Badi Samaniego Overview Overview
Badi Samaniego Overview Overview which have made the Philippines one of the Figure 1 Map of the Coral Triangle (Source: DENR-PAWB-CMMO, 2012) Chapter 1 most vulnerable social and economic states in OVERVIEW Southeast Asia (Yusuf and Francisco, 2009). It is, therefore, imperative to accelerate efforts The Philippines, which is located at the apex and produce synergistic impacts to overcome of the Coral Triangle, is acknowledged as the threats at the local and national settings. the world’s center of marine biodiversity (Carpenter and Springer, 2005). Its coastal As a signatory to the Convention of Biological waters are teeming with species of corals, Diversity (CBD), the Philippines promotes the reef fishes, seagrasses and mangroves. conservation of biodiversity for sustainable Other marine vertebrate, invertebrate and development. The Department of Environment plant organisms, as well as their terrestrial and Natural Resources (DENR) – Protected Areas counterparts are also reported to be richly and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) regularly reports diverse. Their significance to human well- to the CBD on the loss of biodiversity as well being is undeniable, as millions of Filipinos some specific gains in protecting biodiversity, depend on coral reefs and their associated promoting sustainable use, addressing threats, ecosystems, providing food and livelihood to maintaining goods and services, among others. small-scale artisanal and subsistence fisheries as well as commercial fisheries. Many of the Learning from the various initiatives, such as coastal communities have low incomes and the CBD, the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral those below the poverty threshold are often Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) dependent on the coastal habitats’ ecosystems addresses these imperatives through concerted goods and services.
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