DOCUMENT DESIGN AND ILLUSTRATION Jim Ann Carter, Graphic Illustrator II Jim Longstreth, Illustrator/Consultant Vickie Nissen, Illustrator/Consultant Gary Odenthal, GIS Coordinator Printed on Recycled Paper Second Edition BUREAU OF PLANNING 1900 SW 4th Ave., Ste. 4100 Portland, Oregon 97201 503.823.5839
[email protected] C1 I ◆ JANUARY 26, 2051 C2 I CITY Portland: Reflections on the River CLOSE-UP Portland’s 200th Birthday reduce the toxicity of roadway runoff The waterfront is now one of the best Continued from Page C1 reaching the river. venues to learn about and appreciate City’s Return to the River Portland and its evolution. Early use of River taxis, ferries, tour boats, and cruise the river by indigenous cultures is hon- Fifty years ago the water was fouled. Early in the century, major investments ships have also made the waterfront more ored at sites along the waterfront. Repli- Toxic substances penetrated the sedi- were made to clean up the toxics in Port- context, accommodating the river’s ex- accessible and popular. Convenient boat cas of early Portland ships and maritime Reminiscing on the legacy of ments on the river bottom, the fish were land Harbor and all but eliminate sewer panded natural and recreational func- access from waterfront destinations and museums connect Portlanders to the River Renaissance, launched at unhealthy to eat, and the banks were overflows into the river. tions and the prevention and cleanup neighborhoods is provided by access city’s river and economic heritage. Rem- the turn of the millennium lined with concrete and construction of river pollution.