MUC18, a Member of the Immunoglobulin Superfamily, Is
Leukemia (1998) 12, 414–421 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0887-6924/98 $12.00 MUC18, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is expressed on bone marrow fibroblasts and a subset of hematological malignancies RJA Filshie1, ACW Zannettino2, V Makrynikola1, S Gronthos2, AJ Henniker1, LJ Bendall1, DJ Gottlieb1, PJ Simmons2 and KF Bradstock1 1Department of Haematology, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, New South Wales; and 2Hanson Centre for Cancer Research, Leukaemia Research Unit, Division of Haematology, IMVS, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Despite the importance of bone marrow stromal cells in hemo- the maintenance and regulation of hemopoiesis. Bone marrow poiesis, the profile of surface molecule expression is relatively fibroblasts (BMF) are a major constituent of these cultures, and poorly understood. Mice were immunized with cultured human under certain culture conditions can be grown as a virtually bone marrow stromal cells in order to raise monoclonal anti- 10 bodies to novel cell surface molecules, which might be homogenous population. BMF secrete fibronectin and col- involved in interactions with hemopoietic cells. Three anti- lagens types I, III and IV, express the cell surface antigens bodies, WM85, CC9 and EB4 were produced, and were found CD10, CD13, CD44, CD71 and contain smooth muscle cyto- to identify a 100–110 kDa antigen on bone marrow fibroblasts. skeletal components.1,4,11 A number of cellular ligands for Molecular cloning revealed the molecule to be MUC18 (CD146), integrin-mediated adhesive interactions belong
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