum Pers. RP 34. He/ve//amacropus (Pers.)Karst. DP 79. Scu/e//iniascufe/la/a (L.) Lamb. DP, LN 35. Hyhmrepandum Fr. RP, DR 80. Sui//uspic/us(Pk.) Smith & Thiers JM 36. Hyn'nochaefeolivacea (Schw.) Banker DR 8 1 . Stetnonitir sp/endens Rost . JM, DR 37. Hygmphorus /ae/us (Fr.)Fr. RP 82. S/ereum ostrea (Blume & Nees ex. Fr.) Fr. DR 38. Hygmphorw marginatus Pk. LN, PN 83. Trame/eselegans (Speng.:Fr.)Fr. DR 39. Hygmphorus mhia/us (Fr.)Fr. RP 84. Tromefesversico/or(L. ex Fr.) Pilit DR 40. Hypomyces chrysospemm Tul. (Sepedoniumphase) LN, PN 85. Treme//odendmnpa//idum(Schw.) Burt. RP, LN 4 1. Hypomyces lac/t~uorum(Schw.) Tul. RP 86. Tricapfumbifonne (Fr.) Ryvarden DR 42. Hypamyces /u/eovim (Fr.)Tul. JM 87. Tricho/omaus/a/e Fr. PN 43. Inocybe ca/amis/rafa(Fr.) Gillet LN, PN 88. Tricho/omopsisp/apphy//a(Pers. ex Fr.) Sing. LN, PN, RP 44. fnocybe sp. LN, PN 89. Ty/opi/us chmmpes (Frost)Smith & Thiers DR 45. Ischnodem resinosum (Fr.) Karst. DR 90. TyopiIusfe//eus(Bull. ex Fr.) Karst. DR 9 1. Xy/obo/usfrustu/afus (Pers.:Fr.)P. Karst. DR

I Fungal species followed by a >?= and with no authority listed are unconfirmed identifications. Identifierswere: JM = J. Murphy; SM = S.L. Miller; LN = L.L. Norvell; PN = P. Neumann; RP = R.H. Petersen; DP = D.H. Pfister; DR = D.G. Ruch; and PW = P. Widden. MSA BUSINESS

Letter-from the President .. . . among 4 rotating committees: Student awards (graduate fellowships, the NAMA Fellowship, the M.P. Backus Dear Friends and CuZZeagues, Award, and awards for best presentations at meetings); You will find herewith the long-promised revision of the Mentor Travel Awards; Senior Research Awards (Martin- MSA by-laws. The version you read here originated with Baker and H.V. & A.H. Smith Awards); MSA Distinctions the adhoc Committee on By-Laws Revisions (Meredith (Alexopoulos Prize; Weston Award; Distinguished Mycolo- Blackwell and Don Pfister). Subsequently the Executive gist Award). Council (as we will now call it) spent a very intense day 4) New Committees are mandated, e.g., Electronic during the mid-year meeting in Eugene further considering Communication and WebPage Management. The Foray and revising the document. Over the following two weeks I Committee has been dropped and replaced by a Foray incorporated the Executive Council's changes and added Coordinator. some more of my own, then sent the document out over e- mail for another round of comments. Following these 5) The section on finances has been changed such that an revisions the document was sent to Council for further audit (expensive if done professionally) is required only at comment and ultimately for approval - and this is the the end of the treasurer's term of office every three years. version now appearing in Inoculum and on the ballot. All The finances of MycoZogia will be audited at the same time. of this is to say that these by-laws have been scrutinized by 6) The disposition of earnings from the MSA Endowment a number of our most gimlet-eyed, nit-picking officers and is clearly spelled out. councilors. While we do not guarantee that they are perfect, we do believe that they will serve our society well 7) A series of general prohibitions have been added over the next decade. (Article VIII). Why has a revision become necessary? Over the past 15 8) A dues increases of $20, from $60 to $80/year is years MSA has undertaken to make a number of new mandated for regular members. See Article I1 for the awards. We have established a significant endowment fund complete schedule of dues. and have invested a portion of our money in the securities market rather than in savings accounts. We have taken Why do we need a dues increase? The Society has control of publishing MycoZugia and have written our first not raised dues since 1991, and among professional societ- contract for publishing the journal with Allen Press. The ies our membership fees must certainly be counted as a Worldwide Web and electronic communication have bargain. The move to publishing MycuZugia ourselves is become important to the way we do business and the way fraught with a bit of fiscal uncertainty. While we have we present ourselves to the world. For the most part, these certainly saved money on our contracts with Allen Press, initiatives have been supported by a collection of special preliminary data suggests that institutional subscriptions are committees assembled on an adhuc basis, but nowhere down. Thus, the Council feels that a dues increase is sanctioned in our by-laws as permanent committees. The prudent to insure that MSA remains solvent in this new era leadership of MSA over at least the past 2 years has felt that of publishing our own journal. Further, we need to spend a thorough reworking of the by-laws was needed to halt the money we have saved in publishing contracts to im- creeping administrative chaos. Adoption of this document prove the appearance and content of the journal. Council will make it easier for officers and committees of our has voted to explore the society to do their jobs, and I strongly encourage you to possibility of cover vote in favor of this revision. photographs and of subsidizing the publica- For those of you unwilling to peruse the entire tion of color photographs document, here are some highlights: and figures. The number of excellent manuscripts 1) Terms of office for all officers, councilors, and commit- accepted for publication tee members are clearly defined. in Mycologia is pushing 2) The term of a committee member appointed to fill a at the upper limit of vacant position caused by resignation is explicitly limited to pagination allowed under the term of that vacant position. This will insure that new our contract, and mem- committee members continue to be appointed regularly bers may expect some each year in a staggered fashion. increase in the number of articles published in 3) The responsibility for making awards has been split future years. MSA BUSINESS conttttlled

L,etterf/.im the Pre.ridenf, cor~c/~/ded:.. Beyond this, we need to move our annual meetings; 3) increased healthy, vibrant Society into the next into new ventures which will require attention to development of mycology millennium. money. These include 1) improve- in the Western Hemisphere; and 4) Cordially, ments in our WebPage and general numerous other worthy initiatives yet George Carroll capacity for electronic communica- to be proposed. In short, a vote for the tion; 2) improved program support for MSA dues increase is a vote for a President


DraB document prepared 20 Februaary 1999 by Donala' Pfister and Meredith Blackwell revised Februav 28 by the Executive Council; re-revised March 1-17 by George Carroll; revised again by the Executive Council March 20-3Q submitted to the fill Council; Apd 2, 1999, revised again April 12, submifledfor vote of Council April 12 and for vote ofthe general membership April 15.

ARTICLE I. NAME office begin and end at the close of the of the Executive Council as necessary, 2) annual business meeting of the Society and make recommendations to the Officers and The name of this 'Vanization be thus may deviate by several months from the Executive Council for action and the MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF the terms prescribed elsewhere in this response by the Officers, 3) consider AMERICA, hereinafter referred to as the document. agenda items brought before it by the Society. Officers, Executive Council or members, ARTICLE 11. PURPOSE ARTICLE V. CoUN- and 4) initiate agenda items for its CIL meetings.- The purpose of the Society is to promote The President, President-Elect, Vice and advance the science of mycology and ARTICLE VII. AWARDS President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the to foster and encourage research and immediate Past President shall serve as the The Society may make awards for the education in mycology in all its aspects. Executive Council. -purposes - of travel to meetings,- research, ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP and recognition of outstanding members. ARTICLE VI. COUNCIL Membership in the Society shall be open ARTICLE VII. BY-LAWS The Council shall consist of the to persons or organizations who share the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, The provisions of the Constitution of the stated purposes of the Society. Secretary, Treasurer, the two preceding Society shall be carried out in accordance ARTICLE 1'.OFFICERS Past presidents, and eight ~o"ncilors,-two with the current By-laws of the Society. from each of the following four subject The Officers of the Society shall be the areas: 1) EcologylPathology, 2) Systemat- ARTICLE wI. AMENDMENTS President, President-Elect, Vice President, ics/Evolution, 3) ~enetic~h4olecular Amendments to this Constitution may be Secretary, and Treasurer. The Secretary Biology, and 4) Cell BiologylPhysiology. made by a majority vote of the members and Treasurer shall each serve terms of The Council shall provide effective and voting by a mail ballot sent out by the three years. The Vice-President shall serve responsible guidance to the Society. Each Secretary at the direction of the Council, a term of one year, followed by one year as member of the Council must be an provided that suggested amendments have President-Elect, followed by one year as Individual Member of the Society. been discussed and approved by Council in President. After a one year term, the Councilors shall serve for terms of two time to be mailed to all members of the President shall serve on the Council for years. Society at least six weeks prior to the two years as Past-President. Terms of The Council shall, 1) approve the actions deadline for the return of marked ballots.

Change of Address

Send a// correcfiomof directoty infomtion, including e-mail &'rese.r, dire& to A//en Press Mycological Society of America Vox 800.627.0629 (US and Canada) Arm: Linda Hardwick, Association Manager or 785.843.1221 PO Box 1897 [810 E 10th St] Pa 785.843.1274 Lawrence, KS 66044-8897 Emil lhardwick @ Note: A copy of the directory is on the MSA Home Page (see Page 1). A form is included so members may submit directory corrections that will be forwarded to Allen Press. MSA BUSINESS continned


ARTICLE I. MEMBERSHIP members may elect such members to Newsletter and new Honorary Members emeritus status. Emeritus Members, shall will be notified by the Secretary. The Society shall consist of (A) not pay dues, but shall retain all the individual members, (B) student members, privileges of individual members with the (H) Associate Member: An individual (C) emeritus members, (D) life members, exception that they will not receive the who wishes to receive the newsletter of the (E) family members, (F) sustaining journal. An Emeritus Member may be an Society andor attend the annual meetings members, and (G) honorary members. Emeritus Member Subscriber who elects to of the Society. Associate members will Any person or group interested in the receive the journal at a reduced rate. not receive the official Journal of the study of fungi shall be eligible to apply for Society and may not vote in Society membership when endorsed by at least one (D) Life Member: An individual elections or hold office. Applications for member of the Society, except for member who pays a one time life member- Associate membership must be endorsed Sustaining Members or Honorary Mem- ship fee in an amount determined by the by a regular individual member of the bers who must be aDDr0ved.. or elected as Council. A Life Member, upon election by Society. described below. A person may become the Society, shall have all the privileges of (I) Sodety: An organization associated with the Society as an Associate an individual member. AiTWted which represents a community of interest Member (H), and societies may become (I) (E) Family Family members in some aspect of mycology. Approval by Affiliated Societies. Members, Associate Memk qualifying for individual membership. Council required. Each affiliated organi- Members, and Affiliated Societies may be One full membership fee and a reduced fee zation shall pay annual dues as an approved or elected by majority vote at for each additional member entitles the individual member. It will receive one any annual meeting of the Society or by family to a single journal and newsletter subscription to each publication of the Council by majority vote. All members in subscription; otherwise, each family Society, and it shall be entitled to one vote good standing are entitled to receive member has the full privileges of an in the business of the Society through its publications of the Society as stipulated individual member. president or other officially designated below. Dues of those otherwise qualified representative. Members of affiliated may be paid as a gift by any member. (F) S~latainingMember: An individual organizations shall be eligible to attend all or corporation recruited and recommended (A) Individual Member: Any person meetings of the Society, but shall not be for sustaining membership by the Commit- interested in the study of fungi. Applica- eligible to hold office in the Society or to tee on Sustaining Membership. Sustain- tion for membership must be endorsed by vote on the business of the Society unless ing members must be approved by at least one member of the Society. qualified under some other category of Council. A sustaining member shall have Privileges of individual membership Society membership.. the privileges of an individual member as include the right to vote on Society well as those specified by the Committee business, to hold office, to attend meetings Article 11. DUES on Sustaining Membership. of the Society, to appear on the program of (A) Each active membership shall be such meetings, and to receive one (G) Honorary Member: Distinguished, maintained through the payment of dues to subscription to each of the following: the senior scientist with a long record of the Society as defined herein. The official journal of the Society, the official significant contributions to the science of membership year and the publication year newsletter of the Society, the membership mycology and who resides and works in a of the Society's official journal shall run directory, and other occasional publica- country other than the United States and concurrently with the calendar year. Bills tions. Canada. There will be no more than 35 for dues shall be mailed to members, living honorary members at any time. Any (B) Student Member: A full-time affiliates, and associates several months member of the Society may submit student in good standing endorsed by his prior to December 31 and shall be payable nominations, accompanied by a detailed or her major professor or department chair. in advance on or before December 3 1. documentation of the credentials of the Students qualify for individual member- Delinquency in payment of dues shall be nominee, to the Committee on Honorary ship with all privileges at a reduced rate sufficient grounds for the removal of the Members. The Committee will review the for a maximum period of seven years. member from the Society rolls. Late nominations and report its recommenda- renewal fees may be assessed. (C) Emeritus Member: A person who tions to the Council. After evaluation of has retired from active professional the Committee's recommendation, the (B) The schedule of duea for the employment after having been an indi- Council will present nominees selected for different classes of members shall be vidual member of the Society for fifteen election by the membership at the annual determined by the Council and voted on by years or more. The individual must make business meeting. Honorary members the Membership. Dues information will a request to the Secretary, and upon shall have all of the privileges of an be published regularly in the Newsletter. recommendation of the Council, Society individual member but shall not pay dues. The current dues schedule (pending A notice of election will be placed in the membership approval) is: 7 MSA BUSINESS continued

MSA By-Laws. contin~~ed.. Individual Member $80, annually. the Secretary the 5nal ballot with service on committees begin at the time Student Member $40, annually. information about the candidates. At least the member is appointed and end at the Emeritus Member Sllbscriber $40, two months before the annual meeting the annual business meeting in the final year annually. final ballots shall be mailed by the of the term. Each committee will Family Member $80 plus $40 annually Secretary to all members. The ballots normally consist of 3-5 members, with for each additional member. shall be returned to the Vice-President who terms staggered such that normally no Sustaining Member $250 or more, will oversee their counting. A majority of more than 1, and never more than 2 annually. those voting shall elect. A tie vote for any positions become vacant in any given year. Life Member single payment of $1000. office shall be resolved by Council. Those In case of resignations the President will Affiliated Society $80, annually. elected will be notified by the Vice- appoint a replacement to serve the Emeritus and Honorary Members pay no President so that they may attend the remainder of the term for the vacant dues. Council Meeting as observers prior to their position. assumption of office. A gift of a membership may be given at (D) Temporary Committees may be a rate appropriate to the status of a (E) Any officer or councilor unavailable, established by the President to complete qualified recipient by any member. unable, or unwilling to fulfill the responsi- some specific task; members normally Article HI. ELECTION OF OFFIC- bilities of office may be replaced by serve for a term of one year. Such ERS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Council with another person to serve out committees may be reappointed by a new the remaining term of office. President for an additional term if more New ofEcers, including Vice-President, time is necessary to complete the task. Article IV. EDITORS, COMMIT- Secretary and Treasurer, and Council (E) There shall be Rotating Commit- Members are elected from two slates of TEES, AND REPRESENTATIVES tees for General Service - Nominations, nominees by the following procedure: (A) The President with approval of the Program, the Karling Lecture, and Liaison (A) The Vice-President, as election Council shall appoint the Editor in-Chief with Amateur Mycological Clubs And manager, shall mail to each member of the of the official journal, the Managing Societies; Rotating Committees with Society at least four months prior to the Editor of the journal and editors of other specific expertise - Environmental Health annual meeting a request for the nomina- official Society publications. The terms of and Medical Mycology, Phytopathology, tion of officers and council members. office for the Editor-in-Chief and the Ecology, Biodiversity, Culture Collections, Managing Editor shall be 5 years, with the and Rotating Committees on awards - (B) At least three months prior to the possibility of renewal for one term. The Student Awards, Mentor Travel Awards, annual meeting, the nominating committee Editor-in-Chief, with approval of Council, Senior Research Awards, MSA Distinc- will provide to the Vice President a second shall appoint associate editors for two-year tions, Honorary Membership. The Chair slate of candidates for officers and council terms, with the possibility of 2 consecutive of a Rotating Committee is that member members. renewals. No associate editor shall serve serving hisher final year on the commit- for more than 6 consecutive years, tee. The most recent past-chair of a (C) Generally the nomima of the although long-serving associate editors rotating committee retains ex oflcio, non- membership and of the nominating may be appointed again after a lapse of voting status on the committee for one committee shall be the individuals two years. The Newsletter Editor shall year to assure smooth transitions in receiving the largest number of votes in serve for a term of three years. committee leadership. each nomination race. In some cases it may be necessary for the Vice-President to (B) The Executive Council shall consist (1) Nominations: 4 members, all coordinate the nominations in the follow- of the immediate Past-President, President, recent past-presidents of the Society, each ing manner. Should the nominee of the President Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, serving a 4-year-term. Service limited to nominating committee and the one of the and Treasurer. The Executive Council will one term. This committee provides one of membership be the same, the nominee meet as necessary, usually annually in two slates of candidates for the annual receiving the second highest number of early Spring, and will 1) monitor progress election. votes from the membership shall be placed of MSA committee activities, 2) prepare a (2) Program: 4 members, which on the ballot. Should the nomination votes budget forecast, and 3) attend to all other represent each of the Society interest received by a candidate place him or her pressing business of the Society. Any areas, each member serving a 4-year term. among the two highest nominees for more member of the Executive Council may This committee is charged with making than one office, the nominee shall decide refer a decision of that body to the full arrangements for holding the annual for which office he or she wishes to be Council for consideration. Society meeting. nominated. Permission from each of the (3) garling Lectore: 3 members, individuals nominated by membership and (C) tbmmittees. There shall be three each serving a 3-year term. The cornmit- the nominating committee shall be types of committee in the Society: tee submits a slate of three ranked obtained by the Vice-President before a temporary (ad hoc), rotating, and standing. nominees for the Karling Lectureship to nominee is placed on the ballot. Unless otherwise stipulated, the President appoints members annually to fill Council for its approval one year in (D) The Vice-President shall provide to vacancies on committees. Terms of advance of the lecture, then contacts MSA BUSINESS continued

MSA By-Laws. continued.. nominees in order of ranking until one serving a 4-year term. The President the Society. nominee has accepted. serves as an en ojicio member of the (3) Finance: 4 members appointed by (4) Liaison with Amateur Mycologi- committee, voting only in the case of tie Council, each serving a 4-year term. The cal Clubs and Societies: 3 members, each votes among the regular members. The chair may be appointed for additional serving a 3-year term. The committee committee decides on recipients of the terms. The committee oversees the facilitates communication with amateur Alexopoulos Prize, the Distinguished management and investment of the clubs and societies. Mycologist Award, and the Weston Award. Society's funds and makes suitable The Alexopoulos Prize is given to a junior recommendations to the Executive (5) Committees providing subject member of the Society within ten years of area expertise: Environmental Health and Council. The Society's President and his or her terminal degree based on Treasurer serve as ex oficio members. Medical Mycology; Phytopathology; outstanding contributions to mycology J, Ecology; Biodiversity; Culture Collec- early in hisher career. The Distinguished (4) International Maim 4 mem- tions. 4 members on each committee, each Mycologikt Award is presented to one or bers, each serving a 4-year term. This member serving a 4-year term. These more senior members of the Society based committee acts as an advocate for non-U9 committees provide liaison with other on a record of sustained outstanding Canadian members of MSA and proposes biological societies, brief articles to the research in mycology. The Weston Award initiatives which will lead to long-term Newsletter, advice to the Society and is presented to one member a year for collaborations between MSA and other government agencies on matters of public excellence in teaching. The committee mycological associations and societies. It policy, and answers to inquiries. They may choose to make no award(s) in any serves particularly to spur the growth of may also organize symposia and other given year if no satisfactory nominations mycological expertise in countries where it sessions at annual meetings. are received. is lacking and to facilitate interactions (6) Committees on Allrards. Student among MSA members in the international e) Honorary Membership: 3 community. Awards; Mentor Travel Awards; Senior members, all past-presidents of MSA, each Research Awards; MSA Distinctions; serving a 3-year term. The committee calls (5)Electronic Communication and Honorary Membership. These committees for nominations, screens, and recommends WebPage Management: 4 members, each solicit nominations and choose winners for nominees for Honorary Membership to serving a 4-year term. The newsletter the various awards and distinctions offered Council. Nominees are officially voted to editor serves as an ex oflcio member. The by the Society annually. membership in the Society at the annual committee oversees the operation and a) Student Award& 4 members, general business meeting. maintenance of an electronic bulletin each serving a 4-year term and represent- board, the MSA WebPage, the Mycologia ing, if possible, the four subject interest (F) There shall be Standing Commit- WebPage, the online directory, and any sections in the Society. This committee tees which deal with the following areas: other centralized online services. The shall choose winners of the MSA Gmdwzte Endowment, Education, Finance, Interna- committee also considers contracts for Fellowships, the NMA Fellowship, the tional Affairs, MSA WebPage and hardware services and provides informa- MI! Backus Awad and awards for best Electronic Communication, Mycologia tion and advice to Council on policy issues student poster and lecture presentations at Memoirs, Sustaining Membership, and involving electronic communication and the annual meetings. Nomenclature. The committee chair is the MSA image on the web. appointed by the President, or, where b) Mentor 'badAwards. 4 (6) h@co&gh Mentoris: 4 members, stipulated, Council, and serves as chair each serving a 4 year term. The chair may members , each serving a 4-year term. until the end of his or her term on the This committee chooses recipients of be reappointed, but for one additional term committee. The most recent past-chair of a only. This committee serves as a Board of Mentor Travel Awards and attempts to standing committee retains ex ojicio, non- match the research interests of recipients Editors, soliciting and facilitating the voting status on the committee for one publication of book-length monographs. with the mycologist in whose name the year to assure smooth transitions in award was established. committee leadership. (7) s-2 Membership: 4 members, each serving a 4-year term. c)SeniOrResearchAwards. 6 (1) Education: 4 members, each members, each serving a 3-year term. The Members solicit sustaining memberships serving a Cyear term. This committee from corporate sponsors and ensure that committee distributes funds from the H Y carries out initiatives of the Society andA.H Smith and Martin-Bakzr corporate support is acknowledged by pertaining to teaching, training, and letter, listing in the journal, and links on Research Endowments based on the merits education in mycology. The President of applicants' proposals. The number and the Society WebPage. The chair monitors Elect of the Society serves as an ex ojicio renewals and recommends prospects for monetary value of the awards may vary member. from year to year. Two members will new sustaining members. rotate to the position of co-chair each year, (2) Endowment: 4 members, each (8) Nomenclaaue: 3 members, each each person facilitating one of the awards. serving a 4-year term. President and serving a 3-year term. The committee Treasurer serve as en ojicio members. d) Mycological Society advises MSA members on nomenclatural The committee solicits contributions to issues, answers queries, publishes DlstInetiOns. 4 members who are past MSA endowment funds and undertakes all recipients of Society distinctions, each educational articles on fungal nomencla- other fund-raising activities on behalf of ture in the Newsletter, and represents the MSA BUSINESS continued

MSA By-Laws, continued..

Society in international forums where committee insures that timely business of the Society by the Editor-in- nomenclatural questions are decided. Memorials of recently deceased Chief. The Sodety Newsletter shall members are published in the publish short informal articles, meeting (G) Sodety Representatives . The Society's journal. abstracts, Society notices, letters, and any Resident appoints representatives to the other material deemed appropriate by the following organizations. Terms of office Article V.MEETINGS Newsletter Editor. Book-length mono- are for three years, except where otherwise graphs may be published as M'cohgia (A) An anuual meeting for the stated. Memoh. Other publications may be transaction of Council and Society authorized by the Council. American Associa/ion for the Advance- business and for the presentation of ment ofScience, Committee of scientific papers shall be held at such time Article VIII. GENERAL PROHIBI- Biology and place as the Council may decide. TIONS American Institute of Biological Collecting forays may be held each year at Sciences, Council a time and place to be selected by the Notwithstanding any provision of the Foray Coordinator. Additional meetings, Constitution or by-laws which might be American Institute of Biological including special or local meetings for the susceptible to a contrary construction: Sciences, Public Responsibility, presentation of papers or the carrying out American Type Culture Collection of forays, may be arranged by the Council (A) The Society shall be organized exclusively for scientific and educational Associatian of Systematic Collections at its discretion. A quorum of the Council for transaction of business at its annual purposes; Interna/iona( Mycological Association meeting, or in the interim by mail, shall be (B) The Society shall be operated International Union of Biological eight. A quorum of the Society for the exclusively for scientific and educational Societies (Correspondent) transaction of business at any general purposes; International Union of Microbiological meeting shall be a minimum of twenty five Societies, U.S. National Committee members entitled to vote. (C) No part of the net earnings of the Society shall or may under any circum- (B) Programs for annual or other (Society forwards a nomination to stances inure to the benefit of any private meetings shall be arranged by the Council. National Academy of Sciences, 4- year shareholder or individual; term) Responsibility for the scientific portion of the meeting will be delegated to the (D) No substantial part of the activities (H). Assignments, Er Wfo Commit- Program Committee. of the Society shall consist of carrying on tees propaganda or otherwise attempting to (C) Members wishing to make presen- influence legislation; (1) Historian. Appointed by Council tations at the annual meeting shall submit for indefinite term. Maintains to the Chairman of the Program Commit- (E) The Society shall not participate in Society archives and provides tee any information requested in advance or intervene in (including the publishing or historical information about the of the annual meeting. When meetings are distributing of statements) any Society to Council and the President held jointly with another society, forms on request. containing the formal intention to present political campaign on behalf of a and the abstract plus any required fee will candidate for public office; (2) Liaison for Society Ineorporatioa be submitted to a designated program Appointed by Council for indefinite (F) The Society shall not be organized authority. Such information shall be due or operated for profit; term. Should reside in or near on or before an appropriate date listed in Washington D.C. the call for presentations, and the Chair of (G) The Society shall not (3)Foray Coordinator. Appointed by the Program Committee shall be autho- rized to refuse any titles received after that 1) Lend any part of its income or the President for a term of three corpus without the receipt of adequate years. Arranges for forays before or date. Except by invitation, no member security and a reasonable rate of interest after each annual meeting. shall offer more than two presentations at any one meeting; presentations of joint to, (4) Local Arraugements Coordhator. authorship are attributed to the presenting 2) Pay any compensation, in excess Appointed by the President for a author. of a reasonable allowance for salaries or term of one year. This person(s) other compensation for personal services work closely with the program and Article VI. PUBLICATIONS actually rendered, to, endowment chairs to assure adequate The Joarnal of the Society shall serve as facilities for the annual meeting. its ofticia1 outlet for disseminating 3) Make any part of its services available on a preferential basis, to (5) Committee on Publication of mycological information. It shall also Memorlala Ex oflcio committee serve for the publication of Memorials, 4) Make any purchase of securities, consisting of Editor-in-Chief, reports on the audits of the Society, and or any other property for more than President, and Historian. The any other items deemed germane to the adequate consideration in money or MSA BUSINESS comm

MSA By-Laws. continued.. money's worth from, (D) Prior to each annual meeting the General Endowment is a restricted 'hasurer shall prepare a summary of the account with earned investment income 5) Sell any securities or other Society's financial status. At the conclu- used to support regular activities of the property for less than adequate consider- sion of the Tieasurer's term, normally society and special projects (e.g., special ation in money or money's worth to, or every three years, the Treasurer will publications, workshops) that enhance 6) Engage in any other transaction commission a professional audit. This mycology as a discipline and serve the which results in a substantial diversion of audit shall include all financial activities other goals of the Society, as approved and its income or corpus to any officer, of the society, including the publication of allocated by vote of Council. the official journal, endowment funds, and member of the Council, or substantial Article X. USE OF THE SOCIETY'S contributor to the Society. operating budget. The Treasurer's report shall be read at the annual business NAME The prohibitions contained in this meeting and published in the Society's Unauthorized use of the name of the Section G do not mean to imply that the newsletter. Mycological for Society may make such loans, payments, Sodety of America advertising or other business ventures is sales, or purchases to anyone else, unless (E) Receipts from membership dues prohibited. The circulation of any such authority be given or implied by shall be used exclusively for the stated unauthorized literature shall be taken as other provisions of the constitution or by- purposes of the Society and serve as the prima facie evidence of the violation of the laws. primary source of revenues for operational costs. The Endowment Fnnd shall be intent and purpose expressed in this By- Article M.FINANCES comprised of the Restricted Endowment law. Any member may be expelled from and the General Endowment. The the Society either by a majority vote of the (A) All funds of the Society shall be Restricted Endowment is a restricted Society at its meetings or by a majority deposited to the credit of the Society in account maintained for the purpose of vote of the Council such for a violation. such banks, financial firms, or other providing earned investment income to depositories as the Council shall direct. support specific activities of the society: Article XI. AMENDMENTS (B) All checks, drafts, or other orders for memorial lectures, graduate student These by-laws may be amended by a fellowships, senior research awards, and the payment of money in the name of the majority vote of the members voting by a Society shall be signed by such officer of student travel awards. Subfunds included mail ballot to be submitted by the within the restricted endowment include the Society and in such manner as the Secretary at the direction of the Council, Council shall direct. the Alexopoulos Prize Fund, the A.H. and provided that suggested amendments have Helen V. Smith Award Fund, the Martin- been brought to the attention of the (C) The annual accounting period of Baker Research Award Fund, the M.P. Council in time to be mailed to all Society funds shall begin on Angost 1and Backus Award Fund, the Karling Lecture members of the Society at least one month end on July 31 of the succeeding calendar Fund, the named Mentor Travel Award previous to the date established as the year. funds and others, as established. The deadline for return of marked ballots.

Minutes of the MSA Midyear Executive Committee Meeting Februa~27-28, 1999 Biology Department, University of Oregon, Eugene 1. The meeting was called to order at Mycologia. The committee consists of Press do the copy editing or ask the editor 8:20 am Saturday, February 27, 1999 by Rich Humber, Gary Samuels and Rick to hire someone of hisher choosing. Vice- President George Carroll. Members Howard (chair). The estimated cost of a President Miller will contact Allen Press present included: President George color picture on the cover would be $800- and Editor Griftin for cost estimates. With Carroll; Past-President Mary Palm; Vice- 1000 per issue. The Executive Committee this information, full council will be able President Orson Miller; Treasurer Jeffrey agreed that the committee should continue to budget this item, and allow the Editor to Stone and Secretary Maren Klich. its work, contact a professional graphics decide how helshe wants to handle copy President-Elect Linda Kohn was unable to designer as needed and present the options editing. attend. to the full council in St. Louis in August. If approved, the cover change would begin c. President Carroll was very pleased to 2. PUBLICATION ISSUES. with Volume 92:l - January-February announce that we have four possible 2000. candidates for Edito~in-Chieffor a. Vice-President Orson Miller (also Mycologia, to take over at the end of the Managing Editor) reported that Mycologia b. Editor-in-Chief GrIllh has suggested term of current Editor-in-Chief David Editor-in-Chief David Grimn has we pay for copy editing service rather than Grifen in the year 2000. President Carroll appointed a committee to consider ask a member to volunteer for the position. will request a 1 page 'editorial vitae' from developing a reformatted color cover for The two apparent options are to have men each of the candidates and circulate them 11 MSA BUSINESS continued

Mid- Ear minufes, confinued... via e-mail to council for consideration and material into one site that could be Mycofogia were still highly uncertain and comment. Council members will be asked accessed by a number of managers. will be refined before the projections are to send their comments to President submitted to full council for their Carroll only, who will compile and report i. President Carroll was authorized to information. (Note added subsequently: on a "sense of the council" at the council explore the possibility of a co-marketing our projections did not include the approx. meeting in St. Louis, where the final agreement between Academic Press and $35,000 just billed to us by the NYBG for choice among these candidates will be AUen Press such that members of MSA publication of volume 90 of Mycofogia. made. The new editor will work with could receive both Myoh& and Fmgd This is a one-time bad surprise that should David Griffin as a sort of associate Editor- BMhgy adGcne&s at reduced rates. He not be repeated in the future. We have in-Chief for one year before the final will talk first with the current Editor-in- ample in the operating budget to cover transition to new Editor-in-Chief. Chief of Fungal Biology and Genetics this). (FBG) to find out whether such an d. Vice-President Miller pointed out that arrangement might appeal to the FBG d. Symposium tanding. In a letter to he will be unable to continue as Managing subscriber group and whether it might Council, Brent Heath made 2 proposals Editor when he takes over as President of serve as an incentive for I;BG subscribers regarding symposium funding. Full the society and suggested that we begin to join MSA. council will vote on two proposals - 1. looking for potential candidates. That monies for symposia will be j. Several questions have arisen distributed at the discretion of the e. Secretary Klich reported continuing regarding copyrights and electronic Program Committee to members and non- problems with membership services from publishing. The Executive Committee members - 2. That 20$ be added to non- AUen Management and Marketing. agreed that for-profit use of MSA student registrations at the stand-alone President Carroll established an ad hoc published materials - hard copy or MSA meeting in Vermont in 2000. This committee to investigate alternative electronic, should be considered a money would be used to fund symposia. providers of membership services, to be violation of copyright. Dr. Miller will convened by Past-President Mary Palm. write a policy statement on this matter for e. Treasurer Stone reported that the full council consideration [See below]. MSA finances have been audited by f. Vice-President Miller reported that the independent auditors (Barbacane, Thorton new membership directory will be k. Mycofogia Editor-in-Chief David & Co.), and no irregularities were found. shipped with the July/August Mycofogid Grimn reports that David Hibbitt has So far this year council has approved (by Znocufum mailing. The on-line directory been appointed as Associate Editor for Email vote) $450 for purchase of com- has been updated. Members are encour- molecular evolution and systematics. puter hardware to handle graphics for aged to check their entries in the on-line Ninety-five manuscripts were received Znoculum and $285 to cover registration directory for accuracy. from July 1, 1998 through December 3 1, fees for Robert Lichwardt to attend an 1998. The average time from final g. The Executive Committee is very Electronic Publishing Seminar given by acceptance to publication is now about 5 Allen Press in Lawrence KS. pleased with the recent modifications to months. the newsletter made by Znocufum Editor 3. SCIENCE AND POLITICS Lorelei Nod. To have the newsletter 3. BUDGET reach more of the amateur groups, the a. Full Council has voted via Email to Executive Committee voted to distribute 25 a. Executive Committee voted to place participate in the AAAS "Celebrate copies of Zmcufum to appropriate amateur the surplus money (about $5000) from Science on the Mall" Oct 15-17, 1999 in clubs and societies, as directed by Jack the San Juan meeting into the unrestricted Washington DC. President Carroll Murphy, the present chair of the commit- endowment fund. informed us that Vice-President Kohn will tee on MSA liaison with these groups. b. President Carroll had received be chair of the committee on this project. several requests from non-nfllbted [Editor's Note: "Celebrate Science" has h. The MSA web-page continues to been canceled.] provide important information to MSA foreign sodeblea asking MSA to help fund members and internet browsers. The their meetings. It was agreed that MSA b. Log Import update. MSA has Executive Committee wishes to thank should not consider funding assistance to received a letter from Dinah Bear, webmaster Tom Volk and the other societieslinstitutions that do not have a General Counsel for the Council on committee members for their efforts. The formal relationship with MSA. Environmental Quality (Executive Office Executive Committee would like to explore c. President Carroll proposed that the of the President). In a nutshell she the idea of adding a "Breaking News" Executive Committee prepare budget acknowledged our letter of December 11, section to the page, where news of events projections for MSA operating tan& at 1998 on log imports and asked us to occurring in the near future may be placed all subsequent mid-year meetings. Such a submit comments on how to amend the for short periods of time (1-3 weeks). The budget projection was attempted at this APHIS regulations on the importation of Web Page and Internet Management meeting and seemed to show that MSA logs, lumber and other non-manufactured Committee (Linda Kohn, chair) is moving would operate in the black this year. wood articles to decrease the risk of toward a database driven web site for However, projections for meeting expenses introducing exotic plant pests in solid MSA. This would put all MSA web in St. Louis and Institutional renewals for wood packing material. The relevant MSA BUSINESS continued

Mid-Ear minutes, coon/ua'ed.. documents have been passed on to Jim Committee consideration. The document MicoI-). This will be accomplished Wodand the Wytopathology represents a tremendous amount of work through continuing efforts of the Interns- Committee. The recommendations of the on the part of the committee and they are tional Affairs Committee and necessary committee will be circulated for council commended for their efforts. The council actions. approval prior to the March 22 deadline. proposed revision divides the current 6. Annual meeting 2001. Treasurer We also received a letter from Faith bylaws into separate constitution and Jedliey Stone proposed that the meeting be Campbell of the American Lands bylaws sections. The Executive Commit- held at the Oregon State University Alliance which requested that we join with tee reviewed and modified the documents. Conference Center in Corvab, Oregon. them in submitting a letter to Vice- The modified constitutionlby-laws will be He will look into the possibility of holding President A1 Gore. The Executive submitted to council for vote and to the a joint meeting with either the Society for Committee declined to do this, noting that membership for vote in the spring mailing. the Study of Evolution or the International MSA has already submitted a letter on this Symbiosis Society. subject to A1 Gore. Further, we felt that b. Vice-President Miller reported that the o~cer/co~~~~cilnominations from the we should function as providers of Committee membership were sparse. After lengthy 7. Sustaining Membership scientific information and not ally chair, Joan Be1111ettreported that her discussion it was decided to send out a ourselves with more political organiza- committee has recruited one additional current officer/committee list with the tions. sustaining member, but has been unable to nominations form and to reinstate the get a list of renewing sustaining members c. New OMB regulations under area-of-interest category in future from Allen Management and Marketing. Freedom of Information Act. The AAAS directories. Orson Miller agreed to look into this. has alerted us to new OMB regulations c. A short version of a long-range plan which make any laboratory and research 8. Reports from the Finance Committee, was received and considered by the documents completed with government Foray Coordinator, %aching Committee Executive Committee. Its ideas on funding subject to regulations under the and Biodiversity Linwere received broadening society membership were Freedom of Information Act. and briefly noted. The work of these discussed. Council thanks the committee groups is progressing smoothly and 4. MSA ADMINISTRATIVE STRUC- and Sandra Anagnostakis for its efforts TURE in generating this document. required no Executive Committee action. 9. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 a. The adkcommittee for the 5. Executive Committee passed a Review of the MSA By-Laws (Donald motion to form a stronger relationship pm on Sunday, February 21, 1999. Plister and Meredith Blackwell) with our sister society in Latin ~mehca, Respecgul/u submitted submitted a draft document for Executive ALM (Asodadon Latinoamericana de Maren A. Klich

Development of a Copyright Policy for MSA

I keep receiving questions about the ning with Volume 99 ofMycologia, Mycohgh are reproduced by the Mycological Society policy on will no doubt be expanded and author(s) for scholarly or educational copyrights. I know this will require cliangedsomewhat with time..) purposes. some thought to develop a more detailed, long range policy. However, 1. The author or authors of original 4. Descriptions of new taxa should Mpohgh the policy stated below is also articu- work published in may use appear in electronic form only after the material contained in the Work they have been validly published lated in part in each letter sent to for scholarly, educational or research following peer review. authors who must assign copyright purposes. In these endeavors perrnis- when they submit work to Mycohgh. sion of the Mycological Society of Be aware that works written by America is not needed. Federal Employees are considered to be part of their official duties and 2. Original research must not be - - REMINDER -- therefore general public property and published elsewhere either prior to or When you receive your as such cannot be copyrighted. after the Work published in Mycoh MSA ballot, gh. Copyright Policy of the Mycological be certain to vote! Society of America: January 1,1999 3. Mycohgh must be cited when (This initia/po/icy statemenf, begin- tables or figures which appeared in 13 MSA BUSINESS continued MSA ENDOWMENT FUND DONORS FOR 1998 We wish to take this opportunip to express our gratefil appreciation and acknowledge those who so generous& contributed to the MSA Endowment Fund during 1998. Total amounts/find are indicated in parentheses.

Alexowulos Prize Fund ($750) Fuller Travel Fund ($100) Wells Travel Fund ($100') J. T. Ellzey C. T. Rogerson C. T. Rogerson M. L.Farr J. Ginns Korf Travel Fund ($150) A. H. and H. V. Smith Fund ($500) G. May C. T. Rogerson T. Baroni A. Y. Rossman J. Stone J. H. Ginns Alexopoulos Travel Fund ~$600') Luttrell Travel Fund ($200') C. T. Rogerson H. Vishniac G. Carroll M. Palm C. T. Rogerson C. T. Rogerson B. Woo Barksdale-Ra~erTravel Fund($l50') Thiers Travel Fund (B23 Martin-Baker Research Fund ($1250) T. Hill D. Desjardin A. Edelman C. T. Rogerson C. Halde M. L. Farr H. Vishniac S. Hammer J. Ginns C. T. Rogerson J* Wang Bipelow Travel Fund ($1175) B. Woo T. Baroni Trapp Travel Fund ($900) MpnBackus Award Fund ($300') M. E. Barr Bigelow B. Backus C. T. Rogerson A. M. Alsheikh J. W. Gerdemann M. Christensen Butler Travel Fund ($600') L-L Hung Uncommitted Endowment ($500') E. Butler T. J. Michaels C. T. Rogerson M. Rogers Anonymous B. A. Strack & G. M. Mueller C. Halde Denison Travel Fund ($1001 R Taber R J. Howard C. T. Rogerson Uecker Travel Fund ($225) 0. Miller H. Vishniac Fitzpatrick Travel Fund - $100 J. Aronson C. T. Rogerson T. Hill C. T. Rogerson

ATTENTION GRADUATE STUDENTS & POTENTIAL NOMINATORS!! Awards Chairman Gary Samuel's, USDA -ARS: Systematic Botany and Mycology Lab, Rm. 304; B-OOA, BARC- Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA This year at St. Louis we will be giving four Graduate Recipients of honors bestowed by the Mycological Soci- Poster Awards as no student Oral Presentations will be ety of America can be found at the MSA home page (http:/ given. Students wishing to have their posters considered /'s quite an for an award should contact Gary Samuels to register their honor roll! Although it is very early to start thinking about intention, preferably via Email . honors to be given in 2000, the committee strongly urges Please include student's name, poster title, and advisor's members to think deeply about nominating a Distinguished name. Mycologist for next year. Looking at the list of recipients, it is obvious that we are not in short supply of mycologists In the of Graduate Student your who deserve this, our most prestigious of awards. We would awards committee neglected to mention that applicants for especially like to encourage the 'laurel-resting group, - the1999 Graduate Student Fellowships are automatically those of you who,ve been or who have already been for the Backus award This award has honored by the Society - to be active in nominating. You carried a $500 cash prize since its inception in 1994. bring a perspective not yet available to us 'youngsters'. MSA BUSINESS mti,ued


sibly the first new fungal species logged your friends, but who have consistently as part of the GSMNP ATBI (see page forgotten you when it came time to dole XXX and the past two issues of Inocu- out those specific epithets? Zum). It was collected by GCC during We can fix that problem for a price!! ! a field trip prior to the ATBI planning Don't miss the MSA social/auction!! workshop in Gatlinburg in December. - George CarroZ. The generic and specific names will be auctioned off to the highest bidder at the MSA auction in St. Louis this sum- We (George Carroll and Jeff Stone) mer. Sherwood, Stone, and Carroll will suspect that this is a new hyphomycete describe and publish this species under genus and species. It was cultured as any name (within reason) designated by an endophyte from the leaves of the lucky high bidder. Leucothoefontanesiana from the Great Have you been feeling neglected by Smokey Mountains National Park, pos- fungal systematists you thought were

---- 1999 MSA ANNUAL AUCTION ----

The MSA auction will be held on CLASSIC MYCOLOGICAL ING a new hyphomycete they have dis- Thursday,August 5th from 7:OO-10:OO BOORS (in or out of print) or RE- covered. Possibilities abound for ways p.m. at the Adam's Mark, Promenade PRINTS (or sets of reprints). you can contribute to your society by D, and the MSA Endowment Comrnit- donating to the auction. Here is how tee encourages you to start thinking TEACHING MATERIALS of any you do it: about making a donation to the auction. sort -- slide sets (2x2s or microscope In past years the auction has been an preparations), specimens, videos, cul- Contact Rodney Roberts as soon as important source of income for the so- tures (ones APHIS or the DEA would possible about those items you can to ciety, with the proceeds supporting not find objectionable....), drawings, contribute to the auction and for other worthwhile activities such as student photographs. details. The very best scenario will be travel awards. Depending on your per- for you to bring your auction item to sonal situation, there may even be a tax ECLECTIC MYCOLOGICAL the meeting but if this is not possible advantage to you when you donate to ARTS -- framed prints, interesting (say, you want to contribute something the auction! memorabilia, oddities (always popular but will have to miss the meeting), among mycologists, for some reason), please contact Rodney anyway and When thinking about possible auction clothing, jewelry, etc. other suitable arrangements will be items, consider the following list of past made. auction items as a guide, but do not be Perhaps you might like to offer a Rdey Robe* timid about expanding the scope of GUIDED COLLECTING TRIP in US: Department ofAgricuIture items to be offered: your area to the highest bidder! We Tree Fruit Research Luboratoy have already had one offer from a pair 1/04 n! Western Avenue of VERY FAMOUS mycologists to Wenathee, WA 98801 509-664-2280 offer for auction the privilege of NAM- roberts @tfr am. usda.go v 15 MSA BUSINESS ~0ru:z~ded


D. Jean Lodge, cial support from NSF was used also Although students had priority in Timothy J. Baroni, for travel and subsistence by work- registration, we did not turn anyone Sabine Huhndorf shop instructors and students in the away, though we did have to place PEET and BS&I programs, van and oneswedish student in the ~ol~~ore We owe a BIG THANK YOU to the bus rental, and lab materials & workshop instead of the Ascomycete NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDA- supplies including ocular micrometers workshop. The teams of instructors TION for supplying the major that were found to be missing from were superb, and the 'students' were a portion of financial support for the the microscopes late in our planning good synergistic mix of graduate and Tropical Polypore and Corticiaceae phase. a few undergraduate students from all and Tropical Ascomycete workshops over the world, professional mycolo- associated with the MSA meetings in The 1998 MSA workshops were a gists, and teachers from Puerto Rican Puerto Rico. Funding for the %pi- big success - both in our eyes and in universities. The students - as well caZPolypore and CoAkiaceae the eyes of personnel at the National as the instructors - brought great Worhhop was provided through a Science Foundation who supported depth and breadth to the collective supplement to the Biotic Surveys & these workshops. NSF received such knowledge in the workshops and Inventories grant DEB-95-25902 to positive feedback about the quality of contributed greatly to their success. the Research Foundation of the State our workshops that they now believe University of NY at Cortland, this form of information dissemina- We also owe a big THANK YOU to Basidiomycetes of the Greater tion is a good way to achieve part of the USDA-FOREST SERVICE Antilles (written by Jean Lodge and the NSF mission in the Biotic Surveys INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE Tim Baroni). NSF funding for the & Inventories Program (and possibly OF TROPICAL FORESTRY. The lhpical Ascomycetes Workshop other areas of systematics). Conse- USDA-IITF permitted us to use their was provided through a supplement quently they have enthusiastically International Program van for the to the PEET grant DEB-95-2 1926 provided support for the basidi- instructors and thus allowed us to to the Field Museum of Natural omycete workshop associated with the squeeze a few more Ascomycete History, Studies in Lasiosphaeriaceae upcoming Latin American Mycologi- workshop students into the rented (written by Sabiie Huhndorf). Two cal Society in Venezuela this August. vans. Another big THANK YOU is other PEET-grant projects also Funding for a proposed Tropical due the UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO participated in the Tropical Asco- Ascomycete workshop is still under RICO at Rio Piedras and Mayaguez mycete workshop: Don Pfister's consideration. for loan of their microscopes and Operculate Discomycete (grant DEB- reshuffling their Introductory Biology 95-21944 to Harvard) and Gary The 1998 workshops were an Laboratories so we could use their Samuels' Monographic studies of experiment for MSA and were based microscopes during the first week of Hypocrealean Fungi: Hypocrea and on workshop models used by the summer classes. We especially thank Hypomyces (grant DEB a97-12308 to British Mycological Society and Drs. Rosario Rodrigues, Paul Pennsylvania State University). Jack several European and Scandanavian Bayman and Steve Rehner for Rogers, who served as one of the mycological groups. These workshps facilitating borrowing of microscopes instructors in the Tropical Asco- were longer than the workshops from the Rio Piedras and Mayaguez mycetes workshop, also had an active typically run by the MSA, which is a campuses of the University of Puerto grant from NSF Systematics. Finan- contributing factor to their value. Rico. A Tale of Webistration

and less chosen but more certain and o it was that time did pass and more chosen than the even less certain Sseasons were full with that which Those ofyou who - with us - have and less chosen People being Multi- marketh seasons and it was that the encounteredproblemssubmitting your tudes a certain manner and style of certain Wise Person could not ap- I999 MSA abstracts to the /BC web writing. And it was that a particular proach unto the Web Address because site should apprciate the fol'l'o wing one of the most certain and most of the many idolatrous and otherwise humorous account by an unknown chosen of the People was able to Wise Persons who did crush against personage of Great Brain. master that manner and style and to the gates of the Web Site. Think Biblical'. place the nature of the information that would illuminate the surrounding nd there was the usual weeping t was that many long years ago A and wailing and indeed teeth there came upon this house a form. darkness into the Abstract submission I form. did gnash. And a Functionary did A Form from high that was the make a phone call unto the Kingdom announcement of the Blessed Event. ! The requirements of the of the Web and duly was it made And it was informed by the Form that Indeedform were small, for it was the known that that Web Site was indeed this Event would be called Interna- Will of the Botanical Congress that the functioning and that all righteous tional Botanical Congress and that certain and chosen and wise people persons and not righteous persons alike certain of the People would be chosen. would be wise in choice of words and (as Forgiveness is Sublime) would Chosen from among many, these parsimonious unto their own needs approach unto that Web Site in the certain People would be asked to except that the Wise People were fullness of time. present themselves before that Botani- forbidden to step beyond the box, lined cal Congress dressed in robes made of in blue and so it was also made known o it was that more seasons did the fine cloth of purity and wisdom. that the first two lines of the Abstract Spass and more of that stuff and And the Unchosen People, and were to be indented. And the certain so on, and it was that in the time of Graduate Students and other followers Wise Person did not transgress and still longer teeth and grayer beards that of the Coda Botanicum would also be was parsimonious unto his needs. So the certain and chosen Wise Person directed and portuned to present that Wise Person did conform to the became a Weary Traveller, and this themselves before the Botanical wishes of the Botanical Congress and Weary Traveller was finally come Congress so that Serious Matters did prepare to submit to the Botanical upon the Web Site in the darkness of would be discussed and Stuff from on Congress the Abstract dressed in its night and it was that the time for High would be promulgated to the raiment of precision. And the Abstract submitting the required Abstract was assembled Multitudes. did look perfect to that Wise Person nigh. It was that the Weary Traveller, and so did please him with its informa- much sore from wandering in the nd it was further made known to wastelands of something, did cut and those certain and chosen People tion. The lowly Abstract, it did look A fine and was even informative. paste his lowly Abstract onto the and others being less certain and firmament of the Web Site and Lo! It chosen that of the time and place at ut, it is that the Wise Person did was that the rulers of the Web Site did which the most wonderful Botanical B say unto himself, he said: concert against the Weary Traveller meeting would occur and the certain 'would it be better to send this and did conjoin him from submitting and chosen People and the other less document by regal ministers (i.e. in his lowly Abstract because of the certain and chosen were informed of the mail) on this, the last day for presence of Unholy Characters. the manner in which their Sacred submitting this document, or would it Messages would be delivered, promul- be better to take unto myself the nd so it was that the Weary gated and made known unto the even expediency of the Aetherial and A Traveller, become even longer less certain and even less chosen Celestial Internet and to please the of tooth and grayer of beard, did take masses that are the Multitudes, so as to Botanical Congress even more with upon himself the task of holy father make light their burdens and ease their my many skills and abilities?" Abraham, when confronted with pains. choosing between his beloved sons nd thus it came to pass that he, Cain and Abel, did decide which of his nd so the Official Form, with Athis certain Wise Person in his precious children, words of his bosom A the proper seal of the Botanical undue Pride, said unto himself,' Use and soul, would be stricken unto The Congress, did require of the certain the damned web.' Darkness. and chosen People and the less certain nd it was that the requisite o, it is that the Abstract should nd may the next great A number of words and requisite Sbetter to not offend and should Aconvocation of Great and Lesser number of characters, including among better to not have the trappings of be known as the International Biologi- their numbers empty spaces and sure Mammon, such as italics, than it is cal Congress and may the Weary signs of Devil's handiwork, were sent that the Abstract should be imperfect Traveler of this tale be of sufficiently outside the gates to perish and the in the sight of the Web Site. Praise ye great Wisdom to just say No the next Abstract was made perfect - and the Web Site and blessed be Thou, oh time. Meaningless Babble. holiest of Web Sites.

From the Editor ... Embarrassing Admissions, Omissions and Corrections... .

Through an editorial oversight, the 1999 - was not included means that corrected version of the Sydney the committee will delay its decisions Grant Application did not get into until June. We grovel apologetically the last issue of ZnocuZum. The fact to Carol Shearer for the inconve- that the correct due date - May 1, nience this has caused.

Letters ...

There's a Long Mycological Road some of you will volunteer to write If you'd like to see examples of markers that state historical societies to Fill historical markers. Some topics that ... might be of interest include signs for actually erect in the REAL world (an The road begins in the Bronx, and Michigan's biology building that note eventual goal for our virtual signs), you can help us along our way to the large numbers of mycologists search "historical marker" with Alta increasing interest in biology in housed there with the number of Vista. general and mycology in particular by fungal species that might have been Mere&% B/bcRwea volunteering to participate in the described within the building walls, a virtual Highway of Biological marker for the Farlow Herbarium with Small world? Historical Markers project. The first a link to Asa Gray and de Bary, biological historical marker - about a another for Peoria's PedZium Gary Samuels received the follow- fungus - commemorates the discov- research during World War 11, and ing letter from Roy Halling in ery of Cryphonectriaparasitica. You another on the type locality of a response to his review in the last can find out where this fungus was common (or uncommon) fungus. Inoculum: "I enjoyed your review ... of discovered by consulting . It Whether you are a student or not, if art from Michael Rothman's actually took three people - Bob you are in need of a good writing illstrations were originally based on Gilbertson, Sandra Anagnostakis, guide (or even if you are fortunate my kodachromes. The kpiota-like and me - to come up with this short enough to be at Georgia), I'm offering is based on Rugosopora marker blurb. a chance to improve your writing skills pseudorubigino.ra, an image of which and educate the nation through a is located on Greg mueller's] and my In the last newsletter Michelle virtual writing course. The rules are Costa Rica site. Indeed, mycology Momany mentioned the science that your efforts should be appropriate seems to be doing OK" writing course at the University of for a "marker" (that is: fairly short and Georgia and her guidance of something that will possibly pique the Znoculum S Mentor Award series (Tony interest of the general public while Glenn's essay on Luttre11 and Gail being a bit educational). Email your Celio's work on Alexopoulos). When contributions to me via the mentor list runs out I hope that . THE MYCOLOGIST'S BOOKSHELF There has been some de/qy in get/inR booksfm the variouspf~b/ishersthese /asf co~/p/eof months. To those /?/emberswho have indicated their interst in reviewing books, / wi// be sending out books for review shortb; have patience! To those who are currently reviewing books, please tvto complete the reviews within the month afler receiving the book. Many thanks to a// those parfictpating in the review process. - John ZbR Books and Publications Received from Februarv through Amil 1999

The Genus hkzrim, Fungi of Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. 384p. Price: Commerdal Applications, Vol2. 1998. Northern Europe vol. 2. 1998. J $120.00. Copies can be ordered from: G. E. Harmon, and C. P. Kubicek (eds), Heilmann-Clasusen, A Verbeken, J [email protected]. Review needed: Taylor & Francis Inc, 1900 Frost Road, Vesterholt. Svampetry, Kornblomstevej 6, MAodemand tZ4kw- Basic Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007. 393p. DK-8381 Mundelstrup, Denmark. 287p. Biology, 'Igxonomy and Genetics. Vol 1. Review nee& Copies can be ordered from the website: 1998. CP Kubicek and G. E. Harmon Yeast Gene Analysis, Methods in Price Dkr: 250 plus (eds). Taylor & Francis Inc, 1900 Frost Microbiology Vol. 26. 1998. AJP Brown postage. Review needed: Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007. 278p. and MF Tuite (eds). Academic Press Inc., We-AN Disease of Cereals: A Review nee& 525 B. Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA Regional Perspective. 1998. D Hornby ZhkAodemta and G%c- 92101-4495. 502p. Price:(HC) $100.00, (ed). CAB International, Wallingford. Enzymes, Biological Control, and (SC) $60.00. Copies can be ordered from Review needed:

Previouslv listed Books from November 1998 *A Dictionary of Plant Pathology, 2nd $35 US, 268 pp. Both books are published Western Australia 6907. 391 pp. Review in edition. 1998. P Holliday. Cambridge by APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. progress. University Press, Cambridge CB2 lRP, Paul, MN 55 121-2097. Magical , lkfidivous UK. Price: $150.00. Review in progress. (N. Am.); Molds. 1998. GW Hudler. Princeton *British Fungus Flora :Agarics and (Europe). Review in progress. University Press, Princeton, NJ. Price: Boleti No 8 1 Cantharehceae, Illustrated Genera of Imperfect $29.95. Review nee& Gomphaceae and Amyloid-Spored and Fongi, 4th edition. 1998. HL Barnett and .Proceeding of the Symposium Xeruloid Members of Tricholomataceae B Hunter, APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., "'Ihxonomy, Evolution and Cldca- (excl. Mycena). 1998. R. Watling and E. St. Paul, MN 55 121-2097. tion of Lichens and Related Fungi". Turnbull. Royal Botanic Garden (North America); 1998. M Wedin, T Tonsberg, and DH Edinburgh, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 (Europe). Brown (eds), Academic Press Limited, 24- 5LR. Review in progress. 240 pp. Price: $43 US. Review nee& 28 Oval Road, London NWl 7DX, UK. *Combined Keys to Illustrated Genera Fuugi of Southern Australia 1998. 208 pp. Price: £10.00 for surface mail. of ksromycetes I & 11. 1998. RT Hanlin, NL Bougher and K Syme. University of Review needed $20 US,130 pp and Illustrated Genera of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, Ascomycetes Volume II. 1998. RT Hanlin, TEACHING COMMI'ITEE: Mycology Textbooks --April, 1999

Teaching a new mycology course? send news about mycology textbook 3le. Blackwell Science Ltd. Trying to decide which book to use? publishing activity as well as informa- .G~~~, W, HA van der Aa, AJ van der Help is on the way! tion Plaats-Niterink, RA Samson, JA Stalpers. omitted from this year's list to Donald Listed below is a partial list of 1987. CBS co- of Mycology, 31e. Ruch, Department of Biology, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures. published mycology textbooks, based Muncie, IN 47306 (e-mail: on the June 1990 the MSA Teaching Hawksworth, DL, PM Kirk, BC Sutton, [email protected]). The MSA Teaching DN Pegler. 1995. Ainsworth Bisby,s Committee list. Carol Stiles (Valdosta Committee appreciates your com- State University) updated the earlier Dictionary of the Fungi, 8/e. CAB ments. International. list by searching the listed publishers via the Internet search of the listed Alexopoulos, CJ, CW Mims, M .Kendrick, B. 1993. The Fifth Kingdom, publishers. The Teaching Committee Blackwell. 1996. Introductory Mycology, We. Mycologue Publications. 4/e. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. realizes that the new list is not yet Moore-Landecker, E. 1996. Fundamen- complete and would like to begin Carlile, MJ and SC Watkinson. 1996. talsof the ~ungi,41e, ~~~~~i~~-~~l~ issuing a textbook list yearly. The The Fungi, Ye. Academic Press. committee urges everyone to please Webster, J. 1980. Introduction to . JW. 1997- Modern Mycology, Ii'uqi, We. Cambridge University Press. MYCOLOGICAL NEWS

Dr. John McKemy has joined the NJ3WS OF MYCOLOGISTS Systematic Botany and Mycology L&oratory at ~eltsville,Maryli;d as Cyanamid scientists receive a research dateworking with Dr. top research honors Amy Rossman on the systematics of the canker-causing fungus, Phomopsis. Drs. Van T. Cotter of Trenton, NJ He will study the relationships be- and Jiirgen Curtze of Geisenheim, tween species causing peach-canker in Germany have won American the U.S. and Europe and strains Cyanamid Company's highest occurring on other wild and cultivated research honor - the 1998 Scientific species of Prun~~sin the U.S. Achievement Award. Dr. Cotter is currently project leader of the Fungicide Screen in Fungicide Dr. Lisa Castlebury has recently Discovery at Cyanamid's research been hired as a research mycologist at facility in Princeton and Dr. Curtze the Systematic Botany and Mycology recently retired from his position as a Laboratory (SBML) in Beltsville, laboratory leader in synthesis fungi- MD. She will be tackling the molecu- cides discovery at Cyanamid's lar systematics of smut species on research facility in Schwabenheim. grasses with emphasis on karnal bunt Their research collaboration which fnlletia indica) on wheat and its led to this award took place while MY, III~III~P~/)I: VNI 7: COII~I; relatives. Dr. Castlebury had previ- Cotter was a Laboratory Leader in Winner ofA/?zerican Cyann~nidS ously worked to distinguished karnal Plant Disease Control at the /998 Scienlfic Achievement Award bunt from a similar-looking fungus on Schwabenheim facility. Both men and agriculture and an MS in botany ryegrass that has been confused with were honored on February 27, 1999 karnal bunt (see Palm 1999, Mycologia along with five other researchers. and plant pathology from the Univer- sity of New Hampshire in Durham, and 91: 1-12 for the economic impact of Drs. Cotter and Curtze won a team a PhD in botany from Virginia Poly- this problem). Dr. Castlebury with Dr. award for their discovery of the technic Institute and State University Lori Carris, Washington State benzophenone class of chemistry for in Blacksburg. Dr. Cotter is a member University, recently described the the fungicide market. This class of of MSA and APS. He and his wife species on ryegrass as i7 walkeri chemistry represents a new mode of have two children. (Mycologia 91: 121-131). Prior to action for the control of a major coming to the SBML, Dr. Castlebury disease in cereals and vines. The Dr. Curtze began his career with worked at the National Plant benzophenone class of fungicides Cyanamid in 1993. He earned a PhD Germplasm Quarantine Center, Animal provides the farmer with a new means in chemistry from the University of and Plant Health Inspection Service in of control for fungicide resistant Giessen in Germany. Dr. Curtze is a Beltsville, MD. powdery mildews. member of the German Chemical Society. He and his wife have one son. Peripatetic Mycology "Van and Jiirgen's collaboration to American Cyanamid Company is a advance the benzophenone project Jim Trappe has left Oregon for a subsidiary of American Home Products permits Cyanamid to compete with all year of the hard life in Australia. Corporation, which is one of the of the currently marketed powdery During his sojourn, Dr. Trappe can be world's largest research-based pharma- mildewicides," said Dr. Mark Atwood, reached in care of CSIRO Wildlife and ceutical and health care products president of the Agricultural Products Ecology, Box 284, Canberra ACT 2601 companies. AHP is a leader in the Research Division. "all major Australia; VOX 02.6242.1600 (within discovery, development, manufacturing agrochemical companies are actively Australia), 01 1.612.6242.1600 (from and marketing of prescription drugs seeking new control means for abroad); I;RY 02.6242.1705 (within and over-the-counter medications. It is resistant powdery mildews." Australia), 01 1.612.6242.1705 (from also a global leader in vaccines, abroad); [email protected]> Dr. Cotter began his career with biotechnology, agricultural products Cyanamid in 1987 as Project Leader and animal health care. - Cyanamid In March David Largent managed to for the Mycology Lab. He earned a News Release. sneak away from his Humboldt State BS in general studies in life sciences -a"------lab in northern California long enough

20 MYCOLOGICAL NEWS continued to make a working mycological tour of mushrooms in a price- and quality- Georgia and North Carolina. After 19th Annual GL-StL Mycology sensitive market-place. Tom's talk, lecturing in Athens - on March 15 on Workshop in Ontario with the spirited assistance of his wife mycology and mycological projects in Michelle, drew vigorous discussion on Northern California to the University The 19th annual Great Lakes - St. everything from the ethics of selling of Georgia Department of Botany, and Lawrence Mycology Workshop met Gyrmifra to international competition March 16 on "Entolomatoid fungi of March 27-28 at Ottonabee College, among Shiitake growers. For a the western United States" to the Tknt University in Peterborough, photographic record of the meeting, Mycology faculty (Drs. David Porter, Ontario. The meeting was organized including the Saturday night jam at the Charles Mirns, Richard Hanlin) and by Mike Bidoehka from the Biology house of Mike Bidochka and Fiona graduate students - he headed up Department at Trent and Keith Seifert Hunter, chttp:Nwww, north where he encouraged the intrepid from ECORC at Agriculture & Agri- -charkeith/INDEX.HTM>. band of Great Smoky ATBI volunteers Food Canada, Ottawa. The program Linda M Kohn (Pmfessor of Bo/any, led by Theresa Rey and Susan was arranged around sessions on Depnrrmenf ofBofanj Universipof Tomnfoj Mitchell and gave his Entolomataceae Mycorrhizae and Ultrastructure, lecture to the enthusiastic Asheville including presentations by R Larry NYBG HERBARIUM CHANGES Mushroom Club. Dr. Largent then Peterson, L Brent Heath, Norbert moved on to Appalachian State Degousse and Yoh-ichi Matsubara; Notice for those planning to visit the University in Boone where he lectured Biodiversity and , featuring New York Botanical Garden Her- to the Biology Department students talks by Leonard Hutchison and barium between May 1999 and and faculty where his former student Cameron Curie and a poster from October 1999: Beginning in May or Dr. Coleman McCleneghan is the Elizabeth Fox; and a symposium on June 1999, the entire Herbarium will resident mycologist. Fungal Pathoeens including presenta- be moved to the new Plant Studies tions by Keith Seifert, David Overy, Center, with the Fungi, Cryptogams, Ln April Joan W. Be~ettvisited the J.N.A. De Croos,Yatika Kohli, Alan and Monocotyledons being moved University of Iowa (Iowa City) in Castle, Julius Kane, Jim Anderson, first. April where she gave a lecture on Richard Summerbell, Linda Kohn, The Herbarium will be available for "Molds, mycotoxins and molecular Brett Couch, Ron Deckert, and use during most of this period, but mycology" at the Center for Michael Mold. The winner of the there may be times when some areas Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing prize for best student talk was will be closed for up to two or three sponsored by Dr. John Rosazza. She Andrina Kamp from Mike weeks. For this reason, we urge you also gave the Keynote address to the Bidochka's lab. Best poster went to to first check the New York Botanical Women in Science and Engineering Ignazio Carbone from Linda Kohn's Garden Herbarium web site http:// group. Her topic was ''Fungi and lab. www.nybg.orgmscilherb/herb.html Feminism." The Keynote Speaker was Tom Stein for updates and then contact one of us prior to visiting the Garden to be sure Also in April MSA Past President of Tom's Wild Mushrooms, Chalk that the specimens you want to study Jim Ginns traveled from his current River, Ontario, speaking on "The wild are available: home base in Penticton, British and cultivated mushroom industry." Patricia K Holmgren, Director Columbia to Portland, Oregon as an Tom's perspective as an entrepreneur who has started, run and expanded a invited guest to the Oregon Mycologi- Jacquelyn A. Kallonki, Assistant Director cal Society where he presented a slide small business in a northern Ontario Address Changes distribution and retailing (and profits), Tom is building a network of collec- There's no escape for Orson Miller! tors; in the process, he has written an NOTICE!!! In addition to his usual Email address easy-to-use manual for commercial . ing and sustainability, the year-round MALL" HAS BEEN CAN- augmentation via mushroom cultiva- CELLED FOR LACK OF Ken Wells new Email address is: tion of seasonal collecting, and the FUNDING.

Macromycetes" and sample species can plot distributions of taxa, at any The GSMNP-ATBI Diaries web page may be viewed at Rod's rank, directly from the taxonomic web-site . Dr. Tulloss [who would customisable, can be at any scale or volunteering for the All-lsxa Biodi- welcome flattery and constructive level of detail, and can include any versity Inventory now beginning in criticism via ] number of taxa (each with its own the Great Smoky Mountains National notes, "Be the first on your block to symbol). These maps can be printed Park. The 23 mycologists of the download the beauteous (incomplete) directly from BioLink, saved to disk or Fungal TWIG (Taxonomic Working document." transferred to a GIs package such as Group) listed in the last issue (Inocu- On Sunday, May 30, the GSMNP- ArcView. lum 50(2): 7) have been joined by Tim ATBI will hold an Official Kick-Off Release Schedule, Prerequisites Bmni, Stephen Bentivenga, Rick Celebration and Nature Quest. The and Costs: This release of BioLink is Bortnick, Dave Largent, Steve Fungal TWIG will participate in a provided free of charge. This free Miller, Jack Murphy, Karen public display at the Park Visitor distribution will allow evaluation of Nakasone, Scott Redhead, Gary Center near Gatlinburg. As "Butter- BioLink's rich and diverse features and Samuels, Carol Shearer, Jerry and flies" will be operating on the other pennit potential users to assess Sandy Sheine, Greg Thorn, Laura side of the Park that same weekend, BioLink's usefulness in fulfilling their Weishaupt and Sean Westmoreland. Rod and the AFVD would welcome information management require- Anyone else wishing to join in the fun any additional knowledgeable bodies ments. Prerequisites for installing should notify [email protected]. willing to participate. BioLink include a Pentium-based PC Much has happened since our last [LoreIei NorveLd running Windows 951981NT4, 60 megs report. George Carroll and Jeff Stone of disk space and a Microsoft have confirmed the existence of a new SQLServer Ver. 7.0 license. BioLink species lurking in the needles George BIOLINK NOW AVAILABLE is designed to run equally well on picked up during his pre-Christmas single PCs, institutional networks and visit [See more about this exciting find The Australian National Insect the Internet. Future BioLink releases, on page 151. Tom Rude has detected Collection, CSIRO Entomology, is together with their contents and an unusual species of Cryptococcus pleased to announce that BioLink, the pricing, will be announced on the lurking in a sample collected by Biodiversity Information Manage- BioLink web site and institutional entomologist Will Reeves. Tom, who ment System, is now available for licensing agreements are available on reports that he's found a lot of PeniciZ- evaluation by the taxonomic, museum request from [email protected]. Zium in the samples he's been checking and biodiversity communities. This For details concerning BioLink, molecularly, suggests that we defi- version -- 1.0 (Beta 1) -- is the first including a complete online version of nitely need to recruit a PeniciZZium general release of BioLink. BioLink the User's Manual, see http.Jl specialist. Then on March 28, 1999 manages both taxon- and specimen- Macrofungal Coordinator Rod 'Mloss based information. The current release home.htm. Instructions for download- and the hardy Asheville Volunteer provides management tools for taxon ing a copy of BioLink and the BioLink Fungal Department established the names ranging from kingdom to release schedule are also available pilot study transect in the subspecies as well as material based from this site. You can also contact us Cataloochees near Asheville. The on both museum specimens and field directly with any questions and AVFD (other volunteers welcome!) observations. Easy to use data entry comments at [email protected]. crew will sample macrofungi from the forms and predefined reports are Subscription to the BioLink E- transect and environs once or twice a provided to allow rapid collection and Newsletter Anyone who wishes to be month during 1999. Theresa Rey, reporting of the highest possible data added to the BioLink E-Newsletter President of the Asheville Mushroom quality. mailing list can do so by visiting http:/ Club, reports that there has been a BioLink also provides a range of lwww.ento.csiro.aulbiolinWsubscribe/ brief respite in collection processing, tools to assist in data collection and subscribe.htm1. BioLink E-Newslet- since the region is undergoing a minor analysis. An online electronic gazet- ters will only be issued to announce drought. In the meantime Rod has teer assists in the geocoding of sites, major BioLink releases or other designed a striking logo for 'Butter- including sites described by a distance significant events. [Submittedby Amy flies of the Soil'. For the time being, and direction from a named place (for Rossman] the logo, his excellent compilation example 19km SE of Canberra). A _MwUM---- "1999 Trial Year Notebook: Epigeous mapping tool is also included which MYCOLOGICAL NEWS cortc~uded

ences, University Wales Swansea, the Third International Congress on UPCOMING MYCOLOGICAL Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Symbiosis (TICS) to be held from EVENTS is welcomed. Deadline by integrating them with other novel Symbiosis (Aurmst 13-19.2000): Prof. for abstracts is December 31, 1999 and crop protection strategies. For further Dr. Hans Christian Weber, Congress deadline for manuscripts and fees is information please contact: Dr. 'Igriq Chair. has issued the first invitation to May 15. M Butt, School of Biological Sci- MYCOLOGICAL CLASSIFIEDS Read the Myco/ogica/ C/ass@edsfor announcements of courses, emp/oy/nent oyyortl~nifies,positions wanted and mnyco/ogica/ goods and services ofered or needed

development of high impact studies. Review of applications will begin 15 May POSITIONS AVAILABLE Requirements: Ph.D. in a relevant field 1999 and continue till the position is filled. and ability to contribute to one or both of (Starting date is flexible.) TO apply, send a Pastdoctoral Position in Fungal the following aspects of the project: 1) letter of application with current C.V.and Molecular Biology/Biochemistry A two- structural and functional analyses of the three letters of reference to: Dan year postdoctoral position is available for a cloned genes; or, 2) characterization of Panaccione, West Virghh University, qualified individual to work on molecular enzyme activity and secondary products of Division of Plant & Soil Sciences, 401 or biochemical aspects of ergot alkaloid fungi in which toxin biosynthesis genes Brooks Hall - Box 6057, Morgantown, biosynthesis. Genes involved in the have been mutated. For more information WV 26506-6057. West Virginia Univer- process have recently been cloned from and a complete position description, sity is an Affirmative ActionIEqual CLavicep purpurea and Neotyphodium contact Dan Panacdone at Opportunity Employer. spp., providing opportunities for the [email protected] or (304)293-39 1 1x2235. 23 MYCOLOGICAL CLASSIFIEDS concluded

P~.sitimsn~~ni/nh/le cnt~~i~incrd.. Collection Scientist - Mycology ATCC, repository for fungus cultures of scientific a private, nonprofit bioscience organiza- or heritage value. We supply cultures and PUBLICATIONS WANTED tion, with new facilities in Manassas, information about them, preservation Viihas a position available for services, advisory and consulting services, Rayner, R. W. (1970). A Mycological individual with Ph.D. in mycology or and training in various aspects of mycol- Colour Chart. Commonwealth Mycologi- related discipline and possessing broad ogy. More than 9000 cultures are available cal Institute, United Kingdom. knowledge of fungal taxonomy and and information can be obtained about Contact: Gavin Smith, Dept of Ecology applied mycology. Excellent written and them through NEW listings. To find out & Biodiversity, University of Hong Kong, verbal communication skills are essential. what we offer, consult our: Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong; VOX Supervisory experience and computer --NEWprint Catalogue of Strains +852.2559.48 13 FRY +852.2559.5984, skills highly desirable. Responsibilities Price: $25 US (Canadian dollars only [email protected]. center on management of mycological within Canada) includes shipping and laboratories, including accessioning, taxes where applicable (Discount price replenishment and quality control of yeasts available if Catalogue is dispatched with a WORKSHOPS AND PROFESSIONAL and filamentous fungi. Please fax or mail culture order.) TRAINING resume to ATCC, ktn HRICSMY, 10801 University Boulevard, Manassas, VA Dermato~hptesand other funei m' 201 10 FAX703.365.2735 laboratory dermatologp. There will be a Medical Mycology Workshop (Cost $200) Environmental Microbiology Labora- to be held at IX International Congress of tory, Inc has an opening for a full time Mycology, International Union of Mycologist / Analyst in their laboratory Microbiological Societies at the University located in the San Francisco, CA area. of Sydney, Sydney, Australia on Sunday Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, August 15, 1999. Presenters will include Inc. is a recognized leader in bioaerosol Lynne Sigler, (University of Alberta), and microbial analysis and specializes in Richard Summerbell (Ontario Ministry the analysis of surface and air samples for of Health, Toronto) and Dinah Parr fungi. (For more information about the (Auckland Hospital, Auckland, N.Z.). company, see In this one day workshop, lectures and The primary responsibility will be to laboratory sessions will cover morphologi- analyze air, surface, tape, and bulk cal and physiological features used for the samples by microscopy for fungi, and, in identification of common and rare some cases, bacteria. Air sample analysis dermatophyte fungi, Chqsosporim and includes analysis of both culturable similar fungi resembling dermatophytes, (Andersen) and non culturable samples and some nondermatophytes from skin and (spore traps such as Burkard, Allergenco, -- Online searchable Catalogue through nails, including Scyta/idium, Fusarium, and Zefon Air-0-Cell). On-going training Scopularioppsis, Onychoco/a, etc. Basic and education will be part of the position. Order cultures or Catalogue from the web information for diagnosing dermatophyte Good bright field microscopy skills, good site or contact Lynne Sigler, Curator & infections will be included, and the more communication, the ability to work well Assoc. Prof. University of Alberta experienced will be challenged by with a team, strong organizational skills, Microfungus Collection & Herbarium supplementary information. For more and attention to details are important. A (UAMH) Devonian Botanic Garden, information on the Congress to be held 16- B8. in Microbiology is required. University of Alberta Edmonton, AB T6G 20 August at Sydney Convention Centre, Experience recognizing environmental 2E1 VOX780.987.4811 FAX see microfungi is very desirable. Please send 780.987.4141. resume and the names of three references to Dave Gallup, Environmental Microbi- Mold Testing and Identitication FUNGI WANTED ology Laboratory, Inc., 1800 Sullivan Ave., Services providing value and quality for Suite 209, Daly City, CA 94015. VOX your dollar. Identification for Food Pk?umacS ekgmCoker. Does anyone 650.991.3436, FM 650.99 1.2243, Technology, Spawn technology, Plant have the holotype and other specimens of [email protected]. Applications will be diseases, University studies. ASTM & Coker's P/eumtus elegans nom. invar! [= considered until the position is filled. Mil-Spec testing for Aerospace, Controlled Hohenbuehe/ia elegans (Coker) Singer Environments and Environmental Engi- nom. invaL] that are midng from (or lost neering. Electronic information available by) UNC? I seem to have rediscovered the MYCOLOGICAL GOODS AND at [email protected] or species but now have no original material SERVICES with which to validate the name! Also abbeylabhtml. Write Abbey Lane missing are Coker's collections of The University of Alberta Microfungus Laboratory, P.O. Box 1665, Philomath, OR P/eurotus unguicu/aris ss. Coker, which I Collection and Herbarium is a Canadian 97370 USA. VoiceMail 541.929.5984. would also like to see. [Steven Carpenter] Greg Tho111 24 MYCOLOGY ON-LINE

To heb make lengthy elecmic addresses more euri/r remembered rve use /he turn ':n/@??''

to refer to anythinRfa//owihgthe fim/ "dash " //]of an immediate/rpreceding a&ss within each paragraph be/ow 18, 1999) and III ALM Congress (August 31 - September 3, 1999). - FUNGI SPROUT FROM OSLO - ------GENEALOGY OF NORTH AMERICAN The International Mycological Association maintains a web site MYCOLOGISTS - to provide information about the organization and alert mycolo- gists to meeting and other activities. Check out the information at the address above to see the animated fungus-sprouting logo of Robert L. Gilbertson and Meredith Blackwell have now posted the Oslo organizing committee for IMC 7 in 2002 and the link to their Genealogy of North American Mycologists that we've been their site. IMC7 plans include heavy use of electronic communi- adding to at the MSA social-auction over the years. This genealogy cation; use of electronic communication has worked fairly well was begun as a short term hobby over fifteen years ago. After it was for the IBC in St. Louis and the savings is tremendous. displayed several times, some corrections and additions were made, The IMA site also has information on officers, regional commit- but more are needed if it is to be updated completely. We would tees, awards, and member societies, including MSA. If you are like you to help in making this record as complete as possible. Within interested in being involved in mycology at an international level, the next few years the genealogy will be printed and offered as a please contact Meredith Blackwell . fund-raising project to benifit the Mycological Society of America Endowment Fund. If you have completed a terminal degree and want to add your name or if you know of others who should be -THE THIRD VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM - included, please let us know . We are still working on the Dudley lineage, and would especially like in- The Asociacion Latinoamericana de Micologia will sponsor its formation on this group. third annual "Virtual Symposium" on the Epidemiology of My- cows in the Americas June 14-1 8, 1999. Dr. Gioconda San-Blas, - U.S. NATIONAL FUNGUS COLLECTIONS - ALM President, writes, "This time, the symposium will be on line . from Brazil (Instituto Lauro Lima, Bauru, Sao Paulo) under the aca- demic coordination of Dr. Paulo Islborda and Information about fungal databases developed by the Systematic the general coordination of Dr. Gioconda San-Blas Botany and Mycology Laboratory (USDA-ARS) can be accessed at . The program, instructions to authors, the above web-site. Once reaching the home page, the databases and registration in the Symposium can be reached in the can be accessed directly through this Web site by selecting SYS- Symposium's Web site [listed above; suffix for English-speaking TEMATIC RESOURCES, followed by DATABASES. All data pre- participants is -english.htm]. As with the previous two ALM Sym- viously available through the telnet system have been converted to posia, we look forward to the enthusiastic participation of our col- this new system in MS-Access. No login is necessary and, at some leagues from Latin America and elsewhere." point in time in the future, the old telnet system will no longer be available. For more information read Amy Rossman and David Farr's -ASOCTACION LATINOAMERICANA DE discussion on pages 1-3. MICOLOGIA -

Wth this issue we inc/ude a/phabe/ica//r /isledcurrent web-sitesfeatured in Znocu/~tmduring the previous twelve mon/hs. Those wirhing to have web sites included in this developing directoty or who wish to edi/ their addrsses shou/dEmai/ . Unless otherwise nott@ed the editor wi// dmp site /isrings afrer one yeaz f Wume-Number = wherejrst cite& stars = new or edi/edinfoo) 8114 INTERNATIONALFUSAR/UM WORKSHOP (49- ASIANVAM Sm(49-5) COSTARICAN BOLETES (50-2) 6) httpJ/ httpJ/wwwmybg.oq#bdh&U httpJ~otbot.eornled~nml deltaindex.html BIOTECHRISK ASSESSMENT RESEARCH (50-2) ACCESS(49-5) h#pJ/www~govl~iotechr&WExmc PESTS[EFPISNA] (50-1) httpJhiology.~~~lpuMbii/adtm biotech.htm h~J~.exoliefo~o~ AMERICANBOTANICAL LIT INDEX(50:2) CELS (49-6) THEFARLOW AT HARVARD(49-6) httpJ/wwwmybg.o~bLhtml httpJlkww.wisc.eddeels httpJ/www.he-d 25 MYCOLOGY ON-LINE concl2cded

12-monfhDirec/o,x con/inl/ed... H~STOPLASMOS~S(50-2) NYBG SPECIMENCATALOG (49-4) TAXY (50-2) httpJhvww.histoplas-mex.unmnmx h~Jh.myiufo.m~/


ITALIANBOLETES (50- 1) PEET WEBSITES (50-1) UNIVERSITYOF TENNESSEE MYCOLOGY GROUP www.~govlpubsn999H15H15~tm (49: 5) htm mw.~~edd-peet httpd~.biantlLedo/mycologyI MYCOINFO(49-4) SUMMERBELLFUNGI (49-6) VIRGINIATECH MYCOLOGY (49-6) http:/hvww.mycoido.corn h#p.JImembers.aoLcom/rmmmerbelrI http://mw.bioL~ednliad~~er/ rnycologg.html NAMA POlSON CASEREGISTRY (50: 1) SUPRAORDINALTAXA OF ASCOMYCOTA(50-2) httpJhvww.ekbot.nm~outline.btml WEB MSA (49-6) httpJh.e~utomnto.eal-w3msaI


Even/ locations are listed in &z& boMfme. Confar/ names and dress inform/ion are provi& beneath each event de.rcrzp/ion with emaiyweb addrese.~ Cisfed a/ the endof each event in bold face (no bracke/sincluded). Those wishing to lid upcoming mycological courses, worhhops, conven/ions, symposia and forays in the fnoculum Calendar shouldsubmi/ &es, site, and con?ac/ informa/ionforma//ed as shown below Contac/sshould provide postaldress, phoneflkr numbers and Email (with Web sites ifavailable). The submission deanline l/is/edon/he cover of each issue occurs appmximte& one month beforepublica/ion da/e.

1999 (May 27-28). Workshop: Master- 1999 (June 14-18). 3rd ViiSympo- 1999 (July 25-30). Mushroom of the ing difficult molds - from in your sium - Epidemiology of mycoses in Sleeping Bear Dunes, Leelanau Center nose or between your toes. the Americas. for Education. DETAILS ZnocuI~~rn50(2): 9. Work/-wMe DETAILS : Znoculum 50(2): 9- 10. Ciricw, &o& USA Latin Assocation for Mycology anArb05 MicYgm USA To register: 3 12.793.7213, 5 12.458.7566 httpJhvww.geodtles.coml-de~nacenW Andrew S. Methven, Department of Biological James L. Harris, Ph.D. Training Coordinator, Simposi-tm Sciences, Bureau of Laboratories Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920. 1999 (July 9-14). 7th International Washington, DC 20059 http:/hvww.myce~d Marine and Freshwater Mycology lRederiek@fachoWIVdedu Symposium. John Landolt, Shepherd College, 1999 (June 14-18). Introduction to Fd- DETAILS: InocuIum 50(2): 9. Shepherdstown, WV 25443 [email protected] and Air-Borne Fungi. A introductory C@ Vnivem@of 8onggOng, Bonggong Steve Stephenson, Faimont State College, course to mould identification. CBINA Faimont, WV orumvq O~C4NADA Conference Secretariat, Conference Unit, School [email protected] Keith Seifert of Continuing & FAX613.759.1924 Professional Education, City University of Hong httpJ/ Kong, 1999 (July 26-August 17). International coe.htm Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong Course on Medical Mycology. , siznbhgo, cmLE

1999 (July 30 - August 1). ABLS Annual 1999 (August ) International Symposium: 1999 (December 31). Abstract Meeting. (American Bryological- Biological Control Agents in Crop & DEADL1NE:Third International Lichenological Society) Animal Protection. Congress on Symbiosis. DETAILS Znoculum 50(1): 21. DETAILS Zizocu/um 50(3): 23. DETAILS: /nocu/um 50(3): 23 tzido*, ZL Univc* of Woliss~e4SOrnRICQ Southem Illinois University, Dr. Tariq M. Butt, School of Bio. Sci.1 Carbondale, IL 6290 1-6509 USA Univ. Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, 2000 (April 25-29). SJTU@UIU 2000 - httpJhje~erbberkeley.ednEbrgoleW Swansea SA2 8PP BMS Millennium Symposium on ABLShbnl VOX 01792.295374 FAX 01792.295447 'hpical Mycology. T.Butt@swanseaaeuk DETAILS Znocu/um 50(1):2, 50(3): 23. 1999 (August 1 - 7). Int. Botanical LabedENGW Congress & MSA Annual Meeting. University of Liverpool John Moores University 1999 (August 31-September 3) 3rd Prof. Roy Watling DETAILS Znocu/um 50( 1): 12- 16, Congreso de la Asociadon Latino- [email protected] 50(2): 12-14. Americaua de Micologia. sr Lo&, M.som.Urn DETAILS: Znocu/um 49(5): 13-14, httpJ/ 50(2): 10, 50(3): 25. 2000 (May 15-19). 15th International amctq, ~YENEZUEU Congress of the ISMS (International Calle Garcilazo, c/o Chama, Centrol Polo 1999 (August 7 - 11). 1999 American & Society of Mushroom Science). Tom A, Piso 8, Ofc 83 Canadian Phytopathological Societies M&& ZXEN'B~S Colinas de Bello Monte, Joint Annual Meeting. Palais de Caracas 1050, Venezuela Congres, Montreal. VO~RY+58.2.751.18605I8338 15629 Quebec Mow WADA [email protected] OR httpJlzenaivi~vdalml 2000 (July 9- 14) Adan M~~~logical httpJ~~o~~1999Igened Congress, The University of Hong 99GENERALl.htm Kong. 1999 (September 21-25). 13th Conpss of Bong Kong European Mycologists, University of Kevin D Hyde 1999 (August 8- 15). NAMA PlPForay Alcalh. Workshop and Annual Foray. DETAILS Znocu(um 49(4): 30. DETAILS: Znocu/um 49(6): 17- 18. http:/lwww.hku. Wecology/m ycologyl M-SPAIN whzz-new1090198.html C2qre Gbdwq Mksoe ZISA httpJ~.dco~dadon/midog.hlm http:/ 1999 (September 27- October 1). Latino- 2000 (August 13-19) Third International American & Mexican Phytopathologi- Congress on Symbiosis (TICS). 1999 (August 15) Dermatophytes and cal Joint Congress DETAILS Znoculum 50(3): 23. other fhngi in laboratory dermatology MEZO Mdbrug, G-Y Medical Mycology Workshop (preceding LV Gonzales gfuentes@gate~et Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Weber IUMS 9"' ICBAM & ICM. JP Martinez-Soriano [email protected] DETAILS Znocu/um 50(3): 24. http:/ S*, S*, AUSW -b-morpho/symbio.html httpJhvww.~co~uAdCBAM 1999 (October 11- 16). 3rd International Conference on Mushroom Biology and 2002 (August). International Mycological Mushroom Products. 1999 (August 16-20) lUMS 9th ICBAM congress mc7). & ICM (Joint 9th International DETAILS /nocu/um 490.: 18. Oh,NOR WN Congress of Mycology and 9th Interna- Sydhay, AUS- Leif Ryvarden, Botany Dept. tional Bacteriological & Applied Conference Secretariat, 405 Bull Ridge Rd Biological Institute, Box 1045, Microbiological Congrerss) East Kurrajong, NSA 2758 Australia Blindem, N-0316 Norway FAX +61.2.4576.3610 DETAILS Znocu/um 50(2): 11 - 12. VOX47.22854623 FRY47.22856717 m,ACrSTRhU4 [email protected]%.pu [email protected] httpJhvww.~~uAdCBAM http://www.uio.ndconferen&c7/ 1999 (November 14-20). 2nd Interna- tional Vilogg and Microbiology Conference. DETAILS 1nocuIum 490.18. Yam&, WEROON Dr. Njayou Mounjohou, B.P.2001 Messa -Yaounde [email protected] Mycology versus Pheasant, circa 1937

This poetic exchange between Mycology pmfessor LO Overholts adunknown but irrepressible students provides a live& glimpse ofan absentee educator in "action" 62 years ago. First published in the December I959 MSA Newsletfeb 100. Second day of season Fourth Day Is more than you and I can say. Of parasites and saprophytes I cannot If the morning dawns both bright and He might be lost - at least he's missing; teach today; clear, I dinna ken - I'm only gissing ..... I bought some shells; I oiled my gun; by That's a good sign that I won't be -Author unknown dawn I'm far away. here. I missed a ringneck yesterday; it made me If the morning dawns both cold and bleak, End of Season sort of sore. For me, I'm sure, you'll need not seek. He oiled his gun, he stalked his prey I vowed that I would get that bird or - LO Overho/ts But missed the ringneck. It got away. lecture nevermore. He vowed he'd never grade a fungus fable I'm sony that I can't be here, I hope you'll Fifth Day: Our Myco Prof -- Until the beast should grace his table. understand, Reflections in his absence How sad we were; we couldn't work. And if we never meet again 1'11 see you in A maestro and mycologist To pickled specimens nary a word. that land A gentleman biologist All week we sat, and sat, and stared. Where ringnecks grow to monstrous size Who knoweth well ontogeny Will he get it? Is ringneck snared? and I can knock them off, And all about phylogeny. And then a shot! So clear, no frown. And all the trees are full of squirrels for a The ringneck's up, he's stunned, he's poor old Myco Prof. He liveth in a cubicle down. - LO Overho/ts No larger than the ark For desk he's got - a debacle Rejoice oh class! that shot so true. Has brought him back to me and you. Third Day That's lovely - in the dark. There's Cratereflus in the jars, A man well versed in nature's lore And here he is in our mid. Two species, take your pick. His mind a warehouse and a store To startle us with mirth and wit. And out of old Po/porus Who retains knowledge, furthermore, To teach once more of fungus molds: I hope you get a kick. Whom no man ever called - a bore. Our own, beloved, Lee Overholts! -Author unknown - LO Overhulfs But where the hell is he today

Mycological Society of America - Gifl Membership Form u Sponsoring a gtj?memberdip in MSA offers tangible support bothfor the recipient of the membership as we//a.rformyco/ogy in genera/. Provi* both Mvcolo~iaand 1nocu/um, a giJ membership is an excellent way tofurther the efforts of our mycological co//eagues, especial/y those who cannot amanMSA membership. 1n addi/in to a feeling of great satisfaction, you also will receive a convenient remina'erfor renewal of thegij7 membership thefollo wing year: I want to provide an MSA GipMemhmh@ to the following individual: Name


Complete Address

Phm FAX Email Please send renewal notices to:

(YOU' name)

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h ALY H /agree to pay $6O*for this membership by check (payable to MSA, drawn on US bank) -VISA- Masfe~ard- Acct. # Name (as it appears on cad &p. date Send this form to: MSA Business Oftice, PO Box 1897, Lawrence KS 66044 orFAX to 785.843.1274, Attn: Processing Department */f/his membership is given after June 1, please add $10 to coverposfagefopmt issues. MSA MEMOIRS

Wlienever confronted with edra space, we presen/ for your amusement and ed13catinn "extricati" minedfiorn fhe MSA Enito/ia/Morxo~,. The following tiddis originated in Volumes /O, 25 and 40 of //re Mycological Sociep of America Newsle~er.

# + December 1979 300 Dr JW Baxter, Dept. of Botany, Univer- Eds, Donald H Pfister, LEWIS DAVID VON sity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, worked on a years ago Geraldine C Kaye 1780-1834 0 survey of the fungi of the Grand Teton Moravtan ac' ' ' tor, Park Botanist and pioneer in National during the summer of 1959. The work was done at the Jackson Hole American mycology. Biological Station and was supported by a Discovered falls 3 mi SW I grant from the New York Zoological Society. The marker will be located on NC 8/89 Dr Baxter also has been awarded a trhee- near Hanging Rock State Park at the year NSF grant for studies on the rusts of intersection with SR 1001 in Stokes the southwestern United States and Mexico. County." Dr Arturo L Carrion, San Juan, Puerto Rico, has been appointed Lecturer in December /959 100) Dermatology, School of Medicine, 40 veal%@o R. K.Benjamin. Edor Columbia University. [He also] was - -- subjected to two opththalomologic Two Socieg PrPsinPnts andOne Kce- Dr CJ Alexopoulos participated as a operations during 1958. Happily the President Ifmm Farlow Library atrhives). visiting scientist in the University of South results were very successful. Can you name them? Dakota Academic Year Institute where he Drs EB Mains and BB Kanouse are at presented two lectures: '"The Slime Molds present on retirement leave from their Secretary-Treasurer Harry D Tbiers wrote in Teaching and Research" and "Rubber respective positions as Director of the that President Robert Gilbertson awarded Production in the Amazon Basin for War University of Michigan Herbarium and the following for 1979: Purposes." Curator of Fungi ....Dr Alexander H Smith Dr RP Korf, Dept. of Plant Pathology, has been appointed Director of the Graduate Fellowshi~sin Mvcolopv: University of Michigan Herbtuium. Michael F Men (University of Comell Univ., is principal investigator Wyomin, Laramie) & Robert K under an NSF grant for a "Discomycete FINIS Antibus (Virginia Polytechnic, Flora of Asia", awarded for a 5-year And now I'm through. Blacksburg) period. Former students Prof WC But yet a plea: Denison and Dr LR Batra, Swarthmore Please, oh please Alexopoulos Prize: Charles W Mims College, are cooperating with him. Dr. Send dues to me! (Stephen F Austin State U, Korf presented two invitational Summer -RKB Nacogdoches, TX) Mycology Lectures at the National Science Museum in Tokyo on "An Introduction to year. ago Graduate Research Prize: Donald A the Taxonomy of Discomycetes." .....Dr. 5 0 Betterley (University of California, Richard P. Korf was married on June 27 Berkeley) to Miss Kumiko Tachibana in Yokohama, Schweinitz in North Carolina: For Japan. They have taken up residence in some time a number of North Carolinians Trumansburg, NY. (Dr. Korf clearly did ... have been working to have restored the not spend all his time collecting designation Schweinitz Falls for the discomycetes in Japan!) landmark known during the 19th century Mr Ronald H Peterson, Dept. of by that name or as de Schweintiz Cascade Botany, Columbia Univ. was awarded the .... Early in January, an official of the Gertrudge S. Burlingham Scholarship in North Carolina Dept of Cultural Resources Mycology at the New York Botanical wrote Mrs [Arlene Edwards]Thompson [of Garden during the summer of 1959. His the Winston-SalemJournal & Gazette]: studies involved the collection, isolation and identification of aquatic hyphomycetes "Since the marker program does not of the New York area. - CTRogerson commemorate natural attractions unless Dr Albert Schatz, Scientific Director, associated with historical events, the Scientific Associates, Oreland PA received committee concentrated on the merits of the Man of the Year Award from the Drug the discoverer, Lewis David von and Allied Products guild, Inc. This is an Schweinitz. I am pleased to tell you that a annual award given for "outstanding FREDERICKK SPARROW, 11949 marker ... was approved with the following service to mankind." inscri~tion: Dr AM Srb, Comell University, lectured 18th President of the to the Department of Botany and Plant Mycological Society of America Pathology at Penn State on "Extra- (Cover Photo of the Mvcological Sociep of chromosomal heredity in Neumspord' in America Newsletter 25(1), June, 1974. Edirors April. A. Y. Rossman & William C. Denison) 29 inoculum MSA Endowment Funds The Newsletter Contributions of the Mycological I wish to contribute $ to the following named fund(s): Society of America

Supplement to Mycologia -Alexopoulos -Korf Volume 50, No. 3 -Barksdalemaper -Luttrell June 199 -Bigelow -Thiers Imczrlum is published six times a year and mailed with Mycologia, the society's journal. Submit text copy to -Butler -Trappe the editor as Email (preferred), electronically as PC MS Word 6.0 attachment), hard copy with PC format- -Denison -Uecker ted diskette (MS-Word 6.0, MSExcel, *.tit *.jpeg), or -Fitzpatrick -Wells hard copy. line drawings and sharp glossy photos are welcome. The editor reserves the right to select, de- -Fuller lete, correct andlor edit copy submitted for publica- tion in accordance with the policies of lnoculum and the Council of the Mycological Society of America. ResearchFnnds Other Fnnds Lorelei L Norvell, Editor -Backus Graduate Award -Alexopoulos Prize Pacfic Northwest Mycology Service 6720 NW Skyline Boulevard -Martin-Baker -Uncommitted Endowment Portland, Oregon USA 97229-1309 VOX 503.297.3296 -A. H. and H. V. Smith Award -Other (specify) PAX 503.296.6745 [email protected] MSA Oficers I wish to pledge $ a year for Y- President: George C Carroll Dept Biology, to the following fund(s) University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon USA 97403 to some other specified purpose 301.504.5327 [email protected] to the uncommitted endowment President-Elect: Linda M Kohn Dept of Botany, University of Toronto Mississauga, Ontario CAN L5L 1c6 905.828.3997 Name: [email protected] Address: Vice President: Orson K Miller, Jr Dept Biology, Virginia Polytechnic & State U Blacksburg, Virginia USA 24601 540.231.6765 [email protected] Secretary: Maren A Klich USDA, ARS, SRRC -Check- Credit Card 'Qpe (Visa, Mastercard, etc.): 1100 Robert E Lee Blvd New Orleans, Louisiana USA 70124 504.286.4361 [email protected] Credit Card No.: Exp. Date: Treasurer: Je&ey Stone Dept of Botany & Plant Pathology Signature: Cordley Hall 2082. Oregon State University I I Corvallis, Oregon USA 87331-2902 Judi Ellzey, Chair, MSA Endowment Committee 503.737.5260 Please send this completedfonn Biological Sciences, The University of Texas at El Paso [email protected] and your contribution to; El Paso, TX 79968-0519

Past President: Mary E Palm Please mo*r checkspayable 10 the Mycological Sode!ty of America [email protected] I I SUSTAINING MEMBERS OF THE MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA MSA ir -me4 pw&ful for lrbc co-g sqqprl of i& Sm-ing Membecr. PCcarephn&e thm ond- wheneverpossibCc - kt thkrepresen&ai'ves know of our qpmcknibn.

Abbott Laboratories Janssen Pharmaceutica Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Pharmaceutical Products Division P. 0.Box 200, Attn: Dr. James A. Berry One Abbot Park Road Titusville, NJ 08560-0200 Plant Breeding Division IL Abbott Park, 60064-3500 Lane Science Equipment Co. PO Box 1004 Johnson, Iowa 50131-1004 American cyanamid Company 225 West 34th Street, Suite 1412, World leader in genetic research for C/O Dr.Hilisa Esteban New York, NY 10122- 1496 agriculture. Agricultural Research Division Complete line of mushroom storage cabinets, P.O.Box 400 especially herbarium cabinets, airtight for Rohm and Haas CO. Princeton.NJ 08543-0400 permanent protection. Research Laboratories, Dr. Willie Wilson Amgen Incorporated Lmy Reseercb Laboratories Attn: Dr. Paul Skatrud 727 Nomstown Road, Dr. Daniel Vapnek, Amgen Center Spring House, PA 19477 Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1789 Lilly Corporate Center Indianapolis, Indiana 46285 Specialty monomers, industrial biocides, Biopharmaceutical research and and agricultural chemicals. development. Attention: Dr. Paul Skatrud Research Laboratories Schering-Plough Resenrch Institute Amycel - Spawn Mate Medc 2015 Galloping Hill Road, Merck & Co., Inc., P.O. Box 189 Kenilworth, NJ 07033-0539 Watsonville, CA 95077-0189 Rahway, NJ 07065-0900 Pharmaceutical research and development. Producers of quality Agaricus and Mycotaxon, Ltd. specialty mushroom spawn, compost nutrient Sylvan America, Inc. supplements and other technical services for PO Box 264, Ithaca, NY 14851 Atm: R. W. Kerrigan commercial mushroom production. Publishers of Mycorm, an international Sylvan Research, Bldg. 2 journal of the taxonomy and nomenclature of Carolina Biological Supply Company fungi and lichens. West Hills Industrial Park Kittanning, PA 16201 2700 York Road Nowrtls Pharma Ine Burlington, NC 27215 Specialists in the large-scale production of c/o Dr.M.M.Dreyfuss Serving science education since 1927. pure fungal inocula for the biotechnology Research CTALFU and commercial mushroom industries. Dowelanco S-506.4.11 Tnlarch Incorporated Attn: Dr. G.M. Kemmitt CH-4002 Base1 Ripon, WI 54971 306 H1 Switzerland Quality prepared microscope slides, 9330 Zionsville Rd. catalog-listed, or custom-prepared to your Indianapolis, IN 46268 Novartis fkdsJnc. Dr.David Kendra specifications. DnPont Company 317 330th Street Uniroyal Chemical Company, Inc. Science and Engineering Laboratories Stanton,MN 5501 8-4308 70 Amity Road Life Sciences Division, I54021223 1, Producers and distributors of agricultural Bethany, CT 06525 Wilmington, DE 19880-0402 seed. Producers of crop protection/production Novo-Nordisk Bioteeh. Inc. chemicals; fungicides, insecticides, field & forest products, inc. miticides, herbicides, plant growth regulants, N3296 Kozuzek Road Attn: Dr. Glenn Nedwin and foliar nutrients. Peshtigo, WI 54157 1445 Drew Avenue Producers of specialty mushroom spawn. Davis, CA 95616 Upjohn Company C/OJoyce Cialdella 7295-25-228 Fungi Perfeeti Wzer, Ine. Chemical & Biological Screening Central Research Div., Eastern Point Rd. Kalamazoo, MI 49001 PO Box 7634, Olympia, WA 98507 Groton, CT 06340 VOX 360.426.9292 FRY 360.426.9377 Fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals by Wamer-Lambert Company Innovators in the domestication of wild means of microorganisms. Pharmaceutical Research Division, edible fungi. Paul Stamets, Presdent. Phillips Mushroom Fanus 2800 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor. MI 48106-1047 Genencor International, Inc, PO Box 190 Attn: Dr. Michael Ward Kennett Square, PA 19348 USA 925 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304

- - You are encouraged to inform the Sustaining Membership Committee of firms or foundations that might be approached about Sustaining Membership in the MSA. Sustaining members have all the rights and privileges of individual members in the MSA and are listed as Sustaining Members in all issues of Mycologia and Znoculum. An Invitation to Join MM THE MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 1995, MEMBERSHIP FORM

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