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( tl.933 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair have had no opportunity ·to examine the report because of bears none, and it is so ordered. the multiplicity of my public duties, but I have been advised BEDFORD COUNTY, TENN.-TRANSFER OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT of the nature of it and the findings of those submitting the Mr. BORAH. Mr. President, from the Committee on the majority report. I do not agree with the majority report Judiciary I report favorably House bill 5909, to transfer and desire to file a minority report as soon as time permits. Bedford County from the Nashville division to. the Winches I ask permission to submit a lPinority report as soon as ter division of the middle Tennessee judicial district, and I possible after adjournment and request that it be printed call the bill to the attention of the Senator from Tennessee with or following the majority report. [Mr. McKELLARJ. Mr. WALSH. The members of the joint special committee Mr. McKEI.J.,AR. Mr. President, this bill merely provides join in the request that that be done. for the transfer of one county in Tennessee from one di The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the request vision of the middle district to another. I ask unanimous of the Senator from Utah? The Chair hears none, and it is consent for the immediate consideration of the bill. so ordered. Mr. McNARY. I have no objection. RECESS There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I move that the Senate the bill, which was ordered to a third reading, read the take a recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. third time, and passed, as fallows: The motion was agreed to; and (at 7 o'clock and 47 minutes p.m.) the Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Be it enacted, etc., That Bedford County of the Nashville di vision of the middle district of the State of Tennessee is hereby Thursday, June 15, 1933, at 12 o'clock meridian. detached from the Nashville division and attached to and made a part of the Winchester division of the middle district of such State. NOMINATION . CONFIRMATION OF J. ELLIOTT RIDDELL TO BE COLLECTOR OF Executive nomination received by the Senate June 14, 1933 CUSTOMS, KENTUCKY COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, earlier in the day the J. Elliott Riddell, of Louisville, Ky,, to be collector of cus President sent to the Senate the nomination of Mr. J. Elliott toms for customs collection district no. 42, with headquarters Riddell, of Kentucky, to be collector of customs. I have been at Louisville, Ky., to fill an existing vacancy. authorized by the Committee on Finance to report the nomi nation favorably, and I so report it. I ask unanimous con CONFIRMATION sent, as in executive session, that the nomination be con firmed. Executive nomination confirmed by the Senate June 14, 1933 The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read the nomina COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS tion. J. Elliott Riddell to be collector of customs, district no. 42, The legislative clerk read the nomination of J. Elliott Rid Louisville, Ky. dell, of Kentucky, to be collector of customs for customs collection district no. 42, at Louisville, Ky. The VICE PRESIDENT. The question is, Shall the Sen HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ate advise and consent to the nomination? WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1933 Mr. McNARY. Mr. President, is this the nomination of a collector of customs in Kentucky about which the Senator The House met at 12 o'clock noon, with the Speaker pro tempore [Mr. BANKHEAD l in the chair. spoke to me? Rev. Edward P. McAdams, pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Mr. BARKLEY. Yes; this is the nomination. Washington, D.C., offered the fallowing prayer: Mr. McNARY. I have no objection. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomina God of our fathers, who has elected the people of these tion is confirmed. United States to be the torchbearers of Thy truth and of Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous consent that the Presi Thy knowledge in these days of distress among the nations, dent may be notified. vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, to infuse into the minds and The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair hearts of their assembled Representatives the spirit of Thy hears none, and the President will be notified. wisdom, knowledge, counsel, and understanding, and that NOTIFICATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF CONFIRMATION OF HERBERT J. in their deliberations and by their enactments they may DRANE be actuated to the perpetuation of Your ideals, the con Mr. FLETCHER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con summation of Your plans, the furtherance of Your will, sent that the President may be notified of the confirmation the relief of distress among the nations of the earth, to of the nomination of Herbert J. Drane to be a member of the spiritual advancement and to the physical prosperity the Federal Power Commission. of the people of this country. Amen. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair The J oumal of the proceedings of yesterday was read hears none, and the President will be notified. and approved. REPORT OF JOINT COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE DIRIGIBLE DISAS MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE TERS (S.DOC. NO. 75) Mr. WALSH. Mr. President, I present a report from the A message from the Senate, by Mr. Horne, its enrolling Joint Committee to Investigate Dirigible Disasters. I ask clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend that the report be printed and referred to the Committee on ment a concurrent resolution of the House of the following Naval Affairs. title: Mr. KING. Mr. President, does the Senator expect to H.Con.Res. 23. Concurrent resolution authorizing the en have the report printed in the RECORD? rollment, with amendments, of H.R. 5661, the Banking Act Mr. WALSH. No; I do not ask that it be printed in the of 1933. RECORD. I should have said that this is a majority report, The message also announced that the Senate had passed, not a unanimous report. with amendments, in which the concurrence of the House is Mr. KING. As a member of the joint committee, indeed requested, the bill <H.R. 6034) making appropriations to the chairman of the committee, I was unable to participate supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal in the closing hours of the hearing because, as a member year ending June 30, 1933, and prior fiscal years, to provide of the Finance Committee, I was compelled to take part in supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June the conferences upon the industrial recovery bill. 30, 1933, and June 30, 1934, and for other purposes; that The report of the special committee on the Akron disaster the Senate insists upon its amendments to said bill, requests was presented by the committee's attorney, and it was agreed a conference with the House thereon, and appoints Mr. , to, I am advised, by the members of the committee, except BRATTON, Mr. GLASS, Mr. MCKELLAR, Mr. HALE, and Mr.. the Senator from California [Mr. JOHNSON] and myself. I KEYES to be the conferees on the part of the Senate. 6022 CONGRESSIONAL· RECORD-· HOUSE JUNE 14 The message also announced that the Senate had passed a Mr. DE PRIEST. This is a statement that Dr. Johnson bill of the following title, in which the concurrence of the issued himself. House is requested: Mr. BLANTON. But we ought to know whether or not S. 1869. An act relating to the manner of appointment he made the statement attributed to him; not his general of certain officers of the United States. ideas about the matter but whether or not he made the FOURTH DEFICIEN<;; APPROPRIATION, 1933 statements that were attributed to him by the press and Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con which were put into the RECORD last night. That is what sent to take from the Speaker's table the bill (R.R. 6034) we should like to know. I agree that if he did make those making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain ap statements Howard University ought to have a new president. propriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and Mr. DE PRIEST. We agree on that. prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations Mr. BLANTON. I do not think a statement from his sec for the fiscal years ending -June 30, 1933, and June 30, 1934, retary should be read. and for other purposes, with Senate amendments, disagree Mr. DE PRIEST. No. This is a statement he issued to the Senate amendments, and agree to the conference re himself. quested by the Senate. Mr. BLANTON. Then we ought to follow that up and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection? [After get a " yes " or " no " statement as to whether or not he a pause.] The Chair hears none, and appoints the follow used the language attributed to him. ing conferees: Messrs. BUCHANAN, TAYLOR of Colorado, Mr. DE PRIEST. I am willing to go farther than that. AYRES of Kansas, OLIVER of Alabama, TABER, and THURSTON. I am willing to have this Congress investigate the whole Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, for the information of the thing. We want to know what is going on. I do not think House, I think within 20 minutes we will have a conference it is good Americanism to teach communism to the students report on this bill. of this country. [Applause.] We have had outbursts in Mr. SNELL. I would say that is very fast work. several colleges lately.