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Contributors Bruno Amable is a professor at the University of Lille 2 and a researcher at CEPREMAP, Paris, France. Robert Boyer is a CNRS director of research at CEPREMAP and at EHESS, Paris, France. Eve Caroli is a researcher at INRA/LEA and CEPREMAP, Paris, France. Ü.D. Efendioglu is a researcher at INTECH, UN University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Christopher Freeman is an emeritus professor at SPRU, University of Sus- sex, Brighton, UK. Donatella Gatti is a researcher at WZB, Berlin, Germany. Michael Landesmann is a professor at the University of Linz and scientific director at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Vienna, Austria. Ivo De Loo is an assistant professor at the Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands. Huub Meijers is a senior researcher at MERIT and in the Department of Economics and Business Administration of Maastricht University, The Neth- erlands. Lars Mjøset is a professor in the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, and a researcher at the ARENA project, University of Oslo, Norway. Joan Muysken is a professor in the Department of Economics and Business Administration of Maastricht University, The Netherlands. Pascal Petit is a CNRS director of research at CEPREMAP, Paris, France. Mario Pianta is a researcher at CNR-ISRDS, Rome, and a professor at the University of Urbino, Italy. Giovanni Russo is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. xv Pascal Petit and Luc Soete - 9781781950999 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/24/2021 04:52:12PM via free access xvi Contributors Mark Sanders is a researcher at MERIT and in the Department of Econom- ics and Business Administration of Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
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