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Ogyen Trinley Dorje *Download PDF | ePub | DOC | audiobook | ebooks

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#691512 in eBooks 2015-02-02 2015-02-02File Name: B00WAK0KSU | File size: 54.Mb

Ogyen Trinley Dorje : Ngondro for Our Current Day: A Short Ngondro Practice and its Instructions before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Ngondro for Our Current Day: A Short Ngondro Practice and its Instructions:

17 of 17 people found the following review helpful. BreathtakingBy John S. BakerHH XVII is above criticism and that extends to his writing/teaching. The Preliminary Practices are the gateway of intense practice. Their requirements are not shortened by this book, but the service that contains them is shortened. I say this because I have heard someone in ignorance say that maybe someone had done Ngondro in the Karmapa's short form, but definitely had not done the complete thing.The Tibetan text of the practice is very brief and a brief teaching by the Karmapa follows. He does not reveal his teaching on Guru Yoga in this work. I believe that the student must be in contact with an authorized Vajrayana in order to receive this instruction in its full form. The are the tradition on the oral transmission and Guru Yoga is part of that.The English translations are clear and easy to follow. Tibetans are allowed to do this practice only with special permission. The short form of the text is for foreigners generally. The Karmapa says that Tibetans are lazy and it will not help them to shorten the text. I doubt that Westerners yield first place to Asians in the area of laziness. I'm not trying to contradict His Holiness Karmapa, but I want to express gratitude that we have this text and teaching open to us in the West.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. NgondroBy r wA condensed teaching on Ngondro ritual practic (Tibetan Buddhist ritual for unlocking your love and compassion and realizing your natural goodness). Highly recommended!2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A great intro to Ngondro practiceBy DessybellsHowever you will need a Lama to transmit knowledge to you and to "start" your practice. We are lucky to have so many Lama centers in the USA.Exceptionally good book

In this succinct teaching presented in 2006 by His Holiness the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa in Bodhgaya, , students are guided through a shortened version of the preliminaries for practice, which His Holiness composed with the aim of benefiting practitioners from developed countries who often lead busy lives. The complete practice, in Brief Recitations, is written in English, Tibetan, and Tibetan transliteration, and complete instructions for the Four Special Preliminaries are provided, with the exception of guru yoga. His Holiness guides students through the details of each practice, including the visualizations of , Vajrasattva purification, and offerings, often punctuated with his good humor. A summary of the practice sequences and a list of precepts of the refuge vow are also included in two appendices. About the AuthorMotivated by the purest of compassion, the Gyalwang have taken continuously since the eleventh century. The present seventeenth incarnation, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, was born in Eastern Tibet in 1985. Seven years later, he was recognized by a letter of prediction and brought to Tsurphu Monastery, the seat of the Karmapas in Tibet. Here, he received a traditional education in practice and philosophy, and at the turn of the millennium, he journeyed over the Himalayas to India where he presently resides. Known for his clear and direct teaching style, the youthful Karmapa radiates the brilliance of his heritage, connecting with our daily lives and our deepest aspirations.

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