Bayburt), EasternPontides,NETurkey

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Bayburt), Eastern�Pontides,�NE�Turkey TurkishJournalofEarthSciences (TurkishJ.EarthSci.),Vol.12, 2003,pp.199-207. Copyright©TÜB‹TAK FirstRecordsofConodontsfrom“the Permo-CarboniferousofDemirözü”(Bayburt), EasternPontides,NETurkey fiENOLÇAPKINO⁄LU KaradenizTeknikÜniversitesi,JeolojiMühendisli¤iBölümü,TR-61080Trabzon-Turkey (e-mail:[email protected]) Abstract: Permo-Carboniferoussedimentaryrocks,whichbelongtothepre-JurassicbasementoftheEastern Pontides,occurintheCebrerelativeautochthonandtheHamurkesenthrustsheetintheDemirözüarea,Bayburt, NETurkey,andconsistoftheÇatalçeflmeandHardifliformations,respectively.Somelimestonebedsofthe ÇatalçeflmeFormationinthevillageofÇatalçeflmeproducedthefirstconodontfaunasencounteredinPalaeozoic sedimentsoftheEasternPontides.Arichconodontfaunawithabundant Neognathodusbassleri (HARRIS& HOLLINGSWORTH),lessIdiognathodus sp.andStreptognathoduselegantulus STAUFFER&PLUMMER,andrare Gondolella sp.wereobtainedfromadensely-packedbioclasticpackstonebedonthewestsideoftheDeliklitaflHill, about2kmsouthofthevillageofÇatalçeflme(Demirözü,Bayburt).ThisfaunaindicatesalateMiddle Pennsylvanianage(DesmoinesianontheNorthAmericanscale;lateMoscovianontheRussianscale).Furthermore, PaelementsofStreptognathoduselongatus GUNNELL,along-rangingform,wereobtainedfromtwosamplesof theÇatalçeflme-Cebreroadcutsection,about1250mwestofthevillageofÇatalçeflme. TheconodontsoftheÇatalçeflmeFormationaregeographicallywidespreadforms,anddonotshowany provinciality. KeyWords: conodonts,Desmoinesian,ÇatalçeflmeFormation,Demirözü(Bayburt),EasternPontides “Demirözü(Bayburt)Permo-Karbonifer’inden”Konodontlar›n‹lkKay›tlar›, Do¤uPontidler,KDTürkiye Özet: Do¤uPontidler’inJuraöncesitemelineaitolanPermo-Karboniferyafll›tortulkayalar,Demirözübölgesi (Bayburt,KDTürkiye)Cebregöreliotoktonu’ndaveHamurkesenitkidilimi’ndebulunurves›ras›yla,Çatalçeflmeve Hardifliformasyonlar›ndanoluflur.ÇatalçeflmeFormasyonu’ndanal›nankireçtafl›örneklerindenbaz›lar›,Do¤u PontidlerinPaleozoyiktortular›ndarastlananilkkonodontfaunalar›n›üretmifltir.ÇatalçeflmeKöyü’nün(Demirözü, Bayburt)yaklafl›k2kmgüneyindekiDeliklitaflTepe’ninbat›yamac›ndanal›nanyo¤unistiflenmiflbirbiyoklastik istiftafl›katman›ndan,bol Neognathodusbassleri (HARRIS&HOLLINGSWORTH),dahaaz Idiognathodus Streptognathoduselegantulus HARRIS&HOLLINGSWORTH,venadir Gondolella sp.içerenzenginbirkonodont faunas›eldeedilmifltir.Bufauna,OrtaPensilvaniyen’inüstk›sm›na(KuzeyAmerikaölçe¤inegöreDesmonesiyen; Rusölçe¤inegöregeçMoskoviyen)iflareteder.Ayr›ca,ÇatalçeflmeKöyü’nünyaklafl›k1250mbat›s›ndaki Çatalçeflme-Cebreyolyarmas›kesitineaitikiörnekten,uzunmenzillibirformolan Streptognathoduselongatus GUNNELL’aaitPaö¤elerieldeedilmifltir. ÇatalçeflmeFormasyonu’ndaneldeedilenkonodontlarco¤rafikolarakyayg›nformlard›rveherhangibir bölgesellikgöstermezler. AnahtarSözcükler:konodontlar,Desmonesiyen,ÇatalçeflmeFormasyonu,Demirözü(Bayburt),Do¤uPontidler Introduction andthusprovidesevidenceabouttheLatePalaeozoic APalaeozoicsedimentarysequenceknownas“the evolutionofthisregion(Okay&Leven1996).Ithas Permo-CarboniferousofDemirözü”isexposednearthe receivedconsiderableattentionfromsomeresearchers townofDemirözü,approximately30kmsouthwestof becauseofitsgeologicalimportanceandcoalcontent. Bayburt,NETurkey(Figures1&2).Thesequenceis Ketin(1951)isthefirstresearcherwhodefined“the geologicallyveryimportantasitistheonlyknown Permo-CarboniferousofDemirözü”.Inmorerecent PalaeozoicsedimentaryseriesintheEasternPontides, years,thestratigraphyofthesuccessionhasbeenstudied 199 FIRSTRECORDSOFCONODONTSFROMEASTERNPONTIDES Black Sea N ‹stanbul Pontides Trabzon ISZ Marmara Sea SZ Demirözü Bayburt Mainly young Tavflanl›Zone K›rflehirMassif NAFZ volcanic cover BFZ Van Gölü AfyonZone Tuz Gölü Menderes BSZ Aegean Massif Sea EAFZ Border Folds Taurides 100km Mediterranean Sea Figure1. TectonicmapofTurkey(fromOkay&Tüysüz1999),andthelocationofthestudyarea.Abbreviations:BFZ–BornovaFlyschZone;BSZ– BitlisSutureZone;EAFZ–EastAnatolianFaultZone;ISZ–‹stanbulZone;NAFZ–NorthAnatolianFaultZone;SZ–SakaryaZone. N alluvium 46 45 43 Quaternary Çatalçeflme 56 * 42 sandstone,limestone 28 44 68 MiddleEocene 35 40 24 42 27 31 44 andesite,dacite Eocene Cebre 75 KelkitFormation 45 34 Jurassic 28 DeliklitaflHill 47 50 ÇaltepeLimestone 16 Jurassic Hardifli * 24 BüyükcücügeHill HardifliFormation UpperCarbon.-?LowerPerm. 60 PulurStream 38 34 ÇatalçeflmeFormation (UpperCarboniferous) 54 KelHill 15 23 40 54 : Strike and dip of bedding H›¤n› 21 50 :Samplelocations Demirözü * 1km Figure2. GeologicalmapofthenorthwestofDemirözü,Bayburt(fromOkay&fiahintürk1997)showingthelocalitiesoftheconod ont-bearing samples.Thelocationsofthesamplescontainingconodontsaremarkedwithastar. 200 fi.ÇAPKINO⁄LU inconsiderabledetail(A¤ar1977;Keskin1981;Akdeniz Russianscale;lateMissourian–earlyVirgilianontheNorth 1988;Robinson etal. 1995;Okay&Leven1996;Okay Americanscale;seeFigure3)(Okay&Leven1996). etal. 1997;Okay&fiahintürk1997).Okay&Leven Limestones,someofwhichcontainconodont,are (1996)revisedtheestablishedstratigraphyandmade mediumtothicklybedded,generallydarkgreytoblack, importantcontributionstothebetterunderstandingof locallyrichinbrachiopods,corals,bryozoa,gastropods, theDemirözüPalaeozoicsequence.Theysubdividedthe algae,andfusulinids.ThelowercontactoftheÇatalçeflme sequenceintotwoformations–ÇatalçeflmeandHardifli FormationiscoveredbyalluviumandintrudedbyEocene formations,andstudiedfusulinidsfromtheÇatalçeflme volcanicrocks(Figure2).Thecontactwiththeoverlying Formation. HardifliFormationisconformableandgradational.The TheDemirözüPalaeozoicsequencehaspreviously continentalHardifliFormationismadeupof beeninvestigatedforitsconodontfaunabyGedik unfossiliferous,terrigenousreddishsandstonesand (personalcommunication,2002)andtheauthor. conglomerates,andisacceptedaslatestCarboniferous However,noneofthesesampleshasproducedconodont andpossiblyearliestPermianinageaccordingtoits fauna.About30limestonesampleswerecollectedfrom stratigraphicposition.Jurassicneriticlimestones threelocalitiesandprocessedforconodontsinthe unconformablyoverlietheHardifliFormation(Figure2). presentstudy.Onlythreeofthemyieldedthefirst Moredetaileddescriptionsofbothunitshavebeengiven conodontfaunasencounteredinthePermo- inpreviouspapers(Akdeniz1988;Okay&Leven1996; CarboniferoussedimentsoftheEasternPontides.The Okayetal. 1997). purposesofthepresentstudyaretherefore:(1)to describethisfaunaand(2)todiscussitsprovinciality. TIME RUSSIA NORTHAMERICA Stratigraphy Gzhelian Virgilian ThegeologyoftheEasternPontidesischaracterizedbya Kasimovian Missourian complexlydeformedandpartlymetamorphosed compositepre-Liassicbasement–Carboniferoushigh- Desmoinesian Moscovian gradeandPermo-Triassiclow-grademetamorphicrocks Atokan –LowerCarboniferousgranitoids,andUpper Carboniferous–?LowerPermianshallowmarineto Bashkirian Morrowan terrigeneoussedimentaryrocks(Figure1)(Okay& fiahintürk1997;Topuz etal. 2001).Arelative CARBONIFEROUS Serpukhovian Chesterian autochthon(Cebre)andthreenorth-vergentthrust sheets(Hamurkesen,Aflutka,and‹mal›da¤)are Visean Meramecian differentiatedintheregion(Okayetal. 1997).Palaeozoic Osagean sedimentaryrocksoccurintheCebrerelativeautochthon Mississippian Pennsylvanian Tournaisian andtheoverlyingHamurkesenthrustsheet(Okay& Kinderhookian Leven1996;Okay etal. 1997),andareexposedinthe villagesofÇatalçeflme(Figure2)andÇamdereofthe Figure3. CorrelationoftheRussianandNorthAmericanagesofthe CarboniferousPeriod(Salvador1985). Demirözüarea,Bayburt.TheÇatalçeflmePalaeozoic sequence,thesubjectofthispaper,occursintheCebre relativeautochthon,andformsitsbase.Itisdividedinto ConodontFauna,LocalitiesandSedimentological twoformations(Okay&fiahintürk1997;Okay&Leven Features 1996).Thelowerpart,theÇatalçeflmeFormation, Sampleshavebeencollectedfromthreelocalities:the consistsofconglomerate,sandstone,limestone, DeliklitaflHill,theBüyükcücügeHill,andtheÇatalçeflme- quartzite,siltstone,andshalewithscarcethincoalseams. Cebreroadcut(Figure2).However,conodontshave Basedonthefusulinids,theageoftheformatonisLate beenrecoveredfromonesample(DT3)oftheDeliklitafl Carboniferous(lateKasimovian–earlyGzhelianonthe Hillsectionandtwosamples(CY1andCY4)ofthe 201 FIRSTRECORDSOFCONODONTSFROMEASTERNPONTIDES Çatalçeflme-Cebreroadcutsection.Theyhavebeen TypespeciesGondolellaelegantula STAUFFER& representedonlybytheirPaelementsinthecollections. PLUMMER,1932 SampleDT3oftheDeliklitaflHillsection,about2km southofthevillageofÇatalçeflme,yieldedarichconodont Gondolella sp. fauna.Thisshallowwaterconodontfaunawith Neognathodusbassleri,Idiognathodus sp., Plate1,Figure14 Streptognathoduselegantulus, and Gondolella obtainedfromabioclasticlimestonebed.Thefaunais Description –Paelementisstraightlongitudinally,and dominatedby Neognathodusbassleri (about90%)and, symmetricalwithsubparallelsides.Slightlyupturned therefore,canbeassignedtotheNeognathodus-biofacies platformmarginsmaybesmoothorfaintlysculptured. (Merrill&vonBitter1976). Neognathodus probably Carina,highestatanteriorend,consistsofdenticlesfused preferredenvironmentssimilartothoseinhabitedby anteriorlyandcloselyspacedposteriorly.Aboralsurface Idiognathodus,namelyslightlyoffshore,normalmarine hasastrongkeelwithpronouncedmedialgroovethat environments(Drieseetal. 1984). extendsfromanteriortipintopitatposteriorendof Thelimestonesamplethatyieldedthisconodontfauna platform.Pitisborderedbyanearlycircularloop,the isathin-beddedbioclasticpackstonewithdenselypacked outermarginofwhichisslightlywiderthantheinner. bioclasts,andrarequartzandrockfragmentsinamicritic matrix.Itisalsorichinhaematiteandlimonitethatcauses itscolour,lighttomediumgreywhenfresh,toweather Remarks –AsinglePaelement,poorlypreserved,has toarustcolour.Bioclastsareshellsofbrachiopods,
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