October 3, 1979 Washington, D.C
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WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES} FORM- OF DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE President% Daily Diary p.2-SANITIZED FILE LOCATION RESTRICTION 66DES (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356’govetning access to national security information, (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. I (C) Closed in accordanke with restrictions contained in the donor’s deed of gift, ; -_ _z- L .-.-- ATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINSSTRAS10N. NA FORM 1429 (8-86) -- THE ISAlL’/ DfARY 3f PREStDEtiT JIMMY CARTS? LOCAT1ON DATE MO.. Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 3, 1979 WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 6:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY l-l-PHONE 6:oo The President received a wake up call from the White House signal board operator. 6:39 The President went to the Oval Office. I 7:30’ ’ 7:47 The President met with his Assistant for National Security Affairs, Zbigniew Brzezinski. 7:53 7:55 The President talked with Mr. Brzezinski. The President went to the Cabinet Room. 8:oo The President participated in a breakfast meeting with: Walter F. Mondale, Vice President Patricia R. Harris, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) Neil Goldschmidt, Secretary of Transportation F. Ray Marshall, Secretary of Labor Maurice E. "Moon" Landrieu, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Alonzo L. McDonald, Jr., White House Staff Director Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant for Domestic Affairs and Policy Jack H. Watson, Jr., Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs and Cabinet Secretary 9:17 The President returned to the Oval Office. 9:20 9:40 The President met with Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps. The President met with: lo:32 Vice President Mondale 10:35 Hamilton Jordan, Chief of Staff 10:34 Mr. McDonald lo:32 Mr. Eizenstat lo:32 Frank B. Moore, Assistant for Congressional Liaison . lo:32 Lloyd N. Cutler, Counsel ! lo:32 Ray Jenkins, Special Assistant, Press Office Robert N. Thomson, Special Assistant for Congressional ! Liaison ; 10:08 Robert G. Beckel, Special Assistant for Congressional Liaison Landon Butler, Deputy Assistant The President went to the Roosevelt Room. T) TIME f z AcxVlTY f Y P From TO s : 1O:40 11:25 The President participated in a meeting with Democratic State Party Chairmen and Vice Chairmen. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A." 11: 25 The President returned to the Oval Office. The President met with: 11:30 12:15 Adm. Stansfield Turner, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 11:30 12:oo SANITUEC IL30 1235 11:32 The President was telephoned by Robert E. Casey, Treasurer, Department of the Treasury, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The call was not completed. 12:15 12:16 The President talked with his Press Secretary, Joseph L. "Jody" Powell. 12:20 The President returned to the second floor Residence, 12:30 The President and the First Lady had lunch. 1:1g The President returned to the Oval Office. 1:21 1:22 P The President talked with the First Lady. ! The President met with: 1:30 j 1:55 William McGill, President of Columbia University, New York, New York 1:30 2~05 Mr. McDonald 1:30 1 I:55 Hedley W. Donovan, Senior Adviser to the President 2:oo I1 The President telephoned John D. Ong, President and Director, B.F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio. The call was not completed. 2:00 j 2:03 The President talked with Senator Nancy L. Kassebaum I (R-Kansas). I 2:08 1 2:15 The President talked with Charles Royer, Mayor, Seattle, Washington. 2:24 .I 2~31 The President talked with Mr. Casey. I 2:&o / 2:45 The President met with Woodrow "Woody" Diehl farmer, Indianola, Iowa. THE DAJCf DfARY OF PRESlC)EtiT JIMMY CARTER LOCAnON DATE ~Mo.. Day. Vr.1 fHE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 3, 1979 iJASHINGTON, D.C. TME DAY 304 p.m. WEDNESDAY TIME 3:04 The President was telephoned by Representative William S. Moorhead (D-Pennsylvania). The call was handled by the Office of Congressional Liaison. 3:26t I- 3:27 The President talked with Mr. Eizenstat. The President returned to the second floor Residence. The President went to the Treaty Room. The President met with: The First Lady Vice President Mondale Charles H. Kirbo, partner with King and Spalding law firm, Atlanta, Georgia Patrick J. Caddell, President of Cambridge Survey, Cambridge, Massachusetts Gerald M. Rafshoon, President of Gerald Rafshoon Advertising, Incorporated, Washington, D.C. Mr. Jordan Sarah C. Weddington, Special Assistant Phillip J. Wise, Jr., Appointments Secretary Timothy E. Kraft, Campaign Manager, Carter-Mondale Campaign Committee 5~28 5:30 The President talked with Secretary Landrieu. 6351 l 6:52 The President talked with Mr. Rafshoon. 6: 56 The President and the First Lady went to the South Grounds. They were accompanied by: Philip H. Alston, Jr., Ambassador of the U.S. to Australia and the Republic of Nauru Mrs. Philip H. Alston, Jr. The Presidential party motored from the South Grounds to Paul Young's Restaurant, 1120 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 6:57 Ii The President was telephoned by Secretary Landrieu. Mr. Wise . took the call. I The President was telephoned by Mr. Brzezinski. The call was not completed. The Presidential party had dinner. The Presidential party returned to their motorcade. THE DAILY D!ARY OF PRESIDEhiT JIMMY CARTER .ocA*r~o~ DAf’E Ho.. Day, Yr.) 'AUL YOUNG'S RESTAURANT OCTOBER 3, 1979 JASHINGTON, D.C. THE DAY 9:15 p.m. WEDNESDAT_ TIME Ac-r:VITY FrOm To 9:15 9:17 The Presidential party motored from Paul Young's Restaurant to the South Grounds of the White House, g:20 The President and the First Lady returned to the second floor I Residence. Ll:OO The President retired. I 1 .I I 1; 8I I i.