Small Doses on Health/Fitness page How to submit info & events for Put 'local event' in subject fi eld and forward to Gwenn Friss, at: [email protected] by Monday morning for Thursday publication.

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319 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Walk-athons, charity golf tournaments and other sporting events Submit to: [email protected] and online event calendar Cape Commerce Column at Send submissions to: Cape Commerce, Times or e-mail them to: [email protected]. Include the phrase 'Cape Business' in the subject line and Tidbits column on Food page Forward to: [email protected] at least one week in advance of the Wednesday include a contact phone number. Photos may be mailed or e-mailed in JPG form. Call you would like it published. Indicate 'local event' and date in subject fi eld. 508-862-1232 with questions.

Cape Business Calendar Letters to the Editor E-mail to: [email protected] (200 words or less; no more than one every 15 days.) Notices should be received at least two weeks before the event or reservation deadline and must include a phone number. Please send to: Business Calendar, Cape Cod My View columns Times or e-mail: [email protected] or fax: 508-771-3292 Contact: [email protected] (Must be 600 words or less.)

Online Calendar & CapeWeek Education Briefs To have your event posted, visit and click on These briefs run on page 3 in the Monday Times from September through June. School Add Event. The fi rst time you will be asked to register. news may be e-mailed to Cindy McCormick at [email protected] at least 10 days prior to publication. For more information, call 508-862-1265. Selected items submitted online are copied from our calendar database and published in CapeWeek. Please keep in mind that space in Event Coverage CapeWeek is limited and items run as space allows. The deadline is 3 p.m. Please contact Tim Miller for entertainment-related events, and the News Desk Wednesday, 9 days before publication. Listings for CapeWeek must be submitted at 508-862-1232 for everything else. online. Questions can be directed to listings editor Susan Eastman at: 508-862-1146 Author Events (in Sunday Cape Cod Times) Best Bets in CapeWeek Notices for Author readings and signings may be mailed to: Gwenn Friss, Entertainment-related press releases and photos for possible inclusion in CapeWeek's Books editor, Cape Cod Times or by e-mail to: [email protected] Best Bets column should be sent to: [email protected]. Theatrical Deadline is 5pm Monday for the following Sunday's paper. performances, concerts, exhibits and more are considered. The deadline is 9 days prior Place an Obituary to publication. Please call Kathi Driscoll with questions at 508-862-1261. Photos need to Obituaries may be faxed to: 508-778-0330, mailed to: Cape Cod Times, be at least 6" on the long side and high-resolution (at least 300 dpi). TIF or JPG fi les are ATTN: Obituaries or emailed to: [email protected] Please include a contact preferable. name and phone number. For further information, call 508-862-1567. Note: Death Notices are free for Cape Cod residents. "What Are You Going to do Today" on Page A2 - Seasonal Submit the event to CapeWeek via: or Order a Photo Reprint fax to: CapeWeek at 508-771-3292 or mail to: Cape Cod Times, Attn: CapeWeek. Order online at Questions: 508-862-1146 The events are then pulled off our web site for CapeWeek, and lastly for page A2. We no longer accept e-mailed submissions. PrimeTime (published quarterly) Forward event listings to: [email protected]. Community Notes Press releases may be sent to [email protected] IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBER: Cape Cod Times - Main Number: 508-775-1200, 800-451-7887 (MA only) Religion Briefs Home Delivery/Member Services: 800-286-2233 Religion briefs run every Saturday on ' religion page. Only events or programs of a Newsroom: 508-862-1232 religious or spiritual nature are considered. Religion briefs may be emailed to Classified Advertising: 508-775-6201 [email protected] by the Monday before the publication date. online: [email protected] Retail Display Advertising: 508-775-1200 For more information, call William Mills on 508-862-1251. [email protected] CC-SPAD1109153235