Gray, John Chipman and John Codman Ropes, War Letters, 1862-1865. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1927.

McClellan and Mrs. McClellan, 1 Harpers Ferry, 2 Conscription, 6-7 Election, Lincoln administration, politics, dangers of fanaticism, 6 McClellan movement, Antietam, prospects, 9 Antietam battlefield, 10-11, 16 People's Party in Massachusetts, 6, 13 Army supply, destitution, 13-14 Sharpsburg, 15 Fence rails and fires, 16 Removal of McClellan, Burnside, 19 1862 elections, 19-20 Winchester, one of several references, 25 Slave camp servant, 26 Thanksgiving dinner, 30 Burnside, McClellan, prospects at Fredericksburg, 39 Halleck and McClellan, 40 Prince de Joinville, McClellan, 42-43 Burnside and Fredericksburg, 44 McDowell, 45-46 Seward, 49 Gurowski, 49 Richmond as military objective, 54-55 , 55-56 Stuart and bring back McClellan, 57 Bad spelling in brigade reports, 59 Lincoln, West Virginia, 59 Seward, 60 McClellan, 61-62 Fredericksburg, pontoons, Burnside, Halleckl 62 Abolitionists, slavery, and the war, Sumner, 62 Radical, arbitrary arrests, McClellan, 63 Burnside, Stanton, 64 General Gordon, Antietam, 64-65 McClellan, 67-71 Radicals and slavery, constitutionality of emancipation, 72-73 McClellan and Antietam, 74-75 Burnside and mud march, 76-77 McClellan, Hooker, 78-79 Black soldiers bill, 80-81 Democrats and conservative Republicans on slavery, 81-82 McClellan. 83 Sigel, 84


Benjamin F. Butler, 85 Sutlers, Jew, 86-87 Violent alcoholic, 97 Hooker, Chancellorsville, 99-102 Suffolk, 103 Hooker and Chancellorsville, 104-8 Conscription, provost marshals, 108 Private's life in the army, officers, 111 Hooker and Chancellorsville, 113-117 and Vicksburg, 117-18 Yorktown, 121-22 Aftermath of Chancellorsville, politics, illegal arrests, 124 , 126ff Hooker, 126-27 Hooker and McClellan, Chancellorsville, 131-33 Milroy, 134 , 134 N. P. Banks, 134 McClellan and Yorktown, 135 McClellan and Democratic allies, 136-37 William Franklin, 137-38 Edward Pollard, 138 Hooker, 140 Gettysburg, death of brother, 141-43. 148-50, 157-58 Eleventh Corps, Gettysburg, 146, 151-52, 160-61 draft riots, Seymour, 150-51 Conscription, bounty, 155-57 Meade and Lee's retreat into Virginia, 157 Gettysburg, 161 Robert Gould Shaw death, 162 Box list, 163 Deserter execution, 165-66 Meade, Davis, Lee, 167-68 Charleston, Sumter, 171-73, 179-203, 205 Calvinism, argument with sister about theology, 173-77 Meade in Virginia, 188 Religion, Calvinism, 199-201 Conscription, 202 Deaths of friends in the war, 203-4 History of the Civil War, 207-211 Charleston, 211- , 212 German regiment, 213 Free black troops, Robert Gould Shaw, Darien, James Montgomery, 214 Universalist chaplain, 217 Black troops, poor officers, 218


Books on the war, 221 Siege of Charleston, 222 Halleck, 222 McClellan and the Chickahominy, 223 Rosecrans, Chickamauga, 224-25, 228 Charleston, 230- Robert Gould Shaw, death and grave, 232 Conscription, 233 Writing a history of the Civil War, 236ff, 254-55, 257-58 Meade, Lee, Second Corps, 238-39 Gettysburg, 240-250 1863 elections in and Pennsylvania, 251 Meade, 256 Differences between northern and southern hospital patients, soldiers, manners, 257 Barnard on McClellan, 258 McClellan and the Peninsula, 264-68 Halleck's report, 268-71, 273-74, 287 McClellan, 272 Reenelistment, 273 Charleston, Fort Wagner, Fort Gregg, 280-81 McClellan, 287-88 History of the Civil War, 288-89 McClellan's report, 296, 300 Gettysburg, 303 Florida and Olustee, 305-8 Charleston, 308-9 Court martial, 311, 313-14 Sedgwick, 316 Meade and Gettysburg, Sickles, 316-19 Grant and , 323-324, 332-33 Banks and , 324-25 Fernandina, Florida, 328-29 Overland campaign casualties, deaths, 333-34 St. Augustine, 335-38 Florida, Baltimore convention, Republican delegates, 338-39, 342-43, 350 Florida crackers, 339 Pay question, black troops, 344-45 Career in law, 346-47 Grant and overland campaign, 350-51 New Orleans, 357 Steamboat, , 358-61 Discipline, western soldiers, 364-65 Black troops, discipline, 365 Western women and men, 373 Burnside, Petersburg, Army of the Potomac, 375 Election of 1864, Lincoln and McClellan, 376


Benjamin Wade and Wade-Davis Manifesto, Greeley, peace negotiations, 376-77 Petersburg, Crater, Burnside, 385 Mobile, Farragut, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan,389-91 Grant, McClellan, Chicago convention, Atlanta, Sherman, 391, 393 and peace terms, 393-94 Missouri and Pennsylvania elections, 397 Meade, Warren, 399 Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana elections, 402 Grant, 405 Meade and Warren, 407 Election of 1864, 408 Meade, Hancock, 410 Hanging of a South Carolina Unionist, 411-12 Meade and Hancock, 412 Confederate deserters, 412-13 Box and list of items, 414 Need to defeat Lee's army in Virginia, 417 Meade and Grant, 418 Box from home, 420 Food prices, 420-21 Health, deaths of officers' children, South Carolina, 422 Sherman and Savannah, 423-29 Fort McAllister, 426-27 William T. Sherman described, 427-28 Sherman and Savannah, 432-33 O. O. Howard, alcohol, dancing with black woman, 434 William T. Sherman, 435-36 Description of Grant, 440 Stanton, Lincoln, Jewish peddler, 442 Conscription, German migrants, quota, Governor Andrew, Massachusetts, 443 Lee's plan, might abandon Richmond to fight Sherman, 445 Fort Fisher, Butler, Terry, 445 , death, 445-46 Sherman, 446-47 Robert Anderson, 448 Benjamin F. Butler, 451-52 Thirteenth Amendment, 452 Sherman in South Carolina, 454-57 Capture of Charleston and Sumter, 458-61 Savannah, Minister omitting prayer for the President, 461 Destruction of Darien, Georgia, 468-69 Charleston celebration, 469-70 Beecher sermon, 469 Lincoln assassination, 470-73 , 471-73