Opened: July, 1967

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StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 1


1 This Diary was transcribed by Dr. A. S. G. Jones between July and August, 2007.

2 He has attempted to follow, as closely as possible, the lay-out of the actual entries in the Diary.

3 The Register and Log Book contains both attendance records and written diary. Attendance was upside down compared with the diary.

4 There is considerable variation in spellings. He has attempted to follow the actual spelling in the Diary even where the Spell Checker has highlighted a word as incorrect.

5 The spelling of place names is a very variable feast as is the use of initial capital letters. He has attempted to follow the actual spellings in the Diary

6 Where there is uncertainty as to a word, its has been shown in italics

7 Where words or parts of words have been crossed out (corrected) they are shown with a strike through.

8 There are no page numbers in this diary. Page breaks are shown by heavy line between entries.

9 It was apparent that the entries were written by number of different people

10 The attendance record is at the back of the document.

11 Sincere thanks to Alister Haveron for a detailed proof reading of the text. Any mistakes are the fault of Dr. A. S. G. Jones.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 2

CWMYSTWYTH G.R. 127/792738





DEVILS BRIDGE G.R 127/740770










TYN CWM G.R. 127/865818





StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 3 FOREST INN: 30th June to 2nd July

A quiet uneventful weekend spent walking in the Radnor Forest - an area seldom visited by the Team - and one that proved that there is plenty to do (Certainly when the hills are wet, and conditions poor). Forestry access roads give easy access to the highest ground (2,166') - with no locked gates or other hazards. Base camp was alongside the Forest Inn (Landlord:- Tom Lander) and was very convenient in all respects. The Team was asked to search for a couple of middle aged ladies who were overdue on a hillwalk (water - break it's neck!") but they turned up else where after only a couple of hours diversion. Radio's, ration's, M.T. - All OK.

Pennard Cliffs: Gower 5th July.

The Gower sea cliffs are within easy reach of the Team on a Wednesday afternoon (in summer) - and provide opportunities for all grades of climbing. OK for parties of two to "potter about" practically anywhere, without getting "gripped up" (it is as hard as you care to make it). It is better to have the tide out - so that access to the lowest sections of rock is possible. Base camp is on a decent spot on the cliff top - and it is twenty minutes stroll to most of the climbing. If the tide is in - then gullies and ridges are descended first. There are some good traversing lines. Rock needs care high up but is mainly sound and pleasant.

Storey Arms: 7th July to 9th July

Location decided by a request from four boys from married quarters attempting the fifty mile D. of E. walking M.R. coverage of their route through the Brecons was given - and no snags. Base camp was on the open ground to the west of the main road to the south of Storey Arms (1/2 mile) - and proved OK - though possibly badly drained after / during persistent wet weather. Parties walking overnight bivvying and one roped scramble up the North face of Pen-y-Fan. Radio coverage very good throughout. Visit from Donovan (Valley) (S.R.C.C. were trying to locate us during this period!!) Dinas Rock: 12th July

Afternoon visit to this seldom visited spot - mainly to "case the joint". Team members suitably impressed with steep rock face (120' of rock) in such an unlikely spot. Abseiling and a very good aerial ropeway rigged and used. Some basic rock climbing and rope work carried out. OK for small parties. Take a dustbin for rubbish. No known routes up the main face.

Bryamman. Top of the Road: 14th to 16th July

A reasonably uneventful weekend. Saturday saw parties walking reciprocal courses over Bana Sir Gaer Ridge between Base and Taffen-y-Garreg. A recce of the Towy River area and other places in the district also - not very helpful but a lot of new forestry and roads. Sunday was claggy early on and allowed some basic navigation practice to be carried out before it lifted and the sun came out. A party of two climbed on the quarry cliffs at the top of the pass, peg routes etc. One walking party located a kindly farmer who more or less gave them a disused farm house. The Team need s good bothy for winter use - and this one seems OK provided a certain amount of repair work is carried out. This will be looked into. (Ref: 140/704196 Pen-Cae-Garw)

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 4 Wednesday 19th July

At 13.30 only seven of the MRT were able to attend - so the number being low NCO i/c cancelled the exercise location - changing it to the * farmhouse recently acquired by the Team (for want of a better name - "Pont Tilly" after one of the party). The two main rooms were cleared of muck and water - one roof had props placed under its joists to hold it more securely, and fires were lit in both grates and their chimneys cleared. A front door was found to keep out the stock, but it deserves one on hinges! Nettles and dung were dug away from the outside of the house and the area fenced off by a rather tatty "honking rail". Water sources were checked and all are poor. Water for the meal was obtained in plastic j/cans from Pont Clydach. A local Police Constable (58) was informed of our activities when he promptly visited us - after seeing smoke coming from the chimney * 140/704196 Pen-Cae Garw.

Weekend 21st to 23rd July

North : Rhayader

The customary visit to Rhayader Festival was held this weekend in glorious weather conditions, and without incident. Based on the now disused railway station it was more of an "off weekend" but some resisted and fought their way up to the crags on Saturday and got some rope practice. Some even reached the rock on Sunday though some found it in the process of fording the river. The splinter group were able to scrounge off the Valley MRT at Nant Gwynant and get the gen on camp sites (for next w/e), and were glad to be able to help out by taking their W/OP to Bangor C. and A. after he had "taken a toss" and broken his ankle. He was in fact taken back to Valley - and so allowing them to continue with their training plans. No incidents heard of in the area this weekend.

Wednesday 26th July Section

Mr De Jong, the Public Relations Officer for Horlicks Ltd. arrived at 14.30 and gave the Team (10) a very interesting talk on concentrated foods and the various activities of his company in feeding large and small expeditions. Officer i/c and O.C S of P.T. were in attendance. Lecture finished at approx 17.45.

Weekend 28th - 30th July

The Team moved up to North Wales to the Forestry hut in Cwm Penammaen (107/736506) for the weekend (Valley MRT to ). It never stopped raining all weekend, and even the normally dry hut let water in. Three parties over on Saturday - and one token party over on Sunday. Although this proved to be a wet weekend (the first this summer in North Wales) it proved useful and interesting. The St. Athan M.R.T. lacks the facility of a real mountain area with a rock climbing community to keep in practice and "up to date" with mountaineering techniques, possible call-outs to mountain accidents etc. There is a built-in wastage regarding the composition of all MR Teams - and the lack of a mountain area does nothing to assist in maintaining interest - and holding the volunteers when they leave a Team. AnyRubbish scheme / exercise which allows any Team to exercise in a true mountaineering environment is to be applauded - and can only result in a more effective organisation. Useful contacts were made over the weekend with individuals and other rescue teams - both on the hill and "after duty", so it was by no means a wasted exercise period - even though it was extremely wet.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 5 The booking of the hut should always be requested through Valley MRT - and every effort made to preserve the cleanliness and security of the surrounds while in use. Book-in and out with local Police in Dolwyddelan.

Wednesday 2nd Aug East Camp Water Tower

Abseil and stretcher lowering practise.

Weekend 4th - 6th Aug. (Troedrhiw)

Only eight personnel out this weekend so it was not a success from the overall enthusiasm point of view, but it still proved interesting. First the three ton tuck (SL) ran off the road on the way up to the campsite and slid down the bank. This took some time to recover but was eventually accomplished to the relief of the driver. Tow-ropes should always be carried (the longer the better). It should not be necessary to butcher "in use" climbing ropes. On the Saturday a civilian cyclist was "rescued" from the forestry tracks above Towy and taken to Builth for repairs. On the Sunday a party of two climbed the gully behind base camp - in greatly reduced rainwater. Other parties ranged over the hilly area on navigation and familiarisation courses. The weather was good and a large number of tourists were met. The narrow single track roads in the district require careful driving. The "hydra" cooking stoves running on paraffin give poor results at times - but so do personnel acting as cooks. Everyone should be able to produce a soup with the rations we get and they should know that a huge piece of beef will be underdone if left as a mass - and that gravy is not made with gravy browning.

Wednesday 9th Aug. (Twit Sea Cliffs)

Should have been on the Tower this afternoon but due to poor attendance - decided to investigate the local sea cliff for possible practice rock. So down to

Llantwit / M in 3 - Tonner and ambulance (booked out with PBX - Pye set in office) Left turn down to the caravan site. The car park owner (Mr. George) didn't like us arriving out of the blue without first obtaining permission - but raised no real objection. It would be a nice gesture on MR part if a Rover went down prior to an exercise - and obtained permission. A walk of half a mile on a stony beach to the east brought us to a small rock cove in the otherwise unbroken line of poor limestone sea cliff. There is a path along the top of the cliffs - to save wet feet or rough stretcher carry - but a single Rover track runs to the cliff top from just below the "Quaintways" cafe in the village. Quite good training location (close to camp), and the rock is sound (?) No further exploration in the easterly cliffs was made today. Traversing lines are plentiful - overhangs abundant. Take barbed wire picket stakes as belays. Tide comes high, but not always. * Mr Turnbull (Rosedew Farm / Caravan site) has since given permission for the Team to use the track across the fields to the cliff-top - two Rovers max.

Weekend 12/13 Aug. 67 (Hermitage: 141/229252)

A long way up the Gelluy-Fechan valley - narrow access road (pedestrians . cars) adds to the inconvenience, but it is "out of the way" - and once there little trouble is caused to the locals. The actual Hermitage is in ruins and fit only for a dumping ground for rubbish. The site is used by other campers. Small stream (dependant on rainfall) has to be forded.

On the Saturday two parties walking the Black Mountains from base. Weather showers, strong, cold wind - pretty good walking conditions. Sunday saw one party climbing at the Llangattock Quarries and one walking their way from Black Hill to base. Conditions much as before - drier. Radios were not successful - better care and StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 6 attention to basic servicing is still needed - often over quite short distances. The Sigs / Control vehicle should be able to provide this - but at SA this is used mobile over the exercise. Short on rations. M.T. still troublesome - brakes on control after major replacement. Trailer "whipping" 3 - tonner No FWD. SWB not available for drop-offs - so ambulance has to do this sort of run.

Weekend 18th to 20th Aug. 67 Devils Bridge

Another "old" campsite revisited - and area re-found. Campsite lacks the really necessary essentials - even though it is behind a pub. No even ground for pitching tents. Boggy ground. No easy turning round point for vehicles. No running water - water has to be carried 100x d from a garage on main road. There is a phone and the beer is not bad. On the Saturday, parties walking over the local hills in unpopular conditions - wet bog. One on Pumlumon. One on Trawsallt and one on Bryn Garw. There was a road accident between the ambulance and a Mini on the Devils Bridge / Rhayader mountain road. This road is not suitable for large vehicles - and speed should not exceed 30 mph.

A night search of Pumlumon was made to locate aircraft remains from 23.00 on Saturday to 04.30 on the Sunday. Sunday was spent 'lazing' in the unusual heat (and fighting off midges / wasp that infest the campsite) and a early return made to St. Athan.

August Bank Holiday (25 to 31 Aug incl) Extended Grant By arrangement with V.M.R.T. and the landlord of the Pen-y Pass Hotel the Team was able to take advantage of the very excellant coach barn for its use while on rescue stand-by during the holiday period. It was planned to have parties walking on all three major hill groups in the area for the first three days - each party changing to a different group each day - thereby gaining a working knowledge of the whole. This covered the Fri / Sat Mon when maximum numbers of visitors would be in the area. Long "bombing" routes were discouraged - parties were encouraged to move slowly, keep their eyes open and talk / help as many people as possible. In this way the Team was able to assist in three incidents that required hospital treatment - the first one using a 22 Sqd helicopter (on routine patrol) based at RAF Valley. To save the stretcher party a long boggy detour around a mountain lake, due to a causeway being flooded - the helicopter was seen in the area and called upon (243Mc/S UHF - Control Vehicle) to assist - it landed close to the Brittania Copper Mines on Snowdon and took the casualty to Bangor Hospital. All three incidents were minor ones and were not rock face accidents. The Team's radio equipment worked well, and communication was made with the area Co-ordinator (P.Y.G. One),

Ogwen Cottage MRT (Oggy Two Oh) - and on one day even as far a field as the Edale MRT (Edale Four) when they were involved with a sheep rescue from Kinder Downfall. Hill parties were kept in contact by two mobile links (Cont Amb with Pye sets - one at base) driving the valley roads. Some rock climbing was carried out in the Llanberis Pass, in the Ogwen area, Moelwyns and eastern . Many useful contacts were made during the Team's stay in the area and it proved a worthwhile exercise from the prestige / training angle. One member (LAC Gordon) developed appendix troubles on the last day and was admitted to Bangor Hospital for Treatment.

Wednesday East Camp Water Tower 6.9.67

Another afternoon on the Tower but a poor one for enthusiasm. Ropes and ropework of this nature is not popular with the few remaining Team members.

Weekend 9th - 10th Sept. 67 Bethesda Hut

Morale very low this week, unit backing, crash guard duties etc. M.T. difficulties. StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 7 A visit to the Berwyns had been planned, but was of necessity running to a tight time schedule, so as a result of numerous last minute changes (-and a request by S.S.Q RAF Valley) a lightweight exercise with Valley M.R.T. was decided on. Control Rover with two plus all kit rations and P.O.L. - and five in the Ambulance left S/A at 17.45 - arrived Bethesda Hut 23.59 Saturday parties walking / climbing on Carneddau and Glyders. Sunday saw climbing on Tryfan and in Idwal area.

On both days the weather was reasonable (without continuous rain!) winds light, low broken cloud drifting over the tops. Numerous parties of civilians encountered - some in poor equipment as usual - and a call by the Bethesda Police to assist in evacuating a female walker with a foot injury from the Ffynnon Llugwy area was answered late in the day. R/T contact was good again - and made possible a quick response (from Police to the base - then to mobile who was picking up two parties - then to scene of search - and eventually with P.Y.G. - 1). Casualty had arrived at Glan Llugwy farm with the help of her party but was taken from there to Bangor C/A in V.M.R.T. ambulance (and S.M.R.T. stretcher and casualty bag) This delayed our departure (waiting for stretcher / bag) and eventually left Bethesda at 19.45 arriving St. Athan 01.30 (clear roads) and all slightly shattered. Members attending "stood down" until 10.00 on 11th. Unfortunately a full Team was not available for an exercise of this sort (almost on call-out scale - light weight, fast and instructive) but it is all good training and worthwhile - with many interesting contacts of mountaineering nature and very grateful for V.M.R.T. co-operation at short notice.

Wednesday 13th Sept W/Tower

East camp for a run through of stretcher - tragsitz - and abseiling. Still very slow and disjointed - as it may well be on a crag incident in the interest of safety. We do not normally specialise in Saturday "spectaculars", but in time -----

Saturday 16th Sept. '67 Battle of Britain Display

16 members of the Team gave four displays of MR lowering techniques (11.30 - 13.30 - 15.30 - 17.30) at the East Camp Water Tower to the public visiting the Station. Officer i/c explained via a portable P.A. system what was happening from the Control Vehicle (-our only serviceable vehicle at this stage and it is due in workshops on Monday) and each display was an improvement on the previous one. The crowd also increased towards the end of the day. The last one possibly being due to one Team member's lone prussiking expedition to the top of the Tower. It is worthwhile bearing in mind that abseiling is fun if careful preparation is carried out before committing oneself - one fouled karabiner (anorak, too much rope etc) and one nylon "sit-sling" burnt through, could both have resulted in death! Amongst the visitors were wives and the families, girl friends, babies, dogs - the lot, all very nice - also the weather stayed dry. Unfortunately the cloud base was down and it was not really bright enough to enjoy the flying display.

Wed. 27th Sept Only five out to Twit cliffs for an afternoon in the sun. P/O Coyle (Registry) came along for a look - also AC Holdway from East camp and both got frightened (Holdway was clobbered in fact) - when a coal-sack size block fell as Holdway was below. Faith not too shaken in this cliff as it was on a 'route' obviously dangerous owing to loose stratas of mortar makes one think (all this coastline has accidents during the tourist season - bird nesting - climbing - cut off by tide etc. Looked after by Coastguard Cliff Rescue (Twit) and inshore rescue (Atlantic Coll.)

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 8 29/9 to 1/10 Forest Inn

Forest Inn continues to be a popular weekend campsite, well suited to the requirements of M.R. and in a surprisingly hilly district. Saturday and Sunday both spent walking and navigation.

4th Oct. '67 Wednesday. L'Twit Cliffs

Four MRT. one East Camp trainee and one student from Atlantic College (D. of E.) Normal climbing routine. Three hours. Weather fine.

6th to the 8th Oct. '67 Bwlch Tal-y-Bont (141/053174)

Royal Military Acadamy Sandhurst exercise "Chinstrap" asked for MRT assistance in giving abseiling, stretcher lowering and climbing instruction to some forty officer cadets in the Beacons. MRT base camped as above in preference to the usual one at Storey Arms - which had a week of steady rain on it. On the Friday night two MRT sat on Corn Du and checked cadet parties through on a nav exercise. Weather was wet and windy. WOP and driver remained below in Sigs vehicle and relayed party callsigns. Saturday morning to Trefil and quarry for the second phase. Cadets still not all accounted for after a (141/097147) very wet night. Spent the day in instructions. Sunday at the Bwlch and everyone soaked. Back to S/A by 16.00.

13th - 15th Oct. '67. New Inn. Ystradfellte.

Out to the Van country again for another wet weekend. IMR came out from London on the Saturday afternoon, visited the Mountain Centre with the Off i/c, drank much ale that evening and we all staggered over the hills again on the Sunday - and back to London. A gallant attempt, but better this way than not at all. After last weekends sojourn on Corn Du - Stevenson rushed away with spade and many hands to build a shelter near the summit - and was successful. MT rather mixed up - Watson has left the Team of his own desire - and it has been arranged to have Colin Ross in his place - so over the weekend we were without either of these. Foster drove the Sigs - with trailer! Bernie took the Bedford, Stevenson drove a borrowed SWB with care free abandon, and the ambulance was borrowed from MTSS (engine change, A.W.S.) to provide a bed for IMR. All in all - a pretty useless weekend, although with very strong south west wind and occasional rain / hail squall - made Sunday an excellant day for walking the Beacons (- in a N.E. direction). One party was dropped off at 989183 (junction of the A4059 and A470) and picked up at 057241, including Cefn Crew, Corn Du, Pen-y-Fan, Cribin and the Oergwm Ridge - a goodly walk in these conditions for 21/2 hrs.

20th - 22nd Oct. '67 Rhayader B.R. Stations

Eleven MRT and three vehicles to Rhayader for what proved to be a surprisingly fine weekend. Two groups, one climbing and one walking on the Saturday - and then change over the next day. Rock at Craig Ddu still in pioneer stage - needs care - and the routes sorting out. Photos taken and sent off for processing.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 9 25th Oct. 67. St. Brides Major

Hardly a pleasant afternoon - gale, heavy rain, but seven MRT in ambulance and Sigs to visit and inspect small crags / cliffs in the immediate local area. Had arranged to lower stretcher on Twit cliff but due to small numbers attending - it was hardly practical of advisable in the existing weather conditions. Three cliffs close to the railway line looked at near St. Brides Major (154/907756). All three generally tatty but interesting and possible lines present. The down to the coast at Southern Down - with a tentative scramble in amongst the seaweed and crabs below "The Witches Head". Low tide - good firm beach (Choppers?) and a full gale with rain.

27th - 29th Oct. 67 Pen-y-Pass

Regardless of Station / Unit apathy - everything north of a line Shrewsbury / is silver lined. Particularly this weekend when three M.R.T. (Val - Leem - Saints) were all base-camped within five miles of one another. Rather like entering another world - meeting other Teams, local people Nat. Park Wardens, climbers (Joe Brown etc) talking accidents (plenty happening!) and "getting in the picture" once again - it is remarkable how out of touch Saints is in relation to mountain life. Saturday was rugged. Strong wind, rain squalls - hail on the tops. Climbing parties in the Pass, walking party over the Glyders (from Deiniolen to P.Y.G.) - Valley had a night stretcher exercise over the Glyders on Friday night (23.59 to 07.30 hrs!) Pete McGowan went along for laughs - came down for breakfast - and then took his own troops out on the hill (on the pretence of getting fit!) It was a rough night too. Saturday evening was Llanllechid Fair - and what with three Teams together a good night was had in Llanberis. Three - tonner and troops from P.Y.P. to the Guardroom with bed rolls and day bags - no drinking and driving risks that way. Saints squeezed up into the corner of the P.Y.P. coach shed to give sleeping space to 20 S.A.S. lads (from London. Maj. Lambert) and had our stoves running until 23.30 so they could dry out. They were away at 06.00 on the Sunday for Snowdon and an R.V. at Llanberis for 12.00 (107/581595). It turned out that is was really 05.00 - as they had forgotten to put their clocks back one hour! Even so, six of them were late and had to travel back by 3-tonner instead of train. The RAF MRT radio net intercepted the separated parties and gave the Major all information (many thanks). Sunday saw saints climbing in the Pass and on the Idwal Gribin. One walking party over Snowdon from Moel Eilio! - and a sharp look out for people starting off up the Snowdon track late in the afternoon - offering the advice that darkness would be one hour earlier! When all the coaches had been filled and the shed tidied the Team packed up base and left at 18.30 - arriving Saints (after a stop at Rhayader) at 01.30 hrs. The sankey trailer suffered a puncture on the way back - a L/Rover spare wheel does fit! A good weekend. The P.Y.P. holding has been bought by the Y.H.A. (Merseyside Group has 29 hostels in North Wales now) and the O'Rourkes (- who have always been most hospitable to the RAF MRT) have left and a hodge podge landlords is now in residence. Y.H.A. intend to have a 50 bed hostel there - part of the building (subject to planning permission!) will become a Nat. Park mountain / information centre and a cafe extension is to be built. It is not sure if the coach shed will remain - be restored - or be restricted, but this will probably be the last time the Team will be able to use it. Another excellant base camp lost.

3rd to the 5th November 1967 Foxhouse. Sheffield

At long last a visit to the Peak District. The 3-tonner was sent off on its own after lunch (13.30) with P/Staff and those "released" by their sections. The signals vehicle left at 14.30 with the trailer and Deputy T/L in tow (earliest he could get away) and the ambulance left at 17.30 - crawling through rush-hour traffic jam in Cardiff. To Strensham Motorway cafe for a late tea, and then on to StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 10 Stafford for refuelling (book vehicle in/out at Guardroom. Turn left then first right for Transportation Office. Collect P.O.L. man and second right to pump). No radio contact possible - but Guardroom confirmed times of bookings. On via Stone, Leek, Buxton, Chapel, Hathersage to base (111/266804) Foxhouse Hotel on corner left with carpark next (and public toilets - water source), small copse then camp site - park vehicles along roadside, ground not suited but OK for tents. Arrived at 01.30 to find 3-tonner and base all OK, but no signals vehicle, trailer - or bombs! Got then on the radio shortly after - having trouble with vehicle and trailer on Glossop / Sheffield road. Proceeding soon. Bed. Saturday T.L. with T.L. Stafford (Rodney Shaw) to Chamber of Commerce, Market Strat (aytoun) Manchester to attend annual C.C.P.R. lecture on Exposure (one pound) Troops walking / climbing on / along Stanage Edge. Bright - cold windy conditions to dismal towards dark. Evening both Teams together at Edale, first in the "Nags Head" Landlord objected to any except imbecilict murmuring, so we took our custom to the "Church" lower down the village were we were received with better hospitality. A good night was had by all but we failed to kidnap Stafford's T.L. but his Storeman cooked our breakfast on Sunday. Tops covered by snow during the night - wind bitter. Day parties out on Edges again - a little wetter but good stomping country. Peak District radios exercising all day - suffered from low batteries towards the end. "Edale Control" (Pye Cambridge) loud and clear at base. Packed up and away by 16.30 hrs. Through Stafford again and an empty Cardiff. Ambulance involved in another traffic incident at Caerleon - making a late arrival at Saints.

10th to the 12th November 1967 Crickhowell

The weekend exercise was cancelled by Mountwise on Friday afternoon because of foot and mouth. Also told FLT/LT Brakton to keep a team of eight on camp area over the weekend, These are the personal marked in the attendance register.

17th - 19th November '67

Once again owing to foot and mouth the exercise had to be cancelled (Mountwise confirmed). However a stand-by by staff was maintained here at base - just in case!!! D.T.L. and storeman went away on the friday night to start the sub-unit run. All pyros were collected and kit checked with success. However during the weekend two things were noted. Firstly the Police station at Ystradgyn ystradgynlais couldn't find pyros or kit to start with, but after much trouble everything was found. (This police station don't appear to be interested - Possible withdrawal of all kit?). Secondly on going over the Storey Arms pass an R/L (RAF) 68 AF 15 was seen to be parked in the car park. A policeman near-by informed us that he had seen persons

"going on the hill". This R/L was checked and found to at one of RAF Herefords (Officer i/c a FLT / LT Mitchell) The matter was passed on to Mountwise on Monday morning by D.T.L.

30th - 31st December. 1967

Called out over the weekend to assist the Brecon Police in finding missing person. Body located on second day and removed to Brecon mortuary (J/T Jones Coroners Witness) Bridgend and locally interested civilians assisting. St. Athan incident report refers. Based at White Hart Inn, TalyBont Ellis-Roberts, wife and dogs.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 11 7th February. 1968 Tai-Bach Quarries

Asked by Mr Wilke Burton to give a demonstration of stretcher lowering to his school leavers course. All OK, no snags, Landowners permission obtained. 153/780885

10th - 11th February. 1968. Ystradfellte

Nine members out to pitch new tents on snow - The first exercise since October! Weather dismal / overcast with a possible thaw on its way - but Saturday was cold on the Beacons and misty. There were makings of fine cornices and sport in general all the way along the north edge, but the snow was not in the right condition generally. One party of two decided against a much publicised attempt on the "North Face" and were found in bed when the other plodders returned. Two benighted sheep rescue from the 'Tommy Jones' obelisk. Sunday was spent on the Fans - navving and plodding - plenty for soft muscles and minds. T/L plus one to Pencelli for lecture and rescue demonstration. Visitors sleeping and easting: Bridgend four, Valley three! Antifreeze in ambulance fuel tank.

Tuesday 13th February. 1968 Brecon

Ten members in smooth gear (hillbags / kit in 3-tonner and SWB / AMB booked out for a First Aid lecture (given by Dr. Cavanagh) at the Drill Hall, Brecon - very interesting and short (30 mins) - it is difficult to pin medical people down to being explicit and universal in diagnostic / treatments - ranging from exposure to personal firstaid pack contents - but well worth the trouble and time. (Dr Cavanagh is a member of the B.M.R.T.) An "inquest" on last Sundays exercise was held, and it was decided / announced that the BMRT was now "operational" - even though it has no stretcher / kit. After the usual question / answers period the meeting was closed. During this meeting a party of five Army Cadets were being rescued (by their own instructors / staff) from Waen Rydd on the Beacons. Four of them were mild exposure cases while the fifth had a Thomas for his fracture ankle. It was a rough night at Storey Arms, gale force winds with rain / sleet showers - it would have made the BMRT think twice about volunteering!

W/E 17th. 18th Feb. '68 Taly Bont

13 MRT plus 3 trainees from East Camp (own kit and food) plus McGurk, Donovan and Randall (Valley MRT - they are still confined) - all to the White Hart Inn at Taly Bont for a winter weekend in the Beacons. Saturday was spent in walking, Sunday was more sporting - 4 in gullies (good axe shaft deep snow), 2 climbing at Merthyr Quarries, 6 walking the Black Mountains. All clocks advanced one hour on Saturday night - and we drank a little too much so Sunday was a difficult day for some! A lot more people on the hill this W/E - Sunday was particularly good with regard to weather and snow conditions. GR/410 was used for the first time this weekend - WOP / Driver tuition operating locations and equipment checks. Ultra to Ultra Drovers Arms to PenyFan (16 miles)

Long Weekend: 23 - 25.2.68 Llanberis

The four vehicles and 12 MR members to North Wales for stand-by rescue duties.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 12 Ambulance and T/Leader left at 0900 to go to RAF Valley MR Section to pick up the keys to the padlock on the Llanberis camp gate - and obtained permission to use the site from the Caernarvon owners (The Conway Motor Cycle Club are holding their "Dragon" rally here on W/E March 23/24. Next time bring electric light bulbs for use in S.H.Q block) On arrival at site it was found that C.M.C.C. had put a second padlock on the gate - and access was gained by lifting out the hinge pin - rather that damage the padlock. C.M.C.C. arrived on the site on Sunday to carry out further preparations for the rally and gave us a key with which to lock up and this was left with the manager of "Wendys" cafe (in the village) for collection by them next week. No snags - an excellant base - all tidied up afterwards and secured. Valley MRT were having their first W/E out (after lifting of FAM restrictions) at Bethesda Hut. "Paddy" Millen i/c - John Calman still away in Scotland. On the previous Wednesday a couple had died in a fall down the slope from the Railway track on Snowdon into Cwm Clogwyn Du'r Arddu. John Roberts dog (bitch) "Bons" had located them the day before and Valley Chopper had collected the bodies from the mountain on the morning of the day of our arrival. Weather was good and Artic cold - snow in all cwms and on all tops over 2000'. "Booked- in" with Sgt Ellis of Llanberis Police (who welcomes us anytime) - Ogwen Cottage not available due to school hols. Saturday was an easy day - finding our legs on snow and ice - big party in Cwm Lloer for practice work, and one of two into Nameless Cwm - returning over G/Fawr and . All men breathing hard - snow conditions not as firm as was expected. On turn out from the "Glyn Padarn" had an alert for two lost on Gyrn Las. T/L to police station - all men rapidly sober - but fortunately the couple turned up before search parties were sent out. Sunday a superb day and all men on the Horseshoe looking for trouble. Snow conditions very much better - and care and rope were necessary. A lot of people on the top - some foolish idiots but most were properly equipped with axe and ropes. Down by 17.00 and away down south by 18.30 - arriving S/A o1.35 SWB and AMB developed dynamo snags.

Weekend: 2 - 3 March. '68 Park Farm. Llangattock

Four vehicles and ten MRT members to a good site at Park Farm - unvisited for over six months. The farmer will possibly send in a bill to the Accounts Section for this. Saturday on the hill - Black Mountains - walking parties - reciprocals - Vehicle left at Gospel Pass - very cold at first/ Still some snow and ice in the gullies of Rhos Dirion - good walking weather. Sunday to Trefil Quarries for sack dropping and rope techniques. Not the best place for this. Llangattock Quarries may be more suitable - if free of restriction. Short day. Back at St. Athan for 18.00.

Weekend: 8th to 10th March. '68. Troed y Rhiw. Llandovery.

Four vehicles and ten MRT out to Troed y Rhiw by 21.30 - a very cold night this. Saturday two parties navigating - in perfect weather (clear / sunny). At 16.30 Mr Jones (Jack) came down in his van to the campsite asking for someone to phone the Police at L'dovery. The Control Vehicle had bogged on the hill on its way over to Claerwen from Strata Florida (127/802642). Control called Edinburgh Rescue, they called Plymouth, they called L'dovery Police, they called Jones and Jones called us. The first time it had all worked - even base recalled parties from the hill. Out to Control with ambulance (soup / food) and SWB (bodies / spades) via Towy Forestry tracks (very good / quick) and the SWB (track-grip tyres) pulled it out the first try. Beers all round owed by Frank / Roger. Sunday overcast and NW wind. Climbing party (no good rock) and walking / nav parties out. Back at Saints for 20.00 - no POL storeman by 22.00 - reported.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 13 Weekend: 15 - 17 March. Forest Inn

General F/M restrictions lifted this week - so out to Tom Landers place. Used the caravan and 3.tonner (2 on trail) as the ground is not all that good. A cold, blustery night - snow. Out into the Radnor hills. Four parties walking in good conditions - hill tracks explored above / through the Forestry above Bleddfa village - in fact from there by Rover up onto Black Mixen Top and down the bridle path into New Radnor - softly, softly. Mick Richards called in - also at Stanner Rocks on Sunday morning (128/263583) - these overlook the A44 road and are OK for ropework - and parking as there is an old railway halt opposite - and the makings of a base camp. Sunday was spent on these - an a good time was had by all - in bitterly cold conditions - and very strong winds that made horizontal stretcher lowers quite hilarious. Cook / WOP had the meal ready for five and we were back on the Unit by 20.30. A worthwhile weekend. Davey Healen brought a rolling-pin with him - and turned out some magnificent apple pies on Saturday. WOP "wapped" - no contact with any other team, but OK P/R and E/R on R/T and W/T - so it is almost by ourselves we are look you on the Control Truck stakes - viv sierra. 3- tonner went in for major work shop servicing this week and we are making do with a standby one for this weekend - it is a bind (do not forget to take the tent poles out of the box!)

Nant Gwynant: 22 - 24th March. '68

4 vehicles and 14 personnel. 3-tonner left at 10.00 with P/staff and 2 probationers - to put up tents and prepare meal. The rest of the Team left at 13.30 and arrived at N.G. around 18.30 - travelling in perfect weather - it started raining about 20.00 the same evening and went on raining - torrentially, for the rest of the weekend. Many people washed out and campers were on the road in misery. The "Dragon" motor cycle rally proved a wet one - and stalled bikes and riders littered the flooded roads on Saturday afternoon. The rising waters of the river Gwynant were viewed with suspicion and it had to be abandoned - but we did manage to gulp down breakfast / dinner before packing it all up and running for shelter of the bothy at Cwm Penammen. A great drying out period. Not a favourable reception from the "Vic" at Dolwyddelan. A minimum number of fuel cans had been brought up from Saints - and as there had been considerable road running on Saturday - there was not a lot of fuel to play with in case of a distant callout. SWB went to Valley to refuel - others worked in the hut - nav instruction and county council work. No one went on the hill with sack all weekend! It really was a wet one. Valley were at Bethesda Hut - came off the hill early on Saturday - and were out late (1700) on the Sunday. PYG-1 was keen and in good spirit on the air. This was the day that the Aer Lingus Viscount went missing (2nd fatal crash since 1952 - Siabod / Dak) Search area 70 by 50 miles - nothing found over the sea after intensive 12 hour search. Good com. with Pitreavie and Plymouth - heard it all from SOS A/C Playmates 28,36 and 38.

Due to Pye troubles (after last weeks monthly progressive servicing!) efficient radio contact between vehicles over any distance was bad / impossible - definite deterioration after servicing. Contact was lost with 3 tonner after Dolgelly on the return journey - and on the run down into Dinas Mawddwy the Control blew its front exhaust pipe out of the manifold ring-joint! It was already running in high FWD front - due to the rear O/S half shaft breaking at the diff end on the Saturday - and a accident with a Herald at PYP car park (Driver Massie). Gently into the first garage right off with the pipe / parts, unpacked our self contained fully paid up blacksmith welder - who "borrowed" the garage gas kit and welded it all together again! Back on the road after approx one hour - and "booked in" with Piteavie around 01.30 (and Plymouth!). Not exactly uneventful.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 14

Weekend: 29 - 31st March. Ysatradfellte

12 personnel and 4 vehicles to the campsite at New Inn (new management - asked about camp fees) T.L./AMB via North Luff (reclaiming Pye xtals), Stafford and Kirkmans in Manchester. Superb weather both days - great walking, but communications not used practically. HF radio not used as WOP on pass, but P.R. was called 09.00 on Sunday with no response. A quiet weekend. (New Inn Ystradfellte: Glyn Neath 211. Mr. Selwyn Howells)

Weekend. 5-7th April

10 MR and 3 vehicles to Rhayader Railway Station base camp - station platform had some county council equipment on it this time and someone called on the base camp cook on Saturday to tell him that the C.C. had now purchased the whole building and site, so some sort of approach must be made to fix permission to use this site - or look elsewhere for a suitable spot. This will not be easy to obtain in this area as everything is of value in a tourist playground! Baxter / Tillyard / Pibworth had been out with the ATC cadets all day - and met the Team when they arrived Rhayader. Pat McGurk from VMRT was weekend guest. Saturday saw Tillyard / Rudling in Sigs to recover Mick Aspain casket from Aran Mawddwy (116/8621) cairn - for servicing and book replacement. Two parties walk over Elan Valley hills. Ultra contacts with VMRT in Llyn Penins'r Sunday one party in Sigs to Cader Idris - tourist ridden summit, two parties on Elan hills. Ultra contacts with Val and Elan / Cader M.T. withdrew the SWB because of tyre wear (new B. Castle regs). Tyres have been on pri II demand for nearly a month - none on the unit? No replacement vehicle allowed, so Team non-op on Monday. Cannot carry general stores / spare fuel / pyrotechnics and ten men in the rear of the 3- ton together (no proper seating) AP 3090 certainly no good for long journies.

12th - 21st April. 1968. Kenlochleven

13 M.R. personnel, 4 M.T. plus trailer away at 14.00 on the 11th - arriving at Kin'ven by 08.30 21st (refuelling at Stafford and Carlisle - and two meal stops on motorway) - all very uneventful with the exception of minor diversions in darkest Glasgow. Keys obtained from the Time Office of the B.A.C. and all men collapsed after a long drive (holiday traffic) The weather was superb over Easter - but snow conditions were not so consistant. The 'bigness' of the Scots hills soon became evident to all - Corn Du was never like this! A token party to the Ben on the last day was necessary, but in thick 'clag'. A wide range of Munroes tops were bagged. There was no M.R. training carried out as such but much sweat and blood was flowing as the troops ranged far and wide. Glen Finnan Horseshoe Balachulish ----" ---- Party of 3 involved in rock rescue on 'Bookle' Grey Corries Ridge 15/4/68. Mamores Circuit Leader fell from top pitch North Face Route Broken hold. Fractured skull. Dislocated Bidean Nam Bean Traverse shoulder etc. Ben Circuit Blackmount A thoroughly worthwhile exercise. One M.T. snag only when the trailer body broke away from its chassis when returning from a refuelling run to Kinloss. Repaired after the shock had died away by self help on base. Leeming M.R.T. combined drinking at the Antler Bar Kinloch. ATC hut excellent accommodation. Hut for

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 15 cooking outside. Toilets on the main road by bridge. Washing / showers in B.A.C. Free water from B.A.C. hostel. Back in storm on Sunday 22nd at 05.30 hrs. Dog tired.

Tafarnyngareg: Call-out. 26th April. '68

Officer Cadet Edington (97th Entry) failed to return to base camp by 21.00 on the 25th - while engaged in a solo orienteering exercise on the Bannau-Sir-Gaer hills of Forest Fawr.

The Team advised of this by Officer i/c (Fig Off. Strawton) through Ystradgynlais police (PC. Davis) at 01.30. Team Leader in Control with W/OP to Tafarnyngareg Inn (the Cranwell parties base camp) to learn more details. This was particularly necessary due to the fact that after the police information it was no longer possible to contact the Cranwell Party as they had returned to their camp. It might have been OK to try to contact them through the T-y-G Inn but the landlord may not have appreciated being disturbed at that hour. This is our area and we have to "live in it" - so it best that we do our utmost to disturb the locals as little as possible. The Team was "called-out" at 04.30 - and arrived at 05.30. On out way to the search area by M.T. - the missing cadet was seen coming down off the hill towards his base camp. It was now broad daylight and an excellent morning - after a clear and windless night. Edington had spent the night in comparative comfort in the forestry after losing his way in the dark. Team returned to St. Athan at 09.30 and returned to normal was around 11.00. Team off duty for the day to sleep, then out again in the evening.

Thursday night's a combination of pay day and dance nights are particularly conducive to an orderly call out. Care must be exercised to keep an alert duty crew available - and Deputy Team Leaders must maintain order in the absence of the T.L.

Ystradfellte: 26th - 28th April.

3 M.T. and 15 personnel to the New Inn base via Neath. Saturday was wet and claggy. 3-tonner and main body to Merthyr Quarries for stretcher work. Officer i/c and one trainee from Storey Arms to base. T.L. and two trainees to Cwm Cerrig Glesiad for abseiling and ropework. Cook and W/OP on base. Sunday was brighter with more wind. Party of three from S/Stone to Torpantiau. Party of four from Bannau Sir Gaer to base. Party of four from F.B.C. / quarry to base. Cook and W/OP on base. T.L. doing d/offs and P/ups - also Waen Rhydd from Torpantiau. St. Athan for 20.30 - closedown by 21.30. A good training weekend. Signals contact with R.C.C.'s OK on WT.

Talybont - (White Hart Inn) on Usk. 3rd - 5th May. '68

4 M.T. and 16 personnel to Talybont for Baxters 'going away' weekend. Grand day on Saturday with Crickhowell and Blackhill as the pickup / dropoff - walking parties going well in good conditions. Grimping group on the Vaynor ? Dowlais quarries. Sunday was gentle rock work on the Darren cliff at Llangaddog, plus a party of two walkers over the tops - Storey Arms to Talybont in 31/4 hrs. Head Warden David Newman at base asking after sheep deaths. Mick Richards. Bearded teacher and boys from Grangetown - lecture / demonstration. Mick Randall - C/Tech and a cortina estate. Royal Oak at Penkelly have offered camping facilities. Ben Lyon - Glasbury School! Near the Law Courts! Cardiff Technical College * Ian Clough lecture at Cardiff CAT on Thursday next at 2030 Tickets at 5/- - on Patagonia.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 16 Brynamman Quarries: 10 - 12.5.68

Saturday Nav/walk Sunday Stretcher lowering

Forest Inn: 17 - 19.5.68

Night exercise Stretcher lowering

Beacons: 22.5.68

SWB and three

Prescelly Mountain: 24 - 26.5.68

Hunting for rock on Saturday Retired to the Gower on Sunday

Nant Gwynant: 31 - 3.6.68

4 M.T. and 10 Team to usual site - in great weather this time. Walking and climbing (Moelwyns and C/Cirau) each day. Three incidents on the Whit Monday - all attended to by the one walking party. The 'climbers' are virtually unobtainable and a waste of time - not even good publicity! But North Wales is great and it was fine weather - and Whitsun holiday.

Pont-yr-Afon-Gam: 7-9.6.68

Only 6 available this weekend - it does not improve! 2 vehicles and 2 drivers had to stay for the Cardiff Lord Mayors parade on the Saturday. The others travelled up in the Bedford on the Friday evening - and shared the weekend walking / climbing with Stafford MRT.

Bucks Head Hotel. Seaford near Wellington. Salop. 14 - 16th June '68

As many as possible to Foz's home address and camped on the lawn - to be near at hand for Jerry's wedding on the Saturday. It all went off very well, the Bride and Groom galloping off as soon as possible - and the troops enjoyed themselves. Afterwards at the Bucks Head. Much misery on the Sunday - a trial at gardening the lawn and the surrounds - one party to PontEsford, but could not find the rock so back to base via the Wrekin Top! Saints by 23.30.

Porthkerry Sea Cliffs (Below Lime Kilns) 19.6.68

Recovered aircraft wheel from beach - hauled up cliff and delivered to F/L Patrick for identification.

Nant Gwynant. North Wales. 21 - 23.6.68

4 MT and 11 personnel from S/A at 14.00 to the usual campsite at the start of the Watkin track. StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 17 Request from F/L Thomas (S. of P.T. Llanrwst) for assistance in training a course of students (St. Lukes College Exeter) needing 2 Team members to walk with a party (17) from Llyn Anafon over Foel Fras and Gyrn Uchaf and down the ridge to Bethesda hut - and two climbing instructors to be at the Milestone to take other students on easy climbs. This was done on the Saturday - albeit the Anafon party rather late in arriving (2 hrs) (10.30 instead of 08.30) - The Milestone party waited even longer for their "customers" and eventually gave up and climbed "Soapgut" in the rain! Their party didn't turn up because it was "too wet" - they could have let us know. On the Saturday evening at the Gwrhyd we were approached by the Sergeant of an Army Junior Leader Regiment (from Taunton in Somerset) and told that one of his party was missing from a walk on Snowdon. It had been a party of two and they set off from their LWB Rover in the Cromlech Lay by to walk to the summit and back. They ascended by the PYG track to the point where it joins the Miners' track below the 'Zig-zags' - and at this point appear to have traversed round under Clogwyn-y-Garnedd cliffs - Trinity Gullies. It was raining and they were in cloud. Maciulko led uphill and they soon on steep rock. Cowan, in the rear, was not making good progress and was jeered at by his companion for being 'chicken'. Cowan could eventually go neither up not down, and lost contact with Maciulko. He said later that he heard stones falling. He shouted for help, and a climber came across from the Zig-Zags and found him. This climber decided he could do nothing on his own and went back for others who were waiting for him. Four of them assisted Cowan down from his ledge, and took him down to the car-park and PYP. Two of this four stayed behind and looked for Maciulko. They found blood on the rocks in a gully, and a map (identified later as being Maciulko's). These climbers were all members of the Croydon Climbing Club and were staying at 'Mollies' in Nant Peris. These last two were late down off the hill and we knew nothing of the blood and map. Late on Saturday we decided to have an early start the next morning and to search the area - it was merely a 'missing person' report at this stage. The NCO stated that Maciulko was a physically fit athlete, a novice climber and that he had the 'Horseshoe' four times. It rained heavily at Nant Gwynant that night. Due to the S. of P.T. commitment two MRT were sent in the Control vehicle to Drum (earlier than yesterday - so they could be off the hill to help with the search it is was still on) (and the WOP was instructed to inform RCC that we were involved in a search) They found that the students were still in bed - so it was a late start again (11.00). Four students did not want to go on the hill and walked back to Aber and onto Bethesda Hut by road. The hill party was in cloud from base camp to Gyrn Wigau. Some complained of the cold(!) and had to borrow gloves etc from MRT. Footwear was open to criticism as well - the both parties were too big for the number of instructors available - and two MRT were advised to visit the school early and ask if their services could be dispensed with, in view of the search in progress. This was agreed - and these two drove up to the Cause way on Llydaw just in time to intercept a request for the stretcher to be brought up from the ambulance (also there). The body of John Maciulko was found in boulders at the bottom of Clogwyn y Garnedd. Obvious head injuries and rigidity confirmed death. It was not possible to determine how far he had fallen, but on the information now known it is probable that he fell before 15.00 the previous day - and died within 30 min. The body was found by the MRT party (Gordon) in cloud and rain at approx 3,000' altitude. Cowan was also present as a guide - he was most co-operative and stood up well to the questioning by MRT. PYG-Base was kept informed of all this and acted as Control / Link. PC Hughes (Beddgelert) viewed the body before we put it on the stretcher and Dr. Ieuan Jones officially confirmed death at 1150 - having run up the track from PYP. He is Chief casualty Officer of Bangor C. and A. hospital and takes great interest in all hill incidents. John Roberts (plus search dogs "Bons" and "Simba") and Terry (Nat. Park Wardens) were both there - and Jesse James (X-RAY Val MRT - now instructor Bryn-yr-Efail) with pupils. A carry to the ambulance. An argument with the Coroners - eventually deciding on Portmadoc, so we took the body there. Portmadoc mortuary is at a small church / cemetery just north of Moel-y-Gest (116/557393). Both

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 18 Cowan and Maciulko were 17 years old. Approx position of the body when found was (107/612545). All MRT were back at Nant Gwynant by 16.15 - and after a meal camp was struck and we left for St. Athan at 1810 - arriving 0030. RCC was informed at 0045 by phone - they had not been using their radio on channel 2 all day. Only if we request it beforehand by telephone! Team "stand-down" until 10.00 on 24th. Page 126 of the Llanberis South climbing guide makes very clear about the hazards that are likely to be encountered on this cliff.

Ystradfellte: 28th - 30th June '68

11 MRT and 4 MRT MT to Ystradfellte to cover the night exercise planned by the 155 Wessex Regiment (150+ personnel. 25 3-tonner!) in the Black Mountains. Saturday was spent climbing and rope work in the quarry at Vaynol. Too many people are 'plopping off' lately - this must never be regarded too light heartedly - it is always dangerous, and the fact that pegs do come out, must be remembered when putting them in. Two new models were tried out - and had stone filled sacks dropped on them to prove their efficiency. These new pegs (and associated equipment) are of local manufacture by a member of the Team - when RAPO decide to post him we shall lose considerably (he is not a bad climber either!) Everyone (except Spry / Pib / WOP) had falling leader practise. An early 'tea' and then out to take up position in the exercise area, between the Tregarth and Crickhowell road, and the lane that serves the Hermitage. Despite the large number of troops - and vehicles, it all went off rather well. The weather was good, and apart from the wetness under foot, and a few tumbles on V.S. grass slopes there were no casualties (they had an excellant amb (Morris 4x4) with all the medicines bandages and orderlies (no M.O!) One member of the Army Cadet Force (accompanying the troops) collapsed with some obscure illness on the top of the ridge and was eventually carried down on the Thomas. He was fit enough to protest on reaching base that he was fit enough not to go to Abergavenny General Hospital for a check so he was 'released' - and he retired to his pup tent. We all lost a nights sleep and as we didn't reach Ystradfellte until 0700 on the Sunday we slept until 16.00 - when we packed it all up and made for Saints (end of month refuelling!) The ambulance stopped off at Troedyrhiw town cross-roads to carry an Indian chap who was injured in a collision between his Honda and a car (St. Tydfil's Hospital) All wrapped up by 21.00 hrs.

Forest Inn. 6 - 8.7.68

Everyone on leave, sick, mad, bankrupt or just working this weekend - and there was an original idea to cancel the whole thing if less than six turned up. As it was five turned up - number six was chopped at the last moment by his Sect NCO - to look for a lost tool! (Meadows). During the past week Gordon was carried howling to hospital with gut trouble so he was missing. Some had sick cars. Some had instant females. So it was a very quiet weekend. WOP drove to N'Luff to replace a defective Pye set - and met us out there. This set was U/S when tested! TL visited OC Police Station at Aberystwyth in response to a phone request for advice on M.R. / cliff rescue. They are also helped by local fire station (sub-unit) and a Coastguard (Arvon Morris) at Borth (Bel-Air. G/Grocer). All five of us could have nipped up to Nant Gwynant - and looked after the accident in the Pass on Saturday - just enough to carry a stretcher. Back early. Fuelled, washed and locked by 20.30.

Tal-y-Mignedd: 12 - 14.7.68 (107/532531

Victor were in the Berwyns (Eisteddod?) and Hotel were in the Bethesda Hut (14 Peaks) and a great horde of Junior Leaders were already in possession of Gwynant - so we chose to go to Mr. Jones farm at Nantle. It is out of the way - away from the climbing fraternity. The roads are narrow and StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 19 filled with tourists. There is a "rights of way" dispute on local ground Castel Cidwm on Mynydd Mawr - and Y garn, on Drws y Coed. The old lady at Isaf drowned herself in the burn, due to son. Williams now opposite Butlins with a married daughter. Red Lion at Penygroes closed after the murder. (Three of the lads went up and had a shuftie at the quarry on Saturday) but it is a good site and Mr. Jones (son Hugh) always makes us welcome. Mr. Clegg at the Quellyn Arms does not exactly do this, but the beer is OK - and he is the nearest. Jones asked us to retrieve two sheep from the south side of "Cwm Whisky". He wants to shear them of course, but did not say so. We went up on the Saturday morning but were unable to get anywhere near them - they just galloped up, down or sideways (and showed reluctance to leave the cliff for either the ridge or cwm). Lots of food available. Blue body markings - Jones red markings - Pennant. We took 2 x 250 foot ropes and this just enough. It was 14.30 when we called it off. Work on the Control vehicle while others refuelled and visited quarries. Saturday night was rather disastrous, and it was ten (and drizzling steadily) on Sunday before the bomb was lit. The SWB had broke a half shaft with the loaded trailer yesterday - so that was sent off early - and the rest of us followed at 13.10.

Called in at PYG (Chris at Henley!) to book-out and on the way through Bettws - just happened to hear Avalanche 32 on about "parties" and "sweep search" so roared up to higher ground (Cyffty) to try and offer help, but discovered it was only John / Terry with dogs up on Siabod on practice work. So it was back to the run down to Cardiff - floods at Llaniddes (in the town) - caught the others at Brecon! And all stowed, fuelled and washed by 21.30. Not a very good weekend - the number of personnel attending is slowly dropping to a level which makes any sort of showing difficult. It was perhaps a good thing that the Team was not closer to the scene of things. One youth (head injuries) carried off Snowdon on Sunday afternoon.

Pen-Rhiw-Wen (Rhayader) 19 - 21.7.68

Got the bums-rush from the Borough Surveyor when we arrived at the station to camp so stacked it all back on the wagons and went up on to the top of Penrhiwen ( ). Two parties dropped off at Claerwen - really claggy. Up all night. Both parties collected by transport eventually! Two hours kip - and then to Rhayader to meet Lofts (arranged to meet at station!) - then out on the hills with him for a short stagger. Trevor Francis turned up on scooter (and Mick Richards) from Perth. Evacuating / collecting Halton cadets to Llanidloes in morning (Group Captain M.O.) Poor old Foz bogged the SWB in an epic patch of Sarragosa bog up on Clwyddau Bach - and started a spell of vehicle guard. Tues A.O.C.'s parade on Monday morning - and inspection of section in afternoon.

Out with Colin Ross on Monday morning to take over from Foz. On Wednesday (-after the chaos of the A.O.C.'s visit) out with 'Tonto' Ranger and the M.T.O. (Flt. Lt. Price) to the SWB to relieve Colin and let the MTO investigate (he enjoyed his walk and day out) Out again on Friday 26.7.68 to put Foz back up there - and drag Tonto down for a drink with Bomb Disposal and Airborne (Cambrian March). Met the Scammel crew (civilians x 4) from Oswestry (L.A.D. Park Hall Camp - phone Oswetry 2321 - Ext 233 W.O. Ball) at the Rhayader car park - and brought them out for a cuppa (shops still closed in the town!) then out for the SWB, but the Scammel was far too heavy. It sank very well in the first patch of ooze! and the rest of the weekend was spent in getting it out. The winch rope also broke the drain cock off the air tank - so they lost all the power assistance and brakes - not that this mattered terribly while it was stationary but it did mean that we had to phone / collect the duty welder and his kit from the Army camp at Senny Bridge - and he was too big to get under the Scammel, so J.T. Owens did his usual skilled work with great success. We did the welding on the Sunday morning - we drove in the ambulance to the SWB and tied the winch between - and got it out that way (no bother at all) - all this on the Sat afternoon. All vehicles and personnel back on the hard road by 13.00 hrs on Sunday the 28th July, 1968. StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 20

Just as we were packing up camp on the Sunday evening - along came a man who said he was the Land Owner and did we have his permission. There was a very simple answer to this and we are now looking for a new base camp. All locked, fuelled and stowed by 10.00 p.m.

Gower: Section 31st July '68

Due to the usual "pressing problems" of the domestic, technical and publicity angles we were trying to be in at least three places at once - and only a few reached the rock down at the sea side.

Nant Gwynant 2nd August. '68

This was a not scheduled visit but 'Victor' had no objection - and neither had Williams / Hafod-y- Llan - and as we were only seven in number (who prefers Ystradfellte to ?0 we ran north at teatime - arriving at 23.59 - and slept without tents. Saturday was pretty fine - one party over Siabod and Cnicht (after a young draught the bogs in that area are as dry as they are ever likely to be!) - and one party rock climbing at Clogwyn Caerau (Bettws-y-Coed). Apparently about five weeks ago one of the Snowdon trains jumped the track and slid back 40 yards (with passengers! - a full scale mountain rescue epic!) It tore up a section of rail - and since then the so called 'hotel' has run out of stores and had to close virtually. The trains only go as far as Clogwyn Station and the customers have to walk to the summit - that only sells bikkies and post cards! There is practically no water in the streams - and if the hot weather keeps up there are likely to be one or two cases of heat exhaustion (plastic water bottles!) amongst the swarming hordes. Sunday saw the climbers having to queue for space on climbs in the Pass (- much to their disgust!) and Ron Meadows ambling round the Horseshoe on his own (suitably backed up) - coming down the Galt-y-Wenallt tail of the Horseshoe by the campsite. Stafford were at Dinas Mawddwy - and Valley in Cwm Nant Pennant. Heard both on the air each day. John Roberts and Terry Tallis (Avalanche 32 and 33) were both on the air - and PYG - 1 really on the ball! Sunday was a scorcher and despite the crowds - most enjoyable. No call-outs only a scalp wound to a young female toddler (duly washed and dusted) Back at 02.00 Monday.

Three Cliffs Bay: Gower Wed 7th Aug. '68

Two MT and ten MRT to the far end of the ridge for a simulated rescue from half way up the face (towards the sea), but before it was completed - the tide raced in over the sands and the whole lot of us had to swarm back along the ridge - and back to camp. IMR left early and it wasn't surprising as we were terribly slow all the way through (like a lot of old women). Actually I.M.R. went back to M.O.D. - the last we saw of him he was waving 'good bye' from the cliff top.

Crickhowell. 9 - 11.8.68

4 MT and 9 MRT to Park Farm campsite in a dismal drizzle - that cleared up and turned into the hottest weekend so far this year. The problem of drinking water while on the hill is very tricky at the present time - even the sheep are drinking at puddles, their normal grass moisture is missing! Climbing at the east end of the main crag four new hard V.S. routes climbed by Messers Foster, Gordon, Meadows and Ranger. Jones and Bullock from Black Hill to Electricity sub-station above Crickhowell - a fair stumble in this heat. Sunday was very easy / lazy for all - even the climbers went underground, and they found it surprisingly muddy. The organiser of the carnival at Cwm was visited on Saturday to arrange for the 31st. StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 21 Stay away from the Gospel Pass / Llan'angel crucorny road on a hot Sunday afternoon - a terrible bind with tourist. A good weekend for the GR/410 - Pitreavie in voice with reduced volume. Ranger in the Bedford clobbered a mini in Cardiff on the way home (via Abergavenny - Ponty Pool - M4 - Cardiff) - instead of Merthyr.

East Camp W/Tower 14th Aug. '68

The beginning of another series of lowers for the edification of the general public and the S. of P.T. These will continue until the B. of B. "at home day" on each Wednesday - numbers being decided upon how each sections i/c feels.

The Gower Cliffs. Sunday 18th Aug.

The weekend was completely ruined again by the S. of P.T. volunteering our services for the Archbishop of Wales party to do a lower at 17.30 on the Saturday afternoon! Everyone in a foul mood, so it was relieved by a Sunday on the Gower in excellent weather.

Brynamman 23 - 25.8.68

During the summer months it is quite hard to avoid the many carnivals and rags held through out South Wales to aid charities. But ten MRT and four MT based at the quarries did their best this weekend. Saturday dawned with low cloud after an hours heavy rain during the night. Some of the narrow lanes around the Abergwesyn were still full of stones and running water - when we all went round to the water works for an epic stretcher lower from the Bannau Sir Gaer. Took stakes for belays and joined three two hundred and fifty foot ropes. The down to join the parade at 15.30 but were too late to join it. Sunday was a gentle stagger from base to Cerrig Cennem Castle in sweltering heat. Very interesting locality - plenty of good campsites on this end of the Black Mountain. Back in Saints for 19.30.

Pont-Yr-Afon-Gam: 30/8 - 2/9/68

Haven't been to this campsite before - it is a change from midges and flooded ground in North Wales. Amb and Sigs stayed at St. Athan until Saturday morning and then went along to Cwm (Ebbw Vales) for the Carnival - then north to 107 land in gleaming vehicles. Saturday at PYAG Owen/Ross. Carneddau walking Jones/Bullock. Amphitheatre Buttress Tillyard/ Meadows. Base - Dolwyddelan Ranger. Base/cook Foster D/off - W/OP Sunday at PYAG Tillyard/Foster. Rhinogs walk Bullock/Owen/Jones. Moelwyn Crags Ranger/Meadows Valley refuel Ross Cook - base Rudling W/Op Pibworth D/off - P/up Monday at PYAG Amb/Pib to big lay-by halfway up the Nantgwynant on standby early. Followed by SWB to PYP with Horseshoe party (Jones - Meadows). Trouble with the dynamo again - this time it was burnt leads - W/OP later. Owen - cook/base. Foster/Ross base to Dolwyddelan. Ranger and Tillyard in SWB(?)

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 22 With the co-operation of John Roberts and the PYP Hostel warden (Mr/Mrs Aston) permission to use the old coaching barn has been obtained - providing we leave the M.T. in the upper car park. As we packed up to leave PYAG the sun came out! It was a wet weekend! Back in good convoy (never more than a mile between front and rear vehicle) in five hours (20.30 - 01.45 - not counting a stop at Rhayader for coffee and hot pies).

Millbeck - Keswick 6 - 8th Sept. '68

Just a quick visit for eight of the Team. Saturday was spent walking:- Seathwaite to O.D.G. - and Honister Top to O.D.G. Sunday:- Patterdale to Threlkeld (!) - and Little Chamonix on Shepherds. The weather was kind. The base just a fly - and we dispensed with base cook. Radio comm. was very good on both days. The roads were crowded, but the summer tourist is nearly finished - despite heavy delays south of Kendal we took seven hours on the return to St Athan (for 05.00 Mon.) Electrics went sick on the ambulance and ten shillings had to be spent to put it right (Resistor in spark plug cover!)

Wednesday Afternoon 11.9.68 Picketston

Coercion with F/L Brankin helped the SWO and party to erect a large tent for the use of the public during B. of B. open day.

Thursday 19th September. 1968.

Amb to Palace of Art Bellahouston Park in Glasgow for assistance in manning the Mountain Safety Exhibition organised by Ben Humble and John Hinde for the Scottish Mountain Rescue Committee. 3-tonner arrived at Glasgow on the Friday morning (05.00). Accommodated in the Highland Light Infantry Drill Hall at Brigton. - With Stafford MRT.

Thursday 26th September. 1968.

Amb and Control (trailer) with 6 MRT to PYP coach barn (arrived midnight). Terrific rain and wind all through the weekend, but a good walking day on Saturday (parties on Snowdon and Glyders) but everyone soaked. Later on while carry a chap off the Grooved Arete. Sunday was a drying out and making good day - until John Simms came along to tell us that a light civil aircraft had been reported crashed on the East Face of Tryfan. Early search HQ was established at

Glan Dena car park - as the search (by 22 Sqd) moved over onto the Carneddau. Called off at darkness and given over to the dogs for a night search. To Oggy Cottage for a "plan of action" conference. Mick Randall i/c Valley and Smyton i/c/ Stafford then a few hours sleep at P.Y.P. - Then in ambulance to Melenlynn with Sirra's 1 - 2 - 3 for a R/Z at Foel Grach refuge (John 'Jacko' Jackson) and a search of search area one five, head of Eigiau - Llyfnant. Lots of old junk but nothing new. Returned to Melynlyn to act as link from road head R/Z (107/704658) to Foel Grach control. Wreckage eventually located at 14.20 by two walkers hiking up Cwm Lloer at 107/675627. "Gomma" the Police and Constable (both from Beddgelert) got lost, broke their radio aerial, couldn't find the control and staggered down the Lafar to Bethesda. We were ready to start another search. All over and back to PyP by 18.00 - Valley back to camp that night - Stafford drinking at Bethesda - we at Gwryhyd (Tony Jones, Maxwell and Plas.y.B WRAF party). Stafford back around 11.00 - and ourselves at 12.00 - leaving two Army lads (Farnborough R.E. Training Sqd) in residence. In pouring rain to finish completely at 20.30 hrs in the Section.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 23 Friday 5th Oct. PenyPass:

Only five of us in three vehicles up north (with the blessing of the RCC) again this week - to get involved and to recover the pup tent that was lost on Pen Helgi last week. Slept in the buggies like Arabs and had no trouble getting away in the morning. Up onto Pen Helgi on the Saturday, but despite a good search - no sign of the pup. Got a call through to A/Tango 3 on High Street in the Lakes from the Pye (50 lb day bag!). Foz, Sooty, and Tonto onto Llewelyn and Dafydd but failed to find the Cessna (it was visible from the road)1 Accident on Soap Gut late afternoon. Boulder fell on second and leader after coming off half tracks and dingoes arriving at PYP all night (night watchman £5). Call out by police first thing on the Sunday morning (with Victor) to look for a man and woman overdue from a trip round the Horseshoe on Saturday. Found them quickly - on their way down after spending a very wet and cold night sitting on a sloping rock in a gully on Lliwedd. Caught in a very sudden mist - losy and frightened themselves silly by ending up on the 'steep side'! Quiet afternoon. Back to Saints by 23.59.

Wednesday 9th Oct. Storey Arms.

Due to John Cuthberston making a guest appearance from Sharjah, and having an apprentice (Birch from Northwood) a quick stagger over the Beacons was carried out and all back (even the scaley one) by 21.30.

Friday 11th Oct. 1968 Ystradfellte

Two Army exercises this weekend - one was the Sandhurst (Major Deacon) op. 'Chinstrap' and the other was an abortive attempt to meet the Sigs detachment at "The Bunker" - but they failed to turn up although the site for aerials and ops look OK. All over by Saturday evening and

Sunday was spent exploring the Beacons / Fans in breezy weather.

Forest Inn. 18th - 20th Oct. 68

7 troops and 1 3-tonner out this evening. WOP/TL and amb remained at Saints as radio link for "Hor Deurve". Came out on the Saturday at 17.00 Walking in two parties from the south (141 Land1). On the Sunday in three parties over Radnor Forest from New Road on Bach Hill. Will good, clag base at 2,000 most of the early part of the day. Back for an early pack-up, but even though we were unable to re-fuel (because of exercise?) it was still 21.30 before the wagons were washed. After pushing a JZ off the wash - discovered that the high pressure hose was U.S. again!

Dinas Mawddwy: 25 - 27th Oct. '68

Another weekend of small numbers. This is the fourth consecutive weekend exercise that has been split by additional tasks wished up it. This time it was a Scout/Guide group at the Gymnasium (East Camp) on the Sat/Sun for a session in orienteering. To do a proper job of it the whole of those out for the weekend should have stayed behind to assist in the running of what proved quite a difficult task for one person. The whole group had a go - six at a time for 11/2 hours. An interesting bunch of young people - to whom maps and compass work came as a surprise! The main part of the Team left in the 3-ton after lunch to establish base camp in the disused coaching shed of the "Buckley Arms". 1 latecomer (17.00) drove up alone in the empty Control vehicle. It had just come out of workshops after the replacement of a sub-

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 24 standard maingearbox (3 months) - The radio gear has been removed for routine serv. and the fitting of serviceable parts (valve in the GR/410 - and subsequent setting up) - even the WOP was on weekend pass after travelling down as far as Hampshire in the ambulance when a panic call for St. Athan area one inch maps went out to the Army map/chart depot at Guildford. The Army chaps are always very good about this sort of thing - and can usually 'produce' from stock, but the postal delay follows - always far more satisfactory to collect direct. Saturday was spent as one party walking over Cader Idris Sunday was wet and cold. Aran walking for one group - up to the Book of Remembrance on Fawddwy. All back at Saints with hot wiper motors by 22.00.

Crickhowell (Park Farm) 1.11.68 A mixed weekend again. Eight on the hill. Two working on the refit of the Sigs vehicle - and a St. Johns Ambulance Brigade lecture at Police College (15.30 on Satur!) Weather getting noticeably colder. Good walking on Black Mountains and Llangattock Moor.

PenyPass. 8.11.68

On Thursday evening (about 16.20) a member of the P/Staff took an outside phone call from Ystradgynlais police about a call for help in getting two youths off a ledge near Dan-yr-Ogof. Subsequent phoning as everyone was dashing about getting kit and vehicles revealed that it was not two boys in difficulty but two ewes! There was no panic for sheep. The T.L. arranged to meet LDSA Insp. Laming at the caves the next morning - and both ewes were retrieved safely. The Team arrived at PYP at 20.30 and had base in the old barn (phoned Hostel in the morning) established by 21.00 then down to the Gwrhyd - where Mr. McGurk was found doing splendid work in the bar (x-RAF Cpl W/OP and MRT). The place was empty - bar two. Friday night was dry and cold - Saturday was superb. A crystal dawn! and Jugears and Jim were away at 0730 on the 14 peaks - not a breath of wind - and not a cloud in the sky. The others eventually ambled (carefully) around the Horseshoe - it was slippery - and kept an eye on things in general. There were plenty of people all over. The gallant Peak pair was supported at the Vaynol car park at Nant Peris and at Ogwen and met by the amb on Drum at 21.30! Starting at pen-y-Pass ↑ Crib Goch, Cribydsgil, summit, ↓ railway to 604573, ↑ Elidir Fawr, Y Garn, , Glyder Fach, Tryfan, ↑ Penyroleuwen (from the Teas Shack), Dafydd, Yr Elen, Llewelyn, Foel Grach and Foel Fras. Sunday was an evil wet day - no sun - steady rain. Over the North Ridge - summit - South Ridge - Bristly - Glyder Fach - Fawr - P.Y.Pass. All wettish and cold (but now protected by Helly- Hansen) and soon revived by a good soup from cooks (West and Jones). Barn cleared and swept and off by 18.00. Saints by 00.45.

PenyPass. 16 - 17.11.68

Down to six this weekend - very poor indeed! We were due to go to Ystradfellte, but little can be done there with only that number - rather slip up to N. Wales and supplement the facilities up there. There is always a chance of a protracted search - and delayed return to this place. It turned out to be a thoroughly good weekend - everyone on the hill and no snags at all. The vehicles were used very little - so we did n't have to go into Valley (and waste a man/day on the hill!) and left at 17.00 and arrived here at 22.45! All refuelled washed and bedded by 23.59 - so it isn't impossible (with a little spa!). - Saturday was cold and clear so with one on base two parties did the Horseshoe reciprocal - John Roberts and dogs came along over Crib Goch (-and eventually down the Gribin Boiler Plates) and all of them did pretty good considering their age! RAF Valley MRT were using the hut at Cwm Penammaen - and walking over those local tops, all the Moewlyns, then up Yr Aran and finishing on the Crib Goch. Not many completed this, StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 25 and it made our own efforts look very sick - but they are trying to get all the 'easy' walks done before 'The Machine' arrives from the Scottish marathon (30 Munroes so far - and only half way!). But they were all shattered on the Sunday and we didn't see much of them - Roberts and dogs were over on Siabod working with the helicopter (good co-operation from the new CO towards all MR work). A party up to the Cessna wreckage - Dafydd and Penyroleuwen (in magnificent hard frost conditions) then split up, three down to the Ogwen falls (20 mins?), the others down to Tal-y-Llyn- Ogwen and the Rover (via iced-up gully above llyn)

Ystradfellte: 22 - 24.11.68

Out on the Friday - all the P.S., but only half the volunteer members - due to "the woman", the car, the Section etc. A great day on Saturday. Rain laden SW gale - exposure weather. One party off at 'Bannerseergyre' lock keepers house to walk the tops to Torpantiau, but due to condition they walked to base. A weak party from Fan Frynach up over Creigiau Gleisiad, Fan Fawr to Storey Arms (pick-up) - they were intending to continue over the Beacons and help search some parts of Cwm Gwdi - a mentally retarded boy of nine has been missing from Brecon for two weeks! The TL had gone round to the Rifle Range with the ambulance and up the North Ridge to P/Fan (on all fours) and over onto Corn Du and down the Tommy Jones ridge to Pen Milan and back into Cwm Gwdi. Should have met up with the other party on top. Radio contact was only reliable between Ranger and Control all day (progressive GRSF servicing). Sunday was clear and six up to P/Fan and dropped the McInnes and two over the North Face, but failed miserably in pulling them up together - not even with a pulley system. Needed more pulling power. Down the North Ridge to Cwm Gwdi for a pickup - then round to the Mountain Centre for a conflab with Bridgend MRT and the Keith Widdison party that had to escort a party of 6 youngster off the Beacons on Saturday with a mild case of exposure. Base packed up and back for 20.15. Control off to Luffenham Monday morning for re-crystalling of six ultras and one Pye to 84.3 Mc/S.

Dinas Mawddwy. 29th Nov. - 1st Dec.

The long awaited combined op./exercise with the Stafford Team was held at the coaching barn adjoining the Buckley Arms Hotel. The barn is a good spot (with electricity!) - but was not big enough for so many (24) and the vehicles (8 plus 2 trailers) - and with the rain there was no lack of mud and slime. But good long walking courses in good conditions - fine rain and even finer east wind that blew strongly - and some of us off the tops! (Suart from ATCC) Some snow / hail on the tops - nothing lying. Reciprocal courses walked with wagons at Llangulchlwyn and Arthog. Teuch down last - easily in the dark. Much ale of course. Sunday was about the same weather. West - Owen - Jones to Craig Cowarch for a clamber. Tillyard - Bullock - Birch over and Robell Fawr. Other parties from Bwlchygroes - A/Fawddwy - to base. Cader Idris to base. Stafford's J2 developed petrol trouble. Stripped carb - and found that the needle valve had put a hole through the float top. Made an emergency repair of plastic tape, but not reliable. Away by 18.00 and all wrapped up by 22.30.

Ystradfellte 5 - 7.12.68

Combined exercise with Bridgend MRT - they camped with us over the w/e. Saturday was a reciprocal nav ex between Ystradfellte and Blaenbrynich. Sunday was a sweep search from Blaensenny to Fan Frynach. Stretcher lower (800' steep grass) and stretcher flog down to Forest Lodge (from Fan Frynach).

Scotland: Glen More 20/12 - 6/1

Bullock Owen +1 civ from Ogwen Cottage Team Rudling Jones + Birch after Xmas StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 26 Tillyard Meadows + 1 Valley troop for a few days.

Ystradfellte 10th - 12th January 1969

Sat 11 Jan Party 1 Party 2 Jim West Flash Gordon J. J. Spry Ron Meadows Drop off Brynammon - 10.35 Tonto Ranger Walk to base 21.00 Fan Frynach - Fan Fawr Distance 18 miles Pen-y-Fan - down Bryn Teg to Pick up Base camp:- Jerry Wollverton Distance 11 mile WOP:- Rudling Weather proved good nav ex material. Compass work all the way. Radar would have helped on the road. Foz + Tilly to Mountain Centre for briefing on next weeks exercise with civy teams.

Sun 12th Dec Party 1 Route. Foz Foster Storey Arms to Pencelli Jim West Distance 12 mile J. J. Spry Ron Meadows only one party on the hill. It seems as if hearing rain pouring onto the tent first thing in the morning has the same effect as a hatchet buried in the skull. Excuses to stay off the hill ranged from professional to brilliant. The thick ones walked Base:- Tilly

RTU 2100 completed

Port Talbot 15th January '69

Cardiff outdoor pursuits centre provided the pupils for a couple of stretcher lowers with a short sweep search & stretcher carry in rather nasty conditions, rain, sleet & stormy wind. These young lads really need watching for signs of exposure i.e. turning solid. Eight people troops turned up today which is the best Wednesday appearance for many a long month. Life looks rosies.

Pencelli 17 - 19 - 1 - 69

4 MRT and 11 Personnel from S/A at 1800 hrs on 17 - 1 - 69 to base camp at Pencelli Royal Oak camp site. Request from Brecon Mountain Centre for 3 team members to take part in "Ex R Charlie" sweep search, and stretcher lower. Saturday 19 - 1 - 69 Party 1 0900 hrs Jones Mountain Centre for brief regarding "Ex Right Charlie". Leave Gordon M.C. for hill at 1230 hrs. Gordon, Jones, Tilly on hill. Gordon Tilly makes for the road at 1500 hrs to call for help for Jones who has Owen fallen on the crags ("Creigiau Gleision"). Police and two civilian Rudling M.R. teams make search and take Jones off the crag, search for Tilly to be rescued at first light next morning. 2130 hrs return to base camp. Party 2 Walverton StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 27 Spray Part 2 hill walking in "Ex R, Charlie" area. Navigation ex. Dumble Kirkpatrick Birch Sunday. 20 - 1 - 69 Party 1 Ex R charlie Leave base camp for Brecon Beacons pass call out area 0730 hrs. Briefing for days search teams reaching 0900 hrs Brecon M. R. Casualty found 1500 hrs. stretcher lower and flog.

Creckowell 24 - 25 - 1 - 69 7 PERSONNEL, 1 BEDFORD R.L. + 2 ROVERS Leaving Staints Saints at 1800 hrs on 24th Jan Base camp Park Farm, 30/- camping fees to Accounts Officer from Mr Powell (landowner) SATURDAY: PARTY 1 JONES Leaving late Friday evening after closing time for MEADOWS a night exercise on the Black mountains, returning BIRCH to there sleeping bags about lunch time after having a few hours sleep on the hill. Party II BULLOCK Committed to go to a "BEACONS X Panel" OWEN meeting at Abergavenny to listen to a lot of people talking for a long time about nothing!

Cont:- We said hello to everyone, told them who we were and what we did, and left at the end of a long afternoon, leaving them drinking tea and talking about Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award assessment and how good they all are. Tilly was Cook & Wop was wopping

Sunday:- PARTY I TILLEY Hill walk and nav ex' on Black Mountains BIRCH PARTY II BULLOCK Went off on a drive around looking for some good OWEN climbing grounds, met some chaps o from Valley MEADOWS M.R.T. who where in our area for the weekend (60 hr) camping at YSTRADFELLTE doing the same thing, so after a long chat we went off and tryed our hand at potholeing & caving. Jones was Cook Wop went over with cpl parsons to the Beacon Battle School to see about some kit for the team. LLANDOVERY 7th - 8th - 9th FEB '69 6 PERSONNEL, 1 BEDFORD R.L. + 2 ROVERS Base camp at Troedrhiw by side of river. SATURDAY:- PARTY I WOOLVERTON Nav Ex Base - Pen-y-Gurnos, Spot Ht 978 SPRY Ystradffiw - base BIRCH Approx 11 miles PARTY II BULLOCK Nav Ex Base, Craig Cwrt, Carn Cwrch RANGER Transnant - River to base 10 miles Cook:- GORDON SUNDAY:- PARTY I WOOLVERTON Nav Ex & Map reading BIRCH PARTY II GORDON Clambering around rocks caves & a spot RANGER of walking etc. SPRY Cook:- BULLOCK Snow & bad ice on the narrow road up to base became very dicey for the vehicles. Radio comm bad!! R.T.U. at camp 2145 hrs Sunday. StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 28


Saturday 8th Cook: Ranger Party One Nav-ex and survival instruction Drop-off Llangurig bridge - Gordon Walking over to Elan village Spry Meadows

Party Two Navigation instruction for probationer Coupland. Shows good potential. Rudling Coupland

Snow - Soft, deep - High winds, occasional white-out conditions

Sunday 9th Area familiarisation. First time in the area for most of the team members present. Good conditions, Hard snow Struck base - camp just before six Arrived St. Athan 20.45. FEB 12th WED 1 ROVER + 3 TO BEACONS FEB 14th / 15th /16th TAF FECHAN 10 PERSONNEL, 1 BEDFORD RL + 3 ROVERS. FRIDAY NIGHT:- BULLOCK & TILLY in rover to Cardiff College of Education, Cyncoed to lecture of on Mountain Rescue to a party of 20 - so called CCPR South Wales. Rejoining the rest of the team early Sat morning at TAF FECHAN On Saturday the whole team went down to the quarries to meet the CCPR people again who were about 11/2 hrs late. We carried out many stretcher lowers and showed them most of our equipment and the whole thing went off very well. COOK:- BIRCH. SUNDAY:- OWEN on base with Guilder (novice) to do cook, Rudling on control vehicle. Ranger deicing the 3 tonner engine which had frozen stiff over night and the rest (party of 6) had a very enjoyable day on PEN-Y-FAN including some very

fast descends of the snow slopes on poly bags - R.T.U. 2000hrs SUNDAY P.O.L. STOREMAN COULD BE FOUND.

FEB 21st / 22nd / 23rd PENCELLI 10 PERSONNEL, 1 BEDFORD RL + 3 ROVERS SAT: COOK - RANGER All troops by rovers to Storey Arms to instruction to a party of 25 from a grammar school in Mavant Mawr, Leader:- REV. D. SLATER after a large sweep search up to Pen Milan from the main road conditions proved too hard for most of the younger party (I.E. HIGH WINDS, SNOW & RAIN). So only a small party carried on to walk over the mountain tops to Pencelli SUN:- All troops in 3 tonner to TAF FECHAN Quarries:- stretcher lowering, abseiling & climbing RADIO COM BAD R.T.U. 2100 hrs

FEB 28th / MARCH 1st & 2nd PEN-Y-PASS Now op' with S.R.C.C. this weekend, main course Reason was lack of drivers (no per staff out)

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 29 9 personnel - 1 3 tonner + 1 Rover Walking & Nav Ex booth days after late starts! On Saturday transported 1 civ climber from car-park to Bangor Gen hospital with a badly cut arm after a fall 3 stand-by call-outs, - all false Cooks:- Sat - Gordon, Sun - Bullock R.T.U. 0130

March 4th & 5th Radio Ex - S. Wales

Rudling & Bullock in Control Vehicle 24 hrs Night & Day Communications trials with Cosford Control Starting 0900 hrs from St. Athan calling at 1 Ystradfellte 5 Llandovery 2 Pencelli 6 Llangattock 3 Llangattock 7 Ystradfellte 4 Forest Inn (New Radnor R.T.U. 1300 hrs



Two parties on Snowdon. One party up Crib Goch first, the other by Lliwedd. Snow was porridge where the sun had got at it but good ice was to be had on the ridges (a bit hairy in places) Both parties were off about 17.30. A really first class day with plenty of sun & snow. Cloud base was at 3000' The evening saw a night ex in the Carneddau. Drop off Ogwen Cottage pick up at Bethesda at 23.30. Good clear night, and very cold. Ambulance had a prang on return to Pen-y-Pass.

Sunday 9th COOK. WOOLVERTON & SATURDAY NIGHT Was supposed to be a rest day but we got involved in a carry down from Glaslyn in the evening. Young lad with a suspected broken ankle. The ambulance was taken to Valley M.T. by WOP. Team left for Saints at 20.30 and arrived back at 02.00 hrs.

14th - 16th MARCH 69


One party of 4 men walked the Radnor Forest area & another party walked to Brecon & bivouaced & were picked up at 10.20 AM on Sunday


Area familiarisation as the conditions were attrotious. Early start back to St. Athan

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 30 21st - 23rd March 69

Area Yorkshire Moors Team Sgt. Tunnah + 12 men Vehicles 1 Bedford 2 Landrovers

Saturday Cook Gordon

Area familiarisation & exploration of Kilnsey crag (Weather Foul)

Sunday Cook Bullock

One party walked from Hortonin Ribblesdale to Skinfane Bridge via Pen-y-Ghent & Plover Hill & Horse head moor. One party walked from Skinfane Bridge to Ribbleshead via Horse Head moor & Cosh Inside & another party walked the reciprocal of this course An epic day

Team return to St. Athan at 05.30 AM 24th March

29th - 31st MARCH 69

Area Black Mountains Team Sgt Tunnah + 10 Vehicles 1 Bedford 2 Landrovers

Friday Night & Saturday. Night & day exercise over the Black Mountains. Three parties walked various courses A good exercise

Sunday Another walking exercise over the beacons

A good weekend all round

3 - 8 APRIL 69

Area Derbyshire Team Sgt Tunnah + 8 Vehicles 1 Bedford 2 Landrovers


Walking and navigating exercise over Bleaklow & Kinder. Last party off hill 19.30 hrs (I wonder why, Bleaklow is only 2077')

Saturday All parties rock climbing on Stanage Edge. (Good day)

Sunday All parties at Froggatts Edge (A good day again) StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 31

Monday One party South Face Mam Tor. The remainder Potholing at Castleton (A good day)

Return to St. Athan 01.00 hrs

11th - 13th APRIL. 69 Saturday Base Pencelli

Cook Owen Three parties on the hill walking various routes, distances varying between 12 & 20 miles. Last party off the hill 21.00, happened to stop to listen to -Wales international Weather - Snow, V. strong wind, rain below 1500'

Sunday Cook Broughton Team at Morlais Hill Quarries (M.TYDFIL) Stretcher lowering and rock climbing Plenty done, a good day completed a good weekend.

18th - 20th APRIL 69

BASE Cwmystwyth Team Sgt. Tunnah + 13 Vehicles 1 Bedford 2 Landrovers

Friday Saturday Night and day exercise 3 parties on good long walks Longest walk 23 miles. Excellent country

Sunday Long stretcher lower & carry

A good weekend

25th - 27th APRIL 69.

Base Pencelli Team Sgt Tunnah + 10 Vehicles 1 Bedford 3 Landrovers

Saturday Short courses weather terrible

Sunday StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 32 Weather good courses average Black Mountains & Mynnydd Llangattock.

Not a particularly sparkling weekend.

Llandovery 3rd - 4th MAY

Base:- Troed - y - Rhiw Farm. Rhandirhwyn

N. WALES BASE:- Pen-y-Pass. 9th - 10th - 11th MAY

Team Tunnah + 8 Vehicles 1 Bedford + 3 Landrovers

Saturday Tunnah, Owens and Guilder attempted the 14 Peaks. Weather conditions very bad. Aborted after doing first third of walk. Rest of team climbing in Ogwen Valley, Gribin. Good day had inspite of lousy weather. Sunday Whole team climbing in the Moewlyns. Lousy conditions again.


P.O. Gilroy + 10

FRIDAY NIGHT (night ex) and Saturday

Jones, MALSowry, Broughton, Window. Tal-y-Bont Reservoir top Storey Arms, weather lousy otherwise a good night was had. Bivouced Storey Arms. Sat S. Arms Fan Fawr - Fan Llai - Base Gordon, Newton, Read. Brynammon - Storey Arms. Weather really lousy so aborted and walked to Base by road via Glyn Neath. Arrived at Base 8.30 am. Sunday (The Fans) Gordon, Gilroy, Read, Newton - Storey Arms - Craig Cerrig Gliesiad Fan Nedd - Base Jones, Window, Malsbery, Coupland - Fan Gilisych - Fan Nedd - Crose Fan Frynnych - Craig Gliesiad - Base. A good weekend despite the fickle weather conditions


P.O. Gilroy + 8 SAT Cook Jones Gosbel Pass - Base. Base - Gosbel Pass. Weather good. Both parties enjoyed the walk

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 33 Sun Cook Gilroy VANOR Quarries. Stretcher lowers, abseils, rock - climbing. A very good instructive day. Mon CALL-OUT 03.16a.m. Capel-y-Ffin. Finne All parties back from search by 11.00 a.m. Base 13.00 Arrived back on camp at 20.30 hrs Mon night.


P.O. Gilroy + 11

Saturday 3 parties PARTY 1 Plynlimon - Base. ( Start Nant-y-Moch Reservoir) PARTY 2 Base - Plynlimon (finish ------" ------) Party 3 Plynlimon - Base (Start Bontsthydgaled).

A good hard days walking was had. Longest walk approx 18 miles. Weather good. Sunday Stretcher flog from top of Mountain Road Ref. 128/928700 to the climbing crags above Ganre-y-ddu ResR. Two lowers. The last one being a 500 ft lower using the 3 500ft Tyrelene ropes. A A good day was had - turning out to be more arduous than expected. Arrived back on Camp 11.30 p.m.


Jones + 8

Sat Cook NEWTON Route - Base to Fan Nedd. Party of seven because only two drivers out and Jerry had to stand by at Brynammon police station due to Golden Eagle Flight (Pr Charlie). Weather good, all novices had a turn at naving and a good day was had Sunday Cook BIRCH Jerry, Newton and Chris (probationer) walking on the Beacons. Jones, Dumbill, Window, read, Gemell. Stretcher lower, abseiling, prussiking. On crag behind Base. Arrived back on Camp 20.30pm

Brynammon as a base camp - Crap!?

LLANDOVERY 13 - 15/6/69

Team Tunnah + 10

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 34 Vehicles 3 Ton RVT SWB

Saturday Team rock climbing at Elan Valley all parties climbed two routes & then were driven off by thunder storm

Sunday Exercise carried out with rescue dog searching forestry for casualties

3 tonner broke down (NO brakes & no transmission at top of Brynammon pass) Ugh.

Pencelli 20TH - 22ND /6/69

Team Tunnah + 9

Vehicles 3 ton SWB AMB RVT

Saturday Navigation exercise over Brecon Beacons & Mynnydd Llangattock. An excellent day.

Sunday Stretcher lifting using pulley system on Cerig Gleisisn.

Another good day

Dinas Mawddwy

28TH - 30TH /JUN/69



Friday & Saturday Night & day exercise over Cader Idris & Maes Glasau starting 21.00 hrs & finishing 16.00 hrs on Saturday A terrific day (CALLOUT BROKEN COLLAR BONE)

Sunday Rock climbing & walking on Craig Cowarch & Aran Fawddwy with 4 navy men from H.M.S. Tenby A scorching weekend.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 35


4Th - 6TH JULY 69


Vehicles 3 TON AMB RVT SWB

Saturday Rock climbing Llangattock Quarries & Stand by for Royal Flight Potholing at Llangattock Caves.

Sunday Rock climbing at Vaynor Quarries



11TH to 13TH JULY 69



Reconnaissance by Malsbury in amb Saturday Rock Climbing on Craig Coetan near St. Davids

Sunday Rock climbing on Craig Coetan and Strumble head 4 first ascents by TUNNAH, RUDLING & NEWTON on Strumble head


Elan Village

18TH - 20TH JULY 69



Saturday Walking exercise from Elan to Cwmystwyrh. Last party off the hill 09.15 P.M. An epic day shattering

Sunday Rock Climbing in Elan Valley

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 36



Saturday 50 mile walk by West & Jones Remainder Navex. Sunday Walking exercise


Grwyre Fawr


StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 37

Exercise Location and Date

Name Forest Inn Forest 30/2-7 Pennard Gower 5/7 Arms Storey 7-9/7 Rock Dinas 12/7 Bryn Ammon 14-16/7 Pont Tilly 19/7 Rhay Ader 21-23/7 Pen Limmon 28-30/7 Water Tower 2/8 Rhiw Troed 4-6/8


Watson WO WO WO WO

Jenkins L L L L L D D D D D

Cother WO WO X X WO

Woolverton WO WO


Brewer X X X X X X X X

Stevenson X X X X X X X X X X

Francis 72 X

Cuthbertson L L L L L L X X

Baxter X X

Clemett X X L L L L

Tillyard X X X

Barrett 72 X L L L

Gordon X X 72 X H LD

Foster L

Jones X X X X X X X

Owen X X 72 X

Knight ------X X X

Williams ------

Edwards / / / / H X

Hendren ------X X X X X X

Total 14 8 14 9 10 7 14 13 10 8 Attending

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 38

Location and Date

Name Llan Twit 9/8 Hermitage - 8 11/3 Devils Bridge -20/8 18 Tower East W / 23/8 Pen-yPass - 31/8 - 25 East W/Tower 6/9 Bethesda Hut 9 - 10/9 Tower East W / 13/9 W / Tower B of B

Pibworth X

Watson X W/O W/O

Jenkins D D D D D D D D D

Cother W/O W/O W/O

Woolverton L L L W/O


Brewer L L X X W/O

Stevenson X X X X

Francis X D D X L L L

Cuthbertson S S S X SHAR JAH ------

Baxter X X

Clemett L DISCHARGED ---

Tillyard S X

Barrett X X X W/O

Gordon LD S S S S S

Foster L L D

Jones X X X X

Owen X X X W/O

Knight X X X X X X X X X

Edwards X D D

Hendren X X L L

Ross ------

West ------Total :- 9 11 13 8 15 13 7 11 16

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 39

Exercise Location and Date

Name Twit Cliff 27.9.67Twit Cliff Forest Inn - 1/10 29-30/9 4/10 Twit Cliff 6 - 8/10 Tal-y-Bont Briefing11/10 Ystradfellte 13-15/10 18/10 Lecture Pyro 22/10 - 20 Rhyader Briefing23.10.67 St. Brides25.10.67 Pen y Pass - 29/67 27 Briefing - 67 - 1-0 30 Chopper Cancelled Ex 1.11.67 Foxhouse Sheffield 3 - 5/11.67


Watson W/O X

Jenkins D D D D D D D D D D D D D D

Cother L W/O W/O W/O X X W/O

Woolverton W/O W/O

Laven X L L L L L L L L X X X X

Rudling GDT W/O W/O W/O

Brewer W X X X X X X

Stevenson W X X X X X

Francis Sick D Driv Driv Baxter X L L L X S W/O Test Test Tillyard Sick X L L L L L L L L L

Barratt X X X X X X

Gordon Sick Sick X S X

Foster X X L L L X

Jones W X X X X X X X X

Owen X X X L L L

Knight X X X X X X X X X X X ---

Edwards Det Det W/O W/0

Hendren W W

Meadows ------X


West X D


Christie X X X

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 40 I.M.R.

S/Lder Cook AC Holdway X X X X X X X W/O

P/O Coyle X D D D D D D D D D D D D Total :- 5 12 5 13 12 14 14 11 11 7 12 11 14 11

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 41

Exercise Location and Date

Name Brecon Call-out 30- Call-out Brecon 31.12.67 Quarry Tal Bach 7.2.68 Ystradfellte 10-11.2.68 Brecon 13-2-68 White Hart 17-18.2.68 Llanberis 23-25.2.68 Llangattock 1-3.3.68 Llandovery 8-10.3.68 Forest Inn 15-17.3.68 Nant Gwynant 22-24.3.68 Ystradfellte 29-3.4.68 Rhayader April 5-8


Jenkins D Posted out of M. R.


Woolverton L Winter Course --- A

Ross L L L

Rudling L A

Brewer Team Leaders Course A

Stevenson " A A

Baxter L A A


Barrett Demobbed

Gordon L A A A A

Foster Leave A A

Jones A

Owen L L A

Edwards L Posted out of M.R.

Meadows L A A A A A

West A A A A A A A

Healen --- A

Bullock --- L D


Buktos A


Hazelwood ?

Bell ---


StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 42

Totals 10 12 9 10 13 12 10 10 12 14 12 10

Black (trial 24/11 - cancelled

^ Qrt. Rep.

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 43

Exercise Location and Date

Name Kinlochleven Kinlochleven 21/4/68 - 12 Ystradfellte 28/4/68 - 26 Tafanygaras Call-out 26/4/68 y Bont Tal 3 - 5/5/68 Brynamman -13.5.68 10 Forest Inn 17 - 19.5.68 Arms Storey 22.5.68 Prescelly 24 - 26.5.68 Nant Gwynant 31 - 2.6.68 Pontyafongam 7 - 9.6.68 Pontesford 14 - 16.6.68 Porth Kerry 19.6.68

Pibworth SC SC SC SC

Woolverton X X X X X X

Ross X X X

Rudling X X X X


Baxter X




West GDT X X X X X X X X X


Tillyard X X X

Bullock X X X

Jones X

Meadows X X X

Gordon X X X X X

Barr X X X X X X

Shortt x




Barraclough P/S

Buxtos X X X X X X X X X X X X

Ranger X X X X X Exercise 13 15 14 16 10 10 3 8 10 6 10 9 Totals

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 44

Exercise Location and Date

Name Nant Gwynant Nant Gwynant 21 - 23.6.68 Ystradfellte 28 - 29.6.68 Forest Inn 6 - 8.7.68 Tal-y-Mignedd 12 - 14.7.68 Pen-Rhiw-Wen 19 - 21.7.68 Pen-Rhiw-Wen 26 - 28.7.68 Gower / Section 31.7.68 Nant Gwynant 2 - 4.8.68 I.M.R. Cliffs Three 7.8.68


Rudling X

Ross X X X X X X

Ranger X

Woolverton X X X X X X

Foster X X

Stevenson X X X X X X X X

West X X X X X X X

Owen X

Tillyard X X X X X

Bullock X X X

Jones X X

Meadows X X

Gordon X X X X X X

Barr X X X X X X X

Spry --- X X X

Newton ------X ------

11 11 5 8 10 10 12 7 10

End of Quarter

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 45

Exercise Location and Date

Name Crickhowell 9 - 11.8.68 W / Tower 14.8.68 W / Tower 17.8.68 Gower 18.8.68 W / Tower 21.8.68 Section 28.7.68 Bryn Hamman 23 - 25.8.68 Tower 28.8.68 Pont-yr-Afon-Gam - 2.9.68 30/8 Tower 4.9.68 Millbeck 6 - 8/9/68

1 Pibworth

2 Rudling

3 Ross X X X X X X

4 Ranger

5 Woolverton X X X X X X

6 Foster X

7 West X X X X X X X X X X

8 Owen X

9 Tillyard X X

10 Bullock X X X

11 Jones

12 Meadows X X X

13 Gordon X X X X X X

14 Barr X

15 Spry X X X X X X X

Exercise Totals 9 9 11 9 9 9 10 12 10 11 8

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 46

Exercise Location and Date

Name Tent Erecting - SWO 11.9.68 DisplayB of B 14.9.68 Exhibition S.M.S. 19 - 22.9.68 Pen-y-Pass 27-9/1-10-68 Pen y Pass 4 - 6.10.68 Arms Storey 9-10-68 Ystradfellte 13.10.68 - 11 Forest Inn 20.10.68 - 18 Mawddwy Dinas 27.10.68 - 25

1 Pibworth

2 Rudling X X

3 Ross X X X X X X X X X

4 Ranger X

5 Woolverton X X X

6 Foster X X X

7 West X X X X X X X

8 Owen X X X

9 Tillyard X X X X X

10 Bullock X X X X X

11 Jones X X X

12 Meadows X X X X

13 Gordon X X X X X

14 Spry X X X X X X X



Cuthbertson X


9 11 7 6 5 10 10 9 6

End of Quarter

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 47

Exercise Location and Date

Name Crickhowell 1 - 3.11.68 Pen-y-Pass 8 - 10.11.68 Pen-y-Pass 17.11.68 - 16 Ystradfellte 24.11.68 - 22 Mawddwy Dinas 29 - 1.12.68 Ystradfellte 5 - 7.12.68 Scotland 6/1 - 20/12 Ystradfellte - 1 69 10 12 - Porttalisot 15 - 1 69 Pencelli - 1 69 19 17 -

Pibworth X

Rudling X

Ranger X X

Woolverton X X X X X X X

Foster X X X

West X X X X X Sick Bullock X X X X Bay Owen X X X X

Tillyard X

Jones X X X X

Meadows X X X X X X

Gordon X X X X X

Spry X X X X

Birch X X

Cpl Dumbill

SAC Kirkpatrick

LAC Guilder

Pete Suart X

Slim Gordon X

Cpl Parsons (Army) X X X X

10 8 6 8 12 9 7 8 8 11

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 48

Exercise Location and Date

Name Crickhowell Park Farm 69 Jan 25/26 Llandovery Troedrhiw 69 Feb 1st/2nd Elan Village 69 Feb 8th/9th Taf Fechan 69 Feb 15th/16th Pencelli 69 Feb 22/23 Pen-y-Pass 69 March 1/2 Pen-y-Pass 69 March 8/9


Rudling X X

Ranger X X

Woolverton X X X L L



Bullock X X

Owen X X X

Tillyard X X X X

Jones WC WC WC

Meadows X X X X X

Gordon X X

Spry X X X X X

Birch X


P/O Gilroy




Total 7 6 6 10 10 9 9

StMRT Complete Diary 67 69.doc 49