I ‘ ' 1 ■

\. 1 .'■ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, JM 2 b- J' fAG® TWENTY •N >- lEvMtng H^jralii Average Daily Net PreoB Ron For tte Week Ended The Weather Abotit Town Jaaonry 18,1981 Fereeant ef V. 8. Weather Itw iia LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, W|NP, MONDAY thru FRIDAY 1:10 P.M.-SATdRDAY A t 11:10 A.M. jtk Oloudjr, eoatlaned eeld tonight 13,535 and Friday. I,eweet tonicht 8-1#, , M n. BedricV Sttauglian, district IteiiiW t i the Andit ^Muty presUSnt, and her staff of and near serb In hormally aelier M A IN STREET * t Bnienu ef ObeaMloD the RebricAh Assembly, will visit W E G IV E f •eettoiH. High Vriday 15-M. Welcome Ltodfe in ^ d fellow's MANCHESTER • Manche$ter-rrA City of Village Charni Ball, Bast Hartford, tonight at 8.

Wealey Circle, South Methodist Ml 3-4123 VOL. LXXXL NO. 91 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 (daMlfled Adverttetng on Page t t ) Omr^> will meet tomorrow at PRICE FIVE CEN^ T:46 y.m. at the home of Mrs. Kwmeth Strum, 399 Parker St. FREE PARKING Mrik Leonard Lincoln will .bpeak rear of sfora OB "Why Is BpiphanyT” Hostesses State News will be Mrs. Henry Marx and New Junta Clamps Mrs. Oiarles McCarthy. ' NEMO GIRDLES FAMOUS NAME SLACKS Study Circle, South Methodist I Roundup\ Church,' will meet tomorrow at 3 Strict Controls on for I92V2 p.m> in the chapel. and PANTY GIRDLES Shoe Sale ^ rag. 8.98 5*99 H m annual meeting of the Past pix and pixie, reg. 5.00 Matrons Assoctation of Temple 3.95 • lollda, atripei, ptaida $500 Reward Chapter. Order of Elaatem Star, Dominican Republic will be hrid tonight at 8 at the adjustable waist, a aizca 10 to 18 '' a heme of Mrs. John Trotter, 15 rcg. 10.95. (left) 8.95 fully lined ____ j — For Ones in Blgeloiw St. Officera will be elect­ a aeveral atylea from which to chooaa By T B E ASSOCIATED PRESS ayouUu aet Are to a achoel and ed for 1982. Hostesses will be' Mrs. a atreet floor atomed poUca oara. et, Peak Peace nemo-kins. reg. 7.95 The Dominican Republic’s Hit-Run Case Robert Rldunond and Mrs. Rich­ 6.95 Roving moba in Santo Domingo ard Rhodes. new junta clamped tight re­ also burned a number of houses, MR. THOMSON strictions on the country to­ including one belonging to the par­ Meriden, Jan. 18 (/P)—A Ih e Army-Navy dub will meeti Seamless MESH SUPPORT HOSE ents of Col. Manuel Antonio Cuervo Aenigbt at 8 at the clubhouse. R e -' day with a series of sweeping $500 reward has been offered decrees designed to stifle op- Gomez. He commanded the tank for information leading to the /(rcimments will be served. I STRETCH PANTS WOMEN'S FAMOUS NAME SHOES unit that opened fire on hundreds if perfacf 4.95 \ position to the apparent take­ of demonstrators Tuesday, killing arrest and conviction of the Mail Rate Iij^eFease Mrs. Madeline McAwley, direc-| reg. 12.99 99c over by the military. But un­ at least four persona and wound­ driver of a car which struck tor of Luts Junior Museum, will • woven, 45% woo! a stirrup straps 1/2 PRICE SALE ing a score more.. give an lllustratied talk about the | rest seethed in Santo Domin­ Joseph Hudick, 19, of this 55% stretch nylon e fl.v front e measured lengths go, Bomb explosions could be heard city, Sept; 13, 1961. museum at a meeting of Highland ' e sizes 8% to 11 from many parts of the city. It Parle FTA tonight at 8 at the • Italian extension Huberto Bogaert, a civilian of- The driver sped off without May Bring Surplus was believed they were noise WtgMand Park school. Refresh­ waist band s rosetone flclal of the Trujillo era, waa named stopping, leaving Hudick lying be Now 3.49 to 9.99 to head the junta of four civlliana side Route 71 just over the Meri- ments will be served. • waist gripper (Continued on Page Nine) reg. 6.99 to 19.99 •and three military men that de- Ten town line in Kensington. thli- THK AHSOOIATED PRESS , - BONNIE DOON IGLOO ' poaed the 16-day-old all-civilian Mr. and Mrs. John Gregor, Hu- Bujlg6t Estimates for the Year Ending Jnne 80 Town Defendant ! ONE HEAPING TABLE Council of State Tuesday night. dick's parents, posted the reward. 1062 1968 1 GENUINE ALLIGATOR PUMPS But authoritative reports flltsr- Their son was in critical condi­ Ineopte ...... $ 82,100,000,000 I 93,000,000,000 ^ LADIES' TAILORED CREW SOCKS Ing through the atrict Dominican Report to OAS tion for days after he was struck. Outgo...... 89,075,000,000 Hudick'a companion, Philip 92.587.000. 000 In Damage Suit i a high or medium heel 21.00 value censorship said the real atrong- Siirplns or deficit (— ) .. —6,975,000,000 463,000,000 rag. 1.00 3 for 2.00 man is the armed forces chief, 37- Ferris, told police that Hudick was Year-end debt ...... 295,400,000,000 264.900.000. 000 BLOUSES 69c Blasts Castro’s struck by a light colored converti­ A amt for $10,000 has been instt-1 year-old Air Force Gen. Pedro ble. tnted against the town in connec-' e heavy weight Rodrigues Echavarria. reg. 3.99 to 7.99 "We’ll protect the identity of By FKANK OOKMIEK tion with a fall sustained by ai e Orion and lamb's wool In Washington, State depart­ woman on an icy town sidewalk a ' 14.99 Link with Reds anyone turning in information,” VVasliiiigton, Jan. 18 (TP);, President Kennedy, in the e shapely a judy bond and e colors only—9 to 11 ment officials said the junta ap­ said Mrs. Gregor. year ago today. | peared to be completely under the federal budget of his own making, called today for record ^ . Mn,> VMet Capra. 41 Rusaell St., | a Washington, Jan. 18 The Irj- gabey power of Rodrigues Ekihavarrla. Children Get TV pt^acetime spending of $92.5 billion and a wobbly surplus of : - broivht ault for a broken ankle and a rosecrest TTiey said the Kennedy administra­ ter-Amerlcan Peace Committee to­ $463 million— a margin possible only if revenues riKket *nd .. other injttriei ahe' claims were REDUCED! tion la determined to oppose re­ day denounced the Fidel Castro re­ Hartford, Jan. 18 «« caahmere aollds constitute "political aggressions '* children’s ward had been stolen more than $92.5 billion’-a n amount exceeded only twice be­ William E .. Darby, who. ia being I LADIES' LINED LEATHER CLOVES' civil guarantees, and imposed a sometime Sunday night or early SPECIAL CROUP ~ a wool flaimela dusk to dawn curfew. "Such acts represent attacks up­ fore, during World War II. Revenues were estimated at |93 represented by Gryk and Gryk. on Inter-American peace and se­ Monday morning. billion, an unprecedented level $11 billion higher than thla Darby: aaid he received a sprained reg. 7.99. imported kidskin, 100% wool lin ed ...... 5.88 a tweeds and plaids ■ ‘ Heavily armed troops patrolled Orion Pile Lined WINTER COATS a 5 . U U curity as well as on the sovereign­ A story published Wednesday year’s income. arm and other injuries after a fall shirred wrist and 6 button length a sheaths, stitched box pleats, uppressed pleats, full the capital streets. But tanks and ty and political independence of telling of the great void left by eit^ap ley sidewalk Dec. 18 in front ^ more troops had to be called out the disappearance of the set result­ Highlighting the 7,400-word values to 39.99 reg. 4.99. capeskin pull-on, acrylic lined ...... 3.68 circle, gored. 7 to 17, 8 to 18. toe American states, and there­ budget meuage which .Kennedy ef tf-48 Chestnut St. yeeterday to break up a student fore (constitute) a serious viola­ ed in offers of at least six TV seta. a tweeds and solids 5 to 13,8 to 18 reg. 3.99. pig grain capeskin, acrylic lined ...... 2.88 sportswear, second floor » demonstration protesting the swift jen t to capitol hill were theae Cold Weather tion of fundamental principles of recommendations: government change the. night be­ toe Inter-American system . . fore. Arrested by FBI 1 .— A defense program of It declared. New Haven, Jan. 18 iJPi — The $52.7 billion, up nearly $1.5 billion. Tightens Grip 11n tlDops reportedly opened fire Sswr Seiwe !• Uw SrIuS. The peace committee is an au- FB I reported today the arrest of 2 Allocation of $2.4 billion for on the youths, killing one and John Edward Isaac, 33, of Atwood ere the federal government expecU to get lU money and where it expects ft to go In the year apace research, an increase of $1.3 wounding two others. One band of (OouUnned ou Page Steven) Bt„ Hartford, a meat saleeman. ng next July 1. (AP Photofax). Milton. On N ortheast Isaac ia charged with having ------'8 — A. foreign aid program furnished false information to the boosted by $200 million to $3.9 bU- By T l ^ A8SOOIATED PRE8M F B I in an investigation it conduct­ Over 100,000 Idled llon. But along with that spend­ Tile coldest weather of tha win­ Plus Unmarked Police Cars ed in connection with the Illegal Holland Urg es ing figure, which includes $2.5 bil- ter aettled on New Bhigland ovar- use of a credit card, said James lloi) in economic aid and $1.4 bil­ night sending thermometer read­ Sa/e McMahon, epectal agent for tbe lion military aid, Kennedy. asked ings far below the zero mark In government agency in Conneeti- uN Observerjs nearly $5 billion of now funds. The northern sectors. ciit. new money would Include $3.39 bil­ "The most rugged place in the i;»1 'The accused was ited by « Electricians Strike values to 19.99 rag. 15.99 RE6. 2.00 MEN'S LUXURIOUS PIMA COTTON Driver Spot Checks ' ‘i-. .V ^ lion for various economte aid pro­ country and poeelbly in the world • bmi e mW teM sM$r federal grand jury Hartfoc«: t^New Guinea grams and $1.5 billion for military tnie morning," said the Boston yesterday, aatd amt ar- aid. Weather Bureau today, "was Mt, A Boys' Poplin ALL WEATHER COATS rested on a'behclTvi_ . . 4 .— Repaal-of the IQ per centt^.waahlngton where-the temperas fiAimmi hMiilin •» «l •$ M E N 'S FINE BOXER SHORTS Uiifted NaU^teTN. “Yr* JaH.' Iff ’ hateMIpiiaa. TWp^ by Federal Judge Joseph Blumen (S’)—The Netherlands government tax on rail, bus and boat fares, ture dropped to 31 below zero with a fine pin stripes and checks t b i . today aaked acting Secretary-gen­ with later adjuitmenta in avia­ the wind blowing et 70 mile* per eral U Thant to send U.N. observ­ tion taxes. hour." Hi a solids • sizes 30 to 44 Ahop at UConn ers to Dutch New Guinea. New York, Jan .,18 (IP) — Nearly«'tlons, representing.. 476 electrical 5 — Enactment of a new farm The 6,288 foot mountein la one 9.00 Hartford, Jan. 18 (AV-Two majbraRlghts (Committee of the State Bar of the White Mountain groep in S i J S S S ' SLACKS Btorrs, Jan. 18 (/f)—John Alsop The request was announced at a fourth of New York's alectrlc- contractora, recesaed nsgotlatlons bill designed to cut farm program Bmff Mm tkUm. a plain and iridescent stepe In a crackdown against high­ Association in the debate The Hague as Thant pushed a iana ended a strike after gaining spending from $6.3 billion to $5.8 New Hampshire. 00 mummut ^ of Avon, a member of toe State with the striking Local 3 of the In­ a sizes 6 to IS only The subject of the debate waa on peacemaking effort to bring the a 6-hour day, but a continuing ternational Brotherhood of Elec­ billion. ■ The Weather Bureau forecast REG. 1.00 MEN'S SOLID COLOR way deaths—spot checks of driv­ Board of Education and a candl. tempersturea tonight would be a some with zip-out wool linings whether a maximum speed limit date for toe Republican guberna­ Dutch and Indonesians together walkout today by the rest for a trical Workers after their new' of­ 6 — Increase the "temporary" ers and use of unmarked State Po­ and compulsory chemical tests for for negotiations on New Guinea. $298 billion national debt limit- to lower than la.st night. It predicted lice can—are causing fresh con- torial nomination, says toe Dem­ 4-hour day idled more than 100,- fer of a 10 per cent wage Increase f V WELDON suspected drinking drivers were ocrats have been unwilling to Thant asked Indonesian Presi­ 000 construction workers. with no cut In hours was rejected. a new high of $308 billion. ENGLISH RIB SOCKS troveny in Connecticut. needed. dent Sukarno and Dutch Premier 7 — Increase postal rates by (Continued on Page Bight) SPECIAL GROUP 1 1 . 9 0 The. spot checks were described tackle Connecticut's problems In H. Earl Fullilove, Buildings The main iisue in dispute when Williams dMSnded the spot higher education. Jan de Quay to hold off any dras­ Trades Association board chair­ the strike of electricians was call­ about $600 million a year. DRUG COMPANY a 65 % dacron polyester, 35 % combed cotton last night by a Connecticut Bar checks as one of the moat effective tic action as a result of Monday's The new budget assumes that 981 Btala BL—Ml 8-8331 2 for 21.00 Association spokesman as "Intol- He charged in a speech at a man, estlmatud that half of the ed waa. the union’s demand for a MEN'S FAMOUS BRAND NAMES ways to detect drunks or , drowsy meeting of University of Connecti­ naval clash off the New Guinea city's 226,000 are Idled by the 4-hour day in a new contract. the Berlin crisis win cool off a perma set crease 9nM e in a Free commtmity and as drivers, or motorists who drive coast and to accept his services as a reinforced heel and toe a IQi 2 to 13' 3 for 2.00 a violation of "our constitutional cut faculty members last night walkout. enough f t permit the return home a while their licenses are under sus­ a go-between. The 5-hour day granted by the by June 30 of military reservists 1009(1 worsted wool U b ^ a a ." that neither former Gov. Abraham Some construction jobs were group of contractors is schmlnled Bulletins a wool flannels pension. Riblcoff nor his successor, John N. 'Hie Dutch mes.sage ,to Thant closed down completely, he said, mobilized last fall. Any heighten­ I00»/o WOOL WORSTED SUITS : The all-out use of unmarked aaked him to send "one or more to go into effect July 1. The rtien Culled from AP Wires a More criticism of the unmarked Dempsey, had coped with the two while others were working "where ing of Qo\d war tenalona could plain or pleated State PoUea ca n waa described by State Police cara came from State observers or one or more personal will work toe basic five hours at REG. 6.95 MEN'S WASHABLE one Republican legislator as a main problems, light and power and their mainte­ $4.96 an hour. And they will work prompt new hikes In defense a 30 to 44 waist ^ Rep. John W. Boyd in Weatport. Alsop said these were providing representatives” to New Guinea. nance Were not required." spending, and wipe out the Indl- reg. ,50.00 to 75.00 a solid colors “tragic mistake" that will laad to He called on Gov. John N. Demp­ Re))Iylng to Thant's appeal, De a sixth hour at time and a half, ADMITS HOOP F IX ROLE mora accldanta. more facilities for the expected in­ Building conleactors earlier had which amounts to $7.44. cat.Mi surplus. 30.00 a neat stripes CORDUROY DICKIES , sey to restore a high percentage crease in students and improving Quay Bald he was accepting the threatened to close down 80 per Kennedy also based his projec­ New York, Jan. 18 OF)— Thomas Emerson, the bar asso­ of marked police car "before the acting secretary-general's offer cent of the $1)4 bllllon-a-year Indus- The expired contract provided Clwries Tucker, a Yonkers, N.'V.,. a charcoal gray, banker’s grsy, ciation spokesman who • la a pro- toe quality of higher education. tions on an assumption that the aliorney, pleaded guilty In gen-' ^ Q ro c i > charcoal brown a waist 29 to 34 only • highway death toll gets further out "The solution of toe two maiil and had ordered the Dutch repre- because of the week-long strike. for a 6-hour day at $4.40 an hour economy will continue to expand > broken sizes in reg., .short, long, stouts feaaor at the Tale Unlvsralty Law of hand." / and a guaranteed seventh hour at rral sessions court today to oon- a olive, tan, blues in various shades 5 .5 0 •School, said that under a U.S. problems,” Alsop said, "has been %le shutdown order apparently briskly Into 1963, though perhaps a a olive, black, antriope, gold Earlier in the day. Rep. Gennaro (Continued on Paite Right) wds modified following a partial time and a half. spiracy as a mlademeanor in no charges for minor alterations' Supreme Court ruling, policemen made difficult by the lack of un­ at a lesser rate as time passes. connection with an Indictment 4 l 0 0 derstanding on toe •part of the settlement yealerdaw that gave a Under terms of the settlement, The President said major econom­ have no right to stop a person when (Continued on Page Seven) 5-hour work d y and a pay raise the electricians will gel $161.20 for acinising hlin of bribing and at­ there la no reason to suspect a state government, which has dem­ ic records will be broken month tempting to bribe - college baa- onstrated unwillingness to cope to 2,o0o of the 9,000 electricians on a 30-hour week. Under the old con­ Shop Pinehurst Thursday violation of the law. strike. after month while the unemploy­ ketball players. Judge. Joseph with these tremendously • urgent tract they received $168 for a S.*)- ment rate will drop from 6.1 per 8 A.M. tin 9 P.M. State Police launched highway News Tidbits The electricians asked for a hour week. Haratito continued the young spot checks in a war against Six to 17 problems." cent to 4 per cent by mld-1963. law.\cr In $1,000 baU, pending GREEN STAMPS THURSDAY In a jibe at Riblcoff, Alsop said: 4-hour day when they went on dnndcen. drivers and others who from the AP Wire.s strike. i_ '' Harry Van Arsdale Jr., business The fate of the postal rate re- sentencing on Feb. 21. 'Dicker, Uw Meat Doportment -might cause traffic accidents. ‘T remind you of cuts in items manager of Local 3, aald In an­ queat, which has been shelved a former player at Kalamazoo Hartford, Jan. 18 WP)—The State for expansion of personnel, facili­ Those who reached a settlement Emerson's remarks were made Motor Vehicle Department’s dally were expected back on the job by nouncing the settlement with the three years running, also will have (.Mich.) ('.ollege, was accused of win offer pkimp 10 to 12 in a television debate (WnC-TWa ties and services instituted by the Iowa Highway Patrol will not 125 contractors that the aame a major Impact on the budget. offering $l,(N)0 to Peter fteUy, DOUBLE WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES! record of automobile Fatalities as man whom the bosses will ‘draff tomorrow. They are employed by "C^ecUcut — What's Ahead") use unmarked cars for traffic law terms would be offered to the other captain of the University of Con­ Jb. brood-breasted But- of last midnight and the totals on to head the Democratic ticket in 126 of the 600 electrical contractors th Maj. Lealle Williams, execu- enforcement, Gov. Norman Erbe hit by the walkout. contnirtor«. (Continued on Page FJght) necticut team, to terbdl hen ttirlieys at the same date last year: this state, and the recent hesita- says in Des Moines . . . Republican FEATHERBED PILLOWS « officer of the State Police, 1961 1962 Fullilove said that on the proj- shave iKiInts in a game with tbe very low price ef S congressional leadera in Washing­ Holy Croos In February 1961. 3 degrees of firmness p e r s o n represented the Civil Killed ...... 6 17 (Cootfained on Page Twenty^-three) ecta still strikebhund, the contrac­ 35c lb. ton Mast President Kennedy’s 1962 tors were unwilling" to "jeopardize Tucker was said to have called Soft... 100 % white goose ALL W O O L M l program as grab for more execu­ the lives of their workers." The Coorditmle All Carriers off the deal prior to the game down ...... , 7.99 tive power and as call for ever- lack of light and pov^er had creat-1 because "things got too hot." Connecticut Fresh Chicken Medicine^s Answer to Eenned/y increasing federal spending , . . ed unsafe conditions, he said. U.S. Army In Berlin start pulling IIArn HHUTS BORDER Breasts (large size) at ermrn endeavoring offer of $60,000 bribe Involving ment reached waa expected to In ci'tiss Into the Dominican Re­ itery Dept, offers fine food 2p% white goose down \ REGULAR PRICE choice of Democratic minority poasibly set a pattern. public were given a flat "no" by leader In New York State Assem­ New Haven, Jan. 18 (A*) 'The^jmergerg, If possible, wjlh a proflt- at low prices. 80% white goose feathers The grant of the 5-hour day by Brotherhood of Railroad Train­ making line. Grii. Hoiicicaiilt. Asked by the New, Low-Cost Medical Plan bly .;. . Cepsus Bureau in Wash­ the group of 126 contractors was iiewsiMliermen how long the bor­ 21x27 ington reports it expects U.S. pop- men's New Haven Railroad (Chap­ The four chief executives were 1 CAMffBELL'S announce last night. ter, recommended today the for­ der would remain closed, the feather and downproof ticking ‘T uUtion to reach 200 million in fall also told by the three inislees ap­ Generars Aide, Maj. Georgee TOMATO SOUP. «q u ‘rea a federal mib- Three other employer assocla. mation of "a public body In the pointed hy the U.S. District Court' lew-coaU medical and suxgieal bi' needy, U in'volved In both plans. of 1966 ■ . . Alfred (Fred) Sica, ll.vpimlllc, replied: "As long as sidy. He added that Blue Shield convicted bookmaker and former state which would coordinate" all that unless more money became | the sitiialloii In the Dominican con 10c FREE! mtnaem plaa for tha aged has been Blue Cmae la a hospltaUxatlon forma of transportation. available, the railroad may have to uaeunead by Blue Shield, a na- through its affiliates "la prepared henchman of Mickey Cohen, indict­ Kepiihlle remains troubled." insurance plan white Blue Shield to cooperate fully with the AMA The union slim proposed a fed­ shut, down next summer. MAXWCLL HOUS€ I zippered pillow tick 8.88 tlanwida insurance program, and covers specified medical aervicee. ed on charges of evading taxes on Kowalski Fails and loMl medical groups so that $100,000 monthly football betting eral bill, which it said eventually Kelly said the union, which has B m American Medical Asaociation. John W. Caateliucci, executive Kl’AHN .SIGNS (XkNTBACrr COFFEE with each pillow! the needs of toe county's senior pool. would get Uie necessary help from some 2,300'members, wa8“ greatly | 5niwaiikr«, .fan. 18 OF)—War­ SPRINGCALE - Thu plan, announced yastarday, vice president of the NaUbnal As­ citizens for adequate health care the federal government. , 'x. lb. ecm 65c wauld provide benefits for all per sociation of"Blue Shieid Plans, said With- his throtUs open only Hartford Try ren Spahn, the gresstest left- "whiter than white" PRINTEDTOWEL protection can be provided under's three-fourths of the way, pilot Nell The proposed agency wotiM. (Continued on Page Twelve) , hander In baseball and already reg. 3.99 aoaa over 85 flar as low as $8 a the Blue Shield program will pay system in which the interesU of serve the state In contracting with SHURFINE PEANUT ENSEMBLES flienUi. It ntiat ha iqiproved: and toe full cost o f ' medical-aurglcal Armstrong flies X i5 rocket plane Hartford, Jan. .18 OP) — The the game’s highest piteher, PERCALE SHEETS STURDY WEAVE ‘N 12.88 txith the physician and hla patient 8,715 miles an hour over EMwarda the bankrupt New Haven Railroad slgn^ chls 1992 contract witli watitad out by the 69 Blue Shield sendees for a single peraon over 65 Hartford Democratic Town Com­ BUTTER "'100% fine cotton will be aerv^ properly.” Air Force Base, Calif., more Uuui for passenger and other services. the kllluaiikee Braves today, MAHRESS COVERS 2.99 fine quality, famous can­ efOUatas and local and county with an annual income of $2,500 or mittee has endorsed former Gov. It would also pay. a portion of Dr. F , J . L. Blasingame, AMA five times speed of sound . . . Los Abraham Riblcoff for the U.S. Trustees Study and said lie was “very happy“ 3 R). {or $1.19 72x108 and twin fitted a fine quality muslin non terry towels. W H Y ? ^ medical groups. teas and for a husband and wife Angeles Times says it hss learned any deficit Incurred, and contract ..2.19 A e ABLA said it ia reconunend- with ^mhined Income of $4,000 or executive vice president, said the Senate nomination, 31 to 2. with the terms. His 1901 salary 81x108 and full fitted . . .2.39 a fully zippered 0 fringe borders leas. * proposed program represents "an­ that Air Force radar picket planes The committee took the action with the railroad to furnish speci­ was about $75,000. .Spahn, who SHURHNE Ipg that all state medical sodatias are patrolling southern tip of Flor­ fied services. 90x108 ...... 2.99 a dust tight a 2 floral patterns Our New York buying office «M|NraU, fully with their local He eald enroUeee with income other important step in the direc­ daapite a plea from Congressman- Suing AJpert will he 41 In April whm he GRAPE J E U Y tion of achieving through volun­ ida from Miami to Key West, "ap­ The money^ would come in subsi­ makes Ills first start for hls«.. 42x38' 2 pillow tase.s . . a twin or full size daisy or poppy a Bhw Shield affiliates to put the above these Umlte could be su^ at-large Frank Kowalski, the only ...59c purchased the entire stock of ject to an addltloiwl charge at Uw tary, private initiative an effective parently to keep far-seeing elec­ announced candidate for the nomi­ dies from municipal, state and fed­ New Haven, Jan. 18 i.l*) — The Sloth major league victory, said 16 ox. for 39c 15x38'2 pillow cases .. acolbrfast . plan into operation as soon as tronic eyes on Cuban air and sea . . . 65c Schuler BannighofOn, one of Pjoapibte. discretion of the Individual physi- solution to the problem of meeting nation, that it refrain from doing eral governments, and from funds New Haven Railroad’s trustees in after meeting with Braves Pres­ LURON BLANK£TS eian. the health care needs of the aged.” activity.’* so. ' . now available in the Federal Hous­ bankruptcy say they are trying to ident John McHnln that he was SHURfINE IMPORTED and DOM ESTIC rig. 1.00 bath .... 79e • FLrst reaction from a few of- . Guatemala and Britain to open SPRINGKNIGHT MUSLIN SHEETS the oldest and finest blanket Tlw cheaper monthly charge for Adoption of a plan to help the The committee heard Kowalski's ing Ac( of 1961. said a statement determine whether they can sue "looking forwaMr to another DESIGNER WOOLENS fldBls of medical groups was gan- talks fai April on Guatemala’s Isaued by Hiomas F. Kelly, the APPLESAUCE reg. 59c hand .... 49e mills in th'e country! Tha sav­ arally In favor of tha program. Blue Shield la made po^ble, a plan needy aged was recommend^ by plea last night — he had flown in George Alpent and others who ran great year, botjrior myself and 72x108 and twin fitted ...... 1.89 reg. 4.50 yd.— 2.57 yd. epokesman said, by the wilUngneea the AMA House of Delegates in claim to British Honduras, Guate­ from Washington for the occasion Brotherhood's state legislative rep­ the New Haven in its pre-bank­ for the ball efiili." ^ 7 eons $1X10 81xl08 and full fitted ...... 2.09 reg. 29e wash cloth ings ara yourti Moat officials withheld comment of physicians to lower tlwir fme 1958. mala President Miguel Ydigoras —and then voted for Riblcoff. resentative. and general chairman a 100% all wool 4 .4 4 pmidinf a study of the details. Fuentes says after accepting Brit­ ruptcy days. 42.\,36 pillow ca.'cs ...... i..46c 4 for 99c for the aged. Thia already ia being The Blue Shield-AMA announce­ It endorsed KOWaiskI for renoml- George J . Cahill. Tills waa disclo.aed yesterday I*\OS’ PRINCE-S CONPT.R ^ SHURFINE a flannels, tweeds, checks, » • ; A s propoiukl, with one agreed done in several Blue Shield' plans ish proposal for meeting. . . . lako- natlon in his present post. Kelly is also a stale representa­ Geneva, Jan. 18 (A’)—Laos’ e miracle blend rayon and acrylic inmi toea'than two weeks ago by ment was greeted by the president vos, Orthodox Archbishop of in federal court as the trustees CREAM STYLE CORN plaids, novelty weave.s • niany colors covering the aged, he said. of the State Mediw S^iety of It was the first town committee tive from East Haven in the Gen­ argued against allowing Alpert three feuding princes met for PRINTED FANCY PILLOWCASES toe American Hoapltal Aasocia- Athens and Primate of all Greece, to endorse Riblcoff, now secre­ eral AasembI;'. more than an hour here today 6 eons 89e a 54” and 60” wide reg. 89c and 98c yd. a 100% nylon binding will last the life of the tka| and the Bhie Croaa Aaaoda^ Caateliucci said the plan would Wisconsin, Dr. Le|f H. lx>kvsra of eathrawed in Atfaesw OatiwdraL . . . more time to file a reorganization fine muslin ...... 2 for 1.00 • mostly one or two of a kind ^ blanket provlda paymenU for aneetheeia. Xenoshs ss “a step in the right tory of health, education and wel­ He^ said, in Issuing the state­ plan. and broke up without reaching SOLID AND PRINTED tfaa, oomplatas organised madi- direcUon.” Wilfred Baumgartner resigns na fare. 'This Democratic atztmghMd ment.'UiAt the union "la greatly any agreement. Rightist Prince CARNATION MILK stripe.s and florals, amcrican made, 42x36 c|na’a, answer to Praaldent Kan- radiation treatmants. X-ray exam- FreWch Finance Minister, and Val­ A spokesman for the New Ha­ ^ rag.,2.49— l.is? yd. INDIAN HEAD a machine washable . ' inaUons and laboratmry teeU and He said the plain shows that Is RlbicolTs home territory.. disturbed and concerned about the Boun Oum, neutralist Prince • mostly I st.quality ^ aadtr'e plan to plan* health care ery GIscard D’estaing, his chief as- RiMcoff hss not announced as future of the New Haven Railroad ven road stressed, however, that Soiivanna Phoiuna and Comma- 3 cons 47c 69c yd. a mothproof pathology aervicee, in addition to "the ImpoaiUon or added payroll slsUnt replaces him. QUILTED MAHRESS PADS BELOING CORTICELLI fl^ tte aged under aodal aecurity. surgery, whether performed in a a candidate'-for the nomination, and urges' immediate positive ac­ the action by, the trustees "was •nlst Prinoe Souphanoiivong fail­ -A # AHA and Hus Graas agreed taxes as currently proposed by the (Connecticut's cancer registry, routine iihd called for by terms of i Nestle’e Instant EMBROIDERED RAYON • 66x90»• twin anon-allergenic hospital or Uoenaed nursing home. but he said reMntly he would ac­ tion by our elected officials, both ed to agree even on a data bleached fluffy white filler, diamond locked a 21 colors eft a private hoi^taUzation plan Kaflnady admtnistrsUon is un- oldest in Country and agency which cept a draft if the party demanded state and federal, to avoid a com­ the bankruptcy Act." and place for a next meeting, Chocolate ... .2 Ib. can 79c , a exceptionally warm Tile extent of coverage for doo- neoaassry to provlda adeqaajte and actually develops statistics on muslin covering, elastic web anchor bands. DRESS MATERIAL 4 a excellent for •72x99 twin or full far rettrSd peraone over 65 — to tors' visits in a hospital or nuis- that he run. plete collapse of the carrier.” ' As president of the railroad, Al­ Phouml Vongvichlt, 'spokesman ' reg. 3.69. twin (39x76) ...... 2.69 #72x90 ' " par person a month — under reasons We priced coverage for which. national cancer inddsnee According to- Kowalski and a The statement came less than 48 pert ' wes its chief ex-ecutive of­ for Souphanouvong, told news­ Everyday Low Price On a 45” wide f slipcovers, curtains ^ hmne has not ben deeidad. Caa- thoae 85 and over.’* figures ars based, U In dsiMsr s ( saHUi Uw federal goauninaat teuueel eald, but the pragram an- number of other political figurea hours sfter governors . from Con­ ficer until bankruptcy proceedings men Boun Oum’e strongnmiia reg. 4.69. fuU (54jc76) ...../...... s;69 a green, blue, black magenta anddriipes • 80x90 king tiza a 80x90 size sftMld be asked to pay Uw prami- fti New Task, Or. Oarl R. Acker- IsWng its eaatnwt and rssssreb in tha state — including moat Re­ necticut, New ' York, Massachu­ were Instituted last.year. He is HOOD M IL K ...... gal. 74c pacts to praelde no fewer tbaa SO mao, board elialmwn af ttw UMt- Gen. Phouml Nosavan, h in ted r i. ig ^ lar sU Uwae aSihla ta da sa greats from fsdsral govsmmsnt, publican leaden — RIMeofTs talk setts and Rhode Ifla ^ met here. •till charged with the responalbil- that no formal tUsouealon ba^ Uta aad maybe as many ae 70.' Cosmsctleut Stats Employes As- sftUttF *a pay. OMtanaWMMtftafSBiBeiUwr ,T|^ reeonuqended federal .aid to ------— i tween the three' ehoald takab r) sodatioa January Bulletin says. , aa Paga Two) alioUnaU operating losses, and ' 5 « (CoaUnuod on Page Fonr). j.. . place at all outalda o t la o tk ^ . .•*- 9 ■f, i /- -

. r ', ^ '1 ' \ ..-V ■ '1 • " MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 PAGE THREE’ ...... Columhim tioa! Bhe haa M rv^ kg an ta- Bolton jitruetor in ItaMtoh and gtdgMpby Kowalski Fails 6od, at------the Mary, Wanamtiitr------—tUkge ObUsg J 1 1 & 106 Donate Births for Year for Giris in Allahabkd, and as see- Sheinwold on Bridge FREE PARKING reUry of the Christian TMehars Hartford Try Uniform Year Set Record at 45 FeUowahip. Rear Of Store Misa Paui waa active in atudent 18 Joi Club (Ommanei ftens Pago One) Mrs. Margaret Dilworth, town Christian movement work in .her e x p e r t s stum bub • , Points Listed own country, both on local and na- WITHOUT ANY HELP rsenhlnf gal-Whotf, Stanley P. Grsyb, Irving clerk, yesterday released the fig­ of a drefft is Just a blind and the ures xin vltj|l statistics' for the Uonal levels. She is also inUrested ■nenvl seocTSt By Alfred Slietoirold * William J. Reynolds o f tbe Con- __ rk* hdp«d hrin* Carlson. In athletics, has bean a member party h ierar^ has already agreed Some two years. in the state, cited this backing as expert is busy falling over all by dhanging to a uniform fiscal year. A. Buckler, Francis Dieterle, John Columbia Congregational Church himself, as to this hsnd plsyed at tioiMd neariy all day at the hoa- R Kosnlg, Malvin Carlson, Rus­ will hold it! annual meeting Fri­ Mias Paul organised a group of he gave a 10-miniite talk-to the O B 7 S 2 Reynolds said the topic was not a ^ital'a amergendy room. singers who perform sacred In town committee last lUght before tbe CTub recently. . ^ 0 Q J 10 5 K*SS new one-for Bolton since his pre- Tliraa donora reached three-fal- sell Holmes, George W. Hunt. Miss day at 8 p.m. in the Parikh&oueu. music reguUrJy ove All Declarer- won the first trick in • <2 deesHor, Hubert Stone, came to Marital Anderson, Charier D: A family "pot-luck, sponsored by 11 voted. He eati RIMcofr caiuot dummy with the ace of diamonds, 4 f 10 9 7 lea murka — William Haberem, India Radio, the only group of Its expect tbe same support from la­ BoHan to 1054 to talk about It. Mra. liouiae Schrieber and Arthur Thayer. / the Women's Guild, will be aeTyed kind in India. rtttinied a low trump to the ace Also, Gustav Magnustai. Carl at 6:30. bor. i«d !«d out the king of trumps. Reynolds told the BPO A that Randall. Seven became members MIm Paul comes from a dedi- “It is unfair of you In Hartford," 5 ^ each commuiUty must work out : &[ the two-iallon club. They Were Shcnnlng. Kari Nickse. Milton H. Philip H. Isham, clerk of the Christian family of Pres- West discarded a heart, and i07<42 Jonea Paul A. Boris. Vemer Ny­ church, reports the agenda . in­ he said, “to lead off to nominate South turned every bit as pink u Its own way of financing the Mrs. Nancy Aiken, Mrs. Linda lin. David Pierce. Roj’ C. John.son. S ui background. At present him when he hasn't declared him' change and if they, the BPO A Plau, Mrs. Constance Tomezuk, cludes reports of the church of­ serving as director of reli­ West’s dlscSrd. He had already study it and decide they have OUT THEY GO-Price$ Slashed Mrs. Biruta Tetreauit, Grover C. ficers; the 1962 budget; and elec­ self. You are throwing the gaunt "blown” the hand, and he could Richard, B. Lynne, Conrad Banas, Miller. gious education at the BoltOn Con- let down to your labor support. ' 1 ? iS s workable plan they should meet Gene Andrelni, and Joseph Mc­ tion of officers. gregatlonal Church. imagine the sympethetlc com­ It Toss 4 4 AH t m with selectmen and the board of Walk-in donors included: The school hot lunch staff will "If you want to do that, go ments he would get from every­ Opsntttg iMdT. 4 q Bride. Mrs. Katherine Whitehouse, Families ar* urged to bring chil­ ahead!’’ finance to talk it over. If the One-gallon donora are Paul attend the fourth annual Hotel dren and yotHw people to this body at the table. BPOA firmly believee in the ad- We Would Rather Deliver ’Em Than Count ’Em Howard Smith. Jacob C h e n e }^ After approving the resolution to There was still a chance to re­ Buettner, William H a g e n o w, and Restaurant Show and Culi­ meeting. Light TMreahmenU will endorse Ribicotf, the town commit­ 'vantages to the town of adopting Harold Burnett, Robert Stark­ Howard Burger. William Sibrinsz, nary Art Exhibit at the Statler be served at 5:S0\and the meet­ cover If West had the ace of h e a ^ . Mrs. Muriel Andrulot, Mrs. Marga­ tee acted on another resolution. It South hopefully led a heart but Bast can gst his other trump trick, the uniform fiscal year they should weather, Eldward Johnson, Mrs. Hotel in Hartford this afternoon ing win follow. Dr. Ruasell H. supported Kowalski for renomlna- hilt nothing elss. try to sell It to towirspfeple, Rey­ Carl W. Howland, Ralph Schaller, ret Dunfield. and evening. 'Those making the Stafford, chairman of the ChrU- East won, drew two more rounds Also. Mrs. Evelyn Jobert. Mrs. tlon to a third term as congress- of trumps and ran ths diamonds. Daily QnestlM nolds said. and Mrs. Margsuret Sumner. trip will be Mrs. Stanley Field, Uan outreach commlttaa^^U In­ man-at-large. This resolution also Partner opens with one sped*. The speaker told the group that Other donors, by appointment, Eleanor Zeiser, Mrs. Gladys A. Mrs. George Greenway, Mrs. Leon­ troduce the speaker. ^ Down three! any cltisens aseoclatlon should Sheffield. Herbert Crandall. Har­ Boy Soonto BalSe Fuad* \ passed. Sympathy end the next player peases. You Deluxe 30-Inch Norge ^ arere as follows: ard King and Mrs, Howard Shum- "Abe la not going to get the la­ hold: Smtoea—0 J IQ 8; HearU — have broad horizons, not be a neg­ Mra. Orazia Markham, Arthur old Perrett, Mrs. Marion Buckler. uay. Through...... the sale iff drat aid w__ V_ bor support in this state,” he told "You’re playing better than ative group, but through self-ed- Mrs. Doloru Luko, J. Mallon La- Scout Troop 162 U endeavoring usual," dummy commented dryly. A 0 4; Dtaiinonds—9 8 3; Clubs—6 B. Ooana Richard Bagge. Mrs. SS- Mra. Thomas O'Brien, chairman the committee. "I hope you do an 2. What do you say? uoation develop lifformation to NORGE 3 HEAT GAS DRYER le«i Flynn. Mrs. Frank De\Tiey, Shay. of the March of Dimes, announces to raise funds for camping mate­ honest Job. 1 hope you realize that "Not at all.’’ a klbluer objected. support their position on civic Match-Less Gas Range Mrs. Marie Benson, Mrs. Helen AbM>, htrs. Alona Donavan, 758 coin cards were mailed to res­ rial, according to George Petere. when you vote against me you are "There's a player in Mexico City Answer: Bid two diamonds. You pioblems. Cunningham. Mrs. Madlyn David J. Donovan Jr., Rudolph O. idents this morning. She appeals to inatltuUonal representative of the voltng against the workers of who could have found a way to go Intend to show the iqrade support Reynolds said the' Information ■ Cunther. Ludwig Hsnsen. Heck. Richard Forde. George C. all to make as genennia a contri­ troop. The sale wlU continue to Hartford” down four." next, thus showing a hand that Is he preeented last night was devel­ Edwards, Raymond Beans. Charles Feb. 1 and deliveries will made Clearly there waa no need for too strong for a stogls false but oped from studies made by the With Exclusive 4-Way Drying Also, Mrs. Veronica Avery, Car- bution as they can — funds are Kowalski told the group that he not strong enough - foifor a double \ roll Nelson, Mra Alice Fody, Mrs. Jaworski, Mrs. Marlon Cro.ssen. badly needed. A financial report about 10 days thereafter. knew it was going to vote against South to go down three. In fact, he OTESC, which 1s a privMely sup­ Ruth Ostrander, Edward Glenney, James LeSure. of the county chapter shows a The boys are contacting busi- him. should have made his contract by raise, ported fact finding group. He dis­ Phillip Harrison, Mra Florence Also, Leslie Spencer, Robert R. neas eetablishmenta in town and a very eimple play. For Sheinwold's S6--page booklet. tributed oomparatlve data on Bol­ 'iS-fK ••• i'i Steams, Joseph Tully, David El- deficit of $5,700 for the past year. making door-to-door sales. Any­ "I'm a good Lllemocrat,” he said., "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” send Spooner, Mrs. George Gorra. There are presently 13 post polio "feme say I'm busting up ths When declarer leads a trump ton and four Hartford area com­ Also, Charles Helwig, Kenneth dridge, Geoige Hansen. Larry one interest^ igay place an order from dummy at the eecond trick, 50c to Bridge Book, Maaehestsr munities which are of size to Pierson. Robert Southwood. patients getting asslatance through by calling Henry Beck, u party. I'll be a good Democrat no Evening Herald, Box 3818, Grand which Bolton might grow during PhUlipa Peter Hansen, Mrs. Ann troop com- matter bow this comes out. Just as he should play low from his hand. The next bloodmobile visit to the. chapter. mlttee chairman. This costa nothing, since one trump CentralIS SU., N. T. 17. N. Y. ' the next 10 years. Pireotonc. Stephen Cavagnaro, Manchester Memorial Hospital will Mission Study Continues good as you are!" Of the five toWns (Bolton, Avon, William Oooper, Mrs. Ihomas Duff On Vacation "It’e not Important how you're trick must be lost even if the eult (Copyright 1062, General Fea­ be Wednesday, Feb. 14, from 10:45 “Back to Bombay,’’ a sound lllni, Mrt. Sally T. WiUlame, Oolum' breaks favorably. tures Corp.) Bast Windsor, EHlngton and Suf- Jr., John C. Funke, Kenneth a.m. to 6:30 p.m. will be shown at the second of the going to vote tonight,” he added. field) Bolton, although lowest to Ua , sailed Wednesday on "The people are not voting here. East wins and returns a second ProhardL ■series of meetings on The World the S.S. Homeric, for a 15-day trump to declarer’s king. South population to 1960 diowed the Also, Mra Doris Rlvosa Mra Mission S t the Congregational Your town chairman has already 'largest percentiw Increase, 129.32. cruise to the West Indies and Pianist Arrau said how you're going to vote. The now leads a heart to force out the Mary Burr, Fted Petig Jr., Mrs. B e«s, Bees, Bees Church Parish House Sunday eve­ South America. She will stop at ace. East returns a trump to the Similarly,'Bol^ had the lowest Bertha Carter, Mra Marjorie ning. \ people are Judging you on whether number of dwellings cmd building five ports. Port Au Prince, Chirs- you're trying to stop someone or ace. South can now lead a club to Johnson, Reuben Cutler, Mrs. It is estimated that a colony of 'n e speaker will be Miss Ade­ cao, Cristobal, Montgo Itoy and Thrills Crowd the queen and run dummy’s hearts. lots among the five towns, but the Beatrice. MacAlpine. honeybees consists of as msny ss laide Paul, a national of Allahabad, Nassau, and arrive back , in New whether you’re for someone. FRIBJIY NI6HT greatest percentage Increases— Also, Mrs. Jean Chaplin, Mrs. SO.OOio to 00.000 Individual bees liv­ India, who is in her final year at Y.ork Feb. 1. "A vote against me is a vote 100.86 to dwellings and 426.77 to v_>« Ann Marshall, Joseph Kowalsky, ing together in the cavity of a the School of Religious Education Oelebmte Anaiveraary By JOHN GRUBER against the representatives of the house and buUdtoig lots. Reynolds William Oliver, Robert J. Vander- beeswax comb. of the Hartford Seminary Founda.- Mr. and Mrt. Alfred Soracchl of Claudio Arrau, world-famoua people in the future," he con­ used the data to show where Bol­ tinued. "You know where I stand. SPEOIU. ton might stand to the next decade R ta 6A, wUl celebrate their 3Sth pianist, drew an extra large audi- Where does Mr. Ribicoff stand on EASTWOOD wedding annlversarj* tomorrow. sn e s to the Buehnell lest night for by comparing Us present popula­ They were married In St. Joeeph’e national defense or reorganization FUil OOURSE tion and expenditures with the Church in WllUmantle, Jan. 10, aimther of the regular aubecrip- of the Defense Department?" Troy Dogohne, Connie Stevens tovms which had comparable ex- 4-WAY DRYING 1037. Both lived m Columbia be­ tion concerts by the Hertford “That’s why prople are with "SUSAN SLADE" lures 10 years ago and re- fore their marriage, and have Symphony Orchestra. me,” Kowalski said, "becaufe they (In Color) 1:80-8:65 K j them to the 1960 figures. 1. Tumble-Drying with selected heat P '" Vv BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL made their home here since. He wae heard In the second of know where I stand. I am your Also: "SAffCTUABY” Reynolds told the BPOA that 5 Year They' have two children. John the two concert! for piano and or- serious candidate and I want you Lee Remlck, Yvee Montand LOBSTER state statutes provide for toiu: 2. Tumble-Drying with air—no heat e Big 24 Vi -inch oven NO MONEY 1. Chaclc Front-End Alignment ONLY is at the Great Lakes Naval TnUn- cheatra by Brahms, and accorded to consider me seriously- I don’t ______8;80-6!80-I0;e0 ways of making the change to the with picture window ing Station, and Susan, a eoittpu- it a magnifietent performance, mind putting my head on a block uniform fiscal year: (1) by ac­ 8. Selected Air-Heat Drying (no tumbling) 2. Check All 4 Brake Drums and Shoes srhleh thrilled his hearers to the for things I believe in. I may talk Sunday cumulating a surplus through an Warranty and pushbutton interior light DOWN ter at Pratt and Whitney Division *^Fwtet Aronnd Hie Oloek" 3. Check Bearingi and Seals in Bast Hartford, is attending the tlpa of their toes. Tliia was Brahms forcefully, but I believe in these DINNER additional levy up to five mills; 4. Air-Drying (no heat or tumbling) University of Hartford at n i^ t aa Brahma ahould be played. Not things." ,(2) through a special levy such as e Warm’R Thaw oven control With Your Old Range 4. Adjust Brakas . 0 7 ◄ Soracchl la a former selectman sineo Bechua waa in hie prime have 'It is the duty of Ribicoff to de­ two tax bUls within one year; Meals stay hot for hours without I heard a more definitive perform- clare himself,” he said. "It's un­ (8) borrowing on notes cmtslde the 2 2 5 Or B. Add H.D. Braka Fluid and haa been employed at Pratt aneeJ drying out and Whitney for 22 years. Mrs. fair of him to put you on the spot.” Sat. KM Show—1 P.M. debt Umtt for up to 20 yeeurs and Mr. Arrau haa the happy faculty Kowalski said that State and Na­ $ 1 - 9 5 (4) a combination of any of the Soracchl Is acting postmaster for of keeping the whole Immense plan "Meanibal" "YeUowstone NO M O N EY • PuII-gHon 84«tar Actually the Juxtaposition of proceeds from > this fund-raising THIS IS THE PLACE a meeting of the Tolland tiounty PORTABLE RADIO TIRES 1400 ^03.00 $26.20 1400 $228.20 2282 three such disparate com i^era as event. Tickets may be obtained Democratic Association at 8 to­ BeMhoven, Webern and Hindemith from Mrs. Jack Mercer. night , at Andover elementary didn't turn out to be as much of It .was announced t ^ t a trip by school Joseph CTonin, ex-mayor of .’'A ALL SIZES 1472.4 $2)3.48 $26.52 1472.4 $240.00 2400 a hash as I expected from the train to the Unitted Nations is Hartford and business agent for listing on the program, and I was planned for members and friends the totemationol Aasociatlon of Dial AM-FM pleasantly surprised at the mix­ March -20. For furthsr information 'Dins in Authsntie Colonial Atmosphoro" Machinists, will bs n e s t speaker. kiwilpf SwHch ARE TWO BOOKS OF STAMPS WORTH $26.52? ture which I had not expected to or reservations, members may call Rklstration workshops have he palatable. the program dialrman, Mrs. Rogtr bert gtvsn to the DONDJ SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT—WHARFSIDE DINNER church council at a special meet­ THE KiO WHO TVaat tha esntsr, of soeh huttea ing la June.. oa a man's shirt with solortaos noU GOOD>^YE/LR MANCHESTER OPEN TILL 9 P.M. BIS BROAD ST„ OTfOSni POSTAL SU14TA1ION CAPTUIIKD CLOSED TEL. JA 9.9463 THJPHONI Ml 3-2143 «r Ml 3-2144 Annual reports will be rsad. a TSWAMiVI poU4 and ths thrsoda will not STORE budget adopted and offiewa elect' MONDAYS AMPLE PARKING ravoL n tokos tto d i lean tlmo than ad n r the eomiiig year, at tha S f S n S S S P : sn now huUoes. msatlag. \v

1 ■ V . ..ft



P ^ W U I l KANCHESTEE EVENING HERAL9. MANCHESTER, CONN„ THUBSOAt, JANUARY 18, 1962 Andover Hebron eral places; also sale of the Flora wnr than w li* Atowrt Moatag Rockville-V ernon Hunt lot In Gilead at public auc­ i . South Windtor the New H a v « Griffin said. for Flowers tion. MORE COLD B lue Shield,-^ AMA Offer A ged Trustees Study Griffin attached the tr^tees tor War All I fe Rep. Kowalski St. Petfer’s Church YoAng Peoplee Activltlea TV-Radio Tonight Linda Alden and Chris Ellia Ellsworth Frosh having teought the fact ^ Franklin«» Park Construction • Alpert held bnly MO shares M N w 's Flowers Pinch Hits in Officers Elected were leaders of the Pilgrim Fel­ WEATHER IVcTu, Low-Cost Medicfd, Plan Suing Alpert Haven stock on Jan. 6 — a s h m lowship of Hebron and Gilead Con­ Officers Elected drop froiTi Ui® mof® than/11,w o Gall M D L BUJU'JCNBR Andover Talk Awiftits First Warm Weather Officers elected Saturday eve­ gregational , Churches, at its Sun­ The Baby Has (Fom arty with Fauttaad’e) day evening meeting In .Gilead. A (Oenttnoed ftrom Page One) (OentlMMd frees Pago Oae) he po®ir®M®d laat July. Television ning at the parish meeting of St. AHEAD! Peter Oroesi haa bean alaeted solid base for oomparing eoete and 1133 BUBN81DB AVE. ^ l y J9m>w do oroKreas) SO Special PrOKram movie was shown by Thornton 8e- bensAU wllh Oie propeasd natloB- "They are charging A l ^ BABTHAMEFORD U.S. Rep. Frank Kowalski of Officials of the Rockville Hous-'^ere never constructed, U one of Peter'E Episcopal Church are: cor Jr. ed Medical Service, which eervee Ity of filing a plan for reorgaa- ^ a t Show Un oroAreta) Bufa Bunny . Meriden will pinch hit for Joseph prartdent o f the freshman elaaa of wlde program. In the looal plan, trading In aecuritlee ^ JA 8-SMB er ID i-M 7t Hucklabeirr Hound The Nelaon Family 40 J Ing Authority (RHA) told prop-, the last steps to clearing of title Senior warden, .Lewis W. Phelps; St. Peter’s Young People’s Fel­ INSULATE the metropolitan area, nUd: "I laation. bankruptcy petition w m filed, the Newt B:00 Donna Reed Show 8, IS. 40, I Cronin of Hartford as speaker at Kbsworth Memorial High School. the individual pays about 33.20 a Dellveilae DeOy te M w ehsstei HlKhway Patrol, erty owners this week they hope Two major property owners have junior warden, D. Benton Critten­ lowship were hosts to the YPF B een Nam ^d ••• highly endorse the program and The original deadline for the fil­ lawyer said. Actually, he tuo, Man and' the Challenge the meeting of Tolland County either deeded land to the authority Serving with him wUl be CharUa month wtiile the inoome limit W ing waa Jan. 3, but Alport said SyTiabua' ^ 8:30 NBC Special 10. 22, : den; treasurer, Lewis W. Phelp.s; from Bishop Seabury Church of mise full cooperation in mak- lu S r t waa only eaUhllahlng a tax Newa. SporU 4k Weather The Real McCoys 8. 40. I Democratic Association at Ando­ to see ground broken for the or agreed to allow construction assistant treasurer. Peter W. Enas, vice president; P a t r ic ia 36,000 a year. he and his committee couldn't Weathei News A tinurta Groton Sunday evening at 7. NOW! K It a successful answer to the loea* Bob CummtnKB Show ver Elementary School at 8 p.m. Franklin Park project at the first while the purchase price is dis­ Mortlook; envelope treasurer, The momifig "work meeting" of Jones, secretary; and Victor Roman medical care problems of those meet this. After yesterday’s hear­ Tailaihaaaea 7(XX) 8:00 TV Hour of Stars Kowalski agreed today to tidk to In another action, the U.S. !)► 6 30 Royal Canadian Police My Three Sona 8 sign of warm weather. cussed. Dorothea A. Raymond; clerk, Mrs. tile women's Guild was held yes­ treasurer. over 66 who n ^ help.’ ing on Alport's plea for more time. Newa. Sport the group when it waa learned that JakMOB. iMmir EUmi. daugtiter at Mr. and Mr*. Edward M. partment of Justice ssked tne 'porta 4k Waather Tell It To Groucho Plans are ready for bid, they Three house lots of unknown own­ David K. Porter; members of Jhe terday in the church annex. . MUs Mary DeCarU, E n g lish Education Board Judge Andaraon set Feb. 28 at the court to order thS trustees to give Ski Pofnterat«ri TBA Cronin, former Hartford mayor ership will be taken by condemna­ JokiiMa 3* Meadow Rd., Glastonbury. She wa* bom Dec. 18 teacher and girU' physical educa­ Sumner G. Whittier, exeeutlva WINDOW SHADES 6:40 Men of Deatiny Wreatllng ’ i ■aid, estimating it will take about vestry, Charles B. London. Mrs. St. Peter's parishioners are re­ director o f the Michigan Blue new deadUne. to the government ‘ any income 6:46 BveniDR Report and business agent for the Inter­ tion, Lavitt said. Taxes have not Henry Parkington and Roy Dar­ at B ttY an ois Hoapital, Hartford. Her tion teacher, hee smhounced the 9:30 Hasel 10. 22. national Association of Machinists; 13 months to complete construc­ minded that every effort should be ara Mr. and >&«■ Artliur Jacobs, East H Shield, aaid in Detroit his organ­ WillJoinNSBA A ^ r t had sought an additional from securities held by Huntley-Biinkler 10. Margie been paid on those lots since 1910. win; retiring , members. Hedley rdeter for the junior varsity bas­ GrtM , WhifB, ieni _ _ DouAlaa iCdwarda King of Diamonds would not be able to keep his en­ tion. made to keep siipport pledges up to a m n tea m ts are Mr. and Mrs. Edward isation believes the proposed pro­ six months to work on the reor­ emment as coUaUral for 313 mU- T:00 Eve^adea 10:00 Sing Along with Mitch (C) 22. Seventeen residents who have Hill, Waiter %j()roeder end Rob- date. Income should be received ketball aquad, the Bobklttiea. ganization plan, which U required llon In govemment-guarantoed W o s l ^ gagement due to illness. \ Sba *«■» two brothers, David, 6, and Robert, 4; and a sister, Nan- Freahnien muuxla include Cyn- gram "offering uniform benefits 'The board of education voted Movie of the Week Minion D^lar Movie property Interests In the Franklin ert W. Bartlett; eonventlon dele­ regularly through the weekly en­ under the Federal Bankruptcy Act. loana to the New Haven. Ripcord CBS Reports 3. I^wrence Moe, an Andover gates, Warren A. Holbrook and thU Adame, Nancy Giggey, Mary at uniform rates for senior clUeens unanimously lauri night to join the News and Weather Park site learned of the project's Deaths Last Night velopes for the pari.sh to meet its • • * • • The trustees were against letting HOLLAND FINISH The Untouchables 8. 10. 40. member of the association, said to­ Robert W. Bartlett; alternate, Hor' E3Ien Hallowell, Kathy Hollister, is excelle.rt." However, he added. National JSchool Boards Associa­ The government also wants the Sea Hunt 11:00 News. SpOrta 4b Weather 8, 30. day he understands Kowalski will progress at a meeting at City Hall. obligations. W Mhjor, Darlene Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F, "Its effect In Michigan ie difficult him have any extension at all. court to order the trustees to in­ Million Dollar Movie 11 10 Jnra Paat Snnw iCl 10 ace W. Sellers. KaJwnRM Ave., Covwitry. She was bom Dec. 31 at Rockville Patricia Jones, Pat Mozako, and tion. < 4 ) 3 0 Made to Order Uncovered Europe's Finest Movies talk about his candidacy for the All quitclaimed their interests, B.v THE .ASSOCI.4TED PRESS to assess. Michigan Blue Shield In a letter to Bupt of Schools L'The hearing provided the trus­ form the government how they Forty-two were present. Re­ Manchester Evening Hc'nUd He­ a t y H ^ t a l . Her maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Carol SinUcalchi. Forwards from With Tear Kellere T-ilB The Sports Caimera 11:90 Award Theater XI.S. Senate. Moe said, In this re­ in a number of non-existent Dallas—John Quincy MacDon­ haa provided almilar broad medl- William H. Curtis, Victor Mac­ t s and Alpert with a chance to wlkh to vote their stock in the vari­ Bvenlna Report Feature 40 ports of the various organizations bron correapondent, 5Ilss Siisan B. Joaeph Tomasek. Vernon. Her paternal frandparenU are Mr. the freahmsn cleas are Nancy Go- T:30 OutlawB lO gard. that by-laws of the Tolland "paper" streets to the RHA which ald, 89, a retired army colonel and oal-Burgicsd coverage at similar Donald, executive director of the exchange dispaimglng remarks via ous corporations represented by FULL LINE OF ODSTOH 11:30 Jack Paar Show (C) were rendered; Church women by Pendleton, telephone AOademy and Mrs. Norman Major, Coventry. She has a brother, RobW boury, Maureen Johnson, Carol their reepactlve attorneys. Blue Angela Movie 8 Combat association forbid endorsement by Is planning to erect 40 housing former vice pre.sident of tho Na­ Louise Parkington. director; costs to Michigan’s aged for years." Connecticut Association of Boards these securities, Aa HiRh Schoola Match Wita 8-3454. M lduel, 1; 8»d two sisters. Dory Ann, 4, and Donna Marie, 3. Lach and Helen Ridder. The trustees said they had been 12:50 News and Weather 8. the group. units for the elderly under a state- tional Munitions Corp. of New church school by Mrs. Robert • • • • • John G. Morrison, chairman of The trustees should also be com- VENETIAN RUNDS Sophomore guards art Bonnie of Eklucatlon, had invited the Man- left with a lot of Mg debts end SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE USTOJO Voting Usts Co,rrected sponsored program. York, died Wednesday. MacDon­ Bartlett; periodical club. Mar­ Ooekaay. TarlAnn. daufhter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cooksey, Jones, Irene Jurgelee, Judy Longo, the California Physicians Service cheater board to join the national peUed to have court approval'be­ Registrars of voters report no Atty. Edwin M. Lavitt. special very little working capital when fore exercising the right to vote ald, who served on the staff of jorie Martin; altar guild and aco­ European (jirs Gain 119 E. Main S t, Rockville. She was bom Dec. 31 at Rockville Sandra Ricci, Karen Schweir and which operates Blue Shield in the group. the old management hwded over one appeared Friday at the enroll­ counsel for the RHA, said other lytes. the Rev. Mr. Weeman; any of the stock being held as col­ E. A. JOHNSON General John J. Per.shing In World City Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Susan Zagorski. Forwards are Jan state, said: 'iWe have been Inter­ For 310 annual dues, the Man­ the rebis. The possIblUty of legal ment session to register with a residents who have similar inter­ Brotherhood of St. Andrew and chester board will recelvo various lateral, the juatlce department said War I, was born in Spirit Lake, Paris— Automobile ' production Frank Janton. RockviUe. Her paternal frandmother Is Mrs. Kingsley and Marjorie Butcher. ested In this type o f coverage and action against the former execu­ party or change affiliation. ests in the paper streets Will be Iowa. canva.ss committee, Hedley Hill; periodicals, miblications and aomir In ite petition. PAINT 00. R adio « In the European Common Market Oediierine Man^no. Hartford. She has two brothers. Michael, Juniors Lynne Grant and Mary offered a comparable program In tives le being Investigated, they Caucus lists were corrected and contacted before condemnation be­ buildings and ground, D. Benton countries has risen 300 per espt (This listing Includes only those news broGdeasts of 10 or 15-minule gins. He said appointments will be Chicago — Dr. Hugh N, Mac- S, and James, 16 months; and a sister, Robin, 4. Ann Bartle and senior Carol Pear­ California mere than two years monthly bulletina Judge' Anderson set no hearing 723 Main S t. TeL MI 9-4501 54 names removed from them due outer,den; budget committee. In the past 10 years. The Com­ • • • • • son will also play as forwards. ago." He said his group did not leng^. Some stations carry other short newscasts). scheduled permitting owners to Kechnie. 87, former head of the But WUU&m T. Grimn, Alp«rr« date for the petition. to death or change of residence. surgerj- department at Slrltch Walter Schroedcr. The rector, the mon Market figure rose from a Schneider. Marilyn Jean, daughUr of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer The schedule for the girls bas­ have full details of the proposed 6:15 Showcase and News sign quitclaim deeds. Tough Genne Beaten attorney, countered by saying the . WDBC—1389 The Republican list lost 14 voters School of Medicine of Loyola Uni- Rev. Gordon W. Weeman, report­ tenth to almost half the United Bohnelder, 2469 Elllnfton R d , Wapplnj. She was bom Dec. 31 ketball teams is: Jan. 18 at Elling­ program. l:U0 News 6:46 uowell Thomaa trustees have done their share of r:06 Today on Wal*'Citr«et 6:65 Sporta but gained 7 for a new total of Lavitt added a number of lend­ verslt.v, died Wednesday. Mac- ed on the encouraging condition of States output. at RockviUe City Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. ton: Jan. 24 at Ea.st Wlndaor; Jan. In Washington, an official of the Chicago—A one-two punch that running the railroad into debt. 1:10 Art Johnson Show 7:10 Richard Hayea and Carol Buraett 368. ing Institutions which have simi­ Kechnie. a former president of the the parl.sh, new families, and such. Florence Woodward, Woonsocket, R. I. Her paternal grandmoth­ 31 at Ellsworth against Granby. Medical Services of the Dietriet Griffin said that if the tax re­ 1:06 Raynor Shmea 7:30 CBS News Analysia The Democratic list lost 18, and lar Interests In the property have Town Meeting Called er is Mrs. William Schneider. Rockville. She has two brothers, knocks out drug-resistant infec­ L OO News a man Otr 8:00 Vhe World Tonlftit Chicago Medical Society, was EPIDEMIC FE.4RED On Feb. 5, the team will play at of Columbia, said the area's Blue tions of the urinary tract haa lief granted^the New Haven by the WHAT—eii 8:15 Showcase and News gained 6, for a total of 299. promised cooperati^. One of them Warning Is given for a special lUcfaaid, 5H> and Peter, 4; aiid a sister. Susan, 7. home against ESIington; Feb. 7 at bom In Paisley, Ont. Bc^emia, N.Y., Jan. 18 (flh—All • • • • • Shield plan enrolls persons over been developed. Dwtors found states In which it operates were 1:00 Paul Harvei 12:15 Sign Off Twenty-two unafflllated voters has already sighed,(‘nq- Bgid, but he Chicago—Ralph B. Weaver, 62, town meeting to be held Jan. 34 public schools in this S\iffolk home against Elast Windsor; Feb. 65 if they are members of partici­ >:06 Bound Stage declined tb name it.V; / \ that a mercurial compound, chlor- discounted. It would be seen the f:00 Edward P. Morgan were removed from the v o tin g passenger traffic manager of the in the elementary school audi­ County commimlt.v and the nearby Flehem, Dassa Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ahgslo Fleh> 18 at Rockville; Feb. 15 at home pating groups. Including persons merodrin, interferred with the financial position of the railroad lists, but one was added. The new In all, ‘ about oneHnird'^ nf the torium at 8 p.m. ara. 71 VlHaga 8t, RockvUla She was bom Dec. 10 at Rockville 1:30 Night m h t Waterwheels Ancient Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad since communities of Ronkonkoma and agalruit Bloomfield; Feb. 28 at of other ages. Some 28,000 older production of an enzyme by the has deteriorated, under the man­ 1:00 Toni^t at My Place total of unafflllated voters Is 195. necessary signatures have been ob­ Matters to be considered or act- City Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. Hannah Sin­ home against Rockville. 1:03 Bign Off 1947, died Wednesda.v. apparently Oakdale will be closed for five days, \ . I persons are covered by the local dnig-reslstant germs and left agement of the trustees. wnc—isei Hama, Syria — Oeaklng and The total number of voters in tained, he said. There are about 6S center by means of which all clair, RodcvlUe. Her patam af grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Amerioea Legloa Notee additional signatures necessary. of n heart attack In his office in starting today, to prevent a pos­ plan. ITte official said there Is no them aueceptlbla to antlMoUca. Things are a "whole lot worse" S 00 News Weather a Sporta groaning as they labor, nine huge town now is 862. Union Station. ed upon will b e: Provision of a Dominic Flehcin, Somerville, Maas. She has a brother, Stephen The regular meeting of the Abe » 1:90 Strictly Sporta town offices can be held under sible epidemic of scarlet fever and Christopher, 3. , ^30 Suppertime Serenade wooden waterwheels out of 30 About Town Harvey A. Yonce, executive sec­ other children's ailments. E. Miller American lA fion Aux­ The board of finance will hold retary of the RHA, told residents one roof. This vexed problem has • • • • • iliary will be held W eweeday at 5:45 Three Star Extra built at Hama many centuries ago A school official said yesterday r;06 Ski Report • in Roman times still supply the Us reg;ular meeting tomorrow at 104 housing authorities units are Caecilians at Bottom been under consideration for some SutherlaBd, wnUam Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. 8 p.m. at the Main St. Legion Hall. r:16 Page Horton the move waa taken in view of a city and its orchards with water 7:30 p.m. at the town hall. planned imder both state and fed­ years, and Is regarded as a cry­ Sutherland. 38 High St.. Rockville. He was bom Dec. 30 at Hoetesses for the evening are Mrs. :REFT.j f:30 News of the World . Washington — Slimy, legless ing need. Ten thousand has been 20 per cent absenteeism in the Rockville a t y Heipital. His paternal grandfather is Bert Suth­ f:45 Your Senator from Conn. from the serpentine Orontes River. eral financing programs. The In­ Russell Hitchcock and Mrs. Alex 5:06 Pope Concert set aside for the purpose by the school district last i9^k. Thirty- erland of SouUdngton. He haa two brothers, Robert, 7, and Mancheater - Evening Herald An­ vestment will be between $1.25 and caeclllans are the lowest order of Chiekey. The Post and Auxiliary 1:30 Democracy In America amphibians. They are bluish-black town. eight of the absentee ^lldren and Kenneth, 8; and alx aiaters, Joan, 16, Beverly, 14, Donna, 12, Ma­ ):06 Connecticut—What’s Ahead FATAL HORSEPLAY dover correspondent, Margery $1.8 mlllicm, he iMld. will sponsor another teen-age rec­ Acquiring the rights to the paper snake-like creatures that live most The acceptance of section two of four of the absentee teachers had rten, 10, Catherine, 8, and Brenda, 18 months. ord hop on Feb. 10. l:UU News Springfield, Mass., Jem. 18 (JPi Montandon, telephone Pilgrim • • • • • L Y N N P o ju J J t M f. J 'O h m A . 1:16 Sports Final streets, which were laid out on a of their lives underground In warm roads in London Park Is also come down with scarlet fever, he PINE ST. and HARTFORD RD. Richard McGurk, 15, died in S-6012. Legion Hoete Meeting 1:80 Starlight Serenade plot plan of the property in 1888 but climates. They eat worms. called for, and street lights In seV' said. Bergman. Karl Fredrik, son o f Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Bergman, The Abe E. Miller and Broad L:80 Sign Off Mercy Hospital last night two WPOF—14ie hours after he waa brought there PLANT MANAGER NAMED 888 Mancheater Rd., Glastonbury. He was bom Jan. 2 at Hart­ Brook i^trican Legion Posts and Choicf Flash NarivB PeuiHY. . . DlrBct From Farm to Yeii! 1:00 Today tn Hartford DID YOU KNOW? ford Hoapital. HU maternal grandmother is Mrs. Mabel R. Grae* 8:16 Connecticut Ballroom with a stab wound near the heart. Woonsocket. R. I.. Jan. 18 {/P)- their euxlliaries will be host to Police said the boy, son of Pa- That today’s homes wUh anto- lajt VfluWistown, N. J. Ha nas a sister, Kristina Ellssa, 3. the Flret District meeting of the 7.UU Bob Scott The U.S. Rubber Co. has named I • « • • * . ML-, ic» P A R K A D E 9:00 Rat Somers trolmem Raymond F. McOurk, waa IWUlp a. Brown as manager of matlo heating need 3- of iaso- American'tieglon on Jan. 28. 1:U0 News flieaherr. th e n y Lymi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gran- MIDDlf ^U«N^»lKl • • • .V.AfKMl'.nw stabbed In "horseplay’’ at home its footwear plant in Naugatuck, ' latlon In the ceiling and 4- la | The posts will meet at 2:30 p.m. Save ON Everything You Buy ItlU Ray Somers the walls. berg, Dimock Rd., Coventry, she was bom Jan. 2 at Hartford at the Legion Hall on Main St. 1:00 Del Raycee Show with hts 14-year-old brother, Ray Conn. He haa been superintendent I WINF—Ifie mond Jr., while their parenta were H o ^ ta l. Her maternal grendmother Is Mrs. Forrest Plnkham, with First District Commander • :00 World News of the Woonsocket shoe fabrics | North Anson, Maine. Her paternal grandfather Is Paul Gran- Joseph Bentnato presiding. Mrs. 9:10 WaU Streot absent. plant. berg of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. INSULATION HP ^ * • • • * Helen Silvay, first district pres­ ident, will preside at the meeting Jaequea, LooU Mlehaal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. OF THE WCEK of the auxiliaries which will be Attlo veatllatora ahoold I Jacques, Valley FhlU Rd., Vernon. He was bom Jan. 8 at Rock­ held et First Congregational ville a t y HoK^tal. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. n r left open In the winter, pro-/ Oiuroh. n PReSM MAUVE. OVWMtCAOY Milbum Stoddard, Brookfleld, V t His paternal grandmother is Poultry Paris vkllng yon havo eaoagh ^ A social hour will be held after sulatlon In the attle. Mrs. Annie Jaoquae, Bermuda. He has a sister, Melanie Ceea- the meetinga at the Legion Hall. rtne, lOH months. I I • • • • • “Hie event Is open to thilie public BROILERS, FRYERS, Cut Fresh Daily f A ; ______and junior auxiliary members Bfark DavM, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph EUaeson. have been asked to attend. 103 Buekland Rd., Wapping. He was bo?il. Jan. 6 at Hartford I I Ruy tha Foits You UkB Bast CoM WooHior Spodol HoepltaL HU maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Meneheefer E v en in g Herald ROASTERS, FOWL, Any OtM S « ^ $0 C Hancock, Baet Hartford. His paternal grandparenU are Mr. South Windsor - oorreepondeat, I I and Mrs. S. George EUaeeon. 84 Buekland St.. Manchester. He Leuim Kata, telephone MlteheO BREASTS, LEGS, WoN hea a brother, Scott, 2; and a sister, Oiristlne, 8. TURKEYS, CAPONS, Up to 82* Long and 8’ High H H • • « 4-1788. I I Oeemerthwalte, Keith Allen, eon of Mr. and Mre. Kenneth J. LIVERS, WINGS, GIRLS* and Cowperthwalte Sr., 47 Dailey a rcle, Rockville. He was bom Coins in 1792 Act DUCKS, CORNISH HENS I I WOMEN'S Dec. 28 at RockviUe a t y Hoapital. HU maternal grandfather ATTEMTION! U Anthony SlnkiewlcE, PlalnvlUe. HU paternal grandfather U The first United Btetea coins WHOLE OR CUT SPeaAL GIZZARDS, alter Cowperthwalte. New Britain. He has three brethere, were authoriaed in the Act of April I I New Slippers HOME OWMERS! Wenneth Jr., 8, Daniel, 6. and Patrick. 4. 2, 1792, which provided for the es­ l^i^rwFORi w YOUR I COORING NEiCSl FINE ST. and VFC^r tablishment of the Mint and the W H G N ^ j i^BACJCS^ond N EO C S _j In the Past 16 Years We I Baker, Laurie )Uui, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Bak­ iesuanoe of gold eagles (310). half I Have Re-Insulateli Over I er. Old Stone Rd., Vernon. She was bom Dec. 26 at RockviUe eagles (38), quarter eagles (33.80), aty Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ver­ silver dollars, half dollam, quarter TRY LYNN'S RARHECUES-. THEYIte DELICIOUS Sizes 4000 New Homes In The | non Kendall. Vergennaa, V t Her paternal grandparents are Mr. doUare, dimes and half dinaea, and 4-10 Connecticut Area. and Mrs. Smith Baker, Raeevllle, N. Y. She has a brother, Doug­ copper cents and half cents. las Michael, 13 months, and a sister, Deborah Marie, 2 'i. No Bigger Discounts than King’s a>lorful Boft sole slippere In several stylea in­ Warren. Jaatoe Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. cluding scuffs, rayon satins, plush and othera. Warren. 2117 VlrglnU Dr., Wichita FaUs, Tex. She was bom Nov. 12 at Sheppard Air Force Base Hospital Wichita Falls. Her maternal grandmother U Mrs. Elizabeth MacGregor, 381 Center 6 t , ManSiester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. OPEN EVERY DAY 10 TO 10 Roy B. Warren., 137 Princeton S t, Manchester. Her maternal great-grandfather Is Patrick Henderson. Manchester. Her pater­ MANCHESTER nal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox, South Lyme. Petersen, John Clarence, son of 1st Lt. and Mrs. Roger W. Peterson, Ulm, Germany. He was bom Dec, 26 at Augsberg, Germany. HU maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John M. PUBLIC MARKET Beyle, 661 E. Middle Tpka., Manchester. His paternal grandpar­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peterson, 35 Lockwood St., Msm- chester. He has a brother, Roger William. 20 months. 803 - 805 MAIN STREtT B • • • • Waelk, Oynthln Jeen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W e a ^ 88 C um en Rd., South Windsor. She was bom Jan. 7 FREE PARKING In The Town Owned Lot On Birch St. nt Bt FrancU Hospital, Hartford. Her maternal nandparents are Ml*, and Mrs. Raymond T. McMullen. Moodus. Her paternal Just Around The Corner From Our Store... grendmother U Mrs. i^ v ld Borriello, New Britain. She has a brother, Christopher John, 14 months. Fits All Cribs • • • « • BOYS' FlUp. Donna Jean, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Robert S. Filip. 37 Lewrenoe S t, Rockville. She was bom Jon. 8 at Rockville NOW, SAVE CASH and Foam Rubber Sole a t y Hoapital. ' Her matemei grandparents are Robert Dupont o f Springfleld, Mo., and Mrs. Robert Dupont of Hartford. Her EXTRA QUiiiiilllnil matMTUU great-grendparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Dupont, Bpctngflela, Mo., and Mrs. Henry Lube Sr., Rockville. I H 'W 'i !■'' Alpine Shoes W • • • • TRIPLE-S Ill'll' Beiley, Ddborsh Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. TRIPLE S BLUE STAMPS Jsailey, 8 Unden PI., RotUcvIlle. She was bom Jan. 8 at Rock­ ville a ty^ oa jk ta l. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 'Blue Stamps K 'll'i...i>''" '‘‘b JamaAMartin. Bluetteld, W. Va. Her paternal grandparents are WHEN YOU SHOP AT THE Mrs. Clinton Bailey, Rockville. IriJ ]_0 j Sizes • • • • • With Furehaso 10-3 -Hardy, John Lanrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hardy, Of Anybnt of 140 CoUege S t, Middletown. He was bom Jan. 9 at RockviUe MANCHESTER PUBLIC MARKET! a t y Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thoso lt«ms. 1.44 Weather-proof leather-llke uppers . . . scuff EVERYTHING FIRST QUALITY Pavl Sanford. Middletown. His paternal grandparents are Mr. luy oil you wont resistant and never need shining. Thick foam ‘ I The main reason for re-lnaiilat- and Mrs. John Hardy. Tolland. He has a brother, Paul John. ★ C-H-O-l-C-E BEEF CUTS W lolea. Ing was because o f Inadeqnate 8H ; and a sister, Christine Anne, IH . no coupon needsd! TOP GRADE Fits All Play Yards Insulation. i The owners wondered what 1st was wrong and even went so SWIFTS RIB ROAST PLA Y YA R D far as to blame the Oil Man Quality (hiordian Moliittiwiic« At PREMIUM FOUR and the (ias Company for their EVERYTHING FIRST QUALITY PADS high fuel -hill. Finally we stop­ OF BEEF RIBS ped this waste by a thoron^ PAUL DOINtC PONTIAC, INC. SALISBURY Klbcrglas Blnwn-ln Insnlation Tho oHisr 3 Ribs wIM bt 6fe lb. .Inh, thus eliminating all drafts. STEAK DINNER . We will bone mad roll it If 3-ou wish. Luxury Scottnr Rugs in S in s for lEvery Room! Van also ran remedy the cold TUFTEU INNERSPRING and drafty discomfort of your ^'lOELY TRIMMED . Out to any thlekneae yon deelre. - - ^ '^1 hnnfe~b)‘ calling us soon to ■ V nrlnt.ii ® ‘^ 1 Unuauel tire wear may yl cover with nursery print check and see jf It was prop­ SWIFTS K A T T R f^ . Bow tie ends to hold in r > mean your ear’e wheels PREMIUM erly Insulated when built. a reootiif hne. Ifeo, weean BONELESS CLUB STEAK lk$1.59 ftz that in a jil!^, Using Deep, Plush Fur-Type TOP OBADE BEEF CROSS CUT FOB A TOP GRADE BEEF, FRESHLY GROUND There i.s absolutely no the latest, most sdentiflo BElF ' REAL TASTI' charge for this survey! equipment, we’ll rotate, Firm, sturdy Innersprlng crib mattress with MONEY BACK GUARANTEE balance, and align your DINNER POT ROAST Lb. HAMBURG l k 59 c latex rubberized sisal pod and wetproof lami­ NO DOWN PAYMENT wheda. See ua now. 79c nated vinyl cover. Nursery prints. Fits 27x54 ONLY crib. Sturdy No-Tip Design TIRE Ground together twice for a ACRILAN* RUGS 36-Month ludget Pkm SWIFTS COMBINATION OXFORD or Special seoerem CMtea alee meet loaf or Swedish meet VMd StieNMOIT PREMIUM STEP-IN STYU 115.00 (Mm emuo VEAL-BEEF-PORK bells. 'lb Phons JA 7-3119 IS YOUR SION TO SEE US TURKEY Cosco Stylaire Combination ' WEAR -FAN CY WHITE MILK FED VEAL Cushion Sole Size 22x32 ...... 3.07 Or Mail Coum* The above special is good SIZE 27x4S ...... 5.V7 BABY HIGH CHAIR and (ientlcmen: WITUOUT OB­ from January .22 thru LEDS or LOIN SboHlder BREAST VEAL 99 LIGATION Please Send FOR MEN'S SHOES JanuarJt 27. SWIFTS SIZE 30x54 ...... 8.07 JUMPER Voiir Representative for PREMIUM RUMPS CHOPS CHOPS SHANKS /S -' 2 7 YOUTH CHAIR FREE Survey. •I, CANDUELIGHT STUFFINQ T06LET SCAT COVER 1A7 Name ...... j...... '...... rouR SATSTv HSAseuAams FRIED Address ...... Lb. 6 9 c ,b. 8 9 c Lb.69c Lb. 3 9 c Sizes 9 7 a t y ...... OHIOKEN 6-12 Phone ...... mSFAXM ON ALL ACTOBIATIO TRANSMISSIONS 9 . 9 0 STOCK YOUR PANTRY SMLVB WITH THtSf CWOCERY BUY® Deep, plush luxury actylic rugs that look so wonderful in every room in the house. DINNER 1.86 Lovely pastel shades o f pink, blue, turquoise, green, yellow,, black, beige, red. lilac sturdy enameled jh • Joa-oe Apple gtrawherry JeQy 4 lb. Jar lie Smooth finish or auedo finlah UDuara. bound and m o^ a . Oval ebape. -^Acrylic fiber by Chemstnind. steel frame with THE 6LASS WOOL Bnpteted Irene D u a eih *4g*A ouferd lOr loafer atylaa. Black or r “ forVALUECTAMPS I e Jaeae Pore Btrasrfcarry F reeMve e HalUn Luncheea Meat . . . U oa. enn ereen. print vinyl cover Triple chrome plated ateel tubing. Adjuatable tHVEN ON ALL RBPAntS ■ X A B I8 00 4 lb. Jar 31.19 aiid en a m eled chrome foot reel. Padded eeat and back. INSULATION ALSO ON NEW AND USED CABS I e Jee-oo Pore Reapborry Preecrve Imparted freaa Poland Save On Everything You Buy At King's tray. Beat aUps L 4 Ib. jar 31.19 e Kiidma H aa e...... Off ft»r wertilng. CO, INC. CHOOOUTE e White Tuna: Fish by White Reee Fanny SSocaa ...... t caaa 31-M Imparted frees Pragn% Cheeheelevalde 307 Wethersfield A toiiim , pjTurOODGfpbNTlAMFc. PINW HEaS . Alhaoere SoUd~Paoh. e Praaaod H a m ...... 4 Ih. eenJfiSP PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Hartford 6,’ .Conn. t n M A i n B-B8B1 « . t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 PAGE SEVEN 9ja m 8DC MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, c 6 n N., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 ing In Uruguay, where Cuba will Bailey, tlis potential Rlblcoff not to worry about the use of un­ Inist and I shall be one until the ceived Information from various echoed, in the field o f physical ac­ opposite direction, w^lch treats'the to have Rlblcoff running to f the Plus Unmarked Police Cars marked state police cars at night. last day of jity life." , governments "that the repeated be tho No. 1 topic. ,, ^lUmrl^patPr Senate down to thoso who wotild candidacy 1» jiuit ahaut e v M y t ^ D O U B U SAH Report to OAS tion, In Berlin Itself, as the United comiiiuter as If he were a poten­ A Thought for Today a Wad and benevolent political "W e ’ve been using umnsirked 2. A speech by President Osvaldo and numerous trips to Cuba of "The Imperialists,” Castro said, When your doctor asks where least like to have him run for the citizens belonging to Qonununist vyill find ’themselves In a diffleult tate rather than a sardine, and. BpoBsoted by the Maaebester Connecticut doctor could ordbr — one trig ear* on a limited bast* since 19B9," Dortlcos, who said last September yon want yonr prasoriptton fin­ States finally pulls back the tanks Senate. OREEN STAMPS he said. "We have never had any In Moscow that Cuba haa "taken or extreme^, leftist political groups position. ed . . . say . . . H A L L M A R K £ ttp n it t0 i| p r a U ^ Instead of ohargl^ him more for ConnoU o f Cburcbee for almost all his Connecticut Blasts Castro^s It smt up to the infamous tvail last " The list of those who would least Oa Aim anA photo flniaUBr. serious Incidents o f cars being tM route o f socialism and there have been for the purpose of in­ "Imperialism wants to set a PHARMACY. Free delivery. ____P CrB B U S^ R W B Y THS troubles. October, and a i this- action on our a poor ride, charges him less for a. like to have him run can be dis­ and white and color. Driver Spot Checks stopped by people posing as state will be no-force capable of making structing the satr. Conn. By A. H. O. cludes Senator Prescott Bush, a Link with Reds how this might turn out. It glvsn You can pray this prayer by dtey and. let us say. KowWsWs SALEM NASSIFF The cars assigned to all o f his S. The building in Cuba of a aln- ity." F\irtlier. the report said, “ In gime," he said. "This Is something THOMAS F. raROySON signed to help "normalise" the sit­ whole bevy' of Republican guber­ WALTER R. FEROCSON yourself, but you can’t pray It total aversion to lt,ithere Is the men were stripped of all identify­ gle "monolithic party based on the some countries the Intervention antlhlstorical, something absurd.” uation Inside Berlin. Under mlch a a real and Imaginative trial. But natorial candidates. Congressman- (ContiiMied from F ag* One) Publltberi _ Kvtn after spending .^eversl mood and desire of Whlcoff him­ ing insignia Monday as part of the ioviet model" and “ which hence­ and direct participation of Cuban Reviewing the early stage of his Founded October 1. 1881 one possibility, reipote, perhaps, alone. Always there will be some­ at-large Frank Kowalski, and PHOTOSHOP Spark Controversy 'normalization," apparently, the weeks In that convalescent condi­ self. But before w e get Into that, commissioner’s stepped up traffic forth will control all the bodies of diplomatic agents In their Internal uprising against President Fulgen- body else somewhere across God’s New Haven’s Mayor Richard Lee, 991 MAIN BTKEET tonomous body which functions PubUebed Every Evening Ebteept wail would remain as it is, the but still a possibility. Is that It tion of mind and body which ought we are content to let It go, as a safety program. Previously, only a the Cuban state.” I affairs has been revealed..'.’’ cio Batista. Castro said American indnn and Holldaya. Blntered at the might be discovered that the com­ world praying It too. You and this to be most conducive to clair­ just to skim the surface. (Contlaaed from Page One)i part of the cars -used in traffic through the Organisation of Am er­ With regard to human rights and Cuban business companies R U G a n d Foa ilijliiiiiili Salad Dressing SULTANA JAR * 1 1 # length of time It takes to cover A&P Tonrato Juice CAN » ' promised economic help, and its the main portion of the Journey In­ WHITE HOUSE X 14'/k OZ AQO 1 LB ^ a C sponsorship of a return of the pairs $ I volved may, In many Instances, be Evop. MJlk______T ftL IN 4-PACK O CANS O r s UlTANA CANS O I cotmtry to a state of reapectablllty Butter Beans 2 completely compensated for by the AkP'itP'. PURE VEGETABLE 1 ISII A AC 3 LI A Q C In the hemisphere circle of nations. dexo SHORTENING CANWA CAN * * time it takes. In air travel, to get SHORTENING CAI 4 LB If all these words, these diplo­ for from city to airport and from air­ AtP’i All PURPOSE PURE SULTANA JAR 1.49 matic and economic moves, dp not dexola V— ETABIEOIL PTST^'QTS37^ots6 7 '= Peanut Butter port to city. A decently and effi­ frighten General Ekhavarrla into With tomato ^ 52 0Z.$W ciently run railroad offers a serv- JANUARY SPECIAL! giving up the power hp haa appar­ Special Ive much more reliable. In all GUARANTEED-TO.FIT FREE ALTERATIONS Sauce CANS I ently seized, what do we do then? Sultana Beans kinds of weather, then air travel. FROM Send the warships back? Send NABISCO UB m a c And, when this service Is reliable, Sale them back, this time, with sharper Famous Burlington Mills’ fabrics: rayon and 11 oz PKG 35c PKG and really luxurious and comfort­ for e limited Time only — Oreo Cremes and clearer Instructions about the able, It can compete not only with acetate flannels, rayon and nylon sheen conditions under which they might air travel, but also with automo­ Bokor Coffee have to land men to "restore or­ SAM’S UPHOLSTERING gabardines . . . in most-wanted Ivy and SPECIALLY PRICED! bile travel. Cheese Slices 43= der" on the Island? a VIGOROUS & \AJINEY Such potentialities should be single pleat models. Hurry. . . at this low, low Once you have begun to us* SUNSHINE KEEBlfR i te.sted, thoroughly, and with some C u o t o t n force to manage the Internal af- price they’ll sell fast! Sizes 29-42 HYDE PARK iiozpkv ' BUnER THINS io^ oif«2 9 ' imagination, b e fo re anybody UPHOLSTERING 3 baU71 39 "• ^ d a lr s of a neighbor just a little bit, reaches any formal conclusion as You Seve 12t Reg. I.B3 EDUCATOR 7 REG. BARS FREE WITH 4 wjjere and when do you stop? to what the future of the New Ha­ LIMIT! 2 to a sustomor NUTCRACKERS . otf«2 5 ' WOODBURY SOAP ‘ •*•‘ 43' Once, not so long ago, we all titp ven Railroad con be or will have thought we knew there was only 1-Lb log S r NABISCO Ann Pago 10D% Pure Com Oil to he. And each such, experiment In MARGARINE i i . fks * one sane answer to such a ques to. PREMIUM SALTINES^ . 1. ^ 3 1^ 37 this direction, like the reduction In SAVE 4c REO- 63c tlon. The only sane and safe thing parlor seat fares which Is, In real­ miles between oil changes and minor FfJc«« l*o«a It llKI $4 tfire Set, Jae. 20 A effecUf* 8t* ALL AAP SuH''UeFkvit le tftit ceeuvuiritr A to do was not to begin the inter In a new Ford Galaxie or Frfirlane, You aave time, save money. ity, a move to make parlor seat ference In the fii^st place, no m at­ Men's quality tailored the odometer roU* off a long 6,000 lubrications, 2 years or 30,000 mile* comfort the routine Instead of the Foam Rubkar Ovsbiafl with aoeh Like another famous Ford first— ter how pure and benign Its Initial without changing engine coolant- OOOO lUCX- Plumrese luxury, Is very welcome. miles between every service stop. S « O lfAT ATtAKinC a PAOFKTTfA COMPANY. NC. objectives might be proved to be Chair or Sofa UpholilaraC! the 12-month or 12,000-mile war­ Compare this with other ’62 cars and antifreeze. Brakes adjust themselves. Margarlne ■We may have forgotten that The great railroads of the West, SPORTCOATS ranty*—twiee-a-year maintenance is Canned Ham temporarily, but It still holds. I f which traverse the great open here’s what you’ll find: many car* dramatic evidence o f the auperior Why buy a service headache when Ic OPE REG. PRICE ,& p'5uper fi^arkets our good neighbors do not learn spaces, and which have to deal STERILE PACK Sam Will Re-upholster and ■dll have to check in for service every tMI.Kt t OIrINDtill loog MKH.NI iINd III* with the vast distances for which quality built into Ford cars. Just one Ford is ready with the cure? See your QUARTERS n||C about democracy from our exam­ in luxury fabrics 1,000 miles; some every 2,000 miles; 2 tS 2 1 9 ple— If our example has somehow more modern modes of transpor­ atop every 6,000 miles takes care o f Ford Dealer—and see how close Ford I IB PKG AO CAN « • I • Re-style a Sofa and every failed to prove magnetic to them tation would seem * -••e Ideal, have others 4,000 miles. Only the servicing. You’ll go 30,000 miles Jias com e to the fill-it- —our battleships arc never going met their modern competition and c a rs from Ford need service only .salvaged themselves a passenger 2 Chairs For . Oast o( Fabrto between major lubrications, 6,000 and-forget-it car! f I^atunt' to teach It to them. 1 0 8 8 twice a year, or every 6,000 miles. Green Giant Peas Golden Niblets imperial Margarine Silverdust Blue And the people of the Dominican business by operating on a basis of yaks * Republic must, In the last analysis, comfort and luxury and conven­ •Tmi HftTT CswM sr wmsnu to its la tara. a u m t la ikeir caMoaitn m fo llo w .; WHOLE KIRN il CORN 4-V. LB PRINTS ^ f*T u Bslalrw tm 11.000 ados, whiokswr c o m . in i. fn. npisoM t. iaola4.a| n l^ UW . find their own political future. We ience. The problem with which br duukr*. of oay port with • d^oet in workmoa«hip or noteruU. Tlrbo ort not oontm by tho 118 1 OZ ^ a « c URGE QPC CUSTOM MADE 7 'Joz ACC they deal, successfully, Is that of M A n r. v*rr n m alT , HatastisM sSjastnoeM will oaMian* is ko audo fcj Ih* «n OMpaaioo. Owaon will m s i b 2 CANS e o PKG can’t police them Into it. Pure wools and rich blendt of wool and rM oaM rlt^jr niri— ' iMintoaonee iorrico sad roatins replaeciaont of suiiileBoaeo iteno ooefc to allon, 0 CANS ■ V J 2pVo*s8r the long haul, for relatively few SO FA A N D X C H AIR S ^ Orion* acrylic. Your choice of muted O faik r>a(0, sad isoitioB poiau. pa.sscngers. “ Normalizinft” • plaids, checks and solid effectsl Classic The problem of the Eastern SLIPCOVERS Plus Coat of Fabric The diplomatic report.s siphoned railroad is the reverse that of the — j silhouettes and natural shoulder modelf. Gr(*ii Gioirt Grnn Giant out of Moscow, by way of Wash­ "Fl»ffy"AII All Condensed very short haul, for a maximum In Business Sinee 1030— 41 W ork Guaranteed! Ns> sirsry sits Is svsry H yh wid tsisr. ington, London and Bonn, Indicate number o f passengers. So far, the W h h R Mexicorn that the supposedly preliminary basic technique for accomplishing GUARANTEED-TO-FIT FREE ALHRATIONS Galsxis & by FORD WHOU KHNH COIN LARGE OAC LARGE OAC- PKO w O conversations between Ambassa­ the short haul with large numbers SHOP AT HOME! Y o u Con Budget! BEE EOW CARE-FREE DRIVING CAN BEl 2 i3ozecc PKG WV dor Hiompson, for us, and F or­ bf passengers has been to treat,the Samples brought to your PIm m (WITH NO INTEBE8T CHAROE8) eign Minister .Gromyko, for the passengers as ssu-dlnes, give them home without obUgaUon. —„ s ray uB ttlsaaflA ha week . . Russians, have not been very pre­ a ride which la a compressed tor­ Estlmatoo cheerfully given. C ffi A^Zs/V KITCHEN CHARM liminary in atmosphere or accom­ ture,' and, the more unpleasant and With Hondy Andy Spry Shortening plishment So far, at least, they do hideous the ride becomes, charg­ ' Wax Paper "»FT«oLi2r not seem to have been leading any- FOR A U HOU IHOLO ClIANINO ing higher and ever higher fares Llqvid Detergent 3 MAICAl wbere, or toward any formula for for it. DILLON SALES and SERVICE JWWTI UOZ CAN’ •33= ••88= Toilet TInuf tO' nurs formal negotiations on the Our cheers ars for the fact that SAM’S UPHOLSTERING 819 MAIN STBEET-JlANCm TER. CONN. 8^41' 07.73*^ 54^ quasUon o f Berlin. the trustees of the New Haven PHONG CH 2-2370 TIm ss indications from the dlp- seem willing at least to try some­ HAftTFOaO. CONN. ROUTE 5 -SOUTH WINDSOR, CONN. IsiaRtjo graiisvlne sj* now being thing which heads in exactly the PLENTY OF FREE PARKING / •'-K "?'T'

PAafc EIGHT MANCHESTEtt EVENING HERALD, MAKCHESTE^, CX)NN„ THUKSDAYrJANUARY 18, 1962 " :;>rA!? " r ~ ------MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ THURSDAY; JANUARY 18, 1962 P A G E N IK S • ■ - • ' ■" ______,i 12th Circuit New Alarm Tteated RockviUe-Vernon Iiiqiilry Made to TDC , racy.** He promioed plana would tioa and the fall ef the state eoun- aid and normal 'trad* and ptudisd School Board Criticizes Rockville-Vemon New Junta Clampi be drasm up for elections but men­ cll. other possible' retaliatory meas­ Court Cases Tests were being mads today tioned no dates. The.previous stats Tha opposition, . however, nad ures. Insurance Unit to Considi Finance Firm Joins Mutual, o f the new firs Alarm on top of Strict' Controls o U council had sat Fsbruary I98S as scoffed at the general's declai;*- Chief among them was dental Town College Group the Spruce B t firehotiss. About S. Main St. Land iMref Loverin Reports Lag the data for a freely elected go-v- tlons of alleged Communist plots, of diplomatic recognition for the Town Building Fire MANCHESTER SESSION Dominican Nation eminent t(> take over the country. and accused him of trying to' Junta. Th* United rtatee had Two Officers Get Top Posts Paul H. Clark, 84, of 80 Hem­ The junta announced it would scare the country so he. could set restored full (Mplomatlc ralatiims up a mlUtaty 111*1'* the terse analysis of the lation of $45 million worth of U.S. Another item which the com- become a part of Mutual. The substitute charge stemmed sponsible for maintaining a com­ owned land re()uested from Ed­ of other town-owned land on the situation from Ui* posltioh of Vtr- served with all meals. with any mstsrisi they could find cables and banned etrikai 6r-any There Vras no word of Balaqucr. ef insurance appraisers. mlttee will consider is whether to ration of the questionnaire and In New Guinea ward Rybezyk, town planning en­ sugar purchases 'n the first six Lowell' F. Handshaw, president from a Dec. 7 motor vehicle acci­ munity college,' it should be noti­ east side on which to relocate those Northeast School: M. The Intereferenee with normal work op­ The Junta said four antl-TruJlUo The appraisal team, has b*ei{ Increase the bond on th* tax eel- |that completion of the - question- gineer, by HarUn D. Taylor, pon "Tax Collector Mrs. Flortnec American chop auey, toaaed salad, months of this year, should the and founder of Rockville Finance, dent on Main St., at Locust St., in fied from time to time of the com- holes. strsets were littered with refuse, erations. 'hiembers of th* state council—in­ working on the project for about lector and ihe treasurer. which Clark had' been arrested for ^ I r e be reported to the board. (Contlnaed from Page One)- chairman of the development com­ Rybezyk Indicated the water X) Loverln who i* hoping to col­ green beans; Tuesday — Vienna ‘‘Officials or employes of pub­ cluding. th* Roman Catholic vicar fears of military dictatoratiip be has become preside tt of Mutual. ■mlttee's actions regarding a com­ lect $400,000 by Feb. 1. Bhattered glaae and' naile. The bom* out. two months, to find out 'whether Tlie state tax eenuntseiener has making an Improper turn. Members approved the motion mission. problem was not too difficult an sausages, mashed potatoes, wax scene was strongly reminiscent of lic agencies who tiy to sabotage gensral-^^iad resigned, but relia­ Loon W. Terry of 182 Green Rd., munity college proposal, said Atty. Mrs. Loverln said today she can the town Is carrying adequate fir* set up * schedule recommended for Judge Dannehy’s findings in the unanimously. sentative here "to put himself at Taylor reported he had been ap­ beans, asparagus; Wednesday — the prelude to the blIeslsw, but­ palm-lined eeawall drive. Many plottsd the aasaasinatlon last May was kept In tact. He was repre­ He said the first step in con­ commission, felt talks shouM be tered beets. Deissert, milk and said they were expecting U.8 Anothsr decree barred entry in­ of Dictator Generalissimo RafscI the lifting of tolls on two ether der the present echedule, baaed on surance committee learned that will move from Manchester to the asked w h y the committee was a aggravating action In the area might be feasible to esUhllsh a been msllsd. They were included Bridc^port area. Befd^ coming .to sented by Atty. Ronald Jacobs. sidering a community college pro­ copducted by various town bodies Navy shipa^to appear offshore, as to the country of anyone recog­ L,. Trujillo. Balaguer, a holdover bridges In '^ e region. a building by building rat*. th* regulations are now uniform “board of directors' committee in­ and would continue to do so, "even research development zone In the^ In the tax bills msllsd in July. sandwiches served with sU meals. They want to know how much the Rockville Flnaifce Corp In The case of Robert Marvel of posal is to determine the need for to clear feelings on the use of the Lake Street School: Monday they did last Nov. 19 whan Rod- nized as a Communist, or who has from the Trujillo regime, was the The State Highway Department for certificates of insursn'es for stead of a board of education com­ it within a commtmity. He said the In face of continued threats of “It’s stIlLthe July tax bill," Mrs. 1957, Terry was an executive of Willimantic, charged with over­ violence by Indonesian leaders And tract and to determine ppllcles. area. ravioli, cheese wedges, coleslaw, riguaz Bchavsrrla led the Air been condemned as such by any seventh member of the council. reported today that cash and it would cost under a blanket outside groups using town build­ mittee." and Christie F. McCor­ responsibility of a hoard of educa­ \Vhlle there may not be any re­ Loverin said, "just the second half tribunal. Transport companies that ticket book revenue on the (Starter schedule. ings. the Equitable Credit Corp. and, time parking, was nolled by the mick, board chairman and a mem­ of military preparations aimed After the talks It might be pos­ apple sauce; Tuesday — Vienna Force uprising that chased the last Tha U.S. State Depaitment said earlier, the Household Finance tion Is to provide an excellent ele­ sible to make detailed:' plans for strictions which could arise In re­ half of it." of tha Trujillos out of the coun­ bring in such passengers are sub­ th* hemisphere viewed the govern­ Oak, Putnam and Bissell Bridges And they want to know how Acting General Manager Arthur court for reasons of an incorrect ber of the three-man committee, against New Guinea which have spect to zoning this property, there Interest will be charged oq bills sausage, mashed potatoes, suc­ Corp. mentary and secondary school pro­ been publicly announced." methods of development, he added. try. ject to fines up to $6,000. ment change as a step backward totaled $3,684,(XX) last year a* Com­ much It would cost to Implement J. LeClair* approved tn* regula­ license number on the ticket. replied that the committee was gram and a board "can't do any­ may be deed restrictions Involved not paid by Feb. 1. cotash, ginger bread and topping: A member of the Manchester A $60 bond forfeiture was called The request for observers, De The land In question Includes Wednesday—chicken chow mein. In a brief radio address, Bogaert R odrigues Echsvarria Had In the slow p rocess th* Domini' pared to $3,638,(XX) during 1960. a new program known as Public tions Jsn. S, which are th* sams as Leon Terry appointed solely as a "fact-finding" thing that might jeopardize" such In the sale, Rybezyk Indicated. Collection months are normally bismed Oommunlsts for th* violent Tolls were lifted on the Foimd- ahd -Institutional iproperty cover­ Country Club, he is its Immediate In the case of the Adley E x p ri’s group. Quay said, was In conformity with that portion on which six holes of. Chinese noodles, buttered carrots, appealed to Domlnieans for order can Republic had been making to­ regulation* adopted in 1955 for past president having recently a program. the golf course are located, plus Other factor* to be pondered, hectic at the collector's office. A "so that a preltmindry basis can street fighting that forced Presl' ward democracy. U. S. official* ers and Bulkeley Bridges In Hart' age, 9vhich would obligate th* outside groups which us* th* fa- Co. of New Haven, charged with Any definite action would have the U.N. charter, and was a re­ line of people usually extends from home made biscuits, peaches; completed his second term. He was Atty. Garrity said the commit­ additional Interior land owned by Rybezyk said. Include watershed be eetabliahed for effective demmmlttee studying^ told committee m*n any plans lion to be collected this year $525,- ested in a community college plan. now or after the survey. ards near town schools, said his to dump In Tolland would St. Anthony's Convalescent Home; for one homebound high school boy more.” He said the boy will bene­ McCormick said hie duty on the trash disposal hi Vernon la having (X)0 remained at the beginning of SAVE YOU MONEY" was approved on an experimental fit from the "classroom situation'' He,said the committee was gath­ group it waiting for information on meet nearly unanimous opposition. Thomas Burns, Rockville; Hattie Mrs. Mary Dutchess ering data from the school system community college committee was poeslble hazards from Police Chief its problems. Advance notice of He indicated Injunction* would fly the month. That amount has been Brown, 95 Prospect St. basis by the board of education While he is at home. reduced by $125,000. last night. Machinery for the telephone set­ Rockville—Mrs. Mary Dutchess, for the questionnaire. as a citizen appointed by the town James Reardon, Atty. Garrity said committee proposals and site stud­ thick and fast If such permission and not as a representative of the he expects to report the information Tax liens for unpaid April tax The cost of the, ‘ ‘telephone serv­ up includes a reception box with 81, of 61 Ellington Ave., died at Atty, Garrity objected to the dis­ ies have prompted opposition by were granted (which he doubted) Vernon news Is handled through Rockville City Hospital yesterday. tribution of the data because the board of educatlcn. "I would with­ to the board at Its next meeUng. bills will be filed March 31. Liens The Herald’s Rockville Biiraau, 8 ice plan,” which Supt. of Schools buttons at the boy's home and residents before the studies begin. by that town's zoning board of William H. Curtis says proved very wiring of four MHS classrooms. She was the widow of Paul board had not been Informed. "I draw," he said, If asked to serve Edward Glenney, chairman of appeals. for unpaid July bills will be filed W. Main St., telephone TRamont effective in New Haven, is an ini­ Peimaps the plan might be ex­ Dutchess. don't think any information should as a board representative. the board's finance committee, pre­ Frank U DeTolla, acting chair­ DeTolla said he had hoped to June 30. 6-8186 or MItoheU 9-8797. tial Installation charge of $30 and a tended to other homebound pupila Mrs. Dutchess bom in Lith­ be given out except through us," he Other members > bf the com­ sented a 1961-62 audit report from man, reports. For example, he talk with residents on Mile Hill Museum Director to Speak munity college committee, appoint­ a town accountant, but the botu-d Mrs. Jane B. Cheney, director of fee of $21 per month. next year, Supt. Curtis said. Man­ uania May 17 1880, said. said, a newspaper article concern­ and with Tolland officials about a She is survived by a son, Paul Mrs. Katherine Bourn, a board ed about a year ago, are Gilbert withheld action on the report until possible joint Incinerator project. the Children's Museum of Hart­ ‘Through the plan, the home- chester's homebound average it could study the report and unUI ing the offer of land on Mile Hill bound boy will be able to listen about 15 each year, his secretary Dutchess of Florida and three member, moved that Supt. Curtis Barnes, chairman, and Dr. Merrill He said the Mile Hill land appears ford, third largest In the country, WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE GOOD ONLY with COUfON—CUP OWd SAVE board members ' could receive for a disposal site by Fred 'W. to and take part in activities in said. daughters, Mrs. Anthony Knupstis be empowered to supervise prepa­ Rubinow. unsuitable for alnd fill operations, will be guest speaker Wednesday Local Stocks and Mrs, Frank Dailey of Rock­ copies of the audit. Burgery of Old Saybrook prompt­ at the annual father-son, father- fotu' classrooms at Manchester The superintendent said he antic­ ed immediate telephone calls of and incineration would be the only DISCOUNT lAVIWO COUPON High School. He will study World ipates state aid to help pay for ville. and Mrs. Clifford Hills of Frank Sheldon, chairman of the answer. daughter banquet of Union Con­ Dlicoum UVINO COU90N DlfCOWir UVMO eouFOA MteOUNT SAVNtO COUPON Manchester; six grandchildren and personnel relations committee, said protest to Tolland First Selectman gregational Churcdi. (Quotations Furnished by Understandings. Algebra I, Eng­ two-thirds of the instructional Frank P. Merrill, who told the Members last night sdso voted 14 areat-gTandchlldren. St. Mary^s Church to Consider his committee has met with the Mrs. Cheney, who holds degrees Cobum Mlddlcbrook, Ine. REG. 1.78 REG. 1.50 FEVER REG. 49c lish I and Latin I. plan, because it falls into the cate­ committee last night he received against consideration of a 15-acrs Supt. Curtis said about the gory of home instruction for which lA e funeral wilu be held at 8:15 custodians' union, but hag not site along Rt. 15 owned by L. P. from Connecticut College for Bank Stocks REG. S9e NA'nONALLY ADVER'HBED a.m, tomorrow at the Burke Fu­ formed any recommendations yet “about 100 calls." Women and Trinity College, Is a plan, "I don't think we're saving the town is reimbursed. The 60-acre property offered by Fitzgerald Inc. It is too close to Bid Asked THERMOMETER I neral Home 76 Prospect St., with Adding Three Vestrymen concerning the custodians' 1962-63 several residences, the committee contributor to the American As­ Conn. Bank and Trust SANITARY NAFKINS salary requests. The committee has Burgey lies partly In Vernon, RUBBING a requiem Mass at 9 at St. felt. sociation of Museums magazine Oo...... 60 64 EPSOM Bernard'! Church. Burial will b© In also met with the Manchester Edu­ partly In Tolland. In addition, members were told and w-a regular columnist for the Hartford National Officers will he elected and.i A bylaw revision committee, ap­ The citizens committee formed Kennedy Asks $92.5 Billion St. Bernard's Cemetery. cation Association on its salary re­ East Hartford has flatly refused Hartford Times. Bank and Trust Ck). 69 4 63 4 Friends may call at the funeral proposed bylaws will be present­ pointed after the 1061 parish quests. he'said, adding that he ex­ two weeks ogaf held Its first meet­ ALCOHOL • m 4 8 's t ed at the annual parish meeting meeting, la comprised of Allan U a request to use its incinerator. The bimquet, to begin at 6:30 Fire Inenrane* Oompanles horn© today from 7 to 9 p.m. pects to make recommendations on ing and prp^sed to reopen nego­ DeTolla said the committee will p.m.. Is sponsored by the Men's Aetna Fire ...... 143 165 (isopRora.) of St. Mary's Episcopal Church Thomas, chairman, W. David the Issue at the next meeting. tiations yith a Tolland landowner SALTS Union and w ill be served by Circle For Peak Peacetime Outlay Monday at 8 p.m. at the church. Keith, Albert T. Dewey, Gordon continue its study and, on Jan. 31. Hftd. Fire ...... 72 76 Mrs. I.4inB R. B. Haling for a/Hng a Vary soft (SAVE kins-West Funeral Home, 142 E. land in the town's southeast sec­ RUSK TESTIFIES The Past Chiefs Club, Daughters Conn. General ...... 258 378 the antibipated big Increase in tax In this connection, he mentioned o'clock in Neill Hall. ------o Very abeorbeat Center St., Manchester. Mrs. Hal­ from growth of the parish, a wish tion for a possible dump site. Washington, Jan. 18 (Afi — of Pocahontas, will meet tonight at e Invigorating 26c) collections. Kennedy's envisioned "improvements in education and to broaden representation and % Hftd. Steam Boiler ISO 140 scientific research," retrainlng-of ing, widow of Arthur L. Haling, The new bylaws propose that Board of education cl>alrman T.fie,Tolland proposal made two Secretary of State Dean Rusk 7:30 a t. the home of Mae Scher- Ins. City Life ...... 80 34 FULL PINT (SAVE 80c) surplus would evaporate — bar- "officers of the parish shall, be a need to clarify meanings and Christie F. McCormick hks been weeks ago and Burgey'a letter, wltzky on, Prospect Bt. (SAVE 8Sc) ' ri .g major economy moves in oth­ the unemployed, a program to give died yesterday at Manchester Me­ told Senators today that if Ka­ Travelers . . . . '...... 163 161 23 technicalities. v appointed a legislative delegate to young people greater job op­ morial Hospital after a long ill­ rector, a vestry composed of two received Monday by the Rockville tanga’s Moise Tshombe keeps his Mis. Lejslai Xs. Speak Public Utflltle* , 'Q ('ame i in,s age but the parents jnuit ad- the job on the ba.sis envisioned by CLOCK lo. .Michael Foglio and William the directors. best meet the needs of industry FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT CLEANSER and IJ Nicolelta. now located In Manchester, Some CASTERS iT e r a'lni.snU rbe^late.rm• ■''children ii^ ai-e growing into young In its list of requirements for drop from 2.825.000 next June sn I the help. the comml.sslon also 50 firms have indicated interest in 1N% WOOUNS 4 adults, " Bradlau advised. participating. lo 2,684.000 a yoai later. take.s the position that what Is T*$S.9S Tasd. 2 Q % **** C 1 Planned .‘;pa( e .'.pending of $2 4 The first days of the pre-adoles­ needed is a "full-time, five-day On another matter, the commiS' We are also pleased to announ<» that long-term savings cent student at junior high school Accident Brings Sion vote E I T $5.1 billion I, and education a c -’ Bnidlau told parents and pupils. In reporting^that Mrs. Jones pulled vised.” SpNial LsL M6 YarB$ DRAPERY FABRIGS Uvitlea (up $400 million to $1.6 bil­ The principal concluded by play­ from Campfield Rd., into Cooper The commission's “new man” 3/4 % DIKOUNT lAVINO COUPON DIKOUNT SAVINO COUPON A 1B63-43 school calendar which DRceuwT tavoi* deupoN* MICOUNT lAVm O COUPON lion). Outlays for natural re­ ing a tape recording of impreasions Hill St. after atopping at the' traf­ would be expected to check on source program.s would be boo.st- calls for 184 school day* eras of Bennet JurUor High by some of fic aign. Mrs. Jones, police said, available land, contact builders, REG. 7A0 REG. tOc Ea.r . REG. 18.86 ed by $200 million to a record $2 3 the scfiool's students, after wfiilch thought she had time to clear the unanimously approved by the bUUoB. lead and guide Industry, and an­ board of education last night. ALL. HAVANA NA'nONALLY he answered questions. Intersection. Her car hit the - left ticipate groT.-th. Also, he would DRAPES 0U8T0N MADE ADVERTISED Sleonomles were foreca.st in such School begins on Thursday, aGAR SUN LAMP Mrs. Lloyd Gustafson onnoimced fronl fender of the Sargent car. be expected to become familiar Used or Mllasd pks* fisbries. J) J ^ field* as agriculture (if the new that there will be an open meeting Her case will be heard in Circuit Sept. 6, and closes on June.19 with P E R Y E A R ■ATIiMES with the plans of the state, di*-. a tour-hour session, if extra days farm bill, not yet detailed, is en­ of (Jub Scout Pack 112 next Tues- Court 13, Manchester, on Feb. 5. trict and town, it was said. - * “ 2 . 7 9 (VIASHLIGHT) \ (ULTRA acted), commerce and transporta­ are not used for storms. «

•> y \ ■ ( I f ' ■tr- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 PAGE ELEVEN PAGl TEN li/^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 wife-awake and full of enthusiasm -H al Boyle- for the challenges of the new day. Card Party Slated Boy Scouts Set Instead I find him snoring hap­ School Menus pily in'the exact position In which By Rosary Group 18,500 Fund Goal firs t Wife Views Extra I left him 80 winks before. Public school menus for the ^Indensed, I remove my kid St. Bridget’s Rosary Society will week of Jan. 22-26 will be s i fol­ The 1962. independent finance gloves and attack the problem — sponsor Its first public card party lows; campaign for Mancheafer Boy N a tio n a l and my husband — with vigor and Monday, for all schools except J o b with Alarm a firm hand. After finally captur­ of this season Wednesday, Jan. 24, high school: Vegetable beef soup, Scouts will get under way early Stores ing his attention I direct his re­ a t‘8 p.m. at the K of C Home. chicken salad on roll, buttered in Febmary. Arthur E. Smith Jr., luctant gaze to the bedroom clock, Military whist, setback and bridge com, milk, blueberry cobbler. 103 Milford Rd., will be general By jo v s n u x Y mur softly In his year. "Honey, will be played. It’s time to get up." which shows that he should have Monday, for high school only: finance chairman and announces (For Hal Boyle) been out of the house 20 minutes Mrs. J. Edward McKeever, gen­ Pepper steak on roll, potato chips, a goal bf $8,500. „ If this brings any response at all eral chairman, will be assisted by buttered com, milk. New York (/P) — Women j*-whlch It seldom -does—It comes before. Special gif ts, which include busi­ The realization that he lives In Mrs. Primo Amadeo, Mrs. An­ Tuesday: Baked meat loaf, ness and Industry, will be the first Yes - the^ evidence is clear always credit for being In the form of a cross between a thony Evans, Mrs, Joseph Lynch, mashed potato, buttered spinach, snarl and a growl. an unfeeling world where alarm phase of the drive and will be S w d n S O n loinof^ork^ inner pkg 5 9 c chauffeurs, nurses, cooks, house­ docks and time clocks combine to Mrs. Walno Hokkanen, Mrs. Jo­ bread and butter, milk. Ice-cream. week by week, month by Bravely Ignoring the rebuff, I seph Harrington, Mrs. Joseph headed by William Moorhouse. keepers and laundresses. make life miserable finally Jolts Wednesday: Italian Spaghetti- Scout officials stressed that Well, I can add another Job to try a different approach, "Are you Schauster and Mrs. James Peak. with meat sauce, tossed salad, month, more and more smart awake, honey?’ Thlg usually elicits him out of bed and Into his clothes. Also. Mrs. Wentwdrth Johnson, they would still align with t)ie that list. I serve as an alamiclock Meanwhile — back In the living French roll and butter, milk, United Fund of Mancheatet- as soon shoppers are turning to First too. a rather strong reply, the last "Word room — I station myself, glass of Mrs, Charles Klotzer, Mrs. Ernest peaches. ■^Spry wkiT^'jcAN 3 3 c of W hich is "no!” Fitzgerald. Mrs. Frank Young, Thursday; BeeJ stew, potatoes, as Jt is operative, but since the Not Just the ordinary kind of milk and vitamin pill in . out­ scc^- financial needs are Immedi­ National. Here's why: con­ clock that buzzes, rings, tinkles or Sleepy as I am myself, long years stretched hands, between the bed­ Mrs. James Comins, Mrs. Stanley carrots, whdle wheat bread and of practice bring on the next stage Lucas, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. butter. milk, orange-pineapple ate, it. Is necessary to start an In­ sistent fine quality, lowest flashes a light, either. room and the front door. He grabs dependent fund raising drive. 1 pat, poke, prod, shake, whistle, automatically. I dig down under the milk and pill from me on his Rose Schwoerer, Miss Madeline pudding. > the blanket, with which he has Smith, Mrs. Frank Mlckewlcz, Friday: Creamed tuna on bis­ Lnst year’s campaign netted the Snappy Dog Food 3’cai?s^28c possible prices, valuable S&H groan, grumble, threaten, com­ way out, gulps them down and Boy Scouts about $7,000, the chair­ ■ 3 ? mand and bring orange Juice. covered his head as a defense mutters grumpily, "I’m going to Mrs. James Sarles, Mrs. William cuit, buttered peas, bread and but­ Green Stamps. So join the against lights, sounds and an un­ be awfully late. Why didn’t you LaMotte and Mrs. William Gelinas. ter, milk, cranberry crisp. man reported, adding that 982 No store-bought alarm clock sympathetic wife, and get hold of Refreshments will be served and Manchester boys are active In thrifty throng — follow the ever worked as long or hard to wake me sooner?" prizes awarded. Tickets may be scouting. enough shoulder to shake. Don’t tell him he’d be later still De ls e y bathroom tissue 2 rous27c crowd to First Netiotrall get a man up as I do, and don’t This maneuver causes one eye purchased at the door. Zipser Club Seats Manchester Is In the Blackledge get paid overtime' for It. In fact, if I didn’t keep the bedroom clock Members who have received District of tha. C!harter Oak Coun­ to open wide enough to look accus­ set 15 minutes fast! no electrically powered clock has ingly at his attacker—but only tickets through the mall and wish Offices Sunday cil, Boy Scouts of America. ever yet managed to get my hus­ momentarily. to make early returns may send • them; to -Mrs. McKeever, 69 N. G re e n G ia n t wS^o^tfs^Sts 'IS 49c EXTRA 4 ^ GREEN STAMPSI band out of bed In the morning. By this time I have managed to Abbey Rebuilt 5 Times The Zipser club will hold Its an­ Jubilee Diamond Shown He wakes up Just long enough to get myself sufficiently conscious School St. nual meeting Sunday at 2:30 p.m. NO COUPON NIEDID-BUY ALL YOU WANT turn the things off smd that’s the stumble to the kitchen for a glass Cassino, Italy — Monte Casslno, with Installation of officers. Washington—’The flawless Jubilee extent of his dealings with the of orange Juice. This I am often the famous Ben-Mhotlne abbey on Patent Copy 2,'> Cents The following members will be diamond, the world’s third largest timepiece. tempted to pour upon my husband, a 1,702-foot hill overtooking .Cas­ Installed: John Klein Jr., presi­ and the largest ever to enter the M e x ic o rn 2 SSI 45c EXTRA STAMPS 4^rclN From then on It’s my Job to but instead I put in on his night slno In central Italy, was foiinded Washington—All American pat­ dent; Fred Hesse, vice president; United States, will be on display Johnson's Kloar Floor Wax yet my sleepy head off to his Job table, Inform him • that time, tide about 529 by St. Benedict. It was ents and some 7,000,000 foreign John Habercm, secretary-treasur­ at the Smithsonian Institution until and I’m quite convinced he doesn’t and the bug wait for no man. and destroyed by Lombards In 581, ones may be examined at the er. July. It is owned by Paul-Louls work half as hard at the office as stalk out. Arabs In 883, earthquake Ih 1349. United States Patent Office In ’The ladies auxiliary will serve Welller of Parig and weighs 246.85 Sweet Peas giant 2 IaSI 43c EXTRA STAMPS z^^IaV I do getting him there. Five minutes later I make a re­ French In 1799, and Allied bom­ Washington free of charge. And a hot meal at the close of busi­ carats. Only the Cullinah diamonds Every morning I start off hope­ turn trip to the bedroom, expecting bardment In 1944. It has been re­ a copy of any U.S. patent can be ness to which all members are In­ of the British crown Jewels sure Finaat Strawborry frosorvo fully with a gentle pat and mur­ to find the family provi^ r dressed built each time. purchased for a quarter. vited. larger. Better Meat is Just One of Many Reasons... K a is e r household foil 20FT roll c 45 EXTRA STAMPS X. Finatt foanut Buttor M & M plain' ^ r « 1 nut bag 29c TOP or BOTTOM ROUND EXTRA STAMPS Sanalac Dry Milk Kitty Snicker cat food 2 canI 25c FIRST EXTRA STAMPS 47Tpk^ Finast Dry Dotorgont Reynold's Foil roll 33c WITH A EXTRA STAMPS S'LI PKO UbiMC WIM BIN b o d FOOD R & R *To??D^Tcr 4-ozcan69c EXTRA STAMPS uT pk^o I Burry Sceotor fio Cookies R & R CHICKEN FRICASSEE 14-OZ CAN 49c SWIFT'S PREMIUM 'WHAT A WONDERFUL TREAT!'* EXTRA STAMPS mT pk^ TENDER Burry Chekla fio Cookies TASTY TOP S A L A D A TEA Try one of these famous for quality, DELICIOUS EXTRA STAMPS whon. , 4-OZ FKG 4 3 c l-OZ PKG 8 3 c tender, flavorful First National LB Date A Nut Leaf ROUND ROAST PKdOf 4$ 6 5 c of 100 1 .1 9 Round Roasts — Always a favorite EXTRA STAMPS WITH ON. V. -.V Appio Raisin Coffee Coke with the whole family. NOW ON SALE EXTRA STAMPS^rSt. BOTTOM FEBRUARY ISSUE Orange Doughnuts fe a tu rin g MEAT LOAF MEALS EXTRA STAMPS MENUS AND RECIPES Feice Ruinp Roasts "SS' Whole Wheat l i White Broad WITH A ROUND ROAST EXTRA STAMPS UB BKG Honor Mold Sliced Bacon S w ift's meats lOR BABIES 2 MrT 49c Freshly Ground LB Ground R o u n d -79 EXTRA STAMPS SMALL, LEAN, FRESH SHOULDIR - WELL TRIMMED I RROWN N' SIRVI Finast Bologna Ldrg«siic.d Vanity Fair T sISe° " 4R?fSs49c EXTRA STAMPS zT ekI. HIGHCST QUALITY AT LOWeST PRICES! SPARERIBS 'lb 69*^1 Sausage a’baVnIS * 0^ 49' Smoked Butts Armour Star Skinless Frankfurts High quality beef is different— bo different you can Vanity Fair facial tissue of°5o 27c LB Good Through SaiurJay, January 20, 1962 actually see i t . . . Taste- it and because First Food Top BACK BAY Fresh Haddock Fillet JS Y Grcffwi Sianny»9m To o l Quality Beef is the best you’ll,never settle for less! T id e DETERGENT LGE PKG You aee the difference in the marbling . . . the fine 35c tracing of fat interlacing the rich, red color which SLICED BACON 5 9 lb always denotes the finest quality! You taste the dif­ Hormel Spam 12 oz can 49c ference in the flavor because First Food Top Quality Pfottue0 B u ys! PILLSBURY BEST Beef has been fed and fattened on a diet of golden grain. B O S C O 240Z jar 5 9 c 12 oz jar 3 7 c FLOUR 5 “" » 9 55c

KLEENEX SWEET LIFE S co tkin s luncheon napkins 2 OF 50 33c ORANGE LGE. Y BOXES GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 '^ 49c TEAAPLE TISSUES 2 S co tkin s dinner napkins pkg of 50 25c FLORIDA LBS Sig on Big Bijtoof NABISCO SWEET LIFE OREO CREME COOKIES 45c Nytong© Sponges medium sizt pkg of 2 25c A Real Taite Treat ORANGE JUICE 39c Lestoil pine SCENT QiBTL 65c 39c Sunshine Hi-Ho Crackers ...... 16 oz. pkg. 37c Grapefruit f ” Solid Sialb ^ 49c PRICES EFFECIIVE IN FIRS1 NAtlONAl SUPER MARKETS ONLY WNITl - LARGE SIZE - Iraakfail Favo^e CIGAREnES, BEER a TOBACCO PRClOUaS EXEA4PT FROM STAMP OFFER Crapefruit 4 2 9 Celery «talk19 * Beiiview mper napkins 2 of°» 39' fc* Spcota.1 M oney-Saving Q / y S e r PLUS GREEN STAMPS Frozen Food Spedais on Stg Sizes! •I m IoU m c o o k ie s ’ioz MCt llllD IS C w Olio CBIMi CELLO HAWTHORN STAINLESS STEEL AMPLE PARKING AT FRONT, SIDE OR REAR OF BUILDING COOKWARE FAMOUS BRAND OPEN WED. till 8 P.M. - THURS. till 8:30 P.M. - FRI. till 9 P.M. A4acfe by The West Bond Company GET THE COMHEfE SET OF 8 PIECES . . . DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS AT 810 SAVINGSI French Fries «"«« «''» pou°1g29* EVERY WEDNESDAY NOW ON SALE i QT. COVERED SAUCE PAN Greeii Beans °a« 39' FIRST NATIONAL SUPER MARKETS: Iriatel - laat Hartford - InflaM - Hwtferd - Manchester - New Rritein - Newineten - Pleinville FIRST FOOD \w g O IV B 7 Mixed Vegetabies 39' RecfcvIHe « Statahury - Southintten - Unienville - Weat Mertferd - Wetherafietd - Willimentic Wllaen - Windaer - Windaer Lecka STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. 5% QT. DUTCH OVEN OIUEBN I CENTER STREET PLENTY O f FREE PARKING onfy LpTAMSmJ Strawberries -L ------K . FKICIS PFECTIVI IN FRSTJNATIQMAL SUPlB ONLX. . KWASimS, StB STglACCQ PROCUCH.MMFT ttm t aAMLI V>. . ] ' ■ ■■■ f ■: /• / , ^ ■: V X \ PAGE TWTKLVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., rHURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 I, ■ ■ . . . Section Two THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 iiattrljp Blp r lEuRititts IfpraUi THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 • Pages IS to 24 C oven try Lutherweds Seat Coordinate All Carriers HEALTH CAPSULES T o w n C oncert Set hy MfaliaeiA Pfcta.M.D. DON’S PIZZA Officers Friday 6H0ULP VOU APPLY HEAT B y Juniata Choir Board Raises Requirements OR COLP TO A SPRAIN i Ofdb«n of ithe Lutherweds - of Rail Union Urges State ■Ml miNDEIIS Plans for Firehouses About Town Qmrch Plans The iiinlata OoUege Choir of Reeion“ ApproachL r ■> Broachedy BmamMl'T4^eranCmanueilU^e Church will'be Huntingdon, Pa., will present a UO SPRUCE 9T. , « Nutmeg Forest, Tall Oedara of Announce Engagements For High School Graduation installed tomotrow in the chapel concert at Community Baptist Church Jan. 81 at 7:30 p.m- The Lebanon, will meet Monday at 7:30 Sunday Series On Industry Development by "the Rev. C.' ^enry Anderson Transportation Agency T « L M l 3 ^ 1 Ready for Directors pjn . at the Masonic Temple. group of 40 men and women sing ■6 The board o f education haa ap -# a n outdoor CSirlatmae home decora' after a potluck at 6:30 p.m. in in churches, schools, radio and A aeries of stu dy course's wlU be ^ proved a courae o f' atudies for tions program in December. Tbis Luther Hall. Proaipt SarvlM to All GUIs The i^ t Chiefs Club of Memo­ ' A regional approach to Indus-^ pool their resources -were East (Contlnned from Page One) would have to get the approval of television studios throughout the presented on Sunday evenings, is being announced at this time so Those to be installed are Mr. and PrelimiiuuT' plans and specificationB on two proposed firer rial Temple, Pythian Sisters, will trial and business development for Hartford, Rockville, South Wind­ Oradea 7 and 8 and 9 through 12, the General AHembly. East. Feb. 4, , 18 and 25, at Center residents will have adequate time Mrs. Charles Bodeman, presi­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. a t the 11 sor, Manchester; Bolton, and Glas­ which ralaea requlremanta for disappointed when the governors The concert will featiire five se­ D FEN ^ ^3^" 2-ii liouses will be ready for the perusal of the board of directors Manchester and several other for planning to make this a suc' dents; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hy- Kelly said that once the agency ■hetoe of Mrs. William Tuller. 12 Ckmgregational Church. The need tonbury, according to Deme. lections from "The Peaceable u g u y . Sst. 12~*43ini. 10 by next week. Architect Arnold Lawrence met this morning graduation from Coventry High cessful townwide project, officials lander, vice presidents; Mr. and came up with nothing new.” -is organized, the union would urge Dtane Dr. She will be assisted by and desire for more extensive adult towns eu t of the Connecticut Riv­ He observed that industry nsed the calling of a special, seislon of Kin^om,” by Randall Thompson, School to 18 credlta Instead of 17. said. Mrs. Robert Carlson, secretaries; TTie union said It is 'Vitally con­ a New England composer. Other n n m , Cloaied W«d. with General Manager Richard Martin, town fire chief W. Mrs. M artha Johnson. religious education waa disclosed in er will be explored by the develop­ not locate in town to be of some the General Assembly, If necee- Clifford Maaon and building ln-6 a recent survey of all adult organi­ benefit to Manchester. He cited The ruling is effective with the Mrs. Bernard' Rh6«ume has been Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oerhardt. cerned in the railroad's problems contemporary composers whose ment commission. „ named chairman o f the event. treasurers; Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. sary. The legislature's next reg­ 'apeetor Thomaa ^ Monahan to Luigi Pola was re-elected a di­ zations of the church. These as an example past efforts to lo­ freahman, or Grade 9, pupils no\y because "our Jobs and our liveli­ works will M sung are Jean Ber­ Behind the movement, broached Assisting her will be Dr. Robert P. Hultgren and Mr. and Mrs. I^en- ular session Is scheduled for next examine the plana. ‘ ^ rector of the Savings Bsmk of courses are being offered aa a re­ cate in Glastonbury by Combus­ attending the school. January. ger, Katherine K. Daxris, Austin' Skating Report by the commission last night, was Bowen, Mrs. Horold Lemons and neth Bensen, nominating commit­ hood are at stake.” Martin said the director! might Manchester at the bank's smnual sult of the eurvey findings. tion Engineering — efforts which The courae of study will be ex­ Kelly said that the union’s plan Lovelace, Thomaa Matthews and the feeling a lot could be gained by panded starting next year when the Earl H. Lassen. tee. The agency suggested by the David Btanley York. want to look over the plana at. the meeting Tuesday night. His name The course.s. to be offered con­ failed. Tl)e Glastonbury site was is feasible and said it "is based currently, will be sponsored by the a regional approach and that it school will have its first class of The ways and means committee An audience participation pro­ Brotherhood would contract with Also included on thsx'program Notice special meeting they have called waa unintentionally omitted from sought because of that town's on the premise that the people a t O - ’i , Adult Education Council of was becoming increasingly diffi­ seniors. A rt will be offered in the of the center will also make pltuis gram will be held after the supper the railroad , "for adequate, im­ will be eelecUODs ,<3nando Gib­ fo r Fridi^, Jan. 26, at 8 p.m. on laat .night's stoiy about the meet- water supply, Deme said In point­ this state are willing to aid com­ which Mrs. Clifford O. Simpson is cult to “go it alone”. . fall to all pupils. to repeat the favorite Cbristmas anower and have authority to issue areas." There will be no coasting. tion and associate minister of sources. manpower and ideas. This is a mammoth undertaking, XV, general physics, plane and solid The performers will be fed" and chased about 10 years ago on Mc­ Manchesten Barracks, Veterans has been announced by her par­ R. Strickland of Manchester has vitation to attend the showing of Berlin Rubble Reused ong term, low Interest bonds to He said “conferencea held by Hares* Baldness Cured LENOX First Presbyterian Church, Hart­ Deme noted that towns on the he said, inaitmuch as each of the geometry, modem problems, and housed by church members. Kee St. The firehouse will, replace of World War I, and ladies aux­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. been announced by her parents, the film “Signal 30” at 8 p.m. Jan. buy new equipment for lease to the the governors, the interstate staff ford. It will include a presentation west aide of the river have been towns operates under a different ihyslcal education required; art f the firehouse on Hartford Rd. at concerned this firehouse w as "on iliary will hold its annual meeting Gonci, West St., Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Riley Jr.. 31 at Coventry High School. H ie Berlin — Every usable scrap of railroad at cost, or used for any committee, or any other commit­ New York—Injections of chem­ P H A R ^ U C Y 22 of some of the doctrines of Prot­ working together and that it was set of rules. He observed that Joint V, band, chorus, choir, home eco­ Ironing Board Hint a different time schedule'’ from and election of officers Sunday at H er fianc« is the son of Mr. and Carter St.. Bolton. program has been arranged by rul*le left Ih World War II bomb­ other necessary expenses for im­ tee. will never solve the problems icals called mucopolysaccharides Pine St. estantism and a study of the about time for towns to the east nomics, industrial arts, typing I, If your ironing board must be 299 E. CENTER ST. the two how being considered. 2 p.m. at tihe V F W Home. A large Mrs. Thomas English of Tipperary, Her fiance Is the son of Mr. undertakings by building inspec­ f Resident State Trooper Sgt. Lud­ ings went into the postwar rebuild. proving passenger service. that we are faced with in this under the skin of bald rabbits Third Mot Dlscassed church and its unity. of the river to consider adopting tors (in other areas) had failed on typing n. business law and eco­ stored in a utility closet with floor Martin said the question of a If the diTMtors give approval to group of candidates will be initiat­ Ireland. and Mrs. Roy Strickland, Lillian wig T. Kolodxiej, 'and will be open Ing of West Berlin. The re.st was He said it could be set up as a commuter situation until and un­ have brought new growths of hair TEL. Ml 9-0898 A course on "The Mission of the similar methods. a relatively simple matter of eo- nomics as electives. mope and dust cloths, keep it cov­ the preliminary plans and spe- ed into both units at this meeting. Miss Gone) is a 1961 graduate of Dr., Manchester, to the public without charge. plied into huge mounds and land­ private corporation without leg­ less the responsible officials in­ within three days, Columbia Uni­ third firehouse at Manchester Church” will have as its leaders Am ong the towns which might ordiftating a license program. ered with a long dress bag of eifleaUons, their next move will be Manchester High School, and lr«m - The inclusion of Grade 12 will Four new auxiliary m em b^ ac­ scaped. islative action, but eventually volved are willing to face the is- versity researchers report. Green, which la being pushed by Mis.s Riley Is a 1961 graduate Sam K. Akesson, Ghana, Africa, a plastic or paper. to auftbrise Lawrence to draw de­ The midweek Bible study will ployed by the Southern New Eng­ require additional teachers for cepted this week include. Mrs. Democratle Director Francis Ma­ of Manchester High School, and is student at the University of H art­ xnath, science, Ehigllsh, languages, tailed plans and specifications. be held at the Salvation Army to­ land Telephone Co. Charles Lowery, Mrs. David honey, was not discussed this employed by Phoenix Mutual Life ford studying for his doctorate; social science and an additional Financing of the construction night at 7:30. Mrs. Florence Stev­ M r. English attended Christian Strube, Mrs. John Klein and Mrs. momhig.: I Insurance Co., Hartford. Dr. Kenneth Anthony of the Unit­ teacher for girls physical educa- H a said that he was aw are that wlU be done from the fire dis­ enson la the teacher. The public is Brothers School in Mitchelstown, Francis Stevens. A total of 29 Mr. Strickland attended Man­ ed Church of Christ Board of Board Wants Cost Estimates lion, as well as an art teacher. insurance underwriters several trict fund, either from the dis­ Invited. Ireland, and served in th. U.S. Ma­ members attended Tuesday night’s chester H igh School, and Is em­ World Ministries; Mra. Harold Board Chairman Walter E. Ted' years ago recommended that con­ trict's-ca^tal reservs fund, which rine Corps. He is employed by Mor- meeting. Refreshments ■were served ployed by Iona Mfg. Co., Manches­ Craw, member of the Board of fo rd said. DOUBLE STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT GRAND UNION sideration be given to building a haa about $75,000 in it, or from The French Club of Mamchester iarty Bros, in Manchester. To Expand Fine Art Program by Mrs. Earl H. Lassen and Miss ter. Homeland Ministries and wife of The board at its meeting this firehouse in the area. bonds which are financed through will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at The wedding will take place July Dorothy L. Wolfe. No date has been set for the the minister of the Meriden Con­ week approved bills totaling $18,- But, he said, as -far as he was taxes le-vled oh the district. Orange Hall. After the meeting, 7 at St. James' Church. gregational Church; and the Rev. Butterworth Studio. wedding. Since it haa bean aslred to In-^ 717 of which $11,639 was tuition About Town there will be card playing and re­ Winfield Swart, Missionary to In­ information, the item will probably for pupils attending Windham Mrs. Charles Carl and Mrs. to - freshments. dia from Vadnia Mission. dude the children’s fine arts pro­ not be Included on the new school budget. High School. Robert J. Purvis of Roland-'Langlois will be in charge The schedule f6r the study gram on the school budget from of cleaning the classroom of the ' A c o u p o n Each year, on a rotating basis, town, has been hired as a sub- T rip les Two from Area Indicted Thomas C. Melbert, son of Mr. courses will be 7 to 7:30, opening now on, the board of education jitltute teacher of science and math North Coventry Cooperative N ur^ and Mrs. Llewellyn H. Melbert, the fine arts program offers a voc-; lectures in Memorial Hall; 7:30 to plans to investigate costs of ex­ a t the high school. ery and Kindergarten Saturday at 98 Tanner St., is editor of the 8:30, courses of study; 8:30, fellow­ al, dance or singing presentation • The board also approved pur­ Second Congregational Church. tending the program to more chil­ in the music division and a paint- On Irtcome Tax Charges ”(3orgon,” student literary m aga­ ship hour in Woodruff Hall. dren. chasing a tractor with mower and The name of Elrnest Jay Starkel zine at Rensselaer Polytechnic In­ ting. sculpture or crafts c ^ lb i- Refreshments will bo served by 73ie board decided last night to •now-blower attachments for use as captain was inadvertently omit­ stitute, Troy, N .Y . He is a senior, the sponsoring organizations: tion in the arta division. Two residents o f this area -weref years 1968 and 1967, but failed to find .out costa of offering the pro­ ^ t all public schools. This will be ted from the list of officers of the majoring in language and lit­ Board of Christian Education, Co- The fine arts program was Indicted yesterday by a Federal tile income tax statements. gram to yoimg people on both the boused at the high school. The Coventry Volunteer Fire Associa­ erature. Weds, Women's Fellowship and started In 1949 by Miss Martha I Grand Jury on charges relating Alfred E. Greco, 54, of Kensing­ Intermediate and high school levels. board will retain the small trlm- tion recently reported. Men's Club. Whll'O, elementary music super­ to income tax returns. ton—five counts of future to tile Instead of only to Grades 4 through iner-mowers. Registrations will ' be taken at visor, and the PTAs have financed Georgs T. Farrell, 61, of South income tax statements on Income RoekvUle-V ernon 6 . » The salary of Mrs. Rose Robert­ Manchester Evening H erald Ptos— ^ tot. tMk the opening of the school or may It ever since. Some of the notable St. Elxt., Coventry, is Charged with received by him and his partner Either you've got to have a pro­ son, substitute clerk at Coventry Coventry correspondent, F. Panl- be made In advance by, calling the offerings In the past have been five counts o f failure, to fils his In- Dominick A. Parlapiano of Wind- gram (or all grades or give up the G ram m ar school, w as raised to Ine Little, telephone P I 2-6281. Teacher Receives office at Center Congregational performances by the Vienna Boys’ .40 per hour. c o tn o tax in the period from 19Q6 sqr. Who wos not indicted. The two program entirely, said Atty. H ar­ Church. Members of Second Con­ Choir in 1952 and by the Trapp • Supt. of Schools Royal O. Pisher to 1969|. According to U.S. Atty. men run a plumbing buslnesg in old W . Garrity, a board member. gregational .Church are Invited to Family Singers in 1955. ♦eported that the heating systems Robert C. Zampano, Farrell, a cer­ Windsor. Itompano said Greco's in­ National Award For the past 12 years, the Man­ come totaled $37,604.17 from 1965 attend.' The P T A council appoints a ^ the two elementary schools have Billy^Oraham Film BONELESS US. O lO K l-lPACK BS TOP QUALITY tified public accountant, had an chester PTA (^ounc'' has operated to 1969, the period covered by the standing committee of six mem­ „,5)een Inspected and minor repairs Income of $34,188.66 during this Mrs. Ruth Finley Barlow, Grade the progre.m for Gradea 4 through indictment. bers for three-year terms who ^ave been made. > five-year period. 1 teacher at Northeast Elementary 6 . At Trinity .Church Outboard Motor The council's executive board work with s|>eclal supervisors of Italian Night Set TOP SIRIOIN ROAST | y ... Kugene B. Colson, 86, o f Grant School has received the national town art and music departments C^rol Lome award for "significant Voted In November to ask that the ' The Mr. and Mrs. Club of Second Hill Rd., Tolland la charged with Board Considers to plan the programs. Even It the Evangelist Billy Graham's new­ contributions to the preservation of Taken from Boat program be financed through the Congregational Church will meet five counts of failure, to file laeome board of vklucation decides to est feature-length film, "Shadow pf lives through development of an school btidgel because of the ex­ at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Church taxes on time, and 17 counts of finance the program, the planning the Boomerang,” w ill be present­ Longevity Raises effective safety program in Rock­ Manchester Police today are in­ pense the program puts on non­ Community House. Italian Night failure to file employers quarterly will probably be left to the com­ ed Sunday at 7 p.m. at Trinity Cov­ ville.’’ The engagement of Miss Sandra vestigating the reported theft of a profit P T A gi-oups. Tills year's will be observed and slides will be federal tax returos. Za,mpano said The engagement of Miss Joan^ mittee. enant Church, (formerly (Covenant The award was presented at a 35-horsepower outboard motor, program costs $932, wilta each Shown James T. Laidlaw. In Requests from two health de­ Carol Frey of Manchester to Wil­ Lazzart of Manchester to Robert by Congregational Church), 43 Spruce Colson, who operates a building school assembly. '* P T A ' In the 14 elementary schools c h a r ^ of the affair are Mr. and partment employes for merit pay E. Wilbanks of Manchester and valued at $325, taken from a boat St. foundation company, was tardy in Mrs. Barlow directed the first liam James Byrnes Jr. of Welhers- in the sales lot at Beatipre Marine Involved raising 40 cents per pu Mrs. clriward White, chairmen, Mr. baaed on theif yegra of service to The film stars Georgia Lee and filing income t M sitatements from Junior Traffic Safety Program in fleiil has been announced by her Fayetteville, Tenn., has been an­ pil to cover cos.ts, and Mrs. Alan Howland, Mr. and ROIIHD ROAST SMS I the school s]*tem led' tbs board on Broad St. Kidney Danger Signals Dick Jones, both Americans, who 1966 through 1950 totaling $178,- of education last night to con­ the Vernon school system lost fail, parents, Mr. and Mra. Joseph F. nounced by her mother, Mrs. Howard Beaupre, owner of the Atty. Garrity moved that the Mrs. James T. Laldlaw and Mr. 066.84, and foiled to report wage! Octllnf Up nlEhU, bumInK, froqu«nt or head an all-Australian cast. It is sider a much broader pay raise when Grades 1 and 2 students at Frey, 42 Llnnmore Dr., Manches­ Ferdinand Lsizzari, 18 Hilltop Dr. marine firm, discovered the miss­ request be referred back to the ■canty------— Dow. ------lee palna or bnbarkarhe * • may and Mrs. Robert Thorp. jiaid totaling $14,T99J.8 from the filmed against the backdrop of the tNMMPSAVOR. •< w.- plan than it now maintains. Northeast enrolled in the pilot pro­ ter. Her fianc*) who lives at 37 Fos­ ing outboard motor yeaterday PTA Council for further InJorraaT be. wornlmt of funcUor**uncUonRli kidney‘ — dU- Center Notes order*—'DanEfr Ahoa Billy Graham Australian crusadea. last quarter of 1988 fhs6ii|^ the The board directed ita'thericbri- gram ; -i»: -y - Her fiancaig the son of Mr. and ter 8t„ Mohehester, la the son of a^evnoon. He told police that the tl ■ A C M SEEDLESS RAISW S 2 & 4 9 ‘ K B L E R S 6 oa. Deal Jar Use as a roast or INSTANT OOFFEE 79i •WE HAVE A 8HCOEBE BEOABO FONt TOUB WELFABE" . Italian Tomatoes cut Into stesdis . . . APPLES TROUSERS MICHAEL DWOBKIN, Bag. Fhirmhclat 3 9 * ^ : 4-.3G oz; tinai Free 25 Extra ’"biuP ORANGE JUICE LARGE A'EGGS Ideal for cooking or e«Ung. Save A4c— Fancy Hawaiian m a r c a r i i i e 2 ;£ 4 9 * Pineapple Juice i X U «-8. CHOICE LIVE. MAINE W M N YOU OUT O M 3-U. I Laddie Boy D og Food 2 18 oo. i dSe 4-46 oz. tins WITH THIS (lOUPON AND ANY S I A M M K M o r l A K Y M O m i Meat Balia, and Gravy LOBSTER Lb 79e Have 16o— Fronoo-Americen FItROHASR OF $5 OB MORE V or Slacks 4 6 9 ' Or Uver and Gravy •RIB ROAST » 5 3 ‘ Spaghetti 8 reg. tinn OneJ Per Cuwtnmer. Good Jan. 18-19-20 (Pave 40o— I.jarge Size , GLEANED and PRESSED J 4Hi tbip 7tli R «s Free 25 Extra Fab 4 boxea W M N YOU OUT arM R F K E S Q S ^ m M N R R S 0 !^ > ‘{oIS*: Isr tfmi 3rd Ribs ...... R>. 79e IISTMI «ir w im AII V t WUH nts COUKN AND lUKHASf O f WITH THB COUPON AND PMCPMM OP WITH THIS COUfON AND PUACHASC OF OUB OWN MAKE, FURE PORK 1 QUMY BOf1UI-.PUII BVL SR 7«OI. CAM—AOOQHHOIMMnB M 24 M BTAM ... « lottlB oM OO A N A O N ... « [ Free 25 Extra’r.l Stamps'. COn BEVBtAGES SMISAfiE MEAT Lb. TOMATO PASn BMte «f 100 lA m ^ I M Oaa Coupoa Par G atawar iw i 0 *5 Ctopoe Peir Cmloaier WMN YOU MIY OM TItoOl. PKa UaB-Oae Ceapo* NAnSOO OREO OOCMUE8 •••sessseeteeseseseo^oe full ptmmC 46e CtMpea (to ed Ihni SoL. Joa. aodi wowtnssa&womt M nni Ceopoe (toed dirv Sm, to*. 30* Ceetaa Oedd dwt Set. Jml SOrii OPEN till 9 Monday thru Saturdpy Frtoea eCteottve la Upper CrmoeeNeirt Oraad Ualea Bapanaarkata tkra Satarday, Jaa. XMfc. W a rmnnt fito right to Bntt ,nMtWtrt MARKET GRAND UNION SUPER MARKET IN MANCHESTER AT I^NCHESTER'SHOPPING PARKADE 317 M G W A N D ST.. MANCICSTER PboM Ml 3-4278 DOUBLI STAMPS WEDNESDAY VMW OPB m puB-o BEDraffrnnr c e n I e b , ib b m a b k e t s q u a b e , rarMNOTOir. ooMir. 1180 BURNSIDE AVR., EAST HARTFORD O RN PBiTkAT MIOBT. ALL IB IP llIl BBOBCmON CBN1KB8 a m b rtru M ii MQINllAYB. ’ - I--: jM t Over the Monrheeter Town U n e... V V A. BTANCHESTER,EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TMUKSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 p a g e f if t e e n PAOB FOURTHEN MANCHESTER EVENING'HERALD, MANCHESTER, C6NN., tHURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1981 ’s K itc h e n $100 Per Week From Your Average Wage Yiart Ahiad STOP & SHOP IS NEVER BEFORE SOLD AT A LOWER PRICE! WOW! WHAT A DEAL! and itlll THE LOWEST PRICE IN OVER 5 YEARS! % DOWW BEU>lNO YEARS AHEAD AND t>ou(hnuU wet« th« lu t For 7 MiMion JOIN THE STAMPEDE Out Print th lof that my mother baked u the wHii year ended,’’ aaid Mre. Albert Washington, Jan. 18 (F)—Nearly TO STOP*SHOP! STILL OUT FRONT Petke, 17 Oampdeld Rd. She added seven million workers producing TOP VALUE that her family enjoye the 100> durabls goods averaged more than O ra n g e J u ice year-old reoipe throughout the $100 a week in IM l for the first SpMlal Hill wiikind STAMPS! WITH year and not Just at year's end. time in .history. V, Today la Mre. Petke'e birthday And industrial production ad­ ahd aha reverted the usual pro- Stop & Shop lMd$ vanced still further in the last TOP VALUE STAMPS eedu t^ by gifting Neighbor’s Ik* way with Rig. $1.19 for a box of 2 pilrs! KltehW'.ylth a favorite Lemon month of 1961 to a record layel.' . . . and k in 's pnof: Roll reoiUM'. The two encouraging reports tow p riNil It’s like getting 2 pairs free! Save now on Doughnuts were made hy the Labor De­ Danafd Diek Oradt A 1 yeast cake partment and the Federal Re­ High dwiominstion stamps fill our famous 51 Gauge Everyday Sheer, H dup water serve Board. Frisk froiin Jalia your books faster; larger selec­ dark-seam nylons! In popular shades of * The Labor Departmant reported tion of gifts; Golden Guarantee Whisper Taupe and soft beige, Sizes 8 Vi H cup aulrar that workers in the durable goods to 11. of satisfaction; more nationally- S tableapoons melted butter or field — autos, machinery, stad, ap- Tm Sava aad !•< Tap Valia tta ip ii tasi pair margarine pUancei, furniture and fixturaa — famous-name giftsi Sold only in boxit of 2 pairs for 78‘ H cup scalded milk averaged $101.10 a week In 1961 S cupa all-pui'pose flour compmwd with $97.44 In 1960 and % teaspoon salt $96.06 In 1959. ^ cup raisins (optional) Bigger paychecks were the rule S pounds shortening toward the end of the year, with Dissolve yeast cake in lukewarm December weekly earnlnge averag­ water. In separate bowl, beat eggs, ing $104.39 for durable goods add melted butter and scalded milk. workers and $85.17 for non-dur- Snd Big Week of Stop ^ Shop's 47th Satel Add dissolved yeast cake. Slowly able goods workers. The latter In­ suld flour and salt. clude those In textiles, chemicals, Cover bowl with towel. Let and food manufacturing. In De­ dourt rise in a warm place until cember 1960, the paychecks aver­ double in bulk. Punch down and aged $96.19 and $79.84 respective­ let rise again until doubled. ly- Heat shortening to 350 degrees Hourly earnings in December in deep fat fryer. Dip tablespoon for durable good workeri averaged in hot shortening and drop a $2.54 while nondurable goodi spoonful of dough into hot short­ workers got $2.15 an hour. ening. Brown one side and turn, The December flguree also ehow- frying about 3 minutes in ali. ed an average work week 6f 40.6 Drain on brown paper. When cool, hours, down-from the 40.6 hours In THAT’S HIGHT! \ m EXTRA TOP VALUE sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. November when many auto plants Washed and drained raisins may ware working long hours to make be added when the dough is punch­ up for work stoppages in October. ed down. The work week In December in­ STAMPS WHEN YOU BUY THE ITEMS BELOW! Lemon Roll cluded 2.8 hours of overtime for Ksr HRnuwr BUYS! 4 eggs, separated each production worker. OrdiM rily you’d hoYO o tpoiid lilO It {•! tiimpi, bit this wtok Stop I Shopu|fon 1 Cup sugar The Federal Reserve Board re­ 1 1101 4 tableapoons cold water ported industrial production in you tho opportinlty to got a FULL BOOK OF STAMPS FREE with an ordtr of approximatoly Oof Top Vaino Stomps.. ■ 1 tesspcmn vanilla December was 115 jMr cent of the 1 cup cake flour 1957 level, and 6 jMr cent higher I t I J I , rtproiMitiai oat of oath at tha aalti holtw. Aad this It fa additloa to tho itaaipi fhi stomp plan with tha 1 teaspoon baking powder than the flrtt half of i960, before the last recession began. H teaspoon salt. yoa rogalarly got wHh yoar parthatol Thiak of Hi Yoa’rt gottiag aitrt of tho host ttaaipo _ (Htrsid photo hr Pinto) Production of consumer goods, . jrorld'o largiit gilt oatoofioal Beat egg whites stiff but not MRS. ALBERT S. PETKE dry. Add li cup t u g t u r gradually equipment snd msterisli resohed la tho world wHh Hoaw yoa eaa rtally aio i s. aad whafi atoro, you’ll gat tho gift of year and beat until glossy. In separate record highs in December. Auto- bowl, beat egg yolks and remain­ Dust top of MU with oenfectioners’ yolks. Cook two minutes and add moible sSaemblles retched near Mlootfoa OYoa faitorl Aad naioaihor, H you hay aiorty yH taa got aitro ilaaipil Thort’i the record rates of 1956. The ing % cup sugar. Add water and sugar. lemon rind and Juice. board aaid Indications are auto BO liaiHI n’t a Itrrifle apportaaity to ttaek-ap at Slop i Shap’t rogafar tvtryday beat until light. Add dry Ingredl- Lmten Fining Cool before spreading on roll. eats and beat until stiff. Fold in production will decline somewhat % eup sugar Mrs. Petke was bom in Man­ egg whites until well blended. in January. low prieoi aid fit a FREE BOOK OF STAMPSI % cup boiling water chester and is a graduate of Man­ Other fields which ahowSd con­ lin e an 8x12x3 Inch greased 2 tablespoons oomstarch chester High School. She is a mem- tinued advances in December were ^ 4 k ■ ■ pan with waxed paper and grease 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour ber of Zion Evangelical Lutheran furniture, television. apparel, paper also. Bake in 350-degree 2 egg yolks , Church, the Ladies Aid Society of staples, business and Industr'RI ■ w ■ 2i .lU I oven 30 minutes or until the cake 1 lemon rind grated the church, and likes to sew and machinery and steel. S ■ ' springs back when pressed wdth 14 cup lemon Juice cook. Residential building continued to ftoger. 1 teaspoon butter Her husband is a superintendent rise but public construction, up BUY ALL YOU WANT! Turn out on dry towel which Mix cornstarch, flour and sugar. of AAiP stores in Connecticut. sharply tn November, receded to ' hss been sprinkled with eonfec- Add boiling water, stirring con­ The couple has a son. Da\dd Its October rate. FOr the entire ' ' ^ V' tlonere’ sugar. Remove paper and stantly. Stir until mixture boils Petke. who lives at home, andJa fourth quarter of 1961, construc­ spread witfi filling. Roll immedi­ and cook 30 minutes in top of daughter, Mrs. Morris Sllverstein tion was about 7 per cent higher NO COUPONS NECESSARY! ately. Remove towel when oool. double boiler. Add butter and egg of Bolton. A than the eame period of 1960.

•bee y ti W fie le e r Save 6c on the best coffee value in town 100 EXTRA STAMPS biy a WHITE GEM CHICKEN C irt*U p with .1 2-lb 100 EXTRA STAMPS pkg ol COLONIAL KNOCKWURST 25 EXTRA STAMPS STOP & SHOP TENDERETTES COFFEE with » lO'lb 50 EXTRA STAMPS bag of 10 LB BAG MAINE POTATOES Our own Merit wlwp y ti Brand, mild and 50 EXTRA STAMPS hay a 5 LB BAG CORTLAND APPLES Top QualHy Foods At Everyday Low Prices! m ellow . W eek-end 50 EXTRA STAMPS INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT special, Reg. price 55c lb. S J b d c yDU/L 50 EXTRA STAMPS INDIAN RIVER ORANGES Top o’ the Grade •. s it’s the finest meat you^ll ever eat! with 12 rollt AftMOUR STAR ■ ■ MM 100 EXTRA STAMPS of BONNIE TOILET TISSUE Oaf Top Valao Stomps, too... fho stamp plan with tha warld'o largost gift salaotion fianiJu^ Tbsv! with eeaNfryflae 100 EXTRA STAMPS IraaN HALF GALLON ICE CREAM NO. 303 CANS SHURFINE 50 EXTRA STAMPS ' " MRS. SMITH’S CREAM CCRN 6 cans SIRLOIN 50 EXTRA STAMPS BIRDS EYE ORANGE JUICE Save! Don’t miss this hig buy! 46 OZ. CAN SHURFINE with .t 12-01 At this low prices a chair beyond compare I lb Oven Itoody Lamb Ltft lb 59e Whole regular 50 EXTRA STAMPS can of LESTOIL SPRAY STARCH STEAKS Hardwood Folding Chairs “3 Diamonds” Solid 2 n u l l la I... houty ihoslOtr ehepi ORANGE JUICE 100 EXTRA STAMPS ’V u r NIBLETS CORN and Isnih for • nsurlthing tisw Sturdy, well con­ Lamb Combination LARGE CANS 50 EXTRA STAMPS c o tt b ev er a g es struct^ fine fin­ $ * % 4 9 ish, reat^ contour WHITE B t. . I. seat and b a c k. Large 'oEM^ Roasting Cbickens avtrags Carnation MILK 3:47' 25 EXTRA STAMPS SOS SCOURING PAPS aw Tty Vtlit SlMB»i, tail when you TUNA Or Llverwurst JIFFY 25 EXTRA STAMPS buy d QUART JAR MIRACLE WHIP Armour Star Boiogna By The Piece 25 EXTRA STAMPS HOYAL PNDDINOS Special Introductory Offer! Waaknnd FROSTING MIX 2 i 19' Spnoial SkInIsM God Fllleli ” 39' whin ) 0u buy 25 EXTRA,.’;:. STAMPS 3 8 9 ' 25 EXTRA STAMPS 2 boHIrt of HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP EHLERS with Stop a Shop sow with a 618 You get 6 eant -for the price of 5 ROASTING 25 EXTRA STAMPS 6f NESTLE’S QUIK BREAKFAST DRINK FRESHER BY FAR . . . our fruits and vegetables are delivered to COFFEE 2‘ -"*1.29 Mothers, give your family MLF*IALL0N Portuguese Sardines CHICKENS 25 EXTRA STAMPS GREEN iiTv OR WAX BEANS our stores during the night . . . they're sparkling fresh for you plenty of Vitamin Cl Lively In pure olive oiL 4W wu W m “tune-up” drink from the Queen Victoria 1% * W I every morning, and kept perfect ^ tender care! Lb. 49c jukee of applet oranges, I V M Brand. Reg, 5 /$ l w ■ ■» 25 EXTRA STAMPS LIBBY’S BEEF STEW apricots^ prunes! DtllvoroO froth dallyl. with I -lb ot 25 EXTRA STAMPS laiti o' Se.) HADDOCK FILLETS GOLD COIN 2-ibs Ziori Fig Bart Temple Oranges ° Twice the she of a regular cake! SLICED BACON 25 EXTRA STAMPS CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE Big value! Fill your cookie jar! No more I.AROE, JUICY whi you bii - FAMILY SIZE DEVIL’S FOOD when these are gone! 2 A 3 9 ' 25 EXTRA STAMPS .t 3b-01 ‘-I f of DYNAMO W OFF LABEL FLORIDA LAMB PATTIES or SILVER CAKE Tangerines 2039*’ (3 Lb8. SI.OO) IF Off CREST ORANGES 25 EXTRA STAMPS ’t.r STOP&SHOP FUDGE CAKE Wofhtid Spoeiall RogsDOe Save on this big favorite! Fresh from our own Dor. 4 9 c 25 EXTRA STAMPS - HERMIT COOKIES Family size tube. Reg. 83c ovens; over a foot kmgt 73‘ Green Peppers 2 49* Ideid for largo familiea. ‘ 50 EXTRA STAMPS CUBED BEEF STEAKS 49 arith -1 pk.’ . t Gol-H tk- 50 EXTRA STAMPS BREADED VEAL CUTLETS V . Burry Choc Chip Cookies 3 3 ' M r . C l e a n Lipton Soup Mix MSIM L i p t o n bI a ” T e a S u n s h in e N a b i s c o 6 ' Off! Cary's Maple Syrup Winter-Keeping 50 EXTRA STAMPS ’rjir NEPCO FRANKFORTS 0 9 1 9 1 Lipton Onion Soup 2 ‘jL* 35c 10c off I Lipton Tea Bogs ifk 55c . Hi-Ho Crockers Oreo Creme Cookies "Mr. Cleon Oeons Everything'*' Nestle's Choc: Ouik 4c off! Noodle Soup Mix 2 25c Lipton Instant Tea 55c Culfher Shrimp Good Cooking l-fe 4 0 r rst: 34c 59c cle an ed 50 EXTRA STAMPS COLUMBIA GRINDA PAK 6coff!TomotoSoupMix 2 ^ ^ 27c Lipton Tea owmm rom 83c 3 7 c pockog* 1 ' n S o « 9CC Downyflake Waffles I pkAf POTATOES HEPCOHOT N y _ Ow nyflake Dash Premium Duz Ivory Ivory Snow C h e e r C r i s c o F l u f f o Bella P in a rettes SH Do9 Yummies 50 Lb. Bag \\\ For Automatic Washers "Duz Does Everythlr»g" Liquid Detergent Quick, Gentle, Safe Blue Woshdoy Suds Vegetable Shortening CSolden Shortening tHI • Educator Butter Cook’ies 33^ 1-lb OZ.6c OFF! Q \ _ JSr4lc S;»2.39 i;?36c|f.h°::i88c con JOC 3-lb can O 1 C 99c ' 25EXt ! ^ ^ ■W59C “Br99c a:37c tS65c J3S.35C er84c J3t.35c 'Sr82c H - ■ ->-T-


Now you can own beautiful Steubenville Dinnerware at tremendous savings! t ■ M Om EXCLUSIVE RP Regular 132.90 Value... A message from the Treasury of a free people DINNERWARE PLAN You pay Complete service for 8 in your choice of 6 gorgeous patterns. . . so only easy to ow n.. .See displays in your Mott store.. .Get complete details.. .Start your set today! $19.80

f MOn'SiGREATEST SALE! How to invest READ MOTT’S BIG CIRCULAR MAILED TO YOUR HOME - ^ ...HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS OF SENSATIONAL VALUES! ...BIGGER DOLLAR, SAVINGS PLUS S&H GREEN STAMPS V \ .. ,w ' in freedom 100 OVER COMPARABLE SAVE 20% AND MORE ON SHOP-RITE PRODUCTS NATIONAL BRANDS Sdwp-Rft* Foods come MRfiCT FROM FACTORY TO YOU . . . diminaHiKp sMppinq, EXTRA bondlinq and odvertising costs. . .Mott's passes on the savings to you on more than 371 9»allty Shop-Rite items. Compare . . . Why pay more?

instaiiment Save 46c over Notional Brands 2 L b . COFFEE SHOP-RITE Red Label, All Purpose C o O S&H


Save 21c over National Brands— SHOP-RITE TALL CANS ^ 1 0 0 E X T R A % EVAP. MILK B S&H STAMPS ! Save 14c over National Brands— SHOP-RITE ■ With purchaif of *6 or more * 16 OZ. Coupon Good Jan. 18 thru Jan '10, 196S. CANS lim it onn ooupon to • family. Adnita H H \ GARDEN PEAS P Only. You 0 « t Rrful*r Btampa, too. Htste iMW. Clirarattea, Boer and Save 10c over National Brands ^ Fair Traded Item, excluded from offer. 16 OZ. CREAM CORN CANS 50 EXTRA STAMPS WITH PURCHASE OF SHOP-RITE ORANGE JUICE Y«i CM a "UUN CHECK'' In the event becauM of unforcHcen con- iitione, Mott'a nina out of any adver- SAVE REG. llaed Itema, you caii' receive a "RAIN HOT APPLE PIE FROZEN [CANS $ CHECK" entitling you to the product 56c :>n your ^ext regular visit to the atore. AT REGULAR LOW PRICE ■ BAKED FREAH IN OCR BTOBS


IV* KING SIZE or FILTER TIPS CARTON $ 0 18 Famous COLONIAL SINGUC PACK ' 2 2 c 5 lb. $059 CANNED HAMS tinTIN J < c A f S lt m a l NEW LOW MILK PRICE You can’t buy fivadoin. For cash or installmentB or any ea<^ of iis if America is to be financially strong. CONN. APPROVED HOMOGENIZED other way. It’s not for aale. At the same time, your dollars go to work for another kind ^iH VITAMIN D ft. Ai You can make a sound investment in freedom, though, of freedom . . . the kind you’ll find fully described in a GAL. ' JU G /#• by investing in U.S. Savings Bonds. Just $4.33 a nearly two centuries .ago at Inde­ MILK Plu. Defio.lt MOTTS payroll savings where you work will buy a $25.00 Bond pendence Hall. each month. TfII In Tfim Start buying Bonds where you work now. When you do, i As your savings grow, built up by %M% annual interest, you’ll be joining 8 million Americans who have sijpied U .S .N 0 .1 LONDON BROIL ib you fst doaer to financial fre^om—a desirable state for up for a regular share of fireedom each month. POTATOES MARGARINE SLICED BACON Ceehen Bog' Keep freedom in your future with U.$^ Savings Bonds SHOP-RITE O ,,,, QCC SHOP-RITE rorNn /| A C Quarters F J Hickory Smoked i'^c k EXTRA JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES 3^$1 BERVICE DEUOATE8AEN Th» U S. Oofmmmmt dots not pay for this adoertisement. The Treasury Department Aanka The AAmUnng CesuteU and Ais i Why Pay More fo r Dairy Food? WE RESERVE U GHT TO LIMIT QDANTftlES SWEET, JUICY OLIVE. VEAL, F A P. CHICKEN OLD FASHIONED \ 587 MIDDU TURNPIKE UST TANGERINES *~ J NEPGO GOLD CUTS FTMhly Hleed—Lb. 49< T U B B U T T E R u.. 6 9 c (NEAR THE GREEN) 8 1 MANCHESTER FLORIDA. SEEDLESS NEPOO SUOBI PASTRMH » u. 49c Why Pay More fo r Sea Food OPm UNGHTS KOSHER STYLE iim trlfpBtPr jEupnittg GRAPEFRUIT Be BEEF MU. 99c Haddock Fillets Fan Ready Lb. 3 9 c ' I . MONBAYlhraSAIINnAiriiat J MANC3HES'?ER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAYi -JANUARY 18, 1962 ___ BUGGS BUNNT OUR BOARDING HOU8B wHh MAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD FUmJB S cience i 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, EAST

■ IN MANCHESTER Wc W A lK B O lltM CUM TIDOK At Work F IA C B T U B t Communities YOU 6UYS AMOe -or M«TAK« OF^ \ OTNEKDiAy. AsiOFM&tH*AWaO(?A«XITTm I - By TBOB AMOOIATED PRESS Opeif Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9 AN^HEGTAmS Ar r est oFTHArcAi»TfiWrti?y«AF»- TOTeLLMSU jfothar Earth taking a “breath- •r" from aarthquakei; the pouible ABOUT ITBVy i_ magie d< aouped-up light; and TAKiNa serial “ typowrltlng’’ are among ALOMO, CUKTAIN CALL« 9 ^ s r ON A d -a c t OP the lateat aubjecta for acience at filWtXJAlLy LETTIN6 OUT MORB aolBrap work. . ' AND ACRE CAFiVA* TILL FINALLV UMoSig 'Nrila HEGETB IdTO FULLdAILi-^^ MBSwMik tlEniti Bulled-Out Earth 0 ^ * 0 . uinBMNB ttaott/n 10 year was eom|>aratively quiet from XtChMtaa the stand-point of producing in­ A L L Y OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN ternal rumbUnga — earthquakes, ...... , a r a n i i that U. tRECK0N«a AN* . • _ » eOOP RIDMMCE FAULT, rr WAS S S S . * , * i U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey TOO/ THAT ONE MINE...MAKIN' leismologlsts told a reporter the year was a "weak” one earth- WAS AN ALECK, r OVBIIVI UKE i i l d , Die vary best t no/ smiiEP n n □ O E □ quakewlae — with only a few real­ M SkM r TRIMMED % •V'IM (TOITEN aoroniipiaf □ w»■■ ly big temblors occurring, and lovuaiGSto these at Widely separated places on U.S. CKOICE • s u aoQMuaMd n j the Xlarth’s surface. t n o o o fw iL As In other years, there were EXTRA (LOSE • GRAND '• MAR S2Uaiid(nr.) 3 numerou small quakes. But even *. GRADES ONLY •* .* Outstanding *• • • : CHAMPION • 26 so, earthquake activity for the MTrite □ year was happily below average. • QUA|JTY / KNOWS Their~ ■ explanation:------atlo • • . • • * •. flav o r ; •. iC- Mn3OK»jL,0 □ Mother Earth was, in effect, • • • • • •, •• • # • • - . e * ■ pvt —— pretty "bushed” after rumbling in arow N te C real tough fashion the year be­ aOFllMBBM r fore — when she loosed such l*IS CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ■OVonCiifiir dsr p* 16 major quakes as the Chilean one B tm t, it fc# »* hit ,* UG mUs that spawned a great tidal.wave WWttm H «T In the Pacific Ocean. UOaiMflfMi bj BY AL VERMEER B J ia S ia lM IT There’s plenty of precedent, the SELECTED TOP GRADE CHOICE PRISCILLA’S POP HVitir leismologlsts say, for such "quiet" NON t HAD NO IDEA NOTHING M t a n a t e IT years Immediately following a year w e CAN VOU WERE SO TO IT.' wherein much of the planet's pent- PC3P M AD E SW ITC H SKILLED IN . lA ib o ru Il H M up stresses and strains are loosed. [A REMCTTE CH AN N ELS ELECTRONICS! IStnaa For example, 1907, the year fol- CO M TRO U FROM THE ^ TMCUUITMCtUlet ST lowlng the year of San Francisco’s llOefaifiD cBt iJt F O R O U R S O F A ! / > great quake, was a pretty calm one. So were 1924 and 1935, both of which followed blg-lesigue earth­ quake years. SHORT RIBf BY FRANK O’NEAf RIB ROAST Sooped-np light Keep the name "LASER” under SEMI-BONELESS 'SeAH.13USTCAMe^ voiir hat. Some day, devices bear­ fR S M A 3 0 a ing that monicker may vastly In­ crease the range of space commu­ j Z nication; make possible "knifeless" surgery; allow transmission of 100 l i t Sth 9 1W 8 N l*. T.M. WM e n* metals at a speed of nearly 3,- 400 miles an hour. ENen a single Johnson's Klear droplet can cause a slxable dent In GRAPEFRUIT MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI thick samples of metal. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD • WHATEVa? aC B 9VP_ Radloaotive dams YOU SAVE $1.77 ON THESE GROCERY SPECIALS EXTRA MUSTdOMECOWN. Q NOWWH/OCN^ Japanese scientists report find­ MR. HOGAN IS M ROOM 96?„ ing lunall amounts of radioactive SIRI HESAIOYOURSNORING VWTAkEAWHAGi: XePT HIMAWAIfei ^ HANK Ar.^AeoUNSGTONS ceriuim-144 in samples of food and In animal bone — most especial­ M & M GOODNESS! WORLD GREEN OATHERGNOMOS^V ly In clams — and they suspect it ST E M S comes from nuclear bomb fallout. and P IE C E S OetTum, a metallic element MUSHROOMS named for Cares, the Roman god­ dess of com and earth, is the most W H IT E or STAMPS abundant of the so-called “rare earth” elementa COLORS The Kientlsts pointed out In a raport to the technical journal SOFT-WEVE TISSUE PfO^ I dMiAOl Science, however, that the amounts thye found were "quite trivial" FREE MEAT compared with estimated maxi­ VARIETIES O- t-m mum permissible concentrations. CAMPBELL SOUPS CA«»TAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Rockville-Vernon VALUABL MR. ABERNATHY PROGRESS© BY RAI..STON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY , OUH-ILOKiW. I T THMI lU. TML nrOlP 'joiteuMmrT YiSfWieM. co m o n BMK. icooaeRAM'iocME majUSTMTIMBl KtttUOlMC Hospital Report IMPORTED cur THIS c4>rro.\— koh I HEARD ON THE RiiDlON THATfe A LC3NG TIAAE, XUW Ky V M M JOKONKV/Tirnnp HOUSE 1KW fcu(«rnBtt)p TDMaHr.rwiA y THEYSENTENCEP j irPROMPTl ITALIAN TOMATOES^ f THATTHEyCAUSHTA 3 BUT rrOOOLD HAVE V H(/ViTD2 0 YEARS J C CROOK HOLPIN6 UP f BEEN WORSE. Shows Net Gain m so FREE „Tr"r'N" STAMPS H , A BANK. ^ V in o a il . jS 2 LB. , Ths annual report of Rockville City Hospital ahows the hospital CAN NO PURCHASE REQUIRED handled 6,215 patlenta during the EHLER’S COFFEE period O ct 1, ^ to Sept. 30, 1961, VAUI) niBU .S.4TriU).4Y, .JAN. 20 and ended the year with a net oper­ S T A -F L O ating gain ot 11,670.84. The report was released today by L A R G E C A N the board of trusteea. SPRAY STARCH I ___ I Mrs. VirgM a J. Yaakulka, super­ '18 intendent, eald the servicer per­ formed by the hoapital are com- piuable to the services performed 2 Lb. 25 EXTRA STAMPS the previous year. There were 6 Oz. CanK WITH PKG. OF 6 ENGLISH MUFFINS ■light increases in sonle of the cate­ THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS BORDEN CHOCOLATE gories, she said. D A V Y JO N E S LOOK, IF TOU THINK TOU CAW' TDM, WHEN TOuVE PLAYED BY Lgyp and UcWILLIAHII Two hundred and ninety-eight CHASE ABOUND UNTIL ALL BOTH SIDES OP THE I VWLL KNOW ITS babies were bom at Rockville last DOLE "Sunshine From Howaii' HOURS WHILE QliR FOLKS ARE RIGHT WHEN MDU year, 249- the previous year. TURN OFF. THC LIOHT. W ia , M S e SLIGHTLY Medical patlenta numbered 1,661. YOU? AS YOU t/H H A lt Patients receiving emergency or DD out-patient care numbered 8,864. <;masss Pour hundred and fifty opera- tlons wens p la n n e d , 186 trans- TUB BUTTER furions wens ftren, and 164 accl- PINEAPPLE JUICE SALTINES dint vlcUma were giTen treatment DIXIE BELLE 'Hie aTenve atay par patient waa 6.9 daya. OLD Servicae coat 6484,628.08 over the SAVE 1 LB. BOX FA S H IO N year, th# report said. Patlenta were charged |Sli,4l0.62, ,laa«li« an op- 28e TO P G R A D I eratteg loan of $76,182.29. But en- SAVE 11c dmnasat and ralecallaneeue i mi# ot iTJJKOLU canceled the n and left a net gaiU of $i,6T0 J 4.

■ ^ / - .

. 0 . I


THE ’s Shades Iona in Thriller Herald Angle of Day By V ictors Take FRANK CLINE Thurston Tops MercantfleLoop Cheney Trounced AsaUtaat Sports Editor League Lead With Piano’s Fmt Half Kings CIAC Needs TV Policy Similar to NCAA Weiss for In 73 71 Win Should high school basketball games be made a y a ila ^ fb r STANDINGS Norwich Tech commercial television ? That’s the latest tempest in Mm tea- w. pot that’s been created along the schoolboy front as ^ew York ((P) Organizing* J*A^'**'Ally, we would have*geles Dodgers would be the next to FiAno’s ...... K STANDINGS liked to have had more. Kloter'a Tqga ...... 2* W. L. Pet. Trailing from start to finish, Cheney Tech’s Basketball the result of the screening of the Hillhouse and^ilbur Cross t new big league ball club make the return trip to New York. Optical Style. Bar ....3 8 from scratch has been a new Picture Ohaaged ''Experienced pitching is our Morlarty Bros...... 8 0 1.000 team went down to a 68-37 defeat at the hand of Norwich game at Yale University’s Payne Whitn^-gym in New Haven "Sometimes it is surprising how Man. Auto Parts ...... 27 Iona Mfg...... 4 1 .800 experience for George Weiss, grfeatest need," Weiss said. Of A 44 ...... 28 Tech on the victors court yesterday. It was the second time Iasi week. Not that anyone probably^tares, but here is one one or two addiUons can make all course, we are not turning any­ Headquarters Co...... 2 4 .333 vote with those that go along with~»> long titne rul^r of the New the difference in the world in a Allied Printing ^ ...... 24 McIntosh Boat ...... 0 6 .000 this year Norwich has whipped the Rangers taking the first thing down. Who wouidf? We are Aircraft Hardware .'...21 / meeting 83-41. the idea provided that they are su- York Yankee dynasty. With ball club. Wfhen we got .Charlie very hopeful that .some of the When the CIAC decided to pull Neal and Frank Thomas the pic­ Jon-Dl's ...... 20 Norwich rolled to a 15-6 first pervised by thi Connecticut Ijitef^ the schoolboy basketball tourna­ 85 men on hlz New York H eti ros­ young pitchers, who have been on Undisputed possession of <3oach Tony D’Angona’s chargies scholastic Athletic Copfermce ture changed. Garden Rest...... 17 quarter margin and never was in ment out o f the New Haven Arena, ter, Weiss is beginning to see the the verge of making it big but Nas.siff's (Jamera ...... It first place in the Rec Senior •erious trouble the rest of the will be seeking a repeat per­ much as the NationaJ^ GolIegiate light of day. He also is doing more “ Yes, now I am, beginning to see never have crashed through, may formance. Athletic Conference-'controls the the decision was met with approv­ League today belongs to^ Mori- ■way. The host club increased its al in practically all areas except talking. the makings of k ball club. What do the Job for us. That would be Capturing first half honors in the margin to 19 points, 36-17 at half­ Norwich <8S) college football games of the week "Last spring it was great," said club ooesn't have some doubtful men Tike Jay Hook, Bob Miller, arty Bros, following its thrill­ B F Pl«, each Saturday''durlng the fall. possibly New Haven. Two strong­ MercanUls Bowling League wim time and held a comfortable 51-36 est arguments against the switch Weiss who became prestdent of the spots? We have some. We freely Craig Anderson, Al Jackson and ing 73-71 overtime victory ...... 6 By proper supervision the Mets last March. “ Everybody y^as admit, it. Perhaps our outfield F iano’s Restaurant which bowled margin going into the final period...... 6 to the University o f Connecticut Sherman Jones. over Iona Manufacturing Norwich had three players in ...... * 9 NCAA has set up a program where shaking your hand and saying needs the least. We could stand a "One of the most encouraging at a .647 cUp winning 32 and los­ Co. last night at the T. Both teams ...... « 16 no'one school has been allowed to campus at Storrs were increased •Oh what a ball club we re going .catcher. With Neal on second we double figures. They were Bud ...... 0 traveling distance for many of the things to me has been the attitude ing 16. Fiano'a finished three had gone into the battle with per­ Montle 16. Skip Turcotte 13 and 5 dominate the cables. Not too many to give you.’ have Felix Mantilla, Elio Chacon of the players, specially the older games ahead of second place Klot- fect records. In the other game 0 ^ vears ago Notre ame, which has downstate schools and loss of ■'Then when we got around to and Don Zimmer who have played Jay Bourdoit 10. Only Ranger to revenue. men. When you negotiate with er'i Togs. played, Headquarters . Company get into the select circle was been lauded as a model example meetings in June and July there shortstop. Perhaps (^acon could them they all say ‘I want to play. eked out a 74-73 triumph in an­ because it steadfastly refuses There isn't much dispute with were plenty of doubts. The clubs be the shortstop for a period of High average during the first Dwaine Olidden with 10 tallie.s. La.st year I didn't play enough. I round belonged to Bill Thurston other tingling contest. The game was remarkably free post season bowl bids, did its best the first argument. Storrs is an began to reaUze that they would years if he comes along. The pattern of the battle for out-of-the-way place for most am .sure I can do it if I get a with 114.18. Dick Trotter had both of fouls. Norw’ich. which caged 30 to set up its own television net­ have to give up something. They "With a little shot in the arm, chance to be in there every day.’ first piace went right into over­ work Bob Hall, former Yale Uni­ people of the state no matter how weren't so eagei- to help. high single and high triple with baskets, converted only three free the outfield is all right. "Casey has a way of getting 'the 161 and 409 respectively. High DICK TIIVIUTON time with each team taking the throws, while Cheney hooped five 6.1 versity athletic director who was you look at the map. But we still ■'The meetihg in Cincinnati after Weiss said the MeU had a deal most out of older fellows like lead several times. With 21 sec­ Cheney (37) then in charge of establishing the think the toumSment Is a lot bet­ the World Series (when the Mets without a mark was Roland from the foul stripe to go alone B. F. Pta pending involving a regular player that." Irl.sh's 95. 610 game turned in by the Man- onds remaining in the overtime, with their 16 field goals. Honcp ...... 4 NCAA television policy, was equal­ ter off in the hands of people like and Houston clubs were stocked that was being held up because the Then the old reticent Weiss re­ Chester Auto Parts crew. Iona ied 71-70 as Moe Morhardt Pennant winning Fiano's owned Norwich made it a clean sWeep G liddfn ...... 5 ly strong willed and refused to al- J. b . Christian and Hugh Greer with players from the other clubs •ither club had a player of doubt­ turned for a moment. both team triple and team single. Top scores at last sesskm were and Bemie August drove in for leaRoAe ...... 1 1 low Notre Dame to force its wishes than Podoloff and Co. in New in the NaUonal League) was a lit­ by taking the prelim. 6®-30. Ollvrir ...... 1 ful military status. He mentioned "Of Cour.se," he added with a Fiano's 1,713 was the best triple Emil Dietz 870, Bill Santoi 133- layups. Jim Glenney put Moriarty's Friday afternoon the Rangers, Burnplle ...... 4 g on the rest of the organization. haven. tle more encourag;ing. We were no. names. Some were gue«s*ng note of caution. "W e can tall bet­ while their 611 was top single but 330, Ruse FountJdn 358, Bob Cuneo ahead by one with a driving layup Marah .....H...... p , . 0 0 It seemed to this writer at the not dissatisfied with the players we who now have lost nine deciMons Klein ...... 1 Ever since the CIAC decided to that Duke Snider of the Los An- ter in July." PIERSALL MAKES POINT—Jim PiersAll (right), Washington Senator’s outfielder, was only one stick better than a 857. and Jim Moriarty added a push as against two triumphs, will play time, and still does, that the South move to 'UOonn, we’ve been antici­ •hot to forge Moriarty’s ahead by Soanicki ...... 0 Bend school was being as selfish shakes his fist as he makes a point with three members of the Minnesota Twina Ameri­ host to St. James. The Berlin team Griffin ...... 0 pating a news story saying that COMMERCIAL TENPIN three. Dave Turkington hit on a about what It considered Its own the final, and possibly even the can League team before the mid-winter baseball banquet in Twin Cities last night. Lis­ is one of the two clubs that Cheney Totala ...... 16 37 Momingbelle Loop Btaadbiga foul shot, bringing Iona closer, but has conquered this winter and television rights as some schools semifinal, would be made available Mays Wife Files tening to Pieraall, left to right, are: ’Twins manager Sam Mele, Harmon Killebrew, and Phil Hyde added a free throw and Score at half. Noru’lch 36-17. are about bowl bids. Let's face it. Casey Sees Short Stay W. L. Fet. for TV to accommodate those who Bob Allison. Piersall was the main speaker. (AP Photofax.) Dean Machine ...... 30 4 .888 iPrank Butkus sank a foul shot There are a number of Institutions won't be able to purchase tickets. Mexican Divorce Has Two-Way Tic to give Moriarty's its 73-71 w-ln. which consider it a wasted year if Nelco Tool ...... 20 4 .888 It would also make up for the lost Manch Upholstery ..30 4 J83 Iona outshot Moriarty’s from their school doesn't get a bowl in­ revenue due to the smaller seating For Top Average the door with a 27-25 field goals Look Out There Stringheans! vitation at the conclusion of each Juarez, Mexico (ff) — The In New Job with Mets Decision of Face Masks Awaits Study Dugan's Bakery ...... IS ' S .667 capacity at Storrs. wife of San Francisco Giants Barlow'a T.V...... IS 5 M 7 edge. Foul shooting again proved grid campaign. If. you don't think Standlnga a major part of the game as so Just take a look at the number Television is like gambling, it's baseball star Willie Mays, Mrs. Winia's Steak ...... 14 10 J88 here to stay whether we like it or Scarlett Wendell Mays, has SKI W. L. Pet. Connecticut Motel ..1 4 10 M 3 Moriarty’s made good on 23 of 34 of hpad coaches who lo.se their Manchester, N. H., (JP)— Casey Stengel has indicated that Rosabellea ...... ST 38 .617 10 J188 •while Iona could only sink 17 of 24. West Stealing Thunder Jobs annually because their clubs not. If the CIAC officials, when filed for a Mexican divorce, N No Major Alterations A.B.A. Tool ...... 14 they sign a contract let the Madi­ charging InoompatlbUlty. his job as manager of the newly-organized New York Meta EUabellee ...... 8 2 28 .533 Carter’s Chevrolet ..12 11 .800 Iona took a 19-16 lead in the don’t produce winning records. Carabelles ___ 32 28 .533 JiOO son Avenue dandles who flood the She appeoiad before Oivll may not last too long. The former Yankee manager also is­ O Little JOf'a ...... 12 18 first period as Matt Wallace and Point was made earlier this week Annabellea ...... ___ 28 32 .467 12 .800 Morhardt found the range. Ekl by a veteran writer who has been video administrative circles know Court Judge Oarlos Urangn sued a warning that ball players picked up by the Mets won’t Don Willis ...... 12 that they, the CIAC. will nm the Munoz yesterday to file the be around long if they don’t pro-^ Eatebellea ...... ___ 27 S3 .450 Burnside- Auto. 12 JiOO Wojick, Moriarty and Frank But­ Of NBA Scoring Aces covering sports many years that In College Grid Rules 84 .433 show and not the TV sponsor, then petition. duce. Olgabellee ...... 26 Roy Motora ..... 14 .4X7 kus paced the winners to a 39-35 televising of a key game could ad- Sperry's Glen . . . 15 .833 versly a^ect the home attendance this writer, for one, cannot see The peUtiott aald the couple The 71-year-old manager spoke margin at halftime. Moriarty’s al­ Sixth Loss in Row Champions of the first half of Naastff Arms ... 18 J8S so held a two-point lead going into New York (i'P)— Jerry West’s sensational scoring last night, of other games around the state. He why television can't be used as se|>arated Sept. 26, 1961, that to 2,100 persons last . night at the Miami Beach, Ha. (/P)—The rules of college football got a another means of promoting the the season in the Mornlngbclle Bob's Barber .... 30 .167 the final period as Dave Turking­ topped by only two men in the history of the National Bas­ cited as an example a game at a property settlement hnd been 14th annual Manchester Union Pinned oh Rangers minor touchup but no major alterations this year from the League were the Roaebellea. The 20 .X87 schoolboy sports program ,4n the reached and that Maya had Manchester Band ton, Wallace and Norm Burke ketball Association, stole the thunder from the usual NBA Weaver on the some night where I-eader Baseball Dinner. He met a leaders won 37 and lost 33 matches Jack's Coffee ... 84 MO state. agreed to the divorce. barrage of questions about the NCAA Rules Committee, which keyed its efforts toward curb­ brought Iona up t o , within two leaders, the and Wilt Chamberlain. the crowd was less than 200 when e s s By Leafs’ Skaters for a .617 percentage to defeat sec­ points of tieing 54-52. Wallace, be­ at least one school official said he Mrs. Mays asked for custody changes of his new National ing injuries; Big Chief of Indians Caught Going on Warpath The ■Ix-foot-three L m A n g elesf------ond place Etlabelles by five games. Burpriae o f the week w u Bom - fore fouling out in the final min­ expected 600 to turn out. Gilbert Top Scorer of their adopted son, Michael, League entry. By BOB BROWN The committee left unchanged it equal to the Illegal motion pen­ Shirley Murphy and Hilma Mc- backcourt star, an NBA sophomore 2. Her attorney said Mays New York OP)—The Detroit Red the exisUng subeUtution rule after side Motor* sweeping o f eight utes, spurred Iona in a final drive Manchester High basketball Coach Phil Hyde, who plays with Moriarty Bros, in the Unless my memory fails me. But he went over the Mets team Mark Twain once said of New alty. Comb have the beet averages, a points from Roy Motors. Thin wes' from West Virginia, scored 63 Weaver won that game by close Leading point produced in OCIL had agreed to ' an undlscdosed Wings, benefiting from a New England weather; "If you don’t considering coarhee' requests for to knot the score at 63 all at the Rec Senior League, is caught in full flight during last night’s first place battle with points in the Lakers’ 129-121 vic­ only briefly, preferring to talk A team kicking the ball will be pair of 106's. Others with 100 or the first time this yeer thet the Fun Guaranteed to 50 points. Maybe the fans an­ over first half of season was allifiony and support for the like the weather in New England permission to use aa many as three end of regulation time. Iona Manufacturing for first place. On this particular play Iona’s Moe Morhardt got tory over the New York Knicker­ about the more familiar American York nosedive, will be gunning for authorized to touch it within' the better averages are Ruth Oetrand Burnside crew has been able to ticipated the one-sided contest and Wethersfield's husky center Bob boy. wait, it will change” and change it "wild card" subs. Moriarty's had five men in bockers. League. However, In a Jesting mo­ fourth place in the NaUonal opponents' 10-yard line and make er 105. Olga Cola 101 and Made make a clean sweep. around Hyde for a layup. (Herald Photo by Satemis.) Saturday Night the crowd at Weaver might not The Mays were married Feb. lias from two degrees above zero Fritz Crialer, former Michigan double figures with Moriarty lead­ Only Chamberlain and Mgin Gilbert. The big blond bomber of ment, he warned that "If our team It dead. Previously, such action line Morley 100. ticadlng keglErs tachidefi Joe have been too much more even It. 1956 at Elktoa. Md. Hockey League tonight when they Friday morning to 55 degrees coach who eerved as acting chair­ was ruled touchbark and the ball The latter had high triple. 366. ing wrlth 18, Wojclk 15, Glenney Baylor, West's Los Angeles team­ the Eagles hooped 161 points on 49 doesn't Improve Its hitting in PaggloU 203-221-^18, Aldo ITep- 12, and Butkus and Leo Cyr each Evening of fun and enter­ without the -video competition of visit Boston and the lowly Bruins. Saturday afternoon. This warm man, said he believed moit cioach- was brought out to the 20. Ch-leler Only four pin* separated the top mate now in the Army, have bet­ field goals and 68 free thro'ws in splng training, maybe we won't mild air and spring like rains has es would find'the commlttee'e ac­ jUonlo 201—592. Claude Williams getting 11. Matt Wallace (21) led tainment is guaranteed Satur­ the Hillhouse and Cross pairing, A Detroit victory would vault the said "Some feel It is a good play six in this department. Other good S)7-211—890, Mika Denhup 802 — tered the mark. Baylor had a hlgfh eight loop contests . . . Eastern’s fix up the lights at the Polo really caused problems for New tions acceptable. the scoring for Iona with Turk­ day night at the Manchester s * * classy Terry Biu-ke was second Grounds.” Wings into sole possession of '.he and leta the kicking team put an triples were Hilma McOomb 864, 886, Frank Terregna 841-^2, of 71, and C hsn^rlaln, Phila­ Hlgii School Arena starting at last playoff spot and a lie would England ski area operators. "The email coUegai favor one opponent way back in the corner." Sherry Jochlmaen 862, Olga Colla ington and Morhardt 15 each. Williams Five Belted delphia's giant, scoring machine, with 155 points followed by Weth­ Frick Urges Ruse Parsons 228—581. Gene 1 ^ - Keeney Gages 42 Points 6:45. Suggest Survey The Mets will play, their initial give them a sliare of It. Their Conditions have changed from an rule, the universities like another." The committee boosted from 5 362, Shirley Murphy 861 and Ruth has 73 in rscpilation time and 78 ersfield's Bob Johnson 141 and season at the former home of the na 208—570, Hank McDermott 819 Buzz Keeney led the Guards to The occasion will be the an­ It seems to this writer that a match is the only one' scheduled overall excellent of two weks ago Crlsler said. "I think, however, the to 15 yards the penalty for violat­ Ostrander 35L —668, Ralph VonEcksr 656, Tom BUSINES.SMEN’S LEAGUE in triple overtime. Central's clever sophomore Geo|-ge New York Giants while their new to an overall poor to date. Dutch majority do not want free, un­ victory in nightcap with 42 points nual Manchester Educational survey by the CIAC on Just how Benoti 140 . . . Indians’ Paul Moguls to Pep In the league. ing a rule that a forward pass or Shirley Murphy's 163 was the Duff 214, Chartee Robinson M4. Out of Select Circle A-L Caterers strengthened their y'lWest's previous high -was 47. stadium is being constructed. Fogarty and a handful of Man- limited, unrestricted substitution." place kick held by an opponent best single while Betty Daniels 95 J home attendance at other games as he hit from all angles. It was hold on first place in the Business­ It was the 15tSi straight road Association Scholarship Fund Quey and Oonard’s Dave Chalklln The Red Wings, idle last night, Pat Paradise 306, Mac Begar the Guards second win. basketball program. that night, and also the rematch "We've got nine starters," Sten-, remained Just one point back of che.iter Ski Club skiers ventured The committee adjourned Its cannot he kicked. Crialer said was high without a mark. Bob Arnold 200, Joe OlempOlo801. men’s League as. they turned back loss for the Knicks. deadlocked at 119 apiece to round three-day annual meeting after The Boatmen opened up a 24-12 next month, was affected would out top five. gel said, "And I plan to teU them the Rangers, who lost their sixth North last weekend only to find ML "You wouldn't often see this hap­ Beat ecoree at the last meeting the Post Office, '75-44. In the first West hit for 27 points in the Featured In the headline at­ Up Their Game Snow had better Ice ideating con­ holding a special aesalon last night were Rory Simon 122, Caroline lead in th-a first period only to see traction at 8 o'clock will be give a better Indication of the that if this is their last chance a>. straight and eighth in nine starts, pen, but some of the coaches want­ Edna New York (A*)— Duquesne, a team that ‘‘didn’t belong” ac­ game the Telephone Company won first half, 24 in the third quarter. Report is that Manchester High ditions at the summit than ski to consider the substitution rule. ed the change." Janlcke 118. Gerry Kowalthuk tetor-cauireh their margin dwindled as Keeney over Nassltt Arms, 63-33. basketball teams representing overall picture rather than pin­ football team probably will play playing regularly, they'd better 4-2, to Toronto. Ohrlstenaen 125-136. cording to the pre-seasqn^experta, gets a chance to “ stay” to­ In the other games, Boaten took pointing one game. New York, (JP)—Baseball Com­ step on the gas and really give conditions. A few members report­ One>other action came out of the The committee retained the col­ 118, Betty Daniels 115. kept pouring points in. It wasn't Getting away to a fast start and a 126-116 Gome-from-behlnd sric the faculty at Manchester High only eight games next fall. Lsist missioner Ford Frick insisted to­ Montreal retaining its two-point night session, however—a decision night when it tackles third-ranked Cincinnati in one of the against an array of teachers in Indiscriminate use o f television their best." ed that the bottom wasn't too bad. lege rule that a visiting team has till the final minutes that the rolling}Illng up a 32-16 half time edge,edg tory over Detroit and Philadelphia Saturday in October was to be day he ■ Is not alarmed over the hold on first place with a 7-3 rout Bill Ritchie tested Thunder to request stricter enforcement of Guards finally cauglit the Boat­ week’s top college basketball attractions. the Junior high and elementary on the schoolboy basketball scene to change Jerseys if need be to the Telephone Co. had no trouble took St. Louis, 136A30, in over­ filled by one of Hartford schools rapid rise of professional football, Plethora o f Stars of (Jhlcago. Mountain and he also reported very a rule against piling on a tackled contrast with the home team, but men and go ahead as George The game Is one of three in-;* program. probably would adversly hurt in turning back Nassiff's Telso had time in a doifbleheamr in Detroit. but with Pulaski of New Britain but urged major league clubown- Whitey Ford predicted the Yan­ Squander Lead icy conditions. Thunder is a new player. decreed that In high school foot­ Boys’ Annual Bowling Tourney Clifton connected for 10 of his 20 volvlng four ranking teams in the three men hitting twin figures as Preliminary game at 6:46 many of the CIAC members. entering Capital District Confer­ current Associated Press poll, in state, Virginia Tech won over Patented Rush ers and the rules committee to do kees should continue as the Amer- New York appeared well on its area which is serviced by a chair The committee left unchanged ball tile home team must make the points to keep Macintosh ahead. Richmond, ^67-54, in a Southern Hank Felle, who was the game’s -matches the West Side Rec That's why this writer would like ence next year all three Hartford way to breaking its i.o.slng string the busiest, and most interesting Boeton trailed 62-52 at halftime against St. Mary’s of Newing­ to see the CIAC set up some kind something about "Pepping up the fcan League's top team for some lift and T-bars, it la in the same the regulations governing player change. Formerly the change was Kiaeney Just never gave up and Conference ghnm. Louisville sur­ high scorer, ripped the nets for 16 but came on with Ha patented teams are now booked on that game.” before the muscular Leafs wore .Scheduled Friday and Saturday nights of the exam-curtailed week. tallies while teammates' Howard ton. of policy similar to that the NCAA time if the shortjstop gap is filled general area of the old Chickly equipment. It said that before obligatory on visiting teams Of finally led his term on to victory. prised Xavier (OhJo), 85-60, Har­ rush. The Celtics outaoored the date. Opponent may b# foimd for "What baseball needs is few de­ and several of the younger pitch­ them down in the last period. New Alps area. Bill also reported that changes are authorised, a thorough high schools as well ss colleges. Duqueane, with 12 victories and Edwards and Llnwood Smith had Halftime and between game has for college football. Indiana but not likely. vard gained sole ' possession of Pistons 39-26 in the tSiird period lays and home runs and more snap­ ers turn out as well as expected. York carried a 2-0 lead going into the area is definitely not for novices aseeeament should be made of num­ Three separate groups of boye_ B. r. pu. only a loss to Viilanova in the fourth' place in the Ivy League 12 and 10 points respectively. For entertainment will be supplied the last 20 minutes. Annual Bo.ve Open Bowlingf Glenney ...... 2 8-12 12 .semifinals of the Quaker City Holi­ the Sportsmen, it was Ron Bad-, gu on to their 36th -victory by the Windsor Locks Oavaliers. py plays and stolen bases," Frick Other guests included Yankee or beginners. Like its big brother. erous player-injury surveys now will partlclpste. Midget group Modarty ...... 8 2-2 18 with a 76-72 victory over Dart­ against only eight losses, after said. "Not enough is being done in But then the Leafs took over, under way or completed. FISHING ON FllJVf Tournament, conducted by the Butxus ...... 1 5-9 11 day Festival last month in Phlla- stuobner getting 12 points while a Nesro drill team, plus the catcher Elston Howard, Detroit Mad River Glen in Vermont, Thun­ Recreation Department will be mouth, Penn beat city-rival St. Jo­ four times shrugging off last period this respect." with Frank Mahovlich leading the der caters strictly to the experi­ There had been controversy over Washington, D.C. (J’l—Two of are boys within ths ages Of 10 end Hyde ...... 2 2-2 6 idelphia, is ranked fifth as it goes Harry Eggleson added another Manchester' High School Band Tiger pitcher Frank Lary and the held this weekend at the Oommu- ...... 6 1-1 11 seph's, 66-60, for the first, time flurries by Detroit, the last tying His comments were prompted by way. He scored a pair, his 21st enced skier, and most trails are the use of face guards, with some America's finest fishing areas will 12. Junior boys range In age from W^ojclk'"'...... 5 5^ 15 into its most crucial game of the since 1946, and Army ended Wil­ eight. and majorettes. McGill Top Individual Scorer American League's 1961 batting be motion picture subjects, eacii nlly Y. year. Cincy ia 12-2, after beating With Don Wheeler and Gary the game at 106-alI. Tickets w llPbr on sale at the the results of an Associated Press champion. Tiger first baseman and 22nd of the season, and George labeled intermediate and expert. opponents contending neck in­ 18 through 15 and Intermediate liams' unbeaten siring at 12 with Armstrong and Ron Stewart got a 16 mm sound color film o( 28 Norm Vlttner, bowling super­ Totala ...... 25 23-39 73 Dayton Tuesday night. The Dukes Ddn^ue teaming up to each score Sam Jones’ 13 points and 12 by door. Poll. In the balloting by 215 sports- Norm Cash. Let’s all hope that conditions juries can be caused by grabbing a visor at the Y and tournament di­ boys are from 16 to 18. Iona Mff. <71) an easy 72-58 victm-y. Bob Cousy sparked the third period writers and broadcasters, 109 the others. change for the better, "ski-wise" player'i face guard. minutes. One area covers Chesa­ B. F PtR won over Toledo on Monday. Alabama went into a first half 18 points the A-I. Caterers romp­ But Scramble for Team Leader Stengel, who was released by peake Bay between Maryland and rector, has set up four shifts. One Boys wanting to participate rally and Jones wound up m Bos­ voted "Yes” to the question "Will Andy Bathgate, the Rangers' in the next few weeks so that the Shea ...... 2 3-9 7 Elsewhere t o n I g h t. fourth- stall, but Mlssls.sippi State show­ ed to a 37^18 score at the intermis­ the Yankees as being too old, con­ Survey Phuvned Virginia. The other area will take shift will bowl at 6 Friday night must contact Vlttner at the Y al­ Turklneton ...... 6 5-6 15 ranked Kansas SU te makes Us sion and thep coasted to an easy ton’s high scorer with 33 markers professional football in 10 or 20 league leading scorer, got one New snow will be good for the Jan. 28 O isler said the chairman of the with the other three scheduled for leys tonight. They may do so by TIohentnal (M) 2 ed the n d e how it should be done while Cousy had 28. Bailey Howell years replace baseball as our na­ ceded his knowledge of National Manchester Day Outing. in part of the Columbia River and Wallacp ...... 9 3-5 21 only appearance of the week and gained a 21-5 halftime lead. victory over Hie Mailman. Wally New York iJF) —Utah’s Billy (The Hill) McOiU continues almost York goal and assisted on one by NCAA injury committee, Ernie features the salmon fisheries. 4, 6 and 8 Saturday night. calling after • o'clock. had 35 for the I*lstons. unchallenged as the nation’s major college basketball scoring leader, tional pastime?" There were 106 League players was far less than Dean Prentice. Bathgate now nas Morhardt ...... 6 3-5 15 against Missouri in a Big Bight Both changed tactics in the sec­ Darling, who aiso played a fine Jofre and Caldwell McCoy of Penn State, will be ask­ Autruel ...... t (M) 2 Chamberlain continued his bet­ but there's a donneybrook a-bullding in the scramble for- the team dissenters. of performers In the Junior cir­ 18 goals and 41 a.ssists for 69 At the board of directors meet­ ed to survey all studies on football Burke .... 3-4 9 game and Missouri Valley leader ond half and the Maroon ran away floor game for theNyinners, chip­ ...... •■■ J Bradley (10-2) ranked ninth, ped in with 17 points also In the ter than point-a-mlnute scoring, Out to Solve Dual scoring lead. In addition, 25 voters Insisted cuit. points. ing last week plans were discussed injuries, including one done by the from 'Bama 46-35. Leland Less than half a point separate that pro football already has "I've seen the top ■ Natfonal for the outing. Bill Ritchie, chair­ Tntale ...... 27 17-24 71 takes on conference foe Drake. Mitchell, with 20 points, and J. D. winning cause. For the losers. netting 62 against the Hawks Tile seven goals against Chicago Army, one by Cornell and Michigan Weathermen and Golfers Share Sports in Brief ' Score of half, Mor1aj-l.v Broe. 39-35. The only ranked team In action Birdie Webb was the tops vifRh 14 after entering the game with a the first five teams, the tightest knocked baseball out of the box League players in many years goalie Glenn Hall were the most man, has secured five trophies and others. H.sdqnartfrs C*. f14> Stroud with 16 paced *MisBisslppi Claims to Crown race in history the NCAA Service Texas Quintet Top as America's No. 1 sport while an­ against the Yankees in the World which will be awarded t,o winners last night was 10th rated Missis­ State, which had a 45.6 shooting markers while Ed McCarthy chip­ 49.3 average. Wilt has scored 249 he has allowed this season and He said, "W e hope in another M orsan ... sippi State, which must have taken ped In with eight. points in Ms last four games. Bureau said today. other 15 predicted the grid game Series," he said, "but I'm sure 1 came in his 500th NHL game. of the various racing events. year to know If the face mesk in­ The Milwaukee Braves figure F isk ...... average from the floor. 'Bama Sao Paulo, Brizll (fn — One of Spotliglit for Crosby Open a leaf from the defensive book of St. Louis got the tying basket Small College Five will take over in fewer than 10 won’t be handling those player^." Guy Rousseau had a pair, Ralph Trdphles will be awarded to the vitee injuries to the head and neck, they lost a good chance for the K s.n ey .... shot only 27.6. paced by Gary boxing’s three disputed Utlea will In games through Jan. 13 Indi­ McCormick Alabama fciotball Coach Bear EAST SIDE MIDGETS in regulation time from Len Wll- ana had the lead with an average years. He said the Mets would be a Backstrem, Bill Hlcke, Jeon Be- winners of the men’s division of personally am not convinced.” 1961 National League pennant by Blagbum's 16 points. The game be cleared up tonight and Brazil­ Fallottl ___ Bryant, whose Crimson Tide was Holding on to their first place kens, playing hU first game since of -87.68 points per game. It was New York l/F> —Prairie View of Lots of Talk combination .of both rookies and liveau, Jean Guy Talbot and Don the giant slalom, women's division The Rules Committee recom­ Pebble Beach. Calif. (JV-Blng profeasionai »m this 160,000 pro- loaing 15 of 22 games to OIneln- was rescheduled after the two were ian fans think their Eder Jofre of the giant slalom, advanced juip T nlsll rated the top team-in 1961. tie with the Pumpers, the Hose- being called into sebvice after the foUowed in order-by Arizona-State Texaa tackled thrue-more^wictor- "I’m not alarmed that pro foot­ experienced players; He said he Marshall each got one. Bobby Hull mended thal *11 ■player*' wear Croaby'j 21st NaUonal Pro-Ama­ ducuon. nati. 4-9 74 snowed out last week. will emerge as the imdisputed ban­ lore men's division, advanced jun- Mrint.sli Boat Five Paints at Halftime The Tar Heels almost lost a 16- men upended the Cruisers. 25-13, NBA’s Board of Governors decid­ (87.57), Loyola, lU. (87.46), Boston ies onto its record last week and ball is g oin g to take baseball’s didn’t want to get into personal­ scored his 19th and 20th for the properly fitting mouth guards, but teur Golf Tournament opened to­ Another *3,000 goes to the play- F. Pis. State whomped the Tide's bas­ la.st night. ed this week that servicemen could tamweight champion in his match College (87.44) and Kentucky 87.21. widened its lead in the Associated place," Prick said. "We did have ities until he became mot^ famlUar Black Hawks and Abe McDonald lore, women’s division and the best did not make that a regulatibn. "It day with 324 players sharing at­ for-play shooter on the winning Yuiiem is the name Jack Price K.nnwiy .... 4-6 16 point lead, going scoreless for six with Ireland’s John CaldweU. time on the giant slalom course B u n r ...... ketball team 67-40, allowing only minutes In the second half before Getting away to an early lead, play. Chamberlain sent the War­ McGill struck for 78 points in Press small college basketball a slight decrease in major league with them. got the other. would be difficult to enforce," said tention with the weatherman. Pro-Amateur team. Crosby' format haa given Carry Back’s half- K hl.rs ...... thd Hosemen were never behind as Jofre, a knockout puncher with poll. attendance (8.6 per cent) last sea­ will determine the club champion. Crialer. Vlot ...... five points in the first half. regaining their ed^e, Larry riors ahead to stay in overtime. two games during last week and While golfers and fans alike calls for each pro to have an brother at Hialeah. The mare, In other action. North Carolina they rolled to a 12-6 halftime edge. Bob Pettit tossed in 37 for the 40 victories and thre-e draws In 43 now averages 37.4. The only other Prairie View walloped Gram- son. But don’t forget that 30 mil­ This individual will also be award­ Few Ohongee hoped for continuance of the clear amateur partner with celebrities of joppy, was killed in a paddock lamnnaco ... Brown's 21 points paced North ed a trophy. Second and third Clifton ...... took over first place in the A t­ Carolina, ‘ now 5-1 in the ACC. With aggressive Bob Brown rip­ Ha-wits. Wllkens added 23 as did rights, is recognized in South player averaging 30 points or bllng. La., 103-72, and defeated lion people watched profeasionai More rigid enforcement was skies o f the past week, the fore- entertainment, business and sports phaned In Yiddish. places will be swarded tbs tradi­ lantic Coast Conference with a 66- while Jon Speaks led N. C. State ping the nets for 10 points while Larry Foust. America and by the U.S, National more is Seton Hall sophomore Nick Texaa Southern twice to boost its baseball games and that the game asked of rules against clipping, cast called tor overcast tonight adding spice to the compeUUon. Totals ...... 11 8-10 73 also playing a fine floor game, the Boxing Association as World is being played in more high tional gold and bronze medals. Score at half. Guards 38-17. 56 victory over North Carolina with 20. Werkman with 32.3. season's mark to 12-1. and words or signals that would with possible rain Friday Art Wall, who won in 1959 with winners had little trouble in gain­ champ. Caldwell, 23-year-old box­ schools and colleges than ever be­ ’n»ere will also be a race for chil­ Quarterback Ralph Ougllelml Never in Contention There are two new accuracy As a result. Prairie View re­ rattle a team preparing to put the Defending Champion Bob Rus- a 72-hole score of 279. indicated he and offenalve tackle Ed Cook of ing their sixth win as against one er who also is unbeaten, holds the leaders, Layton Jones of Auburn ceived , four votes for first place, fore. dren under 12. They will be rec­ ball In play. burg of Palo Alto, Calif., beaded Virginia Tech won Its 28th ognized aa participants In this race. expects to be in contention again the 81. Louia Ordinals in the defeat. Kenny Hence, after a slow ABL Future European version of the same In field goal shooting and Tommy one for second and two for third "Altogether there were between The penalty for illegal shift was the bulky field in queata of another as he commented, “ I'm playing straight home game, coming from start, added nine tallies for the World tlU-^.. five and six million youngsters A full day of activities have been NaUonal Football League went a 32-27 deficit with a 21-2 spurt Boyer of Arkansas Jri free throws. from among _the seven regional reduced from 15i to 5 yards to mske *5,300 top prize for the leading belter. I was Just one-stroke be to Notre Dame. Third Straight Victory Scored winners. Seven coming in the sec- for Decision There are dual claimants in both Jones is now hitting .632 from the selectors participating in the poll. playing -baseball on organized, uni planned and the outing is o|>en to in the second half. Xavier, which anyone from Manchester and sur­ hind the winner at San Diego and old half. For the losing Cruisers the ntiddieweight and ' light heavy floor, replacing Ohio State’s Jerry Grambllng (13-13), meanwhile fell formed teams.” that helped my confidence." beat ranked Viilanova in its last It was .John Savino leading the Big. leaguu baseball attendance rounding areas. More detailed in­ Every team in tha Natlcmal outing, never was in contention a-s New York (iP) — The American classes with Gene , Fullmer and Lucas (.620) while Boyer has as­ one place to third while Tennessee League— except Ban Francisco— By Unbeaten Indian Riflemen pact, as he tallied for 12 points. In 1961 wae 18.898.000. Meanwhile, formation will be given at the' Jan. Rodger* BUll Hot Louisiville's Bud Olsen .scourged Basketball League still awaits Terry Downes spUtUng the middle sumed free throw leadership from State (^ 2 ) climbed into the run­ Young Phil Rodgers, who won has won the pennant since 1940 title apd Archie Moore and Har­ ner-up spot. the National Football League' hit 32 meeting of the Ski Club. Indian Natators Bag Third Win the Ohioans with 31 points word on the future of the l^ s his teammate, Jerry Carlton. Boy­ Among the other things diicuts- the Loa Angeles Open by nine when Cincinnati last won a flog. Coasting to an easy tdetory, Manchester High's undefeated rifie Joe Deering’s 17 points led Angeles Jets. old Johnson holding shares of the er is hitting .947 and Carlton .920. On a basis of 10 points for a a record high, of close to 4,000,000 strokes two w*eke ago, conUnued light heavy crown. while the rival American Football od at the directors meeting wss the team trounced a weak WUcox Technical School team yesterday In Harvard while Penn came from an A meeting between Jet officials Chelghton sophomore Paul Silas first place vote, 9 foi second etc.. proposed improvements to be made Beating .Bristol Eastern^ 51-36 his hot shooting in his practice The New York Turf Writers’ the Waddell School rangte, 898 to 791. 11-polnt deficit a.s'’all five starters, The bantam dispute arose after continues to pace the rebounders, Prairie View accumulated 65 League also ihowed an increase at round yesterday. He played 14 C^ip, a two-mile hurdle race, has and ABL officials was scheduled the gate in Its second year of on the club elope next year and Wilcox, hampered by the .loss of*- paced by Dave Robinson's 17 to continue today. A spokesman Mexico's Joe Becerra retired fol­ averaging 22,9 per cent of all re­ points, Tennessee State 48- and the poBsibllity d purehaiing a holes at Cypress ~ Point ■ four uiunder been won three times by F. D. Grambllng 47. ’ In last week’s operation. their coach due to faculiy realign­ points, hit double figures. Robinson said there is “ A good possibility” lowing a knockout by Eloy Sanch- bounds in his team's games. San snow making machine. Anyone Winning half d|f the events on the program including only one of j par and then went 18 at Pebble Adams and A. P. Bmlthwlck. ments in the Meriden school, tailed scored the, final go-ahead basket ezz in a non-title fight. Aug. 30, Jose State leads in team ' defense poll. Prairie View collected only "Don’t forget,” Frick pointed wishing more information on the the relay specialtiLi, Manchester High's swimming team picked up i Beach with a 69. three under. "1 Fairfield Defeated that the Jets will remain in the one first place vote and led Gram- out. "baseball is playsd almost to live up to expectations, and even for the Quakers, which hadn’t league. 1960. Jofre was recogniced after with an average o f '47.3, Florida outing should contact either Bill some valuable second and third place points to defeat Bristol Eastern !^as playing exceptionally well," fell to the Indian second squad, Bv Setoii Hall Five beaten the Hawks in nine stiaight he stopped Sanchpz, Nov. 18, 1960. State in team field goal accuracy bling by six points The latest every day and we get year-round Ritchie or Jock Gustafson. 51-S6i in Bristol yesterday afternoon he declared. which posted an 829 score. The games. S(n Sherard's 23 points He said an announcement is ex­ Caldwell gain-ed the European nod with .507 and Holy Cross in free balloting was based on games coverage in the newspapers which It was the third straight tri- pected today. The meeting was through Saturday, Jan. 13. The field was split Into three match glved Manchester its third paced Army'.s afternoon victory. by whipping ex-Cffiamp Alphonse throw shooting with .804. ‘ is something pro football can’t An added addlUon to this year's umph for the Indians who have groups for todays’ opening round. straight victory, and make.s Wilcox Fairfield University's five-game In another pair of afternoon called" to revamp the schedule in Halimi March 30, 1961 and re­ ScoriDc Leaden Westminster, Pa., which Won •ay— Why, college football draw* gotten-off to a- b T i H H n p c r SHOE an attempt to help the club finan­ One played Monterey Penin.siila two and one for the .eeason. winning streak came to an end gameg. involving service academies, penting last Oct. 31. .... P**- Ayr. in succession before losing to more people and has mom players and hot soup by club chef, Dutch was supposed to be a rebuilding Country Club, another Cypreaa last night in a scoring battle at cially. Moat of Los Angeles' games Phil Klemas and Gary Harrispn Navy beat Georgetown (DC) In Brazilian fans have made Jofre, Nickxn I. Werkman, Seton Pittsburgh, a major college oppon­ than pro football.” Fogarty. Dutch will serve lunch year fop them." Two of their tri­ Point and the third at Pebble SouUk Orange, N. J. have been played early in the Named by Middies passed the 180 mark in yesterday's overtime. 64-56, outscoring the 25, a top heavy favorite on the Hall 102 87 391 33.8 ent. 58-45, advan-xid three placet Frick predicted that more major to all participating in the outing umphs havs coma against Central Beach. By Saturday night each SKATES The Stags were doitmed, 100-96 week. . Holy match, with Captain Allan Sault, Hoyas 10-2 in the extra session, strength of ao superior punching to fourth while Evansville, Ind., league teams would be added with­ from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Everyone Connecticut IntefscholasUc League will have played all three courses by Seton Hall. Crou llS 97 327 foes. Annaixilia, Md; (AV- The Naval Dave Landry and Phil Rusconi fol­ and Air Force won over Wyom­ Two of the Jets' home games, power. They thing they spotted a Art Heyman, Duke 138 373 beaten by Kentucky Wesleyan last in the n « t few years. attending will be entitled t o . a with the low scorers continuing •rooks and Routr h'airfleld put two men on sopho­ ing, 51-39.■ scheduied Friday and Sunday with Granny Williams week, dropped one notch to fifth. First place finishers for the In­ Academy announced today the ap­ lowing closely. Manche.ster's fifth chink in the Irishman's defense "We’re not through with ex­ bowl of soup and a sandwich. In Sundays’ finals at Pebble Beach. All Bisee Available more Nick VVerkman, Seton Hall's Brian Generalovich "scored 20 Hawaii, have been postponed. And Morehead (Ky) 83 233 Xl.i Wittenbeig, Ohio, remained in dians were John Verfaille (200 pointment of Budd ’Thalman ai di­ score dropped only to 177. seven during his workouts. Jofre has Len' Chappell, Wake pansion,” he said. "(Htting New There will be facilities to eat so Wall voiced the feeling of all scoring ate, and limited his out­ points in the first half and 29 over­ in Cleveland, a spokesman for the stopped 30 opponents, including Forarf n o 108 828 27.3 the. No. 8 poeltlon. Georgetown, 'i'oric and HqustMi in the National you may bring yotur own lunch and yard free). Bob Heins (individual rector of sports Information suc­ points from Klemas’ top 184. ceeding John T. (Jox, who hse" re-> when he said scores will depend a put to 23 points. Werkman is all as Pitt beat Columbia. 77-66. Pipers said a doubleheader sched­ the last 10 men he faced CaldweU Bobby Rascoe. Western Ky., slumped two places to sev­ t-eague was a "good move and it's extra refreshments. The only medley). Herb Maher (butterfly) MANCHESTER Both Landry and Ru.sconi. are now averaging 31.4 points per Arizona State U. beat Arizona Kentucky 100 70 270 27.0 enth. while Hofstra, N. Y., and and Ivon WasUieff (breaststrobe). qigned effective Jan. 31. lot on the weather. Winds whip­ uled for Youngstown, Ohio to­ has 12 knockouts in his 25-0 rec­ Teriy Olschlnser. going to help Incroase attendance charge to participants of the out­ ping off the Pacific Ocean into Ihla sophomores, indicative of Indian game. State College. 109-88, Oklahoma night, has been canceled. Purdue 100 149 849 M.8 Southern Illinois changed posi- Teaming up. to win the 160 yard Thalman, 36. has been a member PLUMBING and strength in years to come. Rusconi ord. and Interest -throughout the coun­ ing will be the lift tickets. beautiful Monterey Peninsula com­ But while Werkman was being City won over Austin, 72-65, and New York was scheduled against Jimmy Ravi...... Indiana 125. ■ 330 S.7 Uons. Hofstra (12-H moved in­ try in 1962. Actually, baseball has A few improvements have been freestyle relay for the Indians of the Associated Press staff at carries on a family tradition; his held down, another- Seton Hall British boxing writers are up in Ed Bei^ Loyola were (Japtaln Jim Hunter, Gerry pound the golfers’ problems. Ram SUPPLY C O . Denver heal Colorado State Col­ Pittsburgh and Los Angeles to the eighth spot vrhUe Southern more than doubled Its attendance made at Mt. Nebo and as soon Annapolis since May, 1960. He Is 877 .Main St.—5H 8-4486 older brother Bob was MHS rifle sophomore. Dannv Coombs, was lege, 83-72. arms about the selection of the (Calif.) 137 70 344 31.5 Illinois dipped to ninth. Miller, \terfalUe and Karl Then. makes It even tougher. against Cleveland In that one. referee and three Judges for the In the last 20 yvtart, so why should we have some snow we will be native of Wheeling, W. Va., and team captain two year.s ago. Lan­ •coring. He hit for 29. Fairfield Mt. St. MarYs (Md.). which ready to operate at full capacity. Only double winner of the day 1957 Journalism graduate of All three Courses play to par 72. In games last night, Pittsburgh 15-round match, scheduled for 9 people say we’re slipping?” was Eastern’s Bud Oulmet. 'The Moat consider Monterey Penin­ dry is aUeady a con-sistent pro­ was led by Bo Hutter, with 22. beat Baltimore and Loyola, Md.,' Ski reports will be listed In ’The West Virginia University. ducer, having scored in,, previous whipped Cleveland, 107-97, and p.m . EST. They charge CaldweU’a latter captured both the 40 yard sula to be less difficult since tall In a game at New Haven, A.s- Kacr Absipiietl Chicago toppled New York, (111- zoomed into 10th place, replacing Herald. ’The eppolnlment wee announced matches as well. sumption College of Worce.ster, chances are prejudiced by the of­ Sports Schedule Indiana State. Ind. . freestyle and 100 yard freestyle by Cept.-Asbury Coward, (lirector trees break the wind. Yet the 95, in a doubleheader at Cleve­ ficials. It was pointed out that events. Friday the Indians journev to Mas.s,, defeated Southern Coo- •New York l/Pi — The North Rec Plajos Events of athlpUca. foliage will cost strokes on errac- BASKETBALL New Haven to fire Milford Prep. land, and San Francisco took Galdweira Manager Sam Docher- 110 rd. medirr rrlsy: 1. Eailem tic shots. neoUcut State, '64-56.- Southei'n American Junior .sailing chanipion- Hawaii. 109-92. Friday, Jaa, It Freeh Fiacea (Blumpp.impp. Skfleeky,Skrlesk] ...... Vsicds end Dsss- Cox, who has been sports pub­ The Wilcox Tech malrtr eiirnmnnee' Connecticut has won four games ty and promoter Jack Solomons .ship.s for the Sears Cup will be held Cinnie Hawkins had 36 points Manchester at Windham. Hockey at a Glance For Hoop Quintets UI.■ .1. 'Time. 1:33.5. licist at the academy for the past Great Hhote to Come -Masclietler 8911 and lost four. of ondon participated in the selec­ 900 yd. freestyle: 1. VrrUlIu (M). J. 13 years, said he will accept an­ Doug Handers gave evidence of j GAME Phil Klemas ...... 98 S6 164 at Massachusett.s' Pleon Yacht and Buckey Bolyard 31 in Pitts­ tion. Cheney Tech at S t James. i Boston UPt—’Three fresh faces Oekman (M), 3 Buell (E>. ’ftme. J:90.S. Assumption led 32-31 at the Club next Aug. 27. The race, as­ NATIONAL tXAGUE will be in the Boston Bruins line­ other Job, but ia not at liberty to great shots to come during the ' High School Faculty ...... !» 81 160 burgh's easy triumph. The Rens WlUie Pep, former world feath­ Windsor at Rockvile, 8. Annual Maacheaber InvitaUonal 40 yd. freestyle: 1. Oulmet (El, I. Allan Sault ...... 98 81 179 half, fell behind later, and lied It signed yesterday at a meeting of Rocky Hill at RHAM. WedaesdsYe Besnlte up tonight when they meet the De­ Uunter .d ll. 1. Stevenson (El. 'Time, disqloee at thU time what it Will tournament proper when he qcored Va...... 178 VP at 47-47. When Archie Tracy grabbed a nine-point advantage at erweight chiunp, is the referee. Basketball Tournamenta for midg­ JI.O. Phil Rusconi ...... 97 80 177 the North American- Yacht Rac­ Bacon Academy at Coventry. Montreal 7, Chicago 3. et and Junior * ^ t * will again be troit Redwings in a NaUonal be. an eagle three on the 15th hole at of Southern Connecticut fouISd the end of the first period and The Judges will be. Tony Ptro- ieo yd. Individual medlev: 1. Helnst Monterey Peninsula, a par five Jr. High and Elomontory _ „ WUmx Tech. 791 ing Union, uill be run imder the weren't in trouble afterwards. East Catholic at Rockville Toronto 4, New York 2. atagsd at Um Oomraunity Y. This Hockey League game. One will be (Ml. 2. Curls (E|. 3. Johnson (M). gjy'dCloaek ...... 94 77 171 out In the late going, things eased auspicea of the Yacht Racing nella of Providence, R. I., former Froeh, 3:30. ABOEBICAN UEAOCE ysar’s svsnts will again bs spon- right wing Tom Williams from Tune. 2:01.7. that he reached in two. Faculty Ipig ...... 95 75 ,j7o somewhat for the visitors. New York's Warren Spragglna NBA president; Edmar Telxelra of Diving: 1. DagsU (El, 2. Berube After that round ha Joined a Lea Zimmer...... 95 61 156 Union of Massachusetts Bay. topped in 31 points, but it wasn’t Rifle—Manchester at Milford WedaesdsYe Besalts ■wad by the Raereatlea Depart­ Duluth,' Minn. The others, re­ I. gebastian (E). Winning PobiU, Praise for Mphna Gordon Kenney ...... 90 58 14S Tracy and Ed Hippert of As­ Among the oncers elected by the Brasil and Peter Wilson, British Prep. Springfield 2. Herahey 1. ment. called from minor league tekma, foursome at Pebble Beach with M iiS. Aiona Jim Nettieion .a ..;;;;;;; S s? sumption each scored 20 points, enough to keep the Tapers from sports writer. will be goalla Bruce Gamble, who i(ia yd.-buMeiby: 1. Ifahar (Iflj„ Boston (JP> — Lynn Patrick, gen- 1961 amateur Champion Jack Other Manchefter ftcores were Fred North American Uplon was Gregg loaing their third s tra i^ t after Berlin at Cheney, 3— Armory. EASTERN LEAGUE Flay will tato plaoa on thm Heins (Ml, 3. Holnrutrora (E). Time, high for the night. Bemls of CohasSet. Mass,, vice Saturday, Jaa. t t was caUad up to taka Uia place •ral manager of the Boeton Bruins’ Nteklaus, now a pro. Doug appear- QUICK:—Bobby McAteeri the midseason break. WednaadaYs Beanita - Batui!days;Feb. 10,17, M. TrophllM 8:00. Jon. 20.1902 rhmfleld 173; Jerry Conklin, 158; and president. Mary (Mickey) Wright became Green Manor at Middletown. New Haven 4, Long. Dland f . o f tha disappointing reoUs, Don 100 yd. frtsstyls; 1. Oulmet (B), t, hockey team, thinks defenseman ed awed by the long driving young­ isn't too big, but the Phil­ San Francisco playing at home, will be awarded wtaning taams in Uzter (M). 3. Miller (H). Time, 646. ut Prelim Oaaaa at 6:48 Frank Hasan, 148. Sploo League No. 1 — Flo John­ the only woman golfer to score the Head, and Larry l,aach. B «te r (M). 3. Miller ___ „ Doug Mohns la deserving of rec­ ster and commented, “He'd adelphia La Salle guard got a 36-point effort out of Jim each group. ^ too yd. M ^etroke; 1. Stumpp (El. that tee shot out SO yards aheai son 136-115—364 (new high triple), Eddie Arcaro won the Remqen, grand alam when she won the 1961 SKATING CHAMP WORKING OUT—^Albertina Noycg, 1 WhartoB (Ml. 3. EvereW (Mf. Time. ognition on the first or second All- Proceeds Go To M.EJ*. TsUest pMyer with th* St. Louis maKea up for it in speed Francis In taking control of the trSG. ------Midget ■ taams mast not have mine" Pat AanulU 149-356, Mlm McCor- a 2-year-old mile rack, three times. SOA «pen, LPGA and 'ritlebold- College Buketball SeholatUc Basketball •tty playara w te bava reaehad IS, of ArliBftoB, Maai., Ieap6 in ton e air daring a prac- Ortenriva teckla Leo NomaUln] 1:10 J. Star teams of the National Hockey Beholarehlp PMnd Ow diTials’ eleven Ig 6-foot-6 Emle mldc 119, Carolina Janlcke 118, to be among the nation’s Western standings with their third era champiohshlps. Her feat ia com­ tbs gaa Fianclseo 4aeta la toague for ths first half of the Nlcklaui didn'ti't ksep score,scor say- He won -with Hie Fighter In ItSS, straight vletory. It was tha Saints tbalr 18th M ithday Igr Jam L 1M>- tica 86a8ioii at tha Boston Skating Chib in Canibridgo e i V’SJgr «}; fty_be_ s M ^ u a tpraotklng. ; but be AfcMUan, B freshman tackle from ppria I'edford 117, Ruth Conian with Great Power In 1944 and with top 20- basketball college parable to a male winning the Seton Hall 100, Fairfield 86. WsthaiaflMd 88, VHndham 47. Junior yligaid ahiat- aot have plartag Ma 18th aaaaon «d pra P tM e k aaya Molina haa sUnolK aeventh victoty In as Bumy starts Open, FOA and Maatera tlUes the g a ^ watt airt abouM ba «■ ana btrdlad tha 17th and 1Mb Adults I1A6—ntodento USi Misty FU|dit in 1BS7. ^ B corerA AasumpUca M, Southern Coa- St. Thooiaa Seminary 80, PHacs rsfMhad aMir-Sdth "birthday by Tostanlaar. Sho mm tha Eaitem Wonua'a Skating Cham- h d M . r k » — ~alMt HawaU. MmeyiMur, tqama to ba pt6*>e(l Mtm. boleo. ♦ r ' necUcut M. Tech 41, Jah.1, INI. plonaliip t o t m O r at Laha Flacid. (AP Fhotofaz.) I j want to

I I . , . ■ ■ - J ' ( X ^ : ■ ,PAOE TWENTY-TWO IMANCHESTEJR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 MANCHES’fER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN!, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 PAGE TWENTY-THRIB I, n.. .. u;,-, II ■ ...... j r ---- Automobiles For Sale' 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGAtY and SHORTEN Help Wanted-i-Male 88 Articles For Sale 45 HeusehoM Goods 51 Rooms Without Board 59 Furnished Apartments 63-A Houses For Sale 72 Hou8«8 ^For Sale 72 ^ Houses For Salii 72 Wanted— Real Estate 77 Hthron IMS FL.BETWOOD CadlUae, fuU LUCRATIVE salM opportunity for WOOLEN STRIPS—for rug braid­ UNCLAIMED ROOMS TO RENT, also naM— ONE LARGE housekeeping room $13,900 IUJCKVIUJ:. 6 room 813,900— MANCHESTER suburbs, MANCHESTESR—Custom buUt Gar. ASK US about our cash ottot tot pow%r, air conditioned, original VOUOMMAKilT MPOR CRyS^'OUrtOUDI ambitloua 'person. No ssaional ing and booking by the. pound with efficiency. Scranton Motel. suitable for one or two adults. ranch, urge Uving room, cabinet spotless 8 bedroom ranch, large rUsn Colonial. 7 rooms, 8 Iarg6 your proparty. No TSd tap«. Hon- Smiths Offer Land CLASSIFIED owner. Best offer takes It, Can p r o m h i u i x work,-no Myotfa! Management op­ RemnanU, 86c up. Rent etiip cut­ l a y a w a y s CaU MI 9-0826 after 5. Also, a 3-room housekeeping apart­ kitchen, beautifully landscaped kitchen, walk-out baaemqnt with bedi^m a, pine ' paneled den, eat value. H. J. Bradley, Ml S-TST9. be Seen at TSl Broad St., ‘.^Man- Comim Lo o K S o m w R y portunity when qualified. Write ters, 81.00 per day. Colonial Rem­ ment, both furnished. AU utiUties. lot. shown by sppointment. picture window, trees, ■view. Carl­ breezeWay and garage, Overeiged For Dumping Site Chester. . ' p e o o f u IDONTWtNTIMf W. Smyle, YMCA, Willimantic, or nant Shoppe, 118 Center S t______Original Price ‘ $916 ’ ROOM FOR genUeman nearM oin Parklng.,272 Main St. Marlon E. Robertson, Realtor, Ml ton W.^ Hutching, Mi 9-5182. lot in excellent residential area. HtPA OTVWtGlRLSV . f i M W call HA 8-0874. St., separata entrance, pftklng. 8-59CS. Look for a 'fright future In this Auctions 78 FOR SALB:—IMS Mercury, radio HALFMILI M l MSI OVER 500 records, 78 and 38 rpm, Balance^ $544 MI 9-2951. . • 8TRKJKLAND ST.—Brick front Edward A. Smith and olaWr, SPRINT bright home. For an appointment ADVERTISING and heater, whitewalls,' standard for sale. -Also few albums. MI THREE LARGE rooms, heat, hot ranch, Immediate occupancy. 3 io inspect call ’Thj Jarvis Realty AUCTION Miss Florence E. $inlUi - of Bur­ shift, Tsdce over payments. Call EVfity , FULL-TIME porter wanted. Apply 9-1948. Danish Walnut Bedroom, double 238 (JHARTER OAK 8t.— Small water. CaU PI 3-8646 after 4 p.m. bedrooma ceramic bMh, attached rows Hill, made a surpriaa off4r mvoRNiNai room suitable for gentleman. Pri­ Oo., Realtors, Ml 8-4112, MI MI 9-SMl. Mister Donut, 295 W. Middle Tpkc. dresser, cheat and bed| mattress HAMLIN ST. garage. Fast sale wanted. Beech- 9-2519, MI 8-1033. Antiques and Modern - Monday at the dump site commit­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS wipsy and boxspring. vate entrance. 88 weekly, MI FURNISHED 3 room apartment, ler-Smith, Realtors, MI 9-8953, tee meeting, which may aettte the 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 1940 FORD coupe, IMS Olds engine. TOOK HIM 8-Pc Foam sectional, nylon 3-4451. Ml 9-1746. ' $110 a month. Includes heat, hot Ml 8-6969. vexed question of where dumpert JUST 6 0 Boats and Accessories 46 Ellington Town Hall White rolled Naugahyde Ulterior, Help Wanted— 7-Pc Dinette set—bronze tone water, electricity and gas, off Lots For Sale 73 can dispoee of their refuM mat­ candy red paint. Many other r a r a n d FURNISHED room, light house­ Porter St, Available immediately. DUPLEX CHURCW STREET—A 10 room flat NO Male or Female 37. ANNUAL clear-the-deck sale. A Tables and tamps keeping, convenient location, Saturday, Jan. 20 ter* They will sell their 13 acres COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVTL extras,' Has been in a few auto MI 3-6940 6-6 In the finest condition, garage, in central location, one block from B ZONE LOT 90x100 loot, all utHl- or so of land located on tlM did shows. Best offer. MI 9-1S4S after PARTHIRw good selection of used outboard woman only, MI 9-7959. MONDAY n u n rS ID A T 10:S0 A.M.— SATURDAY 9 AM . MEDICAL labrntitory technician — This is New Furniture—Not Re- new roof, copper plumbing, two oil Main St., large lot and 3-car ga­ tles, center of town. Plans for 1:80 p.m. Paper Mill road, to the to ^ for 4:S0 p.m. motors and boats, paints and ac­ isaessed. No down Payment—$5 VERNON—Cute 3 room'fuimished rage. Occupancy of first floor Private laboratory under patholo­ cessories at special low prices. noi WILL SHARE my 6 room apart­ heating eystems, immediate oc­ multiple dwelling Included. 88,800. 83,500. W(’eekly.- apartment, all utiliUea Included, cupancy. Worth aeeing today—to­ available shortly. Fairlv priced at Ml 9-6544. (300 items to go) PLEASE READ YOUR AD FOR SALE—19M Ford Tliunder- gist. Five-day week. ReUrement Hours 12-4:30, 6-8 dally; 9-3 Sat­ ment with woman, reasonable. Ml $16 weekly. TR 5-7011. First selectman l* s ry thlnka the fund. Experienced in hematology 9:9043. morrow may be too late. 819,000. Robert J. Smith Inc., MI ClaMifled or “Want Ads’* are taken over the phone aa a con­ blrd, one owner immaculate, urday McIntosh Boat Co., 52 Oak NORMAN’S. INC. 9-6241. SEVEN LOTS with city water and proposed site would be a good one 31,000 original mU^s. Must . be and chemiatriea. Call CHapel St. TW O ROOM furitished apartment. Y Auctioneer; for th' MOMINTtCAMIBl 2-9 p.m. Apply Home Maid Bak­ Diamonds— Watches— Open 9-9 Daily, Sat. 9-8 Realtors plus cellar partially finished, at­ tion of the board of financa and 1969 CHETVROLET BIscayne, 2- FRONT AND QOINS' RIOHT1 ’ ply-Apt. 4, 10 Depot ^uare. tached garage, nice patio leading Wanted— Real Estate 77 The Village Peddler to the planning and zoning com­ “ make good” Insertion. Errors which do not lessen the value of door, 6 cylinder, standard shift, ery, 099 Main St. Jewelry 48 Free Delivery—Free Storage ROOM FOR lady or gentleman. MI 9-8952 MI 3-6969 ^ advertisement will .not be corrected by “make yrood“ Insertion. CBNTSR ALL Kitchen privilegoa, quiet. Inquire off French doors from dining mission. The State Water Re­ low mileage. 3995, Call Ml JA THg TiMer room aluminum storms, screens HELP! DUE to many recent sales, 8-2800 after 0. LEONARD W. YOST. Jewelers - Any room may be purchased 224 Charter Oak St.. Ml 3-8368, CH FOUR ROOM upstairs furnished OAK STREET (area) - Six room our listings are low. Buyers are sources Commission will also be Repaira, adjusts watches e i^ rt- / Scphrately 8-4738. home with approx, two acres ot and (i(X)r8, 2 full baths, including called upon to survey tha proper­ YOUR o o o p iSr a t i o n w d x GO apartment. MI 3-6886 after 4. one off master ^drooni. Close to watting for all types of property, ly. Reasonable prices. Open ’Tues­ good land. House has 8 bedrooms it eelUng buying or trading call ty. The site must be approved By BE appreciated all schools, wooded yard. Belfiore DIAL Ml 3-2711 1958 DAUPHINE Renault, 4 door. day through Saturday, Thursday UNCLAIMED up, 3 roofns down, full basement, at once Free inspectlone uptin re­ S ta te N ew s a town meeting before it can be Call PI 2-8780. evenings. US Spruce 8t. MI 9-4887. FURNISHED R,OOM for rent. Tel. Business lAications excellent heating system, (f you Agency, MI 8-5121, G RAN D W AY LAYAWAY§ MI ^564. quest. (Jail the Ellsworth Mitten adopted for a atte. For Rent 64 want privacy plus, look this over. FIVE ROOM ranch — Extra large Agency, Realtors, Member ot MLS Protests continue to coma in re­ 1957 PLYMOUTH station wagon, Original Price $1371 Excellent value for $15,200. T. J. service, Ml 8-6980. gard to the use of -the Hodga prop­ exceptionally fine car, excellent PLEASANT warm room, separate living room, fireplace, 3 large bed­ Roundup AND G RO W Fuel and Feed 49-A Balance $ 822 sntrancey kitchen privilegese If STORE near Main St. at 29 Birch Crockett, Realtor. Ml 8-1577. rooms, ceramic tile bath, plaster­ erty in Gilead as a dump site, in­ running condition, power steering, St. 3,000 Sq. ft., parking. Apply WISH SOMEONE to handle jw r cluding' operators of Camp Hi TROUBLE REACHING OUR ADVERTISER? priced for quick sate. Call MI 1-181 dealred, pApklng. MI 8-4724. MANCHESTER Suburbs—Two-fam- ed walls, garage with sundeok and . mt. skO Go(xi Jobs Now Open For OAK WOOD cut fireplace and stove Glenwood Gas Range Marlow’s. 867 Main. real estate? Cali me at Ml 9-0820 (Contlmied from Page One) Hotl. The Water Resources Com- 3-1888. lengths, 810 per load delivered. lly ranch 5-4, two furnaces, ga­ awning. Ovviier MI 9-6211. 814.500. G.E. refrigerator No agents, (or prompt and courteous servies miiision also calls the proposed APPLIANCE SALESMEN Tel. PI 2-7888. PLEASANT ROOM In private EXCELLENT LOCATION rage, completely modem, tremen- Joseph Barth, Broker. lion of the Dempsey admlnlitra- 24-Hour Aisworiuf; Stnrice FOR SALE—1952 Pontiac hardtop, 8-f c Blond bedroom set with book dou* opportunity. Only 819.500. site unsatisfactory as Its use would good condition, 3175. Call MI CASHIERS case bed, mattress snd boxspring home. MI 9-1329; tion In providing 88.BOO in travel be likely to cfause pollution owing Ideal for beauty salon, 818 Cen­ Carlton W. Hutching Ml 9-5132, CASH WAiTINQ lor property own­ funds for prospective candidates to Free to Horaltf Roadors 9-4161. Building— Contracting 14 Bonds;—Stocks— Help Wanted— Male 36 MEAT CUTTERS Garden— Farm— Dairy Foam back and seat sofa and BOLTON ers. Please call ue before you buy to its location near a swamp. The chair, nylon ter St., off atreet parkin^:, 20x50, BOLTON—Wllttama Road. 6H room head the itate university. Smith proposal canitot 1ra voted Mokgages 31 GROCERY CLERKS ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, cen­ Modern, Immaculate split level or aell. Sueedy aervlea. J. D, 1961 PONTIAC Tempest 4-door, REALLY LOW winter prices TOOL AND gauge makers, first- Products 50 7-Pc chrome kitchen set newly decorated, reaaonable rent. brick ranch 2 years old, heated Realty. Mi 8-SUS. "I charge them with lack of upon at the coming tdWn meet­ automatic, 31,775. 1957 Mercedes PRODUCE CLERKS Table and lamps tral, Gentleman. 195 S ^ c e 'S t . on high, dry 130x130 lot full of beau, comprehension of the urgency of Want information on one of our claaslfled advertiaeinents T No recreation rooms. Canientry re­ BURIED IN BILLS? A good mort­ class only, overtime, all prevaU- BALDWIN, MACS, STARK apples breezeway, oil hot water heat, full ing as the offer had ribt bten answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the Benr, 219, 4-door, standard shift, pairing and remodeling. Work Ing rates and benefits. Call Man­ HARD GOODS CLERKS J. D. REALTY basemeitt, 1-car garage, large lot tifu] shade trees. Plaatei^ed walls, this problem." gage to consolidate debts will im­ at the farm. 629 West Center St. This 1.S N^w Furniture—Not R6- ONE ROOM to rent, privaty en­ fireplace, full basement, exception­ made until after the meetin|( was 31.495. 1957 Dodge 2-door Custom guaranteed. No Job too small. chester Tool A Design, Ml 9-6283. SOFT GOODS CLERKS with trees, owners anxious. Phil- Legal Notice He also said Riblcoff. now U;.S. called. Another special meeting prove your credit situation and re­ Ml 3-8116, osse-ssed. No down Payment—$8 trance, near bus and mllli. lifl 470 Main St. MI 8-5129 ally nice neighborhood. Priced at secretary of health, eduactlon and MANCHCSTER ANSWERING SERVICE Royal, excellent condition. 3675. Stanley Egan, TR 6-5759. quires payments of only 122.25 MARKING CLERKS Cooper Hill 8t„ MI 9-0595, brick Agency, MI 9-8464. will be necessary, ^ Many others. Call MI 9-4100. EXPERIENCjED tool and gauge W(eekly. EXCHLIJSNT STORE for aov busi­ 815,900 for Immediate sale and oc­ AT A COURT o r PROaxTE hfid welfare, had refuted In 195S-59 to BATHROOMS tiled, remodeling, per month for each 81000 you bor­ SERVICE AND LAYAWAY CUSTOM BUILT ^ room Ranch, cupancy, at Coventry, wlihlft and for lh« Dlltrict support Increases ip the education flauraw List Changes Ml 9-0500 row. Frank Burke at (Connecticut makers. Please apply at E A S Household Goods 51 ness or office, apartment Includ­ of Coventry, on th« lS(h day of Janu­ The registrars of voter report 1947 COMMANDER~^^Saker, 6 additions, recreation rooms, all Gage Co., Mitchell Dr. between 8-5 CLERKS NORMAN’S-, INC. TWIN OR single room, home privi­ ed. 476 Main St. MI 9-6229. 9-5. larg^ living room with fireplace, ary. \ m . budget. And he said that Demp­ tires, heater, good running condi­ Mortgage Investment Ebcchange, Furniture and Appliance.* BELFIORE AGENCY Prraenl Hon. Bimora Turkinffton. that at their special aession to and leave your message. Yon'U hear from our advertiser in Jig types of carpentry. Also, fall-out p.m. leges. MI 9-4081. formal dining room, family size JutlKs'. sey, at the last leglalstlve session, time without spending all evening at the telephone. tion.' Asking 385. MI 9-1857 any shelters built. Call MI 9-4291. 15 Lewis Street, Hartford, CH XIsLle sirid Female—Full RUGS, NEVER used. 9x12 antique 448 Hartford Rd. MI 3-1524 kitchen 3 bedrooms, li-i baths, correct caucus lists, four appli­ 6-8897 days, JA 9-6553 evenings. MI 8-5121 Kslato of Thomaii G. TrevUt lato of had cut back budgetary requests of time. and Part-time gold, |30; 9x15 red oriental, 835; Off Silver Lane Manchester STORE FOR rent. 243 N. Main St. recreation room with fireplace, Ct*veniry. in raid D iiirict d rcr a ifd , the University of Connecticut. cants registered with the Repub­ WHAT DO YOU need? More room, 10x18 gold oriental. BU 9-6955. Th#> Administrator having oxhibllrd SEtXIND MORTGAGE moiiey-W e Open 9-9 Daily, Sat. 9-6 FURNISHED ROOM near Main St. Ml 9-5229. 9-5. enclosed breezeway, attached ga­ BOWERS SCHOOL area—6 room Alsop alsu aald Connecticut’s licans, two coming over fraht the rec rooms or attics finished, addi­ Our expansion In this and other Free Delivery—Free Storage 9 Hazel St. MI 9-2170, rage, landscaped yard 91x194. ranch, finished heated rec room, hia adm iniitrailon account with »ald economy miuit be expanded at a Democratic list and two from the Lost and Found 1 Automobiles For Sale 4 Trailers— Mobile Homes 6-A tions, storage cabinets, built-ins, can supply any amount of money FRONT END MAN. areas will open tremendous oppor­ CALORIC DELUXE gas stove less fstatr l4i (his rmirt for allowance, it is for mortgages Terms to fit your Any room may be purchased HALL F(>R RENT—can accommo­ Marion E. PUjbertson- Realtor, MI garage, convenient to ail schools, O RD E R ED : That the 28th day of more rapid rate if it la to pay for Independents. Not a Democrat was bookcase, ceramic tile bath, .,for- tunities for personal growth. than 2 years old, one-third origi­ Separately SINGLE OR double rooms, private date 50 people; also, good for of­ 3-5953. churches and shopping. Ideal loca­ January. Ifl63. at 3;0t) o'clock, forenoon, gained. LOST—^Tan corduroy jacket, white 1955 31x8 PONTIAC Chief, turnon needs, (ionstructlon mortgages Manchester’s fastest growing tire nal cost. Call MI 3-2207. at the Probate O ffice In the Municipal the increased cost of education as mica counters. If you have a leaky entrance, free parking, bath fices, driving school, hairdressing tion for children. 81?.900, Call own­ the school population grows. Shop Request Made leather lining lost two months Trailer Court. Kelly Road, MI roof or a house to build, call us also available. J. D. Realty. 470 company has an opening for quali GOOD SALARIES Building In aald Coventry be knri the TAKE A SHORT Main St., Ml 8-5129. UNCLAIMED closets and storage, best location. school, etc. J. D. Realty, Ml MANCHESTER — 1950 American er MI 8-8778. name U asiigned for a hearing on the His talk was to the Federation The request of Donald Robin­ ago. Don Allen, PI 2-8469. 4-0235. Asking 81,495. and I'm sure we can help you. MI fled man to work in our shop. Ap­ Colonial, 13x23 living room, knotty EXCELLENT BENEFITS CHEJST TYPE freezer, 8 cu. ft., Gentlemen only. MI 0-4309 after 3-5129. allowance of aald adminiatraiion ac­ of University Teachers, American son for a variance' allowing him to LOST—Dog, all white, pink nose, 3-6352 after 6 p.'m. ply to Mr. Amenta. LAYAWAYS 3:30 p.m. pine recreation room, bar, hand; VERNON — Extra value! Smart count with aaid eatate and thia Court use the old bam north of the DRIVE TO 875. MI 3-4472. SMALL STORE or office 113 Main split level 7 nmma, 1^ baths, fire­ dlrecta that notice of the time and place Federation Teachers, AFL-CTO. named "Angel.", Call collect LA Auto Driving School 7-A FOR APPLICATION location. Only 817,900. Carlton aaalgned for aaid hearing be liven to Hebron First Congregational Business Opportunities 32 St. Nice location. VerJ' nice Inside, Hutchins, MI 9-5132. place, range, oven, dishwasher, 6-5021. Roofing— Sfdiiig 16 and Personal Interview See FOR SALE—Kitchen set, maple all pereona known to be Interealed Church for commercial purposes, a LONG SAVINGS MORTIXXJK'S Driving School—Of­ HARTFORD GENERAL Mr. Gill and Mr. Martel Original Price $1462 Apartments— Flats— Free parking In rear. Call MI garage, aluminum storms high thereip to appear And be heard thereon Heads VConn Theatre ESSO HAS excellent service sta­ bedroom set, 2 maple bookcases, 894.51 MONTHLY, small cash as by mailing on or before January 20, "Gift and Early Amerlcaut Furni­ fice, 448 Main St.. Manchester. Monday through Friday 2 maple desks. Oriental rugs. Very Balance $ 912 Tenements 6.3 9-9835. locstlon'. Only 817,800. Robert B. Storrs, Jan. 18 (>P)—Tha appoint­ tion opportunity. Modem 2-bay TIRE CO. aumes 4%% mortgage, Immac' Anderson Agency, JA 8-0189. 1862, by certified mall, a co p y of thia ment of Dr- Cecil B. Hlnkel as ture Shop," so called, la requiring . Announcements Learning correctly "May Save painting Carpentry. AUeratlohs service center located at Man­ Jan. 22-26, 9 a.nri.-3 p.m, reasonable. MI 9-7786, evenings MI order to eonsiderabla Investlgatipn. COME TO Your Life.” Driver education G.E. Electric Range GENERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. late 6 room ranch. Carlton Kenneth T. Tevltt, Mountain Moad. head ot the Uitlveralty of Conneett- and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ chester Green on heavily traveled 155 Center St. Manchester 9-5866. Glaatonbury, Conn. It does not seem clMr te the INCOME TAXES prepared in your classes. Member. Connecticut Pro­ G.E. Refrigerator Realty, 470 Main Street. Ml Houses For Rent 65 Hutchins, Ml 9-5132. BOLTON—5 room ranch with cut’a Department of Theatre was ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn 3t. highway with fine residential po­ FOR NON-FOOD POSITIONS breezewsy and garage, combina­ Klennor T. Nixon. Wellington Hgta, planning and aoning commlaalon home or by appointment. Exper­ fessional Driving School Assn. Ml 8 Pc Sectional, Nylon or 8-5129. Road. Avon, Conn. announced today.. THE NEW MI 3-4850. tential. Phone Mr. Dorley days, See Mr. Ross, Tues., Wed., Thurs., UNCLAIMED COVENTRY—5-room' single house. tion windows, amealte drive, and the zoning board of appeal! ienced tax -work, 24-hour service. 9-7398 Jan. 23, 24 , 25, between 9 a.m. and Sofa snd 3 chairs EI.m 6 r E TURKINGTON. Juds*. Hlnkel has been aervlng as as­ Call MI 3-4723. 9-4. JA 7-4183, nights Springfield 7 Pc Dinette set, Bronze tone LARGE 3 ROOM apartment, heat, 8100 monthly. Alfred D. Heckler, \ SOMETHING wooded lot. Priced realistically at sociate professor of theatre at the which board has the authority to BIDWELL HOME Improvement STate 2-4629. FRIENDLY Ice Cream has opening 5 p.m. at the LAYAWAYS hot water, stove, refrigerator, ga­ PI 2-6519, after 8 p.m. only 813,500. U A R Realty. Ml ■.IMITATION OaniCB act In the matter, and the advlea ot FITZGERALD ■.ARSON'S Connecticut's first li­ Tables an6 Lamps AT A dal* of Ihl* order and return make Hartford, Jan- 18 (Ah—Secretary and have your return prepared for radio heater. tiques Included. Work guaranteed. home. MI 3-0763. EXPLANATION TR 5-8274. screens, economical oil heat, city to Ihl* court of the notice given. of 8tate Ella T. Graaao had been tera within a year or so. Twelve Help Wanted— Female 35 ing School graduate preferred. Per­ COVENTRY LAKE 3 room house is well landscaped with patio. JOHN J. WAI-IJ3TT. Judge. you. You always save more than It 1957 Ford $895 MI 9-1962 PLUMBING AND heatliig — re­ NORMAN’S, INC. uUUtlea, assumable' mortgage. deitgnated by Gov. John N. Demp­ piiplla only will be In the claaa and coats. manent work in well established, Furniture and Appliances The buyers of these groups of THREE ROOM apartment. Heat, winterized. Stove furnished. Call 1-car garage and aluminum awn­ Asking 814.900, Elva Tyler, Real­ there will be effort to bring in pu­ Convertible with automatic, modeling Installations, repairs. CONNECTICUT registered licensed progressive organization. Liberal furniture have not been heard from stove, refrigerator Gables. 118 Ml 9-7569, ings. Asking 814.900. DF.caRK ON I.IIUTATION OF CUUMS sey to represent him at the New CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. WILL DO IRONING In my home. 443 Hartford Rd. MI .9-1524 tor. MI 9-4469. MI 9-6051, AT A COURT or PBOBATE holden England governors conference at pils from other towns to round out radio, heater, power steering. All work guaranteed, 25 years ex­ practical nurse for 11-7 a.m, shift employe benefit J)rogram. Write for at least a period of one year. Main St., 895. MI 9-5239, 9-6. at Coventry within and for tha Dlilrlct Reasonable rates. Call PI 2-7558 perience. 24-hour service. Call Call MI 8-4292. Off Sliver Lane Manchester Manchester—Executive ranch in Stowe, Vt., Jan. 28-29, Dempsey the dealred number. 195!?Edsel $795 between 1:30-4:80 or any time in' convalescent home in Rock­ Box N, Herald, stating business ex­ Open 9-9 Daily, Sat, 9-6 We are putting these groups up for of Coventry, on the 15th day of January Personals Earl VanCamp. MI 9-4749. ville. Tel. TK 5-4291. THREE ROOMS heated on Main top location with magnificent view. A D . 1962. aald yesterday Mrs. Graaao la the Named Dog WaidM 4-door wagon, automatic, power Saturday or Sunday. perience, education, and salary re­ Free Delivery—Free Storage sale and charging only the balance Wanted To Rent 68 Preaeni Hon. Rlmora Hirklngton, St., available now, for married 7 rooms, 2 baths, "picture hook" flrat woman to repreaent Connecti­ (Charles P. Miner has bean reap­ ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, steering, power brakes, radio', quirements. WILL CARE for one child In my to anyone taking over these pay­ kitchen, 2-car garage, beautifully Bowers School r*q.. Judge. pointed dog warden by the aeiect- heater. SHARPENING Service — Saws, ATTENTION Homemakers! Organ­ home days. MI 9-4734, couple or single lady. Call between On motion of Fern K. Eremlia; cut at a meeting of the New Eng-^ bonded representative, Alfred Radio-TV Repair Services 18 Any room may be purchased ments. — landscaped large lot with back ter­ men, the period extending from AmeU, 906 Henry St. Tel. MI knives, axes, shears, skates, ize your time to have as little as Separately 5:30-7:30. MI 3-6441. GARAGE in vicinity of Pine St Exeriilrlx, School St.. Covenlry Conn., land governora. He will be on va­ 1954 Ford $395 3 hours a day for a business of race. on Ihe ealate of Slnrenr* 81. FVink. late April 1 of this year'to 19 6i >■ 8-0450. Convertible, automatic, radio, rotary blades Quick service Capl. These are not repossessed. The Call MI 9-3567. J RANCH of Covenlry, wllhin aald dialricl. de­ cation during the conference. CXINNIE’8 TV arid Radio Service, your own. Represent Avon prod­ WANTED—Experienced fuel oil furniture ia all brand new. At the ROCKVILLE— Apartments newly ARC Program Open heater, a real sweetheart. tol. . Equipment . . - Co.. 88 Main St., available all hours. Satisfaction driver. Wyman Oil Co. 24 Main Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 UNCLAIMED This Is a must see. Asking ceased. WANTED—Ride for two passengers Manchester. Hours daily ucts, world’s largest manufactur­ present time we have 5 groups for decorated, dinette, kitchenette 833.600. 8 bedrooms, full basement, large This Court doth decree that six LI0RNNB8 HI18PRNOBD The Tolland County Agricultural Many cars to choose from 399 guaranteed. Cali Ml 9-1816. St. month* be allowed and llm llad fur Ihe to m sctric Boat Co., Groton, Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7-4. MI er of cosmetics. TV and 'nation­ POODLES miniature black, fe LAYAWAYS sale, first come, first served. bedroom, tile bathroom appli­- Business Property For Sale 70 family size kitchen. plastered Hartford, Jtn. 19 UP) — The Stabilisation a n d Conservation and up. wide magazine advertising is ances, 865 pet month. (Jail M THE walls, and only two bl(x:ks to fav­ credliors of aald estate to exhibit their Committee announces that' the Conn., flrat ahift. MI 9-2620. 3-7958 TV SERVICE—All makes. Honest, DISPLA'Y SIGN painter, hardware males, AKC registered, paper ELSIE MEYER AGENCY claim* ■gainst Ihe same to the KKeni- State Liquor Control Commlaalon Economics'. High quality puts. creating even greater demand for trained, 7 weeks old, champion­ Early American Group THE MANAGEMENT 3-1869, TR 5-8485. MANCHESTER —M AIlTsf orite Bowers School, Lovely, deep trlx and direcia that public nollce be announced flve license aiiapenalona 1962 program is now open for sign­ SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - ReUred our products. Call BU 9-4922. salesman, automotive salesman, REALTORS yard with a stone wall and sturdy given of Ihls order by advertising In a up. 'The initial sign-up period for FITZGERALD Guaranteed 90 days Famous for appliance salesman, camera man­ ship background. MI 8-0644, MI nswspaper having a circulation In aald yesterday. Suspended were the Automobiles For Sale 4 from the shop. Can take care of 9-9713 Original Price $878 NORMAN’S, INC. THREE ROOMS, heat, hot water Income property—well construct­ MI 9-6524 MI 3-6930 shade trees. Owner transfer makes dlslr(pl. • - ■ - 1962 will close March IS of this service since 1931. Phone Ml ager, meat cutter, receiving clerk, stove and refrigerator, tile bath ed retail building consisting of two And by posting a enpy thereof permits of Donald R. Parker, all your upholstering needs at 9-4587. Potteiton's, 180 Center 8t Balance $471 Furniture and Appllanceii quick sale Imperative, on the public sign post In said Town nf Nagy’s 1072-1074 Hancock Ave., vesr. Any farmer may apply at the NEED A CAR and bod your credit ANNEX, Inc. great savings. Call CH 2-2878. produce, meat and grocery clerk. Snd shower, central location, park­ stores with basement.*, central lo­ TWO-FAMILIES-We have them. A Covenlry nearest (tie place where (he Tolland ASC office in Rockville. turned daernT Short on down pay- Part-time and full-time Jobs avail­ ing, 875. MI 3-6396. cation. ample parking. One store new one (4H and flat); older BELFIORE AGENCY deceased lu l dwell. Bridgeport, 20 days, aeillng liquor TALCOTTVILLE AVE., VERNON TELEVISION antennas arid rotor Situations Wanted— 7-Pc Bedroom — Maple Dresser, Certified from Record for off-premlaes consumption; Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 mantT Bankrupt? RepomeMlon? able. Employer will interview at TAPE RECORDERS for rent Mar- leased until 1964. Other leased un­ 6 and 4 flat for only 816,900; a 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. DMalon of L, P. Fltrgerald. Inc. ayatems Installed and repaired. CLERK-TYPIST Connecticut State Employment Male 39 Chest, Bed Mattress and Box­ FOUR ROOMS, first floor. Walnut ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge. Mary L. Attaway, Golden Gate Don’t give up! See Honest Doug­ HAH SNOW PIXIWING. Ml Serving Manchester and sur­ spring. 2 Vanity Lamps. low’s, 867 Main. Call MI 6-5221. til 1969. Good Income. Priced to and 8 duplex on Foster St. for MI 3-5121 las, gat the towdown on the lowest Tolland 9-2604, Service. 806 Main St. for jobg in St., not heated, adults preferred, sell. Call 818,40(); 5 and 6 fist (nice one) for DECBICK ON LimTATION OP CIJUM8 Restaurant, 181 Dlxwell Ave., New rounding areas. Modem TV Serv­ YOUNG FAMILY man desires 7-Pc Living room—Wing back sofa AT A COURT o r PROBATE holden Manchester Evening Herald He­ down and amalleat paymenta any­ Permanent full-time positions East Hartford and Manchester. 860. MI 3-6518. (XJLONIAL CAPE—Front and rear Haven, 30 days, allowing policy County's Oldest Ford Dealer ice. 405 O nter St.. Ml 8-2205. position as manager of children’s and chair, 3 > maple tables. 2 820.000; and a 6 and < on Walnut at Coventry wllhin end (nr the District bron riorreapondent, Mlo« Kiisail B. where. Not a amali loan or finance (XISMA APPLIANCE Service—Re­ available for rapid typists in our Apply week of Jan. 15, Monday- REFRIGERATOR, good running WARREN E. HOWLAND St. for 822,000, T. J. Crockett, full shed dormers, 8 spacious of Covenlry, on the 15th day of January playing; Wllllsm N. Trolla, (Opposite Viltner’a Garden Center) clothing store or children’s depart decorator lamps. edielon, telephone AOadenjv 8-848 company plan Douglas Motors, pairs all makes refrigerators, RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make, clerical department. High School Friday, 8:30-4:30. Open Thursday, condition, 816. MI 3-1282. Realtor • icaltor, Ml 8-1877. rooms, plaster walla, it i. baths, A. D. 1962. Trotta’a Market, 213 Davis St., Pendleton, telephone AOademy freezers, washing machines dry­ education, accurate typing, and ment manager in discount opera­ This is New Furniture-Not Re­ FOUR ROOM tenement, 182 Bissell Present Hon. Elmore Turklnglon, Watertown, 4,’’> days, sale to 833 Main « . MI 9-5324 Open 7-10 dally free pickup and delivery on small Jan. 18, fintii 7 p.m. for employed fireplace, garage, porcb, foyer, Eeq.. Judge. 8-8464. ers ranges, oil and gas burners. good knowledge of grammar and workers. tion. College trained, 10 years’ ex possessed. No down Payment—84 NINE-PIECE dining room aet and St.. 8<0. MI 9-6229. 9-5. 575 Main St. MI 3-1108 minors; Larke’a Drive-In Liquor radios, phonographs. Hours 6-10 Weekly. large one-half acre graved treed On motion of Mr*. Ixiulaa N. New­ FOR SALE—1960 Rambler Ameri­ OLDER CARS mechanics spe­ Ml 9-(X)5S. All work guaranteed. .p.m. H A S Radio and 'H', Ml medical terms helpful. Excellent perience, 3 years as children’s 8-plece bedroom set. like n w , lot, prestige locstlon, 813,900. Tre- man Administratrix. Route 44A. Coven­ Store, 114 Savin Ave., West Haven, can 2-door Super, automatic trana- cials, flxit yourself oars, always X-5582, Ml 8-1479. working conditions and liberal em­ ARCHITECTURAL woodwork de- store manager. Greater Hartford must sacrifice. MI 8-5892. ANSWER mont Agency, TR 5-2349, lry, Conn., on the estate nf Thomas B. 10 ijays, sale to minor; and Sidney mlasion, radio, heater, whitewall LAWN MOWERS sharpened and tailer with experience. Permanent Area. Salary desired 17,000. Box NORMAN’S, INC. FIVE ROOM apartment, 29 Foster Houses For Sale 72 Newman, tale of Coventry, wllhin said a good selection. Look behind our ploye benefits. Call Mrs. Peterson, dlslrin dereased. BukofT, Whitey’s Liquor Store, 180 Mrs. Goiilel Head tires, color blue and white, excel­ office. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. repaired sales and service, pick position with liberal benefits. Call M, Herald. Furniture and Appliances St. Call after 5. this ad and prepare to locate In MANCHESTER—Beautiful 6 room J i^ilinery, Dressmaking 19 Liberty Mutual Insurance Com­ MANfniESTER—A half block off This Court doth decree that stx months Campbell Ave., West Haven, 10 lent condition. Call Coventry, PI up and delivery. Complete line of pany, MI 3-1161, for appointment. CH 6-6831, or apply The L. F. Det- 443 Hartford Rd. MI 3-1524 FOR SAI--E—RCA 21" TV console, the Porter Street area. We have Cape, excellent condition, nice lo­ be allowed and limited for Ihe creditor* days, sale to minor. 2-7598. lo r o riders, reels, and Titarles, tenbom Woodworking Co., 307 Off Silver Lane Manchester 850. MI 3-2231. Main Street, 7 nxim Otionlal, m listed 3 Colonial homes (3 and 4 cation, aluminum siding plus of said estate to exhibit their claims Of Mystic Review 1952 DESOTO In good condition, garden and lawn supplies. L A M ^ \ Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Open 9-9 Daily, Sat. 9-6 FOR RENT—8 rooms, heat and hot baths. 4 room down, 8 bedrooms ;alnst the same In Ihe Adminisirelrix LET ME^BE your couturier. Call Sheldon St., Hartford, Conn. water included. Phone MI 9-7661. bedrooms), ready for Immediate many extras. A special at 814,900. and directs fhsi public nollce be given POET, TEACHER DIES 375. Call Ml 3-6839 after 6 p.m Equipment Oorpomtion, Route 88. Free Delivery—Free Storage ” JANUARY SALES up. Modern kitchen. 8 porches, occupancy. Price 818,900 and up. Short way out—new__3__bedroom nf Ihls order hv sdverllsinx In a news- Mrs. Josaph Qo ulst was Inatallsd Ml 3-1264N------well shaded lot, 2-car garage, — New Haven, Jan. 18 (/!■)—Georgs ■** ion. Conn. TR 5-780P. MEDICAL Secretary for ^^octor’s EXECUTIVE sales trainee-leading AKC BEAGLES, 9 weeks old, ex IT*, OR 3 YEARS TO PAY! FOUR ROOM apartment and' ga­ There are always more buyers than ranch; full price 813.490 ; 8490 pSper having a circulation In aald dis­ aa president of Mystic Ravlsw, life insurance co_mpany offers ex­ cellent pedigree, reasonable. TR Any room may be purchased $15,900. PhUbrick Agency, M trict. and by posting a copy thereof on Marlon O’Donnel, 47-year-old poet Sew-Eavy Wonder EXPERT TaW)RING on ladles' office, diversified duties. Write START PAYING rage, first floor, automatic hot really good houses for sale—so set down. Many more priced from tha public sign post In said Town of Women’s Benefit Assoclaticm, at FLOORS WASHED and waxed, ceptional career opportunity for 5-5062, Anthony Rd., Tolland. Separately 0-8464. and teacher, died of a heart attack An Angel's Sown! and gentleman’s clothing. 189 qualifications, references. and IN MARCH water 55 Wells St Adults. MI quickly. 84,900 up, (Jiall the Ellsworth Mit­ Covsntry. nearsst Ihe place where the al his home yesterday. A native Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday eve­ windows cleaned, painting, paper­ salary desired to Box L, Herald' man age 25 and over. Salary plus ten Agency, Realtors, MI 3-6930 or deceased last dwell. ning. 'Twenty-three members at­ ing, walls wa.shed, odd Job.s. Handy Woodland St. (Jail Ml 3-2264. A. 8 ROOMS FURNITURE 9-5987. SIX ROOM RAN(3I—Artistic panel- Certified from Record of Midnight, Mias., he had taught lovine. x Incentive Increases plug family Ml 9-5524. KI.MORE TURItmOTON, Judge. tended a dinner at Hiller's Res­ Man Service. Phone Ml 8-8946 WAITRESS WANTED for 3 days group benefits. Lifetime income Articles For Sale 45 89.36 MONTHLY THREE ROOM apartment, stove Ing, 2-car garage, large lot, Beechler'Smith at Vanderbilt, Auburn, Louisiana $14,600. O rlton W Hutchins, Ml State, Oglethorpe and Harvard taurant preceding the meeting. DRESSMAKING and', alterations, weekly 9-5. Apply Comer Soda after 20 years. Sales experience NOTICE OF Brand New and refrigerator furnished. Ideal Realtors VERNON—m room split, wooded ■.IMITATION nUOK* Installing officers were Mrs. BUSINESS-Professlonal accounts. Shop, State Theater Building. not required. Rigid 2-year profes­ HOME MADE rairloU, treoh or 9-6132. lot, l',4 baths, fireplace, wall-to- AT A COURT o r PROBATE held Universities. He was working on It your receivables need action, straight hems. 31. Call Mrs. Le- Bedroom. Living Room, Dinette, for newlyweds or elderly couple, M I 3-6969 at Manchester, within and for Ihe Oglore White, deputy, assisrted by rierc, MI 3-1892 or MI 3x6096 any sional training and opportunity for froze , SOo doa. H. PaaquoUnl. 3^5 ground floor and parking, 7 miles MI 9-8952 wall carpeting, built-ins, dish­ a novel trilogy, "No More My phone MI 9-5317 any hour. AAA Re- ATTRACTIVE position woman 25: ANNUAL Rugs, Lamps; Tables, Etc. BOLTON — Two pleasant homes. District of Manchester on Ihe 9th day Lady,” at the time of his death. Mrs. Anthony Rowe and Mrs. time. \ rapid advancement. Phone Mr. Avety Street, Wapplng to United Aircraft. Available Feb. One a seven room colonial with washer, paneled den, recreation of January. 1912. .Samuel Schora as ladles of cere­ Imbur-sement Service, 869 Main St, J v 60. Good personality and appear­ Maloney, MI 4-1181 between 8 p.m. EVERYTHING 8288 room, patio, garage, aluminum Preeent. Hon. John J. Walleil. Judge Hla only survivor Is hla father, Bonded. 1. MI 3-7086 after 4 p.m. attached two-car garage. The MAIN STREET shopping —ctMitpm E siale of W aller F. Bairh. lale nf mony. and Miss Ann WUIfram as ance. Ready to accept position im­ and 10 p.m. SNOW BLOWERS - From tTS.M MEETING storms, near schools. Owner trans- George Coleman O’Donnell of Movinff— ^Truckinjf— \ mediately, If selected. Guaranteed and up. Porta and sendee Capl- other a compact ranch with ga­ brick and frame ranch, huge Manchester In said Dlslrlcl. deceased. installing chaplain. SAVE A BUCK at Manchester Of Members Of 8 ROOMS FURNITURE MODe Bn 6 room apartment, aee- kitchen, 3 bedrooms, immsculste lerrsd. Immediate occupancy. On motion of Charles M. O ’Dowd of Yazoo City, Miss. Funeral services Storage '20 income with opportunity for ad­ STDCK MAN wanted, experienced to) Equipment Oo., 88 Main St. rage selling for $14,750 ($2300 and Hartford. Connecllriil. executor. will be held Saturday in Yazoo Other officers seated were Mrs. Welding Service. Ml 9-1858, Ml $10.18 MONTHLY ond floor heat, hot water, stove, you can assume 1st mortgage). condition, reasonably priced. Carl­ Only 817,900, MI 8-2229. vancement. Insurance and retire­ preferred but- not necessary. Ap­ Hours 7-5 dally. 7-8 Thursday. 7-4 Manchester Savings refrigerator, 1125. Call MI 9-0723 O rdered' ThAtThe! sixaIx mnnihsmnn from Ihe City. Man Roberta, past president. Mrs. 9-8782. Have it welded, repaired, MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ Brand New T. J. Oockett, Realtor, MI 3-1577. ton W, Hutchins, MI 9-5132. !)th (i«v of JAfiiiArv. bf* tod , Harriet Oleiiver, vice president: ment plan available. For Inter- ply W. T. Grant Parkade. Saturday. and Loan Association after 4 p.m. 812,900—2 bedroom ranch, extras Hre IlmK^d And Allowed for th#* 1______^ sharpened. Guaranteed. ing Company. Local and long dis­ Westlnghouse Refrigerator, Living! Mrs. Hazel Fahev. recoiling sec­ 'vlew call Charles Snay, Thomp- Incorporated ■Room, Bedroom. Dittefte, Ruga, i NEW TWO-FAMILY house for sale SO, WINDSOR—buy direct. Pleas­ galore, easy flnanrlng. Eugene' E. rr#dUorA wllhin which in brlnr In ihf Ir: PROBATK BlaKXTI'H tance moving, packing and stor­ sonvllle, RI 9-9150 on Jan. 16, 17, DOUBLE EDGE razor blades. Fin­ THREE ROOM apartment, 8TT a Bushey Agency. MI 9-2083. clAlmA AvalnAt ptld M iatc. and rAM Hartford, Jan. 18 lA") Judge retary: Mrs, Charles Vinoek, SERVICE ON any type of RCA, Lamps, Tables. Etc. 4-4. located on Hilliard St. $20,500. ant 6',4 room ranch, nice layout. executor la dirrcled to |r1ve niihllc no* age. Regular service throughout 18,^^venlngg 7-9 only.______est surgical steel, honed In oil. The Annual Meeting of the month, includes best, hot water, l',i baths, carport, storms, Robert M. Dowling of Merlden.-u-on treasurer; Mrs. Raymond Gamble, Kenmore or Norge wa.shers and Full money back guarantee. 25- EVERYTHING 8360 MI 3-2573, VERNON—5 room ranch, assume fire to Ihe rredltotR to brlnr In their dryers. MI 9-7321. New England states and Florida. Members of Manchester Savings electricity and gas. off Porter St. screens, patio, one-half sere, clalniR within raid tim* allowed hv pub* election yesterday to a third con­ fiiiaiu'ial secretary; Mrs. Augusta Ml 3-6563. BOOKkEEPER, cashiers, sales- QUALITY 30c, 100-85C, 200-11.50, 500-88.30, Available Immediately. MI 3-6940. present mortgage. 81,700 down. llAhlnr * copv of thiR hrder In Rome and Loan Association, Incorporat­ 8 ROOMS FURNITURE FOUR BEDROOM colonial, large many extras, 815,300. BU 9-5132. secutive term aa president ot tlie Boulet, chaplain. glrls for food and non-food Items. 1000-85,75, Postpaid. Packed 5 ed will be held at the office of the cabinet picture book kitchen, wsTl- Tongren Agency, MI 3-8321. newRt>«per havlnr a rirrulatinn In Raid Connecticut Probate Assembly. Also, Mrs. Lawrence White, lady Household .Services MANfrHESTER Package Delivery. 814.74 MONTHLY THREE ROOM first floor apart- probatr dlRtrlct within trn dava from Part-time and full-time Jobs avail­ blades to packa^, 20 packages to Association, 1007 Main Street, wall carpet, near shopping, bus, MANCHESTER—6 room Cape, th« data of thia order and return make of ceremony: Mrs. Samuel Shora. Light trucking and package deliv­ menu available furnished Or un­ SPACE AND convenience In this 3 Also elected at yesterday’s annual Offered 13-A able, Employer will interview at' CONTROL carton.. C.O.D, o^ ers accepted. Manchester, Connecticut, on Jan­ Brand New churches, 813,900. Carlton W. walking distance 'to schools, shop­ to thia court of the notice riven. meeting were Judge Jaiiiea It. sergeant; Mrs. Alien Ellis, inner ery Refrigerators, washers and Washing Machine, WesUnghouae re­ furnished, centrally located. J. D. bedroom custom built ranch, many JOHN J. WAUeKTT, Jtidr^. Connecticut ^.State '^Emplovment Postcard brings general merchan­ uary 26th, 1962 at 7:30 P.M. for Hutchins, MI 9 5132. ping center, and bus line. Immedi­ Lswlor of Waterbiiry, first vlr-e hostess; Mr.*. Kather Goudette, FLAT FINISH .AHolland window stove moving specialty. Folding Service, 806 M^in St, for Jobs in dise catalog. Ityylor Products (lo., frigerator, Bedroom Living. Room, Realty. Ml 3-5129, extras. Public and parochial the following purposes: ate occupancy. $18,800. Carlton AT A r o r n r o r t b o b a t k held prealdent; Judge Alfred Sanlahl- outer hostess; Mrs. Miles Staples. shades made to measure. All chairs for rent. Ml 9-0752 ^ 17 Overlook Rd., Chatham, N, J. Dinette, Dishes, Rugs, Lamps, schools nearby. (lerard Agency, East Hartford and Manchester. MANAGER BIG DUTCH colonial in good sec­ A Thayer Realty, JA 8-7848. at ManrheRter. within and for the ello of-Norwalk, second vice preal­ Junior super\'i.*or; Mrs. Grace metal Venetian blinds at a new Apply week of Jan. 15, Monday- 1. Accept^ce of reports. Tables, Blankets. Etc. FOUR ROOMS and bath, flrat floor, Realtors. MI 3-0385. Diatrirt of M e nrhe ale r on the 15th da.v THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS (JO. tion, baths, garage, extra lot. dent; Judge Audrey A: Mayer of Howland, welfare supervisor; Mrs. low price. Keys made while you Frlday, 8:.30-4:30, Open Thursday, 2. Election of Directors., EVERYTHINe 8444 oil heat, garage, close to bus line. Quick sale wanted, excellent FALKNOR DRIVE - Sparkllni of January. 1M2 Moving, packing, storage. Agents Excellent opportunity tor man 'with 2. To consider and take action Middle-aged couple oreferred. AA ZONE—This custom built Co­ PreRenI, TTon, John T Wallet!. .Tudr^- Old Lyme, recording secretary, and Oglore White, captain of'vgusrds; wait Marlow’s. Jan. 18, until 7 p.m. for em ploy^ value. Belfiore Agency, MI 3-8121. Cape 6 rooms, tiled kitchen, tilec of_ for Lyons Van IJnea, Ino^^world- engineering degree, plus AotOe sta­ upon a proposal that the By­ Available Feb. 1. MI 3-8772. lonial-offers many fine featuresr Batate of WalervA MatURhak late Mi s.—Mrldred Ted ford and Mrs. workers. tistical quality contrcd exjverience. NOTICE Price Includes Delivery, Setup, bath, garage, aluminum storms M«nrhe*l^. in *ali1 DIrirtrl <1ere*«*f dlRlrlhulion and Notice Is hereby given that the wherever such words pres­ A peach of a 5 room ranch locat­ iHIr fourt dlrRciRiflinl nolle* of ih^ a Coast Guard hearing veslerday to Mrs. Robe'"!*, retiring president. years. Phone MI 9-4587. Potter- Fully insured. Reasonable rates. you. No obligation. Phone MI 8-1912, evenings MI excellent cliset and storage apace, ranch in Manchester Green. 8 gen­ ton’s. COUNTER GIRLS wanted full-time Service Board of Directors, Town of Man­ ently appear In the Bylaws, 9-9528. ed at Twin Hills. A huge lot add* tImR and nlara- AR^Im^d for Raid hf*ar- the 338-foot motor ve«.scl ran A kitchen social will be held 8263 Leo Pelletier. MI 9-6326 or Ml 4,—Lr-B — E—R—T— ’S large sneiosed porch 2-car ga­ erous sized bedrdomt, Itying nxim ln|T h^ (flvcn to all pfraona known to aground off Watch Hill Jan. 7 be­ after the next meeting Feb. 6, 9-5082. and part-time, for mornings 6 or chester, (Connecticut, will hold a all to accord with the termi­ rage, 819.700 PhUbriet Agency, Ml with fireplace, dining room, attach­ to Its beauty, and the cleanliness h# Int^raatad Iharaln to annaar and bf‘ y-u WEAVING of Burris, moUi holes ♦8-45 ALL’YN ST., HARTFORD THREE ROOM apartment, 845 haard tharaon hv ptihllahlnr a copv of cause he ovoreallmated hla ifpe«M apartment, one month MANCHESTER course too soon, he said, with llic 9-9237. priations os foUows: such meeting. , rent free. (?all Ml 3-5426. 814,900—6 room ranch, garage'. M Hirhland f»t. MancheMer. Conn : A few hours' sewing time, and Use cool, gay gingham for this ing Shop. saves money,: members benefit. To the Paiddng Meter Budget 816,990—Oversized 6 room cape Beechler'Smith William J. Maliiahak Floranre Jtt . result that the ship plied up on CUTTER GRINDER tool maker, Dorothea E. Stavnttsky FRANK IS buying and selling gtxtd 6 very clean rooms, fireplace, Manrh^*t^r rorn. • Ole*' ftnlllran 317 ('atholic T>adies a minimum of fabric, and you can -sew-easy gown, then embroider PAINTING papering, floor eand- You get famous products free. 1961-42, for ocijuisitlon of od- January 18th, 1962 Secretaiy .with land. Gangway'Rock instead of pa.*«lng ! with a sweet angel in cro.ss-stitch! AN UNUSUAL bargain! Reuphol-. front end auto mechanic. Janitor. used furniture and antiques stait- FIVE R(X)M downstairs apart­ Realtors hatchway, and a nice sized kitchen Bprinff SI M»«che*tRr, Tonn. turn out this handsome yoked tng. remodeling. Call Mr. Charles, Send for details, free 276-page ditl(mal offstnet parking ment.. North School St.. $86 New 5-5 Duplc,j(, convenient to the 9,g9.52 JOHN J. WAT.I.KTT. Judae. through the race 10 miles weal j When finished, it's sure to be ador­ ster 3 piece living room set; sofa MI 9-0726. catalog. No obligation. Popular Apply Connecticut State Employ­ Ing Sept. 9 at 420 f ,aka Ut Call and M I 3 -6 06 9! on a quiet street is what makes Flan Scholarships beauty. Certain to delight the and 2 chairs. 8145. Choose from area...... $28,0(ra •ee what we'va got. Open Sun­ monthly. Call MEdford 8-774*. between Fishers Island snngi Junior family members. ed by the young lady! Plea.se state Club Plan, Dept. E8S2, Lynbrook, ment Sendee, 806 Main S t, Man­ to he financed from tlie un­ Also ‘ this a fine buy. Thi* home has a ■.■MIT.4TION n n n r a size. group of fine fabrics. Work done INTERIOR painting, decorating, chester. days Ml 9-6580. cute picket fence surrounding the AT A COURT OP PPOKSTK h*M island. 1 , No. ,8263 with Patt-O-Rama is N. Y. appropriated surplus of the THREE LARGE rooms, .baat. tndl- i LUDLOW HOAD, Hockledf 6 at Manrheater within aod for the The Leif Viking, pulled fre^ ' Gibbon* A.ssembl.v. Catholic Pattern No. 279,'i-H has ti.ssue— by expert craftsmen on our prem­ ceilings, wallpapering, floor sand­ I room colonial oft Porter 8t., 4 'Oversized lot. Quality,, plenty of In sizes 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, ises. All work fully guarsnteed PART-TIMB and full-time openings Parking Meter Fund. WE BUT, SELL or troda oimqua ■vidual thermostat, hot water, room ranch, 3 baths, kitchen with Diatrirt of ManrheRiwr on th^ 12th day Tuesday, entered the Todd .Ship­ I-adie* of Columbus, will offer two size 4, 6 or 8; graph for angel; ing and reflnlshing. (Jlean work­ PART-TIME Sind full-time openings large stove and refrigerator, mod- badreoma, garage. Uving area, and within walking dis­ of January 1W2 _ _ Bust 3014 to 38. Size 11, 311, bust, Mill Fabric Saiestuom, 175^ Pine for sxperienced grocery, produce Ttt the General Fund Budget WANTED and used furniture, (diina. gust, buUt-ins, 8 bedrooms, formal din-^ Prepent Hon John J. Wallett. JiuSlfe. yard at Brooklyn, N.Y., yesterday partial scholarships for two years full directions. manship. No Job too small. John for sales people, ready to wear, •rn kKchen, tile bath and showor, 7 room front to back split, 3 baths. tance to stores and buses. This sleeveless, 3% yards of 35-4nch. St., exclusive Cheney i^abrlc Verfaille. MI 9-6750. clerks, meet cutters, cashiers, and lMl-62, Board of Directors, E.XPERIENCED •UTOr. pleturo ftomea and

ber. naces, machinery, copper, bfOM, adjacent building With (louriihlng ter Bt., was arrested last Coming soon . . . the exciting Building-^-ContracUng; 14 f r e e e s t im a t e s —Prompt serv­ DIE MAKERS wanted, full Or part- FULL-TIME sexton needed for Board of Directors COOPERATWE plnf, f o n ^ dining room, living combe, MI 4-1189. ed h r publlahinr A of thta order hij homa and charged plications for .schoiarsnips w’iii Send 50c for the new, big-size •te. GaU MI 8-3800. nMjgbbarhood tavarn buoinaaa. In pom# newapafer havlnr • clrcuIiHlon new Spring Summer '62 Basic ice on all types of olectrlcai wlr- time, all fringe benefits, exewent local chufeh: References required. Manchester, THREE ROOM fomlMted ^ort- room with fireplace, city utiUtiee| Intoadeated. WaUoee available from Mrs. Rlccio on Feb. '62 Album Ailed with lovely de­ diim lot , WARREN E. HOWLAND Migr b* purckaoad with or without tn aald frohata dialrlet wHkln tan FHblon! Blfgar and better than ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re- Ueenisd and Insured Wilson worUng cdniutlona. Apply Gunver Write P-0, Box 809, Manchester, Conneetledt OILOOMPMfir ment, first floor, all utUltias, no 2“Car fa n fft* extra bidl^* frvm tlia Jtla der a $88 howl whUa 1 and must be submlUad b r Feb. signs, a nefedlework stitch section modelli^ all typea of earpaatiy. Eiectrleai Oo., Manchester, Ml Manufacturing do., 834 Hartford Conn., stating qualifications and Dated at MaadNOtar, Conaactl- ehUdron or pMs, ampia psHitaf- m a r ng 114,800 llobeft REALTOR IomLm h . BaUlora Aganey. MI seer! 80o. and frss patterns. *- SU BBOAD mnUEBT WDODWORKINa toola tor eeurt agtwaTawna on Jaa. 39. !$• Nelson Blgglna, IB 4-1700, I B-6U7, aiaetoabaiY. MB S -7 m R(L •' experlencs. < eut UUs 10th day of Jaanoiy, 1061. , O a MZ S4MS. 3181161*. W ohwton r, MI $4816^, 8II] M XS4U8 M U t r , V 7 ^5^ .. . • . -r:

V, . Average Daily Net Preee Ron * The Weather flrURSDAY^ JANUARY 18, 1982 Foreoaat of U. 8. Weather Bnreae PAGE. TW ENIT^UR Far the Week Haded jianrlii^Btifr lEo?nitts Jaanary IS, ItS l Not eo eoU, *Bow lato tonlglit^ and part of Saturday. Low tonight' 1 3 ,5 3 5 15,40. little tempetmtoro ohaago Niftps Editor 2Therapi»ts MeariMr o f the Audit Saturday. High In fiOe* ' ]£bout Town Bnreaa o f OIreulatlaB MmU:he$ter— A City o f Village Charm TiM W itirTwttr flouar* Dance Of Monitor Stay on Job Oh! What A Wonderful Club wUl hold a danea Saturday at Volpi - BelUs (.Claaeifled Adrertlelng on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS ht' I# $ pjo. at the Waddell School with VOL. LXKXl,^NO. 92 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) ' MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1962 Karl JOhnaton aa caller. This will Mias Reas BeUis o f‘forino, Italy Two school speech therapists be a cloaed dance for Manchester Club Speaker and Carlo Volpi of Bolton were who last mdnth asked to resign •V ^'1 Club members only. Refreshments united in marriage last Saturday have now deetd^ not to, andd the wiU bo aenred. The Women’s Club of Manchester school system plans to ease some­ at St. Maurice's Church ih Bolton. what the heavy work load that ■ i will p resen t Robert R. Brunn, , h Dominicams Cheer Stai^Newsl^ Miss Hems Is. the daughter of prompted the resignation requests. i . v o J U blrla Friendly Society Sponsors American news editor of The Mrs. Catherine Beilis of Turin, Supt. of Schools William H. Cur­ St. Mary's Episcopal Church will Christian Science Monitor, in a tis last night told the board of meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the f, and the sister of Mrs. A n ^ o lecture at its amnual Men's Night aglio of Manchester. The education Umt Mrs. Alice Perkins •dA Roundup dlnlnf room o f the old peulsh hall. of Glastonbury and Mrs. Bonnie After a business meetln, members program Monday at 8 p.m. in Fel­ bridegroom Is the son of , Mrs. :i-.^ Secondo Morra. Kenyon of Storrs, the system’s Win fold bandar for the Cancer lowship Hail at Second Congrega­ only two speech therapists, will Society. Hostesses will be. Mrs. tional Church. The Rev. Guido. Caspanl of the Holy Apostles Seminary in Crom­ "fulfill their contracts for the rest Traffic Institute Matntoe lAmbert, Miss Edna Brunn is editor in charge of news of the year." nedy and Mrs. Jesse Hettinger. well icelebrated ...... a nuptial Mass and peifcirfomred the wedding ceremony. The therapists' decision to with­ Favors Police Bouquets of white mums and draw their resignation requests . Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Sandals, 40 was the result of discussion he and Steep Hollow Lane, will leave by gladioli were at the altar. Mr. President’s Job and Mrs. Charles Robbins sang the board’s personnel relations Unmarked Cars Jet front Idlewild International committee have had with them, he Airport Tuesday for a 17-day trip and Mrs. George Banks was or­ ganist. said. Hartford, Jan. 19 to Hmel, with a group of 140 re­ The school board voted imanl- {IP)— gional and natioiml board members The bride was given in marriage WmAington, Jan. 19 Traffic Institute of North­ by her brother-in-law, Joseph mously to approve withdrawal of armed force* com- o f Hadassah. Mrs. Sandals is a re­ the resignations. Officiala said today the gov­ mwder. western University approves j gional chairman o f Hadassah which Peretto of Manchester. She wore a cocktail-length gown of silk The superintendent said that ernment newly returned to The general’a own officer* exe­ the use of unmarked police la celebrating its SOth anniversary during the meetings, one of which cuted the . counter-coup last night McNamara Ministers bombazine with Alencon lace, de­ power in the Dominican Re­ cars to cope with unusual con­ this year. The Sandals will visit Vas Monday, some solutions were and Jailed him. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa and signed with a scalloped scoop neck­ public has ready-made U.S. ditions, State Police Commis­ line, three-quarters-length sleeves, worked out to the therapists’ prob­ Rafael Bonnelly a 57-y«ar-oid will attend the dedication of me­ lems in trying to work with about recognition and will get full lawyer professor who has been ac­ sioner Leo J- Mulcahy stated i Asking for morial windows in the synagogue fitted bodice and straight skirt tive In the National Civic Union, with back fullness. She wore a 100 children each. Instead of the diplmnatic and economic sup­ today. 1 Question at the Hadassah Medical Center. state-recommended load of about port from this country. became the new president, as he The commissioner said he con- 1 seed pearl and crysal headdress had been scheduled "to be before with bouffant silh illusion veil, and 40. Work was rraumed at the tacted Bernard B. C^aldwell, in- i Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ Supt. Curtis said outside the Tuesday's military takeover. stitute director, after Republican $54 BilUon carried a prayer bo<^ with orchid State Department and in the Bonnelly was sworn in almost ranth, v ^ l meet at the Masonic and st^hanotls. meeting that he has directed Mrs. State Rep. Gennaro W.- Frate^ of Unsolved Temple tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. Re- Miss Corenda Lynn Morra of Perkins and Mra Kenyon to de­ agency for international de­ Darien had criticized the wholesale , Washington, Jan, 19 (/I*)- freelunents will be served by Mrs. (Continued on Page Ten) Bolton, niece of - the bridegroom, termine the most severe eases for velopment on an aid program usd of unmarked cars. ! Secretary of Defense Robert Albert Heavisides and committee served as maid of honor. She wore the school system’s administra­ designed to bolster the Do­ tive council of principals to set McNamara told Congress; Geneva, Jan. 19 (/P)— ^The an aqua satin dress with off-the- minican economy. stripped from Connecticut State, " i three feuding p rin ts o f Laos A rehearsal of ‘"nie Bluebird., ahoulder fitted bodice and bouffant up on a priority work list. That Police cars Monday in an attempt; today the present C .b. re- '( ^ to bo preeented by the Children’s skirt with bow trim, a matching way, those who most need aid will C ongo Troops to cope with the one-a-day rate! taliatory forces “ are fully ca- reached agreement here today Theatre group March 10, will be be helped first, he said. Santo Domingo, Dominican tiara, with pearl trim, and carried \ of traffic fatalities in the opening pable of destroying” assigned on a formula for a govern­ held tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at the Robert B. Bnmn a seml-ckscade bouquet of tange­ In addition, he said he wrlU rec­ Republic, Jan. 19 (/P)—Do­ fortnight of 1962. Since t^ n there j afrer a ment of national unity. , East Side Recreation building. rine feather carnations. ommend salary allocations for two minicans exulted wildly to­ M urder P our, has not been a single traffic death . , The agreement was announced coverage of the United States and more speech therapists In the 1968- Robert Richard Morra of Bol­ day over restoration of civil­ in the state. surprise Russian attack. by neutraltat Prince gouvanna Latin America. His talk will be fol­ 83 school budget, now under pre­ Representative Frate stated But the defense chief warn­ lowed by a question and answer ton, nephew of the bridegroom, paration. ian government in a counter- UN Discloses Phouma at the end of a 2-hour served as best man. Ushers were Wednesday the traffic institute’s ed that it must be assumed meeting of the three princes. period for members and guests. Supt. Curtis said the therapists - coup that formally ousted positloq was that marked cars Mrs. John Malone, program chair­ Ray Soma and Donato Rattozzi, are working with the State De­ Chidkea that has everytfaing-FLAVon, pbeshness, plumpness and boomomt. TheyVe I the Soviet Union will build Souvanna Phouma said "very both of Bolton. President Joaquin Balaguer Leopoldville. The Congo. Jan. 19 provided the "best and most effec­ great progress’! was made at tt man, reminds members that this Is partment of Education to learn government inspected. Grade A. Thc^ie carefaUy-biit very caieftdlj^-Mlected by our tive method of making the motor­ still more powerful missile Tbe bridegroom’s mother wore policies throughout the state gov­ and imprisoned the strong­ fyPi'-r- Fresh, bloodshed in the East­ meeting, and there were hopea^ the one meeting of the year which ern Congo, again involving Congo­ ists safety conscious.’’ I forces and that in the next is open to their husbands. erning the work of speech thera- buyers. YouTl relish eveiy juicy, fla v o ^ morseL And my! how youTl save money! man who had imposed mili­ united Laotian government a blue print dress with yellow . . ... if, lese troops, was disclosed by the be set up before the end mum corsage. After a dinner at piste. He said he will review the Mulcahy said he has been in­ : few years the U.S. clearly will Brunn is a graduate of the Uni­ tary rule. United Nations today. formed by Caldwell that the in­ month. versity of Csdlfomla. During World the Villa Louisa, a reception for policies with them. ■ need new retaliatory systems. Chix Livers lb. 89c SELECTED LARGE U. S. CONNECTICUT GRADE A FRESH "Balaguer boo boo, Balaguer boo A spokesman said four civilians stitute approves the use of "in­ But he streased that thjU agree- ■ War n he was a U.S. Air Force 175 guests was held at the Bolton The therapists submitted their boo,” people chanted in the street), ment still haa-to be ratmed by Town Hall which was decorated resignations to the board of edu­ were killed and seven European conspicuous vehicles or techniques Washington, Jan. 19 (/P)— captain and was a prisoner in Chix Win lb. 25e to rythmic whistling and hand- as a special technique for iinu.sual rightist supporters of ITmce Boun with blue and white wedding bells cation Dec. 18, asking that they churchmen threatened by hood­ Poland and Germany. He holds the Soup Nec=V. . lb. 5c clapping. or hazardous conditions " fSecretaiy of Defense Robert Oum in Laos. , Air Medal and Bronze Star. and streamers. become effective Dec. 22. However, Car* -pUed high with riddrs, honk- lums Wednesday in a brawl at a the board withheld action on the Roman Catholic mission school In The International A.ssoclatlon of S. McNamara today asked Boun Oum, 8ot(v9>ma Phouma He became a staff correspondent After a wedding trip to Wash­ Gizards and V ed the Mat and blocked traffic on Chiefs of Police, the commissioner | Congress to approve a 5-year and pro-CommuniK Prince Sou- for The Christian Science Monitor ington, D. C., the couple will live requests until it could look into CHICKEN g o -the main street. El Conde. which Bagira. Kivu Province. phanouvong mey'^yeeterday and the matter further. Hearts . . lb. 25c Local police and the troops were *>?"*'’** multi-billion dollar defense in 1946 and was awarded a Nleman at Birch Mt. Rd., Bolton. rtnly 24 hours before was grimly jusUflabie when necessary to bring i _ , _4i,_ ___ _ failed even to Agiw on another Fellowship in journalism at Harv­ ■ A t the Dec. 13 meeting, Supt. slleqt and nearly deserted except reported to have clashed. All the Curtis said Mrs. Perkins and Mrs.' lb. under control a situation that can- ' program to meet the Cotpmu- meeUng. l| ard University. He has been a cor­ PLUMP 3>/2 to 4 lb. for aYpied patrols. dead were believed to be Africans But a new/talk was arranged in Kenyon had Indicated an "Inability not be controlled by usual method-s. | nist challenge on a global respondent for his paper from ROASTERS Peopta hidked each other, stoies the school,^ St. I^ u ls College scale. behind-the-ei^es contacts with Washlngrton, W estern Bhirope, Collins to Open to cope with the load of their pro­ BREASTS rcopeneV^^!^ariiival air reign- 1 In addition, three were woimded. the co-ohainnan o f the 14-natlon "For the sake of our own safe­ Egypt and the Caribbean. gram" and had become "extremely TENDER BROILERS, Extended Forecast Leos Peace Conference, Britain’s frustrated” In their efforts. If You prefer the dark meat buy Large Fresh Chicken Legs fit 69e Ib. ed Ui celeoniflon of the quick (all ty we must be prepared to defend The program will be preceded by Office Full-Time FRYERS... Of me Junta nqpoeed Tuesday night (Continued on Page Mne) Windsor Lock, Jan. 19 (>P) — The the outposts of freedom around Maleolni MacDonald and Ruaala’a 5 lbs. 82.75. 5-day forecast. Saturday, Jan. 20, a short business meeting. After the world," the Pentagon chief told^ (Jeorgt PUshkin. The Geneva eon- the program, refreshments will be Atty. WlUIam B. Collins will At Pinehurst through Wednesday, Jan. 26: President Kennedy and New York Mayor Robert Wagner are all smiles leaving New Yorks La fe r a )^ haa almost completed a Terapesu-tures are expected to a closed door session ot the tienaie^ :e and neutrality treaty for served by Mrs. WlUlam J. Meldrum operate his own office at 148 E. 302 Main See recipe below .... Armed Services Committee. Guardla field today after the Prestdeni was greeted on arrival. The Chief Execiftlve come to town and Mrs. A. L. Schulze and com­ Center St. on a full-time basis Job Protect!ion average 2 to 10 degrees below nor­ to have lunch with United NZUons Secretarj- General U Thant and Adlal Stevenson. (AP Photo­ ii - but can make no further mal. Continued cold most of the Asking authority to obligate rogresa until the princes agaea on mittee. from now on, rather than a part- FREE DELIVERY nearly 154 billion in the fiscal year fax). ____ time basis. period except some moderation a united government. We Will Deliver Anyrthtaig! SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEIV gravy by adding flour, milk and seasonings about Sunday and Tueafiay. Nor­ that begins July 1, McNamara re­ One hard stumbling block has . He has been associated with quested broad and flexible powers Atty. Nathaniel Bergman of Hart­ ARTHUR’S ElectricUl Union Wins mal high and lowr'for Hartford for been Boun Oum’a refusal to 1st the Dip chicken pieces in batter coatings*. Pan to drippings and browned Uts in pan. this period ia 36-18, New Haven, over manpower and funds. Cold Weekend defenM and interior minletriea — ford until now. MI S-ISOS Presenting the . first defense Atty. Collins has been practic­ fry about 20 min. to brown. Reduce heat, 37-21. Bridgeport 36-22. army and police — go to the nau- Precipitation may total 0.5 Inch budget prepared completely under Kennedy to Display trallsU in a coalition government J ing law since . August 1659. He *£ancrcoatfiig.Blend2 e88^ e.m0k, 1 tsp. sah, the administration of President prepared for admission to the bar cover, cook slowly until tender, about 30 Five-Hour Work Day or more melted- Snow over most Ahead; H eavy He haa expreaaed fear the pattern PRESCRIPTIONS V* tsp. Ac’cent, dash pepper, 1 tq>. mebed fat Stir Kennedy, McNamara took before at the University of Connecticut of the region should end Satur­ of history would be foUovred, with Law School. min. Remove chicken to platter. Make cre a m in 1 c. sifted flour, 1 tsp. bnUnf powder. day. Chance of rain or snow again the committee a statement of the pra-CommtmIsts gradually as- A Democrat, he Is a member billion-a-year con- about Tuesday night or Wednes­ more than 35,000 words dealing Midwest Snow sImUatIng-llatlng ttttia mtitlstriaa and tak­ New York, 'Jan. 19 (/P)--The city $1V4 day. with world trouble spots and mill- U.S, Support o f UN ing over the country. , of the town board of directors. He CLEASANCE struction industry was boomii today after an 8-day Today's agreement faUed-.-ta-le- is a veteran of the Korean con- A former Manchester resident, now living 36 tary details.. , By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ml 9-9814 filct in which he flew 74 missions miles from here . . . stops in every time she is These plump 10 to 12 lb. Hen Turkeys are an­ pSflto’by union electrtcia S-houi liter. ' 20th for Kowalski A censored version of this was solva this urgumant- New England, registering cold Souvanna Phouma said Boun WE DELIVER as a Jet pilot In the Air Force. He FABRIC near to fill her freezer with Pinehurst meats and other of the simply “wonderful” values available (^(iatMrctbM yesterday shut down the bqlk of the work un- made available to newsmen ex­ New York, Jan. 19 (JF)- Preal-fuuslne for city hall. Stevenson ac­ Meriden, Jan. 19 (iPi—U.S. Rep. cluded from the closed commit­ companied Kennedy to the suite. ranging from mld-teena to a few was awarded the Distinguished to stock up on other Pinehurst foods her family der way in the city. " 'ank Kowalski, has been en- dent Kennedy arrived here today Flying Cross. at Pinehurst’s meat department . . . New crop The strike involving 9,000 elec­ tee session. The President and Stevenson left degrees bcIoW zero early today, (Oonttnuod OB Page Tea) enjoys. She remarked, yesterday, that she must . . . oven ready , . . frozen Swift's sed by the DsmocraUc Towti Ebcplaining the development of to meet U 'fhant. actiqg secre­ the Carlyle for the Waldorf at He and his wife, the former Mils SALE! tricians was settled last night and .imittee >1 Weston for the was headed for a generally cold PINE PHARMACY Claire Fotsy Manchester, live be our most distant customer. men In aU construction crafts were' Labor rush* tary-general of the United Na­ 12:65 p.m. Kennedy wore neither weekend, the Weather Bureau 884 CENTER STREET—CORNER OF ADAMS ly’a senatorial nomination his (Continued on Page Ten) with their three sons at 25 Buck­ called back to work today. -des reported yesterday. It was tions. In a show' of administration hat nor coat. said, to be followed by warmer ingham St. Very likely she is . . . but customers DO travel An overwhelming majority of 1,- the 20th committee in the state to confidence in the UAT. Wagner meanwhile said at city weather with snow or rain about BVTTERBALL 000 members who were at a din­ For Spread o Tuesday or Wednesday. many extra miles to shop Pinehurst old style do so. Minister Explains Kennedy’s plane landed at La- hall that he had had a general Bulletins PILGRIM service meat department where both price and ner of the Building Trades Em­ Guardla Airport at 11:43 a.ra. after discussion with the President on NO precipitation 'vas sighted by ployers AssoclaUon booed loudly a 58-minute flight from Washing­ the ride in from the airport. He the weather men before that time, Culled from AP Wires quality beat the average. when the settlement’ was an­ 2 5 -Hour W eek Morelli Endorsed Killing of Pigeons ton. remarked that Kennedy had ifx- other than a possible light dust­ MILLS TURKEYS. 35' nounced. New Britain, Jan. 19 (Ah—For­ Tile 4-engine DOSB made a low presseil concern over the plight of ing of snow across southernmost H. Earl FuiUlove, board chair­ mer Mayor Joseph F, Morelli has Collierville, Tenn., Jan. 19 sweep over homes in the Jackson the bankrupt New Haven Rail­ and southeastern areas tonight, in CONGO MISSION CAPTURED CSieney Hall, Hartford Rd. PINEHURST By NORMAN WALKER man of the association, later gave AP Labor Writer received the endorsement of the (/P) — The Rev. Frank L. Mc­ Heights and Astoria sections of road. the wake of teniperatures some­ LeopoldvUle, H m Ooage. Job. CHUCK GROUND lb. 79c an estimate,— Z "guess at best”— Democratic Town Committee as Rae explains why a pigeon Queens tp land on Rimway 4, the Kennedy and Thant were ex­ what higher thsn yesterday’s. 19 (/F)— Rebel CoBgoleee troope LaBROAD GOLDEN HARVEST that half of the city’s 200,OOO con­ Washington, Jan. 19 (At—Success Cloudiness Is expected to extend by several thousand New York the party's mayoralty candidate In shoot Was held aU Collerville shortest one on the field. pected to range over most of the have sppareaHy ovomui aad struction workers had been laid the spring election. The vote last The plane traveled the full major issues facing the United into northern areas tonight. captured the SoU Boauui Oatl^ OPENTONITEtiH9 off for the one day. The employ­ city electricians In negotiating a rne Methodist Church: Cold^t region in the six north- Very different home style Sausage and Sau­ CONNECTICUT* TURKEYS. Ib. 45c 26-hour week is the first result o f ! JJl**’*’ Morelli, 15 for the "During our worship serv­ length of the runway, then taxied Nations, Including Uic Congo, Uo Mleeloa and Olrie School, bm SATURDAY 10 to A ers promised them the day’s pay. I Incumbent Mayor Julius J. Krem to the field's marine terminal. world economic development and eastacn states at dawn today waa UJV. repbrtod toalght, eatilag sage Meat made by Alfred Weigel. Chiefs of the city’s Central La­ a new labor drive to create more ices the pigeons* peck con- northern Maine where readlngfa LT.WOOD Jobs by reducing working hours. ‘ ski, and 7 abstentions. tantly at the stained glass Kennedy was hatlese and car­ financing for the nearly bankrupt fire to houooB la the remote Borta New crop, freshly frozen, oven ready 10 to 12 lb. bor Coimcil, representing AFL- There will-have to be a primary ried an overcoat oi'cr his left arm d^'n to 4 below were recorded at CIO unions, congratulated Local The drive was kicked off only a windows. Then there’s this world organization. Kataaga vUlago. After roooa- to select the candidate- In a pri­ as l.e stepped from the plane In .Old 'Town and Caribou. A special 3 in I blend of Beef, Pork and Veal sizes. All turkeys displayed in frozen food section. 3 of the International Brotherhood little more -than a month ago in constant flurry of feathers U.S. sources have pointed ouU Temperatures were close to zero nalssonre, two Ethloplaa Jeta Locker Plant and Meat Market mary two years ago. Kremski de­ clear, brisk weather, Tlie temper­ at 79c Ib. of Electrical Wor’ ers on winning AFL-CIO convention resolutions whenever people are leaving that the meeting was arranged or slightly below, also, in parts of ropoitad the mleeloa oompouod. calling for strenuous union ef- fea t^ Morelli and followed up by the sanctuary. ature was 27 degrees. deserted except for two Ooa- a 5-hour day. winning the general election. several weeks before the Dutch- New Hampshire and Vermont, al­ FRESH MEATS - RETAIL DEPARTMENT The council said in a telegram : forts to reduce the present stand- “But the biggest objection I He was greeted by Mayor Bob- Indoneslaii dispute over West New though Vermont was notably golese aoldlers raehlng to take brt F. Wagner. They sat together to the Local |ard 40-hour week—both through have is that peopl^all over Guinea took a crucial mrn. but wanner than yesterday. Burling­ refuge la the mleeloa church. Pinehurst Every Day *’TOta,^ctoiY will have profound I legislation' and contract negotia Refuses Pay Raise town kept saying the M-alhod- in an automobile trip into the city. the two leaders were lexpected to ton and Montpelier, Vt., had 8 _ Adlai F .aievenaon.— United NEW COURTHOUSE ASKED NATIVE GRAYLEDGE FARMS CHUCK GROUND Every Day Low influence on naUonal thinking onjtlons-and thus share among more Waterbury, Jan. 19 ' (jp)—City Ist Church Is f or the blrds:’^— lake cIPis Ibdk aU that urlsls above-e readlhga;readlhgg; LehanonLeBanuu andhiiu Cont;on- automation and full employment. individuals the available work op -' Qon^ptroUer Joseph F. McNeills States ambassador to the U.N., cord. N. H., 2 and 1 below, respec­ HarUord. Jaa. 19 (4b—Chlet Low Prices . . . also. Justice Raymond E.' Baldwin to­ Prices Only the shorter work week can portunltles. 'hn., refused to accept the $500 an- luncheon host tt Kennedy and U Stevenson was host at a similar tively; Worcester, Maas., 6. Boe end joblessness of millions of our Thant, at the Waldorf-Astoria day aakfd for some 87 mlllioa President Kennedy has repeated­ nual raise voted him In the 1M2 luncheon for Kennedy and Ham- ton 15. Bridgeport,- Conn., 16, snd to improve court faclUttea HOOD fellow citizens, and your victory ly stated opposltldn to reducing the budget. • Hotel, also greeted Kennedy and marakjold last April when the Providence, R. I.. 12 before tern is certain to tond to Immediate work week In the present econom­ News Tidbits rode with him and the mayor. throughout the atete ploa con­ TURKEYS New Sunshine He confirmed yesterday that he Laotian crisis was worsening. peratiires began to rise. struction ol a new courtheus»— and successful attempts to cut the ic situation and state of world has directed paymaster. Frank Sul­ Before setting out on the trtp Kennedy, at his news confer­ The weather atallon atop 6.288- Hamburg 5 3 Frosted Sugar 'n TOP QUALITT work week so that we may achieve from the AP Wires into Manhattan. Kennedy greeted poMibly In the ToUand-WIndhom 9 to 12 Lbs. lb trade competition- livan to continue to iaeue his check ence Monday endorsed Thant's foot Ml. Washington, in New Cmmty area. The head ot the a full employment economy." secretary of Labor Arthur J) Queens BoroUgh Pre.sldent John Hampahlre, registered a "high Spice Cookies 49c for the same amount he received efforts to slave off war over West state’s Judicial system said Oat Extra Lean, Freahly Ground MILK, gal. 74c The council said Its shorter work Goldberg has said the same thing. in 1961 — Z164jiS a week instead T. (Pat) Clancy with a "Hello. week and automation committee Atomic Energy Commission Pat" and waved to a few persons at Iraat $500,000 was needed for (Not Pre-Packaged) But he has added that the admin­ o f the $173.71 granted bim the Washington approves tranafer ((VMitInued on Page Ten) - (ConUnued on Page Ten) repairs and renovations to court has called on all affiUated unions istration h is no objection to em­ current budget. gathered in the Isolated marine STAHL-MEYER HICKORY SMOKED New Nabisco to make the ahorter week part of about 29 pounds o f enriched urani­ terminal area. facUllles used by Uie Superior tK iu es gooses It Sfhe/Jk ployers and labor unions negotiat­ When the 1062 budget was being um to Communist YugosUvia for and Common Plena Courts Brown Sugar Winston’s, Camels and their demands In every coritract ing shorter work weeks if they nThe te automoDite,automobile, pan.part orof a 10-carlu -ca r, , _ i /•'x . I SLICED WAYBEST NATIVE FRESH GRADE A Washing dishes drafted by the finance board last Use in research project spo'imred throughout the state. He told the Cookies 29c ^ other famous eigar- negotiation. deem it wise for their own par­ year, McNeills argued for increases motorcade, headed for the Carlyle l ^ a u C r 1 I U S l< * n The coimcll also said: "A short­ by the International Atomic En­ Htate Building Progiam Commis­ Is easy today ' ettes, pack 24c and ticular firms or industries. for all city employes, l^ e n these Hotel, where Kennedy makes his ! sion that a "good site coart- ROASTING er work week Is our goal in every The shorter work week just ne- were denied, he announced he ergy Agency . . . Five Canadian headquarters In New York 26c, cartons 82.89, Industry — production, coiurtruc- Roman Catholic mltslonaries, ex­ house" should be constructed Fudge Sandwich The President waa smiling In ap-! and estimated the cost at $04 $2.48, $2.60.''' tlon and service. We believe that (Oontiaiiad Oa Page Eleven) (ConUnoed on Page Tlilrteen) pelled from Cuba last Nov. 17, re­ parent good humor as he prepared ] 49c admitted by Caatro government, Negro University Shut mlllinn. When asked to suggest CHICKENS this first breakthrough by Local 3 to go over world problems with ; the location, he pointed to Tol­ lb has opened the d(»r to general ad­ ssokesman for the Society of For­ Dag Hammarskjold’s successor. BAC0N59 W. eign Missions In Montreal reports land and Windham countries 6 to 6Vz Lba. vances In this field.” Buy your china dishes Hints at Conspiracy . . . U.S. Army notifies Connecti­ About 150 policemen were sta­ where “ the present facilities are . . . 1 unit 79c with The electricians, who had cut members of Congress In Wash­ tioned at the all-port for the Presi­ Afte^ Students Protest worst” CARNATION MILK ...... 3 cans 47e a basic S-hour day in their old ington that It Is. awarding 81.903,- dent's arrival, some of them on every |5.00 purchase. contract, will continue to work rooftops. Forty policemen on mo­ B ORKER STAFF CALLED Looks as if Pinehurst has the lowest price in town on 8IS contract to Remington Arms Home Freezer Dept, —U»S.D,A, Choice overtime under the strike settle­ Cb.. Bridgeport, for more than 30 torcycles escorted him Into Man­ Batpn Rouge, La., Jan 19 iisUidenls mu.st then appl.v for read New York. Jan. 19 t^i—Tha ment because of the shortage iff Defense Dept. Muzzles miUJwi 45 caliber cartridges.' hattan, a trip of about seven miles,'' Th;e 'nation’s largest slate unlver- mission. Worker, Communist aewsitaper, MAINE POTATOES 69c akllled electricians. Representatives of 140 Ltheran Several. hundred ,, spectators -J Jwere . laity for Negroes has been closed Southern haa an enrollment Oi , said today "iMVeral of Ibi staff HINDQUARTERS OF WESTERN — — ^ — 251b. bag . H an y Van Arsdale Jr., busi­ Churches to meet in fall at-W’oecea-. vatching as Kenney arrived at ,,tennaf ‘ members" hare been subpoe­ ness manager of Local 88 which ter. Maas., to form New England the Carlyle shortly after noon, demonstratlons against racial seg- dent body are entirely -Negro naed to appear before a federal Marine Corps History Two women In the hotel lobbj* ap- grand Jury In Washington, lliey Here are 8 citrus spMials to give you more healthful fruiL^ was demanding a 4-hour day on a Synod o f the denomination. Dr. O. I A news release from Clark fol­ Kart Olander of Worcester's Trin­ plauded. Kennedy bowe4 his head goutheiSouthern UnlverHlly shut down lowing the cloaing refer: ed to .'a are wanted for quesHonlng nn.* to's home heating . . . At very low prices. (CimUniied on Page NIae) ity Lutheran CJiurph "announces in recognition., smiled, then en­ suddenly yesterday and an inte­I continuous disturbance bv a *eg- der the Internal Security Act of By ELTON C. FAY , Intended publication In the month­ Philippine Customs Bureau tered an ele'’*tbr to go to his 34th- gration ‘ leader — expelled from I ment of the'students which seri- 1950, generally known aa ths g o rw g yl Indian River Seedless Waahington, Jan. 19, (JPi — The ly "Proceedings" magazine of the seizes $85 mHUoa eMpmcnl of l-.S. floor penthouse suite. Southern earlier In the day— sa Id -McCarran act. The tVorker,- STEER BEEF ...... 4 f o r 3 l e Defenae Apartm ent and the Ma­ United States Nsvsl Institute. The Virginia leaf tohacce which Presi­ Wagner left the party at. the the clo.sure stemmed from the "in­ (CitnUnued on Page Two) ralllng the action "a blow at PINK GRAPEFRUIT ., • e • • c State Society Backs rine, Oirps have refused to release institute is not an dfficisl agency Carlyle, departing In his own Ihn- .American llbertiea,” said "tar­ You get premium quality dent/Dioodado Macapagal rules' fluence of other posvers" on the a Marine colonel’s article on the of the Navy, but its board Is com­ Bchool's president. Dr. Felton C gets” of the subpoenas ineJdded MobOheet with RT-98 . . . tbs California Sunkist ORANGES baig of 10 for 79e was jilegally ithported . . . Series FOREQUARTERS OF WESTERN New Medical Plan service’s history. posed of high ranking Navy and Clark, a Negro. the publication Iteelf and Erik most completdy effective fuel Pinehurst has the low of early morning apartment house V^nvf>er(l lo Keep A Defense Department spokes­ Marine officera fires d^-«a eot more than 100 per­ U.S. Shot to Moon The outside Influence (4alm Bert. ChsrlM Headley, Jamea /' oU additive in Ufe today. And Murcot TANGERINES...... doz. 39c price on giant' iastsuit New Haven. Jan. 19 t® — The man said today the article seemed The institute sent the-article to sons hi nenr-aero temperatures In came from Ronnie Moore, chair-1 laistig and Dorothy Robinson. The publieation’s masthead liete you get premium eervioe. Au­ Maxwell House Coffee president of the CkmnecUcut State to have -the' effect of charging a the Pentagon on Sept. IS, the Eastern Massachusetts. Delayed for Month man of the Congress of Racial iKaeial Bias Policy tomatic deliveriee . . . a bal- Customers with small children.say these Pero Medium Medical Society said today the -conspiracy existed among several spokesman said. , Equality unit at Baton Rouge.^ He Bert as managing editor. Los- $1:49 jar . . . a very East German Gonununists call tig as business manager, and ancad payment plan and many Macs are just what they want... fresh from Joe P ^ ’s group will support the new low- former officials to kill off the The Marine Oorps informsUon U.S. airlift of 6,000 troops from did not elaborate.. By RICHARD'KASiSOHHr- other extras darigned to zMku special 65c lb. price on chief. Col. James E. Mills, opposed Cape Canaveral, Fla., Jan. 19 iff)— (XtRB later reported that Moore Dorothy Robinson as office farm . . . selected for quality. cost medical and surgical plan an­ MArine Corps, United States to West Germany (.'ape Towil. South 'Alrica, Jan. manager. Hendley Is imlltted. Maxwell House regd- nounced by the American Medical The spokesman aald clearance clearance. -Lt. Oen. Wallace M. A United States attempt to rocket, and another Negro student-leader STEER BEEF 5 5 hone heating rttHf mmt. "a military traulrie-niaklng opera­ a payload to the moon, scheduled 19 ./Pr—The South Afrlcait govern­ Greene, chief o f staff of the Ma­ were arrested last night on Paro's Medium Size lar coffee . . . a s t ^ Association and Blue ShiekL was refused because the article tion to increase international ten- for next Monday, was postponed ment will not depart from- its pob- . DOZENS RESCUED , Dr. Thomas M. Feeney, aociety appeared to impugn motives of rine Oorpe, gave bis approval, but charges of disturbing the peace. No Mtro chorg* for custom cutting, poefcoghig and sharp freeehig. of Maxwell House In a subsequent review opposed r»- ‘aion aiid to torpedo chances for today for at least a month because icy of racial sepu’-atton no matter Now York. Jan. 19 tjW—A M ob ilh g g f i^S While Pinehuret 7-rib cuU MeINTOSH A P P LES...... 4 Ib. bag 49e president., said the stipport would former Presidents Harry . Tru­ The sheriff s office declined to 8 lease o f the article. - negotiation.” . ,. . Sharp e a r t h Of technical troubles with the Atlas how gre.aw the pwessures from the wind-whipped fire today swept .of pork are good value at Plenty , of Baldwin and Delicious also from Pero . . . coffee in Coming come "through plans of Connecti­ man and Dwight D. Eisenhower, tremor In Fogida. Italy, awakens comhnent. , Aa Jm ii BtSBi Subsequently, the d e cisio n booster rocket. United Nations or other outside the skeleton of a 16-story build­ 33c lb. . . . Shurflne Yorje Coffee Makers at cut Medical Service (CMS) which retired Army den. Omar Bradley, thousands and sends them fleeing The university president was not SUte APPLE SAUCE at sgaihxt release was concurred in "The Ranger 8 lunar laimching sources. President Charles C. ing under construction on Madi­ 10% discount on 12 or mom pockogos of Soobreok Farms froim fhiits, vego- ^ 3 $1.99 each and this already cover 116,000 elderly per- former Secretary of-Defense Louu into streets in their night clothes available for comment on Moore’s Swart declared today in an address 7 cans -$1.00 will fippear by Gen. Dasrid Shoup, Marine scheduled for January has been claim of outside Influience, but son Ave., and for a time, trap­ tables and {uicesi wonderful special Johnson and the late Adm .-For­ C om commandant. but.no damage, or. casualties sre postponed due to technical dlffi- opening the new session of pai'- ped dozens of workers In tha on many Mancheater Although CMS did not issue a rest Sherman, once thief of naval reported. said earlier that "There can be no ahopping iuu tlila week­ pnee on The spokesman said the Army cullies in the launch------vehicle lUimcnt. upper floors. All of them, how­ WE GIVE Si’OC Statement, a spokesman indicated operations. National Maritime Union u rges. booster. No new launch date ha-t communication in any kind of mob And if it comes to armed pres­ end, too. and Air Force, to which the manu­ ever,. were believed rescued. CMS general^ would go along The Incident comee to light vir­ Congress to srimulate lariwaae use situation." sure either against South Africa GREEN STAMPS script was' submitted for com been set. And he said that a disniption Three own were Injured. Hie with the plan. tually on the eve of opening of a af St; Lawreoea Seaway by Amer^ The Ranger 3 firing waa one ol or Its neighboring mandated terri­ fire raged out o f cootrol for Wn rent cold storogn lockers for your frocen meats and vfgetables for » Hti- Shurfine Cream ment, recommended against its use of normal routine at the univer­ He os $1.25 a month. This locker holds about 250 Hm. of meat. Since 1959,, CMS has had a sur­ Senate inquiry into charges of on the ground it reflected' on the lean flag vessels . . . Aetroaa Joan three m a j^ US. space etforta tory of Southwest Africa, SWart more 'than an hoar, giving off If you want unusual Style Corn gical and medical plan for the el­ muzzling ot military officers by Bennet in New York says she and iKheduIed from Cape Canaveral sity included vandaliam and prop­ warned. -*'We must liave defenae heavy smoke that darkened the Marine Corps and the services as erty destruction, "the extent of baemt at a Walter Wenger wiU get divorced next week. The'others are the at) sky aad spread oa Um wind MORIARTY 6 cans B9c derly With fees lower than those Pentagon officials. The Senate a whole. which has not yet been determined. -forces which can safeguard us prteei.. . . try Pineburst'a In Ute proposed nationai plan. Armed Services lubcottimlttee The unofficial but authoritative after 22 years of marriage . . . tempt to send Astronaut John H., against all dangers which the fu­ through the crowded streefie of lo s s IOWA (formerly Juvenile delinquency In New York Glenn Jr. into orbit about the Clark aald the school will re­ mid-MaahattBB. Mere th o n -ly . The proposed A M A ^lue Shield probe is scheduled to begin next Army and Navy Air Force Journal main cloaed until further notice. ture might contain." If You Like The BestGive Us A Test BROTHERS called MlariilpFi), BACON CORNER MAIN AND MIDDLE TURNPIKE Tomato Soup can lOo l^an Would provide full payment wedf. said the article was based on a City decliped aUghtly in 1961 and Earth and to qrblt five sateU(^a Swart is the nonpoHtleal chief (NN) vectaton gathered aa fire- lb. 69c. with a single-rocket. ■The reglatrsf, J. J. Hedgemon, moB brought down weihen CHECKS GASHED a • at paedlcal-surgical eendees for a The srticls wss written by Col. book written by Heinl, called "Sol- yaitpeora te be leveRag eff,” says said students will be Informed aa. 51 B i s m i Rear of the Ice Plant KM 3-8424 BsM rt t>. Hstal Jr„ now chief of dters of the Bsa” which the inati- Youth Services Commlaatoner (Coattanied an Poga Four) aerial rescue laddm. M l 3-5135 CARRY-OUT SERVICE Book Matchea . . . .I'oe