Lecture 1 A Programming Approach to HCI Tue, Apr 2, 2002 CS377A • Spring Quarter 2002 Jan Borchers, Stanford University http://cs377a.stanford.edu/

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Questionnaire Welcome to CS377A!

 We will start with the course in a few minutes.  Instructor: Jan Borchers  Meanwhile, please complete the questionnaire; it  Acting Assistant Professor, Interactivity Lab helps us with admission if necessary, and lets us tune  Research: Post-desktop and multimedia UIs (Personal the course to your background. Orchestra,...)  Teaching: HCI since '96, CS247A (3x), CS377C  PhD CS Darmstadt, MS,BS CS Karlsruhe&London  TA: David Merrill  MSCS student, BS SymSys  Research: music & speech interfaces, facial animation  Teaching: TA since '99 (CS147, CS108, teaching CS193J)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 3 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 4 Administrative Information Course organization

 Course times: Tue+Thu 9:15-10:45  Requirements: CS147, Java (CS193J or equivalent)  Course location: Meyer 143  Enrollment: limited to 20 students due to project-  Others as announced via mailing list oriented course; we will email you within 24hrs  Course home page: http://cs377a.stanford.edu/  Credits: 3 (Letter or CR/NC)  Mailing list: Automatic upon registering for the course  Substitutes CS247A requirement this academic year  Email: Please use [email protected]  Grading: which reaches both David and Jan  Lab project assignments throughout Quarter (80%)  Jan's Open Office: Tue 3:30-4:30, Gates 201  Final exam (20%)

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Course Topic Course Topic

 What makes a UI tick?  Part III: UIs Beyond The Desktop  Technical concepts, software paradigms and  Think beyond today's GUI desktop metaphor technologies behind HCI and user interface  E.g.: UIs for CSCW, Ubicomp development  The Lab  Part I: Key concepts of UI systems  Part I: Implementing Simple Reference Window System  Window System Architecture Model  Part II: Development using several existing GUI toolkits  Part II: Review and comparison of seminal systems (such as Java/, InterfaceBuilder)  Smalltalk, Mac, X/, AWT/Swing, NeXT/OS X,…  Part III: Working with Stanford's Interactive Room OS  Paradigms & problems, design future UI systems  Overview of UI prototyping tools, with focus on Tcl/

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 7 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 8 Assignment 0: Reading Assignment "Hello Window System"  Use the GraphicsEventSystem to implement a  For Thursday, please read the following article minimalistic window system  Stuart K. Card, Jock . Mackinlay and George G.  Creates and displays empty background (desktop) on Robertson: "A morphological analysis of the design space of input devices", ACM Transactions on Information Systems, the screen 9(2), 99-122, 1991  In-class exercise  Available from the ACM Digital Library  Work in groups as needed (http://www.acm.org/dl/ - Stanford has a site license) or the course home page  Instructions: see assignment  Submit via upload by end of class, or by midnight if you cannot finish it in class

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 3-Part course structure  I: Theory, II: Systems, III: Future Lecture 2  Accompanying lab assignments  Started Simple Reference Window System  Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Register in Axess for mailing list  http://cs377a.stanford.edu/

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 11 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 12 CS377A & HCI A Brief History of User Interfaces

247B  Batch-processing  No interactive capabilities 448  All user input specified in advance (punch cards, ...) 378 Cog M250  All system output collected at end of program run 277 Hap (printouts,...)  -> Applications have no user interface component 377B Cog distinguishable from File I/O 147 547 377A  Job Control Languages (example: IBM3090–JCL, anyone?): specify job and parameters 377D Eth 247A

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A Brief History of User Interfaces A Brief History of User Interfaces  Time-sharing Systems   Command-line based interaction with simple terminal Menu-based systems   Shorter turnaround (per-line), but similar program structure Discover "Read & Select" over "Memorize & Type" advantage  -> Applications read arguments from the command line,  return results Still text-based!   Example: still visible in commands Example: UCSD Pascal Development Environment   Full-screen textual interfaces -> Applications have explicit UI component  But: choices are limited to a particular menu item at a time  Shorter turnaround (per-character) (hierarchical selection)  Interaction starts to feel "real-time" (example: vi)  -> Application still "in control"  -> Applications receive UI input and react immediately in main "loop" (threading becomes important)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 15 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 16 A Brief History of User Interfaces Design Space of Input Devices  Systems   From character generator to bitmap display (Alto/Star/Lisa..) Card, Mackinlay, Robertson 1991   Pointing devices in addition to keyboard Goal: Understand input device design space -> Event-based program structure  Insight in space, grouping, performance reasoning, new  Most dramatic paradigm shift for application development design ideas  User is "in control"  Idea: Characterize input devices according to  Application only reacts to user (or system) events physical/mechanical/spatial properties  Callback paradigm  Morphological approach  Event handling  device designs=points in parameterized design space  Initially application-explicit  combine primitive moves and composition operators  Later system-implicit

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Primitive Movements Radio Example  Input device maps physical world to application logic  Input device :=  Manipulation operator P, dP R, dR  Input domain F, dF T, dT  Device State  Resolution function In->Out  Output domain  Additional work properties

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 19 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 20 Composition Design

 Merge Space  Result=cross product (partial  E.g., mouse x & y  Layout viz.!)  Spatial collocation  E.g., mouse xy & buttons Complete space  How different from merge? := {all possible  Connect  combinations of Chaining primitives and  E.g., mouse output & cursor  composition Virtual devices operators}. Mouse=1 point! CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 21

In-Class Group Exercise: Is This Space Complete? Lightning II  Place the Lightning II  No – it focuses on mechanical movement infrared baton system into  the design space Voice   Two batons in user's hands, Other senses (touch, smell, ...) 1 tracker in front of user  But: Already proposes new devices  Batons can be moved in  Put circles into the diagram and connect them space freely, but only horizontal and vertical position are detected with 7 bit accuracy (not distance from tracker)  Each baton has an on/action and an off button

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 23 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 24 Testing Points Effectiveness  How well can the intention be communicated?  Evaluate mappings according to  Various figures of merit possible  Expressiveness (conveys meaning exactly)  Performance-related  Effectiveness (felicity)  Device bandwidth (influences time to select target,  Visual displays easily express unintended meanings ergonomics and cognitive load)   For input devices, expressiveness suffers if |In|≠|Out| Precision  Error (% missed, final distance, statistical derivatives)  |In|<|Out|: Cannot specify all legal values  Learning time  |In|>|Out|: Can specify illegal values  Mounting / grasping time  Pragmatic  Device footprint, subjective preferences, cost,...

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Example: Device Footprint Assignments

 Circle size:=device footprint  For Tuesday:  Black: with 12" monitor  Read Window System Architecture chapter from Gosling's  White: with 19" monitor NeWS book (James Gosling, David S. H. Rosenthal, and  What do we see? Michelle J. Arden, "The NeWS Book", Springer-Verlag,  Tablet, mouse expensive 1989, Chapter 3; see paper handout)  Worse with larger displays  For Thursday:  But:  Implement basic Window class (see assignment handout)  Mouse Acceleration alleviates this (model of :D ratio?)  Higher resolution mice

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 27 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 28 Window Systems: Basic Tasks

 Basic window system tasks:  Input handling: Pass user input to appropriate application Lecture 3  Output handling: Visualize application output in windows  Window management: Manage and provide user controls for windows Tue, Apr 9, 2002  This is roughly what our Simple Reference Window System will be implementing

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In-Class Exercise: Window Systems: Requirements Window Systems Criteria  Independent of hardware and operating system  In groups of 2, brainstorm criteria that you would look  Legacy (text-based) software support (virt. terminals) at when judging a new window system   No noticeable delays (few ms) for basic operations We will compile the answers in class afterwards (edit text, move window); 5+ redraws/s for cursor  Customizable look&feel for user preferences  Applications doing input/output in parallel  Small resource overhead per window, fast graphics  Support for keyboard and graphical input device  Optional: Distribution, 3-D graphics, gesture, audio,...

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 Availability (platforms supported)  Appearance (Look & Feel, exchangeable?)  Productivity (for application development)  Extensibility of WS (in source code or at runtime)  Parallelism  Adaptability (localization, customization)  external: parallel user input for several applications possible  At runtime; e.g., via User Interface Languages (UILs)  internal: applications as actual parallel processes  Resource sharing (e.g., fonts)  Performance  Distribution (of window system layers over network)  Basic operations on main resources (window, screen, net),  API structure (procedural vs. OO) user input latency – up to 90% of processing power for UI  API comfort (number and complexity of supplied  Graphics model (RasterOp vs. vector) toolkit, support for new components)

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Window Systems: Criteria Window Systems: Conflict

 Independence (of application and interaction logic  WS developer wants: elegant design, portability inside programs written for the WS)  App developer wants: Simple but powerful API  IAC (inter-application communication support)  User wants: immediate usability+malleability for  User-initiated, e.g., Cut&Paste experts Technique Selection Clipboard DDE OLE  Partially conflicting goals Duration short short medium long  Architecture model shows if/how and where to solve Data types special special special any  Real systems show sample points in tradeoff space Directed yes no yes no Relation 1:1 m:1:n 1:1 m:n Abstraction low low medium high

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 35 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 36 The 4-Layer Model The 4-Layer Model of Window System Architectures of Window System Architectures  Layering of virtual Applications  UI Toolkit (a.k.a. Construction Set) machines  Offers standard user interface objects (widgets)  Good reference model User Interface Toolkit  Window Manager   Existing (esp. older) Window Manager Implements user interface to window functions systems often fuzzier  Base Window System  Where is the OS? Base Window System  Provide logical abstractions from physical resources (e.g.,  Where is the user? windows, mouse actions) Graphics & Event Library   physical vs. abstract Graphics & Event Library (implements graphics model)  communication Hardware high-performance graphics output functions for apps,  cf. ISO/OSI model more abstract, application-/user-oriented register user input actions, draw cursor

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In-Class Exercise: Map our A Note On Gosling's Model Window System into model  Same overall structure  Which layers are supplied by the toolkit?  But certain smaller differences  Which layers are you implementing?  E.g., defines certain parts of the GEL to be part of the BWS  What is missing so far?  Written with NeWS in mind  We will follow the model presented here  More general  5 years newer  Includes Gosling's and other models

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 39 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 40 Graphics & Event Library The RasterOp Model Apps Graphics objects UITK Event queues  Original graphics model WM & actions  BWS Logical coordinates Canonical events Device-independent Suited to bitmap displays with linear video memory GEL  Adresses individual pixels directly HW Memory addresses Driver-specific data Device-dependent  Fast transfer of memory blocks (a.k.a. bitblt: bit block transfer) Graphics hardware Device drivers  Absolute integer screen coordinate system   Device-dependent sublayer to optimize for hardware Resolution problem   Device-independent sublayer hides HW vs. SW Simple screen operations (the XOR trick,...)  implementation (virtual machine) But break down with color screens

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The Vector Model Graphics Library Objects: Canvas

 API uses normalized coordinate system  Memory areas with coordinate system and memory-  Device-dependent transformation inside layer to-pixel mapping  Advantage: units are not pixels of specific device anymore  Defined by: Start address, size, bit depth, logical  Applications can output same image data to various screens arrangement in memory (only relevant for pixmaps) and printer, always get best possible resolution (no  Z format (consecutive bytes per pixel, easy pixel access) "jaggies")  XY format (consecutive bytes per plane, easy color access)  Originally implemented using Display PostScript  Included arbitrary clipping regions  a.k.a. "Stencil/Paint Model" Z format XY format

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 43 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 44 Graphics Library Objects: Graphics Library Objects: Output Objects Graphics Contexts  Elementary  Status of the (virtual) graphics processor  Directly rendered by graphics hardware   E.g., Circle, line, raster image Bundle of graphical attributes to output objects   Complex E.g., line thickness, font, color table   Broken down by software into elementary objects to render Goal: reduce parameters to pass when calling graphics  Example: Fonts operations  Broken down into raster images (bitmap/raster/image font,  Not always provided on this level quick but jagged when scaled)  Or broken down outline curves (scalable/outline/vector fonts, scalable but slower)  Real fonts do not scale arithmetically!

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Graphics Library: Actions Graphics Library: Actions  Output (Render) actions for objects described above  Who has to do redraw?  Three "memory modes"  Buffered modes: GEL can redraw, needs trigger  Direct/Immediate Drawing  Immediate mode: application needs to redraw (may  Render into display memory and forget implement buffer or display list technique itself)  Command-Buffered/Structured Drawing, Display List Mode  Mouse cursor is always redrawn by GEL (performance)  Create list of objects to draw  Unless own display layer for cursor (alpha channel)  May be hierarchically organized and/or prioritized  Triggered by event part of GEL  Complex but very efficient for sparse objects  Clipping is usually done by GEL (performance)  Data-Buffered Drawing  Draw into window and in parallel into "backup" in memory  Memory-intensive but simple, efficient for dense objects

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 Events  Drivers deliver device-specific events interrupt-driven  Driver-specific: physical coordinates, timestamp, device- into buffers with timestamps specific event code, in device-specific format  EL cycles driver buffers, reads events, puts unified  Canonical: logical screen coordinates, timestamp, global events into 1 queue per device (all queues equal event code, in window system wide unified format format)  Event Library mediates between mouse/kbd/tablet/... drivers  and window-based event handling system by doing this Update mouse cursor without referring to higher unification layers  Queue  EL offers one event queue per device

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GEL: Extensions GEL: Summary

 GL: Offer new graphics objects/actions (performance)  4-layer model  EL: Support new devices  Graphics & Event Library  Availability  Hides hardware and OS aspects   Most systems: Not accessible to application developer Offers virtual graphics/event machine   GEL as library: Only with access to source code (X11) Often in same address space as Base Window System   GEL access via interpreted language: at runtime (NeWS) Many GEL objects have peer objects on higher levels   Example: Download PostScript code to draw E.g., windows have canvas triangles, gridlines, patterns,... into GEL

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 Work in groups of 2  Define XWindow class (basic components+methods) Lecture 4  Integrate with WindowSystem class  Windows as components of WindowSystem?  Windows as first-class objects? Thu, Apr 11, 2002  Think about future needs (defining repaint() methods,...)  No user interface to windows yet; will be WM  Time to finish until Thursday's class

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Review Base Window System: Tasks

Apps  Criteria for judging window systems UITK  Provide mechanisms for operations on WS-wide data  4-layer architecture WM structures BWS   Graphics & Event Library GEL Ensure consistency  Device-dependent & independent sublayer HW  Core of the WS  Objects: Canvas, output objects, graphics contexts  Most fundamental differences in structure between  Graphics models, drawing modes different systems  Canonical events  user process with GEL, part of OS, privileged process  Extensibility  In general, 1 WS with k terminals, n applications, m objects (windows, fonts) per app (l WS if distributed)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 55 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 56 Base Window System: Structure Base Window System: Objects Requests, Output, Dialog input, Changes State messaging for apps 1..n  Windows, canvas, graphics contexts, events Apps Access Control Addressing Connection Mgmt.  UITK Requested explicitly from applications (except WM Request Demultiplex Resource Operations events), but managed by BWS—why? BWS Mutual Exclusion Multiplex Synchronization  Manage scarce resources for performance & efficiency GEL Memory Allocation Queue/Dequeue  HW Elementary op's. Applications share resources Canvas Events Objects  Consistency and synchronization Graphics Library Event Library  Real vs. virtual resources  (Video) memory, mouse, keyboard, usually also network  Applications only see "their" virtual resources

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Windows & Canvas Events  Components:  Components:  Owner (application originally requesting the window)  Event type App 1...App m  Users (reference list of IDs of all applications temporary  Time stamp aiming to work with the window)  Type-specific data Order  Size, depth, border, origin  Location  State variables (visible, active,...)  Window  Device 1...Device n  Canvas Application   =Window without state; not visible Event Processing:   Collect (multiplex) from device queues Operations:  Order by time stamp, determine application & window  Drawing in application coordinate system  Distribute (demultiplex) to application event queues  State changes (make (in)visible, make (in)valid,...)

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 BWS can generate events itself based on window  Increasingly offered by GEL (performance), but states (e.g., "needs restoring") or certain incoming managed here event patterns (replace two clicks by double-click),  Load completely into virtual memory, or and insert them into queue  Load each component into real memory, or  Load completely into real memory  Components  Application owner, other apps using it (as with windows)  Typically shared as read-only -> owner "just another user"  Name, measurements (font size, kerning, ligatures,...)  Data field per character containing its graphical shape

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Graphics Context Color Tables

 Graphics Context Components  Components  Owner app, user apps  Owner app, user apps  Graphics attributes (line thickness, color index, copy  Data fields for each color entry function,...)  RGB, HSV, YIQ,...  Text attributes (color, skew, direction, copy function,...)  Color table reference  Fault tolerance  GEL: 1 Graphics context at any time, BWS: many  BWS should hold defaults for all its object type parameters  Only one of them active (loaded into GEL) at any time to allow underspecified requests  BWS should map illegal object requests (missing fonts,...) to legal ones (close replacement font,...)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 63 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 64 Communication Bandwidth BWS: Actions

 WS needs to talk to other apps across network  Typically on top of ISO/OSI layer 4 connection (TCP/IP,...)  Basic set of operations for all object types  But requires some layer 5 services (priority, bandwidth,...)  Allocate, deallocate  Usually full-duplex, custom protocol with efficient coding  Other elementary operations for certain types  Exchange of character and image data, often in bursts  Read and write events to and from event queues  Each application expects own virtual connection  Filtering events for applications  Bandwidth is scarce resource   Components of a Connection object: How to manage window collection in BWS?   Partner (IP+process,...), ID, parameters, encoding, message class Tree (all child windows are inside their parent window) (priority,...)  Why? ->Visibility, Event routing  Elementary operations: decode, (de)compress, checksum,...  Remember: on the BWS level, all UI objects are windows  Optional operations: manage connection, address service —not just document windows of applications!

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In-Class Exercise Shared Resources

 Determine a valid tree structure for the window  Reasons for sharing resources: Scarcity, collaboration arrangement shown below  Problems: Competition, consistency  1 Solution: Use "users" list of objects  Add operations to check list, add/remove users to object 5 2  Deallocate if list empty or owner asks for it 6 8 3  7 How does BWS handle application requests?  4 Avoid overlapping requests through internal synchronization  Use semaphores, monitors, message queues

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 67 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 68 Synchronization Options OS Integration  Single address space  Synchronize at BWS entrance  No process concept, collaborative control (stability?)  One app request entering the BWS is carried out in full  "Window multitasking" through procedure calls before next request is processed (simple but potential delays) (cooperation on common stack)  Synchronize on individual objects  Xerox Star, Apple Mac OS, MS Windows 3.x  Apps can run in parallel using (preemptive) multitasking  BWS in kernel  Operations on BWS objects are protected with monitors  Apps are individual processes in user address space  Each object is monitor, verify if available before entering  BWS & GEL are parts of kernel in system address space  high internal parallelism but complex, introduces overhead  Each BWS (runtime library) call is kernel entry (expensive but handled with kernel priority)  Communication via shared memory, sync via kernel

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OS Integration Summary

 BWS as user process  BWS works with device- and OS-independent  BWS loses privileges, is user-level server for client apps, abstractions (only very general assumptions about OS) Communication via Inter-Process Communication (IPC)  Supports system security and consistency through  Single-thread server ("secretary"): no internal parallelism, encapsulation and synchronization sync by entry  map n apps with virtual resource requirements to 1 hardware  Server with specialized threads ("team"): each thread handles specific server subtask, shared BWS objects are  Offers basic API for higher levels (comparable to our protected using monitors Simple Reference Window System)  Multi-server architecture: Several separate servers for  Where are window controls, menus, icons, masks, ...? different tasks (font server, speech recognition and synthesizing server,... — see distributed window systems)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 71 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 72 Assignment #2

 Extend the Simple Window System to actually create visible windows and close them again  Include sample application that creates three Lecture 5 overlapping windows, drawing different geometrical shapes inside each after creating it, and then closes Tue, Apr 16, 2002 them again one by one. Make the app pause between each creation and closing so it becomes clear that the redrawing of uncovered windows happens correctly.  See assignment handout for more details.

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Review Window Manager: Motivation

 Base Window System Apps  Position and decorate windows  UITK  Map n applications with virtual resources WM Provide Look&Feel for interaction with WS to 1 hardware BWS   So far: applications can output to windows Offer shared resources, synchronize access GEL   HW User control defined by application Windows & canvas, graphics contexts,  color tables, events May result in inhomogeneous user experience   Event multiplexing and demultiplexing Now: let user control windows  Window hierarchies  Independent of applications  BWS & OS: single address space, kernel  User-centered system view ext., user process  BWS provides mechanism vs. WM implements policy

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 75 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 76 Window Manager: Structure Screen Management  What is rendered where on screen? (layout question)  Where empty space? What apps iconified? (practical q's) Application-independent user interface  Example: Negotiating window position  Application requests window at (x,y) on screen; Apps Appearance Behavior ("Feel") Look & Feel ignores position afterwards by using window coordinate system UITK ("Look") WM  BWS needs to know window position at any time to handle Tiling, Pop-up menu at Techniques coordinate transformation, event routing, etc. (manages w) BWS Overlapping,... click  User wishes to move window to different position GEL Communicate HW Request position Fetch events  Or: Requested position is taken by another window change,... with BWS  Three competing instances (same for color tables,...)  Solution: Priorities, for example:  Prior (app) < Prior (WM) < Prior (user)  WM as advising instance, user has last word

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Session Management Session Management

 Certain tasks are needed for all apps in consistent way  WM techniques continued  Move window, start app, iconify window  Direct manipulation  Techniques WM uses for these tasks  Manipulate onscreen object with real time feedback   Menu techniques Drag & drop,...   Fixed bar+pull-down (Mac), pop-up+cascades (Motif),... Early systems included file (desktop) manager in window  manager; today separate "standard" application (Finder,...) Window borders   Icon technique: (de)iconifying app windows Created by WM, visible/hidden menus, buttons to  iconify/maximize, title bar Layout policy: tiling, overlapping  Studies show tiling WM policy leads to more time users spend rearranging windows

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 WM techniques continued  WM techniques continued  Input focus: Various modes possible  Look & Feel evolves hand-in-hand with technology  Real estate mode (focus follows pointer): mouse/kbd/...  Audio I/O input goes to window under specific cursor (usually mouse)  Gesture recognition  Listener mode: input goes to activated window, even when  2.5-D windows (implemented by WM, BWS doesn't know) mouse leaves window  Transparency  Click-to-type: Special listener mode (clicking into window  To consider: activates it) - predominant mode today  Performance hit?  Virtual screens  Just beautified, or functionally improved?  Space for windows larger than visible screen  Mapping of screen into space discrete or continuous

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Late Refinement Levels of Late Refinement

 WM accompanies session, allows user to change  Per session, for all users window positions, etc. (changing app appearance)  System-wide information (table, config file,...) read by WM  For this, application must support late refinement  Per application, for all users  App developer provides defaults that can be changed by user  Description for each application, in system-wide area  Attributes must be publicised as configurable, with possible  Per application, per user values  Description file for each application, stored in home  App can configure itself using startup files (may be directory inconsistent), or WM can provide those values when starting  app Per application, per launch   With several competing instances: priorities Using startup parameters (options) or by specifying specific (static/dynamic!...) other description file

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 83 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 84 Implementing Late Refinement Window Manager: Location  Table files  Key-value pairs, with priority rule for competing entries  WM=client of BWS, using its access functions  Usually clear text (good idea), user versions usually editable  WM=server of apps, can change their appearance  Modern versions: XML-based  Several possible architectures Apps  WM-internal database  WM as upper part of BWS  WM Access only via special editor programs  Saves comms overhead BWS  Allows for syntax check before accepting changes, but less  But overview suffers Apps GEL transparent; needs updating when users are deleted,.....  WM as separate server WM HW   Random Rant: Why Non-Clear-Text Config Files Are Evil More comms BWS  Delta technique  But exchangeable WM GEL  Starting state + incremental changes; undo possible HW

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Window Manager: Location Window Manager: Conventions

Apps  Separate user process WM  Visual consistency  Uses mechanism of shared resources  For coding graphical information across apps  BWS  E.g., requests window position from BWS, GEL Reduce learning effort checks its conformance with its layout policy, HW  Behavioral consistency and requests position change if necessary  Central actions tied to the same mouse/kbd actions (right-  More comms, but same protocol as between apps & BWS; click for context menu, Cmd-Q to quit) - predictability no direct connection app—WM  Description consistency  Syntax & semantics of configuration files / databases consistent across all levels of late refinement  Usually requires defining special language

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 WM leads from system- to user-centered view of WS  Class times will need to remain at TuTh 9:15-10:45  Accompanies user during session  Beginning Apr 30, classes will be held in the iRoom  Potentially exchangeable (Gates Building, basement, room B23)  Allows for implementation of new variants of desktop  Thu: UI Toolkit metaphor without having to change entire system  Next week:  E.g., still much room for user modeling (see, e.g., IUI 2002)  Jan @ CHI 2002, Minneapolis  WM requires UI Toolkit to implement same  Design sessions on final SWS assignment with David Look&Feel across applications  Afterwards, Part II begins  Craig Latta: Smalltalk/Squeak

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Review: Window Manager

 Implements user interface (Look&Feel policy) for interaction with windows  Window borders, menus, icons, direct Lecture 6 Apps manipulation, layout policies UITK  Virtual screens, 2.5-D,... WM  BWS Accompanies user during session, Thu, Apr 18, 2002 GEL across applications HW  Late refinement  per-system, per-app, per-user settings  Implementation  with BWS, separate server, user process

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 91 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 92 User Interface Toolkit UITK: Concept

Apps UIDS/UIDL  Interface Guidelines (Look&Feel) Two parts WM UITK  BWS Complex widgets Widget set (closely connected to WS)  GEL Elementary widgets UIDS (User Interface Design Systems, support UI design HW task   Motivation: Deliver API Assumptions  UIs decomposable into sequence of dialogs (time) using  problem/user-oriented instead of hardware/BWS- specific widgets arranged on screen (space)   50–70% of SW development go into UI All widgets are suitable for on-screen display (no post- desktop user interfaces)  UITK should increase productivity  Note: decomposition not unique

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UITK: Structure UITK: Structure

 Constraints  OO Toolkits  User works on several tasks in parallel -> parallel apps  Widget handles certain UI actions in its methods, without  Widgets need to be composable, and communicate with involving app other widgets  Only user input not defined for widget is passed on to app  Apps using widget set (or defining new widgets) should be asynchronously (as seen from the app developer) reusable  Matches parallel view of external control, objects have their  own "life" Structure of procedural/functional UITKs   Advantage: Subclass new widgets from existing ones Matched procedural languages and FSM-based, linear  description of app behavior Disadvantage:   But: Apps not very reusable Requires OO language (or difficult bridging, see Motif)  Debugging apps difficult

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 Procedural model:  Widget:=(W=(w1..wk), G=(g1..gl), A=(a1..am), I=(i1..in))   App needs to call UITK routines with parameters Output side: windows W, graphical attributes G   Control then remains in UITK until it returns it to app Input side: actions A that react to user inputs I   Mapping inputs to actions is part of the specification, can change OO model: even at runtime  App instantiates widgets  Actions can be defined by widget or in callback  UITK then takes over, passing events to widgets in its own  Each widget type satisfied a certain UI need  Input number, select item from list,...  App-specific functionality executed asynchronously in callbacks (registered with widgets upon instantiation)  Control flow also needed between widgets

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Simple Widgets In-Class Exercise: Button  Elementary widgets  Universal, app-independent, for basic UI needs  What are the typical components (W,G,A,I) of a  E.g., button (trigger action by clicking), label (display text), button? menu (select 1 of n commands), scrollbar (continuous  Sample solution: display and change of value), radio button (select 1 of n  W=(text window, shadow window) attributes)  G=(size, color, font, shadow,...)  A=(enter callback, leave callback, clicked callback)  I=(triggered with mouse, triggered with key, enter, leave)

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 Container widgets  Applications will only use subset of simple widgets  Layout and coordinate other widgets  But also have recurring need for certain widget  Specification includes list C of child widgets they manage combinations depending on app class (text editing,  Several types depending on layout strategy CAD,...)  Elementary & Container widgets are enough to create  Examples: file browser, text editing window applications and ensure look&feel on a fundamental  Two ways to create complex widgets level  Composition (combining simple widgets)  Refinement (subclassing and extending simple widgets)  Analogy in IC design: component groups vs. specialized ICs

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Widget Composition Widgets and Windows

 Creating dynamic widget hierarchy by hierarchically  The dynamic widget tree usually matches geographical contains organizing widgets into the UI of an application relation of associated BWS windows   Some will not be visible in the UI But: Each widget usually consists of several BWS windows   -> Each widget corresponds to a subtree of the BWS window Starting at root of dynamic widget tree, add container tree! and other widgets to build entire tree  -> Actions A of a widget apply to is entire geometric range  Active widgets usually leaves except where covered by child widgets  Dynamic because it is created at runtime  -> Graphical characteristics G of a widget are handled using  Can even change at runtime through user action (menus,...) priorities between it, its children, siblings, and parent

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 103 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 104 Refinement of Widgets Late Refinement of Widgets

 Create new widget type by refining existing type  App developer can compose widgets  Refined widget has mostly the same API as base  Widget developer can refine widgets widget, but additional or changed features, and fulfils  -> User needs way to change widgets Style Guide  -> Should be implemented inside toolkit  Not offered by all toolkits, but most OO ones  Solution: Late Refinement (see WM for discussion)  Refinement creates the Static Hierarchy of widget  Late refinement cannot add or change type of widget subclasses characteristics or the dynamic hierarchy  Example: Refining text widget to support styled text  But can change values of widget characteristics (changes mostly G), or hypertext (also affects I & A)

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Style Guidelines Types of UIDS  Language-oriented  How support consistent Look&Feel?  Special language (UIL) specifies composition of widgets  Document guidelines, rely on developer discipline  Compiler/interpreter implements style guidelines by  E.g., Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines (but included checking constructs commercial pressure from Apple & later user community)  Interactive  Limiting refinement and composition possible  Complex drawing programs to define look of UI  Containers control all aspects of Look&Feel  Specifying UI feel much more difficult graphically  Sacrifices flexibility  Usually via lines/graphs connecting user input (I) to actions  UIDS (A), as far as allowed by style guide  Tools to specify the dialog explicitly with computer support  Automatic  Create UI automatically from spec of app logic (research)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 107 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 108 Assignment: Window Manager

 See handout Lecture 7

Tue, Apr 30, 2002

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Smalltalk & Squeak Smalltalk: Architecture

 Guest lecture by Craig Latta, IBM TJ Watson  Common ancestor of all window systems Research Center  PARC, early 70's, initially on 64K Alto  See course website for his course notes, handouts, and Apps  Complete universe, simplest WS archit. UITK  system images to run Squeak on the Macs in Meyer WM OS, language, WS, tools: single address  General information about Squeak at BWS space, single process structure, communicate with procedure calls http://www.squeak.org/ GEL HW  Initially, OS & WS merged,on bare machine  Later, WS on top of OS, but still "universe"  Introduced windows, scrolling, pop-up menus, virtual desktop, MVC

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 111 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 112 Smalltalk: Evaluation Smalltalk: Evaluation  Availability: high (Squeak,...)  Adaptability: low (no explicit structured user resource  Productivity: medium (depending on tools, libs used) concept; although storing entire image possible)  Parallelism: originally none, now external  Resource sharing: high  But linguistic crash protection  Distribution: none originally, yes with Squeak  Performance: medium (high OO overhead since  everything is an object) API structure: pure OO, Smalltalk language only   Graphic model: originally RasterOp API comfort: initially low, higher with Squeak&Morphic  Style: flexible (see Morphic, for example)  Independency: High (due to MVC paradigm)  Extensibility: highest (full source available to user,  code browser) Communication: flexible (objects pass messages)

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The Apple Macintosh

 Introduced in 1984  Lecture 8 Based on PARC Smalltalk, Star, Tajo  Few technical innovations (QuickDraw)  Otherwise, rather steps back Thu, May 2, 2002  But landmark in UI design and consistency policies  First commercially successful GUI machine  Advertised with what is sometimes considered the best commercial in history: http://www.apple-history.com/movies/1984.mov

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 One address space, communication  Sets of routines to do various tasks with procedure calls  Functional, not object-oriented (originally written in Pascal) Apps RAM  "No" OS—app is in charge,  Organized into Managers UITK everything else is a subroutine WM Toolbox BWS in ROM library ("Toolbox") GEL (+RAM  Functional, not object-oriented from disk) HW (originally written in Pascal)  Organized into Managers  Mostly located in "the Mac ROM"

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Event Manager Control Manager  Controls: Buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, pop-up  struct EventRecord { Event loop core of any Mac app short what; // type of event menus, scroll bars,...  long message; // varies depending Processes events (from user or // on type  long when; // Timestamp in ticks Control Manager: Create, manipulate, redraw, track & system) and responds Point where; // mouse position // in global coords respond to user actions  Event Manager offers functions short modifiers; // modifier keys }; held down to deal with events  extern pascal Boolean Event types GetNextEvent(short eventMask, enum { EventRecord *theEvent); nullEvent = 0, Dialog Manager mouseDown = 1,  mouseUp = 2,  Cooperative Multitasking keyDown = 3, Create and manage dialogs and alerts  keyUp = 4, External: App must allow user autoKey = 5,  updateEvt = 6, (System-) modal, movable (application-modal), or to switch to other apps diskEvt = 7,  activateEvt = 8, modeless dialog boxes—choice depends on task! Internal: App must surrender osEvt = 15, processor to system regularly };

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 119 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 120 Window Manager(!) Finder Interface  Not the Window Manager from our layer model  Defining icons for applications and documents  Create, move, size, zoom, update windows  Interacting with the Finder  App needs to ensure background windows look deactivated (blank scrollbars,...) Other Managers  Scrap Manager for cut&paste among apps Menu Manager  Standard File Package for file dialogs  Help Manager for balloon help  Offers menu bar, pull-down, hierarch. & pop-up menus  TextEdit for editing and displaying styled text  Guidelines: any app must support Apple, File, Edit,  Help, Keyboard, and Application menus Memory Manager for the heap  List Manager, Sound Manager, Sound Input Manager,...

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Resource Manager Resource Manager  Resources are basic elements of any Mac app: Descriptions of menus, dialog boxes, controls, sounds,  Identified by type (4 chars) and ID (integer) fonts, icons,...  Standard resource types (WIND, ALRT, ICON,...)  Makes it easier to update, translate apps  Custom resource types (defined by app)  Stored in resource fork of each file  Read and cached by Resource Manager upon request  Each Mac file has data & resource fork  Priorities through search order when looking for resource  Data fork keeps application-specific data (File Manager)  Last opened document, other open docs, app, system  Resource fork keeps resources in structured format  Can write resources to app or document resource fork (Resource Manager)  E.g., last window position  For documents: Preferences, icon, window position  For apps: Menus, windows, controls, icons, code(!)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 123 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 124 ResEdit Macintosh: Evaluation  Graphical Resource  Availability: high (apps from 1984 still run today!) Editor (Apple)  Productivity: originally low (few tools except ResEdit; Mac was  Overview of resources designed for users, not programmers) in resource fork of any  Parallelism: originally none, later external+internal file (app or doc), sorted  External: Desk accessories, Switcher, MultiFinder by resource type  Internal: Multi-processor support in mid-90's   Opening a type shows Performance: high (first Mac was 68000 @ 1MHz, 128K RAM)  resources of that type sorted by their ID Graphic model: QuickDraw (RasterOp+fonts, curves...)  Style: most consistent to this day (HI Guidelines, Toolbox)  Editors for basic resource types built in (ICON,DLOG,...)  Extensibility: low (Toolbox in ROM, later extended via System  Big productivity improvement over loading resources file) as byte streams CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 125 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 126

In-Class Exercise: Macintosh: Evaluation Simple Mac Application  Adaptability: medium (System/app/doc preferences in  Write a simple Macintosh application that opens a resources, but limited ways to change look&feel) window and exits upon mouse click  Resource sharing: medium (fonts, menu bar shared by apps,...)  Distribution: none  API structure: procedural (originally Pascal)  API comfort: high (complete set of widgets)  Independency: Medium (most UI code in Toolbox)  Communication: originally limited to cut&paste

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 127 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 128 void main (void) { WindowPtr window; Rect rect;

InitGraf (&qd.thePort); // must be called before any other TB Manager (IM IX 2-36) InitFonts (); // after ig, call just to be sure (IM IX 4-51) FlushEvents(everyEvent,0); // ignore left-over (finder) events during startup InitWindows (); // must call ig & if before (IM Toolbox Essentials 4-75; IM I 280)

InitCursor (); // show arrow cursor to indicate that we are ready Lecture 9

SetRect (&rect, 100, 100, 400, 300);

window = NewCWindow (NULL, &rect, "\pMy Test", true, documentProc, Tue, May 7, 2002 (WindowPtr) -1, FALSE, 0);

do { } while (!Button());

DisposeWindow (window);

} CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 130

Review: Classic Mac OS The ("X")  Asente, Reid (Stanford): W window system for V OS,  Designed for the user, not the developer (1982)   First commercially succesful GUI system W moved BWS&GEL to remote machine, replaced local library calls with synch. communication  Technically few advances  Simplified porting to new architectures, but slow under Unix  One address space, one process, "no" OS   But revolutionary approach to UI consistency (HI Guidelines) MIT: X as improvement over W (1984)   Asynchronous calls: much-improved performance Macintosh Toolbox   Application=client, calls X Library () which packages Pascal procedures grouped into Managers, ROM+RAM and sends GEL calls to the X Server and receiving events  Extended as technology advanced (color, multiprocessing,...), using the X Protocol. but architecture was showing its age by late 90s  Similar to Andrew, but window manager separate  Inspiration for other GUIs, esp. MS Windows  X10 first public release, X11 cross-platform redesigned

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 131 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 132 X: Architecture X Server

 X is close to  X11 ISO standard, but limited since static protocol architecture  X server process combines GEL and BWS Application model  Responsible for one keyboard (one EL), but n physical Widget Set screens (GLs) WM Xt Intrinsics UITK  Xlib Xlib One machine can run several servers  Network Applications (with UITK) and WM are clients  X Server BWS+GEL GEL: Direct drawing, raster model, rectangular clipp. HW  X-Server layers: Device-dependent X (DDX), device- independent X (DIX)  BWS can optionally buffer output regions

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Typical Xlib application X Protocol (pseudocode) #include Xlib.h, Xutil.h Display *d; int screen; GC gc; Window w; XEvent e;  Between X server process and X clients (incl. WM) main () {  d=XOpenDisplay(; async, bidirectional byte stream, order guaranteed by screen=DefaultScreen(d); transport layer w=XCreateSimpleWindow(d, DefaultRootWindow(d), x,y,w,h,border,BlackPixel(d),WhitePixel(d)); // foreground & background  Implemented in TCP, but also others (DECnet,...) XMapWindow(d, w);  Creates about 20% time overhead with apps over network gc=XCreateGC(d, w, mask, attributes); // Graphics Context setup left out here  Four packet types XSelectInput(d, w, ExposureMask|ButtonPressMask); while (TRUE) {  Request, (Client->Server) XNextEvent(d, &e);  Reply, Event, Error (Server->Client) switch (e.type) {  case Expose: XDrawLine (d, w, gc, x,y,w,h); break; Packets contain opcode, length, and sequence of case ButtonPress: exit(0); resource IDs or numbers } } } CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 135 Window Manager X: Resources  Ordinary client to the BWS  Communicates with apps via hints in X Server  Logical: pixmap, window, graphic context, color map,  Look&Feel Mechanisms are separated from Look&Feel Policy visual (graphics capabilities), font, cursor  Late refinement (session, user, application, call)  Real: setup (connection), screen (several), client  Dynamically exchangeable, even during session   All resources identified via RIDs , ctwm, gwm, mwm (Motif), olwm (OpenLook), rtl (Tiling), ...  Implement different policies for window & icon placement,  Events: as in ref. model, from user, BWS, and apps, appearance, all without static menu bar, mostly pop-ups, flexible piped into appropriate connection listener modes   X Server is simple single-entrance server (round- No desktop functionality (separate app)  robin), user-level process Only manages windows directly on background (root) window, rest managed by applications (since they don't own root window space)

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 X programming support consists of 3 layers  Xlib offers functions to create, delete, and modify server  resources (pixmaps, windows, graphic contexts, color maps, Xlib: visuals, fonts), but app has to do resource composition  Lowest level, implements X protocol client, procedural (C)  Display (server connection) is parameter in most calls  Programming on the level of the BWS   X Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt) Hides networking, but not X server differences (see  "Visual") Functions to implement an OO widget set class (static) hierarchy   Packages requests, usually not waiting for reply (async.) Programming library and runtime system handling widgets   At each Xlib call, checks for events from server and creates Exchangeable (InterViews/C++), but standard is in C  queue on client (access with XGetNextEvent()) Each widget defined as set of "resources" (attributes)  Extensions require changing Xlib & Xserver source & (XtNborderColor,...) protocol CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 139 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 140 X: UITK UITK

 X Toolkit Intrinsics  X Toolkit Intrinsics  Just abstract meta widget classes (Simple, Container, Shell)  Xt Functions (XtRealizeWidget(),...) are generic to work  At runtime, widgets have 4 states with all widget classes   Created (data structure exists, linked into widget tree, no Parameters are generic—how? window)  -> One list (variable length) of key/value pairs, filled  Managed (Size and position have been determined—policy) (XtSetArg()), then passed into function. Order irrelevant.  Realized (window has been allocated in server; happens  Event dispatch: automatically for all children of a container)  Defined for most events in translation tables (I->A) in Xt  Mapped (rendered on screen)—may still be covered by  -> Widgets handle events alone (no event loop in app)! other window!  App logic in callback functions registered with widgets

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For Thursday

 Complete the Mac OS assignment by Wednesday  Have a look at the X paper on the class web site Lecture 10  We will meet in Meyer, then go over to Sweet Hall as needed, to avoid missing each other in Sweet Hall. Thu, May 9, 2002

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 143 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 144 Widget Sets What Is Motif?

 Collection of user interface components  Style Guide (book) for application developer  Together with WM, define look&feel of system  Widget set (software library) implementing Style  Several different ones available for X Guide  Athena (original, simple widget set, ca. 20 widgets, 2-D, no  Window Manager (mwm) strong associated style guide) — Xaw... prefix  UIL (User Interface Language)  Motif (Open Software Foundation, commercial, 2.5-D widget set, >40 widgets, industry standard for X, comes with style guide and UIL)—Xm... prefix  Programming model already given in Intrinsics  Motif just offers convenience functions

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The Motif Widget Set Programming with Motif

 Simple Widgets: XmPrimitive  Initialize Intrinsics   XmLabel, XmText, XmSeparator, XmScrollbar,... Connect to server, allocate toolkit resources   Shell Widgets: Shell Create widgets  Building the dynamic widget tree for application  Widgets talking to Window Manager (root window children)  Tell Intrinsics to manage each widget  Application shells, popup shells,...  Realize widgets  Constraint Widgets: XmManager  Sensitize for input, per default also make visible (map)  Containters like XmDrawingArea, XmRowColumn,...  Register callbacks  Complex widgets like XmFileSelectionBox,...  Specify what app function to call when widgets are triggered  Event loop  Just call Intrinsics (XtMainLoop()) – app ends in some callback!

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 147 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 148 hello.c: A Simple Example #include #include #include Resource files in X #include #include  Where does the title for the PushButton come from? void ExitCB (Widget w, caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data)  { -> Resource file specifies settings for application XtCloseDisplay (XtDisplay (w));  Application.PathToWidget.Attribute: Value exit (0); Syntax: }  Resource Manager reads and merges several resource void main(int argc, char *argv[]) files (system-, app- and user-specific) at startup (with { Widget toplevel, pushbutton; priorities as discussed in reference model) toplevel = XtInitialize (argv [0], "Hello", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); pushbutton = XmCreatePushButton (toplevel, "pushbutton", NULL, 0); File "Hello": XtManageChild (pushbutton); Hello.pushbutton.labelString: Hello World XtAddCallback (pushbutton, XmNactivateCallback, (void *) ExitCB, NULL); Hello.pushbutton.width: 100 Hello.pushbutton.height: 20 XtRealizeWidget (toplevel); XtMainLoop (); CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 150 }

User Interface Language UIL X/Motif: Evaluation

 Resource files specify late refinement of widget  Availability: high (server portability), standard WS for attributes, but cannot add widgets Unix  Idea: specify actual widget tree of an application  Productivity: low for Xlib-based and widget outside C source code, in UIL text file development, but high using widget set, esp. Motif  C source code only contains application-specific callbacks,  and simple stub for user interface Parallelism: external yes, internal no - in original  UIL text file is translated with separate compiler design, one app can freeze server with big request  At runtime, Motif Resouce Manager reads compiled UIL file  Performance: fairly high (basic graphics were faster to construct dynamic widget tree for app than Windows on same hardware), widget sets add  Advantage: UI clearly separated from app code graphical and layout overhead, but can hold client-side  Decouples development resources

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 Graphics model: RasterOp  API structure: Xlib procedural, Xt/widget set OO  Style: exchangeable through widget set and WM  Graphics apps need to use both !  Note: apps cannot rely on a certain WM functionality  API comfort: high with Motif (even UIDS available)  Extensibility: low  Independence: low with Xlib (visuals), high with  Requires modifying Xlib source, usually also Xt and widget Motif set source, applications using extension not backwards  compatible and portable anymore Communicating apps: via RIDs in server for  Adaptability: very high (multiple resource files, UIL) resources, clipboard for text & graphics  Resource sharing: possible via RIDs  Distribution: yes, BWS, WM & apps on different

machines CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 153 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 154


 Implement a simple Motif program, such as our original ColorChooser example, or something similar that you find interesting (due Tuesday) Lecture 11  Tip: Use the interactive Xmtutor Motif tutorial application (installed for you on the Leland systems) Tue, May 14, 2002 for general information on Motif programming, and to find out more about how to use the various widget types in your application  http://www.stanford.edu/~borchers/xmtutor/

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 155 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 156 Java: AWT AWT: Architecture

 AWT: Abstract Windowing Toolkit  Java is not a complete OS  Java's original window and graphics system  No OS-level Window  Even Swing is based on AWT Apps Manager UITK  Developed originally in about 6 weeks for Java 1.0 ...  Applications use the AWT for WM AWT  Each widget has its own operating-system level BWS graphical input and output GEL  window (heavyweight widgets) HW JVM The AWT works on top of the  Swing widgets do not have their own OS-level window, and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) get drawn by their container (lightweight widgets)  Swing uses AWT containers to render its toplevel widgets

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Applets vs. Applications Minimum Applet: MyApplet.java

 Java offers two types of GUI programs: import java.applet.Applet;  import java.awt.*; Applets public class myApplet extends Applet {  run inside a web browser using a plugin public void paint(Graphics g) {  are embedded into an HTML page g.drawString("Hello World!", 60,100);  }}  have limited access to the underlying OS (sandbox)  are subclasses of Applet Embed into HTML page:  Applications  run as standalone executables, with (almost) full OS access Alternate text

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 159 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 160 The AWT Widget Hierarchy The Component Class  Component  MenuComponent   Button MenuBar   Canvas  MenuItem Parent class for all things to see and interact with on-  Checkbox  CheckboxMenuItem  Choice  Menu screen (except for menus: MenuComponent)  Container  PopupMenu  Over 150(!) methods  Panel  ScrollPane Other interesting AWT classes:  From getWidth() to addMouseMotionListener()   Window MenuShortcut   Dialog  Event See (general pointer for all documentation):  FileDialog  EventQueue  Frame  Font http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/java/awt/Component.html  Label  FlowLayout, CardLayout... (We are using 1.3.1)  List  Scrollbar  TextComponent  TextArea  TextField

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Event Model Event Model

 EventListeners receive event of corresponding type  Original model: action() method of toplevel widget  ActionEvent, MouseEvent, WindowEvent,... import java.awt.*; (e.g., Applet) would receive and handle all events public class Hello extends Frame implements ActionListener { public static void main(String argv[])  Became huge method for large apps; inefficient { new Hello();  Since Java 1.1: Delegated event handling }  public Hello() { Must register for events to receive them, by implementing an Button myButton = new Button("Hello World"); event listener interface myButton.addActionListener(this);  add(myButton, "Center"); Examples: ActionListener (for button clicks), setSize(200, 100); MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, WindowListener setLocation(200,200); setVisible(true); (when window is activated, iconified,...), etc. }  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Smaller, dedicated listener methods, better performance exit(0); } } CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 163 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 164 Overview of Swing Components Lecture 12 (David)

Thu, May 18, 2002

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Some Swing Examples (David) Java’s Evolution

 Toolbar sample app  Java’s evolution with respect to its GUI and media-  Tabbed pane sample app handling features looks like a fast-forward replay of the history of window systems:  Table sample app  Java 1.0 (1995): 6-week version of AWT  Java 1.1: Delegated event model, localization  Java 2, v.1.2: JFC (Swing, Java2D, Accessibility, Drag&Drop), audio playback  Java 2, v.1.3: audio in, MIDI, Timer (for UI, animations, etc.)  Java 2, v.1.4 (2002): full-screen mode, scrollwheels, Preferences API

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 167 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 168 Java: Evaluation Java: Evaluation  Graphics model: RasterOp  Java2D offers vector model, but it is not used by the WS  Availability: high (binary portability), better for AWT  Style: native like the OS (AWT), pluggable-simulated (Swing)   Productivity: medium with AWT, high with Swing Note: Window Manager is supplied by the OS  Extensibility: medium  Parallelism: external yes, internal depends on OS  New widgets can be subclassed easily, but adding features to the  underlying WS is not intended (e.g., no support for input devices other Performance: medium (bytecode interpretation of than mouse and keyboard) class files), memory and perfomance tradeoffs  Adaptability: fairly high (with Swing)  between AWT (native widgets) and Swing (simulated Developers can implement new look&feel, and switch it at runtime  ResourceBundles can store resources (typically, texts and icons for widgets) different languages), similar to Mac OS resource forks  But: geared towards localization; no combination of multiple files; no user access intended (not a clear-text format)  Resource sharing: depends on core OS  Distribution: no (nowadays, distributing objects is more common)

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Java: Evaluation

 API structure: purely OO  API comfort: high, esp. with Swing (3rd-party UIDSs available) Lecture 13  Independence: high (class concept), esp. with Swing (supports MVC) Tue, May 21, 2002  Communicating apps: clipboard for text & graphics, drag&drop (from Java apps to and from other Java and native apps),

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 171 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 172 Mac OS X Mac OS X: Architecture

 OS: Unix Apps  Unix Mach microkernel (Darwin, open source) UITK Cocoa (, Carbon, JDK, Classic)  -> Protected memory, preemptive multitasking WM Finder (user-level process)  GEL Quartz Core Graphics Rendering (vector), OpenGL, QuickTime -> Single application cannot corrupt/freeze entire system !  BWS Quartz Core Graphics Services (pixmap) Graphics library (“Quartz”): Display PDF HW  Roots: NeWS (Display PostScript)  Vector-based  UITK: Cocoa  OO framework  Written in Objective-C, but interfaces to Java, C, and C++  Implements Aqua Look&Feel Apple’s Layer Model of Mac OS X

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Apple’s Layer Model of Mac OS X Event Handling

 Similar to our Reference Model  Window Server distributes events to per-application  Cocoa is the “native” API (can be used with Obj-C or Java) (really per-process)  JDK is used for 100% Java/Swing applications queues  Carbon is an updated version of the old Macintosh Toolbox  Used to easily port existing applications, Carbon apps run on 9&X  Classic emulates Mac OS 9 to run old apps unmodified  BSD is used to run existing standard Unix applications  -> Mac OS X tries to please everyone (at the expense of high cost for supporting multiple APIs)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 175 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 176 Dynamic Typing, Binding, and Objective-C Linking  Implementation language of the Cocoa framework  C++ is a static language, Java and Obj-C are dynamic  Created in 1983 to combine OO principles with C  C++: Cannot use a superclass (eg TObject) as a subclass (eg  In its concepts very similar to Java, unlike C++ TShape) even though you know you could; the compiler  Dynamic typing, binding, and linking prevents such code from building  Introduces new constructs to C   [object message:par1 par2:type2] is analogous to Java’s Obj-C & Java move this check to run-time object.method(par1, par2)  In C++, a superclass must either contain all the methods any  - for instance methods, + for class methods subclass will use, or it must be mixed in using multiple  id corresponds to void *, self corresponds to this inheritance. To add a method to the superclass, all subclasses  @ compiler directives (@interface..@end, @implementation..@end,…) must be recompiled (fragile bass class problem)  Protocols are analogous to Java’s interfaces  Dynamic Binding avoids bloated superclasses and minimizes  Classes are objects of type Class recompilation due to this problem

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Cocoa Cocoa Class Hierarchy  The UITK of Mac OS X  Evolved out of NeXTSTEP (which was released in 1987–just four NSObject  Fairly flat hierarchy years after the Macintosh was introduced–, and which later became NSEvent  Reason: Delegates and OPENSTEP) NSResponder protocols can be used to mix  Cocoa’s class names still give away its heritage (NSObject,…) NSWindow in functionality, no deep  Two main parts NSView NSControl  subclassing required Foundation: Basic programming support NSButton etc.  NSObject, values, strings, collections, OS services, notifications, NSApplication archiving, Obj-C language services, scripting, distributed objects NSCell (lightweight controls)  AppKit: Aqua interface NSMenu  Interface, fonts, graphics, color, documents, printing, OS support, NSMenuItem international support, InterfaceBuilder support etc.  Largest part (over 100) are interface widgets  Complex hierarchy, see Online Help in Project Builder

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 179 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 180 Responders, Events, Actions, Responders, Events, Actions, Outlets Outlets  Events generated by user or system (eg periodic events)  In each step of the responder chain, a delegate can be  Actions are generated by objects (eg menus) in response to lower-level events given a chance to handle the event   InterfaceBuilder lets developer connect actions to custom objects (e.g., Applications, windows, views etc. can be extended by from a button to a custom class), using “IBAction” constant in the source adding a delegate without having to subclass them  Most objects are subclasses of NSResponders and can respond to  Outlets are instance variables to refer to other objects events   In static frameworks (e.g., those based on C++), each object needs large InterfaceBuilder knows about them and lets the developer switch statement to determine if it can handle an event connect outlets graphically (“IBOutlet” constant)  In Cocoa (dynamic framework), NSApplication can find a responder that  Example: A custom class that wants to display a result in a can handle an event (respondsToSelector), then call its method directly text field needs an outlet  Framework takes care of Responder Chain  Events are passed on along the responder chain (key window ¥ main window ¥ application) until they can be handled by some object

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Interface Builder Interface Builder: Example  Graphical tool to create user interfaces for Cocoa applications  Allows developer to not just visually define the widgets in a UI (i.e., specify the static layout of the user interface–which is what most UIDS support), but also define the connections between widgets and custom classes of the application that is being written (i.e., the dynamic behavior of the user interface)  UI can be tested inside IB without compiling or writing any code  Tied into development environment (Project Builder)  Suggests a more user-centered implementation process that starts with the user interface, not the application functionality  IB generates source code skeleton that can then be filled in  IB uses special constants to include hints about outlets and actions in the source code  Resources are stored in nib files (NeXTSTEP Interface Builder)  An application reads its main nib file automatically when it starts up The user input in an NSTextField is connected to the convert()  Additional nib files can be read when needed (for transient dialogs, etc.) method of a custom TempController class in an application.

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 Style: native (Aqua)  Availability: medium (only on Apple hardware)  Computationally expensive (less so when using OpenGL, see above)   Productivity: very high, but learning curve (Cocoa framework) Extensibility: fairly high (due to dynamism)  New widgets can be subclassed, delegates can often help avoid  Parallelism: external yes, internal yes subclassing  Performance:  Adaptability: fairly high   High with Obj-C plists store application settings in clear-text XML files (similar to XML)   Applications are bundles (directories) of binary code and resources (each Medium-high with Java (uses Java Bridge) resource can be a Unix file)  Graphics model: Vector  Resource sharing: yes  Latest version is moving to an all-OpenGL rendering engine  Distribution: no   -> Transparency etc. done in hardware, for desktop and all Distributing objects is more common  applications Cocoa: serialization and Connection mechanisms

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Mac OS X: Evaluation Assignment

 API structure: OO with dynamic binding  Work through the Java Temperature Converter  API comfort: high tutorial  Interface Builder UIDS enables developer to specify not only static  Local copy on Mac OS X machines: widget layout, but also dynamic app structure /Developer/Documentation/Essentials/devessentials.html   Independence: high (class concept, MVC) On the web: http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/  Communicating apps: JavaTutorial/javatutorial.pdf  Pastboard for fonts, rulers, text, drag&drop data, other objects:  Just work through chapters 1 and 2; you will complete a mostly handled automatically by the framework simple Cocoa Java application, and will use Interface  Services to export functionality to other apps (“Mail text”) Builder to connect the interface to your code.  Complete by Thursday, then submit the final product to our website after David is back.

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 187 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 188 The Post-Desktop Interface

 Enhanced Desktop  Add voice recognition, video, audio, etc. Lecture 14  Different Devices  PDAs, Cell Phones, Wearable PCs  Thu, May 23, 2002 Different Modalities  (Guest Lecture: Brad Johanson) Voice, tactile feedback, etc.  Multi-Device Interfaces  Ubiquitous computing, smart spaces, interactive workspaces

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Principles for Ubiquitous Ubiquitous Computing Computing  Originated with Mark Weiser, “The Computer for the  Boundary Principle st 21 Century,” 1991.  Volatility Principle  Main Concept:  Semantic Rubicon  Computing technology will become part of the background.  We will be able to maintain only a peripheral awareness  Has come to also mean:  Any sort of multi-device interactions that integrate with daily life  Also called “Pervasive Computing.”

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 191 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 192 Room-based Ubiquitous Computing Some Characteristics

 Basic Idea, one room for team collaboration with:  Human Constraints  Multiple devices, some permanent, some transient, some  Bounded Environment mobile  Human Centered Interaction  Multiple users collaborating  Technological Constraints  Multiple applications  Heterogeneity  Changing environment

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Approaches iROS

 Room OS: Make all devices look like one complex  A set of middleware infrastructure pieces virtual machine (i-Land, Darmstadt and Gaia OS,  Facilitates construction of apps for interactive UIUC)  workspaces Intelligent Environment: Create an environment that  anticipates the users needs and does the right thing. Facilitates recombining applications and devices in (Intelligent Room, MIT, Easy Living, Microsoft new ways. Research)  Meta Operating System: Allow pre-existing programs, and develop new programs using devices own toolkits. (Interactive Workspaces, Stanford)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 195 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 196 iROS Video iROS: Discovered Principles

  Moving Data  Moving Control  Dynamic Application Coordination

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iROS Component Structure The Event Heap

 A digital environment to mirror the physical one Interactive Workspace Applications  Obey the boundary principle iCrafter  Give applications the means to: State Service Service Data  Manager Invocation Discovery Heap Notify other apps in the environment about changes in their Persistent Store Event Heap File Stores Other APIs state  Understand what other applications are doing. Key: Stanford iROS Application Developers Other Infrastructure  React to occurrences in the environment

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 199 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 200 How Things Work Event Heap Example String EventType “ViewChange” StringStringString EventType EventTypeEventType “ViewChange” “ViewChange”“ViewChange” String TargetDevice *“FrontScreen” StringStringString TargetDevice TargetDeviceTargetDevice “FrontScreen” *“FrontScreen” int ViewNumber 137 Intintint ViewNumber ViewNumberViewNumber * 713 Controller

PutEvent waitForEvent String EventType “ViewChange” String TargetDevice *“FrontScreen” getEvent Int ViewNumber 7*

String EventType “ViewChange” StringString EventType TargetDevice “ViewChange” “FrontScreen” waitForEvent Stringint ViewNumber TargetDevice 13 * int ViewNumber 7 StringString EventType EventType “ViewChange” “ViewChange”

Viewer 1 Viewer 2 StringString TargetDevice TargetDevice “SideScreen” * intint ViewNumber ViewNumber * 7 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 201 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 202

Event Heap: System Properties Event Heap: Design Choices

 Extensible  Routing Patterns  Expressive  Opaque Communication and Data Format  Simple and Portable Client API  Logically Centralized  Easy to Debug  Simple, General API  Perceptual Instantaneity  Scalable to workspace sized traffic load  Failure tolerance  Application portability

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 203 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 204 Event Heap: Important Capabilities iCrafter

 Intermediation  Service Description  Snooping  Devices  Routing  Interface Generation  By source  Interface database  By application  Room configuration database  By device  By person  By group

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iCrafter: Example iROS: Evaluation

 Availability: high (Windows, Unix, Mac OS, easy portability)  Productivity: high, but at the level of gluing large components  Parallelism: by nature  Performance:  Medium (compared to direct socket connections)  Graphics model: Underlying UI for platform, or via iCrafter

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 207 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 208 iROS: Evaluation iROS: Evaluation  Style: based on device   API structure: mostly Java-based, but other APIs possible Extensibility: very high due to flexible typing, snooping,  intermediation, and self description eheap: event creation, manipulation, placement and retrieval  API comfort: simple, easy to learn, low level but powerful  Adaptability: high (linking apps), dep on OSs (end user  add a few lines to Java app to make it talk to the eheap config)  Independence: high– designed to keep applications independent  Resource sharing: not inherent  suggests different way of structuring UI code in an app  Distribution: inherently distributed (via central server)  Communicating apps: via Event Heap  The main feature!

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Event Heap Example App: speaktext Event Heap Example App: speaker import iwork.eheap2.*; import iwork.eheap2.*; import javax.speech.*; import javax.speech.synthesis.*; class speaktext { // Connects to event heap in static void main(String []args) // arg[0], and sends an AudioEvent class speaker { // Speaks text received as AudioEvent from eheap static void main(String []args) { { // with the text in arg[1]. try { EventHeap theHeap=new EventHeap(args[0]); // Connect to the Event Heap try{ Event myEvent=new Event("AudioEvent"); // Create the template event EventHeap theHeap=new EventHeap(args[0]); // Connect to the Event Heap myEvent.setTemplateValue("AudioCommand", "Read"); // Capitalization does matter while(true) { // Loop forever retrieving Event myEvent=new Event("AudioEvent"); // Create an event try{ myEvent.setPostValue("AudioCommand", "Read"); // Set its fields Event retEvent=theHeap.waitForEvent(myEvent); // Block thread until a matching event arrives // You can also use this with a timeout, myEvent.setPostValue("Text", args[1]); // or use GetEvent which returns immediately simpleSpeak((String)(retEvent.getPostValue("Text"))); // Get text to speak out of event and say it theHeap.putEvent(myEvent); // Put event into the Event Heap } } catch(Exception e) { // Catch malformed events to keep looping e.printStackTrace(); catch(Exception e) { } e.printStackTrace(); } // End of loop getting events } } catch(Exception e) { } e.printStackTrace(); } } } // End of main()

private static void simpleSpeak(String phrase) { // Uses Java Speech library to speak text phrase; SynthesizerModeDesc mode = new SynthesizerModeDesc(); // has nothing to do with the Event Heap Synthesizer synth = Central.createSynthesizer(mode); synth.allocate(); // Get ready to speak synth.resume(); synth.speakPlainText(phrase, null); // Speak the phrase synth.waitEngineState(Synthesizer.QUEUE_EMPTY); // Wait until speaking is done } } Review

 iROS: iRoom Operating System  Meta-OS to glue together apps in an interactive room Lecture 15  Implements Event Heap (similar to event queue on a single machine); simple Java API  But: more robust against failure (important in rooms) Tue, May 28, 2002  Events expire, services continuously beacon their (Guest: Merrie Ringel) availability  Mostly infrastructure-oriented, but important implications for HCI  See iStuff (today) for an example

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iStuff iStuff taxonomy

 Interactive Stuff: a physical UI toolkit  Similar to Card's Design Space of Input Devices  Motivation:  One vs. many bits vs. discrete  Make prototyping physical post-desktop interfaces (for  But: Additional dimensions ubiquitous computing) as simple as prototyping GUIs  Input vs. output devices  Solution:  Modality (force, heat, light, sound,...)  Build on Event Heap (assume rich infrastructure)  See  Create lightweight physical standard UI components http://www.stanford.edu/~merrie/istuff/device_table.html  buttons, lights, sliders, speakers, buzzers, ...  Combine with peer functionality in a PC to create iStuff device

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 215 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 216 iStuff Layer Model Accessing iStuff (Example: iButton)  From Java code actual wireless  Any eheap app can use iStuff without further libraries iButton  RF transmitter Sending and receiving events between apps and iStuff Conceptual  Main challenge: Abstraction and paradigm shift Parallel port driver iStuff "device"  Layer model (similar to WS reference model) Application PC daemon Event Heap Library Event Heap Library  From device-specific, to generic, to application-specific device semantics (example: date slider) Event Heap Server  iStuff-savvy applications need to receive input from multiple sources (one solution: receive all input just from eheap), and deal with multiple concurrent input (from one or more users)

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Examples Examples

 iSpeaker  PC with daemon waiting for speaker events  Plays audio file (in URL field of event) to sound card  Line-out connected to small standard radio transmitter  iSpeaker is a simple portable radio!  iButton  Simple extension: New event type to speak text, ASCII text  RF garage door opener style button read by PC text-to-speech software, and played back as above  RF receiver with parallel port interface  PC daemon creates eheap events from button presses  Other apps can listen for button events with specific IDs

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 219 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 220 iStuff: Evaluation  Availability: high (blueprints available, cross-platform)  Productivity: higher than building custom physical UIs  Performance: low (eheap and JVM delays)  Style: physical, custom designs possible Lecture 16  Extensibility: high (design your own hardware, or use off- the-shelf components, to add new devices)  API structure: eheap (Java as default) Thu, May 30, 2002  API comfort: easy to learn, but still similar to "first- generation" event handling models of window systems  Independence: medium (need "patch panel" abstractions)  More information: http://www.stanford.edu/~borchers/istuff/

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Review: iStuff The DIA Cycle Design  Toolkit of physical user interface components  Make prototyping physical UIs as convenient as prototyping GUIs

Analyze/ Prototype/ Test/ Implement Evaluate

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 223 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 224 DIA Iterations UIDS/UIMS

 What changes with each iteration?  User Interface Design Systems  Higher fidelity of prototype  Create UI visually or in language  Finer granularity of user feedback  Look (static layout)  User Interface Management Systems  Specify run-time behavior as well as visual layout  Adds specification of Feel (dynamic behavior)  Boundaries are blurred

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Prototyping Tools: Paper-Based Prototyping Tools: Graphics apps

 Scenario, storyboard, paper prototype, Post-It prototype  Photoshop & Co.  Crudest forms, used in first DIA cycles  Allow for visual detail and quality  Provide best initial feedback  Easy to reuse and change  Problem: Hard to reuse or adapt to feedback (throw-away)  Drawings can become part of actual UI  More useful for non-standard GUIs  Easy to distribute electronically  Simple interactivity with help of an operator  Enable/disable layers,...  Danger of looking too polished Gayle Curtis  Limits feedback, suggests the interface is "done"

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 227 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 228 Prototyping Tools: Prototyping Tools: Animation apps  Director, Flash, LiveMotion & Co. Presentation apps  Usually implement timeline metaphor  PowerPoint & Co.  Good for intricate animations  Pixel-based (Director): Maximum control over appearance  More potential for interactivity  Vector-based (Flash, LiveMotion): Smaller files, editable objects  Timing  Powerful when extended with scripts  Animation  But: Scripting languages are clumsy by CS standards  Simple Controls  May allow for integration of non-standard hardware and other  Can be used for pitching, or as clickthrough prototype OS features (Director Xtras,...)  Easy to change, and distribute (if standard application)  Can even become final product   Good for non-standard UIs Virtual Vienna, Flash web content,...   No programming skills needed Distribution usually fairly easy (free player apps)  But: Large designs become hard to manage CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 229 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 230

Prototyping Tools: Web JavaScript Example

 DHTML=HTML+JavaScript etc.  Viewable in any browser (in theory...), over the net  But: No precise look&feel (nature of the web)
What's the output? All done.

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 231 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 232 Prototyping Tools: Rapid Development Environments Prototyping Tools: Special-Purpose  VisualBasic, Delphi, RealBasic, Tcl/Tk etc.   Good for standard GUIs (create standard look&feel) Example: MAX  Often become final product  Multimedia development  Partly interpreted environment   Quick development cycle, but potential performance issues Originally for MIDI applications   Distribution: OK Extended to include graphics, audio, and video   Not always cross-platform Build applications by connecting "patchers" that process  May require specific runtime environment incoming data   RealBasic at WWDC 2002: Very helpful for specific type of applications (e.g., MIDI  "40% of tools on VersionTracker are done in RealBasic" processing, such as interactive music systems)   (But then, 40% of tools on VersionTracker s**k...) Can be used for end products (WorldBeat)   "Programming for the rest of us" (empowers users) Distribution: Free player, but platform-bound CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 233 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 234

Tcl/Tk In Depth (David) Summary: Prototyping Tools

 See also David's materials online  Spectrum of tools  Homepage for everything Tcl/Tk:  From low- to high-fidelity in graphics (look) http://www.scriptics.com/  From low- to high-fidelity and complexity in interactive behavior (feel)  Tcl/Tk assignment: See online handout  From platform-specific to cross-platform  Choice depends on design stage, target platform, application type, and familiarity/learning curve  Winograd's Law: Use the tool that someone you know is familiar with :)

CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 235 CS377A: A Programming Approach to HCI • Jan Borchers • Spring 2002 236 Tcl/Tk: Complex Interface Example

Lecture 17

Tue, June 4, 2002

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The End

 Course Review  Q&A  Feedback  Finals  Written short exam on Wed Jun 12  Topics are only what's covered in this slide set

Thanks for participating!

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