Summer Activities of the Lapland Longspur on Baffin Island
SUMMER ACTIVITIES OF THE LAPLAND LONGSPUR ON BAFFIN ISLAND BY GEORGE M. SUTTON AND DAVID F. PARMELEE ROM June 14 to August 22, 1953, we studied the birds of southern Baffin F Island, while living at the Royal Canadian Air Force Base near the head of Frobisher Bay. Among the buildings the Lapland Longspur (CaZcarius lap- ponicus) was the most noticeable, if not actually the commonest, bird. With the Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) , Horned Lark (Eremophila al- pestris) , Water-Pipit (Anthus spinoletta) , and Semipalmated Plover (Chara- drius semipalmatus) , it was in evidence most of the time, both day and night, in the latter half of June and early July. The longspur inhabited all wet grasslands of the vicinity, notably those of the extensive flats just north of the Base, and of Davidson Point, a mile or so west of the Base, near the mouth of the Sylvia Grinnell River (Fig. 1) . Not all longspur-inhabited meadows were low, extensive and level, however. Slop ing ones, of varying size and shape, but often only two or three rods wide, bordered tiny snow-fed streams among the foothills. More level ones, of greater elevation, occupied depressions on the hilltops or formed the margins of lakes. The commonest bird of rocky country and therefore of the region as a whole was, of course, the Snow Bunting; but wherever there was a wet, grassy meadow the longspur was apt to be. Wynne-Edwards (1952:385), who considered the longspur the commonest bird of the low ground at the head of Clyde Inlet, Baffin Island, in the summer of 1950, found it reaching a “density of one pair in 5-15 acres (2-6 ha.) ” in the most suitable habitats -i.e., the “wet tussocky meadows.” Soper (1940:14) mentions the grass tundras’ being “particularly rich in nesting Lapland Longspurs .
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