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February 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991

2-20-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 20, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Sl'tllh~rn I llllll)l~ l '1l1\-Cr\II:' al Carhontiak \\·cdne,dOlv. rebr""rv ~(). II) ~ I. Vol. 70. i':n. In.,. 20 POl"L·' Troops ready for ground war U:l:"-d Pless InternatlOl"lal Cheney to bill I'r ~"lCk nl Uu , h s:Jid Tu e ... t\:I)' :.I Sil'll'l prnp\),,;1 1 tn ellel the Pcr"i'lO Gu ll \\ ar .. fall s we ll ~ h () rt ,. o f U.S. Congress llW(' llllg U.N . ci r lll ands fO I :.. LI1H:ondi lion:i1 i withdrawai for war costs from I(uwait. :Jnd allied fon:es wen I on \\'lI h preparations for a ground ,:tt;lL'k. WASHI NGTO (U PI )- ·'W~ arl!, rcad )' now if Ih e Defensc Secrctary Dick Cheney kadership decides that that's what said Tucsday hc will prescnt Ihey want to do." Arm)' LI. Gen. Congress wi!h !he fi rsl bill for Ihe Tho mas Ke lly, direclo r of COS IS of runni ng thc Persian Gulf op<.'fati ons for thc Joint Chi efs of war on Friday. SClff. lold a Pent:lgon briefing. During an appcarance on CapilO! Blu Bush left open hi s options Hi ll . Cheney would not reveal lhc uOlii finding out Iraqi Presid ent sizc of lhe suppl emental spendin g Saddam Hu sscin 's responsc to bi ll to bc sought fo r Operalion Disc jockey Debbi Mills reports the most Monday afternoon at 1' .... '0 "1 04.9 The Eaale" Sovi ct Pres idcnt Mi khail Dcsen Sh ield and the subscquenl recent news about the war in the Persian GuH in Murphysboro. - Gomachev', proposal. first threc months of combat in Ir.:Iqi Foreign Mini ~lcr Tariq Aziz Desert Storm. thc name for th e W:.IS expec ted back in Moscow campai gn to oust IrJq from Ih e Wednesday wi th a to lhe occ upicd emirate of Kuwait But zdminislIauon SO Uf(.'CS have Local radio stations program proposa\. be!Je\'ed 10 contain a C<.I II for lrJq 's uncondi Lional wilhd rawal put lhc fi gure al S56 billion. some from Ku wa il coupled wi lh Soviet S4 1 billion or which is to come tile promises 10 assure Iraq 's from allies. inspirational wartime music Fmm Aug. 2 through lhe end 01 sovcreignlY and to seck a scttlcmem 1990. Ihe effon co" 511 hi ll ion. By Jackie Spinner "You can over·nn:J1 yi'.c th ese of long. simm ering l\'liddle E:J sl di spu tes. wi th S9 billion of it I,;ow red b\ Staff Wfller songs until }'Ju can't play pledges from a.lies. - any lhing:· he said . ·· ll"s louli ly Sovici and Iranian d ipl omats repealed l)' said Iraq was rcady for Th c Pentago n absorbed II ll' SOlllHh Ilt \\.If cd Hl :.l\ d o)',l' ~ I\ impossi ble with our (c lass ic remaining S2 bill ion from wilh1l1 :111 uncondilion:i1 withdrawal. bU I lile 1': 1(110 dIal. a...; do!-l' ali WelL. rock) fo rmat to exr- Iude every ilS 0"'11 accounts. Saudi Arabia. in (lIlC added Ih:lI Saddam wanted to \\TAO anJ Z I 00. song, wilh insinu:lliuns toward addi. .ion to providing cash . is war." negotiate the pullout. U.N . I hey ;H~ sounds ot john resoluLion 660 ex plicitly staLeS that conuibuting hugc amounts of jet Lennon. Whnnc} Homaon , Lee Rich Bird . pmgr,.rr, uircClnr of war IS thc only reason lhis song is lrnq mu st withdraw " immcdiately Grcc n.... oocl itnd Barrv McGuire. WC1L-A~ 1. said Iho AM sUllion See CHENEY. Page 5 moving." and unconditionall y." TIlI..'Y :m.: rene' ti..., ri ~ of rcoplc hasn'[ done anylhing different 10 In the rlJ ~ ! 1 ~ lmutcs of Ihe war. In the gulf. military ofricials \birnmg ,-II home U) m th~lt its mu sic fo rmat. bu t th e FM Miller sa id Ih e sLaLi on carefully described Tucscby aggressive allied 1ll00C, thrill. lIl ... pircs them and sLa ti o n has made some mInor Gus Bode cho~e the fIr st song listcners patrolli ng of cncmy targets that I!l\~" n.'lca\c changes. thr ill a from a w.:t r wOll id hear J fl er the could foreshadow a vicious ground lh~1t marke d 11 ' o nc-Illo lll h WCIL -FM has addod WhiU1ey ~ilmO Un L'~ l1l e nt Ihal bombing had war :J.'\ coalition forces located and .UlIIl\ l'~l r \ h .. t w(,e kend. H ou~ t o n 's Super Bowl begun. dCS Lroyed more Jr.:J.qi Ianks. arullery 111m \1;lIcr. progr:lill tlm.'clm perfo rm :t nce of the "Star The . Ir-"" SOil !" was Ih e K~lI c and Scud IJunchers. \\''1''0 .....lId Ea!.! lc li ... tr..:nl'r ~ Spangled Banner" and Lee \lIr Bush rcndJllon -o f "God Bless Iraqi offi cials clai med 20.000 Ill' ll'qUl'\\Lng r'frll" h roc k Greenwood 's "God Bless Ihe ~ l Ame rica." and Ihe second song persons had been killed in tlle wars ~1\)Up', ,nn~ " FI ) ~1 (' U.S.A:· \\'a~ "lmaglJlC''' b), John Len non, "Music is a big pan of people's first 25 <1;,1)'5. At tllC same time. Iraq COU r. l~("O I. ~ ." a 'lin!; Ih~1I Although the ,l;llion has gone. lau nched a Scud miss ile attack on , IH' ul tln'\ be nlCl\ Ill £. un Eagle li ves:' Bi rd said. "The y WJ llt hack to rC' gular programming. IsrJel. causing little damage . • Iuf". I'lii j ... , He pmnt ... \0 th e mUSIC to rc Oect whm 's going on f\1J!lcr said the first 2~ hours of Bush. at Moscow's request. did \'ar. in the world allhe umc." Ihe W:1r werc Cf UCI:!1 10 the nO I disrlosc th e dClai ls of Ihe Gus says Cheney is ··It ·, Mill a suppon and an!t· ,tallon's music fonnal. Gorbachev pbn but ,:;; aid: "Very counting on non-combatant 'upport 'on!!'" \ lllkr ~;. .\lI1. "'11)(," See MUSIC, Page 5 candidly .. . il fa ll s we ll , ha n of allies to fire some monetary "hal would be f('Cluircd." funds o.,; t wa '. Local man charged with arson, murder By Gre gory Norfleet '1 Ul·,lI:!\ ,lltcrn oon ;..IOtl charccd Altomry Chailc ~ uhlce ·,.:tld. counts 01 first degree murder. ~~,-::: I SlutfWfltel "lth b~ltef\ :md twO ('o unt ~ 01 HI ggc n, " 'Ill he w cd a.. :.t n :Jduh. Graces.;.uu , Iir, l·tlel.!rel' ~llIrd(' r for th ~ death, ;1 bd.. ,on COll nty Jml oflinal '=.\ld, Hll! C C n ~ IS lhc son of Kennrr's - Pa ge 11 (,<) , E:lrllcr S~HlJ rd:.l y al Ihe "' anll" g l rlf~;c nd . Detectl vc DIviSIOn \ \. :lf hondak Il·l~ n ·. II!l'r \\ .1' til ikr~hd Snlll. ;mel WI 1IIl' Breast feeding .\fr~' '(l·1l 1.lIl' \1lHHLt\ :1I1tl 1. I\:l~' 1{(h..... IlI.!.ml.:-.9. n'::'~ IIJ..."n l'e. Wcldt)n Bruce St'UIl. J I. Cnmman(kr LI. Larry 1-1 ill said at a I "ulltlph..· lh.II!,!\.·, In (t)l1l1l'(tIOIl Ill' JI,o \\ .1' d,J rcl'd \\Hh W:I' ~tabbrd to dr;tth Pa hlo flews confcrcnt'C' Tu\.·""ltv. good for baby E.\l:erl Higgens. ,.;:. thIS 111m' • .\llh.1 fife m;H c1;.1lIn,'d Ull' b\l" 1)1 .I!!!!r.l\ i.ll cd .Ir,on for ·.:'c!tln!! till: Kenner. ~h . was arrl~" l l~ d :II II :.1) ror -Page 13 I.l n (arh(lnd.lil' rl·'lIknh . ~: t1 urd~) cHnlllg fIre :11 ~ I f) E. a.m. In con nl'('llun "Hh Weld on ihl:".' " no way of c(.nn el· ting ·.I rt--: 'ndale PCl I1 (~ 'd.d Grcl'!1 St.. whic h I' hclll'\dl In Sum· ... (k~lth. poill..'c ~J.]( 1. Kl'll! I r. \I, ho W;I" arrc'lcd 111 tht' PI)hu' '~Ild '1 rO\ I,ddl • 1\!l.!l'lh. h;l\ I' r 1Ll'1.• .'d t h~~ (il'atJh 01 SUJlI .Lnll Kcnn t: r \~:I' arr:IIL nt:tI TUt"':!;!\ 1~ .(J;,\ f; 11m SI. "J' .uT~;~nl·d Rn",'Ill.ll1d. J.Ir ~ "')I1 COtlnt~ St.l tl'" mornIng :Ind I..' h:n gcd \\ lilt Ipur See ~R SON . Page 5 racial slurs Council vote opens gate for off-track betting - Page 20 By Leslie Colp I, .. ;1"1\1/1. ,(1m .. ' 1111111'1 r, ,.Ihl 'll' l ~ burltl our tll\ tr01ll ,,, : ...... Ih .. ·~ '.. ,'Cl' 11111 ~;IIJ, ltl'.j . nl' 111,' .( T.lmhllll~· " 111 1\ .1 ;'I,·Llu ... tn 'I rllll.~lh ... nu\ \\l':I~Il~'''l~'' y(\\\ hU'lfll'''.'' ~~~...... lld it I' .t 1'.u.I,lh · II r' '" /1\.111011 n'l !Ih' 1111 If.ll k Business '\ 1\" Ulhl"f l'IIUnlll IlH"lI1bCI,. I' •.: Ilk 'J'iI' III 11' I'I 1' ..' 11111' 1.1 dll~ I:I'~ IClr,l' I'f Ill\' un Il' \\ -Page 7 j>hlilp· IJ.I\h.:1 proll',\Il1 01 (I,ll IIll ludlnl! lnhn \ttll" and \b,nr I, 1\: '11\ ;11111 I. •~ ,II l'III:1"'ll r .lllll Ii: I f'\ 111111 Ull' {,ClLJI1~'11 'i ..... ·fl! HI Comics ,tllel lllnit.II'I(' '\.'J1 Iltli:IPI 'l'l' Ih ..... I'cn!n!-! , •. Irlt,r \ 'i'" 1.11 ..'( ii' ( '1111 .. 1 \11·, .,\ II ;'lUll:"Ul' l'nl! tl ll~l' rlllL! :11 -Page 11 ;11.'1 'l. !IIL

Oath h:..'p1ian.. • \ " -; . " ... f Athletics investigating alleged racial slurs incident By Eric Bugger said no onc he has ta lked to said displa yed." for minorities in college athletics. enthusulii Li c wlmout bclr,g '"";: utive State and Sou thwCS t Mi ssouri State. regardin&the allegations. g when he takes his tCc'Un InIO TI,e SIUC athletics depanment is assistant to th e iJresidcnt for Both sc hools al so 1rc conduCling ''I'm sorry those things happen:' an opponent 's arena. but it onl y conducting an investi ga tIO n into affirmat ive actio n and scorer for investigations intO the incidcnt. SI UC coach Ri ch Herrin said. lakes {.r.c person to hO beyond ti. ·: al leged rdCia l slu" direcled al Drake Saluki basketball home games since Wedn esday. on th e Mi ssoUi . "Som" of the Ihings fans ye ll are limil" 01gocx1 sport"manshlp. ba.'ketball coach Rud y Washinglon 1969, sa id he didn'l hear any Valley Conference coaches' fine, bUI some of il is probably ou l MVC Comm issioner Doug Elg in when hi s learn played in the Arena. remarks di rec ted toward teleconference, Washington said his of pla::e. I think if il is meanl 10 be issued a statement tha t said th e SIUC was one of Ihrcc schools Washinglon during the game. comments about the racial slurs abusi'/c. therc is no placc for it in conference would conduct alleged 10 have targeted ""ial slurs "I've been with th is program for 'vere taken out of context by a this g;une of basketball." preliminary in ves ti ga tions as a at Washington. The remarks at years," said Bryson, who played for reporter of an Iowa newspaper. He Cre.ighton cooch Tony Barone has result of the allegations. He said the SIUC were allegedly made by SIUC from 1956·59. "This is Ihe said he did nOI inlend ID pinpoinl traveled with his team allover the MVC wou ld nOi lolerale an y Arena fans Jan. 26 when Drake lost fi rst time l havc heard any an y single insLituLion and regretted country this season and h< notices a abuse of teams in any of the Valley 82-63 10 the Salukis. commcnts direc ted toward the that the problem had been blown OUI growing trend in fan abuse. arenas. SIUC Athletics Director lim Han crowd. BUI it is his (WashingtOn 's) of proportion. " It is a sensitive issue thai needs Ron Engli sh, MVC assislanl discussed the allegations witl, the perreption and we can'l argue with Washington is in his year as to bc addressed," Barone said. corrimissioner for communications, Intercollegiale Athletic Advisory il I just want "' !mow his basis for Ih e l)",ke head coach and is th e "Wc ' re always talking about said the in vesti gation is internal Committee " ,'ednesday at its il third bi.'Ck coach in the MVC. Pe is sportsmanship on the coun. I think and a statement will not be released monthly mccung . He said SIUC's " If he wants to continue as , credi ted with establishing the 2,cnJ. the fan s around the country should on Ih e findings. The Va ll ey infonnal investigation of talking 10 coach for a major baskelball ,';'le rnher Black Coachcs start taking a lesson in offi cers and athleLics directors will people who sil near the opponent's program he needs 10 develop a little Association. The group 's goal is 10 sportsmanship in tenns of the way handle an y problems that lum up, bench turned up nothing so far. He thicker skin th an what he h a~ improve employment opportunities they treal people. I think fans can be English said. Saluki women need win to stay in race r\ ~ Id cb<.l r to the SJlu~IS flOa l Northern Iowa comes to Arena fe\\ ga mes. I ~ thai senIOr Am } RJ.kl'r ~ need" to :t\"er3CC 11': .7 pOln l' In the Sal uk;s ne.\ 1 tonight to take on 16-7 slue fi\" e lcs--pro\"ld ln g Sll'C 'h':S By Paul Pabst to boost !~..::: current shooting I.P:;,' lor th e confe rence Slaff WrRer percentage. lO Url l~tll ;r. nt as expeclcd -to "We 're obviously looking for a pass Char \Varring ( 1,530 poi nL\;) The women's baskelball lcom's beller pcrfonnance than lhal:' I as th e sc ht.ul·1i; 311·tlllle kilJlnc plan for its {our remaining coach Tcrri LasswcH said. " I' scorer. Rak ,·r currt"nlly h:.b L·J3 : G".eway Conference games is should be just as tou gh, tlC:in g on poinL'" simple. Win cvcry O:le of lhem. SOUlhcm's Ooor." R<.l \.. c r ~ \\ e m lhw., n \a\\.! afl~r Injuring h(1 rlgh ~ \ Thal's basicall y whal the Salukis UNI ranks l a~ l in the Gateway III JI!JII1:.o. tlllinoi' Stale. AIl/lOuch ,he have to do if they want to rep:;3t a~ scorin g (59.9 poinls a game) and d~dn' l ~ t 3n 3i!JIIl ~ t IIlInOl ... ~SWll'. co n ~e r encc champions. Because rebounding (35.6), whicl , should losses last week to Illinois State be an inv iuuion for SlUe's dcfcn,!\e :-.h l' ~ Ilil rn~lc I pOInt... Jnd I ~ and Indiana Stale lasl wcck . SIUC whic h is holding oppon.:nts to JU!\I rl'bnund., .11 26 1llIllutc!\. b one game behind South west 59.3 points a game. "Rakl"fs hJ.d a £ rllI). !!rl':lt llidlan;\ Mjssouri Su: ! . The Panthers 3fe led. on otTens.. pc rfofllla.lre ag3ln:-' 1 n e back· l<>-back losses dropped by junior guard lill lr.meson (12.6 Sr.:i .I.' . ' S(,Oll :;aid. "She dlJ ;111 !\hl' the Saluk:s 10 11·3 in the Galeway poinls a game), who W:L'I: the w it.' could do to help u~ \\ Ill.'" an t.: 16-7 overa ll. 'fhe fi nal game threat ;Igalnst SIUC lasl lI"h:: J !>. w: oi t sruc in a wi nner-take·all she no tched 16 po inL"', Gateway Conference game 1£ainSt Southwest on Man:h With the pressure of hJving to standings 2. Win th e remainder of ItS slale, TI,' look bellcr for the squad Head Cooc h Ci ndy SCali " lid , he ·ll·:!.II' Conr. Overa]J toni gl it takes on a mediocre is trVing !c :""'cp her tC3m rela\ed S \\ Mi <~IIJn " ·2 20-1 Un ivc: lf onhem Iowa learn ~nd tryi ng to stress the Sl l tC II ·) 16·7 (6· i 7) al ) al the Arena. IUii~n""flta l s . IIhn{)i~ Slate 11 - 1 16 .: Th'! POw "S w(;rc casy prcy ior 'Thl; ~ . ggcs t Lh in g IS for II"> '0 Rradlcy S·6 11·11 the Salukl:. i.hf lr l'.Jf k r mC"'Lm: regain conf'dence afte r th.:: I W("I Dt.tkc 77 10·15 thi s sea ~, 51' pummdkJ 10s5('s:' Scell said. "We're tr)'lIlg E. llhnms 7-7 I ~ · ll Staff Photo by Mark Busch UNI 74~ ~. The ~alu , lS had :heir to kcep il upbeat in prac ti ce and I.IJ1.lOa State 6·9 II I' bes t shoming day of Ole season, kee p them rclaxed. VVl" vC' got to W. 1I 1101)l$ JlO 41.l gu rd A, lson Smith adjusts her shot to avoid a block hitting 62 pe rcent from thC' gCI bark to playin g 10 our potl! nLial ~ lu.... :1 ~ ; 1 6 17 atte", against Bradley Feb. 7 In the Arena. The Salukls fir ld. Another shot .at UNI cou ld and concent ra te on the \\ 'it" hlt,1 St,lte .:! ;1 .: J~ take 01 ; N':!rthern Iowa ~ onlght at 7:30 at home. be Just the thing the Sa lukl!' n e l~ d fundamentals." Women's track challenge Hochertz trying to tad~Q NFL dream ISU for first at conference By Paul Pabst on thc mail for the Jettcr and that blaH Wrrter gal me thinking about it. bUI I By Cyndi Oberle pap..:'r "IJII!'tI C.. , \\ omen· ... didn't know for sure." Slaff Wril.;-.·! track and fi eld coach Don l.X:-':oon In th e movi e "Wall Stree t. One thing Hochcnz did kno" ..;a ld . " T h l' ~ a rc gnin~ to ha\ t' III Charlic Sheen's charac ter said. I for sure is how th o:: combine" The C:;I UC wOllle n '~ tr :.lL"~ and n .. ..: III their h..:',t periorlllJnCl'" III "Lift' all comes down 10 a few work . He kn ew hr wo uld be fi eld t e; ~ m j, \') ing for fi r..;t pl~.Il" l· tx.' ~11 u..... moments, and thi s is onc of :unning tl,e 40·yard dash. Irying [\camst ill inOIS State thl ~ ",,'('k eno Dl':--';OO I1 said at ()"Ir rl' nrl' th em.'" Sal uk I senior footba ll I to bench 2:!5 pounds as ma ny 31 U1r confe renre rharnpionships. r:1l'I.' I' cO~l(:hr ... ,hould a""3 ~ ... ~, player ~lany Hoc hr rtJ. Just had limes J S hc roul d <.lnd doill l! 11'1e Salukl\ tr.1' l'l to Cedar Falk a"";.m: of the Unl' \ peUl~ d tx.'l'3U '''· one of them. ag illl Y dri ll s. When hC' rrlUrnc

\REI) Ol' " UEF.\l Ll CUATAMAL.AN IMPORTS on a sl udent I03f1'! If you're in default on a guc ....teed Student Center swdan k- .. n (i=lS L.., CSt.. Stafford. SLS. or KUS I an). you m')l be February 19 - 22 eligible to pay it back without pt:f".;ol l / world/nation hdtS, a nd 01' collection charges. For information Purses. bPlts, sr '"'~, V€'sts, mu ch more! about Ihis special program. call the Come by :c ·k, bu y, o r visit. guaran lce: agency that holds your loan. Medical supplies intended or ·,; ";'::.~ U.S. Dcpartmentof Ec.ucatiot,'s \01I · fr~ number: BEST PRICeS IN TOWN! (800) J.13·INFO for Kuwait ant"e in Baghdad G,,!'IEVA (UP!) - A joint 'clief mission from the World He;llth Organi7.ation and lJl',1CEF rr....ched BaghJad with 50 IOns of emergency IHEAR'S WORLD I medical supplies for fami l. io~ and children in Irnq a;ld occupied Ku wait, the United Nations announced Tuesday. But thete was nC" immediale Custom C rafts & FISH NET I" indication any of the supplies were moved fw m the lratj i capital lO Fashions Kuwait, WHO spokeswoman Therese GastaUl tcld a ncW,j cOilfcrcflCC. Murdale Shopping Center I fo r the except ion al. " All we can conftnn is !hat the mission (which crossed the [roaLier from Hours Mon. - Sat. 10 - 6 Iran over the wccI c cae l1 a u lower ...... "" ... ""...... c eae h P'Ui '.. I!roccoli ...... 59< bunch Florida T emple Oranges ...... l5< eoch services and products in more ways Lhan o ne in the y~a rs ahead. lj * Deputy U.S . Agriculture Secretary Jack Parnell said the exisling *" Reel DeEcious Apples ....15< each Green Cabbage ...... 15< Ib * outlcok for the nation's a6riculture is grim because American farmers : llananas ...... 29< Ib K iw i ...... 1 9< each ! and their needs arc being misunderstood and fanning regulations are ... Join u s Saturda y Morning for Free Anniversary Cake * orten imposed wi th out the input of growers a nd breeders. By nOI appearing as a strong voice 10 SlJlle and fcdcral farm leaders. Parnell said * Quality Fru its & Vege tables at the lowest prices * they ap",,", resistanl to change. * Hours: Mon_· Sa\. 9 :30 · 6:00 Sale Effeclive 21 18/9 1 ·2/23/91 * * 100 E. Walnul (Inl ersec lion of E. 13 & Railroad) * ******************* *********************** ** Accuracy Desk If readers Spal an error in a ncws aniele. they ~' a n conl.aCI lhc Dail y Egyptian Accur.lcy Oosk al 536-33 11. extension 233 or 228 . .------Daily Egyptian "

Southpfn 111 ''''01<'' Un veTs~y at CarbOndal?

Studen!: EcI~ Tony EnBtai,.."...,t EoOr': TrrJ Sargunt AssociaIe SlJdenC EdiIDr: .,.,. Ryman Sports Edilor: Jull AlAor E njoy The World Famous NewsEch r.U...... A10ID Edi~ twdI o.drich FUJI VOLCANO OR BLUE ,"PHOON Edi10rial P8Q8 Editor. libr1o WIlkin Investi;ation Coardina!or: J8Ck. Spinr.,... Sn.dem Ao McwlaQer: W1emUn FORSlUI SoeciaI Pages EdlDr: Erie Aoyoo Us_ Adlng Managng Ed.or: \'t'ande Br.ndon CflerGood ...... EVERY WEDNESDAY 8 THURSDAY --Disp4IJy AIJ MfNger:.,.",. Sherri A!WI BIRTHDA Y CELEBIlA TlON A T THE FUll LAND 0as&Is.d Ad ManIrgIw: Cynthia CUt.­ PtoclJabn MiInItgIt" ca.y Buc* 1I:. On your Birthday or w ilhin 10 d ays a ft er Ihat have one 01 O!fica K8y lAwNnoe ~ dh"" Coiog I PffQ~.ion our popular d inner enlrees and a Fuji Volcano for o nly ~~ K-'ll__- ,:.'_ Thom..:..--_____-_ ""'_.,_ -__"" _-_ -_ -_-__

$6.95 C~~·::.,..::::.-. ~ 1 ~~daJyi"ltheJcumaJiamandEgypiian....aboralOfyMClflNy -Da~IY i~~~;8~jjel: - - ;~;; :F~; ( l-;. 2) ------FRiEDEUVERY ------. II'I:-ough ~-ricSaydumgl'" r.guw ~ Ind T~ttwough Friclaydumgthe aIJrn1* 1MTIt¥ Soutt.rn IIi'ooiI U~y, ComTtuna.",,- 8uidinu, c.tJcr~ , 11. sal . Sun. (11 .3) l unch Ediarlaland boAI ..... o/Iioe$loc::Iled InCotrnulIc:atbr. Buitfng. Nonh Wng. Phme (618)·5:.>- Every ·... .,cd and Tt"t urs o.n~ 331 ', WHerB . Jalhni;. f~CIIIar. (')0,·01111 12 CIJ mldnlghl Sib5cr1Jt.On laIM"'. S55pe1')'a.. or S3510rm ~ w lhtnN Unlled SUlOG and ' 1~1)8I roorOf S90lorliJ rT'O'Ilh5lnailonlignQ)OJnlfOOS . P~tT'8Ilef : SMcI1IIII d\anpN of tIddf... 10 0aJr Eg)tllian. Southem Illinois UriYe,. ..,. cartlon::IaII, .L6290I . Sec:ondClusPO&taoeP3ldillCa~ " FchnJiJr: ~(l, I ~'1 Yoga teacher: Meditate i to fitld spiritual desires By .iefle'5('" Robbins Staff Wr?L Cn 1- - ' I Human: 3rc vic tim s o f the ir ("w n limitation s, ~:il these limita ll o ns (" .Ill be conquered. an Indian monk said Mor,day nighl. LimiL.1t l ')ns on the mind. body and s1iril l I ~ producl,' unhappiness be~~u s c desires go unfulfill ed. said the AC}lCi r)<.I Shantalmananda AJ...adh uLi , a visiLinl:t icachCf or lantne yoga from Calcutta, India. But through l.3ntric meditation. spir : ~ual nC(',ds can be met and unhap!>incss can loe left behind. he said. " Y~· tr desires arc unl imited." the Ar '!-,vya told 31, audience of about 25 at lhc Chu,. , I or th e G. ,od Shepherd, "Un!ess you gel this Soo" Pholo by Heidi Diedrich ah!: ,hlle (fu!fi:!!1lCnl) there canno t be Lip service tlap,';pcss in your life, , I !'; li mitations, in oonfincfllcnl, you feel Richard Best, lell, a muslc professor, Instructs Jeremy Easley, a double 110 plcas,ItC," he said. _jor In forestry and muslc, In opera tech'1lqlles Tuesday. The Acharya, who<..c title means "one who teaches b) exam Ie: is a monk of Ananda Marg~. an!1 fou nded on ancient prird pie< of tantric ./oga in 1955. Cart andale was !ne s ile of the firs t Student leaders to discuss Ananda Marga mission in the , Shanlalmananda Azadhutl a l 402 S. Uni versity. said Mark Petersen, earthquake, according to organization research assistant with th e SIUC English brochures. trustee election qualifications department and Ananda Marga member. The focus of Ananda Marga's spiritual By Amy Cooper Ramsey said once the commi,1CC a. .des Currently assigned to an Ananda Marga aspect is o n meditatio n, aided by a vocal Staff Wrner if crileria arc needed it will propose trustee center in Wi1l0w Springs, ~":io ., the Acharya c hant called a "man~!'a . " The long-te rm requirements to each of the student is in Carbondale o n a th ree·day speaking benefits of meditation mclude s U"css relief, S I UC student governme nts will meet governments. The criteria would be propos::

Daily Egyptian Ed itoria l Board /10\1 MUN r Student Edu0r-in-Chicf: TOll Y Mancuso l:d nmial P.'g e Ed ilor: Marlo \~il! ; kill ~A', ()ET A~soc iate L ~(: itOri:l1 P~l ge Ed itor: Richard Hun,1 I\NOn\Etl. K ~,vs Sial! Repre'Cnlali'·e: Omon['ec O. Whitfield <-HANCE? .'\ c t i· '~ '.if:il1:.tgil1 f Editor' \Vanu a Brandon F;'Cllily Represenwl! vc: Wayne Wanl:l •

Court justly reviews ..-)" .. Bakker's crime time J IM BAKKER'S PRAYERS were answered last week whe~ an appeals CO '." ! exorcised him of an unfair prison sentence. The coun lifled Bakker's 45-y,'ar seOl ence afll r ,: ~ ciding Ih al a federal districi coun judge used person;'.: nt' li efs in deciding the Bakker case. During Bakker 's st' nl encing in 1989 of fraud, Judre Roben POllcr referred 10 Bakker as a " money-grubbing" preacher who made "saps" of people wilh religion. Letters

TilLS C HOICE OF WORDS seemed all the m rc harsher along with Ihe ann ouncemeOl of Bak.ker's excessive pri ... on tenll. Ball fans look at wrong stats Considering [hat the average murderer receives all 18- [0 But he is only a .275 hiucr, WiOl 10-YC;lr seilience, rapi sts can expect aroLlnd a nine-year 111is is me wors! time of me year for baseball fans. Excepl for my limited powcr, a nd lhe El ias cri be about two years of pri son :Jround th e woods doin' some Tribune Media Services huntin ' . So my legs are in good were ,0 do a comprehensive when the fraud in olv e ~ 2 million 10 $5 million. shape and I ' m ~x pectin ' lO be But to gct bac k 10 my fncnd. analySi I would havc to havc ~ 'I a And a:though th e court believed that Bakker took $3 ready to go when spring trainin' Louis. thc accountant and financial on Ihc stupidity factor." million for hi s personal USL he illegall y received $ 15 8 starts , I reckon:' planner. This is his favorite timc of You mean likc always swingir.g me bascball sc."\SOn. at me firs! pilCh? Or getting hchind million for selling more vacation ~ pot s to his resort and Of coursc. it was possiblc the sta r had "cw ally spe nt the off· Louis pores over the sports 3 and 0 on me hiller so \'uu havc lO theme park than were allowable. season in thc IOwn bar. drink::1g a pagcs, hi s compulcr brai n come in with a fat onc? . c insull. a slap in mc face and total o ld . a nlcrc lad. But hc will be what's stupid . di srespect for their sensitivities. assured of a post-tax incomc of in "No, me slupidity faclor is being Quotable Quotes TIlC numbers - S2 million, S3 excess of 5275,000 a year for me persuaded to invest in oil wells in mi llion or S 14 million ovcr fnur rest of his life." Florida. ski slopcs in Iowa and ·-So far me American peopte have had avery poor piclure of me aClua l years - no longer seem rca I. Thcn a momcnt later. his mind lending large sums of money 10 conduct of [h e wa r,"-said ABC News correspondent Forrest Especially when you say: "Wait a will churn somc marc and hc'lI your worthless brother-in -law." ;oy: "This one here, now there is a But I want to read about a Sawyer on th e res trictions repf.rters race in reporting on the war. minute, didn' [that guy havc a miscrable season?" "Yes," an fonunalC young man. dedicated player spending the expe" respond... "but based on past Hc's on his sccond three-year winter building up his wrist " We're making hi 510r . We ' re the first women cvcr."- a Kuwaiti pcrfonnancc. i'c has the potcnlial contract. I put h is post-career strength so he ean jerk more circuit to snap.. ba~k and have a mediocre income at no less !han S4OO, 000 a clouts out of the old ballpark. Or ~ i d in rcfrrence ,., pigh! wumen becoming t he (irs' remale soldiers season year. Of course , we don '1 know makc snap lhrows from the hot in the cou nt ry. So J have learned to tunc it out what lo n g-I~rm cff1!c ts inflation comer. One quick glance te ll s me how will have on it. I! 's likely that T hat 's what the game is a ll many po ;nls Michael Jordan so mewhere down the line , the abouL "I jusl wan! 10 fighl '0 kill Saddam and all me Iraqi soldiers."-a seored, or if Will Perdue slcppcd $400,000 will have the buying " I'm sorry, but what's a circuit Kuwaiti comm:mdo said on tr),ing to regair. his homela nd. on some small creature with his power o f 5200,000 in today's clout? Where's me h<' . comer1" size 22 lriplc D shoes, and I can dollars." I get il. All you know about is move on to the wannth and chann Well, he can atways go on the money. You don't even know of the business pages, where I road and aUlograph baseballs at anyming aboul baseball. Editonal Poli(ies mi ght at least read a touching, S25 a ball. "Ah, !hank you very much .. human story of a banker cleaning " I~ore :han maL If we factor in For what? Signed al1icles, Inducing kinen;, viewpoints ~ ~hr.. com nM1Iarift, Nf\ect ,t. opinIcww: of oul me vault and nccing to Soum innation there, too, an autograph "Your contribulit'n to the Il":e ir al.Chors. Tt.I« spae8 will be. forum lor dixussion o.lsswos 01 public: nt.... OJ-n Amcrica. will be going for abouL" stupidily factor." civil dialoq1M Is the aim. LetIIN'S mly be .:tited tor '-ngth .nd cont~ laflors of ...... than 25ci words will be giv... pntw.nce for publ .-.tion. lAtters wil be limited ~ JOO words. Ut *' 1M editors dMm otJtectioNb18 because 01 poI ..... iIIIlibek::m nwlerial or bec8UM n ' ..arcin5ry bold ,...,.. will not be publishtd. Access 10 tn. kifters spao8 will be .fforded to

.. , ...... '. , " • " '. \ , • •• , , •• , .. ~ . ', .• •· . ·"·0' .... . ' . . .. ~ Fehnlary ~ () . llNl /)nily 1:J!YPI;fllI TRUSTEE, from Page 3+----- MOTORCYCLE RIDER r~'qu es t of "ire Prc"lIiclll I ~H ri'whh O\; h l' nlr.: rw. Hc ~ i d cvcn lhou).!h lhc Ir u ~ l l'l' I INSTRUCTORS NEEDED Studcnt Affair ... Ilan'e\ Wekh . "Wl , '11 hrlng OUI Ihe 1T10Ciil h,,, no vul(' Oil .he 3u.,,1 , II ~ ~olorc."cl c Enlhusinsl We l ch and A~s or l~li l.' Vice ap prOprliHL' deCision," R:lI11 SC) Tr'l"('l~ O\;. ('Iha IrU ' l t'l'~ .nld Good Dri\'ing Record ' PrL'!.ide fll for Studt:11I AlTair .. Jr;m ... :lId " Ii 01:1 ) lak. c a r Quplr llnivcrsltv k.ltiCI'" :.1rC 1! ,!iLl ~ 'I1'l'l j I AVAILABL E E\ F. ~ I N ,; S Par~lllJrc ~l... ksllJS(j ;md GPC;C In (l'qmllllllt'r' mccting ... ) It m:JY o r. i~ by the stllu~n l U11 ... h ''-- \ Opll1II II) .. s('\'cral mC" Jr:!nd ror thc' lime I)r thc rcspon !>i hi lily.·' hc S3id . comm i ;;;.!' ioll mcmbe r. also \\ 11 1 Yes! Be Paid Big Bucks elcclion hu t not ror th c l ime Ihe Craig Jack.c;;on. a candld.. n c In Ihe n:pn: ~ nt GPSC. R ~UllSC y said TC) Quit JYl '-all 511. 'e: IIUS I ~ is III orrice. 1990 stu dcnt lIUstcc elefllon will "I think they 'rc vcry f;t :n i l ia r Snlokino :': ~ .. moking C • ..,. Itin n "We'\I makc any represent GPSC on thc c(ill 'miucc. wilh thc posi tion of truSl ec," he b ~ Pf()!;r,ln1 rrcommendations ir there arc any Jack son said hc Iholl1; hl the said. ' I[QlIlll,[:;;t ~'4-':-. 453-35i3 or 45j·1561 HI make:' Ra m ~)' ~ i d. P-'Jsilion or studen t lruS: lcr wa.." vny Slevc Langhoff. M ichael Parkcr Camp/crc! 'lie 'Z j,\)) ": i. ...:.. M ':- TIle commitlcc also will dccide if important nnd qUJ lirin HIrI' . and Mikc Bell wIll represefll USO. I'mgrom on . . I rt a studcnt rcrcrcndum is necded 110 nccc.o;....r.ry. said Ra mscy. _ :.J..:) . I p.rn - pill. CHENEY, from Pag and vchicle fuel. f00d ~nd water 10 It W3S O1!W asscned b) a se nior wccks. He "aid som..: capl ured coo lition forc~. congressmen j ust back from lhe eq ' ipmenl lacked w ater i n thc Chency sa id Ih.! <1CCou lll being g ul f thai Gcn. Norman r..!di:.tlors and had rust on it. l\3rdIlRl" used 10 pay for Uti' war now has a Schwari'..kopf. commander of allied A I the Pcmagon. ~1JO k esma n Pele Hardee's East - Across from Univ, Mall cas h balafl (,c of 5>9 bi llion, an er fo rce s, bclicves even g rc~ l er Williams s:.tid me PenLagon wan l'\ hav ing j usl 60llen an mfusion of dam age ha s been do n ~ to I raq i to k eep with conf mlled kills or S 1.8 billion in Saudi ca.h. And he rort:cs. ir:J qi equipment. Murtha's Iligher SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNT said the Gennans arc duC' to kick in The subcom millce ch::Iirman . cst im:llc could Slcnl from anc'('{fol;.i l Show 10 and get 20% off any order <1 nother S2 .2 billion ulis week. RCt'. John Munha. D-PJ .. rCluml'd ('vidence. aet.:ording LO William=--. ~"""'. No Limit "TherC"s no qUC'!' tion bUI tJ131 41 from S4Iud i Arahia M onday nighl Cheney al so rei lerat ed Ihal hI,.' v I )' significant port ion of the and told Chenc> his estimales 01 0 1 ' JX1~' :J l·c:\'\('· lire on Ihe ground ... ~~' () Coupon Necessary aC luzl1 cust will be financed hy our damage 10 Iraqi equipment - 30 Jt would Ict ~:ld d,'m I lu,·.c in "'i¥" .''''''Z..r- LI mited Ti m" Only ~I")",: \, - • :lllics." ~id Chency. pcrcen t to -10 p ~ rC CI:l - was :1... rcs llpp ! ~ hi!. trfJl..1 I" :Ihl .!! I\ l · III 'n' .I .... C\l Hood in LomtJination with .In} olher offer ot coupons Cilciley said Ihe ;; upplrmC'llli.ll much itS 15 pcr'C\.'1II r..:! Ov. those of rc,;p HI.: Im lll .ilt· h"n:h.ll:!"'. "pcnding bill would IIIciudl' the Sr hv. ari'kllpl . L' ,,"IS of replacing 111l1llttions Afll'rwarc! .... , l\1Urlha :<.! I tl thai "No one I'" more l..·j1!l·r 10 h;I\'l' II fFREE-COOKIE-WITHlftiyi nf\.'flIlcd 111 " omIXiI along \\. ilh Lhc Sc hwartk(' pf'" l·:-t!nlate i -; ·W ~ ra pJlC'lI ur t)lX:IIl"C ' 01 lhl' r o-.\'" L ______J '..Ii. ril' " ~, ( pp ... cn i :\ l!' called to pac..: ", In 50 I\ ' _rl;.~ nt ,,0,1 {h ..! 1 1' ..11 ,jl.! IIl \'nh ~ d In !I.:'rnh o f : PURCHASE : di\ ~ dllt\ hI!, '\.111 nul IIldUlk. tJle chw:lrl.knrl 1l1 )IC( i i:1 .it Ill ulh l'I C:.I\1I3It l,;> 1'l \Olcril'ftn Inc, Ih::n ... . Ii.Jt Ir.: ' Ilr ,1 ..:ln.; ,Iu,y lWr\onn~ 1 the Ir.l41 cqUlpn.~ .·' I " no .... _11 J'''-'l Ij,Chl.: o f u<; \\ hLl ;111 ' r,· ... I)tlll .. l ~k III who " 'nulo h (~ cl r3wlI1 l' l !l.' lf condn,oll h : c:lu .. II II ... nLt I-<-"n 'ht' aclp~I:llqrall'.)n fpI thc polley," 1 , .I~(,.hc d.:, ..m y .... .!)'. - opc r ",",od... i ng alone and Ihat he Hump Day Special! lhe IwO incidents b tJ lat Higgens is him. Hili said k.m ", the 1)I,.:.,pk 111 lhe houSl.!. thc ~n or Kenner's girlfriend:' Hill Hl£!l.!c ns h:.lI1 ha:-. b~cn S('t :.It Large 1 Item ':oaid. HIli ~id Higgens gavc polkc 3 <; loeJ.Oon ~I' I th e charges of Therc is Ill'} evidence mot K ~;~ l1er motive ror setting tlK' ri re, hUI I·fill a gg ra v ~tI(' d i. : ... on and two ('OUIlIS uf &2-32 oz. Pepsis or Kenner's gi rlrriend had anytil ing would not disclose that as of yct nll•. tkr. 10 do with tlle Hill said. \Vhcll evidcnce at the stalC crimc A ~ III.{~K' bail been ,", I rur fir~. h"' Includes Pitcher ot laboralory in FJirV1CW HeighLS is Ih l' h:Htay charge". In official at Police questioned Higgens abou. Pepsi or Beer relurned , poliee will compare il 10 th..: J:Jckson County Jail Slitt. only thc l ire ancr he was brought in on $6. ~~ (w i.h proof of age) with Eat-In Orders Ope n lor Lunch Delive ry $2,00 P itch er s of Bee r BE I liNG, from Page 11------Mon. - Sat. 11 a_m. o r LOO Quarts w ~'\t."!.dil y ~"ec:alnol vil h c!Wl1na n 'f Olt\CI $ coupons. noSLbslllU11C'lS Feb. II. be c~lU sc th ere would bc Jmpk city in 1989 Jnd crc

re(llIeSIS , Lynn said listcners 11 "'(' Rird ~id welL has ~cnt about hCs..1id . "'If ..::> ' ,.- -u.o --~ ~': four 10 rive m:lllings o r Deni.!'c Lynn. :1 ftcrnoon disk Z I 00 to scnd out songs ror Ih ...• H, ,'~ o~ It -/to-'lt4 'n

Forestry honor society unites \\\II I~ III ' G '" _.. ~ JI' :,,, .• , a ~ .. I.",. students, faculty out o1~ class --.-:..,.

BI' Brandi TipP3 l"cologiraJ arca~ and t.rc.', up 10 300 Roth said Ihc group is

Do you need a study ski ll s ma ke -ove r? Keep you r reso lut io n to impro ve your s tudy h ab its b y att e ndin g thi s The Philadelphia Story works hop. Tips 0 11 developing good an American High Comedy by PhilIp Barry study l'dbi lS will be covered. Directed by Lori Merrill-FInk Wednesday. Feb. 27 3-4:30 a nd 5-6:30 p.m. Mi ssissippi Roant. Sludcnt Ccnler

'-Cl r Illon: 1Il l orlllallOll l d l'I Jl'1 l ilt' This Amencan c!;ts,ic ma rked the triumpha nt Wc lhll'''', CC llt l·r. J p.H1 of I h~ reru rn of Kalhen:tc '-k phurn to Ih e Broadway S'ltdl'fll Ik.d lh P rnp:wl. :11 ;:; .,\(, ..1.;-! I Stasc and beeame the \wll-Iovcu film 'tarring I Kate. Ji mmy Stewart and Ca r\' Grant. ow. thc Ik..- _ Department ofThc3 tcr s3 lut c' th e Golden '\n lll ­ versa ry of Ih is I imeles, , l'i11Cc! \ anJ prouuly rc­ members the way theater seJ 10 he. \\ ~ i:. \'i lc ~ ou t sec The Philadelp,'l ;a Story.

February 22, 23, March 1, 2 at 8:00 pm the March 3 at 2:00 pm \ .,111 ' "". 1•. , .1 II ·ur h,· ".rl' '11 , ::1 II .1 ,I.·.. II! Box Office: 453-3001 Mo;.day-Fridal' Noon - 4:30 pm. rI. t l."I ! Wind.," I" .. t u,i,·nl._ "1t:I.I . urr,·nt "tu Moscow ,1'nt til ,11,d t., ,...·IIIo.r '11 1I,·n,.. h" Illd .tld,·r ~l ultl p t.· I H kl·L.. 111.1\ h,· jlll r .. h """ "11 " lih lIlulllpit III ,.. .'11,1 ii' kl't. ... 11 0' nOl i tr.III"',·r" hl,· 1\'·I .,t; " St udio OI( tilt' 11I11I tl"l! t ll111' h".("r,· , ·U rLl ,ll. Hu:-h ~ ·. I I Theatre __ ~~~~~,l"~":.~!"S :' . • SeUTHERt4 ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE I '.I .~ · • . 0 o 0 ~0o .:.G o~ .~ 0~ ·.0)0 ~ .? o 0:: (, Busil'l.ess o 0 - , • \ Under New Monog e m e ~t ! 0 -': 0 • Daily ER) plia. " . o o Sudsy Dudsy o , 0 .... 0 0 ,. ({16 S. 1 1!1I\O I ~ SOc Was hers < 6"'~~\". 0) o ',; ~~ E\~· ~. ~·l·. 0 o o 0 0 0) 0 0 0). ~ 0 0) 0 0 00 0 '00 00 o· · ~ 0 G I Male Smokers Wanted I , \it' \1111 Pa.1i $75 to :j,200 for J to 8 sessions'" I .. Must Be 2 1-35 years old ' (/ild qlla/lfies & comp/e/es Ihe progmnl. Call 453-3561 or 453-3573 Mon. - Fri. 1-4 pm

ARNOLD'S MARKET I, All 12 pk PepSi , Or. Pepper & 7·up Producls ...... S2 .79 Prairie Farms Skim Milk Gallons .. ... S1 .79 VIva Pap er To wels ...... 69c iea. 4 Roll Cottonelle ...... 99c/ea. Graphic by Jay Wilson I · :\ I , III II: \1 lie"' So uth or Campu", on RI 5 1 State promotes tax to protect :.~ OPE:X '"} DAYS A WEEK, 7- IOP:\,t . businesses from mail orders By John Patterson big issue , he said. Items purchased on vacations or Win Big Prizes Siaff Writer "The lIIinois government is upset occasions such as spring break arc that so many people in illinois buy also required 10 be repon ed for In Our Big Weekly Buying through th e mail is a through mail order catalogs." Basi taxation, he said. growing trend. but many con ­ said. Although the tax has been on the Giveaway ! sumers aren ' t awar ~ they owe The usc taJ< was created in 1955 books for 36 ycars, lhe Slate i s Illinois for oUl-of-slate purchases. to protcct Illinois businesses from gelling serious on enforce ment. This we"k's lUG Prize: an SIUC professor said. consumers crossing Slate line.s to Basi said. S:eO_OO Gift Certificate In the 199 ] Illinois Income Tax _l!~Y items, in ~taLCS with2. 0wer ~cs " Illinoi s: waniS its fair share," he booIc:let. filers may be surprised to taxes. BaSI scud. _. & _ said. at. find a usc laX ronn askmg them to It was lCnncd usc tax bccau~ j, The [onns included in lhe stale The DIscount De n account for all purchases made refers to merchandise purchased income tax booklet arc mca nt to outside of Illinois. said Bart Basi, out·of·sulle and brought back for infor m taxpayers of the lillie professor of accoun tancy for the in-state usc. Basi said. known ..J x. said Kevin Johnson, ncHer Lh'lng Through lSeuer Copies..... College of Business and Illinois res id ents will have lO spokesman for the Illinois Administ.ratiOlI . account for oUL-of-state purc hases Deparuncnt of Rcvcnue. B3.~ i said the ta.;'( is an "uempl for and fi ~u rc out how much thcy owe "The use tax ha s lonl! be cn th e Slate government hi rec over the stale, hc said. recognizcd as a difficult~ t ax to sa les lax money lost to out -of-state Under the use tax, Illinois cnforcc." Johnson said. purchases. but only a small ;.mmunt consumers must pay thc equivalent Althouch the inform ati on Kupl ... and '11 •• ,. .. uf n laney wi II be rrcov~ r('.d by the of th e I llino;5 sal es Lax on include d '-in the wx booklct i ~ statc from the usc lliX. merchandi sc. T he tax i s 6.~5 rela tivel y new. Johnsun s:lId the U09 SOU," Illinois f\~ · c nll (~ · Carbo ndale - :.2 9 -IiO.-'· ,. An cX lIcmely minor amo Jm of ~rccnt on gencrJI merchandi sc. sam c inform .u ion has been SI<.lte income - prob:lbly I c~.; than If the product was purc ha''''j in a included in paq years. I percent of the pic" will be cre:ttcd sta le with a lower . ales t;.J x, th e bv the usc taX , he said. illinOIS consumer must pay th e He si.lid the l a~t time acldliional ·T he state should be able. differencc In th e sales I:I X , B:.ts i informati on \\as IIlcludcd nn th e •• •• howe vcr. to make enough money said, usc tax was 11)87. to cover the costs of printing the "if somcth ing is plJfcha s('d in • • c.'V'jl of preparing tax fonns at no charge 608 S . illinois Ave. By John Pattersor. Several hunched pcople have accountant. Cscmy said. Statf Writer their taxcs prcparcd by th e group, ;·Jt '5 for ~op1c who don't know TONIGHT! and this yea.; m('lc than 100 havc :lIything abou t it :md don't have ~I • • 50 m ~ 51UC studcnts are already responded to the offer. lot of mone),," he said, Upstairs: Slappin' Henry Blue providing free 13); filing assistance. Cscmy said. V I TA has fivc l oca tions in Thc Vol untee r Income Ta x When lax season starts a large Sou thern Illinoi s. Each o f the with Assistancc group will prepare most number of cager people try to get locations is staffed by a graduate • TawlPawl • anyonc's taxcs, said Charl ie tJ1 cir iorms in ca rl y, he said. The student in tax accounting 10 help Cscmy, chainnan of VITA. immed iate surge cvcntua lly slo\\'s with nny difficult forms. Cse my Downstairs : Dance Pilrty with He said the group is mostl y madc down. but when th e April 15 said. • • tip of accounting sludc;us in Bela dcadline approaches the numbers Appoinullenl..; arc not n l'c cs y . Jammin' Jonathon Alpha Psi, an !lOnors :.Jcco uming once again increase, and V ITA will be se t ul' in th c frmcmity. The scrvice provid('s :.Jddi tiona l SllIdenl Ct.'.ntc r M ondays until To prepare other people's taxcs, ex periencc for V ITA members. April X: thc S('nior Citizcps Cemer, 70~ Quarts members of thc grOiJp to PjSS :1 Ill ;~ ny of wh ich ha\'e rxpcriclll'c -l09 I. 5pringrr Sl.. Tuesdays until 5t:Jle [cst. c.scmy said. with accounting finns. Cscrny said. April ';.I; Styr·!st ~ ur si n g Hom e, 7 5 ~ Shots at Shot Bar Al though VITA includcs mostl), Preparing ta xcs for f rrc

------)"ou're Important to Us.


Pint WAS $1 . 69 $2.69 Box Lb.



• • 1:1 " . ~ "'0•• • ~ . II · o. f '.If." February 20. 19'! I /)aily 1 ~'gJ'PlialJ Tattoo taboo Goals achieved after focusing mind

Tatoos tied to self-destructive behavior By Bradley Prov i ne~ sq ucc7.e your lt1U mb and . CHICAGO (UP!) - Teenagers class community i n subur ban WeUness Center forefinger together for to more WJl~ tattoos appear more likely to Virginia. One third of the juvenile seconds. have ~rug and alcohol problems. delinquents had t;JUoos, compared Infinite rcsources are within Slowly become aware now of co me from broken homes, gel with 13 percent of the drug abuse people Iha~ when acccssed, help th e positive emotions you arrested, do poorly in sc hool and group and I percem of the suburban 10 achieve dcsire:l goals. accomplished . Picture clearly in experienced during this confident become involved in satanic rituals. Virginia group. The following exercise is a your mind the se lling of that time in your life. Take lime to rcscarchers reponed Tuesday. Tattooed youll,s were more likely simple and powerful way 10 get confident experience. Remember fully identify the feelings yo u "Adolescent< wi th tallOOS appear to come from t>roke n hor.lCS. with in touch with these resources. the p...... op le who were th ere and had and !hen squeeze you thumb to have .. , experienced fami ly 55 pcrceni of those wiLh tattoos T his teC hnique works by what :'ou looked like. and forefinger together for 10 dysfuncti o n, poor academic havina divorced parents. compared training the mind to releasc When you have a vivid picture addi tional seconds. th al reprc.o:~nLS this event, place performance and poor school 10 only 33 percent of those without positivc memories of p a~! When is the next time yo u will delinquent or gang­ tallOOS, !he rcscarcher.; found . accomplishments and confident yv ur rhumb and forefinger want 10 fccl confidem? Perhaps it cxperiences. togcti>er (Jf your dominant hand) relaled behavior, heav ier drug and The tanooed youths tended to IS an upcoming job interview or ar.d -> Qllcezc firmly for ] 0 alcohol usc, and sometimes drug have lower grades in school and 43 It works by using the cue class presentation. Imagine this dealin g." said a study in the pereent, of those with tattoos had signal of pressing IOge!her thumb sccond ~ while concentrating on future time in your mind while this ..... )Siu ve memory. American Journal of Diseases of dropped out of sc hool, compared and forefinger. People arc squcczing your th umb and A s you continue to hold this Chi ldren. with 17 percent of those w ithout accustomed to focusing upon forefinger togcth er, acccssing The findings were produced by tattoos. negative th oughts (w hich can picturc in your mind. remcmber you to previous confident researchers at the University of In addition, 71 percemt of those lead to negative feelin gs), bu t the words you were saying aloud rcscurccs. Washington in Seattle who with taUoos had been arrcsted training thcmse l ves to use and think to your se lf in th is This entire cxercise ma y bc examined 474 adolescents agcs 12 compared to 17 percem of th ose positive thought processes can be confidcnl state. Pay aUf-nCon to repc,neo when you become the positivc commcnt& other to 18, including 58 who had tauoos. w ithout tattoos, thc re sl~a rc h crs a challenging and rcwarding aware of additional positive experiencc. people were saying to you. Be Of the youth s studied , 102 were said.Those with tattoos wcre more cx p.. ~ rien ces. thus sLrcn gthen in g aware of any additional SOUIIUS from a juvenile detention center in likely to usc drugs and alcohol and INSTRUCTIONS: the ,j ynamic prcx:~s of building that were present in Scaulc. 160 were enrolled in a drug have rece ived treat ment for drug Rem ember a spec ific lime ,':is confidi'nce w ithin yourse lf. For eXJX.riencc. When you havc fully and alcohol treatment prog ram use, wi th 57 percem of the tauoocJ w hen you fe lt confident an d [unlle r inform ation call !he outside Washington. I).c. and the youths having rece i ved drug proud of so mething you remem bered these so urds. Weltne" Center at 536-4441. rema inder wef e fro m a mddle- LrCatrncnt. Briefs URGENT: NEED TO SPEND MONEY Cal

O RGAKIZATION O F PARALEGAL SludallS WI!} med iI 7:30 lonigtll in 1hc Troy Room of the BUYING: GOLD * SILVER * JEWELRY l' SlUdcnl U:n\(:J. For infomution. conuCl Ale.o. II /:i{;(:1 529·5268. ii.(;//f;~"'. ;t;~ . , '--r ". COLl .t:Gfo: or COMM U,,1C ATlON5 .nd rllX" C )ins - Paper Money ~ 0:Z;;>,/" '.". ,// 'ii~ /.;!; " Aru 51uOc:nlJi mly IUend • n:sume writing " ·orlr.­ /' -~ .\ 'Dj/'/ shop al 3 loday in Cmununic.atioru 2005. 3 Days Only - Immediate Payment / ~ yo'

COL.U:C E O t· UR[ RAl. Arts students may It:.cld aninl.c:TVicwwlli....arkshop1112t.odlyin .... <~~~ F Z:!n:$mution II 6 latig}:1 in Q-Jigley I08A. For * mft)nnltion. aU 453-3655.

"WSS,\ P\' RAMlI> Wlll mcc:t It 5:30 tonighl in Silver Coins 1964 - Before Gold Coins Type Coins the eonfe~ roaTl of \he: Communications build­ $1.00 Gold · $70.00 to $1,000.00 112 Cents· $10.00 to 83,000.OJ inG. For mfonnltion. conUt;l; the omee It 453- Silver Dollars· $5.00 to $15.00 $2.50 Gold · 885.00 to $600.00 1 ~9S(J1 Totl It 529-4435. Large Cents - $2.00 to 810,000.00 Half Dollars - $1.00 to $4.00 $3.00 Gold - $250.00 to $4,000.00 t::\'''1.151 1 DE:PAJl:TMt: l'--r ... ·ill hon Ilca~ b) 2c Pcs. - $1.00 to $4,000.00 lI o ...· ud Webb h . c i lled ~ lI enry James' Quarters - 50¢ to $2.00 $5.00 Gold - $100.00 to $1,000.00 Wuhmglon Squ.rt:: A Study in Progress~ It 8 Dimes - 20¢ to 40¢ $10.00 Gold - $150.00 to $3,500.00 3c Pcs . - $1.00 to $4,000.00 lonight 1JI the Kukulti. Room of the Studenl Pre 189 1 10c & 20c -81.00 to 84,000.00 Caller. Mint Coins Bring More $20.00 Gold - $350.00 to $5,000.00 r.OI.m ·:s Kt:\ · N.D anl l l lonor Socid)' will hive Prices Subject to Condition Pre 1<; 01 50c - $4.00 to 89,0 00.00 mf,,"n'lIm. ubla for proopcc:tive m::n'lhers lod.y t.~ ru Fnd')' m the: Studem Ccntc:L Buying All Gold - Silver - Platinum Jeweh"y REASONS TO C,\Wn:R Ot: Vt:1.0PMt:ST cmler ...·m r.<)]d I plescnlllion II 3:30 Ind 5:30 todlY In the - SELL NOW Kukuki. Ind ~Hssouri Rooms of the Studenl 10K 14K 16K 18K Buying All Diamonds All Cmtc:r The pr~ulion wiD hell' studcnl$ de1er· 21K24KGold Antique JewelryfWedding 1. ) Bankers say during hard mlJle"'halUilbcn>plo),el"5"''I!IL New * Broken * Worn Out Bands/Rolex times "Cash is King" UX I\' t-: RSIT\' C IIRIST I A~ M mist.ti~ wi]l ~ 2.) Cash in your hand is bettel I spa:c:h by Din IloU), ea1kd /he I Uddm COIOI$ Chains, Pins, Charms, Watches - A.ll Watches of WIf: Posl Tnoumatie Stn:s.s S)T.drome~ 111 2 Class Rings, Watches Bullion· Bring In for' quote than unused items sitting in tnd.)'OIIthe lrll.c:rfaithCm\et,91 :! S. Illinois. your drawer Announcements 3. ) Joseph's Coin Company has Pili ,U.I'II" Tllt-::TA will hive I book lind bUc BUYING STAMPS - BASEBALL CARDS been an established pl'ecious Ii~h: (mm 11 I_m. 10 4 p.m. on 1 ;lursdl), in the Jec­ meta) coin dealer for 41 years. ond floor lIUlmni':f':: t..aunge of :'aner. FnrinrOl'­ Buying .all Types Sterling Silver - $3.00 to $10.00 Oz. I'M' rn. conll>;:\l\ 453-3060. Buying All Slot Machines - $100.00 to $1,000.00 Each Buying All Types L'X I VI ~ I ~ IT '" rI.ACt:M r.l'--r now hu copies of Of Gold/New/Used lilt- ... < omclI·~ iuue of Graduating Engineer .... ruch Buying All Watches - $1.00 to $20,000.00 ('In bt- lucked up in Woody n 2~ .

WOR KS II O P FOR AfR IC AN· Americln GET PAID TODAY FOR GOLD- SILVER - PLATINUM ..... omen will be held II 3:30 on Feb. 21 in the - House and Bank CalIs - Free Appraisals - nJ' .,otli Woan of \he SIudcr!1 Cenlc:. For inform.· Paper MOlley - All Foreign Coins \j(.,.calI453-36SS.

UNIVE RSITY C IIRI ~'T I AN Mini.!.t'ie$ will offer tnin;ng .....orbkop ror peoplc interatcd in JOSEPH'S COIN COMPANY bc:ing cin[1 and. miliwy CIWtIKlcn from 9 1m. 10 S p.m. Feb. 24 II the Interfl ith Cenler. 9; 3 S. llIincU. CaUto regiac:r al 549·7387. Thursday - February 21 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Referen ce: BRIO'S J'C'lJ·':V - Th.. dl'.. d1hw r.-.... Orid'J b Mercantile Bank r.c on two eta)·, bero~ pu blkJlion. ·rh" brll'r Friday - February 22 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. s~ . Louis, MO • '.ould bI' l),pe.,-llIt'n Ind mUll Induck- time, d .,II'. pllcl' and SPOlllo.- of 1M I'¥ml and 1hl' Saturday - February 23 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.' 0( thl' person IUbm!Uin& the !Ian. I.\rid's I hnuld hi' dl' lI vultd or ml!!ed 10 1hl' Dally Location: Carbondale - Holiday Inn [,,,pllin N""'lroom, Coml'lun·-atlon. Room # Russell Room Bulklnt. RO'MI U47. A brW-..(1i br publWled ...... (618)- 457-2151 (-:)C(! .... '*',II.-ce aluw& /)aily Egyptian Fehruary 20. 199 1 PLAY LICENSE PLATE LOTTO o WIN $5000 IN 0 FREE GROCERIES ThaI's Right! Scattered throughout our ad are the lucky license plates of Southern illinoisans. If you find your license plate number - bring a copy of this ad and your car or truck registration to our service center. You will then receive a 'SO gift certlflcate good on anything In our stort. o Ofter vaUd through Saturday, February 23. 1991. 0

VALUE PACK February 20.1991 lJa;IY"gyp,;an P~ lgc I J Grammys to feat.tu-;;re~M~id~le~r,;;-,~======~======~ Collins, Hammer, O'Connor [.EVERLY HILLS, Calif. (UPI) Hammer Don 'l Hun 'Em." M. C. female - "All Around The - Follo·ving is the li ., 1 of Hamm er; " Wil son Phillips," World," Lis;; Slar1sficld ; "From A nominations for the 33rd Annual \Vilson Phillips. Distance," BClle Midlrr; " "m Grammy Awards to be televised Song of Ihe year (songwriler Your Baby Tonlghl. " Whilney Wednesday on CBS from New award) - " Anolh er Day In Houston; " Nothing Compares 2 York 's Radio CilY Music Hall. Paradise," Phi l Colli ns; "From A U," Sincad O 'Conn ~r; " Vision Of Record of lhe year - " Anolher Distance," Julie Gold; " Hold On." Love," Mariah Carey. Day In Paradise," Phil Coll ins; Chynna Phillips; " Nolhing " From A Distance," BClle Midler: Com pares 2 U, " Prince: " Vision BCSI pop vocal performance. "Nolhing Compares Z U," Sincad Of Love," Mariah Carey, Ben male - " Anolher Day In O'Connor; "U Can '1 Touch This." Margulies. Paradise," Phil Coll in s; M. C. Hammer; " Vision Of Love," " DownLOWTI Train," Rod Stewart: MariahCarcy. BCSI new artist - The Black "Georgia On My Mind," Michaei Album of !he year - "Back On Crowes. Mariah Carey, The Bohon; " I Don 'l Have The Hcan," The Block," Quincy Jones; " ... BUI Kcntud.y Headhunters, Lisa James Ingram; "Oh Preuy Seriously," Phi l Collins; " Mariah Slallsfield, Wilson Phillips. Woma n," Roy Orbis( n: " Sturm Carey, " Mariah Carey; " Please Best pop vocal performance. Fron!," Billy Joel. Chicago joumalist to present views on rights for Black History Month

By N~talle Boehme and JAL's Crea tive Writing MacNcil,lLchrcr News Hour. Staff Writer Program , will be in O'Neil Page, 43, was 17 when he began Auditorium. his journalism career as a freelance Clarence Page. nalional! v Page, who received the wriler and pholOgrapher for a sma ll ;yndicalCd journaliSl, will speak al Prize for Commcolary in 1989, is a Ohiopapcr. John A. Logan Col!ege Wednesday columnisl for lhe Chicago Tribune He wcnl on LO study journalism and Thursday in honor of Blad: and ha s been a mcrr.i1cr of the al Ohio Uni versity and received his HislOry Monlh. paper's edilOrial board si nce 1984. bachelor's degree in 1969. Page will speak aroul his views Besides th e prim media, Page Lauvcnia Robinson -Hill, sponsor on lhe national scene al 7:30 p.m. has presented television commen­ of BSA, said BSA was lucky 10 gel Stall Pholo by F1"Od Hale Wednesday and Constitutional taries on "Chicago Week In Page to come lecture for Black Leaky dean righlS 3l 10 a.m. Thursday. Review" on WTTW and WMAQ· ~j slory Monlh. CaJbondaIe firelighter Ted Lomax washes away QasoIlne spited BOl h leclures, sponsored by TV in Chicago. He also is a Bolh leclures are fre.: an~ open JAL's Bl ack SludenlS Association monthly contributor to the lo'he public, Robinson·HiII said. from a leaky car Tuesday iii Ule Coomuni::atlons pa1dng lot. Local OJ's to show off talents at new night club

By Karen Radius area th ai don' t have the lim ..: 10 Lhe semi·finals and SO on up to !.he he said. l oey H aH . win:ler of \i.lst Staff Writer work in the field. final s. Olsher, al so k nown as "M7. weekend's competition, said he has. ''This compctitio:1 is a chance for Anyone interested in battling in Bold," will judge lhe baILie wilh been a DJ for six years and play, Local Disc Jockeys wi ll spin Dls to show thcir talcnt," OJshcr the OJ compc.iLion may register at "House Boy Hal" and winner from house music. their talcot at the 199 J 8aule of lhc said. the Funky Pickle. he said. Ihe 1990 BailIe of Ihe DJs , He said hc ;s looking forward 10 DJs Salurday nighlS al Ihe Funky He said !he baltle laslS six weeks. Olshcr said the contest is mea· "Jammin ' Johnalhon." rh c sc mi ·finals in anorhcr six Pickle. II began las I weekend and 20 sured by J number of rcquirerr llS. Olsher has worked as a disc weeks. SIeve Olsher, co·owner of Ihe people have signed up. Each wcek, "The ca.,didales will be ; :d jockey al Checkers and Frankies. The overall winner or the Battle

Funky Pickle al61 I S. lUinois, said lhrcc disc jockeys compele and lhe upon audience response, ab :•. .J lO The winner of the Battle oi the of lIIe DJs could go on 10 compele lhere arc a 101 of good DJ s in lhe winners of each week competc in mix and other tricks of the trade." Dls will r,-~ civc S250. in Olhc:r DJ battles in Illinoi s. "OW OPE"! fM1Di1iMlwoloPPlful PEKING ~ 'PIZZA Only S8.991 NOW UN.DER NEW MANAGEMENT I Not Vo/id with O!!y. other oHer 1 Come In and tty our excellent cuisine Available For Dine-In, ~ 1 I Carry Out or Delivery prepared for you by our new chef from New Yom. At Panicipating Pizza H1.lts Omy. * Lunch specials Daily 11-3, $3,50 and up I Dine -In/Carry Out Delivery ni~a 1 * G ' rt' I d 10% Discount 457·7112 457-4243 I":~""" 1 - roup po les we come For I'-Jew Opening • COIJPon Necessary 549-7231 2/15-2/22 EXPIRES 3· 3-91 =Hut ,51 S, Corbondale For Oinner Only I Not ~~~ge~!~h aR~~~~t~!nOffer ® .J ~ ~------.... - e' :.~t~~~!§t~m'~ti£M~~~t'8t'8t~:~t~t~1~~1 restone 90.Days Same as cash S'I'D 'l.lvaate ,I Two nurse pr"Cl ltI On:rs fro m ,he S IU C I~ \V omcn's Health Chmc will provide a medical _ ~--" ::>.J!]! iNCLlJDIID IIXTRAS .\T o ve rview o f prevention. symptoms . and ~ 1"10 COST WITH ,. Tlial tre:llment o f sexual! y tra nsmitted d lscoI'\cs I'UKCHASII: ~ FREE RarATIONS The seSSion will e nd With CISCU,\Slon ... SUPREME RADIAL FREE COMPUTER surroundl ,l g respon s lb:c se~u::i l deCI Sion · ~ BALANCE FREE TIRE VALVES • ALLSEASON FREE MOUNTING making. STEEL BELTED • ~OAD HAZARD POLICY I • MEElS OR EXCEEDS 11'ct{nesl.oy, 7,6 ?7 .. CARMAKER fh~6~Mh POLICY 2 JO pm., In ,fie ,. FROI'ITEND STANDARDS IN 14 INSPECfION 'J(esnor :Hoff CfQJsroom, ~~ PERrokMANCE AREAS BRAKE INSPECfION _ TAX INCLUDED 'JAltffne..cs Ctnter ~ "~"~j 13 In. 4 for 169 GATOR - For mo re Iniormatlon conl:tf" ' Ihe t~t i"l r------, AUTOJIIOTIVE 1~ Well ne ss Ccnlc r. :l :J oin Of the: ~..,,.;_) I COUPON I 529·: 302 ..".. . !:" udcnl li ... 3hh Program . . w.u- ~~ KT. 13 EAST ~ 3t 536-4441 c..,-r ~) : $10 OFF : AT REID STA110N ~~L g~lt~%.~~~;§~!§t~~(~ : ANY ALIGNMENT: ROAD Page. 12 Daily Egyplinll Febru,",y 20. 199 1 Th-;-is---:l;-;-:itt:::-;-l-e -p--;-ig-g-y-s---;;:t-ay-ed------a----;t;-;t.-h-e-z-oo--;::::=S=U=rv=ey=: K=id=s=e=nJ='oy==r=ea=d=in=g =,

BROOKFIELD (UPI) Brookfield Zoo's resident porker will be in hog heaven on National if parents encourage books Pig Day Friday, March I. NEW YORK (UPI) - Kids Girls c:::jcy readin g mu d ' Orco Ossabaw T"bmd Pig wi ll from kinderganen to the third more than boys, said the survey g'·CCl vi sitors, pas!'" lor pig- lures, grade lose inlCrest in reading if of 707 American households by and pig out on (I s pig~ ;::i.i lar cake, their parent s don't actively National Opinion Co., com mis­ begi nn ing at 10:30 a .m. in the encourage th em, a su;vey sioned by Ke ll ogg Co. and the Children's Zoo. reponed Tuesday. Reading Rainbow teIP'v ision The survey, fo cusin g on program. ;he . Iso wi ll shake hands and families with children aged 5 to retr ieve thrown objects and be 8, indicated that 91 percent of Noting that an estimated 27 !reoted to a rendition of " Happy the parents said they read to million adult Ame ri ca n are Pig Day 11' You" in celebration of their 5·year·olds. But by age 8, considered functionally Hliter· her holler· day. the percentage of those being ate, th e report said , .. For the During the show visitors will read to dropped to 70 percenL sake of their children's future meet 2·",onth·old Tango Yucatan The survey also reponed that lilCracy, it is extremely import· Mini31uh Piglet. the zoo's Nal;JruL between ,ne ages of 5 and 8 ant that parents simply spend Pig Day ;Idopuon animal . there was a huge drop in inlCrest more lime promoting the joys Tango car. "" "adopted" for S20 in reading for pleasure in favor and benefilS of reading to their w; ,h will holp defray the cost of Tango, a pig fact shci:t and a one· Ellen Stanley of Lubbock, Te,"s, of playing video games. children at all ages." fceding the animal at the zoo. year subsc ripti on to the zoo's and Mary Lynne Rave of Beaufon. Adoptive parent s rcceive an 4uancrl y newslcltcr.National Pig N.C. . and was first cclebratcj in a ::l option certificate. a picture of D:-y ·was conceived by two sisters, 1972.

Hump Featuring .. . We. Fields Laurel & H ardy Mr. Magoo and 3 Bugs Cartoons!!

Tuesday, February 19 & Wednesday, February 20 8:00 p.m. Student Center Ballroom 0 Admission $2 DEPP in

--=-- REDOCIDBER {lBaby This Friday & Saturday Before he had scissorha,.,ds ;,;J 7 & was a juvenile delinquent. !!:2llack History Month 9:30 p.m. Student Center Auditorium Wednesday, February 20 & Sunday & Monday Thursday, Februa:-y 21 7 & 9:30 p.m, 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Student Center Auditorium w~nn~!:~o~ Video Lounge 4th Roor Student Cenler Sub From " '. Only $1.00 The Blac~ Affairs Council

April 20, 1991 Black Law Student Association proudly pre lent The World 's Greatest "A nother Day In Paradise" Detective Game Al1ention all Registered Student Sunday, March 3 , Be a part of Springfest l Be a detective for the day and o Raise money for your P.SO outwit professionals. Solve the murder mystery and win o Promote your group In Celebration of Black fabulous prizes. o RRST COME, RRST SERVED History Month Registration f€~ is $2.00. Applications for booths now aVdilable in the Studenl Programming Office. For more information, contact Groups of two sUClgested. Jernifer Dooley at 536·3393. Thursday, February 21 Registration dead!ine is Friday, March 1 7:00 and 9:00 p,m. Deadline: Friday March 29 For more info. contact SPC Student Center Auditorium Office, 3rd Roor Student Center, 536·3393 Only $1.00 Februar)' 20. I '1\1 1 I)nily I :"gypfinll Pa~ :: !; Study: Breast feeding lowers Daily Egyptian Classified infant death rate, health risks I WASHINGTON (UPI) - • 536-3311 fA J Healthy women who have normal babies should breast·feed because Experts: Pregnant women I I cf benefits to their babies and DIRECTORY possibly th emselves. a National Academy of Sciences report said II•• For Sale: For Rent: Tuesday. S;~X~~9u!~~r fr~~h ~~~~o?~ end AulO A.">ilrtmcnl Babies who are breast·f,·d have a pregnan t women appear to be women abstain from alcohol ,. Parts & Services Houses lower overall dr..2.U1 ralc.. and arc abstaining from alcohol. during pregnancy be<:ause of Motorcycles Mobile Ho mes less likely to de,elop a variety of government researchers harm Ihe developing (crus. I Recreationa! "chicles Townhomes health problems. including reponed T,;csday. The pregna nt women who Bicycles OUplCKCS digestive and rcspirntory infections A study involving 1.7 12 drank usually consumed four Homes Rooms and allergies. the repon said. pregnant women in 1 0 stales drinks each month. compared to I Mobile Homes Roommates Although the evidence is weaker. and the District of Columbia nin c among non-pregnant Rea l Estate Mobile Home lots th ere are also indications th at found the number who women , the researchers said. Business Property women who breast·feed may be consumed alcohol within the The average number of drinks Antiques II Books V.... anted to Rent less likel y La develop breast cancer past month fell from 32 percent consumed by pregnant women and the bo ne·thi nni ng d:sease in 1985 to 20 percent in 1988. who drink did not drop from Cameras Sublease ostcoporosis. the rcpon said. However. th ere was no 1985 to 1988. the study found. Computers The report wa s prepared by a • ElectronlclI Rides Needed decline in alcohol usc among panel of ex perts led by Margit women who were less educated In 1988. the hi ghest r. le of U Furniture Rlners Nccrlcd Hamosh of the Georgetown Of who were younger man age alcohol usc Jmong pregnant Musical Auction & Sates Un iversity Med ical Center in 2~. Dr. Mary Serdula and her WOl llcn was among those who Pets & Supplies Yard Sale Promo Wa shington for the acaden.v·s colleagues from the Centers for smoked . 37 percent. and Sporting Goods Business 0ppoflunitlcs Institute of M~i c i n e as the sccon~ Disoasc Control reponed in the remained hi gh for th ose who • Misccllanoous repon in a project on nut rition Journal of the American were unmarried - 28 percent., I Help VI.'anlcd Lost duri ng pregnancy awl lactation. Medical Association. thc researchers said, Employment Wanted Found Breasl·feeding decl ined in the Servi ces Oricrcd f ,ce Uniled Stales during the 1950s and I Entcrta;nmcnt Announccmcnl5 1960s but increased in Ihe I 970s. Women wh o brcast· fccd, the repon said. peaki ng in the earl y I980s and therefore. !.lIould be encouraged 10 Women who breast· feed should declinmp 'cadity since thcn. the try to avoid such deficiencies aVOId substances tt,at coul d be •• ClASSIFIED DISPlAY ADVERTISING repon said. through varied. well·baIaneed diets. detr imental to ba bi es. such as II The repon rl.!comm ended th at a~ opposed to laking vitamin and caffeine. alcohol. cigarettes, ccnain Opcn HaI r ...... S 7.00 pcl column Inch, per day under normal circum stances. mineral supplements. th e report prescription drugs and ill egal MInimum Ad Size: 1 column Inch •• Space Reservatio n Deadl",!:.': 2r m ., 1. days puor to said. subs tances such as marijuana. women should be encouraged to publlcallOll b",.,..·fced thei r bao;es exclusively " Selected group of lactati ng hcroin 3J .J cocaine. the rcpon said. I HcqulrcmcolS: All I cotumn daSS lfloo d l~tay advCft l~'f1lcnl~ womcn may nCCl~ special attention Although breast·feeding is often for th e fir ~ fo ur lU six months o~ arc required 10 have a 2·polflt botder, Other borders art' their babics' IIYcs. to avoid nutritionai problems in touted as a good method for losing cither themselves or their infants," acccptable 011 larger column Widths Rc',l c..'I'sc advcrt l sc..'mCnl~ Brcasl. fccdin g is be lieved 1.0 wcight ga ined durin g pregnancy. I arc nOI acceptable In claSSified display. prOlecl babics agai nst infcctions the repon said. th e report cauti oned th at such Teenagcrs. poor women and wcightloss docs not always occw". becausc breast milk contains ClASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES substa nces that help ward off those who diet to lose weight va" rio Thc rcpon urged more research not cal meal arc amonc t:lOSC \yhe to examine the health of the mother infcctJO ns. lbascd on Con!oCCUllvC runmn& dale ~) Mmlmum A.d SU.l' may need dietary supplement... the and in f:!n! a.,d ~nc h issues as the The report noLed. however. lhat report said. relations-hip of physical activit)', , day...... 7S(' pcl line. per day '1 \InC!., 30 c.halac..lcrs • 2 days ...... bBc: per Ii nc. per day pcl line wo men who brcasl·fccd may Lactating women sh Ie! cal at strcss. illness and olher factors J days ...... 6D~ per fine. per day become vulnerable (0 ~11' tIi(ional least 1.800 calories a day and no affcct breast milk. 1bc report also U Icss than J ,500 calories daily and recommended morc research inlO " 5 days ...... SCd by American Red Cross an nouneed a IndiViduals or organllatlons fOI personal advCfllsrng- blrthdays, nationwide campaign Tuesday to Three words every black anmveu,atlcs, conglatulatlons. d e. -lnd roO t for commerCial usc raise S30 million for humanitarian person should know: AlDS I 01 to announce CV'flIS. doesn't discriminate. servi ces LO U.S. troops in the '. Persian Gulf. their fami lies and the and children have AlDS CLASSIFIED DVERTIS1NG POLICY war's foreign victims. I ji as AlDS effects us :loll. not ~ve rjone " Thi s campaign will be the ri~ Don't miss this film. panel discussion Please Be Sure 1~~ Chec k biggest warti me fund· raising elTon a n portunity to find out a!)oul AlDS Your Classified Advertisclnent For Errors th e Ameri can Red Cross has vou , If. is wurksr.op is in a :cordance witi, undertaken si nce World War II . On The First Day Of Publication when the organization sought 550 Bl • . k ilSlOry Month. milli on." said Elizabeth Dole. the • The Daily Egyptian ca nno t be responSible for more group's prcsidenL Americans gave ThW'Sday, Feb. 21 . U d .an one day's incorrect insert ion. Ach er:lsers arc 5784 million in that war. " 7-9 p .m. lesponsible for checking their arlvcrliscmen15 fOI CI TOrs Dole said the Red Cross also in the Kaskaslda/Mississippi Rooms. S tudent stands ready to ship as many as on the first d ay they appear. Errors not tIl(' fault of the Center advertiser which lessen the value of the ,lCivcrtisement 7.000 pints of blood each week to • American troops in th e gulf. but 'IS will be adjusted. For more tnfcnnatton contact the docs fhJt n~ bjQ()(1 d ,1'lOr" at litis All claSSified advertiSing must be processed befure point. The shipments would \Vellness Center, a pan of the Student Health Program. at 536·444 1. 12:00 Noon to appear m the nexl day's publication. suppl ement the military's own I Anythmg processed "fter 12:00 Noon will go In !he blood donor proll':un. {ollowmg day's puhllc,Hlon. ClaSSIfied adverllSlng must ,. be paid In ,uivan('e excep t for tho!le Il( counts With II es tahl isheri errorl. A 25 (' ch;lrge \" III he ;lrlrlC'ritO hIlled classi flerl arivclllsing. A SCIVICC charge of $7.50 Will ()(' ,. adderlto the ,ldverllSCI '!o account fUI evelY chccr: retul ned to the Daily Egyptian unp.llrl hy the arivertl!lel 'S I bank. Early cancellation of a d ass ificd advertlscment willlk.' ChfHgcd d S2.00 service fcc. Any refund undel I $2.00 will be {orfelted due to the emt of processmg. All advertismg suhmitted to the Daily Egyptian IS subject to approval anrl may be' rcviscd, rejected, 01 cancelled at

1 he Dally [gyplrJ r1 ,1ssu me!o no,IIty If for ,my • 1I"',lson 'I becomes nccessilry lu om I' ,ltl .1dvci!ISCfnent. A ~"mplc of .111 rn,lllwril'r rlf'I>'''' I1lU!l1 he slIhmill('d U" ,JI1d .1fJplo\l'rl p llUI to ric.1Cthnt' lUI publlr JtUlIl. No dd~ Will be IIlIS da!o~l f rt.....J . Royal Rentals Stud s 3. f Bdnn. Special Summer Rates ~ 7-4422

Q:.~_s. & ~~,: .~ I TOYOT A REPAIR, AlSO mony u ~ed l ire~. many ~ze\ Gator Aulomolive, phone 529·2302

" .,., ..... M,~l?lcycles. ************************** 81 REO HONDA SCOOTER, 70ce, ~J2!. OSO, (217)347 5069 * b9 HONDA EUTE , while. BO<:c'), 9 FOR RENT moPf-) old, '2 penon con 549·..:886 l}\'Q DtllB2Q~J * ], IIBt'I;"IUJ~B QQ 'J 1:lll:B..:..t:!lli!.'{ill 1QB S HOf'..IOA 700 f.'V.. GNA 1J 000 ! )II1S.s,r.I\~ SISS. l.oJan 6(f1 ',,', ..-rf'tnv. * m,~ . .. ruy cloon, ...· ('11 maintolned .'"~ 41 4 \\~ Sycarmrr.J ,.2 610S. I..ugan ~ ;,o :;. I1 . ,,. ~U ~'8S0060 .5490567 ' lu.. - troouw * 614S· Lotan ~1 3 ". Hays 4I).S II2 S. U"I"rn;lty IGtS. "'orlSl 4lI H~ lI tSV r * I 402. 111 W, ""', Inul 300 1\. O.kbnd 4t16 t-:. I1 ....k'r * 7IKS, "'cnsur) 408£'Hf'Slrr [ ___ __--, ' 617 t\OaUand B_iC_Y_C I_e _s~ 202S I'opl3rCl 610 5. 1..o:1£:l n * DISU' lIfIlBOO\J 161.9W.SyuJlU't 6.~ S. Lot, • • RECYClED BICYCL ES f OR )01 0 0 1 S06S. Ash * BeiW!r') Bi cyde Shop (formerly The Pink TO"'rl'flouSt 41)W.MINlr.:: * SOJKA II),,, Fj)h B i~ e Shop) S..:5 and up Coli 40ZIII W, ""',lnut S I .S . 0~ I. Qnd !flOrni ) 529- 4683 609S. Atlyn 820": W.I ,.,ut.i~ 1619W. Sycartrn 4aIIS. A.dI * ThIoiff"bou)lt GLOBAL 410 S. A'" (U/I' flmB BEI2BQ2'J .. * SI4S.~:-U :/.\!'OIIT rlUlH CARBONDALE SOJ S. AD),. ;\IIICr61'''''- * l~ SION. DOc.o 609SAD)lI :;0:' S. } 'Ofbl 1he Foreign ParIs Experls MOBILE HOMES 4O~W.C hfrT)' SO I S . ~trida:~ D4 W. Walnut1J * 104 S M.u1c·n HighWGY 51 North 404 W. ChfnyCL SOSOakIMd SOJ S. Bnnid&~ * _W. ChtrryCL 529- 1644 ' ~ bo"d.' e S08S . Ikowtrid&~ JOOOakbnd 4OtW.ChfrryCL * SI .f S · ~tridttoll'2 5OOW.Col~ t]'~' DEUI:iQQ I'.J APARTMENTS •• Cablevision _ "- SIO N-Carlco * La u nd r~ ~ at r ·'~ '~~u I JOI CrtSo';.·!--w 407W.CbffT)' approved • Crty Water & -t:if;~ SOSW.Oakland SIU for JOJCrrs.. · kw JOOF-CoIltat' * Sophomores and up Carbord~e Mobije Homes Sewer 209W,OftTy Homes l,om$159, $3<9 mo. • Trash Pick,u p lOS CruMr.. · J I2W. CCll~ NOW RENTING FOR 3OOE.Colklt * l oIs Ava il a~e SIa/0"9 a' $7; Lawn Service SOtiS.I>i."'" 710 W, COUrtf mo, • J l l W.Col~ SUMMER & FAll 91-92 I IJS , "',, ·~ lOSCm;avkw * FCl!U,ing' Effici,nci", 2 & J 1xI. SOOW.CoI~ 549·3000 I20S. }'or..a t l2 , 1A$: .. n * Split Ie"el apts, lO3S. Frnsa 7 1 0 W. CoI~ .fIJ W. M""nlt \Virh: Swimming pool .f1l E. }·f"ftlNa 809W. CI\lirgt' SI4N. Oakb"d * Air Conditioning !09Gltlldrw JOS Crtsh"lrw * Wall to wall carpct SlOS. Gnhlm 506S DUo .. ~ Fu ll \, Furnished 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhouses ""Cuio> lo.t S ronsa 407W.Chtrr)' * Cable TV se r\'i ce SIJS. III),,!, 1 1J ~. "'on:sI Jll\V.CoI~ * II UGE nt,\TEK,'l1'l' '.1altUl'n3nCC ser.... lCe Di s hwa~ h er 402":' U IIS S.fornt '" 1I0USE 50ti S. I'OPLAR * Charcoa l gri li s 40li F-Ihs'· .... 12 0S . "·~ AND YET Washer & Dryer 4M}:' Jh"'.tr * VERY CLOSE TO CAMPUS Ll'ntral Air & He ~ t * For jnforrn~Hi 0 n SlOp by The Quads * 1207 S. Wall LUXURY * 45 7,4 J 23 Available Fall 1991 * SHOW Af',\i\TMENTS Mon" Wed., Frr " 1,5 p,m 529-1082 * S,,, ,, 11 ,2 p,m, * r.. ,•. _ ,- iv,' ,mpu, r ur" Q' (ARBC..NDALE REA!. N~': 14); ,0 J NE\v E"N'jl" '.:> BROTHER /SIS TER QVERSEt..S JOBS $900 2000 uo SUPERVISORY POSI TIOI..j IN inte. j ..: ',~g~!~[::~~o~:~r~~!:: ~' f;T .;·~·.~~~~6:r '9 r ~l:°h(::~b ~;~~; , ~',";~U~.i,~iJt~t f;~ l :t: 'd\'~ik~o~:~I~tyR ro~;;:~~oeb~ I i:I'AmmS!W4·'·!iilm'I¥' I HOUSES."OR S~""'(M i:: R & lol! 1 2 J or 3 people No p el', ,cterence~ p:.. ~ t lO r,\ lor prog,om ~oh!\ All IlOI Coro"Yl Del M)r. CA 92625 I ckglCC ,n I,eld Ihot ::lote\ 10 human I - .1 hd,m\. ole wId $200iper~ ~ nd I n('f<-led. 1c!01oC tiD "',ay 91 co!1 529 I Team ,$0,01.';', C!~ pe~iol l y pa,eball, CAMP D!{;:ECTCIl t)lt ECT rC!~d c.nt. o l con~ilioll liE , P,ych ~ l o gy, Reh.cb, $S$ FINANClJ.~ H'lt[X)M Cull 50.1 up 657 5~ _I 5:iJI 01 529' 4d ~L ~~~~~c.I~:;;';ien:'::;!i;;: S~ m~ C~ for ,/)Jren and ooulh, ~~o~~~~ : ~:Ij ti'U;:~, ~:~:~~~~ I 8:6,<1 690 2<1 Hot,1I Rotoldt-r F'1\'"ilAND HtS 2 bd, -ovnlry IoClllng GO.."'I() lANDlORC 00('10; '>Po.::iou~ 01\0 An ne 1_ o( ;fi('"y. wc>ghl,/Fitne" ; ,th d"ob,l,he, o ~ I.,on, oyolb~le prelerred Coli 101 opPOint menl at So'S f iNANCIAL FR(E:DOM Call 50A co,?e. '~ ' 90' oppIion c~, centrol 0''/ I ~Yinro Oleo 2 bdrm, privo'o country \ ox Bikir3. olkr openin3' Include Pel- ' ebruor'f,St-I~J'~ l~tl~:'II~~' M l d . I RGr<»(!Voh Squole, Murphylloolo 686 18364090 24 "iOVl Rocorder . Ilt:Ot $300/mo Ayoilchlc! !Sl h:: ;- Gr.,clen. Peh neg. a r.:tO#f\ 45'-654S .' 101',;inq Art" r,r ... Art" R~, and I Aug u,", . . u .. , e 'V~~'I 269J E O E M/F V/H r I 01 '1578220 after 5 ' ___ 1 .. . . Com~ ~ ,,.Ij . ,~ ~ ·,.. ·~ .... llQnl Aclivitie\ ~) ' C;n'oh ~a";lonWl ~~"l'.dIj~e SINGERS SONG WRITERS BANDS --U!~!el"n.,aM:thtll I Mobile H o ~ "s ""~j l Townhouses t~~'~;;I'P~ ~~i~~;iK;y~i~ ;;':I : I III :~ ~·~ . 0~9;i _ ~0I2u~(> 1018; . 4S3'.' If Mu ~c i~n' . Na~h . ~Ie agcn('f 1oo\!n9 ! ~ . '«'Y t il1 :u: ,-::: Mahl(ea Noc {BOYSI 190 lin· 1121 ,erla\entod j?QOplo,nYOU'(Jreo MON:-Y p.R.• VA IE I -~,,,,-,,.. .,..,,,,,,,.,,, ~". _. J ~~~~'''''''-~(~ W~T ~ ~~ SCOlIE~E d:;, GIc! R·..!-- NJ 07028 61 8 ·997-82.t5. x! o~" :c, IYou le<: ~ .. e omtnl mll"'ol A GREAT DEAL \\'(> hayp II , I l.Jw'~ C' DALE, M' 80RO. I...IIC E 2 bdrm, 01 ~;ooi53 9~ I~~' CP:ulSf LIUE POSI'1lOI'-.1S enJry le-.el B 00II1:e, or )'Our money 'elundod pr jce,'o rthebewpl c<:e ; . ~ r '..cJdrlC> aoroge.lor~"JO rd ' ll /2ba'h,lealoe l ~ - . r<4't»a r ~ t land~de po~ I i6n~ avoil Ameri c o · , ·f;~ II!. i nceI981 College! renl....hen)'01I w~ Chcc~ u, out Be ! cjq>o,i!, nopel , S3l0/ .. >o . 5<19·7<1A 7 . YEJJ! ·LOJG CHUDCt.Rf POSITION'S I 'GU.PHY ASST. PROf,=SSi.A -;,;,~ . 1148S • __ ;---:- 1 , uple)l'es ~ , '.cr,.-ened lomi!t($. SlU.( Nonnie$ o · 'f!nurclrxi, photoproductioo. Dole 01 ,,'Co'lE HOt'/IES fOR len' .... 'X' ~ I ~""_''''''''>-.:-''''''''''''''",,*~'''''YN'''''''''''~ ' I reedy here. Princ.~n t-.lanny :;01 N. Ulp-Ji ",ment · AU9'''II~ , I9Yl . Solory·1 . SP RI NG SREAI\. CANC~N from 0 " 2 yeor .~~nl~~~ ,l . ... dc 1f!C\Onobk NICE 2 BDRM , unfl,lm., air, carpet I Hcrri1m, ~ .. oom::> -Jl 1 " Saturdaf1I '3Opr:1 10 5:30 pm. P'.... · I e.-perience prc.fcrroo Ro~n$jbt1i 'i~ h p , cHlo ll iied reoionobie. PW ":penc! Spnng s.eoIc 01 SolJlh Podre A/ C. Corpcl, Nice,NoPeI$S49·0491. FURNISHED- ;~ E bath I :1,~ '~~lrlO~!:ti~O~~;. !~~ I ~~u::r7~~:!~~~!::~t~ I ~ ~n . 942·08:'2 : ~Jond Call 8non 5<19·<1629 . . ~!~~~~~~it:: ;:t~.: : $185 mo per pe,\On. ""iI ind I 1/:<' I qualilico'ion, 10 P.O 80x il , I ,: ou r ~ e, in commerciol/illu\troliye AlASmouS WOMEN LOOKING fOI SPRING ~RfAI( SP~I AL-o A In $kKl ing 01 S200. Murphr.hcno. Col olll!f bloch lrom COrT'f'U ' . 5<1 9 · 5:; ~~ I·S;wn 1 Corbondale, 6290J. . • ..~~~;!t:~'Z~='~ ~h: :~:!: ~o'.'5~5S~',ce\ b cleon Fr(W ;::'=~~7'~ ~~o~ ~~::'5;1 ' ~ ; Jpm 684-3009 or 6$J4·3038. 2 SORMS IN Iulturymob1 t!~ S1/5 I OJ. NEEDED TO -.",or~ ct commur.l ty 1 ~Iio n AppI'colion doodl·,.. Ap~ I mole ladies. Pleo~e limit i per customer PRIVATE COUNTRY SmlNG, loH 0 1 &. S275/mo. All ulil Wo~h /t! ryl! , conter in Monan. Mu,", .~io!ile in r99L The~ -1 ~ l of~i~oood TUTORING AVA l lAaL~ : MATH , onorend) J/9. S29·4517. ,ummet, quieJ, 2 bcd., bge 101.luln., micro. female grad P'ef. ~~ 9.36'iJ,_ ::=n~~!~~~~IR!!tl~: ~;~~O~:~ ~raphy a ' SlUC, contoi"ing ol.'en ~~~ri;~7drm : 'C l u~nmen a'u~: l O~ pre/erred. Call <157 -2073 I ment . Coordi~ r . Por1 lime po~li~ cwly: Submit ~'e l of application, full SHAWNEE CR!SIS , " 9 Eflecllve dole. July 1, 1991 . Deadline curnculum Yltoe ~I , dci of productIOn • __ , « :trlOrny, 12 ~ 1O . Ioo,e, I'IOpch, under 2 FEMALf RQO.WAATES lor 'fXKiou, ,. dolo: fcbnrory 22, 1991 , )r ", ntil po~ wOlk, and I h r ~e currenl letter, 01 ~ PREGNANCY \....fl'\ TER .~ OWl'\(!f's h'P & mono ~nt S29 J bdrm fnu~ ~th wid ~15O eo . honl",:1od Ouollhcoho n: TcnuredAt reference Send InloNnollon 10 DavIJ F rl!c.l~e~r4lC ! Testing 2954 ,pllt lit ,I Pre '20 a n d oyer IoO(lc!e Prol~\O, ""'-lUlled Fu ll r: IQI ~ Gilmore Chait DeparllMnlolClnem? GOLD, SILVER , AqOKEN lewelry, rOf\r;':cOlJ ..l A S~lSlJnl.e 28 DRt.-\, CAr.PET . o ,r ,go~heol,priYol e NonUT>Ol~n Fa: , $pring '92 Call \Orprelerred P...porhTo b co;;.t'lYe AI> Iond P ~'0 9roPhy , Southern illinOI S COl,", ~~rng , bc:~11 cord •• cio n I 549.2794 poll ing qU IC!t peril cbloC!? SIU SI60 529 328w Sj"onl 10 'he Prel/r;!er,1 On Of bl!l"ore UllIverSity 0' Carbondale, c.,rboodolu, nog' c.k. J & J Co,r", 821 S ID.noti,I • , or SI 90 Idrol lor Slngl~ or couple J rElltAlf OR MALE, docn end mOIUle Fob-uo') 22, 1991 , forwordopel \On 'l) lL 62901 Incomplele oppIlCOhonS Will I 457 6831 _ _ 2_1-=-~ ~n Soulhw'X>ch Po r~ 5291S39 , .hale!:,; lWobedroomap?rtmenl, l /2 apptcc oo. ·, o r ~ umeood l henam~o no' be conSidered Slue" on Equal W ~NTED USED GAS rooo .. , & 11'1- r - W EDG~'JOOD HIllS MOBILE hom~ ".,.I,cL.lcorT'f'Us, yord . .... / d, cable. o/c ~ree relerentt"\ '0. Ch~ lrp e rlOn ( I 0pPollunrly/AII,rmoltye Ac llO Il I ,", ol dlum Sized relr'gelola" good CClnfusee] for rl! nflnnE?Wpork, lurrnhed, sJoroge I 5150/mo 4~ 517<1 ~,!.~;:;:~:o~ e Uni=~ Employer ~nd SoulhwoodsRenlol,,529 15J9 "- ••• ~hedr;o peb Snhol Dellall, C09r1805 Ibo s~e tb oll, JoolbcJlI, hod"),, bor ing t home lIVIng ch!!c ~ .... "h us 11t~ Ihon - ~ - 10<1 Soulhern u Unlven 'y 0 1 962-8000 Ellt 8950 01 )0 Unopened bo-.e" or o,her IU "" carrpore qll ietolmos.phere offordable SUVJ".fR SUBlfT lARGE two bedroom Co bondole SlUC" on Affirmed ye Ac I TUTOR NEED fOR Jr High ".,den, In call 549 2976 relf!' dose 10 COrT'f'U' no oppolnl apor1 ment, 1/2 tntle 10 cCrT'f'U$. o/c. 'lOo/Equai Opportllnlty Employm I )U wbjed', In Giani City orC!O, 6 8 hot.t =G=EOOE=:':~C=DOME=-OR-"'~h-d-u llIque I me nlooceuary Roxonne Mob.1 eHome yord,w/d,cobir.,pch OK SJ ~/mo I ----'-1woek, Cafl after 630pm529 04 .561 \ houMt fOI heali ng art. prochltoner \ PO I!. R' 51 SoulhS494713 Gt.\On OSle;:rne POtIo:616E Por~" 4.57 I SUB~SE~ NEEDE D IOf iUI .~r, P,O . 8011 5JO, We$1 f~$Yl~1e 549--4031 Find the 0ClY ",I ili ' i~ 529 1820 « 529,5381 3"CD"". orgonlZohon rn 1M Pocono / 1:) 'wo employmenl, to f ronldon. d 1>2896, rpecifving powlion '===':;~~~~~ A C..fTT£R DEAL Ren! now before tenl ~ ~0fIl~ 01 NE Pk. Our 60th year. Adminiillolor, P.O . 80., 530, Wesl \Oughi, po5lmerled or de~ercd by 2/ " POlll tOm If'.o/I arec:. - ""Cl IOI' ood Iond ~~n ldor1. IL 02896, sp«ifying po~ , 1:8[91 . EOE ".B_'\ answers in in cr(!Q)e\ . Curronlpric~SI25 · o4 5O for ' porh, f ine ). rl, an d Ouldoor 'I lion \Ough',po$I"lorlo:cdordcliver-ed na 2 & Jbdrm, . Now rcnling Summer and Adventure. Pl sOiC call 1·8OU·S33· 1o'. lhon 2/23/ 91 EOf , ,"~r , ':0', the D.E. full. 1,' you snooze )'Ou b e Chuch CAMP 1215-£.87·97001 Of write 407 . au, Penlo ' . 529,04<1404 . 8en.\On Eo~ , JenlintoY,-;\, PI.. 19046 I I Classifleds SlI'>lGlf STU DENT H0U51NG, $165/ INTEUGENCE .I08S. All bronche,.\ mo S!L5ck!po,il ,woler, WlW'f!I',traih USculobn\,. DEA, e'c ,..b .... hiring Ca!t D 't 1 t 536-3311 i",bded,"'Qiid>~ May S4 9 · 2" .S.Sl·.,· . . IL'.senl)! iotb tlh ! I ,\\ n ;n \'I\U I" 0 \\ n to AMA Office 1illh I ~ ,~ irar;- unci ~) ri' ''''s u 3rt! Floor J !<:!!:u._, [ .. ~.' 457· I.IMD t.[~ , ,...... S.tud....e.nt.. .Cr...n..le....r .. · , Dunn Apartm,ents • To I hl' I,ld il ~ uf • under new management IIl: Leasing Now!! TllIlIIb fv r fhl' \~ /L'(t f ('xc/lIl11 St'· Efficiencies, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Use theD.E. Classifleds ... d. \\·1' 11 1I1al' 1111 'he Starti ng at $200 and Get Results! • nr,;1iI cui/lleef jOlts! I ' Lo'!p 457-2403 : I: The In e~ :If • Office Hours: Mon .. Fri. 9 o.m. · 5 p.m . I So!. 9 o,m. . 12 noon 536-3311 ~ ~ LTf ~ I ...... Page 1(, /Jail)' J:"g),plial/ Fchruar') ~~ I 199 I

Cum", 1ft' 1U 'Itt" CO 0.,.11" 11.~ t ~ rl'W'm'CllI_,",ID'u lm 1ttIn ...... nfOOll ,. (.If llioB6a\t I:"" ~tOff rm UI ffCI n. Itt1

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t o t! o Hers a lcaSI II hIS e. -wile's weddIng

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Walt Kelly's Pogo by Doyle 8- Ster'1" uas c::» F~S'" Todays Puzzle .. 10 II 12 " YOU-LL .. .." .." , 34f.r4 .. thUrs' I" FRE.A.K ....CROSS 42 C8mpus 1)11;, 305car-....oner • Ge! lIr'~ ol 43OM-llme Jlnnir10gS ..... ' 6 SIn!;pf.t Mc£n1"1 44 Eng poe. 4 Orldl sill 35 AIelf.lI.n".NS 10 Secono in , 46 BlaNS PfOM 36P,pet ••• " HOeS 49 Hold quantity .. 38 Conr:,uet cws 14 - cropp8l'Cla ~ 1 PfOlKlrYe/y "75kalet .... H61Gen ~'" •~ ••" " ~I 39P'Slor.r poefl" " " ·NlY '5 rot.celul holM S2 Boal tJonom a Gar, composer 40 Ruled th! .. Hi P"sit now 5J AnCIen1 ~&R" 9OnsJ'Wf) : 7 SMcIcaMS 59 SumrnrI lOSMnIroma '''"""n, .. III Trlhonth Pl'11 00 FOUnclal, !fl OISIInc. 4SHOIllnCwICtr 47 R,OIe pan '9 PIa~ PI" 61 SIlly ,,1rrllgutarty , 20 OIam.luc RIR" 62 SQofctr 48 Miner.' ~OHNS 23llaoer 6,JViIIa'"Y 12 Claw 4(1 Fillurl """""" 50 Tarrnrs ' Tony •••. 24 Be ondrgNn. 6' ConotcHr 13 Concernrrrg old • 51 Jord, n'SCIpotal lS B:nhpIace of !'=~ , 65 Berry I nc! .,.. ••.. • •• . 52Ganuf\ec:'r~ FIII'ICIS Stablei' 2' A GOI'o.chev 28 Eng 'arm haNS 6f.i Sntpshape 22Sta.ely $4HOIfr:! CARBONDALE 30 SlIme 67 PI' rlStI'lon. 25 T.j Mlhalcny 5) Large Plt1 01 ~~~H- 31 Toolo;lOCOUl1 lfiAmml 21Me6iocrl E."" r-r- 33"""' - DOWN 28 M.rsh OH'r:! ~13·OrW(.. ''d • • Woond rtmllrOer 29 Filgr.nce 57 l c: Etall-­ .' 31~i~~~'~ ? '--'-= ~ADet ' s:"othlf I 549-3334 41 A1Xlit>le 2 Folk dance 32 Carce! Today's puzzle answers. are' on page 18. (Copyright Jimmy Johns, inc. 1000) Page I X Fe hru ~ II)' 211. 199 1 Dick Schultz wallts athletics, academics linked financially KANS AS C TY. Mo. (U PI) - departments thro ugh a general u y to gC I a compel il ivc edge to In <.I proposal lhal would put the fund . when the ath letic dcpa.nmcnt make that difference to be athletic depanmen: on a par with happened to make a profit. th c successful and hold onto their jobs Ih e En gli sh depanmenl . NCAA mon cy would be placed in th e to and generate revenuc ... Execlltivc Di rcctor Dick Schultz fund. Sc hul l2 sa id when ath letics The naw is that man y said Tuesday he would like 10 sec lose money, whi ch is more un iversities are facing a::i severe a uni versitics incorporatc often the casc. th e difference money crunch on the academic side intercollegiate sports into th eir would be made up by th e as lIoey are in athletics. Schultz said overall ;wgelS university. a measure to incorporate athletics Schull2. speaking al !he close of This stand is reflective of into the academic budget would Ih e NCAA College FoOl ball Schull2 's campaign for schools to provide college presidems and Forum. said mOfe!han "70 pcn:cnl "play for the troph y" rather than chancellors " a sense of control" of all the Division I schools will financial gain. and allow administrators the operate in the red. And wc can "When athletic deparunenlS are chance 10 make needed CUIS in !he probably counl on both haods-in factxl with financial difficulty there program, as they would any other Environmental mosquito management and aquatic weed facl maybe on one hand and on e is terrific pressure to have a dcparunent, to gCl athletics closer control contractor has 80 pttSitions open beginning in May. finger- !he number of (Division) 1- football team good enough to get 10 a break-even position. Gain valuable, professional work experience. A sc hools and amlctic directors into a bowl game," he said, "Suddenly there would be a who can legitimately look you in " terrific pressure, in th e past whole new element of control the eye and say 'we don 'I have any especially, to have a basketball there," Schull2 said. "There might financial problems. '" team good enough to get into the be cutbacks in that (athletic) Schull2 said that currently some into the tournament because that department in areas othel than Contact the University Placement Center privato schools fund athletics out of was going to make the difference coaching and scholarships oncc for an interview appointment on a general fund, Notre Dame being between a financial success and that haWns. Tuesday, March 5 !he prime example. Because some financial failure. .. We need to take a look at state laws, however, forbid tax "Sometimes that was trnnslattxl further financial cuts. There's 9:30 am - 2:30 pm money to suppon athletics, some to coaches 'we've got to have a plenty of ways that athletic public schools have been fOfCtxI to team, we' ve got 10 start filling that programs have become split the athletic deparonent from stadium or wc're going 10 have to overburdened financially to deal !he academic budgCl. look for somebody else.' Because with some other cutback ~ if need If athletics were tendcd in the of that pressure, suddenly you have be. In my mind we' ve just CLARKE OUTDOOR SPRAYING CO. same manncr of the other school people stepping across the line to scratohed !he surface." 159 N. Garden Ave . • P.O. Box 72288 Roselle, Illinois 60172 CAU TOU FREE: 1-800-942-2555 IllONlYI1-800-323-5127 (OUTSIDE III Reds sign Rijo for three years Failing bowls could result CINCINNATI (U PI) - World Series Most Valuable Player Josc in college football playoffs Rijo signed a 3-year, S9 million contract Tuesday wi th the KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) forctxl as the full effeelS of the Cincinnati Reds. - The expansion of the NFL leng!hened NFL regular season Rijo agretxl 10 terms just a few season could lead the nation's are fell hours before a salary arbitration major colleges to institute a "The impact that 's going to hearing was sehtxluled to begin. football playoff, NCAA have because of their television The rig hr· handed pil cher, who Executive Director 0ick Schull2 contrnCI is going 10 rcaIIy deal a earned 5700,000 laSf ycar, had said Tuesday. VC''Y severe blow to a lor of the been scclcing .$2.9 million this year The longer NFL season limilS boWl games." Schultz said. through arhitrntion. The Rtxls had TV oppOllullitics for bowl games " In three or four years it's offered S 1.6 million. and could lead to some bowls going 10 be very diffICult for an Rijo - who will make S2.5 closing operations. If enough average-si"" bowl 10 get a TV million this season, 53 million in drop out, !he NCAA could then conlrnCt thai is meaningful." be driven to stage a playoff. The NCAA's Icadet said there 1992 and S3.5 million in 1993 - Many college students are unhappy with "1 un ge: on the fi rsl brOOdcast bow: games. Schull2 dries up, !he nu.",ber of bowls is said th e option is syndicati on nOOf of the Rc:cn::t ti on Cent c:r. Jl.:e:v.'eomc:rs expected to drop off For more information conlact th e "and we've seen thai hasn't been proPQftionaily. Schull2 said the "",clconc:. Well ness Center. a part or the 100 successful." impact could end haI ~ Of more of SAtUKJ SOFT8ALL team is planning a He said by fhe end of the the current 32 aCCW": ifcd bowl Studenf Health Program, 3t 536-444 J .1111!."•• wellness sp.'lghen.i dinner fundn i5e:r from 5 10 7 p.m. 1990s the playoff haod could be games. Center March 3 al Stevenson Arms. lickel roasts e ><,~ ~ oo.o.,~~ •• ,.,0' .. .. " . 1Irt: SiD if purchased by Feb. 28, If SI2 al the door. Call Kay Brc:dite1stmlCr al l 453·5466 or Mark Cos grove: al 453 · 11 21 fOf tickeu Of more infonnation. (; RAND CA:--'yO/\' b:ll ckpacking lrip is o Intramural-Recreational Sports heln& sponsored h) lOOch of l\'awrc Mardi ~II~TO~ C Ll~' I C is being offe:red " Ihe Recrcaut.m CL'111el tonight fron .t 10 6 Join us foran Introduction to Middle Eastern Danc­ 1'111 In SRe A CU\'II} An:.a 3. Call 536-553 1 ing !i IstruCted by Tec/f Thomas. This free clinic is ("r U:f l \flT\3.!OO II h ,-,UI IhiS (rrc clinic. the forerunner to a 5-week Belly Dance Program. Puzzle Answers Call 536-5531 for details.

intramural Wrestling Meet Improve Your Stroke Class r-ebruary 26 & 27, 6·10 pm Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7-8 pm Compe II l.1o'ividually or in teams at Ihis meet. Februa, )' 26 - March 20 AdvancrJ registration is required before J pm Fet;­ This class is designed for swimmers who want to ruary 26_All participants must report for weigh-in improve thei, swimming ability. Advance registra­ F~ 26, 10 am-3 pm in the SRC AdllIinislro:b tion. ind instructional fee pre-payment arB required tiv."()fb. Call 453-1273lor detalts. at tHe SHC Info_Center. Call 536-.;531 for detBils. February 20. 19'1 I f)nil)' l~gJ'pdan P.I!,!C Itl

Orioles may invite Palmer DIVE;:{, from Page 201--- " It makes you stud y harder:' last weekend were DuBois' first DuBois said . " It makes yo u comI>Cti tions djving thc 3·metcr. to spring training in Florida rnar...Jgc your time ...... eLI. It fill s At those meets she competed !"lly tim e. but also givcs me agai nst NCAA fina li sts BALTIMORE (U PI ) - The Winner of 268 games and lh rce invitation to Jim. We will continue direction." Nebraska Am y Aarscn from Baltimore Orioles arc Cy Young Awards, Pa lmer wa s those disc ussions tomorrow. limes haven't been smoolh for :-':ebraska Kelley Kauzlarich to bring Hall of Farner Jim Palmer scouted by numerous major-league Noo'IOg is" Shapiro said, DuBois. She sat out for from Kansas. to spring trainin ~, a club teams last Wednesday as he threw add ing lhe Orioles were the only seven weeks after fracturing "Donn ell c had a setback in spokesman and the pitcher said to m'inor. lcague hiacrs. learn negotiating for Palmer's her fool. Sh e wa s in a cast terms of liming," di vi ng coach Tuesday. The Orioles, San Diego Padres services. for threc weeks, a half cast Dave Ardrev said . " But shc Palmer, 45, last pitched in May and Toronto Blue Jays were among Orioles pitchers and catchers fo r two weeks. and out of the gai ned lhe resPect :u Kansas and 1984, but has been working out the teams th at had scouts report to camp Thursda y in water for two weeks in Nebraska by competing wilh twO si nce Dec. 16 :ulhe Universi ty of observin g. Sarasota, Fla., and the full squad rehabilitation. NCAA fi nalists. TIle key is !hat Miami wilh !he hope of becoming P2. threw agai n Monday arrives Feb. 26. " We'll resolve lhis 1lr. University of Kansas and Donnelle didn 't bock down from the frrst Hall of Farner to rClwn to nigh: !;xclusivcly for Orioles seOUl onc way or anOlher thi s week ," !he University of Nebraska 1TlCI'..lS slilT compelition ." !he major leagues. Miguel Machado, ",ho reported Shapiro said. Palmer, in Chicago for a Jockey back IC Hemoad. Neither Shapiro nor Vaughn underwear photo session , sa id " We ' ve t;; lked to Jim 's age nt would say what i.;sucs nceded to be Tuesday he wants to retWll to lhe (Ron Shapiro)," Orioles settled before Pa lmer receives an r~------, Orioles. Palmer spent his entire 19- spokesman Rt ck Vaughn said invitation. year career in Baltimore. Tuesday night. "\Ve arc prescntl y However, last week Palmer said I , ~_ Tune-Up Special! I ''I'm going back to , BaJl i m~re working out some arrangements if ~ le.lm invites him 10 camp it • ' ~I. ' I toni ght and I'll probably talk to for him to come to camp. I wou ld " have to commit ... (Orioles General Manager) Roland can't confirm th at he wili oc In somewhat financially." Tune-UJ?,s Lube, Oil, & I Hemond tomorro w," Palmer camp." Presumably. that means some son I 4 cylinder 49" Filter told United Press International. Shapiro confinncd "we've had ofcomr3Ctual guarantee. 6 cylinder '59" " My preference would be to so me disc uss ions" with tflc Palmer said that aftCf throwing I 8 cylinder '69" $14.00 I work something out with the Orioles. for two m0!11h ~. "My arm fee ls Appfics 10 m osl vehicles with lJurdlnc of lun c.-- up I Orioles." " They relate to a possible Ic.-rir,c." I Good Through 2/21/9t L 6:10 E . Main · Carbondale · 549-5733 • OLYMPICS, from Page 20------~- ... "There's a lot of repetition ," "I spend 50 percent of my time to get a good GPA and making Siracusano said. "I'll II)' to get my diving and 50 percent on school sure we stay th ere and Saluki Basketball d ives morc concise ~ nd try to work ," Siracusano sa id. " I have study." improve." lime for nothing else. I have to Siracu!saI1o began diving at th ~ As diving coach Dave Ardrey lose sleep to go out with friends. age of 10 beca use diving seemed Gatew(!y Conference stands and di ssects . each dive, That 's lhe only lhing lhat's rcall y morc fun swimming. he calls Siracusano one of lhe top hard. \Vc're here to di ve, so it's " I'd be swimming and freshmen dive,,; in lhe counll)'. He wonhit" drowning," he said, laughing, "and Activn feels confident Sirac"sano has a Siracusano said he and mOSt I'd look ov.:r and sec the divers l :xl chance at lhe NCAAs. divers arc on a five-year plan bounce offlhe board, so I tried iL" "He's very capable of making it toward graduation. He carries 15 to He met Ardrey at an Olympic Thursday, February 21, 7:35 p.m. to the final s wi th hi s talent and 18 credi t ho"" in !he fall and 12 in training camp during summer cx(,>Cri cncc here at SIlJ," Ardrey the spring. during the NCAA 1988 , wh ere he al so trained s:ud. "He 's ga ined the respect of competitive season. with Olympic medali st Greg SaJukis .!very coach in the country." The alhletic department arranges Louganis. He lhen decided to come Siracusano has 7 a.m. weight mandatory stu dy groups for to SlUe. VS trai ning two times a week and freshmen :md divers who fal l at or "Since then, I' ve dived with him pre ti ce fro m 2: 15 until 5 p.m. below a 2.5 grad!! point average. (Ardrey) in camps," Siracusano North ern ~I here also arc iwO morning work· "The athl ctic departmcnt is said. "We 've developed a good outs a week. very good wi th geuing athJetes friendship over rhc years." Iowa GATEWAY, from Page 20--- "Grade School Nir!, IIl " Sponsored By: the winning 4x800 relay team of struggling for the past few wecks futurc. soph omore Laura Batsic, and with her running and didn 't feel "Christina has worked very h:ud See freshm en Kell y Elliot and comfortable or relaxed with her this season ," women 's track ar, d STAff fARM Stephanie Shelley (9:52.2). evcnts until the last two meets. fi eld coach Dnn DeNoon said. YOllr Gabler. a bu.~ ines~ adminislnltion "} was glad everything came "S he was in th,! situation La win from Memphis, Tenn., said she was togelher Saturday," Gabler said. "It onc evcnt and help win the OLher Local shocked when she heard !he news makes me feci more prepared for event. That certainly makcs her a IN S URAN { ( Agel// of being named alhlete uf lhe weck. thc conference championships thi:i descrvin g ca,ldldale for th e " I felt like I had run well," weekend." recognition. Gabler said. "But I didn 't lhink my DeNoon said this is the fi~t time "She has great potent ia l o f times were good enough to earn for Gabler to wi n an cvC nt si ncc scoring well at conferencc. She wi ll alhlete of lhe wcek." she i13 S been a' SIUC and he be running in both CVCll ts . Let's t~F~~i~~~~~"lr~~"l:!fu;::lli t~~.t~{; i::; Gabler said she had been cxpccts mu ch out of hel in the hope tor lhe best. " , - ~------=- - ~ * EVERS, from Page 20 ---- know she will be sllCCCSsful , thai is year and it wi ll be very excitin g this mental cxcrcise and breathing ii' . ;;~I'! ;~~~;~~~i~r~~e ~ just the kj'l!\...9f person she is. And this year once we get past the tcchniqucs according to Evers. M . I .. ' ~. regardless QI. whcre she pl aces, I indoor season.,. "From what I have I ca rn c~ . " ~_ l know she wfU have put everylh ing Evcrs said she owes her success mcntal trdining is im pcriilllt, and it . ~ into it. " to mcnt al trai ning. relaxation is usua ll y what is overl ooked by DeNoon said si nce she has beer teC hniqu es and lh e Fell ows hi p of most coachcs:' Evcrs said . "R ut ~ SELF-E~TFEM FOR HEALTHY I, at SIUC , Evers has been a Christian Alhletes (FCC). of which Ollr cooches arc great. Pa tty Davis bac kbone-type athl ete, never she is vice pres ident. is th e mOSt crcative coach. ~ LIVING .4: placing worse than second or third ·'The FCC takes a 101 of pressure whenevcr I havc a probicill . she ~I SESSION II: 9.:. at a mooL" off of my chest," Evers sa id. ··It can always come up with a ski ll La i Conquering Your Limits g;. Evers goal for lhe indoor season hclps me rclate cverything in my overcomc thc problem." is to provisionall y quali fy fo r the daily life to lhe Bible and how God Evers said she plans to continue NCAA Championships. Her best sees things. Bei ng in this kind of a wi th hcr spon as a lifetime career. ~1 S e lf-esteem is the foundati o n fo ~ happy 2 throw of 46 feel was two wceks support group and my relationship "If I do well enough I plan on ~ r e lation s hips a nd successful p e rsonal a nd i:=:· ago at Purdue. A toss of 47-7 is with God has been th e main :rymg out fo r lhe Olympics. That is ~ career goals. Begin the exciting Juurney~; needed for qualifying. th ;ngs that have helped me this my fi rst goal, but if that doesn' t toward b elieving in yourse lf and become thet.';; Oa\o' is said thcre is nothing but year." happen, I want to coach on a :~ b es t 'YOU" you can b el l ~ brightness ahead for Evers. She also sa id she lhinks of her college level. And as a backup "Cheryl has made tremen:!ous sport in tenns uf a quote basc;,a ll plan, I can always teach high M ~ gains as far as her performance coach Sam Riggleman once told school and coach track. I just want Thllrsday, Feb 2 1 W:' goes." Davis said. " Her distance hc;'. to stay wilh lhe span." M Th ebes Room , SI/Ide/ll Center ' ~ has improved six feci since she has "Practice doesn' t make )X'rfcct, Davis thinks Evers can do i~ ( btll' '1 d the M arlufp/au Ca!tttna cash rtgulus} .;;:. been here. Ilhink 99 percent of it is )Y.'rfect practice makes perfut," wh",lever she wants to wi th th e II Cheryl's resignation to do what it Riggleman Stli .... '')JOrt. ~ 7-830 pili * tak p:.s to become a success in her Ever.t said she applies this to her "Cheryl is one of the mOst evenL " mental uaini ng . gifled athletes I have ever ~ Fo r mo re tnform:ltIon ~ DeNoon said Evers' rcal powe, "If I am havir.g a bad day. I si t worked with ," Davis sa id. "She ~i conl3C t Ihe Wellncss Ccnu:r ::: lies in the outdoor season when she down and Vision myself doing the is dedicated to improvin g ~ a pal1 of the Studem ::: competes in the discus throw as i!'row mcntally," Eve~ said. "If I herself. She is a hard worl:er along ~ Health Program. e w.u.- :=: \\tell as in the shot put can vision it in my mind as doing it wi th be in g a ve ry intelligent ~ at 5364441 c-_ t "S he wil l become a :Iouble threat perfcct. it is easier to go out and athlete. She has doveloped ~t~~~h~§-1§J~~;~!~~ ;{-;:f t t~{·! ~;·;~· ! ~};~I~~ ~;·;·;'; ::: in scoring for the lcam." Dc~"oon throw :i UKU ',,'ay." an un derstanding of th e cvCnt said. ·'S he was the hi ghest point A~coJdjng 10 Evc(s. the most and has what it takes to bc scorer in th c outdoor : ....aslJn last import ant part of traming i"i successful ." e....-..;_ .... _ ...... _ .....:. .. ..;..;...; ...... ;.. ;...... ;.. ;• •.: .:-.. __ .. .. _ ...... "...... ~ ...... ,., .. ,; _ __ ...... ' ..... , ... . ~ ...... ;...... ; , ..• J'J.c.:.:.:.,,-' .•: rt" '. .. "...... L!1 .t .':1'.;!!.