bpjeciaI/ > y-. ^ ^./.. i .< | "J . * with no respect what¬ to .. be cording his worth, J®"* jk/' ASTJUST RECEIVED and with a view to its recovery HORACE GREELEY'S TOUR. ever to color or condition. 7 FHmM 'idyou GOODS! NEW GOODS! paired, States succeeds there i« no SS?en°c?r [Appliiusc.] jar.NEW the appointment of United If otir Governmetit A ri'LX STOCK or accepted at HIS FIHST MPEECH I* . there is no considerable faction, there Gr.dcy re- #* Ps . of Washington party, ctoseof bisspeecbMr. \_li_ *1 for the Territory or J '1 Marshal ^Attll! ^isgatch.w left in the field opposing y- ?rrJUcftnmiul and was poon is reilly nobody atniel cheers. t.; bands of President Pierce, on the common tired FALL JDRY GOODS, the Ter¬ RECEPTION AT LOUISVILLE. objei-tin# to their standing from that - & CO.. TL'ESDAV SEPTEMBER 24, 1872. elected a delegare to Congress of American nationality. [Ap¬ O'CoNOK AND THE STRAIGHT-OUTS- CARDOZO. FOVRQUREAN he settled platform their clcar in¬ CnABLES COMPRISING O.VR OF THE ritory. At the close of his term When 3Ir. Greeley arrived in Newport, plause.] I say, then, that it I* Two of the New York Republican papers of that State our Government shall be wel¬ hap POST-OFFICE Poli¬ in , and was elected from Ky., Saturday, lie spoke as follows: terest that by the Saturday announce that Charles O'Conor 1009 MAIN STREETS OPPOSITE A Railroad Phase of Carpet-Bag wan a time. comed, and ratified, and approved letter to one of the BEsT ASSORTMENTS IN THE CITY. Race. to the Federal Congress. Citizens of Newport,.There and it is a very writtena private StnujfOt-that he tics--Gubernatorial Railroad cotton States he not I would entire American people, yet there Out Democratic Committee stating ABE NOW RECEIVING TIIEIK of the Upon the secession of the nnd that many years ago.when fact to us that In o There can be no better illustration at not have been welcomed to tlrc soil of Ken- discouraging presented wo hiiter had reconsidered his decision regard was sent to the Confederate Congress no other class ho and I) and had We offer same at has brought as I am There was a time whefi is generally iy no other the nomination tor the Presidency, condition eari>e»-l'ag ItadittillMm hut soon resigned to take com¬ tuck to-day. U« as they are. '1 here 1 he FALL AND WINTER STOCK. Mates than the Montgomery, Kentucklnns did not think of me as lhey do Opposing so or determined to accept the candidacy. TFIE VERY LOWEST PRICES, in the southern He at did ns b class, who insist thoroughly is not ? tlie government ha* come ofl mand of tho First Florida regiment. now, and I believe it was because they claw, in us. I letter, however, forthcoming ^out railroad race which .iust so as do now, misapprebendingly misrepresenting Executive Commit¬ embracing AND gre-it once attracted the attention of the public by not understand me well they to excite prejudice against them. New York Straight-Out between Governor Wahmotu, of , Wilson's Zou¬ for in the olden time I was the humble but gay not this is not tee have issued "an address ot some length SOLICIT AN EARLY CALL/ the co- his gallant attack upon IJi!lv are ignorant, and their ignorance the State ot New and Lieutenant-Governor Pinchbeck. the close ol zealous friend of Kentucky's noblest states They it is their and our "To the Democracy of ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON! aves, and front that time until I their own fault, though on tbem to O'Conor Buyers may rely npon tlic Bargain* at of the same State. man, Henry Clay. [Applause.] I loved, are and we are York." calling support lored Lieutenant-Governor the war his name was honorably associated for misfortune. They misled, and for a State conven¬ EVETIY article OK WHICH on the 12th instant Governor trusted and followed thntman many years, in their cars. and Adams holding WILLIAM THALHIMER A SONS'. It :»p|»eai> that battle-field of the Wert ; when the news came calumniated at on the .T«i of October tor the York, tviih nearly every and sore was my heart !>een asked to contradict tion Albany btreei.. the Wakmotii left New Orleans for New were J have rej>eatedly l»efore the people an V li U A R A N T EE TO HELL 1013 Malu opposite post-offlce, and and at the close of the war n»> major-general that our fondest anticipation* blighted, assertions that 1 have "been a negro-trader. purpose of putting T H E I'im hhh k had already gone. Imme¬ not chosen President. Hut what lieket, Ac. Tlie committee wy se 17 f>01 Uritart street, corner S|xt//. where of that stood higher in I In* confidence and he was Even <»n to this place one quadroon electoral the cus¬ army The fame of is world-wide, my way of Mr. O'Conor's havingaccepted. AT T1IK diate!} u|>on Wahwotii's departure or th** general. matters if 'f Clay ol on me said: "I would nothing to recall Pinch¬ of the soldiers commanding is revered and loved bv millions girl, bearing *peak, tom-house ring determined and At¬ and lie like to stick a knife into his heart. lie sold fcJTliREEDEN & FOX INVITE AT¬ his aui- At Shiloh, iVrnville, Corinth, his countrvmen. and wdl be for generations V»." Political Distuhbance in .Sev¬ PRICES. beck, who would, of comsc. njw»n b ounded it whether he filled my mother into Richmond, [Laughter.] LOWEST CASH TENTION to large arrivals ofFALL aid WINTER va¬ lanta. wliere he was dangerously to come. What matters lies like that eral Persons Shot and Clubbed. Saturday will be netins: Governor, and could sign or no office? The office I can imagine 110 reason why DRY GOODS, which comprise the LARGEST val, in the face, his gallantry and ability received one offl'C-or another, I can 110 reason why at Mobile, Ala., during a Republican ANI) MOST ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT, la the Legislatuie and re- not make the man; it is men like those should be told. imagine night, the fbt 23-3inJ rious bills pctved by the warmest official commendation. does men and women should not everywhere meeting, a disturbance occurred by aU departinc-nto, ever offered by them. the Governor. Pinchbeck was that and digfniy office, good ot a on the by some one lused by Since the war he has been employed as edi¬ glorify alluded to the wer and discountenance and lefute them. tiring pistol ground TIIEIR BREEDEN & FOX. started Mr. Greeley then the colored a stampede. Some THE "DOGDAYS"AND se le-iotNo. 401 Hnot. telegmphed, and immediately at From that hour I It is, I say, the misfortune of unknown, causing general of the the biood is but the tor of an agricultural paper published it< conclusion, and .said: of our the tirst shot was tired by a white DANGER.At this season year back from New York*, Wat;MOTH, us and be friends misfortune people.that parties say the the skin Memphis, .said let try again ; yes, people.a us. man, while others say by a colored man. No apt to become impure, appetite poor, after his departure, smelt the trick,and better friends than we were before. W they us a class are steeled against They ol the sallow, tin; body enfeebled. tl»e system relaxed, J3T OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS WILL day not hear us, do not believe us. one was injured in the neighborhood to defeat it. Pinchbeck must! ok Garkett Davis.. have we have but the cause will they making It suscrptlblc to attacks of chills and fevcrs« plw«> take notice that'wc will occupy onr new determined DfeArrr Sbnatok differed, fought, are told that this movement, is a con¬ but three persons were seriously or Grantites would been of the trouble ha<; away. Slavery is They speaking, were some rheumatism. eruptions of fjie skin.and the develop¬ OK MAIN AND K L F. V E N T H be overhauled, the bej Senator Garrett Davis, :is has stated, passed trivance to them enslaved virtually injured in all, and two of them imeof calomel. CORNER there is no more reason why we should get again, and ment of i he effects of the Injudicious on flic 1st OF in in Louisiana. The Gov-! on He dead; all the seven blocks from the scene of action, n STREETS* OCTOBER. In th* installed power died at his Kentucky home Sunday. let us to be hereafter country¬ if not absolutely, and that pretensions All this trouble may be avoided by the use of few with while tight; then try und the Baltimore not been near the Mr. Mor¬ AND mean time our great CLOSING-OUT SALE win N- ernor opened immediate communication was born in that Stat'1 in 1801; and yet men who love and honor each oi the Cincinnati platform had speaking. was littles of Dlt. TUTT'S SAR8APAR1LLA men, and of are of the firm of Morris & Brother, I' Is harmless in it." effect-. at our prtt-ent stand-1213 ami I'il.'i his friends all the route and in New was as a writer for the So in that with that purpose, indorsement in favor equal rights ris, QUEEN'S DELIGHT. continued along a boy employed other. spirit, "If this .succeeds," shot while in his own dwelling. to diseases. Try it, and you We offer the His were all made for rapid of the district. I labored on for some years, scorned by frauds,are lies. jKirly standing was the l»ut a powerful enemy M A1N STREET. following gi*u>!» io IHJ7 he was in the lower house ideas of life. Now, fellow-citizens, I state these facts the only persons present pies and all the my have think any been injured. These persons were shot by ni;eTi.\(j.v AUBURN COTTON at l^r. p,r yard: competitor in the grand sweepstakes. of since 1801 he had represented I think they were mistaken. My friend here not that I would you the the Congress.and new worse of these misguided people. 1 state colored"men stampeding through city. CommanderV, No. 2,1 WAMSUTTA and DAVOL COTTON at l«c.; That eveninir t lie Governor letl in his native State in the Senate. I think circumstances, new conditions, re¬ RlflTMOND in rh«> ww re¬ them because 1 want you Kentuckians to KNltitiT.s tkmplar. September 21, 1*72. ] NEW YORK MILLS COTTON atWe.: train, and would have duties presented themselves ou a Central lightning term in that in Boston..At . Pennsylvania His second body renoVated republic which has alize that ignorance is public peril.that y Virginia Conservatives No. 0. Sir Knights: \>T P'UN'T LAND COMPANY,) to meet him Humboldt. one of its few advocates on the floor of of to either section well informed to be and Point, King W illiam cocnty. Va., / NICE CALICOES for comforters at ty*. prr van!; of the ness, and nothing profit speech, *iys; wkst 3d. 187:. ) there lie found the best locomotive Senate. An and amiable gentleman, or to class of I tried to make misguided. ot Johnson was September GINGHAMS at I2je.per\ard worth M*'-: upright any people. Fellow-citizens, if our movement should "The address General HOARD OF DI- HEAVY ^ Central and a special car await¬ fast to the landmarks of the past as my countrymen r» member only what sh.ill and the sentiments A MEETING OFTH15 WIDE SKIRTING CAMBRIC at »c. per rarrf holding be. in the better future which prevail, as 1 trust it will prevail, we will frequently applauded various excla¬ IX. RECTORS OF THE WEST POINT LANM ing him. The Governor tailed up the his guides for the present, and thoroughly be, what limst all this refuse of lies in three ex preyed were approved by COMPANY will '* held at the office of the said worth 35c.; in what time 1 am quite confident is opening on this peo sweep away When he at length resumed his Company, at West Point, on the 2ith day of the at 2" and 25r. engineer and asked him earnest in advocatingsuch views in Congress of of months. We will say to the colored men, mations. month for the purpose of sun- CHECKED NAINSOOK per yarl- future of concord and peace, seat lie was chccred, and the banu pnwent (September', of kih be could put him at Canton. The engi¬ in the face of an Mr. pie.that which was we you nothing except the protection loudly plying the vacancy in the office of President would be cheap at ?" and t"c. per v*rd; overwhelming majority, mutual reliance and of sympathy, proffer us. You him with a selection." occasioned t>y Mo deatli of Joseph Ry- neer at a make ol in the time. of the laUs* the same for you as for greeted Company, of the and at¬ INDIA TWILL LONG-CLOTH at 31H.. worth *y.. could, push, forty-live Davis will leave behind him the memories not known old as we. You land. KslOIIN POLLARD. " You can come down to the South will your abilities, of the We-it Point Land Company. JAPANESE SILKS lu grea vartctv at all prtr««; ernor. "1 will," said the engineer, but years ago), " and make the at h? Secretary I all your faculties, Ou the lull Instant. :V :-e to stand ali the dam¬ arc a and nobody will hurt you/' said, Why energies, do not p ifrrlmid. Mr. JoM I'llTrlnitv.?}}""*:A. KKU to Ml*. M. 10-Tiitd JAPANESE SILK ROBES. Hcolors, at*orth you must sign this bond Lively CamFak.ning..They having hurt me ? There was never most of them you can. The laws all of Richmond,fl«\a. in should anybody will protect J. MA I.ONE; 41#: ages which may result from any accident." lively campaign Fauquier county. Va.,tiie a moment I wished ill to the South, and I favor you, but liiey thoroughly MIMTAKY KOTHm lie and in three months, ii we succeed, the At 'Ioil Thur«diy. I. M.LAM. EMPRESS CLOTHS and FRKNt 11 MERINOS i». . The Governor and hiscomjxtnion.Mr. ICitim;- county that Mosby is ''confideut never -ought to do them harm. Why should you: Rev. Mexander Ne-biir. midnlii It. ]\ ATTENTION.-Attend a will l»e so di-abu ed that, the V»..l«» \ .. of RAYS. *j>e- the can In one me I will be in the South t colored pe»»|»lc Rp-hinood. .Mi^ariJA djoigh^r (i drill of \ our at low price#: ijam Lawkemt. promptly signed bond, nun for (limit.'' day (Saturday you tell protected them . Coueiihev»*ii. K-<|.. "I 1 reuiout. Noi.it'K vJT rial meeting and eompanv have never been there: because my duties saute men can Uever deceive again Robert Old .Market Hall nn WKDN ESI)A V NEXT'aMft in IRISH and FRENCH POPLINS; and the loeoniotlve and train last) M(«srs. Brooke, Iiuntoii, A. D. Payne, J Courthou-e, V«.. on the of and a* the Bargains pretty quickly not call me l»ui I fell eei'fain Uevcr again. At "Svlvanla." Louisa o'clock P. M. histwid Friday: con-It for enrtaln-: were advertised to at Mor- did there; we fail. If evening of »2ih September. bv the 'ill' ited regimental trip to Baltimore will hedls- NOTTINGHAM LACKS were put in motion, 'J'elegninis had been and Pollock, speak of the South But suppose we fail, and may harriei k. tenipl of the eom¬ always that no gentleman believe that the m«r. .Fames f. grattan ami ..ussed.lt Is Imped tliat every member NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAIN'S; «cnt ahead to elear the track. And now com¬ risville ; Colonel \\\ W. Payne, C. T. Green, a hand upon and I don't be¬ the colored men did not pow¬ MORRIS. panv will he pre-ent. 15v order Captain BosstMV. would lay me, that was us; so'ffl-St* K< MH'iE If. WALHM AN, <». S. HUCKABACK TOWELS at *1.23,91.90. menced the tii-test steam speed ever made in II. Shvpperd, and L. S. Helm, at New Balti¬ lieve they would let the blackguard" do if. er was against us, money against Jj was charih to if did not realize that the treasury, the nii:n. Company 4-1>." Sidnky gray*.) up to $5 i»'ir dozen: at and Governor William Smith and The} were talking as if il hut they at»; the southern country. Lea\ingHumboldt more; That has anny, the JUO.OOO oflice-holders were all M the if.-ldcmr of tit:- pgr"»it'<. In. th!= city, September 23d. I#72. ( LINEN FRINGED NAPKINS at Mc. ««r1h 75.. l»'t me passed GA^ . infant sonot 1! A. M. the Governor reached this C5eiier.il Williams at the Plains Yesterday, pass through. us. in force which they be¬ o'clock A* M- yrster-'nv. JOHN ARE ORDERED To ATTEND if Tuesday, banded against \\ li. .>'"1 Fannie i . in-nitey. aged twomonths Vutr per dozen: K. Withers, away. Illi .il a business meeting of the coinp.HP TI'FS-H eitv ut .n.: 1P. the distance. 11,'i the 23d instant, Colonel Itobert ha'e bcuii one of lieve we cannot overcome, they certainly X linen. I wo * iifd Ioiijt. at f! M..making Fellow-citizens, you may hv p-om St. roil"? church DAY EVENING, 2ith instant, at 8 o'clock, at TABLF-CL' »THS, pure elector at General James 11. Williams, soldiers of the would not be so universally hostile to 11-. "'iW'Tniior il will take }»l member L to lie (If luilus, in lliirfeen hours! largo; the U?ost effective Confederal,, .il i P \! TU-UVV. Til'1 I .lends uii'l sic*i««»tut- si. A (ban's Ilall. Evcry required R worth ti 5o: : and oui this think we eon not -»u< eeed, and they tfullv Invited to attend. as the subject of an excursion to itdtimore Ou the uppruaeh to Canton the Governor elector for thai congressional disl«ic{ latestruggle, and you mat travel all Why, they is ¦uico:- of ilti f.uniiy ait re-i his friend other gentlemen of distinction, speak country, and J think one, except very At Ills lilt*.' residence. on Sunday eveitlne will Ik* brought up. By order of Captain C.nuking* telegraph'd gentle incjuirt r of it. but arealiodebuted iu regard a bi b t I lines-?. KDMUNUSIKANK. CLOTHS much below regular prices: inWai n nton. On Saturday the '28th John low, vulgar person, will ofh you any insult. part they Instant. ufli'i' of TON". The was: "He is here oui tbp-.eventv-seventh year of IiIm ape, a native se 23 » RG E. W. K A V ES, (». S. and GRAY FLAN¬ JPinchm.'ck. reply 31. Forbes and General J'Jppa Hun ton speak I travelled to the furthest part of South to purpo-es. jn a resident or RED. WHITE, YELLOW, are not enemies, we will IMp by. England, but for many years awaiting the tiist train for the city "; where¬ at Buekland. on the holders of Fauquier, last year, and I was everywhere well We say we your ' NELS; Governor "We have and Colonel W. W. Vn\ no and others at received. 1 think every northern man who not be yout oppressors; we will not, though l he'friends of the family and those of hlsson-ln-. AMINEMFNTN. BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED COTTON upon the shouted, got us an we will ¦.,« v if SavaK.., are respectfully invited to attend " Station, in went his own business and you have done injustice; try EVENING 1 will ho :»t No. FLANNELS In ;ill <|ttal!tl«'*: him ! I» appears that Pinchbeck got left at Catlett's Fauquier. South, minding to children edu¬ hi" funeral from Hie house 'I'lll?5 (Jflth ( RAND BALE given cause of offence, was treated, as well as we can have your at 3J o'clock. Main street (over Adam's hakcrv) JjfSL D \Lor HONEY-C< »M B Ql'1 I.TS. large enonjrlr Canton bv means of a who. hav¬ giving nobody as that tin; mistakes instant1 3«j. for TP Bltl messenger, .John as well as I. hut his and cated and enlightened,so count v. Sundav morning and qualities; Professor Mallet ill holds I he chair of A-na- in this There was a lime when if alone that 1 speak. Every community rlmreli Till* l»AY«i» o'clock. The frlemlsaiid ufliee for lii'ii, him into the office country. services ol all its fiti- ari'Ualntance:* of families aM Itivl'ed (o attend CARPETS. RUGS. OILCLOTHS. MATTINU. an* inveigled was not eo that northern man, what¬ the right to Hie besl and Hie door on him till the train lytieal Chemistry. u-Vcry lo me, don't Haitiittorr. Philadelphia. Washington papers MATS In great variety : and locked ever bis could travel through the /ens. "Men say ''Why, you copy. vrWSSreWH, principles, do please GARMENTS; and left him. The next s.»: I am of want to elect Toombs, or somebody else, r&ivsss "L&* LADIES' READY-MADE started morning INi- South; now they can do and glad At Richmond. Vm.. September ls?J, ALBERT »<;. H»ra<'*> Wrcolt'yN Kitccclies.-'Mielr I don't want to elect any of ami A now M. U-lrnuder. SHIRTS and DRAWERS tor men. Wakmotii eanie along in his train and took trioflMiin duel it. Think no more of our triumphs in our you?" No, .?., infant son of Jonathan MERINO these the people do? Who eleven mouths nutl live days. lwehty-ll*e crnt*. men, and children ; J'lNciiHKcK aboard. The deputed Lieutenant- Klli'd Hmli'-al Olli- late struggle. Let us rejoice together that men; butsupjvise aped much iiiii; these have tended to good are you and who am I to say whether they W e mi-* thee. AHle.«» bow LINEN DIAPER, ten yards in a piece, at *!.:.* Governor took his scut by his captor with ciHlM.4'oin|H«riM>ii I»p(hcoii Hio tim. triumphs produce It not a but (nir I iod alone r;tn fell; EX.lTRSIOK»« to the whole American people. shall or not ? question forme, He look tliee from our lo>injr arms; worth *'»; " that is I lie race I«\v and rant Orations.reiiitH.vlvn- whom a at the rental k, Well, biggest There were actually men in the North who w hether American citizens, you say lie doeth all thlli;:- well. X'CL'KSON TO WKST POINT, COTTON DIAPER, ten >ards mi piece, won ret." nia Politics. wa- that have 1 he same rights to vote and hold otlice The blind* are cloned and dark lies* reigns wonh >>1.75: you have of the Ki.limon A. The jn'tiulue COATS'S Wasiiinoton, September 22. or shall be to vote for dead. O'CLOCK M. dozen ; were In New Orleans that assassiuation. I am sure it was not so; they prefer compelled For little Allle's COTTON at 70c. l>er Canton they Passing The and wise , patriotic eminently speeches but here is a black, bloody deed done, and men you prefer. l'liin gently fit his coffin lay LAST OK THE SEASON. CROCHET EDGINGS at t5 and 2Sc. f'-ra pi" f a knot of anxious of tlie are of com¬ a Hitler fWrfli: . Amite, politicians by 31 r. (ireeley subjects great the whole suffered for it. M was for So long as you have proscribed class ili The cold ami worth f»c. per vard: on and attention in this The Kadi- people And tlOfl'wHl watch il night and duv \lt »\ PA Y. PKPTBMI1KU 30TII. "" twelve yards t»iant were noticed ment city. Hie men all around them.honor- , ..V.* » i persuasion standing a long time impossible (<> make .'< large por- country, And shield It from all harm. Sf. >N lUiii-Nvt) v will 'flMlOt "I tin*EXV,V.5" KNITTING COTTON at Sfc-.prr a>, f. , . 7. u ut the and into the leal opponents to his election took heart iu that class believe that the assassina¬ generous men. will feel 1 ought to be will tak<= nl from the rr.sldnnee ot" POINT UNBLEACHED platform peering anxiously of thou* ti'i'.n of able, His funeral arrive ut Rich¬ pound; the predictions that many indulged was not the work of the whole Confede- pro-cribed the same as that man. The differ¬ Ills father. No. 6 wettfat j street. THIS (Tuesdayt :,T"{nV&k*A.kM"lf«U.r..i'l.jt* will ear in which the Governor and Lieutenant- left New tion * P riends and mond utx.ut at *1.75 for five pounds; when the Liliersil standard-bearer rate There was done them ence was only by accident. lie happened to EVKNINti o*nd political strategists. "Halloo!" passion ; we must try to make the whole peo¬ than mine. Accident only pro¬ worth *2: .» masses, and no more, than did the travels of leav-s me free. So that so «»«»«r the claimed one of the knot of Grantites, |» that ple feel that the American name is dear to u? scribed and long EMDVAL..Mapam J. M. GKANGKK KIFTV CENTS-tol«e ,.». dei«ot. LINEN COLLARS «» 7Sc. .lolinson. TheilitVerent results be a class in this e t.i the la ot Rich¬ sc 2l-3teod GENTLEMEN'S ex-President all.that even in our we were as there shall proscribed Kj.«.' iieo l«v.\r announ- doz' n.would Ijo cheap at ?i.Sf; you. Pinch? We have been waiting for attained.and which no one unless struggles will rankle iu the hearts mond thai -he lei- renu'Vr l io \'d, tli'l ItROAl' down blindly friends. We did not fear and rend each country proscription will in tin flitti»-»* (as in the past) con¬ GENTLEMEN'S LINEN CUFFS at iJM per you. Is it all light?" "Captured! cap- could doubt would follow hi> pa¬ "! millions of Americans who teel that they STKEET.nnd AI KING of LACEK WATCHES ASO CIiOCKS* prejudiced of her, we did n<>t wen tinue the |KMN«;-l'l\ind REP worth *6 . as triotic addresses- have -tirrrd feelings in destroy, prisoners in the lured!" vociferated Pinchbeck the traiu up not unjustly treated, but I really believe that themselves are condemned and banned (TKTAINS, &C. "\t r aTCIII-^ AND CLOCKS- HAMBURGH EDGINGS ami INSERTING to (iovernor Wak¬ the Radical heart not akin to pleasure. act which doomed their leaders. In addition to the nlnive Mr. GRANGER begs moved oil, pointing the jieoplc on both sides meant to treat them leave to annoiiuee that he ha« made the purchase of TO great bargains: Mr. friends are more than do we condemn NATIONS TIIE pcw.ic. at *3. ft-* - who arose and and (ireeley's with so far as the.v could do so, Now, fellow-citizens why . lie entire stock of FAN' Vi.fuiliSand t» devote who.''and uiuS INFANTS* EMBROIDERED ROBES motii, affectionately satisfied at the statesmanship enunciated: humanity are mistaken who ht ionpin.,'to Mr. s. IllR>«|],which,loi-ether Having concluded my toward When cruelties took were not proscription? They say f-orinerl) of 'Y«J< >OI)S. I, A< KS, vldedtlmett) and up to *10; waved his handkerchief in his at eand place they with hi"'"stock on hand FAN< w I t A NI > .1EWKLRY, at 50. «), 75c., *1. an-T gracefully remarks Pittsburgh allftj understood to be the there are Only two or three hundred left will forln one of the most desira¬ CIAK Kb,rXvivnES.A INFAN TS' FROCK WAISTS the foiled and of the elsewhere, and have no fear I hat if he approved by great body the common a«d JEWEI.KY. of theoe 1 off. r my stock »JM\ * i .\T COST. Ihank- conspirators possessors ofthe North and South. now forbidden to exercise ble liner* and complete ito-ortmeiiLs >rood.s f'd f-r the ^ , ,1Rl.e |V,.,i up to $3 : va¬ make a Hip senti¬ people is not so. tint can Ih' foiiml in the city: and as ftiat portion at all election registration bills and should thousand speeches us we shall ol American citizens. It V;r>;."!r. d fl'i"m"n*Vwrallv for Hie HOOIVSKIRTS prices; f unsigned ments he fur the consideration of Now, then, let all resolve that rights of the sfeek formerly Ndoiiglm: to Mr. Hlrsh lias different from J'"-''1 rious other executive documents which only presents be nearer to each other next than t hi There are thousands. There are 5,WO dis¬ tK-en nitieli In-low its real value, he Is eti- BUSTLES In twenty «tyl»*> his lellow-eitizens would be other than re¬ year purehased tho-eof any each; of the franchised in the State of Arkansas alone, ahied to otfer Inducement* surpH.*sing soli'-it .<*..**": '1 *1.50 needed the signature Lieutenant-Gov¬ of most favorable comment the [Applause.] other home in the c|t\. \ therefore earncUy ,, , S1I.K BUTTONS, FRINGES, ami GIMPS: cipients by and the men who hold them disfranchised Ik- ived EYERY Kin>c. : ernor, in tlie absence of his the Jt is not I aui demanding universal amnesty. Why, P. S.. NEW oUODfS will Country mer- HCA R FS for Imile*snid gentl« Excellency people of this country. thought are three or lour hun¬ to carry that Stale against us by vir¬ WEEK at E. L. GRANGER'S, hMh'e e'tty." N ECK-TIESand which to become laws and to estab¬ that Mr. will enter a people say, there only expert :.tdicwhwre.w;ncal1 v:VmuHNKKpnr" more extensive tour than he is at Suppose as cIi;»hIiik Main wo rail particular attention. lish in power and authority the Government present two hundred; 1 to this disfran¬ the number of proscribed men who, not 'i;v,>7 street.^ llm* will ilnd It to their upon; but should he sodo.it would be a only object feel themselves RESTAURANTS. Purchasers of goods 111 our of the Custom-House and of UicGkant Ad¬ chisement and this proscription. It puts a under this ban, proscribed to of us, and they will dud out tin' source of congratulation by his supporters because other** are for an offence w hich was has ( WlU'FTIXttS, Oil<*CLOTIfS. At. advantage buy ministration over the StHte of Louisiana. on the whole people. RESTAURANT *». v«ill do all that we promlne. tor several reasons. One that it makes stigma as pEROT'S old stand on is, their offence well. vJ been reopened at the ^\TALL l'Al'KKs, «; .o«N will l«! M>nt on receipt of the mooe). This desperate scheme was thus defeated by evident to the people who are to elect the MR. GltEKLKY'S KL'CEPTION IN LOUIS¬ reaches not several hundreds MhIu streej. wliere ina\ he obtained all only The question « cat-h on the and of next. President that can make a wise VILLE-BONFIRES AND ILLUMINATIONS. of the DELICACIES "OF THE SEA¬ W r hy pxpit1^ delivery. energy, sagacity, daring Governor Greeley but several millions of our people. Well, SON. ®KS^KiV:Es, LEVY BROTHERS. and shows as well that what his Louisville, 22..Mr. Greelev on se -mid floor for Wakmotii and by the most extraordinary speech, opin¬ September they say, what do the people care about this. lie has abo fitted up rooms the and )0 1213 and 1215 Main rtrcef. ions on all subject* of national character, j>ro arrived at S:40 last night. He was met by a the are the ACCOMMOHATION OF PRIVATE PAR¬ and, locomotive and steam ride ever performed on The banks are making money, people so 24-1 w A "riJIJ"^m£lVKKKX