Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 2-20-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 20, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1991 Volume 76, Issue 103 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 20, 1991." (Feb 1991). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Sl'tllh~rn I llllll)l~ l '1l1\-Cr\II:' al Carhontiak \\·cdne,dOlv. rebr""rv ~(). II) ~ I. Vol. 70. i':n. In.,. 20 POl"L·' Troops ready for ground war U:l:"-d Pless InternatlOl"lal Cheney to bill I'r ~"lCk nl Uu , h s:Jid Tu e ... t\:I)' :.I Sil'll'l prnp\),,;1 1 tn ellel the Pcr"i'lO Gu ll \\ ar .. fall s we ll ~ h () rt ,. o f U.S. Congress llW(' llllg U.N . ci r lll ands fO I :.. LI1H:ondi lion:i1 Iraq i withdrawai for war costs from I(uwait. :Jnd allied fon:es wen I on \\'lI h preparations for a ground ,:tt;lL'k. WASHI NGTO (U PI )- ·'W~ arl!, rcad )' now if Ih e Defensc Secrctary Dick Cheney kadership decides that that's what said Tucsday hc will prescnt Ihey want to do." Arm)' LI. Gen. Congress wi!h !he fi rsl bill for Ihe Tho mas Ke lly, direclo r of COS IS of runni ng thc Persian Gulf op<.'fati ons for thc Joint Chi efs of war on Friday. SClff. lold a Pent:lgon briefing. During an appcarance on CapilO! Blu Bush left open hi s options Hi ll . Cheney would not reveal lhc uOlii finding out Iraqi Presid ent sizc of lhe suppl emental spendin g Saddam Hu sscin 's responsc to bi ll to bc sought fo r Operalion Disc jockey Debbi Mills reports the most Monday afternoon at 1' .... '0 "1 04.9 The Eaale" Sovi ct Pres idcnt Mi khail Dcsen Sh ield and the subscquenl recent news about the war in the Persian GuH in Murphysboro. - Gomachev', proposal. first threc months of combat in Ir.:Iqi Foreign Mini ~lcr Tariq Aziz Desert Storm. thc name for th e W:.IS expec ted back in Moscow campai gn to oust IrJq from Ih e Wednesday wi th a respon.se to lhe occ upicd emirate of Kuwait But zdminislIauon SO Uf(.'CS have Local radio stations program proposa\. be!Je\'ed 10 contain a C<.I II for lrJq 's uncondi Lional wilhd rawal put lhc fi gure al S56 billion. some from Ku wa il coupled wi lh Soviet S4 1 billion or which is to come tile promises 10 assure Iraq 's from allies. inspirational wartime music Fmm Aug. 2 through lhe end 01 sovcreignlY and to seck a scttlcmem 1990. Ihe effon co" 511 hi ll ion. By Jackie Spinner "You can over·nn:J1 yi'.c th ese of long. simm ering l\'liddle E:J sl di spu tes. wi th S9 billion of it I,;ow red b\ Staff Wfller songs until }'Ju can't play pledges from a.lies. - any lhing:· he said . ·· ll"s louli ly Sovici and Iranian d ipl omats repealed l)' said Iraq was rcady for Th c Pentago n absorbed II ll' SOlllHh Ilt \\.If cd Hl :.l\ d o)',l' ~ I\ impossi ble with our (c lass ic remaining S2 bill ion from wilh1l1 :111 uncondilion:i1 withdrawal. bU I lile 1': 1(110 dIal. a...; do!-l' ali WelL. rock) fo rmat to exr- Iude every ilS 0"'11 accounts. Saudi Arabia. in (lIlC added Ih:lI Saddam wanted to \\TAO anJ Z I 00. song, wilh insinu:lliuns toward addi. .ion to providing cash . is war." negotiate the pullout. U.N . I hey ;H~ sounds ot john resoluLion 660 ex plicitly staLeS that conuibuting hugc amounts of jet Lennon. Whnnc} Homaon , Lee Rich Bird . pmgr,.rr, uircClnr of war IS thc only reason lhis song is lrnq mu st withdraw " immcdiately Grcc n.... oocl itnd Barrv McGuire. WC1L-A~ 1. said Iho AM sUllion See CHENEY. Page 5 moving." and unconditionall y." TIlI..'Y :m.: rene' ti..., ri ~ of rcoplc hasn'[ done anylhing different 10 In the rlJ ~ ! 1 ~ lmutcs of Ihe war. In the gulf. military ofricials \birnmg ,-II home U) m m.lt th~lt its mu sic fo rmat. bu t th e FM Miller sa id Ih e sLaLi on carefully described Tucscby aggressive allied 1ll00C, thrill. lIl ... pircs them and sLa ti o n has made some mInor Gus Bode cho~e the fIr st song listcners patrolli ng of cncmy targets that I!l\~" n.'lca\c changes. thr ill a from a w.:t r wOll id hear J fl er the could foreshadow a vicious ground lh~1t marke d 11 ' o nc-Illo lll h WCIL -FM has addod WhiU1ey ~ilmO Un L'~ l1l e nt Ihal bombing had war :J.'\ coalition forces located and .UlIIl\ l'~l r \ h .. t w(,e kend. H ou~ t o n 's Super Bowl begun. dCS Lroyed more Jr.:J.qi Ianks. arullery 111m \1;lIcr. progr:lill tlm.'clm perfo rm :t nce of the "Star The . Ir-"" SOil !" was Ih e K~lI c and Scud IJunchers. \\''1''0 .....lId Ea!.! lc li ... tr..:nl'r ~ Spangled Banner" and Lee \lIr Bush rcndJllon -o f "God Bless Iraqi offi cials clai med 20.000 Ill' ll'qUl'\\Lng r'frll" h roc k Greenwood 's "God Bless Ihe ~ l Ame rica." and Ihe second song persons had been killed in tlle wars ~1\)Up', ,nn~ " FI ) ~1 (' U.S.A:· \\'a~ "lmaglJlC''' b), John Len non, "Music is a big pan of people's first 25 <1;,1)'5. At tllC same time. Iraq COU r. l~("O I. ~ ." a 'lin!; Ih~1I Although the ,l;llion has gone. lau nched a Scud miss ile attack on , IH' ul tln'\ be nlCl\ Ill £. un Eagle li ves:' Bi rd said. "The y WJ llt hack to rC' gular programming. IsrJel. causing little damage . • Iuf". I'lii j ... , He pmnt ... \0 th e mUSIC to rc Oect whm 's going on f\1J!lcr said the first 2~ hours of Bush. at Moscow's request. did \'ar. in the world allhe umc." Ihe W:1r werc Cf UCI:!1 10 the nO I disrlosc th e dClai ls of Ihe Gus says Cheney is ··It ·, Mill a suppon and an!t· ,tallon's music fonnal. Gorbachev pbn but ,:;; aid: "Very counting on non-combatant 'upport 'on!!'" \ lllkr ~;. .\lI1. "'11)(," See MUSIC, Page 5 candidly .. il fa ll s we ll , ha n of allies to fire some monetary "hal would be f('Cluircd." funds o.,; t wa '. Local man charged with arson, murder By Gre gory Norfleet '1 Ul·,lI:!\ ,lltcrn oon ;..IOtl charccd Altomry Chailc ~ uhlce ·,.:tld. counts 01 first degree murder. ~~,-::: I SlutfWfltel "lth b~ltef\ :md twO ('o unt ~ 01 HI ggc n, " 'Ill he w cd a.. :.t n :Jduh. Graces.;.uu , Iir, l·tlel.!rel' ~llIrd(' r for th ~ death, ;1 bd.. ,on COll nty Jml oflinal '=.\ld, Hll! C C n ~ IS lhc son of Kennrr's - Pa ge 11 (,<) , E:lrllcr S~HlJ rd:.l y al Ihe "' anll" g l rlf~;c nd . Detectl vc DIviSIOn \ \. :lf hondak Il·l~ n ·. II!l'r \\ .1' til ikr~hd Snlll. ;mel WI 1IIl' Breast feeding .\fr~' '(l·1l 1.lIl' \1lHHLt\ :1I1tl 1. I\:l~' 1{(h..... IlI.!.ml.:-.9. n'::'~ IIJ..."n l'e. Wcldt)n Bruce St'UIl. J I. Cnmman(kr LI. Larry 1-1 ill said at a I "ulltlph..· lh.II!,!\.·, In (t)l1l1l'(tIOIl Ill' JI,o \\ .1' d,J rcl'd \\Hh W:I' ~tabbrd to dr;tth Pa hlo flews confcrcnt'C' Tu\.·""ltv. good for baby E.\l:erl Higgens. ,.;:. thIS 111m' • .\llh.1 fife m;H c1;.1lIn,'d Ull' b\l" 1)1 .I!!!!r.l\ i.ll cd .Ir,on for ·.:'c!tln!! till: Kenner. ~h . was arrl~" l l~ d :II II :.1) ror -Page 13 I.l n (arh(lnd.lil' rl·'lIknh . ~: t1 urd~) cHnlllg fIre :11 ~ I f) E. a.m. In con nl'('llun "Hh Weld on ihl:".' " no way of c(.nn el· ting ·.I rt--: 'ndale PCl I1 (~ 'd.d Grcl'!1 St.. whic h I' hclll'\dl In Sum· ... (k~lth. poill..'c ~J.]( 1. Kl'll! I r. \I, ho W;I" arrc'lcd 111 tht' PI)hu' '~Ild '1 rO\ I,ddl • 1\!l.!l'lh. h;l\ I' r 1Ll'1.• .'d t h~~ (il'atJh 01 SUJlI .Lnll Kcnn t: r \~:I' arr:IIL nt:tI TUt"':!;!\ 1~ .(J;,\ f; 11m SI. "J' .uT~;~nl·d Rn",'Ill.ll1d. J.Ir ~ "')I1 COtlnt~ St.l tl'" mornIng :Ind I..' h:n gcd \\ lilt Ipur See ~R SON . Page 5 racial slurs Council vote opens gate for off-track betting - Page 20 By Leslie Colp I, .. ;1"1\1/1. ,(1m .. ' 1111111'1 r, ,.Ihl 'll' l ~ burltl our tll\ tr01ll ,,, : ... ... Ih .. ·~ '.. ,'Cl' 11111 ~;IIJ, ltl'.j . nl' 111,' .( T.lmhllll~· " 111 1\ .1 ;'I,·Llu ... tn 'I rllll.~lh ... nu\ \\l':I~Il~'''l~'' y(\\\ hU'lfll'''.'' ~~~. ...... lld it I' .t 1'.u.I,lh ....ml. · II r' '" /1\.111011 n'l !Ih' 1111 If.ll k Business '\ 1\" Ulhl"f l'IIUnlll IlH"lI1bCI,.
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