www.dergipark.gov.tr ISSN:2148-3736 El-Cezerî Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi Cilt: 4, No: 3, 2017 (436-471) El-Cezerî Journal of Science and ECJSE Engineering Vol: 4, No: 3, 2017 (436-471) Research Paper / Makale Bioactive Glasses Bekir KARASU, Ali Ozan YANAR, Alper KOÇAK, Özden KISACIK Anadolu University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 26555, Eskişehir TÜRKİYE,
[email protected] Received/Geliş: 24.06.2017 Revised/Düzeltme: 08.07.2017 Accepted/Kabul: 15.07.2017 Abstract: Bioactive glasses were discovered in 1969 and provided for the first time an alternative to nearly inert implant materials. They formed a rapid, strong, and stable bond with host tissues. This article examines the frontiers of research crossed to achieve clinical use of bioactive glasses and glass–ceramics. In the 1980s, it was discovered that bioactive glasses could be used in particulate form to stimulate osteogenesis, which thereby led to the concept of regeneration of tissues. Later, it was found that the dissolution ions from the glasses behaved like growth factors, providing signals to the cells. Hereby, the frontiers of knowledge crossed during four eras of development of bioactive glasses led from concept of bioactivity to widespread clinical and commercial use, with emphasis on the first composition, 45S5 Bioglases® were mentioned. The four eras are (a) discovery, (b) clinical application, (c) tissue regeneration, and (d) innovation. Questions still to be answered for the fourth era are included to stimulate innovation in the field and exploration of new frontiers that can be the basis for a general theory of bioactive stimulation of regeneration of tissues and application to numerous clinical needs.