Milestones 1932
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TABLE OF CONTENTS VIEW SECT ION SENIORS CLASSES DEPARTMENTS ORGANIZATIONS OCCASIONS CLUBS FEATURES MILESTONES 1932 s ADMINISTRATION 19 3 2 MILESTONES ADMINISTRATION Dr. John Diell Blanton Dr. John Wynne Barton Mr. Andrew Bell Benedict President lice President lice Piesidint M,ss Emma I. S.sson ,E. ClaJ^^ook'^eTluson Dr Joseph Burk Dean o Residence ol „ -^ i r u- i c i i Dean tacu ix rnncipa. of Hif(,h Sciiool M I E S T O N ADMINISTRATION ANNIE CLAYBROOKE ALLISON. B A , M A, Principal of High School ALMA PAINE Registrar W. V, FLOWERS Secretary JOSEPH E BURK. MA. Ph D. E. .I.SNYDER Dean of Faculty AILEEN WELLS. B.A,. MA. MARY-JANE PULVER, B A. Asiistant to Dean 0/ Faculty Alumnae Secretary EMMA I SISSON Dean of Residence FRANCES E CHURCH. B A. Home Department EMMA I. SISSON MRS. CHARLIE D. McCOMB Dean of Residence MRS. MINNIE POWELL MRS. J. W. CHARLTON MRS. BONA A. NICHOLS MARY NEAL MRS. HAZLE PADGETT MRS. E. O. TATE MRS. WILLIE B WEEDON Chaperons MRS. ALLEN G. HALL MRS. MARY LEE JETER School of Liberal Arts Faculty ANNIE CLAYBROOKE ALLISON GERTRUDE CASEBIER Latin History B.S.. M.A.. George Peabody College for Teachers; Western Kentucky State Teachers College; Graduate Work. University of Chicago M.A-. Vanderbilt University AGNES AMIS MARTHA ANNETTE CASON French Latin B.A.. Vanderbilt University; Diploma de I'Institut de University of Chicago; MA. Columbia Uni- Phonetique de Paris; M.A.. George Peabody further Graduate Study, Columbia College for Teachers Unii iity MARY ELIZABETH CAYCE Physical Education: Assistant in Athletics and Dancing M.A., Southe Graduate, Ward-Belmont School; B.S.. George Pea- Methodist Un scty body College for Teachers THELMA CAMPBELL FRANCES E, CHURCH Spanish Library Methods University of Arkansas; Graduate Student B.A . Missouri State Teachers College: Graduate versidad de Mejico; Diploma de Suficiencia. Student. Illinois University; MS.. Columbia Centro de ELstudios Historicos. Madrid Uni' iity JANE CARLING BLANCHE HENRY CLARK Physical Education. Riding iate. Ward-Belmont School; B.S.. University o Wisconsin M I E S T O N EUNICE COOK FRANCES HELEN JACKSON B A . M.A„ Wellcsley Colleft. B.A., Birmingham-Southern College; student Cir Conservatory of Music; private lessons in Vi CAROLINE LEAVELL* BS. Teachers ColleBC. Columbia University; MA., Ilislory George Peabody College for Teachers BS. Vanderbilt University; MA. Columbia Uni- versity; further graduate study. University of WILMOTH DINNING North Carolina EncHsh and Social Sciences B A., Randolph-Macon Woman's College; Graduate KATHARINE V LYDELL Student, George Peabody College for Teachers EnsHlh A B.. Wellesley College, graduate study. Vanderbilt THOMAS B. DONNER Spaniil: B A-, East Texas Teachers College; MA. Southern Methodist University B.S.. George Peabody College for Teachers EVELYN FERRY French FRANCES ADAMS McELFRESH Frfnch B.A.. Mount Holyoke College; M A-, Middlebury School of French ; Certificat de'Etudes Francaises. B A.. Connecricutr College for Women; Certificat ' Universite de Grenoble d'Etudes Francaises. University c ' JESSIE LEE FRENCH MARY M. McETTRICK BMofy Physical Ed-ucalion: Suimminr M.A-. George Peabody College for Teache :c. Bouve School of Physical Educatit FLORENCE E GOODRICH Physical Education BS. Hillsdale College; M S., University of Michigan; B A , Huron College ; Graduate Stude Graduate* Student, Michigan Stiite College for of Chicago Teachers, Merrill-Palmer School CATHERINE E MORRISON LOUISE GORDON Diriclor. School of Physical Education Diploma from Possee Gymnasium, Boston; Special btudent, Cbaliff School, New 'I'ork, and Columbia University MARGARET FRIERSON HALL LUCY BANKS MOWER Assistant in Gyivnasium Physical Education: Dan.ini; )iploma. School of the Dance, Atlanta. Certificate Denishaw of Dancing; Pupil of Ned Way- burn, Chester Hale, Tom Nip, I'orke Fasting, Jand Rand, Potter Spiker MARY RACHEL NORRIS Psychology VERA L. HAY B.A., MA,. Bryn Mawr College MARTHA K ORDWAY English rsity of Chicago; MA . George Peabody CORA HENDERSON College for Teachers Sccrrlarial Suhjecls B,A.. Southern College; M.A,. George Peabody College for Teachers ANNA PUGH B A., University of Arkansas; M.A , University c LOUISE LORETZ HERRON* Chicago: Graduate, Columbia University; further English graduate study. George Peabody College for BS. Vanderbilt University; MA,. Columbia Uni- Teachers versity; further graduate study. University of London ELLENE RANSOM En^Ush ALMA HOLLINGER B.A , MA.. Vanderbilt University; Graduate Student. Bioloi;y Columbia University. Vanderbilt and "Vale B.A.. M.A.. University cf Michigan; Student. Michigan Unnersity Biological Station and Marine Biological Station. Venice, California LINDA RHEA Enfh.,!, and History W, H, HOLLINSHEAD Vanderbilt University; MA, Columbia Un sity; MA, Vanderbilt University; further Vanderbilt Uni' graduate study, Vanderbilt University ; M I L E S T O N OLIVE CARTER ROSS ROBBIE ALLISON SHACKELFORD English and .7r( History Malhemalics B A.. University of Nashville; Graduate Student, B,A,. Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University; MA,. Columbia University VIRGINIA SMALL ELIZABETH LOWRY ROWAN Biology and Physiology MollumaUcs B A , Butler Un iversity ; M A . University of Wi^ B,A., Tennessee College. MA. George Peabody College for Teachers SUSAN S. SOUBY English BERTHA M RUEF B,S,, MA., George Peabody College for Teachers French AB. MA. Vassar College. Diplome dc profe: FRANCES G, SWENSON Francais. Universite de Toulouse Clothing B S,. Iowa State College, Graduate Student, Iowa State College OSCIE A. SANDERS Religion and Sociology PAULINE B,A,. Rice Institute; M.A,. University of Chicago; SHERWOOD TOWNSEND Director. School Expression further graduate study. University of Chicago of Graduate, New England Conservatory; Postgraduate, Boston School of Expression ; Special Courses in THEODORA COOLEY SCRUGGS New York. Chicago and Boston EngHsIt B,A,. Wellesley College, MA,, Vanderbilt University; RUBY VAN HOOSER further graduate study. Vanderbilt University Religion BA, Athens College; Graduate, Scarritt College for HIBERNIASEAY Christian Workers; Graduate Student, University Columbia University French of Chicago; M-A., B.A,, Randolph-Macon Woman's College; MA,. Duke WALLACE University ; Diplome Superior en Etuties Francaises. ELLEN Economics and Sociology University of Nancy ; Diplcme en Cours de I Francaise. Sorbonne B-S,, George Peabody College for Teachers; MA., University of Chicago MARY WYNNE SHACKELFORD Dircclor, School of An CATHARINE A. WINNIA Expression Graduate, Art Academy of Graduatt Pratt Institute. Department of Fi e and Applied Graduate. Vanderbilt School of Expression ; Special Arts; Special Student. New Yi k School of Academic Student. Vanderbilt University and Fine and Applied Arts in Nev 'i'ork and George Peabody College for Teachers ; Student, Paris Pauline Sherwood Townsend School o( Music Faculty LAWRENCE GOODMAN LAWRENCE GOODMAN Direclo) of Piano Department KENNETH ROSE Pupil of Ernest Hutcheson. Josef Lhevinne, an Sigismund Stojowski; Student at Ferrucio Buson's Master School for Pianists, Basel, Switzerland; STETSON HUMPHREY Scholarship Pupil. Peabody Conservatory of Music. Baltimore, Maryland formerly Teacher of Piano, von LAWRENCE H. RIGGS Ende School of Music, New Members, Board of Musical Directors York City; has concer- tized extensively in United States; MARY VENABLE BLYTHE Duo Art Re- Sight Playing and Piano cordings Graduate, St Mary's Hall, San Antonio; Pupil of ' FREDERICK ARTHUR Mickwitz and Harry Redman; Theoretical Course HENKEL Pipe Organ in Southern Methodist University, University of Colorado Graduate. Metropolitan College of Music; Studen Cincinnati College of Music , Pupil of Steinbrecher, Andre, and Sterling FLORENCE N. BOYER Voice and Organ IRENE CRANE HUMPHREY foice dent of Music in Oherlin College; Pupil of Signor Studied at Boston University, Conser' lanni in Italy; Pupil of Mesdames de Sales and New England atory of Music and School of Bossetti. in Munich; Pupil of Oscar Seagle and Boston Music; Private Work in Europe two years de Reszke in Paris under Manno and Castetlano in Milan and Morelli in London, Private Work in America under Stetson Hum- MARY DOUTHIT phrey and Oscar Saengar; Piano formerly with the Phil- Graduate. Ward-Belmont School of Mu-ic; Pupil of adelphia Grand Lawrence Goodman, Harold von Mickwitz, and Opera Com- Sigismund Stojowski M LESTONES STETSON HUMPHREY HAZEL COATE ROSE Director of I vice Dfparlmfnt Piano Graduate, Columbia University and Rochester Con- Pupil of William H Sherwood, Glenn D.Itard Gunr servatory of Music; Private Work in Europe and Victor Heinze; formerly Teacher of Piano. Cosmo- America under Heinrich Jacobsen of Dresden politan School of Music. Indianapolis and Vienna,