The Bon-Accord Directory
y>r*. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland : =rr THE B N-A CCORD DIRECTORY. S-OtA^a^-A^C. 1842-43. ABERDEEN PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR, AT THE HERALD OFFICE. Ih -A : ABERDEEN PRINTED AT THE HERALD OFFICE, BY JOHN KINLAYSON. V H ® DSD A i ILAQKQIg IS<§) og PROVOST Off ABERDEEN. Mv Lord Provost, The Bon Accord Directory, for 1842-43, has undergone several alterations with a view to its general improvement. "Without materially abridging the ordinary introductory tables, a Di- rectory to various Public Interests of the City has been added, which will be useful also, as affording information regarding the nature and design of most of our local institutions. In other respects, the work has been revised ; and altogether, it is hoped that it will continue to be found worthy of your patronage and of public support. I have the honour to remain, Mv Lord Provost, Your obedient Servant, JAMES H. WILSON. Aberdeen, July 20, 1842. — —— CONTENTS. Counting-house Calendar, &c. «. v Dissenting Bodies, ,,,-,—~„„„„ 34 Stamp Duties, ~~~~~~~ ~~ vi Churchyard Dues,~~~„„,.„ 25 Mail and Stage Coaches, ~~~~~ vii List of Carriers, ~~~~~~~~.~.~~ viii Section III. Legal Depart- Directory to various Public Inter- ment. ests of the City, ~~ ~~ 1 Courts of Law,~~~~~„„„„.^„ 25 Society of Advocates, ~~«~ ~ 27 Section I. Municipal Insti- Public Officers, ~ 28 tutions. Messengers-at -Arms, ~~~~~~*. 28 Magistrates of Aberdeen, ~~~~ 11 Sheriff Officers, —. 29 Municipal Wards of the City, ~ 11 Parliamentary Boundaries of the Section IV. — Revenue De- partment. The Guildry, ~~~ 13 Post-office and Rates, &c.~~~ 29 Incorporated Trades,~~~~«.~~ 14 Stamps and Taxes, „ 40 Police Establishment, 15 Excise and Customs, ~«~~™,~ 40 Harbour, „„~~~~~~~~~ 15 Shoredues on Passengers' Lug- Section V.
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