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Halvard Leira Halvard Leira September 2018 OFFICE ADDRESS Norwegian Institiute of International Affairs (NUPI) Phone: +4722994000 PB 8159 Dep. Fax: +4722362181 0033 Oslo Mail: [email protected] NORWAY HOME ADDRESS Østenåsveien 47B Mobile: +4792803854 1344 Haslum NORWAY PERSONAL INFORMATION Norwegian citizenship, born in Oslo, Norway, June 11th 1976. Two children (Håkon aged 15 and Vilja aged 11). Paternity leave 10.12.07-09.04.08. Languages: Norwegian (mother tongue), English (fluent written and spoken), French (basic written and spoken). POSITIONS HELD Dec. 2003 - Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Senior Research fellow (2011- Research Group Leader, research group on foreign policy and diplomacy (2012-15). Research Fellow 2003-11 Aug. 2009 – Aug. 2014 Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NORAGRIC Associate Professor II (Lecturer and examiner 2009-11). Aug. 2007-Jan. 2008 The Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University Visiting Scholar Sept. 2003 – Dec. 2008 Department of Political Science, University of Oslo External lecturer (International Relations and Comparative Politics). Oct. 2002- Nov. 2003 Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Conscientious objector duty. Jan. 2002-Sept. 2002 The Nordic Security Policy Research Programme Research assistant (50 %). Sept. 2001-Jul. 2002 Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Student scholar / Editorial assistant Cooperation and Conflict. 2000-2002 Department of Sociology and Human geography, University of Oslo Research assistant (part time). 1 EDUCATION PhD 2011 University of Oslo, Political Science. Cand. Polit. (MA) 2002 University of Oslo, Political Science. MSc (Distinction) 2001 London School of Economics and Political Science, International Relations, Goodenough College. Cand. Mag. (BA) 1998 University of Oslo, Political Science/History. Grades and Norwegian percentage scales available at request. GRANTS 2018 The Norwegian Non-fiction Writers And Translators Association, Travel Grant NOK 27.000 2015 The Norwegian Non-fiction Writers And Translators Association, Travel Grant NOK 27.000 2013 The Norwegian Non-fiction Writers And Translators Association, Travel Grant NOK 22.000 2012 The Norwegian Non-fiction Writers And Translators Association, Working Grant and Travel Grant NOK 177.000 2008 The Norwegian Non-fiction Writers And Translators Association, Travel Grant NOK 20.000 2007-08 Norwegian Research Council, Leif Eriksson scholarship for studies/research in the US – NOK 163.000 2007-08 Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund, scholarship for archival studies and travel in the US – NOK 60.000 2000-01 University of Oslo travel scholarship, for studies in the UK – NOK 7.000 PUBLICATIONS All joint publications have been written on an equal basis. Reports and policy briefs not added. BOOKS 2016 (with Torbjørn L. Knutsen & Iver B. Neumann) Norsk utenrikspolitisk idehistorie. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 2015 (with Benjamin de Carvalho) (eds): Historical International Relations I-IV. London: Sage. 2013 (with Iver B. Neumann) (eds): International Diplomacy I-IV. London: Sage. 2005 (with Iver B. Neumann): Aktiv og avventende i hundre år. Utenrikstjenestens liv 1905-2005. Oslo: Pax. ARTICLES/BOOK CHAPTERS 2018 “The Emergence of Foreign Policy”, accepted for publication in International Studies Quarterly. 2018 “Kinship diplomacy, or diplomats of a kin", p. 62-80 in Kristin M. Haugevik & Iver B. Neumann (eds.) Kinship in International Relations. Milton Park: Routledge. 2018 (with Benjamin de Carvalho) “The Function of Myths in International Relations: Discipline and Identity”, p. 222-235 in Andreas Gofas, Innana Hamati-Ataya & Nicholas Onuf (eds.) The Sage Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations. London: Sage. 2018 “Old Diplomacy” p. 1389-96 in Gordon Martel (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Diplomacy. 2018 “New Diplomacy” p. 1347-54 in Gordon Martel (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Diplomacy. 2018 “Utenrikspolitikk – en begrepshistorie”, Internasjonal Politikk 76(1): 1-23. 2018 “Caring for the Carers: Diplomatic Personnel and the Duty of Care”, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 13(2): 147-166. 2017 (with William C. Wohlforth, Benjamin de Carvalho & Iver B. Neumann) “Moral authority and status in International Relations: Good states and the social dimension of status seeking”, Review of International Studies FirstView. 2017 “The Making of a Classic: On Diplomacy 30 Years On”, New Perspectives 25(3): 1-7. 2017 “Political change and historical analogies”, Global Affairs 3(1): 81-88. 2017 (with Iver B. Neumann) “Beastly diplomacy”, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 12(4): 337-359. 2 2017 (with Benjamin de Carvalho) “History”, p. 290-298 in Xavier Guillaume & Pinar Bilgin (eds.) Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology. 2017 “Beskyttelsesplikt over alle grenser”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 32(1): 78-97. 2016 (with Benjamin de Carvalho) “Construction time again: History in Constructivist IR Scholarship”, European Review of International Studies 3(3): 99-111. 2016 (with Torbjørn L. Knutsen & Iver B. Neumann) “Ideenes relevans”, Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning 57(4): 476-480. 2016 “Kvinner i diplomati og internasjonal politikk”, Internasjonal Politikk 74(2): 1-9. 2016 “A conceptual history of diplomacy”, p. 28-38 in Costas M. Constantinou, Pauline Kerr & Paul Sharp (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy London: SAGE. 2016 “Private force and the emergence of the international system”, p. 30-38 in Rita Abrahamsen & Anna Leander (eds) Routledge Handbook of Private Security Studies. Milton Park: Routledge. 2015 “Beskyttelse av nordmenn i utlandet”, Internasjonal Politikk 73(3): 441-455. 2015 “The History of International Thought», p. vii-xiv in Leira & de Carvalho (eds) Historical International Relations II. London: Sage. 2015 “Doing Historical International Relations”, p. xxiii-xxix in Leira & de Carvalho (eds) Historical International Relations I. London: Sage. 2015 (with Øyvind Eggen and Katrine Ziesler) “Ekspertkilde eller politiker? Medias bidrag til underskudd på utenrikspolitisk debatt” Norsk Medietidsskrift 22(2): 1-17. 2015 “International Relations pluralism and history – embracing amateurism to strengthen the profession”, International Studies Perspectives 16(1): 23-31. 2015 “The formative years: Norway as an obsessive status-seeker”, p. 22-41 in Benjamin de Carvalho & Iver B. Neumann (eds) Small State Status Seeking. Norway’s quest for international standing. Milton Park: Routledge. 2014 “Omverdenen som utfordring – imperieoppløsning og folkestyrets begrensning”, Internasjonal Politikk 72(3): 338-365. 2014 “Fortsatt en amerikanisert samfunnsvitenskap? Internasjonale Relasjoner ved norske universiteter”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 30(1): 5-27. 2013 “Utenrikspolitikk og ansvar», p. 217-233 in Lars Gauden-Kolbeinstveit & Torstein Ulserød (eds) Ansvar – 15 essays. Oslo: Civita. 2013 (with Ulf Sverdrup) “Norske utenrikspolitiske interesser – endringer i praksis, stillstand i debatt”, Nytt norsk tidsskrift 30(4): 337-348. 2013 “Innledning: Arven etter Støre”, Internasjonal Politikk 71(3): 371-384. 2013 “'Our Entire People are Natural Born Friends of Peace': the Norwegian foreign policy of peace” Swiss Political Science Review 19(3): 338-356. 2013 (with Ole Jacob Sending) “Maktforskyvning, global organisering og norsk utenrikspolitikk”, p. 15-36 in Odd Mølster & Åsmund Weltzien (eds): Norge og det nye verdenskartet. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. 2013 (with Iver B. Neumann) “Dyrisk diplomati”, Internasjonal Politikk 71(1): 98-108. 2012 “Mytene om Internasjonale Relasjoner”, Internasjonal Politikk 70(4): 539-560. 2012 “Drømmen om en ny utenrikspolitikk”, Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 29(4): 382-393. 2012 (with Iver B. Neumann) “Consular Diplomacy”, pp. 160-174 in Pauline Kerr & Geoffrey Wiseman (eds): Diplomacy in a Globalizing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011 “Kaperne kommer!”, Internasjonal Politikk 69(3): 463-470. 2011 (with Benjamin de Carvalho & John Hobson) “The Big Bangs of IR: The Myths that your Teachers Still Tell You about 1648 and 1919”, Millennium 39(3): 735-758. 2011 (with Iver B. Neumann): “The Many Past Lives of the Consul”, p. 225-246 in Jan Melissen & Ana Mar Fernandez (eds.): Consular Affairs and Diplomacy. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 2010 (with Benjamin de Carvalho) “Privateers of the North Sea: At Worlds End. French Privateers in Norwegian Waters”, p. 55-82 in Colás & Mabee (eds.) Mercenaries, Pirates, Bandits and Empires. Private Violende in Historical Context. London/New York: Hurst/Columbia. 2009 “Taking Foucault beyond Foucault: Inter-state Governmentality in Early Modern Europe”, Global Society 23(4): 475-495. 2008 “Veien til 270 – Hvor vil valget vinnes?”, Internasjonal Politikk 66(2-3): 463-479. 2008 “Justus Lipsius, neostoicism and the disciplining of 17th century statecraft”, Review of International Studies 34(4): 669-692. 3 2008 “Amerikansk Imperium”, Internasjonal Politikk 66(1): 187-199. 2008 (with Iver B. Neumann): “Consular representation in an emerging state: The case of Norway”, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 3(1): 1-19. 2007 (with Iver B. Neumann): “The emercgence and practices of the Oslo Diplomatic Corps” p. 83-102 in Paul Sharp & Geoff Wieseman (eds.) The Diplomatic Corps as an Institution of International Society. London: Palgrave. 2007 ”’Same same but different’ – tenkning om fred og krig i Skandinavia rundt 1900”, Militært Tidsskrift (Denmark) 136(2): 167-180. 2007 (with Iver B. Neumann) ”Internasjonal Politikk i Norge: En disiplins fremvekst i første halvdel av 1900-
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