Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2013 / Proposed Rules 41013

and its effects on visibility in Class I and in Page, Phoenix, and Tucson, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND areas. Arizona. HUMAN SERVICES On February 5, 2013, EPA proposed a On June 20, 2013, SRP submitted a BART determination to require NGS to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid letter, on behalf of six stakeholders, achieve a nearly 80 percent reduction of Services requesting another extension of the its current overall NOX emission rate. 1 EPA also proposed an alternative to comment period for NGS. SRP 42 CFR Parts 431 describes working over the past several BART that would provide flexibility to [CMS–1450–CN] NGS in the schedule for the installation months with representatives from the of new post-combustion control Central Arizona Water Conservation RIN 0938–AR52 equipment. EPA’ proposed alternative District, the Environmental Defense to BART credits NGS for its early and Fund, the Gila River Indian Community, Medicare and Medicaid Programs; voluntary installation of new the Navajo Nation Environmental Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update for CY 2014, combustion controls to reduce NOX Protection Agency, and the U.S. emissions beginning in 2009. EPA, Department of the Interior to develop a Home Health Quality Reporting therefore, proposed to find that this BART alternative. SRP states that Requirements, and Cost Allocation of alternative achieves greater reasonable although significant progress has been Home Health Survey Expenses Correction progress than BART. made on the development of an In recognition that there may be other alternative, additional time is needed to AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & approaches that could result in finalize their alternative and submit it to Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS. equivalent or better visibility benefits EPA for consideration in the rulemaking ACTION: Proposed rule; correction. than BART, as well as the singular process. importance of NGS to the Navajo SUMMARY: This document corrects Nation, Hopi Tribe, the Gila River II. Today’s Action technical errors that appeared in the Indian Community, and numerous other proposed rule with comment period tribes located in Arizona, EPA also In today’s action, EPA is extending titled ‘‘Medicare and Medicaid outlined a framework for evaluating the comment period for our proposed Programs; Home Health Prospective other alternatives to provide greater BART determination for NGS by 60 Payment System Rate Update for CY flexibility than EPA’s proposed days, to October 4, 2013. EPA is 2014, Home Health Quality Reporting alternative to BART. granting a 60-day extension to allow Requirements, and Cost Allocation of EPA encouraged a robust public time for the stakeholders to finalize Home Health Survey Expenses’’ discussion of our proposed BART their alternative and submit it to EPA published on July 3, 2013. determination and alternative, as well as for consideration in the rulemaking FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: other possible alternatives, and process. Elmer Barksdale, (410) 786–1943. recognized the potential need for a SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: supplemental proposal if other List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 49 approaches developed by other parties I. Background Environmental protection, Air are identified as meeting the needs of In FR Doc. 2013–15766, published on stakeholders and meeting the pollution control, Indians, Intergovernmental relations, Nitrogen Wednesday, July 3, 2013 (78 FR 40272), requirements of the CAA. there was an error that is identified and EPA received requests for a 90-day dioxide. corrected in the Correction of Errors extension of the public comment period Authority: 42 U.S.. 7401 et seq. section below. from the Navajo Nation, the Gila River Indian Community, and other Dated: June 26, 2013. II. Summary of Errors Deborah Jordan, stakeholders, in order to allow In section ‘‘VI.. Accounting stakeholders time to develop Air Division Director, Region 9. Statement and Table’’ of the Regulatory alternatives to BART for EPA’s [FR Doc. 2013–16491 Filed 7–8–13; 8:45 am] Impact Analysis section, in the consideration. On March 19, 2013, EPA BILLING CODE 6560–50–P Transfers column of Table 31, under the extended the close of the public heading Medicare HH Survey & comment period to August 5, 2013 (78 Certification Costs, we inadvertently FR 16825). EPA recognized that the made a typographical error when we stakeholder process, to develop viable listed the amount for the Annualized alternatives to BART that provide Monetized Transfers. Specifically, we additional flexibility to the owners of stated that the amount was ‘‘¥$18.6 NGS while achieving more emission Million’’ instead of ‘‘$18.6 Million.’’ reductions to assure greater reasonable progress than BART, would require a IV. Correction of Errors significant amount of time. EPA also In FR Doc. 2013–15766, published on recognized the critical importance of July 3, 2013, on page 40308, in the active participation by affected tribes Transfers column of Table 31, under the located in Arizona in the development heading Medicare ‘‘HH Survey & of alternatives to BART. Certification Costs’’, the amount On June 10, 2013, EPA signed a ‘‘¥$18.6 Million’’ is corrected to read notice, published on June 19, 2013, of 1 ‘‘$18.6 Million.’’ our intent to hold five public hearings See letter dated June 20, 2013 from Kelly . Barr, SRP, to Jared Blumenfeld, EPA, re: Request for (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance throughout the state of Arizona (78 FR Extension of the Public Comment Period, Proposed Program No. 93.773, Medicare—Hospital 36716). EPA intends to hold hearings at Rule—Regional Haze Requirements for Navajo Insurance; and Program No. 93.774, one location each on reservation lands Generating Station Docket No. EPA–R09–OAR– Medicare—Supplementary Medical of the Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe, 2013–0009. Insurance Program)

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Dated: July 2, 2013. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a until July 1, 2014.3 The Commission Jennifer . Cannistra, summary of the Commission’s Public stated that, by July 1, 2013, the Media Executive Secretary to the Department, Notice in MB Docket No. 00–168, DA Bureau would issue a Public Notice Department of Health and Human Services. 13–1440, released on June 25, 2013. The seeking comment on the impact of this [FR Doc. 2013–16392 Filed 7–3–13; 11:15 am] full text of this document is available for online posting requirement for the BILLING CODE 4120–01–P public inspection and copying during political file so that the Commission can regular business hours in the FCC consider whether any changes should be Reference Center, Federal made to the requirement before it takes Communications Commission, 445 12th effect for other stations.4 The Media FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Street SW., Room CY–A257, Bureau is issuing this Public Notice COMMISSION Washington, DC 20554. This document consistent with the Commission’s 47 CFR Part 73 will also be available via ECFS at commitment in the Second Report and http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs/. Documents Order. [MB Docket No. 00–168; DA 13–1440] will be available electronically in ASCII, 3. The online public file requirement Microsoft Word, and/or Adobe Acrobat. adopted in the Second Report and Order Online Political File and Petition for The complete text may be purchased replaced the decades-old requirement Reconsideration from the Commission’s copy contractor, that commercial and noncommercial 445 12th Street SW., Room CY–B402, television stations maintain public files AGENCY: Federal Communications Washington, DC 20554. Alternative at their main studios with a requirement Commission. formats are available for people with to post most of the documents in those ACTION: Notice; solicitation of disabilities (, large print, files to a central, online public file comments. electronic files, audio format), by hosted by the Commission. The Commission’s goals were to modernize SUMMARY: The Federal Communications sending an email to [email protected] or the procedures television broadcasters Commission solicits public comment on calling the Commission’s Consumer and use to inform the public about how they the impact of the rules requiring Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) are serving their communities, make broadcast television stations to post 418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432 information concerning broadcast their political files online, and on a (TTY). service more accessible to the public, Petition for Reconsideration filed by the Summary and reduce broadcasters’ cost of Television Station Group. 1. In the Public Notice, the Media compliance. The political file DATES: Comments may be filed on or Bureau seeks comment on the impact of component of the public inspection file before August 26, 2013, and reply the rules adopted by the Commission in provides information about requests by comments may be filed on or before the Second Report and Order in MM political candidates and other political September 23, 2013. Docket Nos. 00–168 and 00–44,1 advertisers to purchase television ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, requiring broadcast television stations to advertising time, including the station’s identified by MB Docket No. 00–168, by post their political files online. We seek disposition of each request and the rate any of the following methods: comment also on the Petition for charged for the broadcast time. • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Reconsideration of the Second Report 4. Stations were required to upload www.regulations.gov. Follow the and Order filed by the Television new public file documents to the online instructions for submitting comments. Station Group.2 database starting August 2, 2012.5 • Federal Communications 2. Background. In the Second Report Stations were given six months from Commission’s Web site: http:// and Order, the Commission required this date to upload documents that were fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs2/. Follow the stations to post their public files online already in their public inspection file.6 instructions for submitting comments. in a Commission-hosted database rather • Mail: Filings can be sent by hand or than maintaining the files locally at 3 Id. at 4536–7, paragraph 3. 4 messenger delivery, by commercial their main studios. With respect to Id. overnight courier, or by first-class or 5 The National Association of Broadcasters political file documents that must be (‘‘NAB’’) filed a petition for review of the Second overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All maintained in the public file, the Report and Order with the U.S. Court of Appeals filings must be addressed to the Commission required stations that are for the District of Columbia Circuit. Nat’ Assoc. of Commission’s Secretary, Office of the affiliated with the top four national Broadcasters v. FCC, No. 12–1225 (.C. Cir. May 21, Secretary, Federal Communications 2012). NAB sought an emergency stay of the Second networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox) Report and Order from the FCC and the D.C. Circuit Commission. and that are licensed to serve Court of Appeals; both requests were denied. • People with Disabilities: Contact the communities in the top 50 Designated Standardized and Enhanced Disclosure FCC to request reasonable Market Areas (‘‘DMAs’’) to post these Requirements for Television Broadcast Licensee accommodations (accessible format Public Interest Obligations, 27 FCC Rcd 7683 documents online as part of the online (2012); Order, Nat’l Assoc. of Broadcasters v. FCC, documents, sign language interpreters, public file, but exempted all other No. 12–1225 (D.C. Cir. July 27, 2012). On January CART, etc.) by email: [email protected] stations from posting their political file 18, 2013, NAB filed an unopposed motion to hold or phone: (202) 418–0530 or TTY: (202) documents to their online public file further proceedings in the case before the D.C. 418–0432. Circuit in abeyance pending (1) FCC action on the petition for reconsideration filed by the Television For detailed instructions for submitting 1 Standardized and Enhanced Disclosure Station Group and (2) the Commission’s opening of comments and additional information Requirements for Television Broadcast Licensee a notice and comment period concerning these on the rulemaking process, see the Public Interest Obligations, Extension of the Filing rules, prior to July 1, 2013, to consider whether Requirement for Children’s Television Programming changes to the requirements are warranted. On SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of Report, Second Report and Order, 27 FCC Rcd 4535 February 12, 2013, the court granted NAB’s motion this document. (2012) (‘‘Second Report and Order’’). The effective to hold proceedings in abeyance. Order, Nat’l FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kim date of the new online public file requirements was Assoc. of Broadcasters v. FCC, No. 12–1225 (D.C. August 2, 2012. Cir. February 12, 2013). Matthews, [email protected], of 2 See Petition for Reconsideration, Television 6 The six-month deadline expired February 4, the Policy Division, Media Bureau, (202) Station Group, MM Docket Nos. 00–168 and 00–44 2013. See Public Notice, Television Broadcast 418–2120. (June 11, 2012) (‘‘Petition for Reconsideration’’). Stations Reminded of the Upcoming Public

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