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JiSf: THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 17, 1913. V (IW mem there would be none too much space. WANTED !,V' K5en department ELKS POSTPONE SHOW. A Noted Doctor Iswllneo OFriOE 25G2 WASHINGT ON AVENUE. jB' fflf PHONE 664. Ordinal Play Will Be Seen In Junction mm Office Hours 6 a. m. to 10: 30 a-- m.; 3 p. m.' I m. to 8 p. City In April. JI,A,RiCIL0 TIIE OAK8 LEATHER. JB! Special to The Tribune. Called TEA lhe best relieC Tor GUIDE POSTS the k,nd wo uso 1" our up-t- date hoe --laH: I repairing. nrotherhootl of OGDEN, Feb. 16. Thc annual show ABi Electrical Workers, in to b presented by Ogden life's wear and tear. Marking the way to advancement. For many the $JSA2CH S,IOE REPAIRING CO. decorations members of feecond St. 3553.. 3Hf amiiE rCl3' 0f,U? for their lodge No. 710, 11. P, O. will not South Was. -- ,of lanccs tbl Elks, "Want Columns point to chances H. H fallFICULS i fi?r'ea week. There be produced until April 11 and 15. Thc worth while in rt.K u.eo liiinccs tbe Colonial aead-thl- n Iml " announcement of thc postponement from securing work, getting office helpers domes- nA'"'?' thf wc;k; the flr3t to he 17 IS even- or GVaN1?P!5' ATTENTION! WANTED Ille,t;day night March and was made this .mn, , Thn",vn and others on ing following a meeting of the general GOOD TEA LIKE tic servants, renting homes, buying 'J?? . fnnHard duck body 3 Friday and selling. n, nights. cm V t"- - ,,ol8J ult- - Address John tlJe arrangement committee, which had been ,8hIns Tttckle OGDEN CHOIR ,,rirevlous, y?rs. electrical advised by Director 11. L. Brown that Like a beacon light that flashes way to thc M'ihk Maker. Brookllne. 'JB HR JS'n th0 decorations the Impossible thc h reatinc annual It would be to prepare the goal t rce n rents dances. For special scenery in time for the original of success. this week Grant avenue be- FU?XIT.FRE OF ALT' KINDS WANT- - IS Twenty-fourt- dates. tween h Twenty-fift- HEWLETT'S y.0" tlrst-cla- - and h The production will bo "Tho Amster- c' prices. Fish- Ve the 5,cst "Shted ZZ.&u Rrk!,,sirl'y Co.. 60 W. 2nd South. Wa- - Twenty dam Band," a new piece by Mr. Brown, aatch 171. e2B3 who directed the local Elks In thc pro- The Tribune Wants H president Joseph F. Smith are lamps live been suspended and duction of "The Elk's Tooth" and "The - College Ts always good for the system. Show the Way Clearly UIAm fJlJK CO.. HIGHEST- PRICE SI Pennant" during tho past two iron, brass, rags, bottles, rub- - ni4ITrt0ti,ti1Ci'iecorilt,nP committee years. The Ogden engagement will mark W ( William Spry thc Interior decora-Uon- s 'jnd Governor t?J.r.,ajor81n public 2Z0- largo hall having the first production of "The Am- FREE coupons for Rogers line asatch - m!373 transformed een sterdam Band." Governed by tbc post- - Into a blaze of color with ponement 9 I Are Among- Guests. many electrical effects. of the show, tho Elks Booster, silverware in every package. WESTERN JUNK & an annual publication, will not be is- intni,c'Jmpany' "'KhMt prices paid for 9fiPj sued until tho Saturday prior to tho I IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED. uW;' hZ??3' rubor. bottles, etc. Phone Mitt show dates. 231C. 10 (1 So. State et. n2439 jlj Lfcl The Tribune, A to Limited Funds Impede CADETS WILL DANCE. miles of Helper FEW UNCLAIMED TATLOR-JLVD- E Joseph Work as First east yesterday after- lW 'dbK, Feb. 16. President F. Outlined by noon. Papers found on his person indi- while yesterday's high mark was SO. Most .overcoats at a bargain. MM, Chief. AUCTION SALES Tailoring Co., 57 I William Spry wore cated that his name was Neal Shae and of the potatoes came from thc Idaho W. 2nd So Kg I ano Governor Special to The Tribune. Banquet Will Precede Annual Social Af- Falls guests of the Osdec. tabernacle that he had an account with the Uintah district and tome were from Twin kl803 Mt the Feb- - 16. Although fair of High School. State bank of Vernal. However, com- Falls and Jerome. Thin makes, Fu!tNITURE"coT'Sr of PJP7, definite at a THE UTAH TO DO S ti today to hear a rendition the Special to The Trjbune. munication with the cashier of that In- estimates, nearly 5000 cars of tho place where you can furnish your TOUR UPHOLSTERING AND Hf potatoes shipped mattress remaking. & W- - "Christ, tho Victor." bhnr,r,clcd remodel and Improve stitution failed to reveal anv facts con- from south Idaho this home for less one-ha- lf Utah Bedding cantatla. OGDEN, Feb. 16. havo than thc rccular Mfg. Co. 383. I i poUco headquarters cltj-nni- t Invitations cerning him. season. Many more are to come. The price. Phone hJOJ S!jto the recital, which was given at and been sent out for thc fourth annual mili- Come down and make us show iff. I a" rfcomn,ended In the annual The man had evidently been working market, remains firm and the principal you. We have a very fine selection of this afternoon, the Salt Lake of of tary hop to bo given by tho cadets of In Spring canyon, demand seems to como from the rugs YOUR OLD CLOTHING: WILL CALL. 'Hi j idoek Norton the Ogden high Bchool on even- Just west of Helper, mlddlo and carpets. Our number Is 12$ feaivatlon Army. numbering about sixty, - S- - Browning n: Friday and imbibed too freely southern states, Texas getting a great 132 Phono. t2191 m ' LlCzien guests, 0nW3lo,n6rv- supc ing, February 21. will a. ban- and walked cast to West 2nd South st. Phono Wa- IH There bo choir at a banquet public safety, and Chief Nor- quet on tho D. & R. G. tracks and fell asleep number of those shipped yesterday. satch 1317. o2137 ALL t mifSts of the ton are now seelcing for Governor William Spry and on tho track. His KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS V the Virginia hotel. how best to the members of his staff, city dress indicates that wanted. Tel. Was. 3625. kl034 K V Sln party arrived shortly d und available for and school he was a laborer. An inquest will be Farmers Institute. WE HAVE A FEW CARPETS. RANGES, Mf I $ Lake officials at 6.30 alt o'clock. Tho rovlew of held when tho crew re- tables, in a special cor over the the battalion and programmo of exhibi- train can be Special to The Tribune. mattresBCH and everything in CATTLE. ANY KIND. YOUNG AND FAT UnT,p? addl-S- ? turned from Green the lino houpehold goods 6 ffOnr. There was uo speaking at ontaaVvo,p,an8 Pldc for tion drills will be given at 8:30 o'clock, River as witnesses. PROVO, Feb. 16. The Commercial club of that werp calves, poultry. I keep two Jersey bulls 8 $ than an address of u?,,B ,,n women's department narUy damaged by smok. trhich we reI for service. Cows - I other after which there will be dancing. Home-builde- fetched. A. T. 8aun- Bet ccl!a ,n prls-Brli- rs committee on and agriculture nt n Organise. horticulture a trrcat O. 2374-- J. 4 SJae by Charles J. Boss, on beha.lt dlUonaL whJch men The following officials of tho city and nacrlflce. K. Furniture Ov ders. Phono Hyland Rear 1415 'M 7? mombors. After tho dinner bo, confli?ed. Commissioner educational system and Special to The Tribune. are busy arranging for tho farmers Insti- 209 6o. W. T. 02130 So- - faln. n3016 m I tab-- & Is ia,s. their vlves have 3 irttfti were taken direct to the SSJ&F anxl0"s to provido one been named ns patrons: Mayor LOGAN, 16. tute to bo held here next week, commenc- and Mrs. Feb. County Clerk Cham- C. E. OSTERTX5H. RF.PTl-den- where scats had been reserved hospital CTXfd5lVC U8e, ?e an emergency A. G. Fell. President and Mrs. Hyrum bers rocelved ing Monday, AUCTIONEER. SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK. IS provision the articles of incorporation February and continuing So. 2S2I-W- 1 Men s 3 the auditorium. Tho can possibly Homo-buJldln- iZi Main. Wasatch shoes half soled, COc: M flit of h mad0 tbero will Plngrcc, Commissioner and Mrs. T. S. of the Logan g society Satur days. ladles', 40r. B LhVhlch sought to hear tho choir in be a reading room Browning, Commissioner day for four These committees will h4SS cu0rkr,cald for and delivered. Utah (I H the year for the officers. At the and Mrs. J. C and thc organization the Boosters provido Repair Co.. 117 So. successful recital of present time Nye, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. club of city de- places for meeting, entertainment, W. T. Wasatch M t fi .hun- -t a portion of the upper Is Williams, Mr. this labored so long to C. L. SEBER MAKES 283 'I iSiitly filled tho tabernacle and to floor devoted and Mrs. George Glen, Mr. and Mra. velop Is now legal entity. corpo- etc. Thc women's cluos of this city are FURNTTTm o393 m outsldo the doors. housekeeplnqr rooms for thc Jailer a The auction a snclaUv; consult mo bfnf Si stood his family and Wado Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lcve-dah- l. ration has a capital of ?500,000 taking a great deal of Interest In tho 11pg.