Future Use and Development of Bentley Priory Supplementary Planning Document
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Future Use and Development of Bentley Priory Supplementary Planning Document On behalf of: Harrow Council In respect of: RAF Bentley Priory Date: Bedford September 2007 Belfast Cardiff Reference: Dublin 804006/R0008 DM Glasgow Leeds London Manchester Newcastle-upon-Tyne London Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN www.dppllp.com Tel: 020 7092 3600 Fax: 020 7404 7917 Email: [email protected] 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for RAF Bentley Priory has been prepared to guide the future use and development of the site. The RAF are de- commissioning the base in 2008 and Harrow Council have therefore commissioned the preparation of the SPD to ensure that any future development safeguards the important architectural, historic and cultural importance of the site and takes proper account of its important landscape and ecological character. Preparation of the SPD 1.2 To prepare the draft SPD an assessment of the site was carried out taking full account of planning, heritage, landscape and ecological considerations in order to define the site’s character and to identify constraints on its future development and opportunities through which the heritage value of the site could be secured. The identified areas of constraint and opportunity are illustrated in an issues and options document which was the subject of public consultation in February 2007. The document was then progressed to a draft SPD stage which was subject to further public consultation in July 2007. The responses received during both periods of public consultation have been used to guide the development of the SPD, a summary of each set of responses and consultation process are contained within a consultation statement which is available from the Council. The document has been prepared alongside a sustainability appraisal which has been used to help assess the opportunities and constraints at the site and to support Harrow’s sustainability objectives. The sustainability appraisal also assesses the relevant local, regional and national planning policies and the potential impact of the SPD on sustainability objectives. 1.3 The individual and unique sensitivities of the site are addressed in detail within the sustainability appraisal. However, a clear indication of the issues that must be addressed for the future use and development of the site are illustrated by the existing planning policy designations, set out below: • Green Belt • Area of Special Character London Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 020 7092 3600 Fax: 020 7404 7917 Email: [email protected] • Grade II* Listed Priory building • Grade II Registered Historic Park and Garden The following designations apply to land immediately adjacent to the site: • Site of Special Scientific Interest • Site of Nature Conservation Importance • Local Nature Reserve 1.4 Tree preservation order (TPO) number 872 currently covers the whole site which is currently being reviewed to identify trees as individuals, groups and woodlands. Once confirmed, there will be a total of four tree preservation orders under the numbers 885, 888, 892 and 893. 1.5 The site has a rich history ranging from its association with the eminent architect Sir John Soane, the role it played in hosting leading artistic and political figures in the 1800’s such as Wordsworth, Scott and leading Tory politicians through to its use as the home of fighter command in the Second World War and associations with leading figures of the time including Air Marshall Dowding and Churchill. The heritage importance of the site is safeguarded by the Grade II* listing of the principal Priory building and the listing of the historic park and gardens. 1.6 In addition to its historic associations Bentley Priory also has notable landscape and ecology assets as a result of the development of a park in association with the Priory. This is reflected today with the historic park and garden designation of the site and land to the south. A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) lies adjacent to the south of the site known as the Bentley Priory Open Space, this site previously formed a part of the historic parkland. The site also enjoys additional local environmental and landscape designations as set out within Harrow's Unitary Development Plan (UDP). PPG2- Green Belts 1.7 The site is identified as a Major Developed Site within the Green Belt under Policy EP35 of Harrow’s UDP. Annex C of PPG2 sets out guidelines for the possible development of such sites. Any potential development must respect the guidelines set out within PPG2 and take account of the wider green belt setting. London Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 020 7092 3600 Fax: 020 7404 7917 Email: [email protected] The London Plan 1.8 Due regard should be taken towards planning policy set out within the London Plan and draft further alterations to the London Plan particularly with regards to the areas of sustainability, the green belt, heritage and accessibility. Further discussion of specific London Plan policies can be found in the sustainability appraisal. London Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 020 7092 3600 Fax: 020 7404 7917 Email: [email protected] 2.0 Overview of SPD 2.1 The SPD is to be used as a guide for potential future use and development of the site. The document is a key material consideration in determining the acceptability of detailed planning applications for the site. Harrow Council will not consider applications that do not include the level of detail considered appropriate for the sensitivities of the site and the SPD includes guidelines for the documentation that should be included with any subsequent detailed planning applications. 2.2 In terms of the content of the SPD sections 3 to 6 deal with the location and characteristics of the site and include a brief description of the key historic dates associated with Bentley Priory. 2.3 The document then deals with the vision for the site and the practical measures that have been identified within the SPD to achieve the vision objectives (sections 7 to 11). These are set out in four different sections dealing with the heritage, landscape, ecology and potential future development of the site. 2.4 Section 12 of the document includes details of the documentation that the Council will expect to be included within any detailed planning application and planning obligations that would be sought as a result of developing the site. London Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 020 7092 3600 Fax: 020 7404 7917 Email: [email protected] 3.0 Location 3.1 RAF Bentley Priory is on the northern fringe of the London Borough of Harrow situated upon the Harrow Weald Ridge making it a prominent location in the wider London context. 3.2 It can be seen clearly on the map extract opposite that the site falls within a green belt of land separating the urban areas of Bushey Heath to the north and Stanmore to the south. 3.3 The site sits between the Harrow Weald Common and Stanmore Common which are large areas promoting public access to the Harrow Weald Ridge. 3.4 In terms of transport links the site is served by both the A4140 and A409 and is also within close proximity of junction 4 of the M1 as illustrated on the plan extract opposite. Two bus routes serve the site (142 and 258), although the site is within an area categorised as low public transport accessibility (Zone 1) in the Harrow Unitary Development Plan. London Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 020 7092 3600 Fax: 020 7404 7917 Email: [email protected] 4.0 Characteristics of the Site 4.1 The site can be split into three zones in terms of characteristics: Zone 1 4.2 The north of the site is largely characterised by open green spaces bounded by mature vegetation with a large area of hard standing 0.4 hectares in size. This area also accommodates the access to the site off the A4140. The area includes several small scale buildings e.g. the guard room and hard standing at the entrance to the site associated with its RAF function, and a vehicle servicing garage and bays in the north western corner. Zone 2 4.3 The existing built environment is largely focused within a belt from east to west. The building line to the south is roughly in line with the rear elevation of the Priory building and extends northward encompassing the Priory and accommodation blocks built by the RAF which sit at the top of and beyond the incline of the Weald Ridge. In respect of design the existing buildings on the site have a variety of architectural styles ranging from the Priory building through to modern RAF accommodation blocks completed in the late 1990’s. The eastern tip of this section accommodates a Cold War bunker of circa 40,000 sq ft. This is buried into the face of the hill at the eastern end of the site. This has an effect on the surface topography and there is some limited planting on top of the bunker area. Zone 3 4.4 This area includes mature vegetation along the southern boundary and the formal Italianate gardens which sit to the south of the Priory building looking out towards London. This area includes some of the densest vegetation on the site whilst also opening up glimpse views to and from the borough of Harrow. 2 4.5 The existing built footprint at the site, as surveyed by the owners, totals 12,730m . London Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 020 7092 3600 Fax: 020 7404 7917 Email: [email protected] 5.0 Historical Background 5.1 The Priory has a rich cultural history the main periods of which are set out below: 5.2 Saxon- Located on the highest point in the historic county of Middlesex it is possible that the site was occupied in ancient times.