Exhibit Booths・Performances Overview

* Please read Exhibit Booths・Performances Details for information on each exhibit booths and performances. * We would kindly like to ask you all to be flexible about the venue in event of unforseen changes during setting up the equipment.

【July 1 (Sat)】 (Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)

M i m oza H a l l ( 1 F ) F oy e r ( 1 F ) E x h i b i t B o o t h : E x h i b i t B o o t h : A i m i Y a s u z a to , Y u m i e K a t o C o n s t e l l a t i o n ( J u n k o A O K I ) “ T h e t e a h o u s e o f t h e A u g u s t “Mode, City, and Memories :what will the city m o o n ” ( C i n e m a ) remember and discover today?” [A] 09:30 P e r f o r m a n c e : E x h i b i t B o o t h : -14:30 A R T WA L K E R ( A y a Y U U K I ) K im Ry e o sil “The possibility of the body expression in “ K o re a n C in e ma a n d the city” C o lo n ia l C it y K y e o n g su n g ”

E x h i b i t B o o t h : E x h i b i t B o o t h : T h e Mo v ie Pro je ct G o n iy a ( T su y o sh i C o n s t e l l a t i o n ( J u n k o A O K I ) IS H II) “ Mo d e , C it y , a n d Me mo rie s : wh a t will “ Wh y a ct io n h e ro s d id n o t a p p e a r in t h e cit y re me mb e r a n d d is co v e r t h e Ira q Wa r. ” t o d a y ? ”

[B] P e r f o r m a n c e : P e r f o r m a n c e : 14:45 t e a m o k a ( M as a y u k i O K A H A R A ) U rb a n T y p h o o n S h imo k it a z a wa -19:00 “ C o o l f e e lin g f o ld in g f a n - S E N S U - ” ( K a z u h o K IMU RA ) “ U rb a n T y p h o o n Pe rf o r ma n ce ” P e r f o r m a n c e : A R T WA L K E R ( A y a Y U U K I ) “ T h e p o ssib ilit y o f t h e b o d y e xp re s sio n in t h e cit y ”

C om m u ni t y L ou n ge ( 2 F ) T er r a c e ( 3 F / 4 F )

E x h i b i t B o o t h : E x h i b i t B o o t h : Ma g n o lia ( Y a su k o WA T A N A B E ) Ju n O E N O K I+ Wa re h o u se K e e p e rs “ S h imo k it a C o n c ie rg e ” “ F M- Y o k o t o ri”

[Perma E x h ib it B o o t h: -nent S a v e t he S h imo k it a z a wa ( K e n z o Exhibit -ion] K A N E K O) “ E x p lo rin g t h e p o ssib i lit y o f lo ca l g ra ss ro o t s g ro u p s f o r p ro p o sin g u rb a n p la n n in g ”

*[A]/[B]/[Permanent Exhibition]division is assigned as a time slot that the producer can arrange freely. The starting time and closing time differ according to the projects.

1 * We would kindly like to ask you all to be flexible about the venue in event of unforseen changes during setting up the equipment. 【July 2 (Sun)】 (Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)

M i m oza H a l l ( 1 F ) F oy e r ( 1 F ) P e r f o r m a n c e : P e r f o r m a n c e : T r e u t i n g J e n i s e C h a n g h y u n L e e “ A m i d t h e N o i s e ” “ T o k y o mo n o k a t a ry - Mu lt ila y e rd C u lt u ra l C it y ” , ” O n e ma n E x h i b i t B o o t h : d e mo n st ra t o r in S e o u l, K o re a - La st U r b a n T y p h o o n S h i m o k i t a z a w a C o mmu n i ca t io n C h a n ce o f t h e ( K a z u h o K I M U R A ) Min o rit y ” [A] “ U rb a n T y p h o o n Wo rk sh o p 09:30 S h imo k it a z a wa ” E x h i b i t B o o t h : -14:30 P h i l o m e n a K e e t “ H a ra ju k u : a h ist o ry in clo t h e s ”

P e r f o r m a n c e : A R T W A L K E R ( A y a Y U U K I ) “ T h e p o ssib ilit y o f t h e b o d y e xp re s sio n in t h e cit y ” E x h i b i t B o o t h : P e r f o r m a n c e : M a r c i a V a t i s m a n J a m s e n L a w “ T h e E l e p h a n t C a g e ” "Mix me, mixi!" - my private Japanese Language class in a circumspect community E x h i b i t B o o t h : [B] U r b a n T y p h o o n S h i m o k i t a z a w a E x h i b i t B o o t h : 14:45 ( K a z u h o K I M U R A ) P h i l o m e n a K e e t -19:00 “ U rb a n T y p h o o n Wo rk sh o p “ H a ra ju k u : a h ist o ry in clo t h e s ” S h imo k it a z a wa ” P e r f o r m a n c e : A R T W A L K E R ( A y a Y U U K I ) “ T h e p o ssib ilit y o f t h e b o d y e xp re s sio n in t h e cit y ”

C om m u ni t y L ou n ge ( 2 F ) T er r a c e ( 3 F / 4 F )

E x h i b i t B o o t h : E x h i b i t B o o t h : Ma g n o lia ( Y a su k o WA T A N A B E ) Ju n O E N O K I+ Wa re h o u se K e e p e rs “ S h imo k it a C o n c ie rg e ” “ F M- Y o k o t o ri” [Perma -nent E x h ib it B o o t h: Exhibit S a v e t h e S h imo k it a z a wa ( K e n z o -ion] K A N E K O) “ E x p lo rin g t h e p o ssib i lit y o f lo ca l g ra ss ro o t s g ro u p s f o r p ro p o sin g u rb a n p la n n in g ”

*[A]/[B]/[Permanent Exhibition]division is assigned as a time slot that the producer can arrange freely. The starting time and closing time differ according to the projects.

2 *Please read Exhibit Booths・Performances Details for information on each projects.

@ Other Venues


Prod uc er: K e ni c hi K A T O (K i ryu ush a.c o m) E vent : “T y pho on B ook s! ” V enue: K i ry uus ha


Prod uc er: Shi ni c hi ro SU Z U K I (S hi ns hu U ni versi t y) E vent : “B l ac k A t l ant i c N i t e: A M usi c al E x c ursi on i nt o t he A l t ernat i ve Pu bl i c Sph ere” T i me:D oor s Ope n 19: 00 , St art 2 0: 00 V enue:R O OM HE A V E N & E A R T H


Prod uc er: Sas o Sedl ac ek St reet Pe rfor ma nc e: “B E G G A R 2 .0 -A r ob ot for m at eri al l y dep ri ved ” D at e an d hou r: Jul y 1 (S at ) 11: 30 -15 :3 0, Jul y 2 ( Su n) 11 :3 0-1 5: 30 V enue: Odak yu Li ne Shi mok i t azaw a St at i on t he n ort h ex i t

3 Exhibit Booths・Performances Details


(Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)

Exhibit Booth:“The teahouse of the August moon(Cinema)” @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:Aimi YASUZATO・Yumie KATO Outline:ジョン・パトリック作“The teahouse of the August moon"を上演し、それに対する 様々な劇評や1970年代の他のアメリカ演劇、映画を紹介しながら、アメリカ人の沖縄や 日本に対するまなざしがどのようなものであり、それに対しての沖縄や日本の人々はどの ような感情を抱いていたか、等を話し合う。1.“The teahouse of the August moon”(映画 版)の上映 2.映画の説明 3.映画に対する批評の紹介 4.談話

Performance:The possibility of the body expression in the city @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:ART WALKER(AYA YUUKI) Outleine:How in the city space, is it possible to spring contemporary dance as the body expression? It explores possibility realtime. *There is a plan of street performance, too.

Exhibit Booth:Mode, City, and Memories :what will the city remember and discover today? @Foyer(1F) Producer:Constellation (Junko AOKI) Outline:By using ecological methodology, we will research and observe "city" through the studies of life science. This will allow us to visualize the presentati on of memories of the city, which have been accumulated and manifested through specific modes, that may function as a medium towards the future as well. It is the very Mode & Human Ecology and its pragmatical face. We observe not only the structure but also the people. We research roads, buildings, fashion, the smell of the street, the color of the city, e.t.c. by questionnaires, photos, and sketches. Finally, we will make a map of the town. The map will be a reflection of the observer's subjectivity. This time, we observe two teams, the young and the adult groups. We will be able to see the different view points and perceptions. By doing so, we can capture“the place”Shimokitazawa.

4 Exhibit Booth:Korean Cinema and Colonial City Kyeongsung @Foyer(1F) Producer:Kim Ryeosil Outline:Kyeongsung(present Seoul), the capital of colonized Korea by Japan, was the heart of colonial economy and politics where the Japanese colonial government was established. On the other hand it was also the center of Korean film industry. Approximately 180 films were produced in Korea during the colonial time and most of all were made and released in Kyeongsung. Only 12 of them are preserved now but all of the 12 include shots of the city. While it is modern city in melodrama, it is colonial city in national propaganda film. In this exhibition, I show the city represented in these old films to search its identity as modern city as well as colonial city. * There will be an explanation in English from 11:30 to 12 p.m. The Japanese explanation will be from 1:30 to 2 p.m.


(Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)

Exhibit Booth:Why action heros did not appear in the Iraq War. @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:The Movie Project Goniya (Tsuyoshi ISHII) Outline : "Justice" is an uncountable noun. Why? Amerca has justice. Iraq has justice,,,,,, Both are same "justice"? NO! Only America's is "justice"? NO! "Justice" must be a countable noun. The other side is not always "evil",can be "justice". When you have justice, at the same time,he can have justice,she can have justice. There are many "justices" in the world.

Performance:Cool feeling folding fan -SENSU- @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:team oka (Masayuki OKAHARA) Outline:Guests will paint uncolored new SENSU in a feel idea as they like. We expect that they use the SENSU they painted in a coming boiling heat season and we would like to suggest to participation to activity of COOL BIZ that the government promotes to reduce discharge of greenhouse effect gas.

Performance:The possibility of the body expression in the city

5 @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:ART WALKER (Aya YUUKI) Outleine:How in the city space, is it possible to spring contemporary dance as the body expression? It explores possibility realtime. *There is a plan of street performance, too.

Exhibit Booth:Mode, City, and Memories :what will the city remember and discover today? @Foyer(1F) Producer:Constellation (Junko AOKI) Outline:By using ecological methodology, we will research and observe "city" through the studies of life science. This will allow us to visualize the presentati on of memories of the city, which have been accumulated and manifested through specific modes, that may function as a medium towards the future as well. It is the very Mode & Human Ecology and its pragmatical face. We observe not only the structure but also the people. We research roads, buildings, fashion, the smell of the street, the color of the city, e.t.c. by questionnaires, photos, and sketches. Finally, we will make a map of the town. The map will be a reflection of the observer's subjectivity. This time, we observe two teams, the young and the adult groups. We will be able to see the different view points and perceptions. By doing so, we can capture“the place”Shimokitazawa.

Performance:Urban Typhoon Performance @Foyer(1F) Producer:Kazuho KIMURA (Urban Typhoon Shimokitazawa) Outline:The Urban Typhoon workshop is a global experiment in participatory design. It is directly connected to the various subcultures of Shimokitazawa and its grassroots community groups. We invite creative spirits from Japan and abroad to brainstorm on the present and future of Shimokitazawa, at a time when the government is planning a 26 meter-wide road cutting through its culturally vibrant streets. The workshop is multicultural, multidisciplinary and multimedia. We invite students, urban planners, architects, designers, artists, sociologists, media artists, political activists, utopists, and other nomadic types to imagine the future of Shimokitazawa. The objective is to produce alternatives to the government's plan as well as a multimedia testimony to the unique spirit of Shimokitazawa. The workshop itself is a joyous and participatory takeover of the city.

6 July1(Sat) [Permanent Exhibition]

(Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)

Exhibit Booth:Shimokita Concierge @Community Lounge(2F) Producer:Magnolia (Yasuko WATANABE) Outline:Objective: My friends often tell me that they get lost easily in this town. It is actually the charm of Shimokitazawa to happen to find a stylish café deep end of the alley or encounter a cute sundry shop on unexpected corner. Yet the visitors who traveled from far away cannot take such a long time to find the restaurant they are looking for. Therefore, my simple handmade map with recommended spots will be able to help those travelers. The information will include how to walk in Shimokitazawa, shops and restaurants to visit, useful info. Depending on tastes of the traveler, the genre they would like to pursue should vary. Therefore, I will prepare the genres, such as “ For Art Fans “, “ For Fashion Lovers”, “ For Cool Japan Pursuer “, “ For Gourmet “ etc. Useful Info. will include Public Bathhouse, Capsule Hotel, Clinics ( Hospital ) etc.

Exhibit Booth:Exploring the possibility of local grassroots groups for proposing urban Planning @Community Lounge(2F) Producer:Save the Shimokitazawa (Kenzo KANEKO) Outline:The challenge of the era is to transform the process of urban planning from top-down method of governmental initiatives to bottom-up method with the leadership of residents. This exhibition aims to introduce an ongoing issue of urban development in Shimo-kitazawa, the place of this Cultural Typhoon, and the activities of “Save the Shimokitazawa”, a grassroots group leading advocacy to the government on the issue. We hope this exhibition helps you understand problems that local grassroots movements faces in proposing for urban planning in Japan and enrich the debate on the future of urban planning.

Exhibit Booth:FM-Yokotori 12:00~18:00 @ Terrace(3F/4F) Producer:Jun OENOKI+Warehouse Keepers Outline : "FM Yokotori" is a movable mini-FM radio station carried out with "YOKOHAMA Triennale 2005". "Warehouse Keepers," a group formed of artists, local

7 citizens, and students, managed its operation and provided live broadcasting, while relocating often and bringing various guests and Triennale visitors themselves into involvement. "FM Yokotori" functions as Medea in an event in this "Cultural Typhoon 2006". And we will tell memory of Yokohama with architect group "MIKAN". Furthermore, we are going to invite a member of former free radio station "Shimokitazawa Radio Home Run" as a guest.


(Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)

Performance: Amid the Noise @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:Treuting Jenise Outline:"Amid the Noise" is a screened performance pairing extremely short videos with percussion-heavy music to explore the similarities and differences between moments in New York, Washington DC, Osaka, and Kyoto. The camera may be trained on individuals within their city environments; it may focus on the pinpointed streams of movement against the still backdrops that emerge when cityscapes are framed in certain ways. Under the video shorts, the natural audio is replaced with original compositions of percussion and electric guitar pieces created specifically to describe or contrast each. We hope with "Amid the Noise" to paint a picture of eight specific moments at eight specific sites, but also to speak to the larger picture of the many dimensions of the city, when taken as a whole. Video by Jenise Treuting, Music composed by Jason Treuting, Music performed by So Percussion, Music produced by Lawson White

Exhibit Booth:Urban Typhoon Workshop Shimokitazawa @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:Urban Typhoon Shimokitazawa (Kazuho KIMURA) Outline:The Urban Typhoon workshop is a global experiment in participatory design. It is directly connected to the various subcultures of Shimokitazawa and its grassroots community groups. We invite creative spirits from Japan and abroad to brainstorm on the present and future of Shimokitazawa, at a time when the government is planning a 26 meter-wide road cutting through its culturally vibrant streets. The workshop is multicultural, multidisciplinary and multimedia. We invite students, urban planners, architects, designers, artists, sociologists, media artists, political activists, utopists,

8 and other nomadic types to imagine the future of Shimokitazawa. The objective is to produce alternatives to the government's plan as well as a multimedia testimony to the unique spirit of Shimokitazawa. The workshop itself is a joyous and participatory takeover of the city.

Performance:1. monokatary-Multilayerd Cultural City 2. One man demonstrator in Seoul, Korea-Last Communication Chance of the Minority @Foyer(1F) Producer:Changhyun Lee Outline: 1. This is a slideshow of 15min. which include the photos of the Tokyo's everyday life. Tokyo is one of the largest city in the world in terms of the size and cultural diversity. I would like to present the Tokyo's everyday life which is cumulated by the several aspects of the culture(ex. past and present. present and future, western and orient, international and domestic, imperialistic and colinialistic.....). 2. In Seoul, only one man demonstrator has a right to express their own opinion without any political and beauracratic regulation. There are so many one man demonstrator in power organization(such as Korean White House, The National Assembly, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and City Hall). One man demonstrator has a last to chance to express their argumentation for the big power of Korea.

Exhibit Booth:: a history in clothes @Foyer(1F) Producer:Philomena Keet Outline:Visual documentation to accompany my presentation of how Harajuku has changed in terms of its sartorial and spatial composition over the last 20 or 30 years. Using maps, photography and text I will briefly explore the history of the spectacularly clothed 'youth tribes' in Harajuku over this period and how this relates to the continually changing physical space. In addition to the historical context I will also show a variety of photos showing the current fashions to be found there (in case anyone has not visited recently!) and their spatial distribution.

Performance:The possibility of the body expression in the city @Foyer(1F) Producer:ART WALKER (Aya YUUKI) Outleine:How in the city space, is it possible to spring contemporary dance as the body expression? It explores possibility realtime.

9 *There is a plan of street performance, too.


(Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)

Exhibit Booth: The Elephant Cage @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:Marcia Vaitsman Outline: That island has been invaded many times and had its name, language and history changed. Nowadays, the military presence on the island (also in other islands of Asia) makes that scenario more complicated. This island is confined by time. It exists in the memory of their children who had to migrate, losing their original names and history but taking with them their physical characteristics branded in their eyes, mouths and skin. Recorded in Okinawa 2004. Concept and Image: Marcia Vaitsman, Sound: Enrique Bernacchini, Production in Japan: Nobuo Tanaka, Thanks: Dani Kisser, Production by Marcia Vaitsman and IAMAS, Sponsored by Prince Claus Fund

Exhibit Booth:Urban Typhoon Workshop Shimokitazawa @Mimoza Hall(1F) Producer:Urban Typhoon Shimokitazawa (Kazuho KIMURA) Outline:The Urban Typhoon workshop is a global experiment in participatory design. It is directly connected to the various subcultures of Shimokitazawa and its grassroots community groups. We invite creative spirits from Japan and abroad to brainstorm on the present and future of Shimokitazawa, at a time when the government is planning a 26 meter-wide road cutting through its culturally vibrant streets. The workshop is multicultural, multidisciplinary and multimedia. We invite students, urban planners, architects, designers, artists, sociologists, media artists, political activists, utopists, and other nomadic types to imagine the future of Shimokitazawa. The objective is to produce alternatives to the government's plan as well as a multimedia testimony to the unique spirit of Shimokitazawa. The workshop itself is a joyous and participatory takeover of the city.

Performance:"Mix me, mixi!" - my private Japanese Language class in a circumspect community

10 @Foyer(1F) Producer:Jamsen Law Outline:Abstract: The is a solo video performance. Performer will read aloud of "self introduction" of members of a certain group of an internet community, mixi.jp. This is an action of "learning" a language of the first level, Japanese the natural language; at the same time, learning the language of a certain community. The language of both levels then illustrates two layers of the community within the (virtual/reflection) community (of the physical one). Theme: Web community is a reflection of physical society. Before possible physical contact among members, communication is purely visual. Also because of the very limited means of expression, web community offers an opportunity for Japanese people to communicate in a comparatively direct and straightforward manner. From the very first action of filling out the form for "self introduction" and the very first contact by clicking the photo of the interested person, the way of making "choices" defines a mode of Japanese language/ communication.

Exhibit Booth:Harajuku: a history in clothes @Foyer(1F) Producer:Philomena Keet Outline:Visual documentation to accompany my presentation of how Harajuku has changed in terms of its sartorial and spatial composition over the last 20 or 30 years. Using maps, photography and text I will briefly explore the history of the spectacularly clothed 'youth tribes' in Harajuku over this period and how this relates to the continually changing physical space. In addition to the historical context I will also show a variety of photos showing the current fashions to be found there (in case anyone has not visited recently!) and their spatial distribution.

Performance:The possibility of the body expression in the city @Foyer(1F) Producer:ART WALKER (Aya YUUKI) Outleine:How in the city space, is it possible to spring contemporary dance as the body expression? It explores possibility realtime. *There is a plan of street performance, too.

July2(Sun) [Permanent Exhibition]

(Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School)


Exhibit Booth:Shimokita Concierge @Community Lounge(2F) Producer:Magnolia (Yasuko WATANABE) Outline:Objective: My friends often tell me that they get lost easily in this town. It is actually the charm of Shimokitazawa to happen to find a stylish café deep end of the alley or encounter a cute sundry shop on unexpected corner. Yet the visitors who traveled from far away cannot take such a long time to find the restaurant they are looking for. Therefore, my simple handmade map with recommended spots will be able to help those travelers. The information will include how to walk in Shimokitazawa, shops and restaurants to visit, useful info. Depending on tastes of the traveler, the genre they would like to pursue should vary. Therefore, I will prepare the genres, such as “ For Art Fans “, “ For Fashion Lovers”, “ For Cool Japan Pursuer “, “ For Gourmet “ etc. Useful Info. will include Public Bathhouse, Capsule Hotel, Clinics ( Hospital ) etc.

Exhibit Booth:Exploring the possibility of local grassroots groups for proposing urban Planning @Community Lounge(2F) Producer:Save the Shimokitazawa (Kenzo KANEKO) Outline:The challenge of the era is to transform the process of urban planning from top-down method of governmental initiatives to bottom-up method with the leadership of residents. This exhibition aims to introduce an ongoing issue of urban development in Shimo-kitazawa, the place of this Cultural Typhoon, and the activities of “Save the Shimokitazawa”, a grassroots group leading advocacy to the government on the issue. We hope this exhibition helps you understand problems that local grassroots movements faces in proposing for urban planning in Japan and enrich the debate on the future of urban planning.

Exhibit Booth:FM-Yokotori 12:00~18:00 @ Terrace(3F/4F) Producer:Jun OENOKI+Warehouse Keepers Outline : "FM Yokotori" is a movable mini-FM radio station carried out with "YOKOHAMA Triennale 2005". "Warehouse Keepers," a group formed of artists, local citizens, and students, managed its operation and provided live broadcasting, while relocating often and bringing various guests and Triennale visitors themselves into involvement. "FM Yokotori" functions as Medea in an event in this "Cultural Typhoon 2006". And we will tell memory of Yokohama with architect group "MIKAN".

12 Furthermore, we are going to invite a member of former free radio station "Shimokitazawa Radio Home Run" as a guest.


Other Venues


Event: Typhoon Books! @Kiryuusha Producer:Kenichi KATO(Kiryuusha.com) Outline:This is not a thesis. and not an actual activism either.It's a hard fact. We are creating Book Cafe as an "Alternative Public Space"(P. Gilroy). We'd like to share this process. Some radical events will be held with funky guests. Further information, please check our web site. Venue:Kiryuusha 5-29-17 Iida Heights, Daizawa, -ku, Tokyo TEL/FAX: 03-3410-0024 Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.kiryuusha.com (five minutes from South Exit on foot. You can see MAP on web.)

01. Jul. 17:30 - 19:00 Talk Session "Book, Shelf, City" KOBAYASHI Hiroshi (Getsuyosha) UCHINUMA Shintaro (book pick orchestra) KATO Kenichi (Kiryuusha.com) 01. Jul. 19:30 - 21:30 Talk Session "After RAVE / City" RLL (Radical Left Laughter) TAKAOKA (Ghetto Beat Pusher's) KATO Kenichi (Kiryuusha.com) 02. Jul. after noon "Radio Freedom" live recording TSURUMI Wataru KAMINAGA Kouichi perry KATO Kenichi (Kiryuusha.com)

14 July1(Sat) Doors Open 19:00, Start 20:00

Event:Black Atlantic Nite: A Musical Excursion into the Alternative Public Sphere @ROOM HEAVEN & EARTH Producer:Shinichiro SUZUKI (Shinshu University) Outline:A book launch party for the long-awaited Japanese edition of Paul Gilroy's The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness (Getsuyosha Limited, due July 2006). The translators for the Japanese edition (Toshiya "The Tribal" , Shinichiro Suzuki and Yoshitaka Mouri), all of whom have experience in DJing, will provide with a vast selection of music from the Black Atlantic.

Date: July 1(Sat) Doors Open 19:00、 Start 20:00 Venue : ROOM HEAVEN & EARTH 2-2-14 MoaiChazawa 4F&5F, Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Fee: ¥1,000 (Charge for the drink)

15 July1(Sat)11:30~15:30, July2(Sun)11:30~15:30

Street Performance:BEGGAR 2.0 - A robot for materially deprived @ Odakyu Line Shimokitazawa Station the north exit Producer: Saso Sedlacek Outline: Beggar 2.0 is a robot for the materially deprived, which is made of old electronics and computer spare parts. The original 1.0 was made for European shopping malls where it is forbidden to beg, but no such rule was made for robots. The experiment showed that richer part of society shows more sympathy towards the marginalized groups if they communicate from a safe distance and via technological interface. This upgrade version of previous Beggar 1.0 runs on Linux and is available on the internet for anyone to download the program and copy the robot.

Date and hour: July 1 (Sat) 11:30-15:30, July 2 (Sun) 11:30-15:30 Venue: Odakyu Line Shimokitazawa Station the north exit