Banchory Community Action Plan June 2017 Introduction

This Community Action Plan (CAP) has however, Banchory has been regarded arrived and this made the town a popular been prepared by a steering group under as stretching from the National Trust destination for holidaymakers and day- the auspices of Banchory Community for (NTS) policies of Crathes trippers from nearby . Guest Council (BCC). It sets out to try and Castle in the east to those of Inchmarlo houses and hotels were established, resolve the series of issues which have Continuing Care Community in the west accompanied by a wave of Victorian and been identified as the most pressing by the and from the Loch of Leys in the north to Edwardian residential development. Banchory community. the slopes of Scolty Hill in the south. This area is the main focus for the action plan. Recent Growth The issues were identified following The town’s picturesque setting fuelled a thorough and inclusive consultation The Steering Group, however, also further residential expansion during the programme carried out throughout 2016 recognises the importance of the oil boom of the 1970s and in the last forty and into early 2017. That process is outlined relationship between the town and its years Banchory has expanded substantially in more detail below. surrounding environs. Other neighbouring to become a popular commuter town. The communities such as Crathes, Durris and final years of the 20th century and the early Having identified the main issues, the plan Strachan depend on Banchory for many years of the 21st have seen major new then seeks to highlight the actions and of their needs and services. These include housing developments at Hill of Banchory projects which will assist in resolving the shops, restaurants, health centre, library and and the loss of some of the town’s green issues, along with the key partners whom it is associated employment opportunities. The spaces. In the 2001 census, the population anticipated will help to facilitate their delivery. secondary school, for example, serves the was numbered at 6034 and it is estimated wider community. at well over 8000 today. A fuller understanding of the issues can Comments were, therefore, welcomed from perhaps be appreciated by looking at the residents of both the town itself and from a Current Challenges setting and history of the town. wide surrounding area. Visitor contributions Although a prosperous and expanding town, were also encouraged. Banchory is not without its challenges. BANCHORY History The recent housing developments have The Area Banchory’s heritage stretches back many encouraged major supermarkets to invest in Banchory lies on a bend in the River Dee centuries and artefacts from the Stone Age the town. These, however, are not centrally and stretches along its northern bank. and Pictish times have been found in the located and have thus had a negative impact Housing extends up the slope of the valley area. The first documented settlement was on the vibrancy of the High Street area. and there is a splendid outlook over the founded in the 5th century Current Era largely undeveloped, wooded, and highly (CE). It was established on the north bank Services and social facilities have been picturesque southern bank. of the River Dee where there was a natural unable to keep pace with the rate of ford at the junction with the River Feugh. population expansion. Education, health The area served by Banchory Community During the Middle Ages, this site became care, community, and cultural facilities are Council is chiefly the town itself. This the location of the annual St. Ternan’s Fair. all under pressure, and there is concern is illustrated by the map contained in that the town’s reputation as a desirable the the separate profile available on line Over time the town gradually developed destination is being gradually eroded. at For the westwards along the north bank of purposes of the Community Action Plan, the river. In 1853 the 2 The Community Action Planning Process

The last Community Action Plan (CAP) • reached out again to senior 11. Affordable housing. for Banchory was created some years ago citizens and youth groups; 12. Improved play parks. and in 2015 a real need to re-evaluate the • collated and analysed all the 13. Provision of an improved community’s current requirements and information and drew up a skateboard / BMX park. aspirations was identified. thematic outline of the issues and 14. The position of the taxi rank. potential projects which emerged 15. More activities for teenagers. Discussions between Area Partnership from the questionnaire and Open 16. Better advertising of events and and Banchory Community Council (BCC) Days; activities. in early 2015 led to the setting up of a • prepared a draft Plan on the basis 17. A 3G football pitch. steering group to undertake this work. The of this analysis; 18. A community hub. steering group first met in November 2015, • organised further community 19. Better public transport. and comprised members of BCC along involvement liaising with potential with representatives of a diverse range of partners who could assist in As there are some overlapping areas of community groups. delivering the CAP; interest within the priority list, it was • prepared the Final Plan. decided that the priorities emerging from The steering group’s role was to encourage the survey could be presented as themes and enable the involvement of local people KEY FINDINGS which would ensure that a wide range in the CAP process so that their needs and of issues was addressed in the Final Plan. aspirations would be fully reflected in the The analysis of the public preferences It was seen as important that the list of Action Plan. from the community engagement days projects should be achievable and not showed that the top issues which Banchory simply be a wish list. To assist in this process, the steering group: residents felt were important were: THEMES • designed a questionnaire and made 1. A new or improved Academy. it available to a wide sample of 2. A new or improved Health Centre. The themes that emerged were as follows: community groups and individuals; 3. A revitalised High Street with rent • highlighted the process in the incentives for retailers. 1. Education Press, on local community radio 4. Assured delivery of the Banchory 2. Health and Wellbeing and at local presentations in an Sports Village. 3. The Local Economy (Business and the attempt to maximise the number 5. Protection from development on Town Centre/High Street) of responses; the south bank of the River Dee. 4. Recreation • analysed the responses to the 6. Improved mobile phone and 5. Communication questionnaire; internet reception. 6. Housing and Domestic Services • organised three Community Open 7. A new cinema. 7. Access for All Days in Banchory Town Hall and 8. A wide range of adult education Hill of Banchory Primary School; classes. • visited the local primary schools to 9. New pedestrian crossings on the seek the views of the children on High Street and near Morrisons. their priorities for Banchory; 10. A wider variety of shops on the High Street. 3 Education

1. Education A further significant issue raised • Banchory Primary School is already by residents is the limited range of recognised by Council The main project which the Community community education opportunities such as requiring significant upgrading. This wishes to see taken forward is the as conversational language classes, art has followed lobbying from the school’s replacement of the current Banchory and music classes, local history and core Parent Council. Pressure needs to be Academy. There is very significant concern employment skills - including English as sustained so that an action programme that with a growing community, the an Additional Language (EAL) - and digital is established for improvement works. existing premises are not adequate, either competence skills. It is hoped that the Parent Council will in capacity or quality, for the current and lead a lobbying group. future roll of the school. The Key Projects for Action emerging from this Theme are: • Hill of Banchory Primary School is To accommodate recent growth, it is acknowledged in the Aberdeenshire school felt that social spaces within the building • replace the Academy in the roll forecasts to be operating at capacity. have been sacrificed. There is no assembly medium / long term; An action could be to make contact with hall and the canteen can no longer cope • upgrade the Academy in the short the Parent Council to discuss the extent of adequately with the numbers involved. term; issue and potential actions. Although there is expected to be some • upgrade Banchory Primary School investment when the swimming pool is in the short term; • The improvement of Adult Education decommissioned, there is concern that the • consider adding capacity to Hill of opportunities needs to be discussed building will remain cramped and outdated, Banchory Primary School in the with Aberdeenshire Council. Council and that losing the pool will further restrict short term; funding may be an issue. Other bodies pupils’ opportunities and well-being. • improve adult education involved in providing adult education opportunities in the short / opportunities include Number One Although a site for a new academy has been medium term. Community Hub and Woodend Barn. identified in the Local Development Plan (LDP), Aberdeenshire Council has made no The current position is as follows: allocation in their capital plan to take this project forward. An important objective of • The replacement of Banchory the community is to lobby the Council both Academy is not currently on to upgrade the existing premises and to make Aberdeenshire Council’s capital the new build project a high priority which is programme. The lobbying process to included in the Council’s Capital Plan. give it sufficient priority for inclusion has already started with concern expressed In addition, both the primary schools by the Academy Parent Council and the in Banchory require improvement and Local Councillors. It is suggested that a enlargement to accommodate recent and lobbying group is established with these projected growth in pupil numbers. as primary partners.

4 Health and Wellbeing

2. Health and Wellbeing The range of health services locally available • Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care has also been highlighted. There is a desire Partnership is leading/co-ordinating the The replacement of the existing health within the community to maximise locally development of the new facility centre at Bellfield is the second most available diagnostic facilities and locally and will finalise the service specification important issue for Banchory residents. It available services thus minimising the need following the aforementioned is seen as ‘not fit for purpose’ and lacking in to travel extended distances to access these. consultations. capacity for a growing population. Residents would like to see a new purpose built facility The Key Projects for Action emerging from • Whilst NHS Grampian has identified in an accessible location. This should include this Theme are: and prioritised the need to replace space for additional health, social care, and the existing premises, there is no wellbeing related activities and services. • replace Health Campus in short / available funding to progress the project medium term; meantime. Since the various consultation events, the • review range of health services report into the new Local Development Plan and staffing provided, including for • Banchory Group Practice is piloting has confirmed that a site has been identified nutrition advice; the national Modernising Primary as suitable for a replacement facility at • provide various outreach services Care programme looking to redesign Silverbank playing fields, on Station Road. including for mental health. local services through increased NHS Grampian has confirmed that this is population involvement. This will a priority project and is actively developing The current position is: increasingly develop more appropriate plans for the site in partnership with avenues to access information and local Aberdeenshire Council and Banchory Group • The replacement of the Health services. Practice. It is understood that a community Centre has been prioritised by NHS based project group will be established to be Grampian. A site has been identified closely involved with the process. within the LDP. Initial work has begun looking at the needs of the population. Community involvement will be at various levels including direct involvement in the development process.

5 Local Economy

3. The Local Economy Additional ideas for enhancement include: While concerns about the current downturn (Business and the Town a community cinema, a community hub, a in the oil industry were highlighted by only Centre / High Street) heritage centre, the regeneration of Bellfield a few respondents, some suggested that a Park, temporary window displays, pop up better understanding of the impact on the The vitality of Banchory High Street is a exhibitions in empty shops, support for the town was desirable in order to devise a major concern for many residents. High work of ‘Bonnie Banchory’ in floral displays, strategy to mitigate its effects. rents and rates are seen as contributing and lighting up key features and attractions on both to the closure of traditional dark evenings. An improvement to the signage On a positive note, many feel that Banchory independent stores such as a butcher’s in the town is also seen as being necessary. Business Centre works well and others and a fishmonger and also to the increased value the support of Banchory Business number of empty shops. Competition Activities and events are seen as adding Association (BBA). Support for innovation from the two major supermarkets is a to the tourist ‘offer’, and suggestions put and further small business start-ups contributory factor to the decline of the forward are: outdoor concerts, a winter would be welcome to provide greater town centre in the eyes of residents and festival with skating rink, and a ‘fun run’. diversification of employment opportunities visitors. Although the monthly Farmers’ in the town. Market is valued, a better mix of permanent Banchory’s new logo is reasonably well shops is seen as desirable. established. A few, however, are keen to see Key Projects for Action emerging the re-introduction of a Banchory Coat of from this Theme are: The strength of feeling indicates that a Arms to highlight Banchory’s history and strategy is needed for the regeneration heritage and appeal to tourists. In contrast, • action on Rent and Rates to make of the High Street. This might include some people feel this would be a retrograde the High St more attractive and measures to encourage localism, attract move. This perhaps highlights the need for attract a better mix of shops; visitors, and support sustainable businesses. further consultation on the issue. • investigate the feasibility of developing plans for a new The image, environment and appearance Looking at the wider local economy, Cinema; of the town centre is seen as an important many noted that there are few well paid • upgrade the Town Hall; factor in attracting visitors who contribute opportunities for young people, and it • develop a Community Hub; to the local economy. There is a clear desire was suggested apprenticeships could • refurbish Bellfield Park; to see the look of the High Street including be encouraged. There were suggestions • pop-up exhibitions; the Town Hall improved. to promote the communication of job • develop an events calendar; opportunities via the Community Hub. • consideration of signage; • the possible re-introduction of a Coat of Arms.

6 Local Economy

The current position is: • The Town Hall is seen as having • Since the close of the initial potential for use as a Cinema, but consultation, Banchory Heritage • Business Rates are set by the Scottish it requires significant upgrading Society has revealed preliminary Government and are currently subject (disabled access, toilets, kitchen etc.) plans for developing a new heritage to much dispute. It is hoped that BBA for any sustainable community use. centre for the town. This is potentially will co-ordinate action, with support Aberdeenshire Council is now looking a large project, and would include from Chambers of Commerce, in a refurbishment plan and suggests new tourism and community facilities dialogue with the Rating Assessor and discussions are initiated with user including meeting rooms and lecture perhaps Scottish Enterprise. Individual groups, including youth groups. space. It is understood that they are in businesses have the right to appeal discussion with various groups, including against their recent rating revaluation. • Aberdeenshire Council would also Aberdeenshire Council and Banchory need to be involved in any project to District Initiative (BDI) regarding • Rents are set by building owners, and refurbish the approaches to Bellfield funding and potential sites for this generally reflect local demand. With Park, including the car park. development. a high vacancy rate in Banchory High Street, rent levels would be expected • The ‘Town Co-ordinator’ would be • Aberdeenshire Council recently to fall. Aberdeenshire Council is responsible for managing and re- undertook a review of signage currently carrying out a ‘gap analysis’ invigorating the events calendar on in Banchory, and has carried out to identify the extent of the problem, the Visit Banchory website. a community consultation on the and will explore, along with BBA, proposals. At the same time the methods of attracting new occupiers. • BDI has recently established a Heritage group is promoting the A discussion with the landlords and Community Hub - Number One - at re-introduction of a Coat of Arms main letting agents could provide focus Scott Skinner Square. It is undertaking for Banchory. This was seen as a for this action, as well as identifying the training in cookery and running the café good idea by most attendees at the potential for ‘pop up’ exhibitions. as well as providing formal and informal final consultation event. The Heritage meeting accommodation for various Society is preparing a proposal • As regards a new Cinema, the community groups, including Youth for the consideration of BCC, and Community Centre at and Industries. Its activities are, however, Aberdeenshire Council has also agreed Woodend Barn currently run film constrained by lack of space. to consider the possibility of retrofitting nights, but they often tend to be more the coat of arms to signage in the town. specialist interest films. BDI have already This would be dependent upon finance initiated a discussion on this topic with being available. Woodend Barn, but timetabling is an issue. Further investigation is required.

7 Recreation

4. Recreation Numerous established and highly valued The current position is: recreational facilities are mentioned as Many issues have arisen on the subject of requiring improvement or development to give • The construction of the Banchory recreational facilities in Banchory. A primary potential for growth and ensure that facilities Sports Village is being managed by concern is the progress of the proposed are fit for purpose. Particular issues include the Aberdeenshire Council assisted by Banchory Sports Village and the timeline maintenance of the bowling greens and added a Trust and user group made up of for its delivery. A site start is planned for capacity for football including an all-weather, representatives from local organisations. summer 2017 with completion in 2018. flood-lit pitch. There is a strong demand for the The project is currently out to tender There is concern that the process is taking increased availability of venues bookable for and construction is planned to start in too long and that the footprint for the sporting activities. summer/autumn 2017 with completion facility may not meet Banchory’s needs. scheduled for late 2018 / early 2019. There is unease about access for various Key Projects for Action emerging Progress requires to be monitored. community groups having to compete with from this Theme are: school groups for access to the swimming • A group has already been established pool. It will not be possible for trampolining, • early delivery of Banchory Sports to promote better skateboarding / gymnastics and some other clubs to be Village; BMX facilities in Bellfield Park. BDI accommodated at the new facility and this • better play parks; is already assisting with this, as well is a cause of concern for those involved. • develop skate boarding / BMX as with the creation of a mountain Park; bike trail network, and facilities for With reference to Bellfield Park there is • Investigate feasibility of a 3G teenagers generally. a need to improve facilities for children football pitch; and young people. Facilities might include • Better facilities for teenagers, • A site for a 3G football pitch has a modern skateboarding and BMX park. including a mountain bike trail been identified at Lochside, and is There is a desire to improve playparks within network. being discussed with Banchory Boys Banchory and to create a ‘soft play’ indoor Football Club. Further improvements facility for families with young children. The to footballing facilities are being further development of paths, cycle-ways and considered at King George V Park while bike trails is also seen as desirable. the pitches at Silverbank (opposite Morrisons) will require to be replaced when the new health facilities suggested for part of that site proceed.

8 Communication

5. Communication Details that could be shared might include: The current position is:

It is felt that there is a lack of high quality • What is on in Banchory • The Scottish Government is currently broadband. Broadband cover is very patchy • Plans for the future of Banchory promoting improved broadband in rural areas around Banchory and within • How to access local services such as throughout Scotland. They have entered the town itself. Households and businesses bus timetables, library opening hours into a contract with BT to deliver experience slow and inconsistent speed. • Banchory Sports Village promotions. specified improvements by March 2018. • Details about local groups, attractions Aberdeenshire Council is involved with Mobile phone signal is poor and this raises and activities for residents and visitors BT in reviewing this ‘service standard serious concerns as does the lack of mobile The co-ordination and promotion agreement’, and pressing for timely broadband. Public access to broadband in all of information, events and activities improvements. public spaces would be valued. and a shared community hub would be welcome as would a more visible • The improvement of Mobile Phone There are other topics of interest with tourist information centre. reception is already an issue which is regard to local communication and a desire under discussion in the area, and an to see a more co-ordinated approach to Key Projects for Action emerging action group has been formed. the sharing of information. from this Theme are: • As discussed above, better • improve Broadband Connection; communication of local events and • improve Mobile Phone reception; services can perhaps best be addressed • better Communication of events through the activities of BDI and the and activities; Community Hub, and co-ordinated by • investigate Community Hub. the Town Team/Co-ordinator using the ‘Visit Banchory’ website. This might also include improved distribution of the ‘Banchory Fly’ community newsletter.

9 Housing and Domestic Services

6. Housing and Domestic Key Projects for Action emerging • Social housing recently built has Services from this Theme are: been in the form of ‘low cost home ownership’, constructed (as required A sixth major issue for residents is a • protect the south bank of the river by planning policy) as a percentage of perceived mismatch between local housing from development; private developers’ offer. The housing needs and the type of housing that is • achieve a better balance of mix for all social housing developments available in the town. It is thought that housing provision, including is dictated by Aberdeenshire Housing too many larger homes are being built, affordable housing for young Service. It is required by the Scottish not enough mid-market or starter homes, people and first time buyers; Government to carry out a 4 yearly and certainly not enough retirement or • action to improve waste services. ‘housing needs and demand assessment’, sheltered housing. Further, many private or and it is on this basis that the Housing rented properties are widely seen as being The current position is: Service decides on the appropriate mix. unaffordable for many, including young local It was suggested that pressure needs to people wishing to stay in the area or those * The prospect of development to the be placed on the Scottish Government affected by the oil downturn. south of the River at Auchattie has to increase funding for affordable now been ruled out both by a Scottish housing, and that meetings should held Smaller and affordable homes for young Government Reporter following an with the Housing and Planning Services people, young families, single people and appeal and by the Reporter appointed to see what more can be achieved on retirees are identified as a need. Expanding to review the proposed new Local this issue. the offer for social, rented, and sheltered Development Plan. The area has also housing is also seen as a priority. been designated a Special Landscape • Action to improve Waste Area. It is accordingly very unlikely that Collection Services needs to be The delivery of local services by this proposal will be promoted further discussed with Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council is also seen as for the foreseeable future. Waste Service. The potential for a major issue for some sections of the community involvement in recycling community. In particular waste collection • The type of housing provided in also needs to be discussed more fully and recycling services are seen as unreliable. any settlement is dictated by market and an Action Plan agreed. The Crow’s Nest Recycling Centre is demand (in respect of private housing), difficult to access for some. A more reliable and by Aberdeenshire Council in and sustainable waste collection service is respect of social housing. As regards seen as a priority. private housing, there are 2 sites currently under construction. Both sites are offering a range of 2 - 4 bedroom, terraced, semi-detached, and smaller detached houses. In reflection of current market conditions, fewer large ‘executive’ houses are now being proposed.

10 Access For All

7. Access For All • improve pedestrian safety across ACTION PLAN SUMMARY the A93; A final main issue raised relates to the • explore moving the Taxi Rank from The Action Plan Summary, printed on the ability of all sections of the community to the High St; next few pages, outlines how the issues get around Banchory safely. For members • improve Public Transport; detailed above could be taken forward by of the community who are vulnerable • improve street lighting on the community. through age, restricted finance, or mobility footpaths. issues, access to what Banchory has to offer CONCLUSION AND NEXT is restricted. Using health care, shopping The current position is: STEPS or social activities can all be adversely affected. A number of issues around getting • The potential for additional pedestrian A Community Action Plan is not a wish list: from A to B were reported, including lack crossings across the A93 (in the High it is a tool which allows a community to of safe crossing points and maintenance Street and at Morrisons) will need to be identify and work towards the fulfilment of footpaths and pavements. Car parking looked at in detail with Aberdeenshire of the changes its residents wish to see features heavily: issues include a need for Roads Service. happen. It is a working document which can more disabled parking spaces, the problem be amended and updated as circumstances of parked cars blocking safe core routes • The proposal to re-locate the taxi require. New projects and ideas can be and lack of visibility at crossing points. rank from the High Street should added; ideas which are no longer relevant Lighting of pathways in the evenings would be discussed with Banchory Business can be removed or altered. The successful also help some feel safer and more able to Association (BBA), local taxi operators, completion of any project listed will depend venture out on dark evenings. and Aberdeenshire Roads Service. If on the willing assistance of people living in relocated, proposals for alternatives the community. This could involve people Some of these issues are already being need to be developed. volunteering to join a group to lobby for highlighted by established groups new facilities such as a new secondary representing older residents who have been • Improved public transport will school or to plan and raise finance for a lobbying to secure improvements. require to be discussed with bus particular project such as a bike track. Marr operators Stagecoach Bluebird and Area Partnership can provide advice and Concerns were expressed about the Aberdeenshire Public Transport Unit as support as can other groups such as BDI, but reliability of the bus service and the well as user groups. it is the people of Banchory who will ensure condition of vehicles. There is a desire the success of any of the action points. for an expanded range of routes to other • The lighting of publicly adopted Aberdeenshire communities such as footpaths is generally agreed and then Banchory Community Council has agreed Westhill and and also for a direct maintained by Aberdeenshire Roads and to review the progress of the CAP annually bus service to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Lighting Service. Improvements to the and report back to the community. Anyone lighting of other (non-adopted) footpaths interested in being involved with any of the Key Projects for Action emerging need to be agreed with the landowners ideas listed can register their interest by from this Theme (in addition to involved (around Banchory this may emailing BCC at banchorycommunity@ the items covered under Theme 5 often be Leys Estate) and perhaps also Communication) are: Banchory Paths Association.

11 Action Plan Summary voluntary sector and NHS specialist As above, plus As above, based project group based project group. Community Community group. practice and patient Board, Medical Board, NHS Grampian, Integrated Joint Key Partners Key Centre, BDI Centre, Potential Barn, CLD, Scolty CLD, Barn, Hub, Woodend Woodend Hub, AC, Community Community AC, Councillors AC and local AC HoB Parent Council HoB Parent Councillors AC and local AC BPS Parent Council BPS Parent elected members Council (AC) and Council (AC) Banchory Academy Banchory Aberdeenshire Key Partners Key Parent Council Parent Potential

Goal Term Goal Term range of services. Capacity for an expanded staff and for Capacity

Delivery of new expanded health Delivery of new centre. centre.

Improve range of opportunities Improve

school capacity increased for Allow

building fabric Effect significant improvement to significant improvement Effect

Academy Replacement of

Actions Long Actions Long

Term Term

traditional services. services dependency on to reduce Explore possibility of collaborative possibility of collaborative Explore

and timetable for delivery. and timetable for to monitor progress Establish forum Short to Medium

Establish Action Plan Establish

Establish Action Plan Establish

Establish Action Plan Establish

a new building in the AC Capital Plan. Capital AC building in the a new Establish Action Plan to lobby to Action Plan to lobby Establish improve existing building, and include existing building, improve Short to Medium

Action Action with planning for new facilities. new with planning for Review already underway, associated underway, already Review Plan (LDP). Site identified in Local Development Issue has begun to be addressed Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Issue has begun to be addressed Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Issue has started to be addressed



nutritional and mental health advice services.nutritional Issues with staff shortages, lack of appointments, including lack of appointments, Issues with staff shortages,

However, some concern over location of new site. location of new some concern over However, Site at Bellfield seen as ‘not fit for purpose’ and lacking in capacity. capacity. for purpose’ and lacking in ‘not fit Site at Bellfield seen as Issues / Need

Conversational French, DIY, employment training. employment DIY, French, Conversational Perceived lack of adult educational opportunities e.g. lack of adult educational opportunities e.g. Perceived

HoB PS is operating at capacity.

BPS is acknowledged as requiring significant upgrading and repair. repair. significant upgrading and as requiring BPS is acknowledged

replacement. Academy is seen as requiring significant upgrading, and eventual eventual and significant upgrading, is seen as requiring Academy

Issues / Need

Wellbeing Health and Education Banchory services. services available in services available Review range of health Review

Replace Health Campus Theme 2: Projects

Opportunities Improve Adult Education Improve Primary School Hill of Banchory (HoB) Investigate capacity of capacity Investigate

Primary School Upgrade Banchory

Replace Banchory Upgrade and eventually Upgrade and eventually Academy Theme 1: Projects

This Table summarises the main issues and potential projects identified from the analysis of the public response to the CAP consultation exercise. It encapsulates the narrative relative to the seven Key Themes set out in the Section above. It is however It is however Themes set out in the Section above. Key to the seven relative the narrative It encapsulates response to the of the public CAP consultation exercise. the analysis identified from summarises the main issues and potential projects Table This on the monitoring progress Banchoryfor Council (BCC) will be responsible Community As the organisation charged with organising CAP Process, on the delivery of the CAP and will be adjusted amended as work develops. in progress work annually. which will be reviewed delivery of the plan,

12 Action Plan Summary Scotland, BDI. Scotland, Commission Deeside Bike Forestry Collective, Scotland, SYFA Scotland, AC, BDI, Banchory BDI, AC, Sports Club, Boys Youth Industries Youth Skateboard Group, Group, Skateboard AC, CLD, CLD, AC, User Group Key Partners Key Potential AC and local AC BSV Councillors, Society (BHS), BCC Society (BHS), Banchory Heritage

(BHS) Heritage Society BDI, AC, Banchory AC, BDI, AC, BDI, BBA BDI, AC, AC, BDI AC, BDI, AC BDI, Enterprise. Hub, Community Barn, Woodend Govt., Scottish Govt., Assessor, Scottish Assessor, landlords, AC, Rates AC, landlords, Banchory Business local Assoc., Key Partners Key Potential

Goal Term Goal Term

trails around Banchory. trails around

of mountain bike a network Create

Provide a 3 G football pitch in town. a 3 G football Provide

Deliver BMX / Skateboard Park BMX / Skateboard Deliver Establish programme of improvements. of improvements. Establish programme

Deliver BSV on programme. Deliver

if community is supportive.if community Possible adoption of a Coat of Arms adoption of a Coat Possible

facilities, including heritage facilities. facilities, a range of community providing Delivery of commodious HUB facility Improve attractiveness of park, as of park, attractiveness Improve visitor attraction and local amenity again seen as an asset to the High St. Improve facilities at Town Hall, so it is Hall, Town facilities at Improve

be on a part time basis.

Establish cinema in town, may have to have may Establish cinema in town,

more attractive. more

where an environment Create investment in Banchory High St. is in Banchory High St. investment

Actions Long Actions Long

Term Term

and site acquisition.

Develop plan for funding, planning funding, plan for Develop application.

Develop Action Plan, make planning make Action Plan, Develop

for funding. for Develop Action Plan, including Action Plan, Develop If required, lobby MSP and AC. MSP and lobby If required, Short to Medium investigate costs. investigate BHS to develop proposal and proposal BHS to develop

Prepare Action Plan. Prepare Prepare Action Plan. Prepare

involving user groups. involving Prepare plan for improvement improvement plan for Prepare Establish viability.

Prepare Action Plan. Prepare Undertake ‘gap’ survey, and research and research survey, ‘gap’ Undertake on rates / rent levels. on rates / rent

Short to Medium

Action Action business plan being developed. Issue has begun to be addressed, Issue has begun to be addressed, Convene forum to discuss. forum Convene Issue has begun to be addressed. Business Plan being written. skateboarding group. skateboarding CLD and BDI involved with CLD and BDI involved Issue has begun to be addressed with Issue has begun to be addressed Establish forum to monitor progress. to monitor progress. Establish forum Autumn 2017, completion early 2019. completion early Autumn 2017, forward. Build start currently planned for planned for Build start currently significant issue. BCC and BHS to take significant issue. whether community feel this is a feel whether community facility. initiated discussions on has already AC Convene group to discuss expanded group Convene of No1 Scott Skinner Square. Issue addressed in part with opening Issue addressed Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Issue has begun to be addressed Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Issue has begun to be addressed feasibility to investigate Continue Issue has begun to be addressed Issue has begun to be addressed



Convene forum to discuss forum Convene

Centre) Town

Trail network seen as required. network Trail to facilitate winter training. Seen as much needed facility for variety of groups, particularly variety of groups, needed facility for Seen as much

Skateboarding park, and more facilities for teenagers. teenagers. facilities for and more park, Skateboarding Seen as needing refurbishment, with inclusion of BMX / Seen as needing refurbishment, Although project has been initiated, there is concern that its there has been initiated, Although project

Issues / Need delivery is uncertain and about the range of facilities to be provided.

heritage visitors. Use of Coat of Arms could be a positive influence in attracting Arms could be a positive Use of Coat

needs, but needs expansion. needs, Seen as a potential focus for meeting a range of community meeting a range of community for Seen as a potential focus resolution of parking issues. resolution Poor initial visual impact, seen as requiring upgrading; upgrading; seen as requiring initial visual impact, Poor

including disabled access. including disabled access. Seen as requiring significant upgrading internal and external, significant upgrading internal and external, Seen as requiring Lack of cinema seen as important social issue, particularly for Lack of cinema seen as important social issue, residents. younger

in High Street. High levels of rates and rents are seen as discouraging occupancy seen as discouraging occupancy are of rates and rents High levels

Issues / Need

(Business and the The Local Economy Recreation

Trails Mountain Bike Football Pitch Football Weather All

Improvements Bellfield Park Banchory Sports Village Banchory Sports

Projects Theme 4:

Banchory Coat of Arms Banchory Coat of

Hub Community Develop (See also under Bellfield Park Recreation)

Improve Town Hall Town Improve new plan for Develop Cinema

Rents Action on Rates and

Theme 3: Projects

13 Action Plan Summary Councillors. H&SC. and local AC People’s Forum, Forum, People’s Banchory Older Associations, Associations, Housing Councillors, local Councillors, councillors. and local AC Govt., local Govt., River Dee Radio River Key Partners Key local house AC, Scottish builders, BDI, No 1 BDI, Town Co-ordinator, Co-ordinator, Town Potential AC. Community Hub, Hub, Community local action group, Phone providers, Govt. Councillors, Scottish Councillors, BT, AC and local AC BT, Local Action Group, Local Key Partners Key Potential

Goal Term Goal Term Improve waste collection services. Improve

As above

in line housing more of new Provision with community needs. with community Better dissemination of local events

and services. signal over whole BCC area. signal over Provision of reliable mobile phone of reliable Provision

to whole BCC area. Provision of reliable broadband service broadband of reliable Provision

Actions Long Actions Long Term Term

Discuss possible solutions with AC. Discuss possible solutions with

Prepare Action Plan Prepare Govt. funding for affordable housing. affordable funding for Govt.

Short to Medium

Develop Action Plan including further Develop Action Plan and guidance for Prepare event holders. event

Group Establish Lobbying

delivery of planned improvements.

Establish lobbying group to speed up group Establish lobbying

Short to Medium

Action Action Seek interested and affected parties and affected Seek interested the issue further. to explore Convene forum to discuss. forum Convene Convene forum to discuss. forum Convene Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Convene forum to discuss. forum Convene Convene forum to discuss forum Convene Scottish Gov / BT contract. / BT contract. Scottish Gov Issue has begun to be addressed with Issue has begun to be addressed



Waste collection and recycling service seen as unreliable: Crow’s Crow’s service collection and recycling seen as unreliable: Waste some users. Nest cannot be accessed by

Significant need for various forms of low cost housing identified, cost housing identified, forms of low for various Significant need and sheltered. and first time buyers, young rented, including social,

Correlation between housing need and provision seen as out housing need and provision between Correlation of step seen as un-coordinated.

Issues / Need

Dissemination of information about local events and services about local events Dissemination of information

area. Mobile phone and data services seen as patchy, throughout the the throughout Mobile phone and data services seen as patchy,

Lack of high quality broadband

Issues / Need Housing and Domestic Services Communication Improve waste Improve collection services

Range of Low Improved Cost Housing

Theme 6: Balanced Housing Provision of local events and of local events


communication Improve services

reception Improved Mobile Phone Improved

Service Broadband Improve

Theme 5: Projects

14 Action Plan Summary whole. Banchory as a Group to look at Group Youth Potential other users. Area Bus Forum. Area Banchory Paths AC, People’s Forum & Forum People’s Stagecoach, Marr Marr Stagecoach, Association, Older Association, Transport Unit, BCC, BCC, Unit, Transport People’s Forum. People’s Passenger AC Banchory Older BCC. Operators, Taxi AC, Partnership (CSP), Partnership (CSP), Key Partners Key and local AC Community Safety Safety Community Potential Councillors,

Goal Term

Improve access arrangements. Improve

pedestrian and safer Improved network around Banchory. around network

in more attractive, up to date vehicles. attractive, in more bus service reliable more Improved,


A93. on crossings additional Provide

Actions Long


Prepare Action Plan, including publicity. Action Plan, Prepare

Prepare Action Plan to address various Action Plan to address Prepare meeting(s). issues highlighted by


Discuss improvements with bus Discuss improvements alternative provision. alternative

including for Action Plan, Prepare

Short to Medium Investigate practicality of additional practicality of additional Investigate crossings.

Action feedback results. feedback MAP to convene group, and group, MAP to convene Convene meeting to discuss. Convene Convene meeting to discuss. Convene Convene meeting to discuss. Convene Convene meeting to discuss. Convene


to be decided Community Safety Partnership Safety Community Collective Deeside Bike Health and Social Care Plan Local Development PartnershipArea Marr

TBD Scottish Youth Football Association Football Youth Scottish Passenger Transport Unit Transport Passenger DBC H&SC LDP MAP CSP SYFA PTU

Not all easy to access, particularly those with disability. for Not all easy to access, A range of issues were highlighted, including maintenance and highlighted, A range of issues were lighting.

routes more with old vehicles: Bus services seen as unreliable, ARI incl. welcome

Taxi rank seen as taking up too much space on High St. rank seen as taking up too much Taxi

Getting across A93 seen as hazardous, particularly in High St A93 seen as hazardous, Getting across and at Morrisons.

Issues / Need

Village ARI Infirmary Royal Aberdeen TITLES All Community Action Plan Community Learning and Development Community Banchory Primary School Banchory Business Association Banchory Business Council Aberdeenshire Banchory Council Community Banchory and District Initiative Ltd Banchory Heritage Society Academy Banchory Access for


Parks and Open Spaces improvements Footpath

Improve Public Improve Services Transport

Relocate Taxi Rank Taxi Relocate

Provide additional additional Provide Crossings Pedestrian

Theme 7: Projects


15 Community Action Plan

This booklet is one of a series This information can now guide It is important that this booklet produced by Local Rural the community and Community is seen by all concerned as an Partnerships for a number of Planning Partners in drawing account of the community’s communities in Aberdeenshire. up detailed action plans to views at the time of the latest implement the top priorities consultation, and that it will have This initiative is sponsored by as well as addressing the to be regularly reviewed and Aberdeenshire Community other issues which have been updated. As some projects are Planning Partnership and run identified. For each priority or completed, other issues will arise by Aberdeenshire Local Rural issue this will involve agreeing and take their place in future Partnerships. The aim is to who should be involved, what versions of the community plan. provide community action plans resources will be needed and in an attractive, easy to read, target dates for completion. It is We recommend that this Plan professionally printed format. hoped that this process will be has a maximum life of three driven by representatives of the years. community with support - moral, technical and financial - from the relevant Partners.

Thanks are due to all the individuals and organisations who contributed to the development of this Action Plan: to all Banchory residents and visitors who completed the survey and attended open events; to the Marr Area Partnership which provided support and funding; to Community Learning and Development who helped with issuing invitations; to all those who contributed to the writing of the plan, provided the photographs and proofread the final draft; and of course to all the members of the Steering Group who worked so hard to produce the final document.

June 2017 Marr area Partnership Ground Floor • Albert Memorial Hall • • AB35 5QB T: 07585 621549 • E: [email protected]

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