Technical Bid Evaluation Proceedings Dated:21-05-2016
KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OFFICE OF E COMMISSTONER. NEW PUBLIC OFFTCES. NRUPATUNGA ROAD. BANGATORE _ 560 OO1 PROCEEDINGS F THE STATE LEVEL P MEETING FIELD FOR OPENING TCAL BIDS IN RESPECT OF SUPPLY OF THE YEAR 2O15-L UNDER THE HAIRMA TSSIONER FOR PUBLIC in the Meetins: L. Sri V. Ponn raj, IAS, Commissioner for Public Instruction, Bangalore. 2. Sri Dr" Ja P.C., IAS, State Project Director, SSA, Bangalore. 3. Smt. Philo na Lobo, DPI (secondary Edn.), O/o.CPI, Bangalore" 4. Sri K.A a, DPI (Primary Edn.), O/o.CPI, Bangalore. 5. Sri Sattya akash, Asst.Director, MS & MEDI, Rajajinagar, Bangalore. 6. Sri Sunil K , DD (MSME), O/o. Dept. of Industries & Commerce, Bangalore. 7. Sri. Nagaraj S Dhoni. DDPI, O/o. Addl. Commissioner for Public Instruction, Dharwad. B. Sri. Gura Police Patil, SADPI, O / o. Addl. Comrnissioner for Public Instruction, Kaluburgi. 9. Sri B.K. Chief Accounts Officer, Of o. CPI, Bangalore. 10. Sri Kem DDPI (Primary), O/o. CPI, Bangalore. resentatives the Biddine Corrr Present in the Meeti 1. SriSharath M/s. Hero Ecotech Limited, Ludhiana. 2. Sri Kiran K M/s. S"K. Bikes (p) Ltd., Ludhiana. Director (Primary), welcomed the members of the committee and bidders present in the meeting. rement web site was opened. Firstly, payment verification of all the bidders who had u loaded their bids was done. Information is as below: Supplier Bank Transaction Ref. No. Name u B I NR5 201 60307 00518267 sB I NR5 201 60308269 48315 B ARB R5 20 L 60309 007 61987 H DFCR52 0 1.
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