Tells the Facts and Names the Names

April 16-30, 2008 Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair vol. 15, no. 8 Bitter Struggle over Identity Fixers Indicated HRC was Key in Pardon Deal of 17th Bill Clinton and the Rich Women Who Will be the Dalai ’s Successor? By Jeffrey St. Clair espite her campaign’s ongoing lawyer Robert Fink called the “HRC op- By Peter Lee slurs against Bill Richardson, tion.” the nation’s only Hispanic gov- Who is Marc Rich? And why did he he Tibetan community’s inher- ernor,D Hillary Clinton probably feels like need a presidential pardon? ent suspicion about the sincerity she has Puerto Rico, the final primary, in Born in Belgium to Jewish parents, of Chinese engagement was cer- the bank. Those delegates were sown up Marc Rich moved with his family to the Ttainly deepened by the passage of a law nine years ago on August 16, 1999, when United States to escape Hitler. Young on September 1, 2007, that would regu- Bill Clinton issued commutations for 16 Marc soon went to work for a commod- larize selection of by the members of the FALN Puerto Rican na- ity firm in New York called Phillip Bros., Chinese government and forbid recog- tionalist group serving long sentences later acquired by Salomon Brothers. nition of reincarnations outside ’s for robbery, bombings and sedition. That He soon made his mark as an oil trader boundaries. rare act of humanitarian intervention and, along with his friend Pincus “Pinky” Clearly, if the dies in exile endeared the Clintons to many Puerto Green, he is credited with inventing spot outside , the selection of his succes- Ricans, obviating the sins committed market trading in oil, ferrous metals and sor will be subject to Chinese interfer- by the administration at Vieques Island, sugar. Billions flowed into the firm. ence and manipulation of the kind that which had been turned into a toxic But Rich and “Pinky” Green felt under- has attended the selection of the Panchen bombing ground. appreciated and underpaid. They bolted Lama. But if Hillary wants to claim credit for the firm, and Rich angrily vowed to The is, after the Dalai the FALN pardons (a strategic decision “grind Phillip Bros. into oblivion.” In 1974, Lama, the most eminent figure in Tibetan at the time, geared to helping her win a the pair started their own holding com- and a key figure in identify- U.S. senate seat in New York), she should pany, eventually known as the Marc Rich ing the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. also own up to her role in a much more Group, and began making oil deals with Thanks to Chinese meddling, there are problematic case, the midnight pardon of Iran, Iraq and wildcatters in Texas. He two Panchen now. One, a little billionaire fugitive Marc Rich. and Pinky were soon billionaires and big boy of six at the time of his selection by Hillary has never addressed her role shots in the global petrochemical trade. the Dalai Lama in 1995, was immediately in the Rich pardon. In fact, she’s rarely Around this time, Rich courted a detained by the Chinese and has spent been asked her opinion on the free pass buxom young Jewish singer/songwriter most of his life languishing in Chinese given to one of the world’s most wanted from Worchester, Massachusetts, named custody. The second Panchen Lama, sub- fugitives, a man who violated embargoes Denise. He whisked her off to his seaside sequently designated by the Chinese gov- against Iran and South Africa and fled villa in Marbella, Spain, where the couple ernment, has been unable to take up his the country rather than face trial in what were married and rapidly assumed the seat at Tashilhunpo because was billed as “the biggest tax evasion case life of international jet-setters and art of Tibetan opposition and currently re- in history.” The senator has variously said collectors. sides in Beijing. that she was “unaware” of the decision Then in 1983 crisis hit the Rich fam- But a charismatic successor to the and “surprised” by it. When pressed, she ily. The U.S. Attorney’s office for the Dalai Lama apparently already exists in merely cackles. Southern of New York notified the exile community at Dharmsala, in the Even though 300 pages of core docu- Rich and Pinky that they were under in- foothills of the Himmalayas, in northern ments relating to the pardon decision re- vestigation for fraud, illegal oil deals with . main under seal at the Clinton Library, a Iran and the apartheid regime in South He is , head of review of the available record tells a much Africa, and tax evasion. Documents the (Black Hat) of Tibetan different story. In fact, the Rich legal were subpoenaed. Indictments were in Buddhism. He is the – a mani- team viewed Hillary as a secret weapon, the works. Rich hired D.C. heavy-hit- festation of Chenrezi, the Buddha of and as one door after another closed on ter Edward Bennett Williams to fend off compassion in , as is their search for a pardon they focused assaults of a vicious young prosecutor the Dalai Lama – and is 17th reincarna- more and more on invoking what Rich – none other than Rudy Giuliani. Peter Lee continued on Page 2 st. clair continued on Page 4 april 16-30, 2008

Peter Lee continued from Page 1 struggle for decades to come, no mat- tine guerilla war against China inside ter what skullduggery the Chinese try Tibet), Gyalo Thondup, even resorted to tion of the sect’s founder, the third most to commit when the current Dalai Lama assassination in order to quash the Kagyu revered figure in Tibetan Buddhism after passes on. sect’s attempts to create an alternate po- the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama. litical power center in the Tibetan émigré A 2007 profile in theIndependent quoted community in 1977. the remarks of Tibet expert, Jane Perkins: Accusations Levelled at the At all events, Ogyen Trinley Dorje’s “He turns 22 next month, he now speaks Karmapa heroic escape, his charisma, and the Dalai six languages, and he’s becoming more To descend from high expectations Lama’s endorsement put the wind at the and more of a magnet here... There’s ab- to coarse political reality, the Karmapa young Karmapa’s back, and he apparent- solutely no doubt that he is the new star: is locked in a bitter struggle with a dis- ly won the loyalty of most of the Kagyu dynamic, powerful, full of young energy sident faction within his own sect. He’s monks and worldwide, with but with tremendous discipline and dig- been accused of being a Chinese mole. one important exception. nity, enormously sage for his age... In He’s unable to enter the seat of his order, That exception was the most powerful which case he could take some of the the in . And he of the regents, . load off His Holiness’s shoulders .” might not even be the true Karmapa. Ogyen Trinley Dorje even comes The 16th Karmapa fled his traditional with his own heroic myth – a dramatic Battle over the Black Hat: seat at the in 1959 escape from Chinese minders over the Shamarpa Rinpoche Enters (subsequently leveled by the Chinese Himalayas to Dharmsala in 2000, when the Story army in 1966) with the relics of his sect, he was just 14. built a new seat, Rumtek, in Sikkim, and Shamarpa Rinpoche had from the be- The Karmapa comes to the United amassed great wealth and influence while ginning refused to accept the miraculous States May 15 through June 2 for the first in exile. He died in 1985. Four regents letter in the amulet or the recognition of time, to conduct public teachings in New were charged with finding his reincarna- Ogyen Trinley Dorje by the Dalai Lama York, Boulder and Seattle. tion. They apparently didn’t get along. – which he regarded as a gross intrusion It’s an important first step for the At a crucial juncture, after the search into the affairs of the Kagyu sect as well Karmapa on the world stage at a crucial had languished for a decade, one of the as an infringement upon his prerogatives time for Tibet. The visit may serve as a regents decided to look inside a keep- as its leading Rinpoche, a is generally coming-out party for the next leader of sake the 16th Karmapa had given him and reserved for (incarnate lamas) and the Tibetan émigré community, one who found… a poem giving detailed instruc- those recognized by the proper authori- will inherit the Dalai Lama’s mantle and tions as to the location of his successor! ties within a as “choje lamas” (“su- serve as the public face of the Tibetan The reincarnation, Ogyen Trinley perior masters”). Dorje, the son of seminomadic herders In 1992, just as the Kamarpa was about inside Tibet, was identified in 1992. The to be installed at the restored Tsurphu Chinese accepted his designation, and Monastery inside China, Shamarpa Ogyen Trinley Dorje was installed in the Rinpoche showed up at the Rumtek mon- EDITORS restored Tsurphu Monastery for instruc- astery in Sikkim with an Indian army es- Alexander Cockburn tion under the eyes of his Chinese mind- cort to denounce the selection, triggering Jeffrey St. Clair ers. a violent melée with the outraged monks, Then, in 2000, Ogyen Trinley Dorje and an open split in the Kagyu sect. ASSISTANT EDITOR made his dramatic escape from China. In Shamarpa Rinpoche averred he had Alevtina Rea Dharmsala, he won the endorsement of made a secret visit to in 1988 to the Dalai Lama. scout for a Karmapa reincarnation and BUSINESS The Dalai Lama owes his position as had found one: , son Becky Grant the head of Tibetan Buddhism to the of an aristocratic family who, to the great Wheeler pre-eminence of his sect, the Gelugpa. confusion of casual observers, shares two

DESIGN However, Gelugpa pre-eminence relates of his three names with the other contes- Tiffany Wardle to a political struggle inside Tibet as re- tant, Ogyen Trinley Dorje . cent as the 17th century and is only grudg- In 1994, two years after the installa- COUNSELOR ingly acknowledged by the Kagyu, who tion of Ogyen Trinley Dorje at Tsurphu, Ben Sonnenberg always point out that their sect is older Trinley Thaye Dorje made an unheralded and their reincarnations of the Karmapa escape from Tibet to India with his fam- CounterPunch began a century before the reincarnations ily and was recognized by the Shamarpa PO Box 228 of the Dalai Lama commenced. Rinpoche (although, it seems, not many Petrolia, CA 95558 In fact, as a scurrilous anti-Dalai Lama others) as the Karmapa. 1-800-840-3683 message circulating through the Internet Nevertheless, Shamarpa has indefati- [email protected] these days makes clear, there are indica- gably advanced the claim of his protege, tions that the Gelugpa sect, directed by while dismissing Ogyen Trinley Dorje as All rights reserved. the Dalai Lama’s hard-case brother (and a Chinese mole intent upon stealing the CIA asset in the conduct of the clandes- sect’s treasures.

 april 16-30, 2008

After Ogyen Trinley Dorje fled China A photo of the two in a hotel room questered in Dharmsala under the anx- and took up residence in Dharmsala, in India, with the Rinpoche stoutly fac- ious scrutiny of the Indian government, Shamarpa Rinpoche stubbornly fought ing the camera lens while Ogyen Trinley at the center of a grinding political strug- the young man’s efforts to establish Dorje stared morosely at an obtrusive gle behind rival factions in his own sect, himself at Rumtek and invest himself as flower arrangement, made the rounds, as and forced to turn to the rival Gelugpa Karmapa with the treasure of the sect did insiders’ spin on the Rinpoche’s nego- sect and the Dalai Lama to validate his that is guarded there: a black hat reput- tiating position. standing. edly woven from the “hair of 100,000 One account stated, “It is understood His need to shore up his position vis- Buddhist angels” that the Karmapa has to that Ogyen Thinlay was encouraged by à-vis Shamarpa Rinpoche through sup- hold down with one hand when he wears the Tibetan government to meet with port outside his sect also puts the young it to keep it from flying back to heaven Shamarpa and negotiate the controversy Karmapa in play as a political asset to be (this hat is invisible to the less worthy; for to the extent that Shamarpa withdraws claimed and exploited by the contending public events a replica, fabricated at the the charges against HH , HH forces roiling the larger Tibetan émigré order of the Chinese in Gyaltsap Rinpoche, those currently oc- movement. the 14th century and presented to the 5th cupying Rumtek and the Joint Action In 2000, the Tibetan expert Robbie Karmapa, serves as a stand-in). Committee. In return was offered Ogyen Barnett speculated that Ogyen Trinley Hopes for decisively resolving the Thinlay’s public acceptance of Tenzin Dorje might have the clout and standing dispute in Ogyen Trinley Dorje’s favor Chentse as an incarnate Karmapa.” to fight effectively for Tibet inside China. were dashed by Shamarpa Rinpoche’s The 17th Karmapa, Barnett says, has successful prosecution of a lawsuit in He’s been accused “the same guts and determination” and Indian court that, in 2004, awarded ju- the background to deal with Beijing [as risdiction over the Rumtek monastery to of being a Chinese the Panchen Lama did]. “The Chinese the Karmapa Benevolent Trust – which need a leader in Tibet to sanction their Shamarpa controls. mole. And he might regime, and the Tibetans need a leader Now Rumtek, its relics, and its con- who can wrest concessions in return,” siderable assets are in legal limbo. Ogyen not even be the true Barnett says. “Those brought up in exile Trinley Dorje is unable to enter Rumtek, are extremely unlikely to be masters don the black hat and declare himself the Karmapa. of the mechanics, the peculiarities of undisputed 17th Karmapa; at the same Chinese political culture and diplomacy time the Sikkim authorities are unwill- An Iota of Difference: Echoes which are essential for this task.” ing to enforce the ruling on behalf of the the Arian heresy On the other hand, remarks made Karmapa Benevolent Trust by clearing last year by Ngawang Woeber, leader of the monastery and expelling and arrest- Shamarpa’s bottom line appears to be: the militant GuChuSum Association of ing monks so that the Trust can establish Ogyen Trinley Dorje is a Karmapa, but former Political Prisoners, made it clear control. not the Karmapa. And if he wants to avoid that the young firebrands inside the émi- Since this is Tibetan Buddhism, where the criminal prosecution of his friends, gré movement hope that Ogyen Trinley ancient esoteric faith and cybersavvy mentors and supporters in the fallout Dorje will confer his prestige on the more collide, the dispute is fought out on the from the court case, he’d better share the confrontational policies vis-à-vis the Internet with competing websites, locked Karmapa title with the Shamarpa’s candi- Chinese government that they prefer. Wikipedia entries, and flame wars while date, give up hopes of Rumtek, and adopt Woeber said: “Although the Karmapa employing the traditional tools of slan- Tsurphu – inside China –as his seat in- has repeatedly said he doesn’t see a po- der, invective, and ceaseless righteous stead, leaving the field in India/Sikkim – litical role for himself, we do hope he posturing. and the considerable wealth of the order will rise to the occasion when the time Ogyen Trinley Dorje made an effort – to Trinley Thaye Dorje and Shamarpa comes. He could contest elections for the to resolve the dispute by meeting with Rinpoche. And the Dalai Lama should post of ‘Kalon Tripa’ and that would sus- Shamarpa Rinpoche in January 2007. stay out of the dispute. tain our historical tradition of being led If he hoped that Shamarpa Rinpoche The implication of this saga is that, if by monks.” would acknowledge the facts on the and when Trinley Thaye Dorje becomes Freedom activist Tenzin Tsundue, like ground – Ogyen Trinley Dorje’s popular- the public face of the Tibetan émigré others, feels that “the Karmapa is win- ity and the desire of the Tibetan émigré movement, he won’t be a leader ... he’ll ning the confidence of the Tibetan youth community in general and the Kagyu sect be a figurehead, locked in an intractable and is most well placed to take charge.” in particular for unity – he was appar- dispute with powerful factions within his The choice before the Karmapa is be- ently disappointed. own sect and beholden to forces outside tween inheriting the Dalai Lama’s concil- The Rinpoche’s supporters promptly the sect for legitimacy, power, and access iatory Third Way approach or adopting leaked the fact of the meeting, emphasiz- to the monastery that is the seat of his the militant demand for independence. ing that it was Ogyen Trinley Dorje who order. CP asked to meet with the Rinpoche, not the It’s ironic that Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Peter Lee is a businessman who has other way around, and that the Rinpoche who ostensibly left China to escape spent thirty years observing, analyzing, was clearly banking on his victory in the Chinese political interference in his and writing on Asian affairs. He can be Rumtek lawsuit as his trump card. , now finds himself se- reached at [email protected].

 april 16-30, 2008 continued from page 1 St. clair ing Mossad official named Avner Azualy, Gershon Kekst, squirmed his way into a When Giuliani requested that Pinky whose ties to the intelligence agency seat next to Eric Holder, the number two and Rich turn over their passports and probably never totally evaporated. Azualy in the Clinton Justice Department, at big post a large bond, Williams acted indig- was a useful conduit to Israel’s political D.C. party thrown by Daimler/Chrysler. nant and personally avowed to the fed- elite. He was close to Yitzak Rabin, Ehud Without mentioning Rich by name, Kekst eral judge overseeing the case that his Barak, Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert. asked Holder how a man of considerable client was not a flight risk. Two days later, A decade later, Azualy would play a key resources might be relieved of the burden Pinky and Rich were on a plane bound role in securing Rich’s pardon from the of being “unproperly indicted by an over- for Europe. As expected, the indictments Clintons. zealous prosecutor.” came: a 65-count charge alleging fraud, Through Azualy, Rich offered his ser- Holder took a sip of wine and told trading with the enemy (Iran), and tax vices to the Israeli government, espe- Kekst that such a man would need to hire evasion. Humiliated, Williams resigned cially the Mossad. Indeed, according to a D.C. lawyer who knows the ropes and in a huff, and Rich found a succession letters from Israeli officials, Rich played has deep connections inside the Clinton of new lawyers over the next decade, in- the role of a “Say-Ayon,” or unpaid asset administration. “He comes to me and we cluding former Nixon attorney Leonard of the Mossad. In fact, Rich was subsi- work it out,” confided Holder. Garment and Lewis Scooter Libby, who dizing Israeli intelligence operations. He “Can you recommend such a person?” would later find in the awesome financed numerous covert missions and Kekst inquired. power of presidential privilege. allowed Mossad operatives to work co- Holder pointed to a man sitting at a The tycoon’s eventual passage to nearby table. “There’s Jack Quinn,” Holder safe harbor in Switzerland went from “Of all the options whispered. “He’s a perfect example.” Sweden through East Germany. Rich we discussed, the Kekst dutifully wrote down Quinn’s dropped millions at every stop, especially name, did some research on the former in Switzerland. He and “Pinky” Green only one that seems lawyer for the Clintons, and transmitted choose the town of Zuq to establish their the joyful news to the Rich camp. new headquarters in a blueberry-colored to have real poten- Quinn formally became Rich’s lawyer office tower. Entreaties were made to on July 21, 1999. His fees were stiff: an Swiss officials, and money liberally dis- tial for making a dif- initial retainer of $355,000, plus a mini- pensed. ference is the Hillary mum payment of $55,000 each month. Rich had found his sanctuary. He sum- Quinn’s firm, Arnold and Porter, reserved moned Denise and the children to join option.” the right to represent clients suing Rich him in his mansion near Lucerne and on matters. Rich consented. then renounced his U.S. citizenship. vertly in his offices around the world. Initially, Quinn intimated to the Rich The exile of Marc Rich was not an idle Around this time, Rich launched into team that securing the pardon would be one. Indeed, from 1983 to 1996 Rich’s for- a public liaison with a glamorous Italian a relatively easy matter. A few calls to his tune ballooned from a mere billion dol- widow by the name of Gisela Rossi. He good friend Holder, and that would be lars to more than $7 billion. flaunted the affair in front of Denise, the that. Quinn was wrong. When Holder Even as he neared the top of the FBI’s tycoon’s wife who had followed him into contacted the prosecutors in Manhattan Ten Most Wanted list, Rich also didn’t his luxurious life on the lam. Denise filed about the Rich case, they vowed to op- see any reason to abandon his opera- for divorce and prepared to return to New pose any deal until Rich returned to the tions in the United States. In 1989, Rich York. But Rich, whose net worth now U.S. and entered a plea in the case. Rich secretly acquired the controlling interest neared $10 billion, was her only refused. in a West Virginia-based company called a tiny settlement. So Denise took matters From that point on, the Rich team, Ravenswood Aluminum. Ravenswood into her own hands. She removed a Van including his sympathizers inside the was embroiled in a tumultuous battle Gogh painting from the wall of their pal- Clinton administration, hid their maneu- between management and workers at ace in Lucerne and warned her estranged vers from federal prosecutors. After dis- the plant when in 1990, under Rich’s husband that unless he ponied up more cussions with White House aides Bruce long-distance orders, the company tried money, she would take the masterpiece Lindsey and Beth Nolan, Quinn sent out to bust the union. “It was a brutal af- with her. Ultimately, Rich offered her a an email calling for a new approach: “It’s fair,” says Dan Stidham, president of the settlement of $200 million. Although the time to move on the GOI [Government Ravenswood union local at the time of amount is far less than she would have of Israel] front but we have to get the calls the lockout. “I’m still pretty upset with gotten in most U.S. courts, Denise signed initiated over there.” Clinton for pardoning that guy after all the papers and took her daughters with Letters and calls soon flooded the we went through.” her back to Manhattan. White House from Israeli officials and Meanwhile, back in Lucerne, Rich was Rossi and Rich soon married and now high profile Jews, including Shimon beginning to cultivate the Israeli govern- divide their time between St. Moritz and Peres, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert and Elie ment. He established the Rich Foundation Marbella, Spain. Weisel. In one way or another, each had in Tel Aviv, which would distribute more The machinations to secure a par- received benefits from Rich or one of his than $100 million to Israeli causes over don from Bill Clinton for Marc Rich foundations. A problem soon developed. the next decade. To oversee the founda- began in earnest in the fall of 1998, when When presented the opportunity to dis- tion, Rich selected a former high-rank- Rich’s public relations flack in the U.S., cuss presidential pardons with Clinton,

 april 16-30, 2008 many of these leaders, anxious perhaps to Entreaties are made to Denise, now a another opening. In a December 19, legitimize Israeli penetration of the U.S. New York socialite and successful song- 2000, email to Quinn, Azualy empha- government, choose to plead the case of writer, by Quinn and others on the Rich sizes the importance of Hillary’s role in convicted spy Jonathan Pollard instead of teams. Three times Denise Rich declines the affair. She has just been elected sena- Rich. to come to the rescue of her former tor from New York, where Rich was in- Quinn scrambled comically for a so- husband. Then suddenly, in November dicted. If there was to be fallout, it might lution. Quinn sends an urgent email to 2000, she agrees to help. What made her backfire on Hillary. She would need re- Robert Fink, Rich’s longtime New York change her mind? assurance. Dozoretz and Denise would lawyer. That remains open to speculation, but provide financial aid, but she might also From: Jack Quinn. To: Fink, Robert, given Marc Rich’s history and Denise’s need political cover. Azualy recommends NY. that she was shortchanged in the Abraham Burg, former speaker of the “Hope you’re checking email; I don’t divorce, it may well have involved a fi- Knesset. “Burg is on very friendly terms have access here to avner’s email address, nancial offering. This much is known. with Hilary (sic) and knows POTUS from or marc’s, and wonder if you can inquire On November 16, Avner Azualy flies to previous contacts.” whether there is a possibility of persuad- New York and takes Denise to dinner. The next night there’s a party at the ing Mrs Rabin to make a call to POTUS He pleads for her to back Rich’s pardon White House honoring Barbra Streisand, [President of the United States]. He had a to her friends Bill and Hillary. Two days Quincy Jones and Angelou. deep affection for her husband. “ later Denise consents. Dozoretz and Denise are invited, and Fink leaps into action with an email to Denise calls her close friend Beth Denise lands a plum seat at the presiden- Avner Azualy, the former Mossad officer, Dozoretz for help in the best way tial table. Denise is wearing a burgundy now heading the Rich Foundation in Tel to handle the matter. Another rich ball gown trimmed in fox fur. She eats Aviv. Manhattan socialite, Dozoretz had been little and talks less. After dinner, Denise From: Fink, Robert, NY. Sent: Saturday. the finance chair of the Democratic espies Bill having an intimate conversa- To: Avner Azulay National Committee (DNC). Dozoretz tion with Streisand. She rushes across “... Jack asks if you could get Leah Rabin had contributed more than $1 million to the room, cuts in on Babs and whisks Bill to call the President; Jack said he was a Democratic coffers. Bill Clinton was the away. She makes an impassioned plea for real big supporter of her husband…” godfather of her daughter. the ex-husband, stuffs a letter into Bill’s Azualy writes back with distressing Dozoretz who, like Denise Rich, would hand and whispers, “I could not bear it news. later plead the Fifth at a Senate hearing in From: Avner. To: Fink, Robert, NY. the matter, helped Rich craft her strategy. “Bob, having Leah Rabin call is not a Almost immediately, a check for $25,000 Subscription Information bad idea. The problem is how do we con- was sent from Denise Rich’s account Subscription information can be found tact her? She died last November ... ’’ to the DNC. This was soon followed by Eventually, Quinn secures a letter and Denise Rich’s first letter to the Clintons, at or call congenial phone call to Clinton from imploring them to pardon her ex-hus- toll-free inside the U.S. Rabin’s daughter, who doesn’t really know band. Dozoretz also helped Rich bundle 1-800-840-3683 Rich. Their best hopes seem to be evapo- a $450,000 contribution to the Clinton Published twice monthly rating. library fund. (A Democratic fundraiser except July and August, The scene shifts to a crowded restau- told in 2001 that 22 issues a year. rant in Paris. It’s Valentine’s Day. Two Denise had also pledged another million 1- year hardcopy edition $45 men are having dinner and drinking wine. in four installments over the next two They know each other well. One man has years. This figure was disputed by Denise 2- year hardcopy edition $80 just received a $100,000 contribution Rich. But the donor lists to the Clinton 1- year email edition $35 from the other man’s boss. The man on Foundation are kept secret.) In all, Denise 2- year email edition $65 the receiving end of the money is Abe Rich made at least $1.1 million in contri- 1- year email & hardcopy edition $50 Foxman, and the financial gift was for butions to Democratic causes, including 1- year institutions/supporters $100 his group, the Anti-Defamation League. $70,000 to Hillary’s Senate campaign 1- year student/low income, $35 The man picking up the hefty dinner tab and PACs, and at least $450,000 to the Renew by telephone, mail or on our is Avner Azualy – though Marc Rich will Clinton Foundation. website. For mailed orders please soon reimburse him. For her part, Dozoretz kicked in an- include name, address and email Rich has one last shot, Foxman advis- other million of her own money to the address (if applicable) with payment. es. They need to get directly to Bill and fund. This is the same library that now Hillary. And the key to unlocking the refuses to release more than 300 pages of To renew by phone 1-800-840-3683 or inner doors of the White House, Foxman Clinton’s records relating to the pardon. 1-707-629 3683. Add $17.50 per year for told Azualy, is Denise Rich. Foxman con- She later lavished gifts on the Clintons as subscriptions mailed outside the U.S.A. fided that he and Denise had flown to- they left the White House, including an- Make checks or money orders payable to: gether on Air Force II to the funeral of tique furniture for the new home and golf CounterPunch Yitzak Rabin. clubs for Bill. Business Office There was just one problem. Denise As Dozoretz and Denise Rich plotted PO Box 228, Petrolia, CA 95558 Rich still loathed her husband. their strategy, Quinn and Azualy sought

 april 16-30, 2008 were I to learn you did not see my letter.” Washington a long time. He knew enough it, the Secret Service logs show that the When Denise arrives home, she makes not to trust Schumer, a famous media next afternoon at 5:30, Beth and Denise a call to Lucerne. It’s the first time she has hog who was already showing signs of were admitted to the private quarters of talked to Marc Rich since the divorce. She being jealous of the attention Hillary was the White House. This was Denise’s nine- describes her meeting with Clinton. Her getting. Quinn notes: “I have to believe teenth visit to the White House. Beth friends say she ended the conversation by that the contact with HRC can happen had visited the White House 76 times in telling Rich: “You owe me.” w/o him. After all, we are not looking for merely the last two years. The logs do not A week later the Rich team is getting a public show of support from her.” record when the women departed. This is antsy. There’s still been no word on how Calls continue to flood the Clinton the encounter that appears to have con- Hillary feels. Rich’s New York attorney White House. The King of Spain. Sandy summated the pardon. Robert Fink sends an email to Quinn: “Of Berger. Ehud Barak. Meanwhile, Denise At 2:30 in the morning on January all the options we discussed, the only one and Beth are skiing in Aspen. Beth’s 20, Clinton gets a call from his National that seems to have real potential for mak- phone rings. It’s Bill Clinton. Clinton tells Security Advisor. Marc Rich’s name has ing a difference is the Hillary option.” Dozoretz, “I want to do it and am trying surfaced in an intelligence file in connec- Quinn, Dozoretz, Burg and, perhaps, to get around the White House counsel.” tion with an international arms smuggling Denise call Hillary’s people. They are told Keep praying, Bill told the women. He network. Clinton calls Quinn. Quinn says that the senator needs cover. According also let them know that Michael Milken the allegations are bogus. Bill turns to his to a December 26 email from Azualy wasn’t getting a pardon. staff, all of whom oppose the pardon that titled “Chuck Schumer”: “Hillary shall A few days later, the two women are is now being signed. “Take Jack’s word,” feel more at ease if she is joined by her back in Washington. It’s now January Clinton snapped. Later Clinton will claim elder sen. of NY, who also represents the 19, 2001. Jack Quinn is sitting at a board to have been “sleep deprived” when he Jewish population.” meeting of Fanny Mae. He quietly types signed the pardon, an excuse that his wife Gershon Kekst leaps at the opportu- a message to Denise on his Blackberry. would resurrect to explain her fabula- nity, firing an email to Fink looking for (It’s not known if he bills both clients for tion of her landing under sniper fire in Schumer’s pressure points: “Can Quinn this hour of his time.) The text message Bosnia. tell us who is close enough to lean on urges Denise to make one last call to Bill. Marc Rich bought his pardon and Schumer?? I am willing to call him but Quinn tells her not to “argue merits” but now flies freely in his private jet, while have no real clout. Jack might be able to merely to explain to Clinton that “it is Leonard Peltier languishes in prison tell us who the top contributors are…” important to me personally.” with no hope of release. That sums up But Quinn had been around Though both women will later dispute Clintonism. CP

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