Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) Application For Admission in 2020 Name: Last First Middle Former Address: Number and Street City Zip Code Telephone: Cell Home Email: Date of Birth: Semester you expect to complete Associate’s degree: Semester that you expect to start at CSUF: Accepted Early Childhood Special CSUF Applied, no response yet Credential Education (ECSE) application Applied, waitlisted Sought: Mild/Moderate status: Not yet applied Moderate/Severe Please indicate your completion status for the following classes (see equivalents on next page): Equivalents to Required Your Equivalent CSUF Classes Community College Course Status CAS 101: Intro to Child Completed Development (required for In Progress all applicants) Not Yet Enrolled CAS 201: Child Family Completed Community (required for In Progress all applicants) Not Yet Enrolled SPED 371: Exceptional Completed Individual (required for all In Progress applicants) Not Yet Enrolled CAS 250: Intro to EC Completed Curriculum (required for In Progress ECSE) Not Yet Enrolled CAS 306: Health, Safety, & Completed Nutrition (required for In Progress ECSE) Not Yet Enrolled MATH 303A: Math for Completed Elementary (required for In Progress Mild/Mod & Mod/Severe) Not Yet Enrolled ENGL 341: Children’s Completed Literature (required for In Progress Mild/Mod & Mod/Severe) Not Yet Enrolled Completed GE Certification In Progress Not Yet Enrolled Please attach an unofficial transcript from all community colleges and/or universities that you have attended. Submit materials to EC 503 at CSUF or
[email protected] Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) Application For Admission in 2020 Credential Early Childhood (ECSE) Mild/Moderate Moderate/Severe Core Classes: Core Classes: Core Classes: 1.