Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019


DRAFT March 1, 2019

NOTE: All 2019 changes to the Official Rules of Operations and Competition are listed in BOLD RED Font Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

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Table of Contents


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11 Original November 1, 2018 Complete Reissue 12 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 i,iii,v,vii-viii,ix,1-6,8-13,16-17,19,23-24,28,A1-8,B-1,C1-2,D-1 13 14

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vi Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 RENO AIR RACING ASSOCIATION, INC., DBA 2 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES 3 4 5 OFFICIAL RULES OF OPERATIONS AND COMPETITION 6 ORIGINAL: November 1, 2018 7 8 List of Effective Pages 9 10 Revised Pages Revision Date 11 Cover Page Revision 1 February 28, 2019 12 Table of Contents Revision 1 February 28, 2019 13 Log of Revisions Revision 1 February 28, 2019 14 Page vi Original November 1, 2019 15 List of Effective Pages – vii Revision 1 February 28, 2019 16 List of Effective Pages – viii Revision 1 February 28, 2019 17 Page ix Original November 1, 2019 18 Page x Revision 1 February 28, 2019 19 Page xi Original November 1, 2019 20 Page xii Original November 1, 2019 21 Page xiii Original November 1, 2019 22 Page 1 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 23 Page 2 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 24 Page 3 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 25 Page 4 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 26 Page 5 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 27 Page 6 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 28 Page 7 Original November 1, 2019 29 Page 8 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 30 Page 9 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 31 Page 10 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 32 Page 11 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 33 Page 12 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 34 Page 13 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 35 Page 14 Original November 1, 2019 36 Page 15 Original November 1, 2019 37 Page 16 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 38 Page 17 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 39 Page 18 Original November 1, 2019 40 Page 19 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 41 Page 20 Original November 1, 2019 42 Page 21 Original November 1, 2019 43 Page 22 Original November 1, 2019 44 Page 23 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 45 Page 24 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 46 Page 25 Original November 1, 2019 47 Page 26 Original November 1, 2019 48 Page 27 Original November 1, 2019 49 Page 28 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 50 Page 29 Original November 1, 2019 51 Page 30 Original November 1, 2019 52 Page A-1 Revision 1 February 28, 2019

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1 Page A-2 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 2 Page A-3 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 3 Page A-4 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 4 Page A-5 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 5 Page A-6 Original November 1, 2019 6 Page B-1 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 7 Page B-2 Original November 1, 2019 8 Page C-1 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 9 Page C-2 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 10 Page C-3 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 11 Page C-4 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 12 Page C-5 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 13 Page C-6 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 14 Page C-7 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 15 Page C-8 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 16 Page C-9 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 17 Page D-1 Revision 1 February 28, 2019 18 19

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1 RENO AIR RACING ASSOCIATION, INC., DBA 2 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES 3 4 OFFICIAL RULES OF OPERATIONS AND COMPETITION 5 6 DEFINITIONS 7 8 9 CERTIFIED: As referred to in these “Official Rules of Operations and Competition” and other 10 documents issued by RARA. The term “Certified” shall apply to a prospective race pilot that has 11 been deemed “ELIGIBLE” by their respective class AND has: 12 13  Completed “ALL” phases of PRS within the last 24 months; or 14 15  COMPETED in the National Championship Air Races (NCAR) within the past three annual 16 NCAR. 17 18 CHASE PLANE: A Chase Plane is any plane used for observation, photography, or any other 19 use, is approved by RARA and the respective class, and is flown by a certified pilot or an 20 approved pace pilot. A chase plane shall not go below 200 250 feet AGL on the course. 21 22 COMPETED: As referred to in the “Official Rules of Operations and Competition” and other 23 documents issued by RARA shall be defined as follows: 24 25 • Flown at least one complete lap in an official race in the NCAR; or 26 • 27 • Qualified in an aircraft to race in the NCAR by obtaining a speed qualifying the aircraft to 28 compete in the race progression. 29 • 30 • Note: Flight in the NCAR during the practice or qualification periods that does not result in 31 securing a qualification-time will not be considered “COMPETING” in their race class. 32 • 33 • Certified pilots who have not “COMPETED”, as defined above, but who have had time on 34 the race course at Reno at PRS or during race week during the previous 36 months who 35 wish to maintain certification as a race pilot, may request of their respective class the 36 opportunity to perform a check ride in accordance with the class requirements as listed in 37 their rules. The pilot shall complete the check ride to the satisfaction of the class. The check 38 ride may extend the pilot’s certification for an additional twelve (12) months. It shall be the 39 sole responsibility of the pilot to inform both RARA and the Class of their intended action to 40 assure that adequate records are maintained and only documented evidence of such action 41 will be acceptable as proof of the extended certification. This process is good to extend a 42 pilot’s certified status after which time if the pilot has not “competed at Reno”, he/she shall 43 be required to attend PRS in order to regain his/her certification. See Currency 44 Extensions Flight Page 8 9. 45

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1 CONDITIONAL ENTRIES: Conditional entries are those entries received AFTER the closing 2 date and time as specified in the entry application. They must comply with the Official Rules of 3 Operations and Competition and provide all the information specified in the ENTRY FORM. 4 Conditional Entries shall be listed in order of their receipt by RARA which will determine their 5 position or advancement through the following categories. 6 7  A CONDITIONAL ENTRY TO FILL THE FIELD is one received after the closing date when 8 the field is not filled in its respective class. The entry shall be advanced to fill said field, 9 shall receive all the rights and privileges of an “on-time entry” and be assured of the 10 opportunity to qualify. 11 12  A CONDITIONAL ENTRY TO FILL THE FIELD UPON THE FAILURE OF SUFFICIENT 13 AIRCRAFT TO QUALIFY is a Conditional Entry that shall be allowed to qualify, if prior to or 14 during the qualification period, “on-time” or “Conditional Entries to fill the field” are unable 15 to qualify. Should they qualify they shall receive all the rights and privileges of an “on-time 16 entry”. 17 18  A CONDITIONAL ENTRY TO FILL THE FIELD IF THE FIELD IS NOT FULL BY THE FIRST 19 HEAT RACE IN ITS CLASS is a Conditional Entry that has not had the opportunity to 20 qualify. In the event that other qualified aircraft are unable to start the first heat race of that 21 class, then it shall be allowed to start as the LAST place aircraft in medallion, bronze or 22 lowest race in that class. It shall then be allowed to advance as provided in the class rules 23 of progression and shall receive all the rights and privileges of an “on-time entry”. 24 25 ELIGIBLE: As referred to in the Official Rules of Operations and Competition and other 26 documents issued by the Reno Air Racing Association (RARA) shall refer to a prospective 27 race pilot or aircraft that has met all of the requirements of their respective class. 28 29 INSTRUCTORS: The qualifications for instructors at PRS are as follows. 30 31 • A flying instructor shall be a currently certified race pilot, approved by the specific Class 32 and RARA, who is allowed on the race course with or without a student pilot at PRS. 33 34 • A ground school instructor shall be a currently certified or past race pilot nominated by the 35 class and approved by RARA. 36 37 RACING ALTITUDE: The normal race altitude is between 50 feet AGL and 250 feet AGL. The 38 maximum and minimum racing altitudes are discussed in Section IX Racing. 39 40 PACE PILOT: The qualifications for a pace pilot for both Racing and PRS are as follows. 41 42 • The pace pilot for any class shall be a currently certified class race pilot, certified pace pilot 43 or past race pilot and approved by both RARA and the Class for which he/she is to pace. 44 45 • Owner/Operators of aircraft that are providing Pace Aircraft Duties for the Sport or Jet 46 Classes are not required to be a certified race/pace pilot. However, since these specific

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1 Pace Aircraft are multi-crewed, there must be a qualified Race/Pace Pilot at the controls 2 while performing pace duties. 3 4 • The Pace Pilot shall be trained in pace/safety duties by each class. 5 6 • RARA requires each pace pilot to have a current Class I or II Medical Certificate for any 7 NCAR race event 8 9 • The Pace Aircraft shall not be allowed to go onto the race course. 10 11 • No more than two (2) people are allowed in a pace/ safety plane unless the corporate 12 owner’s safety/operational requirements stipulate two company pilots for safe operation. If 13 this stipulation exists, the aircraft may be operated with three (3) people on board, including 14 the RARA/class approved pace pilot performing his/her duties either from the front seat or 15 from the passenger seat. 16 17 PASSENGER: For purposes of entering the race course at Reno-Stead Airport during any 18 period that the FAA Waiver is in effect, a passenger is defined as any person in any approved 19 race, pace, chase or training aircraft who is not an approved pilot in command of said aircraft in 20 accordance with RARA pilot registration requirements. During PRS, an Instructor Pilot 21 authorized by the Class and RARA or a student duly registered for training are approved 22 passengers who, in performing the training/instructing requirements of PRS, are authorized to 23 enter the race course and descend to race course altitude. 24 25 PYLON RACING SEMINAR (PRS): Each year the Reno Air Racing Association (RARA), in 26 conjunction with the Racing Classes, presents a seminar for prospective race pilots to acquire 27 the necessary skills to determine their suitability to become a pilot certified to race at Reno. A 28 pilot must be at least EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS OF AGE at the start of PRS. All pilots must have 29 ALL of the class requirements with respect to total hours as pilot in command and in type PRIOR 30 to flying on the Race Course. The pilot must complete all phases. The pilot shall pass the check 31 ride and be signed off by the class within TWELVE (12) MONTHS in order to become certified 32 to race at Reno. A first-time student will only be trained/certified in one class. 33 34 RACE CLASS RULES: These RARA Official Rules of Operations and Competition incorporate 35 the Race Class Rules of each class in their entirety and are included by reference herein. Should 36 a discrepancy exist between the RARA Official Rules of Operations and Competition and the 37 class rules, the RARA Official Rules of Operations and Competition will take precedence. 38 39 RACE COURSE SHOW LINE (RCSL): The outer-most limits that an aircraft can fly and 40 remain on the FAA approved race course. 41 42 REPLACEMENT AIRCRAFT: In the event an “ON-TIME ENTRY” is unable to compete due to 43 mechanical problems, an application, filling all of the requirements of the ENTRY FORM and 44 Section III., AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY, will be accepted by RARA for a REPLACEMENT 45 AIRCRAFT. The application shall be submitted by the owner or pilot of the original aircraft and 46 shall be received by RARA prior to the close of business on the SATURDAY prior to Air Race

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1 week. The Replacement Aircraft shall retain its respective order and shall not be bumped by 2 any conditionally approved aircraft. The Replacement application fee shall be $300.00. 3 4 TELEMETRY AREA: A Telemetry Area is an area NORTH of the pit/crowd line approved by the 5 FAA/RARA for the placement of a bona fide telemetry unit of a racing aircraft to receive telemetry 6 from said aircraft during a race. A maximum of THREE (3) CREW MEMBERS of said aircraft 7 who are wearing the proper credentials may be at the telemetry station at any time. Any violation 8 of the number of crew members shall result in the telemetry station for that aircraft being removed 9 from the telemetry area for the remainder of the NCAR for that year.

xiii Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 RENO AIR RACING ASSOCIATION, INC., DBA 2 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES 3 4 OFFICIAL RULES OF OPERATIONS AND COMPETITION 5 6 I. PARTICIPATION IN THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES 7 8 is on an invitation basis and is open to qualified pilots and aircraft meeting the eligibility 9 requirements of these rules and those of the classes invited to participate. 10 11 APPLICATIONS for entry must be on the “INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 12 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES” entry form furnished by the RENO AIR 13 RACING ASSOCIATION, INC. (RARA). 14 15 ENTRIES shall will be submitted electronically per the directions provided on 16 to the Reno Air Racing Association, Inc., 14501 Mt. Anderson Street, 17 Reno, NV 89506 or EMAIL to the Reno Air Racing Association, Attn: Director of 18 Resources/Pilot Registration. 19 20 ENTRY FORMS received by RARA at their offices by 5PM Pacific prior to the close of 21 business, at the date and time stated on the entry form and complying with the 22 requirements of The Rules of Operations and Competition and the ENTRY FORM will be 23 considered “ON-TIME” entries and shall be assured the opportunity to qualify. RARA will 24 be the sole judge of acceptance or rejection of an application. 25 26 ENTRIES will not be accepted by RARA unless complete information specified on the entry 27 form is supplied. An entry that contains any false statement shall be considered void and 28 the entry fee forfeited and retained by RARA. 29 30 FEES will not be refunded for any reason other than rejection or refusal of the entry by 31 RARA. RARA reserves the right to invite or exclude any owner, pilot or aircraft. 32 33 ENTRIES received after the closing date and time stated in the ENTRY FORM shall be 34 considered “CONDITIONAL ENTRIES” and shall be listed in their order of receipt by 35 RARA. RARA shall notify each CONDITIONAL ENTRANT of their position in the field. 36 37 THE CONDITIONAL ENTRY classification has been added by RARA in an attempt to 38 provide a full field of race pilots in the race classes as outlined below. 39 40 • To fill the field in the event it is not filled by closing time; 41 • To fill the field in the event an accepted aircraft is unable to qualify; 42 • To fill the field in the event any accepted aircraft is unable to start in the first heat race 43 of its class. 44 45 CONDITIONALLY accepted and replacement aircraft applications will be rejected if they 46 arrive too late for RARA to process insurance and other paperwork.

1 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 II. OFFICIALS 2 3 AUTHORITY over all practice, qualification and racing events of the NCAR is vested in 4 RARA through its officials, as listed below, which shall conduct and judge the events in 5 accordance with the Rules of Operations and Competition and the conditions of the FAA 6 waiver. 7 8 • The Contest Committee consisting of a Chief Judge and not less than seven (7) nor 9 more than nine (9) Contest Committee Judges, for a maximum of ten (10): 10 11 • Director of Operations 12 • Director of Safety 13 • Air Boss Director of Flight Operations/Race Director / Deputy Air Boss Director 14 of Flight Operations/Race Director 15 • Race Control Supervisor and Race Controllers 16 • Chief Starter (Formula Ones and Biplanes) and Assistants 17 • Chief Timer and Assistants (timers, starters, flaggers & scorer) 18 • Chief Pylon Judge and Assistants (pylon judges & speed bumps) 19 20 • The Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection Teams and the Pilot Qualifications 21 Committees of each Class while performing their duties during the NCAR pursuant 22 to The Rules of Operation and Competition for RARA, their respective Race Class 23 rules and the FAA regulations. 24 25 NO OFFICIAL shall have a conflict of interest arising from involvement or connection with 26 individual race sponsors, event sponsors or any racing team entered. 27 28 THE CONTEST COMMITTEE shall act in a judicial capacity and will be responsible for the 29 interpretation and application of contest rules pertaining to the NCAR event. 30 31 • Each Contest Committee member will act in an observer/umpire capacity during all 32 qualification and racing events and shall station himself/herself to best to observe 33 each contest. 34 35 • Settle disputes and protests formally presented. 36 37 • Determine penalties and/or declare disqualifications as defined in these rules to 38 include Race Course Show Line (RCSL) violations. The Contest Committee 39 Chairman will ensure two Contest Committee Judges are located along the south, 40 east and west RCSL for all races. A RCSL violation observed by any one Contest 41 Committee Judge must be corroborated by the second Contest Committee Judge 42 on the applicable RCSL and the Chief Judge before a RCSL violation is assessed. 43 A confirmed RCSL violation shall result in a Disqualification for that race. The Chief 44 Judge will contact the Chief Pylon Judge via radio and declare a clean race, a 45 disqualification of Race number ___, or a hold for further contest committee 46 deliberations before the Chief Pylon Judge statuses the final results of each race.

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2 • In consultation with RARA, authorize deviations or special provisions to the rules when 3 necessary for safety of spectators and/or race pilots. 4 5 • May exclude any race pilot from participation if the race pilot is operating under any 6 physical deficiency making him/her unable to meet the physical requirements for their 7 current medical certificate. They may require a medical examination of any race pilot if 8 they deem it necessary. 9 10 III. AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY 11 12 All race aircraft must be in-place at Reno-Stead no later than 1200 hours on the Saturday 13 preceding Race Week. Any deviation from the arrival date/time must be coordinated by 14 the appropriate class president with the RARA Director of Aviation Resources. Late 15 arrivals due to weather or maintenance issues must be coordinated and approved to retain 16 “on-time” or “conditional” entry status. (Note: Any approved late arrivals must comply with 17 the 1700 Sunday deadline as specified in Section VII: Qualification of Aircraft.) The intent 18 of this rule is to ensure adequate time for the class aircraft compliance inspection teams 19 to complete the required aircraft inspections and associated logbook entries, including any 20 corrective actions, prior to allowing said aircraft on the race course for practicing, qualifying, 21 or racing. 22 23 NO AIRCRAFT may enter to race in more than one (1) race class. 24 25 NO AIRCRAFT weighing less than 4,500 pounds empty weight shall be allowed to enter 26 as an Unlimited race plane. 27 28 THE FOLLOWING certificates, permits, logs, forms and documentation for an aircraft shall 29 be available for inspection by the FAA and RARA: Registration Certificate, Airworthiness 30 Certificate, Special Flight Authorization Permit, Operating Limitations, Airframe and Engine 31 logs—Program Letter as required. 32 33 Any prospective Experimental race aircraft that has undergone one or more major 34 modifications (14 CFR21 Section 21.93{a}) or major alterations ((14 CFR1.1) (Appendix A 35 to Part 43)), or an aircraft with a new or unique Experimental design or new kit assembly 36 must comply with the following requirements: 37 38 No later than May 1st of each year, an owner/operator desiring to participate in that year’s 39 NCAR must notify its appropriate Race Class President and RARA that his/her aircraft is 40 a new or unique Experimental design, new kit assembly, or a prior race aircraft with one 41 or more Major Modification(s) or Major Alteration(s). The notification will include the 42 name, telephone number and email address of the FSDO who will be overseeing the flight 43 test, data analysis and certification of a new or modified race aircraft. RARA Operations 44 will notify the RARA Aircraft Maintenance Director who will advise the Reno FSDO 45 Reno Office that an aircraft with a new or unique Experimental design or an aircraft with 46 a major modification/alteration has requested authorization to compete in an upcoming

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1 NCAR. This notification will include a copy of the data package provided by the 2 owner/operator and/or the Race Class. The Reno Nevada FSDO Reno Office will 3 establish contact with the geographically responsible FSDO where flight testing will be 4 performed. Together, the FSDO personnel shall ensure the proposed engineering 5 evaluation, including flight demonstrations and analysis within the anticipated flight 6 envelope for the aircraft, will meet the RARA eligibility requirements. If RARA and the 7 Reno Nevada FSDO Reno Office do not agree that the presented material is adequate 8 for race approval, the owner/operator may be given an opportunity to provide additional 9 justification. All race aircraft seeking authorization to participate in a NCAR must be 10 designed to acceptable structural design criteria to meet the limiting load factors as 11 specified by the appropriate Race Class. 12 13 A flight flutter analysis, test plan and test results will be submitted to verify that the aircraft 14 will safely operate within the structural limits and not be in the flutter region at anticipated 15 race speeds and load factors within the anticipated race flight envelope. 16 17 Weight and balance for an empty and full race configuration will be required. Weight and 18 balance documentation must include forward and aft center-of-gravity (CG) limits for the 19 potential race aircraft within its flight envelope, at anticipated race speeds, and race power 20 settings. 21 22 The flight test results must be documented to confirm that the potential race pilot will be 23 operating within the flight envelope, at anticipated race speeds, and race power settings. 24 Flight testing must be completed, documented and submitted by the race aircraft 25 owner/operator to RARA and the NV Nevada FSDO RNO Reno Office not later than 26 August 15 each race year prior to any participation in a NCAR event. 27 28 If a major change modification or major alteration has been incorporated on any aircraft 29 since the last time the aircraft raced at Reno or within the last twelve (12) month period 30 preceding the anticipated race month, all provisions established by the FAA for a major 31 change modification or alteration, through the FAA approved Operating Limitations, must 32 be accomplished and documented in the aircraft records prior to arrival at Reno/Stead 33 (RTS). Such documentation and related correspondence shall be made available to the 34 FAA and RARA at Pilot Registration and to the Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection Team 35 prior to or during, the inspection of the aircraft. 36 37 All primary race pilots must submit a statement signed by the race pilot certifying that, at 38 the anticipated density altitude of the race, the intended race aircraft has demonstrated a 39 true airspeed of 105% of its projected qualifying speed and a turn capability of 150% of the 40 approved race course maximum designed g-load of his/her race class prior to being eligible 41 to race at NCAR. During qualification, any aircraft that exceeds this speed will be required 42 to demonstrate, at the anticipated density altitude of the race, a true airspeed of 105% of 43 the new qualifying speed while at a turn capability of 150% of the approved race course 44 maximum designed g-load. A new statement signed by the race pilot will be submitted to 45 RARA prior to being permitted on the race course. Aircraft not in compliance are subject 46 to disqualification. The air racing flight demonstration specified in written certification may

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1 be based on historic flight data (e.g., previous air race) for the same aircraft/primary pilot 2 combination and the aircraft has received no major changes modifications or alterations 3 after the flight demonstration date. 4 The following, or similarly worded statement, submitted to the RARA Director of Aviation 5 Resources, will meet this requirement: 6 7 I certify that I have completed an air racing flight demonstration, at the 8 anticipated density altitude of the race, in [insert registration number/serial 9 number] at a true airspeed of [insert speed] mph and a turning g-load of [insert 10 g-load], and have found the aircraft has no hazardous characteristics or design 11 features and is safe for air race operations. These parameters establish the 12 race aircraft has demonstrated, at the anticipated density altitude of the race, 13 a true airspeed of 105% of its projected qualifying speed while demonstrating 14 a turn capability of 150% of the approved race course maximum designed g- 15 load of the [insert applicable race class] race class. 16 17 This aircraft has received no major changes modifications or major 18 alterations or repairs after the flight demonstration date. 19 20 Flight Demonstration Date: ______21 22 Primary Race Pilot Name______23 24 Signature______Date ______25 Class ______Reg# ______Race #______26 27 Alternate Race pilot(s) Name ______28 29 I accept the conditions of the above statement Date ______30 31 Signature______32 33 Note: Alternate race pilots must certify they accept the Primary race pilot’s 34 flight demonstration certification, or submit a new certification, prior to being 35 permitted on the race course. 36 37 Each Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection Team will be comprised of a minimum of two 38 qualified individuals, one of whom will be designated as the Lead Inspector. The Lead 39 Inspector will be the primary point-of-contact for RARA and the FAA. Each Class will 40 submit the names of their Aircraft Compliance Inspection Team members to RARA, 41 Attention: Director of Aviation Resources, no later than August 1st of each race year. This 42 submittal will include a brief resume of each Inspection Team member’s qualifications to 43 include EAA Credentials, FAA Certificates, type and years of experience with Race Class 44 aircraft or equivalent, and other data deemed relevant by the Class. 45

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1 Upon completion of the Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection the FAA, in consultation with 2 RARA, shall have the final authority as to the eligibility of an aircraft for competition. Each 3 Race Class is responsible for ensuring that their Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection 4 Team is available in a sufficient amount of time to accomplish the necessary aircraft 5 inspection prior to any aircraft flight at Reno-Stead that supports class pilot qualification, 6 race qualification, racing practice or racing. Discrepancies noted and corrective actions 7 taken to correct such discrepancies must be documented on the aircraft inspection report 8 prior to any aircraft flight at Reno-Stead that supports class pilot qualification, race 9 qualification, racing practice or racing. 10 11 Aircraft Compliance Inspection Records, including discrepancies found and corrective 12 action taken shall be submitted to the Director of Aviation Resources on a timely basis. 13 The RARA Director of Aviation Resources will coordinate the completed inspection and 14 corrective actions (as required) with the Reno Nevada FSDO Reno Office and the RARA 15 Aircraft Maintenance Director prior to the aircraft being released for any flight involving pilot 16 qualification, race qualification, racing practice or racing. Once the Class Aircraft 17 Compliance Inspection Team, the Reno Nevada FSDO Reno Office, and the RARA 18 Aircraft Maintenance Director review have been confirmed by the RARA Director of 19 Aviation Resources, the RARA Director of Aviation Resources will advise the Air 20 Boss/Race Control Director of Flight Operations/Race Director that the aircraft is/are 21 released for pilot qualification, race qualification, racing practice or racing. Additionally, 22 during Race Week, RARA encourages active dialogue amongst the race team 23 maintenance personnel and their respective Class Aircraft Compliance Team about the 24 corrective actions taken to resolve aircraft system deficiencies experienced during racing 25 events or discovered while performing pre-flight and post-flight inspections. All aircraft 26 system deficiencies considered flight critical, as determined by the Race Team and or the 27 Class Aircraft Compliance Team (e.g., engine change, cylinder change, flight control 28 removal/replacement/re-rigging, etc.) as well as the corrective maintenance actions 29 completed to resolve a declared Mayday recovery will be documented and that 30 documentation reviewed by the Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection Team to ensure that 31 the affected aircraft is safe for flight. The Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection Team will 32 be required to keep an active log up to date that identifies those flight critical corrective 33 actions initiated/completed on each race aircraft in the class. The log will include the 34 aircraft race number, the discrepancy discovered and the corrective action taken place or 35 in progress. The logs will be retained by the race class and made available each morning 36 at the applicable class morning briefing during the scheduled Race Class Briefing Session 37 for RARA and the FAA to review. The review will be separate from, but in the same time 38 frame as, the scheduled Race Class briefing. These logs will also be made available to 39 RARA and FAA should they be required to support any incident/accident investigation. 40 41 Any aircraft that is “trucked in” and “assembled” at Reno-Stead shall require the Class 42 Aircraft Compliance Inspection prior to any flight after the Race Aircraft Arrival Deadline— 43 1200 hours on the Saturday preceding Race Week. 44 45 After RARA and the FAA concur with the determination of the Class Aircraft Compliance 46 Inspection Team that an aircraft is cleared for flight, the RARA Director of Aviation

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1 Resources shall advise the Chief Judge of the Contest Committee that each aircraft has 2 been inspected, corrective action accomplished (if necessary) and that the aircraft, by race 3 number, are cleared for flight. 4 5 ALL RACING aircraft must be issued a race number prior to practice or qualification. The 6 individual race class organizations will be responsible for control and issuance of race 7 numbers for their respective race class. 8 9 ASSIGNED air race numbers must be properly applied on each racing aircraft prior to flying 10 on the race course. The required location is: number(s) painted on the upper left wingtip 11 reading from the leading edge towards the trailing edge, and on the bottom of the right 12 wing (not required for the Biplane or T-6 Class) and on each side of the fuselage clear of 13 the wingtip, in readable block style and in contrasting color to the background on which 14 they are applied. Characters should be AT LEAST THIRTY (30) INCHES HIGH, with 15 minimum stroke of two and one half (2 1/2) inches. If the size of an aircraft prohibits the 16 use of a number of this size, the largest number possible must be applied. The Chief Timer 17 shall have the right to require race pilots to replace or change the size, type, color or 18 location of their racing numbers. 19 20 OPERATIONAL transmit and receive VHF radios are required for all race classes 21 qualifying and/or racing at Reno. Additionally, each VHF installation will incorporate 22 mechanization that allows keying the VHF microphone from either the throttle or the stick 23 (i.e., Hands on Throttle and Stick or HOTAS mechanization) and incorporate a headset to 24 receive incoming VHF transmissions. The HOTAS requirement is a RARA requirement, 25 which is mandatory for all aircraft participating at Reno in the NCAR. Violations will result 26 in disqualification. 27 28 RACE PILOTS shall be responsible for furnishing their own APUs, tractors, and other 29 ground support equipment. RARA tow vehicles will be available to assist as requested. 30 31 32 IV. PILOT ELIGIBILITY 33 34 PILOTS and alternate pilots must meet the eligibility requirements for the appropriate 35 class, as stated in the rules for the class, by reference made a part of these rules. There 36 will be no exceptions for non-compliance with class pilot eligibility requirements. In addition 37 to the class rules, a pilot must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age in order to fly a 38 racing aircraft on the Reno race course during race week. 39 40 It shall be the sole responsibility of the race pilot to present his/her credentials to the 41 FAA/RARA representatives and to present the necessary aircraft documents to the Class 42 Aircraft Compliance Inspection Team for review upon arrival at the race site. 43 44 THE RESPECTIVE racing class Pilot Qualification Committee shall have final authority as 45 to the eligibility of any race pilot pursuant to its class specifications. Such committees shall 46 be available at the race site no later than 0800 hours on the Sunday beginning race week

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1 to pass on the qualification of all race pilots. The decision of the Pilot Qualification 2 Committee relative to the eligibility of any race pilot shall be final. The Pilot Qualification 3 Committee of each class shall advise the RARA Director of Aviation Resources of all pilot 4 eligibility qualifications and the RARA Director of Aviation Resources will advise the Air 5 Boss/Race Control Director of Flight Operations/Race Director, Chief Judge of the 6 Contest Committee and the RARA Chief Timer. The RARA Director of Aviation Resources 7 will maintain the master file for Class Aircraft Compliance Inspections and for Class Pilot 8 Qualification documentation. No pilot will attempt to practice, qualify or race until passed 9 by said Pilot Qualification Committee. 10 11 Each class shall supply RARA with a list of the members of their Pilot Qualification 12 Committee by August 1st of each Race Year. 13 14 ALL RACE PILOTS must have at least a Private Pilot Certificate. Race Class rules may 15 require a commercial Pilot Certificate. Foreign Pilots must provide a current/valid pilot 16 license issued by their country and present photo identification from their country such as 17 a valid Passport or Driver’s License. This photo identification must be in the pilot’s 18 possession or readily accessible in the aircraft when exercising the privileges of that pilot 19 certificate. 20 21 RARA requires each race pilot, regardless of class, to have a current Class I or II Medical 22 Certificate issued within six (6) months of any NCAR race event. A current Class I or II is 23 also required for PRS. Additionally, RARA highly recommends that all race pilots complete 24 an EKG and a stress test and document same in the NCAR Race Entry Package. 25 26 EVERY PILOT flying in the NCAR must be certified. All certifications are approved by the 27 individual race classes and pilots may be considered for certification if they have competed 28 in Reno within the past three years or have successfully completed all phases of the 29 PYLON RACING SEMINAR (PRS) in the previous twenty-four (24) months. 30 31 Each class shall supply RARA with a list of the members who can certify pilots to race. 32 33 PRS ATTENDANCE will be required for a pilot or alternate pilot who falls into one of the 34 following categories: 35 36 • Never competed in the NCAR 37 • Never competed in the Race Class, in the NCAR 38 • Not competed in the Race Class in the National Championship Air Races in the 39 past three Races 40 • Credentials revoked 41 42 PILOTS with past experience competing at Reno in the NCAR may be exempt from the 43 above if: 44 45 • A pilot has competed in a similar Class, e.g. Formula One/Biplane; receives a 46 check ride satisfactory to the Class.

8 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 2 • A pilot seeking to fly in a slower or similar Class and who has competed in Reno in 3 the last three (3) years may request from the slower/similar Class the opportunity 4 to perform a check ride. If the request is granted by the Class; upon completion of 5 a check ride he/she shall be eligible to participate in that class, e.g., Unlimited to 6 Jet; Biplane to Formula One or vice versa. 7 8 PILOTS may enter more than one race class, if fully certified for each class entered. RARA 9 cannot guarantee that the race schedule will allow for sufficient time between the 10 respective races to allow a safe transition period. 11 12 A CURRENCY EXTENSION FLIGHT is a timed event, flown on the event racecourse 13 during an event qualification period, solely for the purpose of recording a time/speed for 14 the purpose of extending the currency of the pilot. 15 16 A currently certified race pilot, who is listed as an Alternate Pilot on a race application but 17 is in their last year of certification and will lose their certification if they do not race during 18 the current year, may petition the race class in which they presently hold their certification, 19 to complete a “Pilot Currency Extension Flight”. If the flight is approved and completed 20 and a valid time/speed is recorded, the racer’s certification will be extended for an 21 additional 1 year within the race class. The Currency Extension Flight is a one-time 22 only condition between completion of - a race heat or PRS. That request must comply 23 with the following criteria: 24 25 1. The Race class petitioned must first validate and approve the request. 26 27 2. The Pilot seeking the Currency Extension Flight must already be listed as an 28 Alternate Pilot on the application submitted to the Event Organizer for the aircraft 29 they intend to use for the Currency Extension Flight. All documents required of 30 both the pilot and aircraft owner, as required by the Event Organizer to participate 31 in that event, must be on file with the event organizer. 32 33 3. The Race Class will then seek the approval of the Director of Operations of the 34 event and any other personnel the Director of Operations deems appropriate for 35 approval and provide notification to the chief scorer prior to the Currency 36 Extension Flight. 37 38 4. If the petition meets the requirements of both the Race Class and the Event 39 Organizer as depicted above, the pilot seeking the Currency Extension Flight must 40 them then: 41 42 a) Complete a timed event that consists of a valid “Official Timed Qualification 43 Lap” in accordance with Event Organizer’s Official Rules of Competition. 44 Such an “Official Timed Qualification Lap” will not be counted as an “Official 45 Qualification attempt” against the aircraft’s total allowable Qualification 46 Attempts, as allowed by either the Individual Class’s Official Rules of

9 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 Competition or the Event Organizer’s Official Rules of Competition, as 2 appropriate. Additionally, the time/speed results of the Currency Extension 3 Flight will not be used for any qualification placement or initial pairing of the 4 aircraft. 5 5. The CEF is a one-time only condition. 6 V. BRIEFINGS 7 ALL RACE PILOTS and Pace Pilots must attend a General Pilot Briefing before practicing, 8 qualifying or racing on the race course or serving as a Pace Pilot. Owner/Operators of 9 aircraft that are providing Pace Aircraft Duties are encouraged to attend the General Pilot 10 Briefing, although it is not required. However, since these specific Pace Aircraft are multi- 11 crewed, there must be a qualified Race/Pace Pilot at the controls who has attended the 12 General Pilot Briefing. These briefings will be conducted by the Air Boss Director of Flight 13 Operations/Race Director or the Deputy Air Boss Director of Flight Operations/Race 14 Director. Dates, times and locations of the General Pilot Briefings will be included in the 15 general instruction letter sent to each Air Race pilot. All pilots must personally attend one 16 of these two briefings and have signed in on the attendance roster. The pilot’s signature 17 on the attendance roster verifies that the pilot has read and understands the Rules of 18 Operations and Competition and the Operational Rules and Regulations applying to the 19 Stead Airport. It also signifies that the pilot has been briefed and understands the 20 provisions of operating within the FAA Certificate of Waiver. A requirement that will be 21 covered during the General Pilot Briefing will be a focus on G awareness training and 22 techniques to reduce the potential for G-induced pilot loss of consciousness. Any pilot 23 unable to attend either of these briefs will not be permitted to fly in the waivered airspace. 24 25 IN ADDITION to the General Pilots Briefing, there will be a Daily Pilot Class Briefing. This 26 briefing is mandatory for any pilot desiring to fly on the race course and all authorized 27 occupants of the Pace Aircraft. The times of these briefings will be published in the daily 28 schedule for each class. Pilots will be required to sign in on the pilot attendance roster. 29 Any pilot failing to attend the briefing or failing to sign the roster will not be permitted to fly 30 that day. Any pilot who has someone other than him/herself sign in on his/her behalf shall 31 be disqualified from racing for the remainder of that year’s racing. 32 33 Pilots who miss the mandatory general briefing must watch the video of the general 34 briefing. Pilots who miss the mandatory daily briefings must be briefed in person by the 35 Air Boss Director of Flight Operations/Race Director or his designated representative 36 before they are permitted to fly. Advance coordination with the Air Boss Director of Flight 37 Operations/Race Director is required. 38 39 RARA shall hold a mandatory CREW CHIEF briefing at a time and place to be announced. 40 This briefing will provide the crew chiefs information on aircraft maintenance 41 documentation, corrective action and documentation requirements during the pre- 42 inspection, practice, qualifying and racing operations. The briefing will include information 43 pertaining to the Ramp and Hangar rules affecting their respective classes. 44 45 THE PACE PLANE PILOT in the Unlimited, Jet, T-6 and Sport Classes shall brief the pilots 46 before takeoff for each race and cover the following items:

10 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 • Time to takeoff, rendezvous area, rendezvous speed and altitude, emergency 2 procedures, VHF Comm. frequency, number of laps for the race AND other 3 procedures as necessary. 4 5 • If a Pace Plane is unavailable, it is the responsibility of the pole position pilot to 6 brief the other pilots before the race. 7 8 VI. PRACTICE AND QUALIFYING PERIODS 9 10 THE PRACTICE and qualifying periods will be controlled by Race Control on the 11 designated Race Control radio frequencies. All Race pilots will be required to fly one 12 practice session prior to qualification. All pilots will fly a minimum of four laps (six laps 13 preferred) in a practice session before attempting to qualify. The purpose of the practice 14 laps is to allow for G tolerance build-up prior to maximum speed qualification attempts. 15 Each pilot will be required to submit a RARA provided form that certifies that at least the 16 minimum number of G tolerance build up laps were flown prior to attempting to qualify. 17 This form must be signed by the pilot and submitted to the RARA Director of Aviation 18 Resources within one hour of the end of the practice/qualifying period during which the 19 laps were flown. Pilots are authorized to qualify the same qualifying period as the 20 G tolerance build up after the four to six G tolerance laps are completed. NOTE: Pilots 21 who are registered to race in more than one class must fly their G tolerance build up laps 22 in the higher performance class aircraft. (Note: For the purpose of defining "performance", 23 RARA will use the G and speed for which each race course is designed.) Using this criteria 24 results in the following order of priority for G tolerance build up laps from the lowest 25 performance to the highest: T-6 Class, Formula One Class, Biplane Class, Sport Class, 26 Unlimited Class and Jet Class. 27 28 Any action requested by Race Control must be adhered to or disqualification from further 29 participation may occur. Pilots demonstrating their ignorance of, or disregard for, the Rules 30 of Operations and Competition, the FAA Waiver or FARs will be immediately grounded and 31 referred to the Contest Committee for appropriate action. It is desirable to have the Class 32 President or a Class representative with the timing crew during qualification. 33 34 ALL AIRCRAFT will communicate with Race Control on the Race Control frequency to 35 obtain permission to takeoff for practice or qualifying. They may be held on the ground or 36 at the end of the runway if the race course is too crowded. A pilot may request to takeoff 37 and hold away from the race course and await clearance to enter the race course when a 38 position is available. The practice and/or qualification order is on a first-come basis after 39 engine start, unless specific times are pre-scheduled through Race Control. Formula One 40 and Biplane pilots will abide by the qualifying procedures adopted by their respective class 41 organizations regarding communications and race course entry/exit during 42 practice/qualifying periods. 43 44 AT THE daily brief, each designated class representative will brief the Air Boss Director 45 of Flight Operations/Race Director/Deputy Air Boss Director of Flight 46 Operations/Race Director on the maximum aircraft they desire on the Race Course. If

11 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 approved by the Air Boss Director of Flight Operations/Race Director /Deputy Air Boss 2 Director of Flight Operations/Race Director, this information will be passed on the to 3 Race Control so they can appropriately manage the number of the aircraft on the Race 4 Course. No more than nine (9) aircraft will ever be allowed on any race course. 5 6 WHEN A PILOT has announced his/her intention to qualify, only four (4) aircraft will be 7 permitted on the race course at the same time, with the last aircraft entering the course 8 being directed to pull off the course. During any practice period, preferably after all aircraft 9 in that class have qualified, a maximum of nine (9) aircraft may be permitted on the race 10 course, to simulate actual race conditions, with approval of the respective Class President 11 and Race Control. 12 13 VII. QUALIFICATION OF AIRCRAFT 14 ALL PILOTS must have their aircraft at Reno-Stead, attend the mass in-brief, register, 15 have their aircraft inspected and be ready to qualify no later than 1700 hours on the first 16 Sunday of race week. On-time aircraft that are registered but undergoing on-field 17 maintenance must be inspected and approved for flight in accordance with these Rules. 18 19 CFR AND OPERATIONS personnel will support authorized race aircraft operations, 20 including pilot class certifications and practice flights, from 0800 to 1700 on the first 21 Sunday. Operations personnel will be ready to qualify aircraft from 0800 to 1700 Monday, 22 0800 to 1700 Tuesday, and, normally, 0800-1200 Wednesday of Race week. 23 24 QUALIFICATION PERIODS will be posted on the daily schedule and announced at the 25 daily briefing. Qualification periods may be shortened or extended by RARA in the best 26 interest of the NCAR. 27 28 ALL AIRCRAFT must qualify to establish starting positions for their respective heats, and 29 will be eligible to race if their qualification speeds place them within the approved field size 30 for the class. Unqualified aircraft may be authorized by RARA to fill the field. 31 32 AIRCRAFT MUST fly at least one level lap before initiating a qualifying attempt; “ on 33 the course” is not permitted. Pilots will be given flags, described in Section VIII, as they 34 pass Home Pylon. 35 36 WHEN READY to initiate qualifying attempts, pilots must contact the timers at the half-way 37 point on their course. The timers will acknowledge radio calls and place the aircraft on the 38 clock as they pass Home Pylon on that lap. Pilots of Formula One and Biplane aircraft 39 may employ the wing-rock method, as they turn toward Home Pylon, if timers do not 40 acknowledge radio calls. 41 42 ALL AIRCRAFT on the course may have qualification attempts timed concurrently. 43 44 A QUALIFYING attempt consists of one timed lap or two consecutive timed laps. Pilots 45 may request one lap, when they initiate the attempt, or pull off the course after the first lap. 46

12 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 ALL AIRCRAFT will be permitted to make up to two qualifying attempts of one or two laps 2 each unless further restricted by class rules. Up to three additional attempts may 3 be authorized by the Class President with the concurrence of the Director of 4 Operations. 5 6 ALL QUALIFYING attempts, by primary and alternate pilots, will be included in the allowed 7 attempts, unless Alternate pilot calls for a Currency Extension Flight lap. 8 9 A QUALIFYING attempt may be aborted by abruptly pulling off the course without passing 10 the Home Pylon. The pilot must call over the radio to Race Control their race number and 11 aborting status. Qualifying attempts aborted on the second lap will be included in the 12 allowed attempts. 13 14 QUALIFYING LAPS will be disqualified by pylon cuts, by cutting inside the race course or 15 by Class officials, or the Contest Committee for other infractions. Qualifying attempts in 16 which one or both laps are disqualified will be included in the allowed attempts. 17 18 UNAUTHORIZED QUALIFYING ATTEMPTS beyond two will not be recorded. 19 20 THE BEST SPEED of the laps flown without disqualification shall be used as the aircraft’s 21 qualification speed. 22 23 IF IDENTICAL qualifying speeds are posted by two or more aircraft, their order in 24 qualification shall be the same order in which they achieved their speeds. 25 26 THE AIR BOSS DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS/RACE DIRECTOR may, at his 27 discretion, grant permission for the performance of “TEST FLIGHTS” during the qualifying 28 period of another class if there is no chance of conflict or hindrance between the race 29 aircraft of the two classes, and if such test flights are approved by the Class Presidents of 30 both classes. 31 32 VIII. RACE COURSE 33 34 RARA, with coordination of the Race Classes, have elected to present the race course 35 lengths as the Pylon-to-Pylon course distances. This methodology is in alignment with 36 international racing course design and scoring norms and is the preferred method for race 37 timing. Previous race course maps (2003-2016) showed the Optimum Race Path (ORP) 38 as the course length. In 2017, RARA changed the course length designations to reflect 39 the Pylon-to-Pylon distances, as shown on the 2017 Race Waiver maps. 40 41 THE ORP geometry was used, pursuant to FAA Order 8900.1, Vol. 3, Chap. 6, Section 2 42 course design guidance, to determine the Minimum Turn Radius (r), Scatter Radius (Sr), 43 Scatter Distance (S), and Safety Radius (Sfr). A course geometries used a 25-foot offset 44 (50-foot for Unlimited and Jet Class) to the outside of the pylon to the ORP to provide for 45 adequate space for the centerline of the aircraft to pass by the pylon without a pylon cut. 46 The following table presents the race course geometry for all race classes:

13 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

Minimum Scatter Scatter Safety Altitude Distance Turn Class Speed Force Radius Distance Radius 1 (PTP7) Radius (ft-agl.) "Sr" "S" "Sfr" (r)

(mph) (g’s) (max) P-P (mi) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)

Formula 250 3.0 250 3.1193 1,476 2,066 1,445 2,360 One

Biplane 275 3.0 250 3.1193 1,786 2,391 1,589 2,693

T66 250 3.0 250 4.8257 1,476 2,066 1,445 2,360

Sport4 375 3.0 250 6.7757 3,321 3,966 2,167 4,288

Sport 275 3.0 250 4.82573 1,786 2,391 1,589 2,693 Medallion

Sport 425 3.0 250 7.9107 4,266 4,923 2,456 5,251 Gold

Sport S=5,207 4 275 3.0 1,000 1,786 2,391 1,589 2,360 Slalom N=5,3095

Unlimited 350 4.0 400 7.9107 2,113 3,318 2,559 3,921 Bronze

Unlimited 425 4.0 325 7.9107 3,116 4,247 2,885 4,812 Silver

Unlimited 500 4.0 2502 7.9107 4,312 5,191 2,890 5,630 Gold

Jet 525 5.0 250 7.9107 3,759 4,830 3,034 5,366

Notes: 1- Minimum course altitude for all courses is 50 feet above ground level (agl.). 2- Unlimited Gold Max Altitude Varies by Pylon, see race course map. 3- Sport Course (Sport Silver) will run the first lap on the Outer (Unlimited/Jet) Course (7.9107). 4- Sport Medallion Course will run first lap on the Outer Course (7.9107 ), then on the Sport Medallion Course (same pylons as T6 pylons (4.8257 miles), with the ORP calculated for higher speed, 275 mph vs. 250 mph for T6. 5- The North Sport Slalom Course is 5,309 feet PTP and the South Course is 5,207 feet PTP. Course lengths differ by 102 feet. 6- In addition to the standard T-6 racing, the T-6 Elimination Series Races (Drag Races) concept was evaluated and approved by the FAA and RARA at the 2015 Pylon Racing Seminar (PRS). The Drag Races is a series of races pitting two T-6 racers against each other, starting from Runway 08 with a formation take-off and racing for one lap around the T-6 race course. A field up to eight T-6 aircraft will compete during a series of elimination races heats that will result with one aircraft as the “Drag Race” winner. 7- PTP = Pylon to Pylon Distance. Calculated as the straight line distances between pylons, shown in horizontal feet (no vertical distance shown).

14 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 SEE ATTACHMENT B for OPTIMUM RACE PATHS 2 3 RACE FLAGS, as designated below, will be displayed at Home Pylon during all racing 4 events. 5 6 GREEN FLAG: Used to start a race or a qualification run. 7 8 BLACK FLAG: Used to signal an aircraft to vacate the course. 9 10 RED FLAG: Used to signify race cancellation. Race pilots will exit the race course and 11 set up to be sequenced for landing. 12 13 WHITE FLAG: Used to indicate the beginning of the final lap of a race. 14 15 CHECKERED FLAG: Used to indicate the finish of a race or qualification attempt. 16 17 THE SOUTH RACE COURSE SHOW LINE FOR ALL CLASSES SHALL BE THE NORTH 18 EDGE OF RUNWAY 8/26. 19 20 21 IX. RACING 22 23 WIND LIMITATIONS: The wind limitations for aircraft operations (practicing, qualifying 24 and racing) during the NCAR are listed below: (Note: Class Officials and RARA 25 Operations may mutually lower these limitations if, in their collective judgment, safe air 26 and/or ground operations could be compromised.) 27 28 Biplane 29 Max Total Wind 20 Kts 30 Max Cross Wind 15 Kts 31 Max Tail Wind for Takeoff 10 Kts 32 Max Tail Wind for Landing 5 Kts 33 34 Formula One 35 Max Total Wind 35 Kts 36 Max Cross Wind 20 Kts 37 Max Tail Wind for Takeoff 10 Kts 38 Max Tail Wind for Landing 10 Kts 39 40 T-6 41 Max Total Wind 30 Kts 42 Max Cross Wind 15 Kts 43 Max Tail Wind for Takeoff 5 Kts 44 Max Tail Wind for Landing 0 Kts 45

15 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 Sport 2 Max Total Wind 35 Kts 3 Max Cross Wind 20 Kts 4 Max Tail Wind for Takeoff 10 Kts 5 Max Tail Wind for Landing 10 Kts 6 7 Jet 8 Max Total Wind 35 Kts 9 Max Cross Wind 25 Kts 10 Max Tail Wind for Takeoff 10 Kts 11 Max Tail Wind for Landing 10 Kts 12 13 Unlimited 14 Max Total Wind 35 Kts 15 Max Cross Wind 30 Kts 16 Max Tail Wind for Takeoff 10 Kts 17 Max Tail Wind for Landing 10 Kts 18 19 AIR STARTS will be used for all Unlimited, Jet, Sport and T-6 races. Note: The T-6 Air 20 Start will be conducted from West to East and parallel to R/W 08/26. All aircraft will remain 21 north of the south edge of 08/26. 22 23 A RACEHORSE START will be used for all Formula One and Biplane races. 24 25 THE STARTING TIME for all aircraft will be the time that the first racing aircraft crosses 26 the timing line. 27 28 THE TIMING LINE for the Unlimited, Jet, and Sport classes is an line parallel to extension 29 to the north edge of runway 8/26 at its intersection with the northbound entry corridor. 30 Lap #1 for these classes shall be from the timing line to the finish line at Home Pylon. 31 Subsequent laps shall be on each class’s specific race course. 32 33 THE TIMING LINE for the T-6, Formula One and Biplane classes is a line projected south 34 from Home Pylon at right angles to runway 8/26. Prior to the official start of a T-6 Race, 35 all race aircraft must be north of the South Race Course Show Line. Formula Ones and 36 Biplanes on a runway 8 departure must make one lap before the start time begins. 37 38 FORMULA ONES and Biplanes will not take-off on runway 26. The alternate start for 39 Formula Ones and Biplanes will be from runway 32. The alternate start procedure will 40 entail a left turn at a TEMPORARY TURN PYLON on Taxiway B. After take-off on 41 runway 32, the aircraft will join the course at pylon 4. Formula Ones and Biplanes will 42 continue around the course until they pass the timing line. Race Control and the respective 43 class will ensure cross wind components for a 32 departure are within the limits established 44 by each class prior to authorizing a 32 launch. 45

16 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 STARTING POSITIONS: Qualifying speeds will determine starting positions in 2 accordance with class rules for the Wednesday and Thursday heat races. The positions 3 for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday races will be determined by the finishing position from 4 the previous day or as stated in the class rules of progression. 5 6 ANY AIRCRAFT assigned to compete in a particular race which is unable to join the 7 starting formation or having joined the formation and subsequently drops out for any 8 reason prior to the racehorse start or air start, depending on race class, will not be regarded 9 as a legal start and will not be eligible for prize money or trophies for that race. 10 11 AIR STARTS officially start when the Pace Plane Pilot, or if there is not a Pace Plane, 12 when the Pole Position Pilot announces a “race start” over race frequency at a 13 predetermined point on the initial approach to the race course. All aircraft will enter the 14 race course within their race corridor to officially start in a race. 15 16 • Entry at any other point will result in disqualification from that event. All aircraft 17 must have entered the start corridor by the time the pole position aircraft crosses 18 the timing line or they will be disqualified and not considered an official starter. 19 20 • Any pilot participating in a Sport, Unlimited or Jet race is not required to maintain 21 race altitude during the Start Lap from the Start Pylon to Pylon Six while they are 22 maneuvering for race position during the start. (Not new, just moved from 23 Section XV Violations) 24 25 ALTERNATE AIRCRAFT will not takeoff if all assigned aircraft in a race become airborne 26 for a start. 27 28 RACE COURSE SHOW LINES (RCSL) are established to ensure all race aircraft remain 29 inside the designated FAA race air space at all times. The South RCSL is defined as the 30 north edge of runway 8-26 8/26, over which no aircraft is permitted to cross while 31 racing/qualifying/practicing unless the pilot is clearly performing an "escape maneuver," 32 which is defined as above 1,500 AGL to avoid the spectator area. The East RCSL 33 is marked with white panels visible from the air and are located a minimum of 500 feet west 34 of the east airport fence line until Lemmon Drive. The west RCSL is the west airport fence 35 line from pylon 6 to a point between pylons 6 and 7 where a series of white panels visible 36 from the air are placed on an angle moving the west RCSL 500 feet east of the west airport 37 property fence line. Any aircraft crossing a RCSL will be disqualified by the Contest 38 Committee for not complying with the FAA designated airspace associated with the FAA 39 Waiver. RCSL violations are not subject to protest. 40 41 THE MINIMUM RACE ALTITUDE on the Race Course is the Race plane’s cockpit (pilot’s 42 eye level) at the top of the pylons on the Race Course and above the bottom of the “R” in 43 RENO at the home pylon. The responsibility for calling violations of low flying shall vest in 44 the unanimous decision of the Pylon Judges assigned to that pylon that called the low 45 flying violation and the Contest Committee when in position to view a violation. The timers 46 may report to Contest Committee a low flying violation at the Home Pylon, supported by

17 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 the video evidence. Violators will be disqualified from the race in which the violation 2 occurred. Repeat violators will be disqualified from future participation. 3 4 THE RACE ALTITUDE—The maximum race altitude as stated on applicable race course 5 map. 6 7 THE MAXIMUM RACE ALTITUDE—The maximum race altitudes are established on the 8 FAA approved race courses. All race pilots are advised that limited deviations above 9 maximum race altitude will not result in a rules violation if such maneuvering is deemed to 10 be in the interest of flying safety by the pilot in command and judged to be for that reason 11 after review of the altitude deviation by the Contest Committee. Reasons for 12 maneuvering above the maximum race altitude include, but are not limited to, the 13 following: maneuvering out of jet/prop wash or wake turbulence; as required for safe 14 passing due to an unforeseen change in position of the aircraft being passed; or a 15 momentary loss of situation awareness. In the interest of safety, such altitude 16 deviations without penalty are authorized if followed by a safe return to the race course. A 17 planned excursion above the maximum altitude solely for the purpose of passing is not 18 acceptable. Alternatively, pilots may execute the escape route as discussed in the 19 following paragraph, “A Primary Escape Route”. Oversight of pilot maximum altitude 20 deviations will be provided by the Contest Committee and documented and tracked in the 21 RARA Safety Management System (SMS). 22 23 A PRIMARY ESCAPE ROUTE is available for Unlimited, Jet, Sport and T-6 race pilots 24 unable to remain within the boundaries of their race course when approaching the South 25 RCSL, which is the north edge of runway 8/26. They must climb to 1,500 feet AGL while 26 crossing their extended RCSL west of the threshold of Runway 8, then pass behind the 27 spectator area above 1,500 feet AGL then cross the threshold of Runway 26 and rejoin the 28 circuit. Extreme caution is advised as aircraft on the race course have the right of way. 29 Similar Escape Routes are available on the Race Course Boundaries on the west and east 30 sides of the race course. These escape routes are identical to the one over the South 31 RCSL other than the relative position on the race course. No penalty will be incurred for 32 performance of this maneuver. 33 34 As all race pilots are timed using high speed cameras, a maximum of 250 feet AGL MUST 35 be maintained when passing HOME PYLON during qualifications and on the final lap of 36 any race. Failure to maintain an altitude at or below 250 AGL MAY result in NO TIME. 37 38 AN AIRCRAFT overtaking a slower aircraft shall not pass between that aircraft and a pylon 39 and will pass on the outside unless the overtaken aircraft is extremely wide and can be 40 kept in sight at all times by the overtaking pilot during the pass. 41 42 THE PILOT of an overtaken aircraft must not in any way impede or interfere with a faster 43 overtaking aircraft. The overtaking pilot must keep the overtaken aircraft in sight at all 44 times during the pass high and wide. 45

18 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 X. PYLON CUTS/LIGHTING 2 3 RACING AIRCRAFT must remain outside of all race course pylons, including guide 4 pylons, during races or during a qualification attempts. 5 6 TURNING INSIDE of, or having any part of the aircraft over a pylon, constitutes a pylon 7 cut and will be called by the unanimous decision of the pylon judges assigned to that pylon. 8 A pilot cutting pylons may continue to race, but will be penalized two (2) seconds times the 9 number of laps in the race for each pylon cut. The penalty time will be added to the actual 10 finish time, with the result used to compute the final race speed. 11 12 AIRCRAFT FORCED over or inside a pylon by the illegal flying of another aircraft shall be 13 considered to have suffered a “forced cut”. If a cut is forced in the unanimous decision of 14 the pylon judges involved, the aircraft that forced the cut shall be disqualified. 15 16 AIRCRAFT WILL not be notified of a pylon cuts until completion of the race. Protests to 17 the Contest Committee will not be allowed for pylon cuts or forced cuts. 18 19 PORTABLE LIGHTING is used at selected race course pylons to enhance racing safety 20 by assisting race pilots in quickly determining their appropriate race path towards these 21 important race course markers. Portable lighting at the pylons listed below is considered 22 part of the pylon and must be functioning at the start of a race, qualification period or 23 practice session. Rapid corrective action plans are in place at each of these pylons to 24 quickly service portable lighting deficiencies as they occur. Should lights fail during a race 25 or qualification period, the racing/qualifying will continue and the condition corrected ASAP. 26 All aircraft on race course will be notified by Race Control of any pylon lighting discrepancy. 27 28 1. Pylons 1, 2, and 4 on the Biplane, Formula One, and T-6 Race Course. 29 30 2. The Guide Pylon for the Jet, Unlimited and Sport Racers. This pylon is required 31 only for the start of any heat/race that uses the Outer Race Course including the 32 Unlimited, Jet and Sport Classes. 33 34 3. Outer Pylon 6 on the Jet, Unlimited and Sport Race Course. NOTE: This light is 35 mandatory for all Jet Class Races, all Sport Gold races and the last Gold Unlimited 36 Race of each race day. 37 38 39 Additional lighting at selected locations (not necessarily at pylons) will be used as 40 recommended by the race classes and or the Air Boss Director of Flight 41 Operations/Race Director but not be considered essential to racing, qualifying or 42 practicing sessions. 43 44 45 46

19 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 XI. RACE FINISH 2 3 THE OFFICIAL FINISH LINE for all races is a line projected from Home Pylon 4 perpendicular to Runway 8/26. 5 6 THE OFFICIAL FINISH for any race shall occur when the lead aircraft passes the finish 7 line after completing the required number of laps. All following aircraft will be given the 8 Checkered Flag as they cross the finish line and shall depart the course after receiving the 9 Checkered Flag. 10 11 THE SPEED of each aircraft shall be determined by dividing the distance flown by its 12 elapsed time, calculated by subtracting the race start time from the racer’s finishing time, 13 adjusted by any pylon cut penalties. 14 15 THE FINISHING POSITIONS of aircraft in the field shall be in the following order: 16 17 1. Decreasing Speeds 18  All finishing aircraft that are not disqualified are listed in order of decreasing 19 speed. 20 21  If Class rules allow the race winner to bump to a faster heat and the winner 22 elects to bump, the winner’s place will be listed as “Bump” with the following 23 entry 1st Place. 24 25  In case of a tie, with two or more aircraft having equal speeds, the place is 26 replicated with subsequent places skipped. For example, if two racers tie for 27 2nd place, both will be listed as 2nd place, followed by 4th place. 28 29 2. Racers with no speeds 30 31  Racers who start the race, but do not finish, are listed as Did Not Finish (DNF) 32 and listed in decreasing order of the number of laps completed. DNF aircraft 33 are listed below aircraft with recorded speeds. 34 35  Racers who do not start a race, that is, do not participate in the racehorse 36 start or air start, are listed as Did Not Start (DNS), below DNF racers. 37 38  Disqualified racers are listed below other racers. 39 40 IF THE CRITERIA above do not distinguish two or more racers, they are listed in pairing 41 order for that race. Examples include ties, DNF racers who complete the same number of 42 laps and disqualified racers. However, such finishes are considered equal, with the 43 position on the race report irrelevant. 44 45 UNOFFICIAL FINAL RESULTS will be posted as soon as practical after race completion. 46 Such results will become official one (1) hour following posting if there are no protests.

20 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 XII. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 2 3 WHEN A PILOT declares a “MAYDAY”, Race Control will announce by radio that an 4 emergency is in progress. 5 6 ANY AIRCRAFT declaring “MAYDAY” or obviously leaving the race course for an 7 emergency condition will not be allowed to re-enter that race and will have terminated the 8 race at that point. 9 10 WHEN A ‘MAYDAY’ has been declared, all other aircraft will continue to race. 11 12 A SAFE ‘MAYDAY’ altitude will vary depending on the pilot, the type of aircraft, the course 13 and other factors. No specific altitude is designated. 14 15 FAILURE to give way to an aircraft with an emergency will result in a severe penalty. 16 17 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS will be terminated as soon as possible after the distressed 18 aircraft has safely landed and shall be declared by CFR. The pilot of a distressed aircraft 19 may aid in terminating the Emergency by declaring his safety on the runway. Race Control 20 will notify officials on the ground via the operations frequency that the emergency is 21 terminated. 22 23 IN THE EVENT that a race must be terminated before its normal end due to an emergency 24 condition, Race Control will notify pilots by radio that the race is terminated and a red flag 25 will be displayed at the Home Pylon. Aircraft shall pull up and off the course in trail at the 26 Home Pylon as is normally done at the end of a race. Landing instructions will be given 27 as soon as possible after the race termination. This procedure is to prevent uncoordinated 28 departures from the race course should a race be terminated. 29 30 31 XIII. RACE CANCELLATION OR POSTPONEMENT/IMPACT ON PAYOUTS 32 33 THE RARA Director of Operations/or his designee and the Chief Judge of the Contest 34 Committee, in cooperation with RARA, shall have the authority to postpone or delay racing 35 for reasons of safety, weather or course conditions. 36 37 IN DETERMINING whether a race should be postponed, the Director of Operations/or his 38 designee shall consult with representatives of the FAA, RARA and the president(s) of the 39 affected racing class. Any postponement will remain in effect until those listed above agree 40 to resume the competition. In determining whether a race should be rescheduled, 41 agreement must be unanimous between the Director of Operations/or his designee and 42 the Class President. 43 44 IF AT ANY TIME it becomes necessary to stop a race and the lead aircraft has completed 45 50% or more of that race, the race shall be declared completed. Finishing positions shall 46 be determined by the aircraft positions at the time of official race stoppage.

21 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 IF THE RACE is stopped before the lead aircraft has completed 50% of the race, it may 2 be started again after suitable time has been allowed for race pilot preparation. 3 4 • Only those aircraft competing in the stopped race and who had made an official 5 start will be permitted to restart even if the field is not filled. 6 7 • Aircraft that had officially started the race but dropped out of the field before the 8 race was stopped will be allowed to enter the restarted race. 9 10 • Aircraft not officially starting the race will not be allowed to enter the restarted race. 11 12 • Aircraft disqualified during the completed portion of a stopped race will not be 13 allowed to enter a restarted race, but they will receive last place money. 14 15 • If the race was not officially started, the aircraft originally scheduled to start the 16 race will be allowed to enter the rescheduled race. 17 18 THE PURSE will constitute the total amount of dollars allocated to the Class for the current 19 year’s event and distributed for Prize Money and Class Expenses. RARA will allocate and 20 fund the Purse, predicated on a full field racing of aircraft as follows 21 22 THE PURSE ALLOCATION 23 24 % 25 Wednesday 10% 26 Thursday 15% 27 Friday 20% 28 Saturday 25% 29 Sunday 30% 30 Total 100% 31 32 FUNDING—The class will be funded by the same formula used for the overall purse. The 33 total funding is determined for the class predicated upon a full field racing. The purse will 34 be adjusted downward if a full field is not qualified and begins racing on Wednesday. If 35 the class withdraws its “Administrative” fee, there must be adequate funds allocated to the 36 purse to facilitate the payment. Any “off the top” payments to the class may short your 37 prize payout schedule. All funding for the day will commence at the start of a specific race. 38 If the Race or Heat is not run, the purse for that heat may or may not be funded at the 39 discretion of RARA. 40 41 42 43 44 45

22 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 XIV. SAFETY 2 3 SAFETY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION AT THE RENO NCAR. 4 Any observed or reportable safety event or concern will be reported per the NCAR Safety 5 Management System through the RARA Director of Safety. 6 7 RARA AND THE CONTEST COMMITTEE will assure that the provisions of the FAA 8 waiver are adhered to and will cooperate with the designated FAA officials in the interest 9 of spectator and participant safety. 10 11 THE CONTEST COMMITTEE, Air Boss Director of Flight Operations/Race Director or 12 Deputy Air Boss Director of Flight Operations/Race Director may order off the course 13 any pilot who appears to be a menace to himself or to other participants. 14 15 FIRE RETARDANT flight clothing and gloves are mandatory for all race classes. Helmets 16 and oxygen masks shall be used in accordance with individual class racing rules. 17 18 19 XV. VIOLATIONS—PENALTIES—FINES 20 21 THE FOLLOWING shall be deemed violations of these Rules of Competition and will be 22 grounds for disqualification. The length of a disqualification for any of the following shall 23 be dependent upon the severity of the violation as determined by RARA in consultation 24 with the Contest Committee and the Class President. 25 26 • Bribery or an attempt to bribe anyone connected with any competition and/or the 27 acceptance of such offer. 28 29 • The intention to enter or to aid in the entry of an unqualified participant or aircraft. 30 31 • Failure to give way to an aircraft with an emergency. 32 33 • Any action or proceeding prejudicial to the event or to the best interest of air racing. 34 35 • Any unsportsmanlike conduct, any protest offensively formulated, any abusive 36 language or threat uttered publicly or otherwise against participants, officials or 37 committee members, before, during or after competition. 38 39 • Reckless or dangerous Careless or reckless flying (14CFR 91.13) . 40 41 • Violations of any FAA rules, regulations or the Waiver. 42 43 • Low flying over spectators at any time. 44 45 • Failure of pilot or aircraft to conform to regulations set forth in the specifications 46 and Class Aircraft Compliance Inspection Regulations of the racing class involved.

23 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 • Attempt to race an unqualified aircraft in a race as substitute for a qualified aircraft. 2 3 • Attempting to fly on the race course prior to personally attending and signing in for 4 the required pilot briefing(s). 5 6 • Attempting to fly on the race course without an assigned race number correctly 7 applied on the aircraft. 8 9 • Any pilot taking an unauthorized passenger on the race course at any time shall 10 be disqualified from racing for that year and/or the following year dependent on 11 the timing of the violation. Should the infraction occur during PRS, the practice 12 period, the qualification period or Wednesday thru Friday of Race Week, the 13 disqualification shall be for the remainder of the current year. Should the infraction 14 occur on Saturday or Sunday of Race Week, the disqualification shall be for the 15 remainder of the current year AND the following year’s Air Races. 16 17 • Should a pilot not climb to and maintain the 1,500 AGL altitude required by the 18 ESCAPE ROUTE, discussed in the RACING SECTION, he/she will be disqualified 19 for that race, receive last place money for that race and will start in last place for 20 the next race. 21 22 • A pilot displaying erratic, reckless, dangerous or unsportsmanlike flying will be 23 ordered off the course by radio and Black Flag. There shall be no right of protest 24 and the pilot shall receive last place money for that race. The pilot will meet with 25 the Contest Committee and the Class Pilot Qualifications Committee after landing 26 to discuss the reason for the erratic behavior. 27 28 • Any participant “jumping the start’, “slingshoting” or “diving for the deck” at the 29 start of a race will be subject to disqualification and last place money for that race. 30 The Chief Judge of the Contest Committee will be the sole determiner of any of 31 these infractions and no protest may be filed. 32 33 THE FOLLOWING are deemed penalties and shall not result in a disqualification: 34 35 • The penalty for a pylon cut during a race shall be two (2) seconds per lap times 36 the number of laps in the event for each pylon cut. Protests to the Contest 37 Committee will not be allowed. 38 39 • A pylon cut allegedly assigned to the wrong aircraft will be discussed with the 40 Contest Committee and the Chief Pylon Judge through the formal protest process. 41 42 • The penalty to the affected class for a violation of the number of credentialed 43 members of that class or the presence of any person not having the appropriate 44 credentials within the “Designated Observation Area” or the “Telemetry Area” shall 45 result in the class’ inability to occupy those areas for the remainder of the year’s 46 races. Should a violation occur, the class will be directed to immediately correct

24 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 the situation and if they are able to immediately respond, no penalty will be 2 imposed. 3 4 A MONETARY FINE shall be assessed to a CLASS should any pilot in that class enter the 5 Race Course in an aircraft without the appropriate documentation required by RARA and 6 the FAA to fly at any RARA-sanctioned event. All fines shall be deducted from the annual 7 Race Purse for the subject Class for that Race Year and retained by RARA. 8 9 • DURING PRACTICE or QUALIFICATION, the Class of the aircraft which the pilot 10 is/was flying when violation is/was discovered and documented shall be fined Five 11 Hundred ($500.00) Dollars for the first violation by that class in that year. The fine 12 shall be doubled for each subsequent violation within the Class. 13 14 • DURING A RACING PERIOD, the Class of the aircraft the pilot(s) is/was flying 15 when the violation is/was discovered and documented shall be fined Five Percent 16 (5%) of the total Class Purse for that race day for each violation. 17 18 19 XVI. PROTESTS 20 21 THE RIGHT to protest is vested in the competitors and principal owners of the affected 22 aircraft only. The Contest Committee may institute a protest by virtue of their judging 23 authority at any time without the required fee. 24 25 ALL PROTESTS must be in writing and accompanied by the prescribed Two Hundred 26 Dollar ($200.00) protest fee and delivered to the Chief Scorer’s office within one (1) hour 27 of the posting of the unofficial race results for protests relating to decisions or actions of 28 the judges, timers, scorers, other officials or participants, and at least four (4) hours before 29 the first scheduled race in a class in which there is a protest against the validity of an entry 30 aircraft or qualification of a participant. 31 32 All race pilots shall remain available for a period of one (1) hour after the posting of the 33 unofficial results of an event for the purpose of receiving notice of a protest should one be 34 filed. Failure to remain in the area to receive notice of a protest will not stop the hearing 35 of a protest. 36 37 • Protests relating to an air racing event and any error or irregularity committed 38 during a competition will be presented to the Contest Committee, which will 39 convene to deal with any issue under their jurisdiction as soon as practicable and 40 in no event later than one (1) hour after finish of competition of the day and will 41 remain in session until all protests have been resolved and the official results 42 posted. The decision of the Contest Committee shall be final and all parties 43 concerned shall be bound by the decision and no further appeal to the decision 44 will be granted. 45

25 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 • A technical protest of racing aircraft will be presented to the Contest Committee 2 and the Chief Aircraft Compliance Inspector of the class. When a protest has 3 been made against the legality of the aircraft, the protestor will be responsible for 4 the expenses incurred by the party protested against as a result of the protest if 5 the aircraft is found to be legal. 6 7 • The Contest Committee shall notify all parties concerned of the time and place of 8 the hearing of any protest. All parties shall be entitled to call witnesses and they 9 and the witnesses shall be given the opportunity to be heard. Persons 10 knowledgeable in specialized areas pertinent to the incident may be called by the 11 Contest Committee to assist in a fair and equitable judgment. The president of 12 the class involved, or his designee, will be notified and may be present at the 13 protest hearing if they wish. 14 15 • All prizes won by a competitor who has been protested against will be withheld 16 until a final decision on the protest has been determined. 17 18 • Any disputes and/or unresolved conflicts concerning these rules that could directly 19 jeopardize the NCARs shall be resolved at the sole discretion of RARA. 20 21 22 XVII. GENERAL 23 24 RARA WILL make available to each participant a copy of these Official Rules of 25 Operations and Competition and the attached Appendices as well as the FAA Certificate 26 of Waiver, and it shall be the responsibility for each race pilot to read and comply with them 27 before flying at Reno. 28 29 30 XVIII. SPECIAL RULES 31 32 SPECIAL RULE changes deemed necessary during the event will be approved by RARA 33 in consultation with the FAA, the Contest Committee and the Class Presidents. Such 34 changes will be acknowledged by the Director of Operations, Chief Judge of the Contest 35 Committee and the President(s) of the classes involved. These changes will be signed by 36 the Chairman of the Board of RARA and posted in the race pilot areas and presented at 37 the pilot briefings. If a difference exists between any RARA rule and a class rule, RARA 38 will be the deciding authority. 39 40 Authorization for a passenger ride around the Race Course shall be obtained from the 41 RARA Director of Operations, coordinated with the RARA Director of Aviation Resources 42 and the FAA will be notified. The passenger ride shall be no lower than two hundred fifty 43 feet (250’) AGL. Should an infraction of this height limitation occur, the same penalty shall 44 be imposed as that for taking an unauthorized passenger on the Race Course. 45

26 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 RARA has instituted the following policy to validate Pilot and Aircraft prior to taxi for 2 qualification and racing. 3 4 • Each Race Class President or his designated representative shall, prior to the initial 5 class briefing of the day, identify a member of their class as the pilot coordinator 6 responsible for ensuring that only those pilots or alternate pilots approved in writing 7 via the RARA Authorized Pilot/Race Aircraft List enter the race course at any time 8 the FAA waiver is in effect. The list is generated, updated and maintained by the 9 RARA Director of Aviation Resources. 10 11 • Each Class President will be issued a copy of the List on the opening Sunday of race 12 week, prior to the Sunday morning class brief. Updates, as authorized by RARA, will 13 be provided to the Class President during the initial class briefing on the day after 14 the day of approval by RARA. 15 16 • The class coordinator will be required to attend the first class briefing of the day and 17 ensure all pilots/alternate pilots who are scheduled to fly, as depicted on the Official 18 Pairing Sheets, sign-in prior to the start of the briefing. Additionally, the class 19 coordinator will identify himself or herself to the RARA Authorized Pilot/Race Aircraft 20 Monitor, who will also attend the first class briefing of the day. 21 22 • The RARA Authorized Pilot/Race Aircraft Monitor and the class coordinator will 23 document in writing that all pilot/aircraft combinations contained on the pairing sheets 24 for that race day are consistent with the current RARA Authorized Pilot/Race aircraft 25 List. If a pilot or alternate pilot is not authorized in a given race aircraft consistent 26 with the current RARA Authorized Pilot/Race Aircraft List, the affected aircraft will be 27 removed from the race schedule unless an authorized pilot designated on the list, 28 and who has attended the briefing, is substituted on primary pilot/race aircraft 29 qualification schedule or the pairing sheet. Class coordinators will notify the RARA 30 Scorer immediately via telephone (not later than aircraft taxi) if the primary pilot/race 31 aircraft qualification schedule or the race pairing sheet does not accurately reflect 32 the approved and briefed pilot/race aircraft combination. 33 34 • The designated class coordinator is responsible to ensure that only an authorized 35 primary/alternate pilot enters a race plane for either a qualification attempt or a race 36 event. The RARA Authorized Pilot/Race Aircraft Monitor will also be on the ramp 37 and will visually confirm pilot/race plane compliance to the degree possible 38 consistent with the list. 39 40 • It is the responsibility of the Class, through the Class President, to ensure that only 41 pilots that are certified, insured and named, either as the pilot or alternate pilot, fly at 42 Reno in any practice, qualification or racing event. RARA will monitor the briefing 43 sign-ins and the announced pairings to maintain its records, BUT should an ineligible 44 pilot be found in an aircraft, flying within the waivered airspace, the Class shall be 45 held accountable for the violation! This is a serious breach of liability rules

27 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 established by RARA and its insurance carrier and could invalidate said race 2 insurance. 3 4 • Any pilot who enters the race course during practice, qualifications or race periods 5 without being authorized on the RARA Authorized Pilot/Race Aircraft List shall cause 6 the class to be fined in Accordance with VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES AND FINES. 7 8 • Alcohol, marijuana and related products, and illegal drugs (to include abuse of 9 prescription drugs) are recognized by RARA as substances that may have a negative 10 effect on the performance of not only race pilots but their mechanics and those crew 11 members with physical interaction with their race aircraft. As a privately operated 12 organization responsible for all those involved with both PRS and NCAR, no alcohol 13 consumption or drug use will be allowed by anyone having the intentional or potential 14 to work on or contact race planes in a capacity that could in any way cause an aircraft 15 to become altered from its tech-inspected state of safe operation. Therefore, RARA 16 bans any persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs from any maintenance or 17 towing operations of any aircraft participating in any RARA sanctioned event. Areas 18 such as pit boxes, towing lanes, etc., where such operations occur, are designated 19 as “alcohol and drug free” areas. The method of enforcement will be at the discretion 20 of the RARA staff and could result in penalties up to and including immediate 21 dismissal from participation of the event with no refunds. RARA will have zero 22 tolerance when it comes to violation of this rule. 23 24 25 XIX. PRIZE MONEY AND PURSE 26 27 PRIZE MONEY SCHEDULES for a full field must be delivered to RARA on the Saturday 28 prior to racing. 29 30 IF THERE IS less than a full field in any racing class after the qualification period is 31 completed, all unearned prize money shown on the prize money schedule shall be retained 32 by RARA. 33 34 THE RACE CLASS shall provide RARA with either an individual payout schedule with the 35 amount due the Class Participants or an invoice for the total Class Purse based upon a full 36 field of race pilots or based on the actual number of race pilots that qualified. The individual 37 checks will be handed out to the race pilots during the Awards Ceremony, and checks for 38 the Race Class will be presented to the Class Representative during the Awards Ceremony 39 for that Class. 40 41 RARA will make every effort to make the checks payable as directed by the Class or the 42 Race pilot. All IRS 1099 forms will be issued to the payee on the check and thus it is the 43 responsibility of the recipient to ensure it is correct prior to it being cashed. SPECIAL 44 prizes may be offered through RARA by specific sponsors. Rules governing these prizes 45 will be distributed prior to the races in accordance with RARA rules. 46

28 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 XX. CLASSES—FIELD—RACES 2 3 COMPETITION at the NCAR is currently comprised of the following Classes: 4 5 Classes Minimun # of Aircraft for Full Field** 6 7 Unlimited 21 Fastest Qualifiers 8 T-6 21 Fastest Qualifiers 9 Sport 24 Fastest Qualifiers (3 heats)/28 Fastest Qualifiers (4 heats)* 10 Jet 18 Fastest Qualifiers 11 Formula One 24 Fastest Qualifiers 12 Biplanes 21 Fastest Qualifiers 13 14 ** Minimum Full Field Size is the basis for distribution of prize money to the respective 15 class. 16 17 * For prize money purposes, Twenty-Eight (28) fastest qualifiers as a full field in the Sport 18 Class will only apply for any new prize money that is allocated to the Sport Class. 19 20 The number of race heats for each class will be coordinated between RARA and the Race 21 Class and included in the NCAR Flying Schedule. The number of races scheduled and 22 flown could change due to unforeseen and varying conditions by agreement between 23 RARA and the Race Class. 24 25 26 XXI. MINIMUM/MAXIMUM NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT FOR A RACE 27 28 There shall not be less than five (5) aircraft to qualify for a race. The following tables shall 29 specify the minimum and maximum heat size for all races with the exception of the Sunday 30 Silver/Gold Races as identified. A minimum of six (6) laps shall be flown for all Gold Races. 31 Race Size Class Minimum for Minimum Maximum Silver/Gold Race Biplane 5 7 8 Formula One 5 7 8 Jet 5 7 8 Sport 5 7 9 T-6 5 6 7 Unlimited 5 7 9 32 *Max to safely race on applicable course 33 34 Any number of aircraft in a class may qualify; however, the maximum race size per class 35 will not exceed the limits established in the chart above. 36 37 Should a Race Class desire to change minimum and/or maximum number of aircraft per 38 any race, they will petition such a change through the RARA Director of Operations.

29 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

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30 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 ATTACHMENT A- FOR ALL AIRCRAFT 2 3 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES 4 PIT, HANGAR AND RAMP RULES 5 6 7 On behalf of the Reno Air Racing Association (RARA), we welcome you to the National 8 Championship Air Races (NCAR). We hope your participation in our event is successful, 9 rewarding, memorable and most of all, SAFE! To help ensure this, we solicit your cooperation 10 and assistance in complying with the following rules, guidelines and regulations. 11 12 13 PIT RULES 14 15 1. Unless class loading dictates otherwise, only registered Unlimited, Jet, Sport and T-6 16 Racing Aircraft are authorized to park in the pit parking area. (No support aircraft). Ramp 17 space for each of the above racing classes will be assigned by RARA. Individual Pit 18 parking spaces for each racing aircraft will be assigned by each Racing Class’s selected 19 representative according to their rules and policies. Sport Class racers will be parked on 20 the ramp in designated tented and other designated areas or at the American Air Racing 21 hangar. Pit Parking spaces for the Unlimited Aircraft will be assigned by RARA. Payment 22 and acceptance of the entry fee does not guarantee a Pit parking space. Priority for Pit 23 parking spaces will be given to those aircraft qualifying to race. If you do not qualify, your 24 may be required to be removed from the Pit Area. Aircraft entered, but not arriving 25 at Reno-Stead Airport prior to the timeframes prescribe in the RARA Official Rules of 26 Operations and Competition, will lose their Pit Parking space. 27 28 2. All Racing Aircraft assigned a parking space in the pits will make reasonable efforts to 29 remain in the pits unless required maintenance deems it necessary for the Race Aircraft 30 to be moved to a hangar better suited to perform said maintenance. Aircraft removed from 31 the pits must be repositioned in their pit space not later than 2 hours prior to takeoff for its 32 scheduled race or they will be officially scored as a “Did Not Start” for that race. Should 33 an aircraft undergoing maintenance outside the pits determine that the aircraft will not be 34 in the pits two hours prior to takeoff for its scheduled race, that team must contact the 35 RARA Scorer and indicate that they are officially withdrawing from their scheduled race 36 and will be awarded a “Did Not Start” standing for the scheduled race. Future pairings will 37 be in accordance with the Class Rules of Progression as incorporated in the NCAR Rules 38 of Competition. 39 40 3. All support vehicles and trailers must be parked within the allocated Pit parking space 41 boundaries. They will not be allowed to park on the Ramp until 0800 Hrs. on the Friday 42 prior to the start of practice and qualifications. Semi-trailers used as support vehicles must 43 have pads placed under the support feet to protect the ramp asphalt. RVs used as support 44 vehicles cannot use any propane appliances while parked on the Ramp/Pit and must have 45 the propane system turned off at the tank.

A-1 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 4. Oxygen servicing is NOT ALLOWED in the Pit parking area. Aircraft must be moved to a 2 designated oxygen servicing area. 3 4 5. Vehicle traffic within the Pit area must be kept to an absolute minimum. Only authorized 5 vehicles with the proper decals attached will be allowed in the Pit area and must be parked 6 within the assigned pit parking square. Fire lanes, tow lanes and hangar access taxiways 7 MUST be kept clear. Any unauthorized or improperly parked vehicles will be towed at the 8 owner’s expense. 9 10 11 HANGAR RULES 12 13 6. Only registered Formula One, Biplane and Sports Class racing aircraft are authorized to 14 park in the hangars (No support aircraft or vehicles). Individual aircraft parking spaces will 15 be allocated by each racing class according to their rules and guidelines. Payment and 16 acceptance of the entry fee does not guarantee a hangar parking space. Priority for hangar 17 parking spaces will be given to those aircraft qualifying to race. If you do not qualify, your 18 airplane may be required to be removed from the hangar area. Aircraft entered but not 19 arriving at Reno-Stead Airport prior to the end of qualifications for the class will lose their 20 hangar parking space. NOTE: Thunder Mustang Sport Class race planes are authorized 21 to park in the American Air Racing hangar. 22 23 7. All support vehicles and trailers will be parked in the designated parking area. They are 24 NOT to be parked on the asphalt areas around the hangars. 25 26 27 RAMP RULES 28 29 8. FAA rules prohibit any aircraft to have engine power (props turning) on the ramp, south of 30 the NO ENGINE TURN LINE. This rule is in effect 24 hours a day. NO EXCEPTIONS!! 31 32 9. runs are NOT ALLOWED in the Pit Parking Areas. Engine runs will only 33 be accomplished on the ramp, north of the NO ENGINE TURN LINE. For any engine high 34 powered runs, the aircraft will be moved to a designated High Power Run location. 35 36 10. All requests for engine runs (high power or low power) during the waiver period of each 37 qualification/race day will be directed to the Ramp Chief Jim Cassidy and he will direct 38 where the requested engine run can be accomplished. 39 40 11. All Race Crews are required to have a Fire Guard with an Approved Fire Extinguisher at 41 their Aircraft whenever Engine Starts are attempted. For Group Starts (Sport, Formula 42 One and Biplane Classes), RARA will provide a Crash Fire Vehicle to stand by in the 43 immediate vicinity for Fire Protection purposes. 44 45 12. A tow team and vehicle will be assigned to each Unlimited and T-6 racing aircraft to assist 46 in moving aircraft in or out of the Pits. Tow Teams will have radio contact with Race Control

A-2 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 and will coordinate the racing schedule with each crew. The Jet Class will furnish its own 2 tow crews and equipment. A RARA Jet Class Coordinator will be assigned to the Jet Pit 3 Area to coordinate the timely movement of aircraft. Please ensure your aircraft is ready 4 prior to race time. Timely starting procedures are very important. 5 6 13. Prior to their scheduled Takeoff times, Unlimited, T-6 and Sport Class Aircraft will be 7 pre-positioned in their designated areas, north of the No Engine Turn Line. Aircraft will be 8 parked on a northwesterly angle. Jet Class Race pilots will be parked in their start up area 9 facing in a southerly direction. Special consideration will be given as to the facing direction 10 for those aircraft that are wind sensitive during start. 11 12 After Race completion, aircraft will return to the same designated area and park facing 13 south. All aircraft will be removed from this area as soon as possible after race completion. 14 Aircraft will not remain in these areas overnight. 15 16 14. Media wearing a “Ramp Vest” will not proceed past the No Engine Turn Line when in the 17 vicinity (four to six airplane lengths or 100 feet) of that have engines . 18 Media will refrain from approaching Race pilots until after they have finished with their post 19 flight cockpit work and have debriefed with their ground support crews. 20 21 15. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed unattended in the pit areas including ramp 22 areas and race aircraft hangar areas. 23 24 15a. Air race aircraft crewmembers authorized north of the “No Prop Engine Turn Line” must 25 be 18 years of age or older. 26 27 16. The minimum age for pylon visits is 21 years of age per our insurance requirements. 28 29 17. Closed-toe shoes must be worn by any race crew member, RARA worker or FAA attendee 30 authorized to be on the north side of the “No prop turn Engine Turn Line”. 31 32 33 GENERAL RULES 34 35 18. All major aircraft discrepancies discovered after the aircraft’s arrival at Reno must have 36 their corrective actions documented and forwarded for review and approval as described 37 in the RARA Official Rules of Operations and Competition. 38 39 19. Smoking, electronic cigarettes or the use of any flame-producing device is NOT ALLOWED 40 on the ramp, on the open floor areas within the RARA Hangars or within 50 ft. of any 41 aircraft. Smoking may be allowed in designated areas within the VIP/Sponsor Chalet area 42 or behind the RARA hangars, provided there are no aircraft within 50 feet of these areas. 43 See Ramp Chief Jim Cassidy for direction to an approved de-fueling area. 44 45 20. Refueling or de-fueling of aircraft is NOT ALLOWED in the hangars or Pit parking areas. 46 Aircraft must be moved to the designated refuel/de-fuel area. See Ramp Chief for

A-3 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 direction to an approved de fueling area. 2 21. Race crews bringing their own fuel must make arrangements to store this fuel in the 3 designated fuel storage area. Fuel MUST be in approved containers and will not be 4 stored or dispensed in their assigned aircraft Pit area. 5 6 22. Aircraft or engine wash downs WILL NOT be performed on the ramp or in the hangars. 7 The designated wash rack must be used. 8 9 23. Waste drain oil containers are available in the Pit parking areas and near the hangars. 10 PLEASE ensure all waste drain oil is properly collected and disposed of in the IDENTIFIED 11 CONTAINERS. All other waste petroleum products, solvents, anti-freeze, etc. must be 12 properly collected and not mixed with the engine waste drain oil. Specially identified 13 containers are available for their disposal. SPECIAL EFFORT MUST BE MADE TO 14 PREVENT ANY WASTE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS OR ANY OTHER HAZARDOUS 15 MATERIALS FROM ENTERING THE STORM DRAINS ON THE RAMP!! 16 17 24. Each aircraft crew is responsible for the general housekeeping and cleanliness of their 18 respective Pit or hangar parking area. We also appreciate any help you can give us in 19 keeping the overall ramp and surrounding areas clean and free of debris. 20 21 25. Vehicular Traffic in the Pit area has become extremely hazardous and the following 22 restrictions have been implemented: 23 24 a. Scooters, ATV’s, Segways, motorcycles, skateboards and rollerblades, “razor”- 25 type scooters or other types of motor run transportation devices (with the 26 exception of wheelchairs) are NOT ALLOWED. 27 28 b. Bicycles and Golf Carts must be individually approved by RARA and must have the 29 proper decal affixed thereto. 30 31 c. Driving any motorized or non-motorized vehicle under the influence of Alcohol, or a 32 controlled substance, as defined by Nevada Revised Statues while within the 33 Reno-Stead Airport grounds during the National Championship Air Races or the Pylon 34 Racing Seminar, will result in Law Enforcement response and potential Criminal 35 charges. In addition, the violator will be subject to immediate ejection from the 36 grounds and will not be allowed to return. In the event the violator is not arrested, 37 he/she may still be subject to enforcement action by RARA such as permanent 38 ejection from the event. 39 40 26. Sitting on ice chests, chairs, benches, etc. is NOT ALLOWED along the crowd line or in 41 any of the aircraft taxi/access ways. 42 43 27. Pets, except for Service Animals, are not allowed in the Pit or hangar area. 44 45 28. In the event an aircraft becomes disabled on any airport runway or taxiway, ONLY RARA 46 DESIGNATED tow vehicles will respond for the recovery. If your aircraft requires special

A-4 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 towing equipment, please be sure to inform your assigned RARA tow crew. The RARA 2 Jet Class Coordinator will make advance arrangements with the Jet Class maintenance 3 representative and will escort their tow crew to any disabled Jet Race pilot for prompt 4 recovery. Race crew personnel and vehicles are NOT ALLOWED beyond the aircraft 5 start/recovery area or to the East ramp area without a RARA tow vehicle escort. NO 6 EXCEPTIONS!! 7 8 29. Test flights during normal race hours MUST BE scheduled in advance with the Air Boss 9 Director of Flight Operations/Race Director and cannot conflict with any Air Race or Air 10 Show activity. 11 12 30. Race crew support aircraft MUST have prior landing or take-off approval from the RARA. 13 They will not be allowed to park in the Pit area and they MUST observe the NO ENGINE 14 TURN LINE. Due to limited parking space and air race traffic at Reno-Stead, support 15 aircraft are discouraged. 16 17 31. Each Race Class is authorized to have a designated maximum number of aircraft support 18 crew members beyond the crowd line during any Race Aircraft launch/recovery; 19 fuel/de-fuel; engine runs or any other maintenance actions. The maximum number of 20 support crew members per Race Aircraft is as follows: 21 22 RACE CLASS MAXIMUM PERSONNEL 23 Unlimited 6 24 T-6 5 25 Sport 3 26 Jet 4 27 Formula One 3 28 Biplane 3 29 30 These support personnel must wear the proper credentials and must be essential to the 31 operation in progress. They must clear the ramp as soon as possible by returning back behind 32 the Pit/Crowd line or to an authorized observation area. Only specifically designated individual 33 crew members may be in the FAA/RARA telemetry area as defined in the Official Rules of 34 Operations and Competition. 35 36 VIOLATIONS OF THESE PROCEDURES WILL RESULT IN PENALTIES AND/OR FINES 37 BEING LEVIED AGAINST THE RACE CLASS INVOLVED AS OUTLINED IN THE 38 “OFFICIAL RULES OF OPERATIONS AND COMPETITION”. 39 40 32. Please note, until 0800 Sunday morning prior to the beginning of “Race Week”, 41 Reno-Stead Airport is an active general aviation facility under the control of Reno-Tahoe 42 Airport Authority (RTAA). All normal airport rules and regulations apply and must be 43 observed. No vehicle or foot traffic is permitted outside of the ramp area. Beginning at 44 noon (1200) on Friday prior to race week, RARA ramp and security officials will be available 45 to meet arriving aircraft and assist RTAA in controlling Ramp Operations. 46

A-5 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 33. Please help us prevent unnecessary conflicts by ensuring all race crew members wear the 2 proper credentials at all times. This is most important when crew members are required 3 to go out beyond the crowd line. The appropriate credentials must be worn at all times 4 while in the launch/recovery and fuel/de-fuel areas. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Other required 5 wristbands, vehicle decals, etc. must be properly worn and displayed. Violations of these 6 requirements shall cause the individual’s credentials to be revoked and expelled from the 7 pit area. 8 9 10 FIRST AID/EMERGENCIES 11 12 First aid stations are located as depicted on the airfield locator maps, published in the “official 13 program”. For other emergencies, contact Race Control 775-972-3649, Security 775-560-7139, 14 any air race official or dial 911. A fire station with an Emergency Medical Technician assigned 15 is within three blocks of the airport. 16 17 18 MAINTENANCE SUPPORT 19 20 The following Aircraft Repair Facilities are located at the Reno-Stead Airport: 21 22 Aviation Classics, Inc. East End (775) 972-5540 23 American Air Racing West End (775) 677-4860 24 25 As professionals in your field, we know you realize and understand the necessity of these 26 requirements and will help us in ensuring their compliance. If you have any questions, please 27 contact your Race Class Official or any RARA operations staff personnel. 28 29

A-6 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019


B-1 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

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B-2 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019 ATTACHMENT C Changes in organizational structure have been made to improve operating efficiency.

C-1 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

C-2 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

C-3 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

C-4 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

C-5 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

C-6 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

C-7 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

C-8 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

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C-9 Revision 1 (draft) —February 28, 2019

1 ATTACHMENT D 2 3 AIRCRAFT MAJOR MODIFICATIONS / or MAJOR ALTERATION DATA 4 REPAIRS (STRUCTURAL) 5 6 7 Any prospective Experimental race aircraft that has undergone one or more major modifications (14 CFR 8 Section 21.93{a}) or major alterations ((14 CFR 1.1) (Appendix A to Part 43)) since the last time the 9 aircraft raced at Reno or any new or unique race aircraft that is a new Experimental design or new kit 10 assembly must comply with new requirements. Please refer to the 2018 2019 Official Rules of Operations 11 and Competition, Section III – AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY, pgs 3-7, for further information, 12 13 Are all previous modifications/repairs documented in the maintenance records? 14 15 16 Has this aircraft raced at Reno before? [ ] Yes or [ ] No If “YES”, proceed to #1. If “NO”, proceed to to 17 #2. 18 19 1. THIS AIRCRAFT HAS RACED AT RENO BEFORE Year aircraft last raced at Reno ______20 a. Have any “major modifications”/repairs or “major alterations” been incorporated since the 21 last time the aircraft raced at Reno? (For Special Airworthiness Certificates—refer to your 22 FAA-issued Operating Limitations for FAA procedural requirements) [ ] Yes or [ ] No 23 i. If “Yes” – Have you complied with the notification requirements under Section 24 III- AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY, pgs 3-7 in the RARA 2019 Official Rules of Operation 25 and Competition? [ ] Yes or [ ] No If “No”, contact your appropriate Race 26 Class President and RARA immediatley. 27 28 2. THIS AIRCRAFT HAS NOT RACED AT RENO BEFORE 29 a. Is this aircraft a new or unique Experimental design or new kit assembly? [ ] Yes or [ ] No 30 i. If “Yes” – Have you complied with the notification requirements under Section III 31 – AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY, pgs 3-7, in the RARA 2019 Official Rules of Operations 32 and Competition? [ ] Yes or [ ] No If “No”, contact your appropriate Race 33 Class President and RARA immediatley. 34 35 b. Have any “Major Modifications” or “Major Alterations” been incorperated into the 36 aircraft? [ ] Yes [ ] No (For Special Airworthiness Certificates – refer to your FAA 37 issued Operating Limitations for FAA procedural requirements) 38 i. If “Yes” – Have you complied with the notification requirements under Section III 39 – AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY, pgs 3-7, in the RARA 2019 Official Rules of Operation 40 and Competition? [ ] Yes or [ ] No If “No” – contact your appropriate Race 41 Class President and RARA immediatley. 42 43 44 Print Pilot Name ______Pilot Signature______45 46 Date ______Race Class ______Race# ______Registration#______47 48
