26 Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 39, Number 1 (2014) A TRANSNATIONAL NETWORK OF CHEMICAL KNOWLEDGE: THE PREPARADORES AT THE LISBON POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL IN THE 1860s AND 1870s Bernardo Jerosch Herold, Centro de Química Estrutural, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, PT-1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal,
[email protected] and Wolfram Bayer, Institut für Corpuslinguistik und Texttechnologie, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonnenfelsgasse 19/8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria,
[email protected] Antonio Augusto de Aguiar (1838-1887) was the graduated. Another co-author was Alexander Georg main author of the most important research in organic Bayer (1849-1928) of Bielitz in former Austrian Silesia, chemistry carried out in Portugal during the 19th century. who arrived in Lisbon four years after Lautemann, and Despite not attending any research school in Germany, has until recently evaded almost completely the attention France or Great Britain, Aguiar’s most important research of chemistry historians, in spite of his interesting profes- papers, on work carried out at the Chemical Laboratory sional career, patronized by his elder and more famous of the Lisbon Polytechnic School, were published in brother, Karl Joseph Bayer (1847-1904). The Lisbon Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft between Polytechnic School employed Lautemann in 1864-65 and 1870 and 1874. Alexander Bayer from 1868 to 1872 as demonstrators in chemistry (preparadores), but between 1864 and 1876, How then did he acquire the knowledge, the in- three other chemists trained in Germany also worked spiration, and the experimental skills necessary for his as demonstrators at the Lisbon Polytechnic. Bayer and the other three chemists had in common that they were Vicente Lourenço (1822-1893), an élève of Adolphe recruited from the teaching laboratory of Carl Remigius Fresenius (1818-1897) in Wiesbaden.