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We’re on the cusp of a revolution in mobile computing and application deployment. Is your infrastructure ready?

SEVERAL POTENT FORCES ARE ACTING IN CONCERT to dramatically expand the abil- ity of mobile workers to access any information, at any time, from any- where. The implications are far greater than improved productivity: We see companies functioning in completely new ways as they eliminate the unnecessary or redundant steps bogging down business processes. Firms that fully integrate the power of these technologies will become what we call “mobile dynamic enterpris- es.” This metamorphosis occurs

////// BY PETER RYSAVY //////

Copyright (c) 2007, CMP Media LLC. Important note: This PDF is provided solely as a reader service. It is not intended for reproduction 38 NWC I or public distribution. For more information on obtaining a Reprint, please contact a Reprint Services Rep at 516.562.7026 or visit www.cmpreprints.com/faxback.jhtml A CH>>>>>>>>>>> when IT starts using mobile computing strategically, and strategic adoption—after all, we’re moving toward not just tactically as is the norm today. a converged world of multimedia communications and Don’t get us wrong: Tactical is a great way to get your handheld computers that are more powerful than last feet wet with mobile computing. But if you can go to the year’s desktop PCs. A grasp of technology trends and next level, the payoff will be immense. It shouldn’t be a drivers. An understanding of what constitutes an effec- huge leap—how many of your employees already carry tive mobile application and its architecture. And finally, powerful laptops and handheld devices and have access awareness of aspects beyond the app itself, including to 3G networks? The missing link: A wide selection of security, mobile middleware and device management. off-the-shelf software applications. Three factors are causing a shift in the status quo: IMS ON THE HORIZON Faster wireless networks mean improved application One thing to focus on as you make long-term plans: In responsiveness, and middleware has grown more sophis- the next couple of years, mobile operator networks will ticated. But most important, vendors are finally getting support a much wider range of services. Today’s networks in sync with their customers’ needs and offering built-in primarily deliver packets or messages. But operators like support for mobile devices in their enterprise software. AT&T, Sprint and are laying the foundations for And clearly, mobility is on your mind: Our reader poll more sophisticated communication. IMS, a work-in- for this article showed 70 percent of responding compa- progress framework based on SIP (Session Initiation Pro- nies adopting mobile/wireless technologies. However, tocol), for example, supports the dynamic blending of a only 17 percent had companywide strategic initiatives, so variety of communications components, including cir- much work remains to be done. What’s the holdup? In a cuit-switched voice, packet-switched voice through VoIP, word, complexity. A smorgasbord of mobile platforms video, user location information and messaging. and wireless networks means integration challenges. Although operators are likely to use IMS initially for What does it take to overcome? Anticipation of their own services, such as video streaming and push-to- where carriers are headed (hint: IMS, or IP Multimedia talk over cellular, they also will open up IMS interfaces to Subsystem). Knowing the difference between tactical third-party apps. The result will be far richer multimedia-



IT may be able to leverage some Managing and securing applications mobile applications for its own and mobile devices, especially multi- IT Organization puposes (say, service-issue notifica- ple types of devices, can be a com- tion), but most implementation and plex and expensive undertaking. support efforts will benefit end users.

To avoid wasted effort and money, Most employees can benefit from it’s crucial to follow a strategic plan Business real-time access to important com- that prioritizes what mobile plat- Organization pany information. Mobile platforms forms and applications to support can include handhelds and laptops. and which workers to target.

Improved internal communications aids competitiveness, as employees We don’t see mobile application Business who interact with customers can deployment as posing any competi- Competitiveness provide better information and tive risk, assuming you avoid control on items such as inventory, ill-conceived projects. project status and delivery time.

The increased use of a wide range of applications on mobile platforms is inevitable, and productivity gains—especially if strategically implemented— BOTTOM LINE can be huge. Many new applications now directly support mobile platforms, simplifying deployment. However, there are still sticky issues to work XXXXXXXXXthrough, including network and device selection, management and security. Copyright (c) 2007, CMP Media LLC. Important note: This PDF is provided solely as a reader service. It is not intended for reproduction or public distribution. For more information on obtaining a Reprint, please contact a Reprint Services Rep at 516.562.7026 or visit www.cmpreprints.com/faxback.jhtml common—and generally the most effective. We run down YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR market forces in “What’s Driving Adoption,” below. Given today’s 3G networks, powerful laptops and s t s

o handheld devices (which we refer to as c

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a selection of off-the-shelf software applications. Previ-

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D lems, then look to migrate additional applications to Performance capability the platform, much as in the desktop environment. However, running applications designed for always- A comparison of performance and capability levels versus develop- connected, high-speed networks with low latency over ment and support costs for mobile platforms clearly illustrates that wireless links too often results in sluggish and/or unreli- native clients provide superior performance and capability, but at the greatest development cost. able behavior. It’s common to experience temporary loss of connectivity, reconnections with different IP addresses oriented apps that will captivate consumers and further and inconsistent throughput levels due to high network enhance enterprise productivity. Imagine an app on a load or poor signal conditions, where the wireless link desktop at corporate headquarters that shows the loca- may have to retransmit a large percentage of packets. tion of an employee in the field and can initiate an IM ses- Also, older networks, such as GPRS, simply moved sion simply by clicking on that person. Support personnel packets too slowly (tens of kilobits per second) with too could stream video to show a mobile salesperson a new much latency (hundreds of milliseconds). Dealing with offering that’s of interest to the customer at that location. the foibles of 2G wireless often meant employing wire- Operators are testing IMS and have services, such as less middleware, which could involve rewriting the appli- AT&T’s “video sharing,” planned for later this year. cation or developing custom apps using programming interfaces specific to the middleware. The result: Expen- TREND REPORT sive and cumbersome application deployment, often jus- A number of other technology drivers are accelerating tifiable only for focused vertical market applications, deployment of mobile applications, by which we mean such as dispatch or field service. apps that involve communication between a mobile Three things have changed to improve this situation device, including phones, wireless PDAs and laptops, and dramatically. First, wireless networks have become much enterprise servers. Some mobile applications also can faster; applications that ran poorly on 2G often perform operate in a standalone, disconnected fashion, while oth- well on 3G networks. That SQL database application ers, such as most wireless e-mail systems, can operate as might refresh a screen in 5 seconds instead of 30. islands at times, then synchronize with your or third-party Second, wireless middleware has become much more servers when network connections are available. There are sophisticated, and can often be deployed without requir- also always-connected models of operation, especially for ing changes to the application. Today’s wireless e-mail browser-based applications. Of these approaches, the gateways are good examples, as are current mobile VPNs. “sometimes” or “usually” connected model is the most Third, and most important in our view, application WHAT’S DRIVING ADOPTION


Today’s mobile platforms have significant computing power and gigabytes Powerful mobile devices of solid-state storage. Innovative keyboards, large bright screens, thumbwheels, trackballs and touch screens Improved user interfaces make using phones for data applications more painless for users than ever. 3G cellular broadband rates of 1 Mbps are becoming available in virtually all major metro Powerful wireless technologies areas, with fallback to slower 2.5G networks of 100 Kbps in other areas. Many new devices now support both cellular and Wi-Fi networks. Applications designed to support Major applications now likely provide mobile support directly, rather than mobile devices requiring middleware to get access and interface. Many companies offer comprehensive suites for managing large deployments of mobile Good management and security options devices, as well as for securing the devices, their communications and data storage.

Copyright (c) 2007, CMP Media LLC. Important note: This PDF is provided solely as a reader service. It is not intended for reproduction or public distribution. For more information on obtaining a Reprint, please contact a Reprint Services Rep at 516.562.7026 or visit www.cmpreprints.com/faxback.jhtml vendors are finally delivering versions of their enter- NWC ANALYTICS EXCLUSIVE /// prise apps that directly support mobile devices. In other @ Mobile applications will have a huge impact; we words, the mobile middleware component becomes submitted an RFI to mobile enterprise software redundant, vastly simplifying application deployment. vendors to learn more about their offerings. See You may still want middleware for security, manage- responses from IBM, Oracle, Salesforce.com, SAP and ment or mobility features, but increasingly, you won’t Sybase at nwcanalytics.com. need it for application data. A highly visible example is PLUS: We conducted a reader poll to see what stage Exchange Server 2003 with Service Pack 2, you’re at when it comes to transforming business which can deliver a push e-mail experience to select processes with mobile applications. Full results are at smartphones. In the past, you could obtain this capabil- nwc.com/go/0528f1charts. ity only using Microsoft Exchange with third-party gateway products. ing a comprehensive mobile computing policy, there Now, this does not spell the end for third-party gate- also are good choices every step of the way. ways, at least not right away. Some enterprises will always be willing to pay a premium for greater net- APPLICATION ATTRIBUTES working efficiency, support for a broader set of target An optimized mobile app works within the constraints of devices, increased security, and better configuration mobile devices, especially handhelds, and makes effective policies and inventory management. What this change use of available networks, usually wireless connections. does mean for IT, however, is an easier path to initial This is harder than it sounds, and the vendors we mobile application deployment. As part of our RFI, we spoke with use various approaches to get there. For sought to uncover the extent to which major software smartphones, the user interface is particularly impor- application vendors have developed support for mobile tant, because entering text is cumbersome and the dis- systems; see their responses at nwcanalytics.com. play is small. Differences in form factor, types of oper- This isn’t to say there’s clear sailing ahead. We see ations and the manner in which users interact with the some serious inhibitors impeding mobile application devices will be inherently different than with larger deployment (see “What’s Holding Us Back?,” at nwc.com/ laptop platforms. A well-designed mobile application, go/0528f1charts). Multiple mobile platforms, wireless net- for instance, won’t require any more user input than works and complex integration translate to complexity absolutely necessary and should go to the network for IT managers and CIOs. And it’s this complexity, more only for the information it needs. For more detail on than anything else, that’s inhibiting broader deployment mobile app design, see “10 Steps to Mobilization,” at of applications. However, though there is a long list of nwc.com/go/0528innovate. considerations and decisions you must make in develop- Application operation may be fundamentally different on a than on a desktop. For example, while 13 NWC Poll desktop apps leverage free bandwidth to poll servers for information, in a wireless environment it’s more efficient How important are the following mobile management from both network utilization and power management capabilities? standpoints to deliver data to the mobile system only when there’s new information. The most vivid example is Data backup 4.58 today’s wireless e-mail systems that push messages in real time, but the concept can apply to any dynamic informa- Mobile system policy control 4.46 tion that mobile workers need to receive right away. Cur- rently, however, it’s only e-mail systems that widely Mobile inventory management 4.18 employ this push model. Other mobile applications and middleware generally use time-based polling. Provisioning/installation/ updates via docking station 3.90 Security requirements also are fundamentally differ- ent than on a desktop. People constantly lose their OTA application/feature downloads/updates 3.84 phones, and with the huge amount of storage available on these devices—up to 8 GB with today’s Secure Digital OTA document distribution 3.60 cards—as well as their ability to access sensitive data, it’s crucial that you protect this data. The big question is OTA provisioning 3.58 whether your app will incorporate security features, or

12345 67 whether you must employ a separate security system. Unimportant Extremely Features to look for include encryption of data on important the device itself and while in transit, user authentication Average response shown Source: NWC Poll, 406 respondents with an inactivity time-out and the ability to remotely

44 Copyright (c) 2007, CMP Media LLC. Important note: This PDF is provided solely as a reader service. It is not intended for reproduction or public distribution. For more information on obtaining a Reprint, please contact a Reprint Services Rep at 516.562.7026 or visit www.cmpreprints.com/faxback.jhtml wipe data on devices or kill them entirely if lost. Note desktop version of the software or a Web-based interface. that VPNs protect data transmission, but typically do Things are trickier with smartphones, where approaches nothing to safeguard data on the device. The trend is for include messaging, browser-based, Java and native clients. mobile applications to incorporate security capabilities. Messaging architectures are the simplest, albeit nor- In the RFI responses we received, all the application ven- mally the least interactive. Here, your central site appli- dors provided a robust set of security features. cation simply sends text messages to mobile phones Finally, if you’re thinking strategically, you shouldn’t using the cellular operator’s SMS (Short Message Ser- be mobilizing just one application, but rather a set of apps vice.) Alternatively, operators have SMS gateways where, that address the mobile worker’s business processes. under a contractual agreement, you can dispatch mes- sages via your application in a more controlled fashion IF YOU BUILD IT … through a well-defined interface. The advantage here is, Mobility architects can quickly calculate the effective- you don’t need to install anything on the mobile system. ness and importance of highly visible items such as a Browser-based approaches leverage the browsers now user interface, but determining the optimal mobile found on most phones. Today, your users’ phones are application architecture is more complicated. There are likely to run XHTML Mobile Profile, a subset of XHTML a variety of approaches available (see ”An Optimal optimized for mobile devices. Smartphones also support Mobile Application,” page 48), so it’s important to regular HTML and XHTML. Using a mobile browser for understand the trade-offs; the desired degree of interac- an application is relatively straightforward so long as the tion between the mobile worker and an application may application takes into account reduced screen size, which mandate one architecture versus another. Keep in mind varies depending on the device; minimizes the amount of that an app vendor may support only one approach. data presented; and can tolerate inconsistent network The first consideration is the type of client software connectivity. Applications should facilitate interaction that will run on your mobile system. In a client-server by, for example, allowing the user to fill out a couple of application for a laptop, for example, it may be just the fields on each screen, hitting Next after each one, as


WHEN YOUR COMPANY ADOPTS mobile comput- tion vendors directly support a variety of mobile com- ing technologies on a widespread basis across a large puting devices. At a strategic level, that means provid- number of job functions and multiple business units, your ing dynamic, easy and secure access to important program becomes strategic rather than tactical. information that mobile workers need, whatever their Most companies begin mobile app deployments job setting. But it’s more than just employees. This tactically, with wireless e-mail and related func- access means your organization can communicate tions. More than 70 percent of North American with partners, suppliers and customers, firms had deployed e-mail as of 2006, regardless of location, while having complete according to Forrester; 64 percent had per- information about assets and systems. sonalized contacts and calendars, and more And clearly this is the trend. The num- than one-third offered mobile access to ber of mobile applications enterprises internal information for employees. Less deploy to their employees will continue to widespread apps include SMS alerts; IM; grow by 30 percent per year through 2011, inventory management; and field service, sales Gartner estimates. force, customer-facing and logistics apps. Our reader Sounds good, but how do you get there? By making poll showed e-mail dominating mobile apps, with 69 mobility a key part of your IT infrastructure and building a percent of respondents indicating adoption, a rate more mobile policy that fully defines and manages all the broad than twice as high as the next category, collaboration. technical aspects, namely devices and their OSs, access Most mobile sales-force and field-force automa- networks, mobile middleware, applications, security, and tion apps are still relatively tactical, in that they involve management. Our emphasis here may be on the actual only select departments. Mobility initiatives become applications, but you can’t deploy an application until all strategic when the scope expands to applications such these other items are considered. We do acknowledge that as enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, mobility will benefit some industries and businesses more helpdesk and supply management; fortunately, our RFI than others, but ignoring mobile/wireless computing and research show that most major enterprise applica- would be about as smart as ignoring PCs 20 years ago.

Copyright (c) 2007, CMP Media LLC. Important note: This PDF is provided solely as a reader service. It is not intended for reproduction 46 or public distribution. For more information on obtaining a Reprint, please contact a Reprint Services Rep at 516.562.7026 or visit www.cmpreprints.com/faxback.jhtml approach. Overall, we expect Java on the mobile device MOBILE SECURITY to become dominant for mobile apps, especially CHECKLIST because it allows vendors to address a wide variety of I Over-the-air provisioning devices with one client version. Finally, the most effective mobile apps are those devel- I Over-the-air software downloads/updates oped for the native environment. They can leverage all the I Over-the-air document distribution capabilities of the platform with the least amount of pro- cessing overhead. However, developing native applica- I Policy control, such as allowed applications tions requires a substantial level of expertise; it’s no small I Mobile inventory control feat to become familiar with all the development tools and debugging approaches required. It’s therefore not uncommon for app developers to target just one mobile opposed to scrolling awkwardly across a large form. platform, most commonly the environ- Over today’s 3G networks, browser operations are ment in the and in Europe. fairly snappy. But on slower 2.5G systems they can be While these are the dominant approaches, others will quite sluggish, with users often having to wait tens of play an increasing role. Adobe Flash is gaining popularity, seconds for screen updates. Like SMS, the advantage of a and just as SOAs are becoming the networking archi- browser-based approach is that you don’t need applica- tecture of choice for many apps, SOA/Web services tion-specific client code, and you can support a wide approaches are also finding their way onto mobile plat- range of devices, independent of the underlying OS. Also, forms. For example, Microsoft’s .Net Compact Framework there’s no local data store, minimizing synchronization runs on the Windows Mobile platform. Similarly, there are and security issues. The same application will work Web services APIs being defined for Java and Symbian. equally well on BlackBerry, Symbian, Treo and Windows Mobile devices. However, mobile browsers cannot sup- THE DEVICE CONUNDRUM port advanced Web technologies, such as ActiveX and Despite all the attention lavished on handheld devices, JavaScript. In our RFI response, most application vendors let’s not forget the laptop. In our reader poll, 75 percent provided some form of browser-based support. said mobile applications are deployed on notebooks; A browser is OK for occasional data access, but it’s not Windows Mobile devices came in second, at 39 percent. well-suited for frequent use; here a local client operation While Windows dominates laptop platforms, your provides a much better experience. Moreover, the brows- choices for handheld platforms are much greater. er approach requires constant network connectivity. Mobile Linux isn’t quite ready to join Palm OS, RIM For local client code, a Java client works across the BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows Mobile in the enter- greatest number of mobile devices. One common Java prise lineup, however, this platform will likely be a con- approach uses J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), in conjunc- tender with devices emerging this year and tion with MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) and becoming more widely available next year (for more CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration). These information, see nwc.com/go/0528mobile-linux). specifications define a complete mobile application For now, RIM BlackBerry dominates wireless e-mail, runtime environment for mobile systems. The attrac- and is increasingly being used for other types of enter- tion of a J2ME approach is that this environment is available on a large number of devices, including mid- tier mobile phones, as well as all smartphone platforms. MOBILE MANAGEMENT J2ME has seen its greatest success with consumer CHECKLIST applications, such as games, but it’s increasingly viable I Encryption of data on the device for enterprise apps as well. Another Java approach, sup- ported by IBM and SAP, is the RCP (Rich Client Plat- I Encryption of data communications form), based on work by the Eclipse Foundation. I User authentication Due to variations in implementations, Java-based apps won’t work on every device, so it’s likely that your I Device time-out/access lock vendor will specify which platforms or phones the app I Remote data wiping runs on. Further, there are limitations to J2ME. It won’t support multitasking until MIDP 3 is available, likely in I Remote device kill 2008, and the overhead of the Java environment can I Mobile device firewall make applications respond slower than their kin devel- oped for the native environment. However, perform- I Mobile device antivirus ance will generally be much better than with a browser

Copyright (c) 2007, CMP Media LLC. Important note: This PDF is provided solely as a reader service. It is not intended for reproduction or public distribution. For more information on obtaining a Reprint, please contact a Reprint Services Rep at 516.562.7026 or visit www.cmpreprints.com/faxback.jhtml prise data, via the BlackBerry push architecture or Java response, all the application vendors provided some clients. Windows Mobile is the platform most widely degree of device management. Whether to use a third- supported by mobile application developers, making it party tool depends on how many devices and applica- the top choice for many enterprises. tions you’re supporting. The greater the number, the Symbian has seen very little adoption in the United more likely you’ll need a separate management system. States—in our poll, only 7 percent reported using this plat- In “Management On the Move,” at nwc.com/go/ form. Palm OS (now Garnet OS) has done well with wire- 0528mobile-device, we review mobile device management less e-mail, but given the OS’s limitations, including its systems from Avocent LANDesk, Intellisync, lack of support for multithreaded multitasking, we don’t Novell and Sybase iAnywhere as well as RIM’s Black- see a lot of developers working on native applications. Berry Enterprise Server and hosted device-management Looking ahead to the rest of the decade, we expect products from Perlego and iPass. mobile Linux, RIM BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows As for security, similarly, if you’re supporting a large Mobile to be the major supported mobile OS platforms number of devices and apps, you may need a separate sys- for enterprise applications. Palm already supports Win- tem. The app vendors we surveyed have good security dows Mobile and has announced plans to use mobile offerings, so you may be able to get started with their Linux as the migration path for its Garnet OS. At a layer capabilities before invoking third parties. For instance, above the OS, the key software platforms are likely to be nearly all the products authenticated users, encrypted Microsoft .Net and Java. data communications, encrypted data on the device and had provisions to neutralize lost/stolen devices. MOBILITY IN THE MIDDLEWARE Finally, even though many application vendors now The final decisions for a mobile application deploy- support mobile devices, this does not mean the demise ment include device management, security and of mobile middleware, especially if the number of com- whether to employ some sort of mobile middleware. panies providing it is any indication. Consider middle- Yes, mobile middleware adds cost, but payoffs include ware when you need greater automatic mobility across increased security; mobility across networks, such as different types of networks, say, Wi-Fi to 3G; more effi- between Wi-Fi and 3G; support for additional hand- cient network utilization; and support for a variety of held platforms; wireless network optimization; mobile devices. Some of the vendors here include BEA, mobile computing policy enforcement; and access to a IBM, Motorola Good, NetMotion Wireless, Nokia Intel- wider variety of enterprise data. Our advice: See how lisync, Oracle, RIM, SAP, Seven Networks, Sun, Sybase, far you can get with your primary application vendor, TCS Mobile, Visto and Wavelink. then augment as needed. There’s no question that mobile computing will Take device management. Key features include become pervasive, with today’s wireless e-mail a precur- over-the-air (OTA) provisioning, downloads/updates, sor for developments to come. Devices will grow ever policy control, document distribution and mobile more powerful, user interfaces will evolve through inventory control. Many vendors provide mobile developments such as improved voice recognition, and device management, including Altiris (which Symantec enterprise applications will become much more agile in is in the process of acquiring), BMC, CA, HP, the range of mobile user devices they support. Plot a IBM/Tivoli, Nokia Intellisync, iPass, Avocent LANDesk, strategy now, or be left at a disadvantage. I ManageSoft, Microsoft, Novell, Pervacio, Sybase, Symantec and Wavelink. Our reader poll was split PETER RYSAVY /// is president of Rysavy between those who think it’s vital for the application Research (rysavy.com), a consulting firm spe- cializing in wireless networking. Post a com- vendor to provide device management functions, and ment or question on this story at nwc.com/go/ask.html. those saying this was unimportant. In our RFI



Connectivity Makes efficient use of wireless network Can tolerate typical wireless effects, such as connectivity loss in midtransaction and reconnections Network resilience with different IP addresses Intuitive, easy to use and requires minimum input, especially on smartphones. Ideally, process-driven User interface rather than function-driven Data availability Automatically makes new information available without requiring user to poll for it Security Sensitive data must be protected both in motion and at rest, especially if device is lost

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