EXTENSIONS of REMARKS July 21, 1977 Wage and Price Fluctuation on Old-Age, Sur­ H.R

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS July 21, 1977 Wage and Price Fluctuation on Old-Age, Sur­ H.R 24466 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 21, 1977 wage and price fluctuation on old-age, sur­ H.R. 8480. A bill for the relief of Pranas if such individual reigstered to vote before vivors, and disability insurance benefits, Brazinska.ses; to the Committee on the the date of the election involved. with such benefits being computed on the Judiciary. Add at the end thereof the following new basis of the worker's 10 or less years of By Mr. GIBBONS: sentence: highest earnings; to the Committee on Ways H.R. 8481. A bill for the relief of M. Sgt. Any unit of general local government and Means. George C. Lee, U.S. Air Force; to the Com­ which establishes any polling place under By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: mittee on the Judiciary. this subparagraph may require, in its discre­ H.R. 8478. A bill to amend title 18, United By Mr. JONES of Oklahoma: tion, that any individual who registers to States Code, to make a crime the willful H.R. 8482. A bill for the relief of Magdalen vote under this subsection shall- destruction of any interstate pipeline· sys­ F. Martin of Broken Arrow, Okla.; to the (1) register to vote at the registration place tem; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on Veterans' Affairs. at which such individual would have been By Mr. GAYDOS: required to register if such individual desired H.J. Res. 552. Joint resolution relating to to register to vote before the d·ate of the elec­ the publication of economic and social statis­ tion involved; and tics for Americans of Balta-Slavic origin or AMENDMENTS (ii) vote at a polling place established by such unit of general local government under descent; jointly, to the Committees on Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, proposed Education and Labor, and Post Office and this subparagraph. Civil Service. amendments were submitted as follows: H.R. 7171 H.R. 5400 By Mr. BUCHANAN (for himself and By Mr. BROWN of California: Mr. DODD): By Mr. FRENZEL: Page 142, line 2, after the world "radiation" H. Con. Res. 303. Concurrent resolution ex­ Page 30, after line 17, insert the following insert the following: ", including but not pressing the sense of Congress that the Soviet new paragraph: limited to, energy from wind, water, anaero­ Union should comply with the Helsinki Final (8) (A) Each State which desires to receive bic digesters, biomass, and combustible solid Act, the International Covenant on Civil financial assistance under section 7 shall wastes". and Political Rights, and the Soviet Consti­ establish a procedure under which challenges Page 142, line 22, after the word "radiation" tution, with respect to all its citizens, and may be made against the qualifications of insert the following: ", including but not on that basis should allow Anatoly Shchran­ any individual who desires to register to limited to, energy from wind, water, anaero­ sky to emigrate from the Soviet Union; to vote and vote under subsection (a) (1). Any bic digesters, biomass, and combustible solid the Committee on International Relations. such procedure shall- wastes". By Mr. WYDLER: (i) specify who 1s eligible to make any Page 144, line 18, after the word "radiation" H. Con. Res. 304. Concurrent resolution ex­ such challenge; insert the following: ", including but not pressing the sense of Congress with re­ (11) indicate the grounds upon which such limited to, energy from wind, water, anaero­ spect to the Baltic States; to the Committee challenge shall be based; bic digesters, biomass, and combustible solid on International Relations. (111) establish methods and procedures wastes". By Mr. BENNETT: through which such challenge may be made; Page 156, line 18, after the word "radiation" H. Res. 704. Resolution expressing the (iv) provide for the separate counting of sense of the House of Representatives with insert the following: ", including but not any ballot which is subject to such chal­ limited to, energy from wind, water, anaero­ respect to the establishment of a national lenge; and telecommunications policy; to the Commit­ bic digesters, biomass, and combustible solid (v) ensure that such challenge 1s resolved wastes". tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. within a reasonable time after the election By Mr. LEACH (for himself and Mr. involved. By Mr. DERRICK: WALKER): Page 52, immediately after line 4, insert the (B) Each State which proposes to estab­ following: H. Res. 705. Resolution expressing the lish a procedure under subparagraph (A) sense of the House of Representatives that SEc. 910. Effective for the 1978 through 1981 shall submit such procedure to the Commis­ crops section 301 of the Agricultural Act of a special council be appointed and given a sion for review and approval for such pro­ 1949, as amended, is amended by adding the charter of independence to conduct an in­ cedure takes effect. The Commission shall following at the end t~reof: "The Secretary quiry into efforts by foreign governments to approve any such procedure which meets the influence Members of Congress; to the Com­ requirements of subparagraph (A). is authorized to make price supports available mittee on Rules. under this title for the 1978 through 1981 Add at the end thereof the following new crops of soybeans, flaxseed, dry edible beans, sentences: sugar, and gum naval stores, for any other In any case in which a unit of general non-basic commodity not designated in title MEMORIALS local government establishes more than one II, except that such authority shall terminate polling place under this subparagraph, such with respect to any commodity, other than Under clause 4 of rule XXII, unit of general local government shall ensure those listed in this provision, at the end of 234. The SPEAKER presented a memorial that- any crop year in which the net outlays ex­ of the Legislature of the State of Arkansas, (i) the boundaries of each such polling ceed $50 million." relative to the U.S. jurisdiction of the place are established to coincide with the By Mr. JONES of Tennessee: Panama Canal; to the Committee on Inter­ boundaries of voting districts or other voting Page 64, immediately after line 16, insert national Relations. jurisdictions in the jurisdiction of such unit the following: of general local government; and "AUTHORITY TO MAKE DEFERRED LOAN PAY­ (ii) each such polling place serves the MENTS same number, or approximately the same PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS "SEc. 1013. The Consolidated Farm and Ru­ number, of such voting districts or other Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private voting jurisdictions. ral Development Act, as amended, is amend­ bills and resolutions were introduced and ed as follows: Any individual who desires to vote under " (a) Section 309 is amended by adding in severally referred as follows: this subsection shall vote at the polling By Mr. DORNAN: subsection (f) (3) between the words 'any' place established under this subparagraph and 'defaulted' the words 'deferred or'. H.R. 8479. A blll for the relief of Alglrdas which serves the jurisdiction in which is lo­ " (b) Section 309 A is amended by adding Brazinska.ses; to the Committee on the cated the polling place at which such indi­ Judiciary. in subsection (g) (3) between the words 'any' vidual would have been permitted to vote and 'defaulted' the words 'deferred or'." EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK 1977 Conference over compliance with the chairman of the National Captive Na­ Helsinki accord. Renewed interest and tions Committee wrote Members of Con­ HON. RONALD A. SARASIN concern over the fate of captive peoples gress about this important issue. In his should be trumpeted to free nations all letter he stated: OF CONNECTICUT over the world, and hopefully, the 35 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ... the captive nations issue has always participatory nations at Belgrade will been prominently and inextricably inter­ Thursday, July 21, 1977 take heed. twined with that of human rights. Indeed, in Mr. SARASIN. Mr. Speaker, this week President Carter has made concern the agrreeate, no part of the world represents from July 17 to July 23 marks the 19th over human rights the hallmark of his a graver denial of human rights, including commemoration of Captive Nations foreign policy. In no case is human rights the right to national independence, than the Week. It is quite appropriate that this more applicable than it is to the plight totalitarian world imprisoning the captive observance should coincide with the con­ of the captive nations. Dr. Lev E. Do­ nations. tinued deliberations at the Belgrade briansky of Georgetown University and In this regard, Dr. Dobriansky identi- July 21, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24467 ties basket I provisions of the Helsinki particularly desirable because hospitll care be given the most expeditious consideration accord as more important and funda­ is the most expensive form of care; hence by the Department of HEW. HEW should ex­ policies which encourage economizing on ercise a monitoring function to ensure that mental than basket III provisions for the hospital services and substitution of otr.er the state commissions are performing satis­ principle of national self-determination forms of care w111 almost certainly reduce factorily. A national policy review board is what human rights are all about. Ac­ costs of treatment. should be created to establish guidelines by cordingly, I would like to mention that The clear strategy of the Administration which the performance of the state systems on March 24, 1977, I introduced House by the introduction of the Hospit::tl Cost Con­ will be measured. Concurrent Resolution 177, a resolution tainment Act is to provide something of a The case for state participation in hospital calling for the freedom of the Baltic Na­ "dull meat ax" approach to containing hos­ cost containment rests not only on the argu­ tions.
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