oohhaa AAll aamm DDrree September 2009 Vol. 7. Issue 3. Contents 1. Lava Tube Beach Moon” by Ben Saber 2. Contents Page 3. Welcome. The Editor’s usual flummoxed verbiage 4. The Chanos International Steel Guitar Festival 5. “ “ “ “ “ “ 6. “ “ “ “ “ “ 7. “ “ “ “ “ “ 8. European Steel Guitar Hall of Fame The Medal” 9. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 10. Brecon - 16th Hawaiian Guitarsts’ Convention and Luau by Beryl Lavinia 11. “ “ Pictures 12. “ “ Pictures 13. Steelin’ Tricks of the Trade / The Conspiracy 14. Tablature - Sweet Georgia Brown 15. “ “ “ “ 16. Pedal Steel in Hawaiian Music 17. Malcolm Rockwell - A ‘phone interview 18. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 19. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 20. 21. The Steel Guitar in Early Country Music by Anthony Lis: Pt 2 Ch 4 section 2 22. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 23. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 24. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 25. Penny Points to Paradise” By John Marsden 26. Readers Letters 27. “ “ 28. Birthday Bash Shustoke Sailng Club All ads and enquires to :- Editorial and design:- Pat and Basil Henriques Honorary members Pat Henrick Subscriptions:- Pat Jones (Wales.) Morgan & Thorne U.K. £16:00 per year 28-30 The Square Keith Grant (Japan) Europe 25:00€ Aldridge ----------------------------- Overseas $35:00 Walsall WS9 8QS Hawaiian Musicologists (U.S. dollars or equivalent) West Midlands. John Marsden (U.K.) All include P+P (S+H) Phone No:- 0182 770 4110. Prof. Anthony Lis E Mail -
[email protected] Payment by UK cheque, cash or web page www.waikiki-islanders.com money order payable to:- Pat Henrick” Published in the U.K. by Waikiki Islanders Aloha Dream Magazine Copyright 2009 2 AAlloohhaa ttoo yyoouu aallll Well here we are late again, I did think of combining this issue with December’s it’s that late.