Contact Information Office address: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 600 Atlantic Ave, T-8, Boston, MA 02210 Phone: 617-973-3061 (office), 617-619-8357 (fax) Email:
[email protected] (personal),
[email protected] (business) Personal homepage: Business homepage: ORCID: Education Ph.D. in Economics, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University, May 2005 Advisor: John Yinger M.S. in Applied Statistics, Syracuse University, August 2002 Graduate student in Economics, Renmin University of China, 1997–1999 B.A. in Economics (with honors), Renmin University of China, 1997 Areas of Research Interests Applied Microeconomics (Public Finance, Urban and Regional Economics, and Labor Economics) Work Experience Senior economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, April 2008–present Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, May 2005–March 2008 Research associate, Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University, August 2000–May 2005 Instructor (Introductory Microeconomics), Syracuse University, June–August 2003 Tutor, Stevenson Educational Center, Syracuse University, 2001 Teaching assistant, Department of Economics, Syracuse University, August 1999–May 2000 Articles Published in Academic Journals Zhao, Bo. 2018. "From Urban Core to Wealthy Towns: Nonschool Fiscal Disparities across Municipalities." Public Finance Review 46(3): 421–453. Zhao, Bo, and David Coyne. 2017. "Walking a Tightrope: Are U.S. State and Local Governments on A Fiscally Sustainable Path?" Public Budgeting & Finance 37(3): 3–23. (Lead Article of the Issue) Zhao, Bo. 2016. "Saving for a Rainy Day: Estimating the Needed Size of U.S. State Budget Stabilization Funds." Regional Science and Urban Economics 61: 130–152.