Sooners at Home and Abroad
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NAMES of more than fifty Uni- Logan-Dick Favor, University student, versity of Oklahoma alumni will appear Crescent . Sooners on the ballot for state and legislative of Love-John Steele Batson, '21, Marietta . fices in the general election in November. McClain-Purman Wilson, '20, Purcell. All four of the O. U. alumni in the McIntosh-Kirksey M. Nix, law stu- at Home state's congressional delegation won re- dent, Eufaula . nomination in the July primary election . Murray-D. C . Matthews, law student, They are Wilburn Cartwright, '20law, Sulphur. Third District ; Mike Monroney, '24, Noble-Merle D. Allen, '22, Perry . and Fifth District ; Jed Johnson, 'l5, Sixth Dis- Okfuskee-Glen D. Johnson, '39, Oke- trict, and Will Rogers, '30ed. m, congress- mah . man-at-large . All are Democrats. Roger Mills-Ross Conrad, '201aw, Two Sooners won Republican nomina- Abroad Cheyenne (Republican) . Congress. They are Clyde T. tions for Rogers-Dennis Bushyhead, '29law, Patrick, '38, '39law, Tulsa, in the Fourth Claremore . District ; and U. S. Stone, '01, Oklahoma Woods-Paul Cummings, '391aw, Alva. City, in the Fifth District . W. J. Armstrong, '14, '16law, won the Caddo, No. 2-Amos Stovall, '29law, Democratic nomination for member of Anadarko; and Omer Luellen, '28, '31 the State Corporation Commission . He law, Hinton . is now state conservation officer. Carter, No. 1-Bill Selvidge, '38, Ard- Ben Arnold, '20, '25law, district judge more. at Oklahoma City, won Democratic nom- Garvin, No. 1-Harold Freeman, '25, ination for the State Supreme Court in Pauls Valley . District No. 3. Garvin, No. 2-Herbert Hope, law stu- In the races for the State Senate, H. M. dent, Maysville. Curnutt, '16, Barnsdall, is unopposed for Hughes, No. 1-Frank Grayson, law senator from District 34, Joe B. Thomp- student, Atwood . son, '27law, Ardmore, is unopposed in Hughes, No . 2-Paul Ballinger, '341aw, District 18, and Guy A . Curry, '25, Stig- Holdenville. ler, is unopposed in District 27. Two Kay, No. 1-Leonard Geb, student, other graduates of the University Law Ponca City. School won Democratic nominations but Kay, No. 2-William H. Cline, '21law, have Republican opponents in the general Newkirk . election . They are Roy Holbird, '30law, Kiowa, No. 1-J. Robin Field, '34law, Enid, in District 8, and Paul V. Carlile, Hobart. '39law, Vian, in District No. 28 . Payne, No. 1-George R . Taylor, '22, Paul W. Cress, '291aw, Perry, won the Stillwater (Republican) . Republican nomination for the State Sen- Payne, No. 2-Robert L. Hert, '34law, ate in District 10. Stillwater. University of Oklahoma alumni and Pontotoc, No. ]-Moss Wimbish, law students nominated for the State House student, Ada. of Representatives include (all Demo- Creek, No. 1-Streeter Speakman, '12 crats unless otherwise indicated) : law, Sapulpa. Adair-W . H. Langley, '2l, Stilwell . Creek, No. 2-Lawrence Jones, '22law, Alfalfa-Boyd M. Couch, '25, Helena Bristow. (Republican) . Grady, No. 1-Dutch Hill, '21, Chick- Beaver-Merle Lansden, '39law, Beaver. asha. Canadian-Claude W. Cherry, '17, El Grady, No. 3-Tommie Jelks, '27, Reno. Chickasha. Cleveland-Richard T. Pendleton, '26 Muskogee, No.l-Chester Norman, '38, law, Norman. '401aw, Muskogee. Cotton-Thomas J. Huff '38chem, Pittsburg, No. 2-Albert W. Jones, '19, Walters . McAlester (Republican) . Ellis-George H. Baldwin, '32, Arnett . Pottawatomie, No. 1-Bill High, '31, Jefferson-J. T. Daniel, '25, Ryan. Shawnee. Kingfisher-Robert Barr, '31, Dover. Oklahoma, No. 1-George Miskovsky, Latimer-Jack Bradley, '25law, Wil- '361aw, Oklahoma City . burton . Oklahoma, No. 4-Charles E. Stewart, '34law, Oklahoma City (Republican) . Oklahoma, No. 6-B. B . Kerr, '31law . Oklahoma, No. 7-Paul Washington, '21 ; and Byron McFall, '29, '31law (Re- The glamorous young lady is publican), both of Oklahoma City. Annette Burford, who won an Tulsa, No. 1-A . E. Montgomery, '15 opera contract in a national com- law, Tulsa. petition . Below is Judge A. P. Tulsa, No. 2-W . N. Dannenberg, '14 Murrah, nominated last month by (Republican) . President Roosevelt for the Tulsa, No. 5-Glade R . Kirkpatrick, Federal Circuit Court bench . '27, Tulsa. SEPTEMBER, 1940 15 Tulsa, No. 6-Holly L. Anderson, '24 oral bench that is outranked only by the law, Tulsa. United States Supreme Court. Democratic nominees to the House in Only 35 years old now, Judge Murrah the list above who are unopposed in the was the youngest man ever appointed fed- general election are Richard T. Pendleton, eral district judge when he received that Norman ; John Stcele Batson, Marietta ; appointment three years ago. Purman Wilson, Purcell ; Kirksey M. Nix, His youthful viewpoint has been dem- Eufaula ; D. C. Matthews, Sulphur; Bill onstrated in his enthusiasm for the new Selvidge, Ardmore ; Harold Freeman, federal court system of seeking to elimi- Pauls Valley; Herbert Hope, Maysville; nate technicalities by a pre-trial confer- Frank Grayson, Atwood; J. Robert Field, ence. Yet in his courtroom there is no Hobart; Moss Wimbish, Ada; Lawrence compromise in reverence for the dignity )ones, Bristow ; and Dutch Hill, Chick- of the law. aslia . Not long ago when a woman wearing slacks entered the courtroom, fudge Mur- Tub Tyler Dead rah instructed a baliff to escort her out- side . In explanation of his viewpoint, he A heart ailment has brought death to later told an interviewer: "I am entirely Claude "Tubby" Tyler, '20, independent informal when off the bench or on the oil operator at Shawnee and former Soon- street. When I meet my friends I like er football player. to chat with them and exchange first He was a lineman on the (). U. foot- names or nicknames, and all that . But ball team in 1916-17 under Coach Bennie I have so much respect for law that I in- Owen, but he left the University to en- sist that others show respect in the court- President of the Home Economics Alum- list and serve overseas in the World War. room-not for me, personally, but for the nae Association this year is Mrs. Frank C. Mr. Tyler was 44 years old. Survivors institution I represent." Morris (Clemrnontyne Corbett, ', include his wife, two children, John, 10 Judge Murrah plans to continue making of Norman. She is a competent home- years old, and Ruth Ann, 8 ; his parents, his home in Oklahoma City. Headquar- maker, aids her husband in architecture Mr. and Mrs. John Tyler of Shawnee, and ters for the Tenth Circuit Court and home designing as a hobby, and is an of Ap- a brother, George M. Tyler, '22, Bristow. peals is in Denver, but only two of the active civic worker. She and Mr. Morris, judges are required to live in Denver . assistant professor of engineering drawing Mrs. Murrah is the former Agnes On College Board in the University, are both Life Members Mi- lam, '27. They have three children . Robert N. Chase, '27ex, Oklahoma City of the University of Oklahoma Association. attorney, has been reappointed to the Opera Contract Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges Both romance and a career came dur- by Governor Leon C. Phillips, '161aw . Promotion of Richard H. Cloyd, '19, ing the summer to Annette Burford, '38, The new appointment is for a seven-year term. '28law, Norman attorney and former O. of Oklahoma City . U. alumni secretary, from the rank of In July she won first place in the an- captain to major in the Guard has also nual nation-wide contest conducted by Newspaperman Dies been announced. Major Cloyd, formerly the Chicago Opera Company to select William Bryan Roberts, '28, city editor captain of Company C, 120th Engineers, new talent for the company. of the Shawnee Evening Star, died early is now in command of Company A, 120th And a few weeks later she was mar- in the summer as a result of an illness of Engineers, Wetumka ; Company B, Idabel, ried to William Gordon Stuart, '39eng, two months . He was 34 years old . and Company C, Norman, and a First formerly of Oklahoma City and now con- He had served on the Star and the Battalion Headquarters Detachment at nected with the Brewster Aeronautics Cor- Shawnee Morning News ever since leav- Norman. poration, Long Island, New York. ing the University . J. Don Garrison, '29, '36m.ed, super- Mrs. Stuart entered the opera singing Survivors include his wife and a baby intendent of schools in Norman, has contest in Chicago at the suggestion of an son, William Hall Roberts. passed examinations qualifying him for aunt who lives in Chicago . For the last promotion from major to lieutenant col- three seasons she has appeared with the Guard Promotions onel ; and Hal L. Muldrow, Jr., '28bus, Cimarron Opera Company at Enid. She Norman insurance man and member of studied last winter in New York, and Several University alumni have received the Alumni Association Executive Board, was given an audition by the Metropolitan promotions in the National Guard re- qualified by examination for promotion Opera Company. She was invited to cently. from captain to major. come back for another audition there this Louis A. Ledbetter, '12law, state ad- autumn. jutant-general, became a brigadier general The male winner in the Chicago Opera of the Murrah Elevated line after passing an examination Company auditions, which attracted more by a board of five army officers. Pre- Twelve years ago Alfred Paul Murrah than five hundred competitors, was John viously he was a colonel, regimental com- received an LL.B. degree from the Uni- Lawler, of Philadelphia . The two young mander of the 180th Infantry. The pro- versity of Oklahoma and started a legal people will receive contracts with the opera motion makes him commander of the career with no advantages except the re- company ; the privilege of attending all 19th Infantry Brigade, composed of the sources within himself that he had de- stage rehearsals and at least ten regular 179th and 180th Infantry Regiments.