HI 283: The Twentieth Century American Presidency Boston University, Fall 2014 Mondays and Wednesdays 5.30-7pm., CAS 201 Professor Michael Holm History Department, 226 Bay State Road, # 506 Email:
[email protected]; Phone: 617 353-8305 Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, 10.00-11.30 COURSE DESCRIPTION: HI283 explores the late nineteenth and twentieth century American presidencies from a historical perspective. The course examines the shifting responsibilities of and institutional changes in the executive branch with a particular focus on foreign policy, wars, the relationship between the White House and Congress, the increasingly important role of the media, and selected presidential elections. While we will examine the endeavors of individual presidents, the course will also focus on the political, social, economic, and military changes that have shaped the modern presidency. REQUIRED READINGS: Alan Brinkley, John F. Kennedy Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., The Imperial Presidency (2004 edition) Richard D. Polenberg, The Era of Franklin Roosevelt, 1933-1945 Barry Goldwater, The Conscience of a Conservative. Anonymous (Joe Klein), Primary Colors Additional assigned readings will be available on the course’s Blackboard site. All books are available the Barnes and Noble Bookstore. Students can find additional course materials and assignments on the course Blackboard site. Readings available on Blackboard are designated on the syllabus with ** 1 FORMAT: The course will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5.30-7PM in CAS201. You will be expected to complete the readings for the week by the class session. Each session will combine lectures with a class discussion of the assigned readings. As noted on the syllabus, occasional class sessions will be dedicated entirely to discussion.