Accounting Principles, 229 ACG, 198, 199 Achievement-Driven
Knee_0812978048_1p_20_r1.qxp 12/6/07 09:25 Page 249 INDEX accounting principles, 229 bankruptcies, high-profile, 91–92 ACG, 198, 199 Barlow, Frank, 35, 39 achievement-driven individuals, 155–56 Bayly, Daniel H., xvii–xviii AC Nielsen, 160 Beacon, 92 A. G. Edwards, 68 Bear Stearns, 89, 92, 162–63, 165–70, agent role of investment bankers, 19–20 224 Alex Brown, 89, 92 Beller, Davies, 162 All American Communications, 80 Belmont, August, 46 Allwin, Jim, 193 Bernard, Lewis, xiii, xiv, 123, 172 Bessette, Lauren, 130, 131–32 American Express, 189, 190 Biggs, Barton, 74 AOL Time Warner, 115, 138, 142, 146, Bilotti, Richard, 143 172 Black, Conrad, 197 Arthur, Doug, 140–41 Blankfein, Lloyd C., 108, 109, 225 AT&T, 112, 176 block trading, 34 Atlas Corp., 43 Blodget, Henry, 139, 142, 217 auctions, 65, 66, 71–72 Blondy, Steve, 161, 167 automation in investment banking, 27 Bloomberg, Michael, ix blue books (pitch books), 3–6, 9–10, Baldwin, Robert H. B., 111, 112, 127 26, 27–28 BankAmerica, 90 Blundell, Roger, 35 BankBoston, 90 Blythe & Co., 45 Bankers Trust in London, 2–3, 5, 9–12, boards, xiii, 43–44, 108, 228 23, 89, 92 Bolten, Josh, 55 Banking Act of 1933 (Glass Steagall), boutique investment banks, 219, 220, xi, 23, 42–43, 89, 110 221, 224 BankOne, 92 Bradley, David, 28 Knee_0812978048_1p_20_r1.qxp 12/6/07 09:25 Page 250 250 Index bridge loans, 163–64 consequences of, 132–33, 135 British financial houses, 2–3 and Internet boom, 140, 142, 144, British Petroleum, 34 149, 201 British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB), 33 rise and fall of, xv–xvi Brooke, Richard, 35, 40 trends in, 79 BSkyB, 32–33, 34–41, 50, 59 CEOs.
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