Summer Railsplitter 2019-Final
The Railsplitter The Newsletter of the Department of Illinois, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War SUMMER 2019 OFFICERS: UPCOMING ENCAMPMENTS: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Commander The schedule for future Encampments and Chaplain’s Corner Harry Reineke IV, PCC their hosts are as follows: Patriotic Instruction Chief of Staff “Keyboard Klacking” from the DSVC Steve Westlake, PDC, PCC Oct 2019, Camp #49, Sycamore A Word from the Dept. Secretary Senior Vice-Commander May 2020, Camp #443, Belleville Camp News Joe Hutchinson, PCC Oct 2020, Camp #1, No. Cook County Junior Vice-Commander And MORE! Gary Gunderson, PCC Future scheduling T.B.D. Secretary Steve Aarli, PCC COMMANDER’S CORNER: and give your feedback to Treasurer myself or Brother /elch at Bill Johnson My dear Brothers, Council /e hope that this new, mobile- Tom Osteicher, PCC It will be a short col- friendly pla5orm will make future updates, Gene Walker umn from me this issue, as I edits, and changes-of-hands easier, and that Leigh Franklin am preparing for Fall Route the new site will be pro6table for our De- Patriotic Instructor Picks at work, and the day partment and Camps. Michael J. Zafran aer picks, I go to the Naonal I would be remiss if I didn8t greatly Chaplain ncampment. thank Brother Paul 9eien, PDC for the great Jerome Kowalski Reports are bring wri"en, plans are work he8s done for years with the old Graves Registration being made, but I did want to give you each Steve Aarli, PCC pla5orm and site. :nowing what I know a heads up on what a couple of your Broth- Civil War Memorials now, it was really a great and heavy task he ers and commi"ees are doing around our Steve Anderson had.
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