THIRTY-EIGHTH PARLIAMENT REPORT 14 STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION INQUIRY INTO THE JURISDICTION AND OPERATION OF THE STATE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL Presented by Hon Ken Baston MLC (Chairman) May 2009 STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION Date first appointed: 17 August 2005 Terms of Reference: The following is an extract from Schedule 1 of the Legislative Council Standing Orders: “4. Legislation Committee 4.1 A Legislation Committee is established. 4.2 The Committee consists of 5 members. 4.3 The functions of the Committee are to consider and report on any Bill referred by the House or under SO 125A. 4.4 Unless otherwise ordered any amendment recommended by the Committee must be consistent with the policy of a Bill.” Members for this inquiry: Hon Graham Giffard MLC (Chair) Hon Ken Baston MLC (Chairman from 12 until 10 August 2008 November 2008) Hon Giz Watson MLC (Deputy Chair) Hon Sally Talbot MLC Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm MLC Hon George Cash MLC from 11 November 2008 (substitute Member for Hon Peter Collier MLC until 7 August 2008 and for Hon Helen Morton from 14 November 2008) Staff for this inquiry: Ms Denise Wong, Advisory Officer (Legal) Mr Mark Warner, Committee Clerk Ms Kerry-Jayne Braat, Committee Clerk Address: Parliament House, Perth WA 6000, Telephone (08) 9222 7222
[email protected] Website: ISBN 978-1-921634-00-0 Government Response This Report is subject to Standing Order 337: After tabling, the Clerk shall send a copy of a report recommending action by, or seeking a response from, the Government to the responsible Minister.