May 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter Today's Gospel is one of the post-Resurrection appearances reported by John. Recall that in John's Gospel, Jesus appears first to Mary of Magdala, second to all of the disciples except Thomas, and finally to Thomas and the disciples (which we heard last Sunday). After those appearances, John's Gospel seems to conclude with a reference to other signs that Jesus gave after his Resurrection, which have not been recorded. Last week we heard that Jesus appeared to the gathered disciples in a locked room, probably in Jerusalem. In today's Gospel, the disciples are no longer in Jerusalem; they are in Galilee, returning to their work of fishing. Simon Peter is still presented in the role of leader: when he announces that he is going fishing, the other MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS disciples follow. They spend the night fishing but are Monday, May 6 unsuccessful. Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29 Jesus calls to them from the shore, but just as when Jesus first 8:15 am Barbara Dillhoff (Dillhoff) appeared to Mary of Magdala, the disciples do not recognize him Tuesday, May 7 immediately. Still, they follow the stranger's instructions and bring in a large haul of fish. It is at this point that one of the Acts 7:51-8:1a; Jn 6:30-35 disciples (the “disciple whom Jesus loved”) realizes that Jesus is 12:00 pm Ed Brinkel (Brinkel) appearing to them. Upon hearing this news, Simon Peter leads the Wednesday, May 8 way again, jumping from the boat and swimming to shore. The Act 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40 other disciples follow in the boat, dragging the fish. 8:15 am Roy Pistone (Pistone) The disciples have brought to shore a tremendous catch of fish Thursday, May 9 that Jesus has directed them to find. But once on the shore, they Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51 see that Jesus has already prepared fish and bread on a charcoal fire. Jesus directs the disciples to bring their catch of fish as well. 8:15 am Jacqueline Trick (McNamara) Jesus is host at the meal that follows, feeding the disciples the Friday, May 10 bread and fish. In this detail we see allusions to the miracle of the St Damien de Veuster, Priest multiplication of the loaves and the fishes told in John 6. Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59 8:15 am Msgr. Bill Myers (Fullmer) There are also allusions in the Gospel to our gathering for the celebration of the Mass. In the Eucharist, we too are fed by Jesus Saturday, May 11 in the bread and wine that have become his very Body and Blood. Acts 9:31-42; Jn 6:60-69 We also find in this story insight about the Presentation of the 5:00 pm Joe Ventura (Serey) Gifts at Mass. The gifts we bring to the altar, bread and wine, are Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 12 made from gifts that God gave first to us: grain and grapes, the fruit of the earth. God has no need of anything further. Yet God Acts 13:14,43-52; Rv 7:14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 accepts the offering we bring—bread and wine, “the work of 7:30 am Sp Int Martha Jones (Fullmer) human hands”—and transforms our offering into the gift of his 10:30 am Living & Deceased of Parish very presence. After the meal, Jesus directs himself to Simon Peter. The Vocation Views-Jesus asks us, community of John's Gospel probably looked down on Peter “Do you love me?” Show your love because of his denial of Jesus. This dialogue with Simon Peter is for Jesus in the way that you live. a reversal of Peter's three denials. Peter is forgiven. Having been (John 21:1-19) restored to friendship with Jesus, Simon Peter is sent on a mission. “Feed my lambs . . . Tend my sheep . . . Feed my sheep.” These commands indicate that Peter is to be as Jesus, Registration for AMP Fest July 20 at the Estate even unto sacrificing for the flock. As Jesus has fed Peter in this is currently taking Early Bird Registration. $30 meal and as Jesus feeds us in the Eucharist, so he also sends us to if you register before May 8. Contact Alex follow him, asking that we offer our lives in service and sacrifice. Parra at [email protected] Taken from Loyola Press Liturgical Ministers for the Weekend of May 11-12 This Week in Our Parish Ushers E. Minis- Lector Servers ~Sunday, May 5~ ters Shepherds of Christ Prayers for all Priests 9:30 am Saturday K. Kleman B. Knife C. Serey M. Schaurer May 11 K. Serey R. Burns Rosary 9:50 am J. Bushong 5:00 pm B. Alsip Volunteer ~Monday, May 6~ Volunteer Pro-Life Rosary 6:00-7:00 pm Sunday N. Craport M. Desch K. Jacobs C. McKinney ~Tuesday, May 7~ May 12 B. Hoffman J. Mergler K. Stutz 1st Tuesday Luncheon 12:30 pm 7:30am T. Hartley D. Mergler J. Stutz L. Mergler ~Thursday, May 9~

Eucharistic Adoration begins after 8:15 am Mass Sunday M.P. Post W. Dexter N. Dexter P. Lucente May 12 L. Manson A. Case D. Miller J. Lucente Closing with Benediction at 7:00 pm 10:30am J. Artin D. Miller Reconciliation 6:00-6:45 pm Volunteer ~Saturday, May 11~ Men’s prayer Group 6:30 am Your contributions for the month of April 2019 Marriage Enrichment 8:00 am April 6-7……..$6346.00 April 13-14……...$5627.87 Outside Beautification Day 9:00 am-1:00 pm Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land……..$1045.15 April 20-21……$8874.00 April 27-28……….$4073.30 Capital Improvements $1035.00 Tuesday, May 7th at 7 PM You are invited to a special travel presentation on Hawaii at Transfiguration Spiritual Center 3505 Calumet Rd, Ludlow Falls, OH 45339. Fr. Eric will tell about the beauty of Oahu, Kauai and Maui. The travel dates are Jan. 30– Feb. 8, 2020. Jake our Collette representative will be on hand to give details of the trip and answer questions. Check out the itinerary at:

Holidays in New York City Trip includes: 3 Nights at the Row Hotel in Times Square, Nonstop flight from December 15-18, 2019 Dayton - transfer from airport to hotel roundtrip, Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, I NYC Broadway Theatre, 2 group dinners, 3 breakfasts, NYC Cost: $1550 ea/double licensed tour Guide, Michael Morrows. Visit many sites as Ground Zero, 5th Single Rate - $1700 Avenue store windows, Central Park, etc. Price also includes travel protection. Total of $750 deposit needed as soon as possible to save limited spots. Registration forms can be found at St. Patrick Church website. Questions for any of these trips contact Pat Smith 937-335-2833, ext 105 or [email protected]

Would you like to travel with Fr. Michael to India? He is considering organizing a 10 day trip in January of 2021. The cost is approximately $3000 (subject to change) including airfare. Your stay would also include 3-star hotels and an air-conditioned tour bus. If you think you would be interested, please e-mail Fr. Michael at [email protected]. Thank you.

Our garage sale's success depends on your donations so, We are always looking for please, save your treasures and ask your neighbors, friends and family members to do the same. We will be able to Ushers at our Masses. Did you accept your donations in the parish hall beginning on know, any of our ushers can Saturday, June the 1st. Thank you! train you? Volunteer today! Outside Parish Clean-Up Saturday May 11, 2019 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Bring... Gloves Garden Tools

Your Family for fellowship, fresh air, exercise and lovely weather (We hope!)

We will have mulch to spread, flowers to plant, bushes and grass to trim, etc.