I ‘ ' 1 ■ \. 1 .'■ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, JM 2 b- J' fAG® TWENTY •N >- lEvMtng H^jralii Average Daily Net PreoB Ron For tte Week Ended The Weather Abotit Town Jaaonry 18,1981 Fereeant ef V. 8. Weather Itw iia LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, W|NP, MONDAY thru FRIDAY 1:10 P.M.-SATdRDAY A t 11:10 A.M. jtk Oloudjr, eoatlaned eeld tonight 13,535 and Friday. I,eweet tonicht 8-1#, , M n. BedricV Sttauglian, district IteiiiW t i the Andit ^Muty presUSnt, and her staff of and near serb In hormally aelier M A IN STREET * t Bnienu ef ObeaMloD the RebricAh Assembly, will visit W E G IV E f •eettoiH. High Vriday 15-M. Welcome Ltodfe in ^ d fellow's MANCHESTER • Manche$ter-rrA City of Village Charni Ball, Bast Hartford, tonight at 8. Wealey Circle, South Methodist Ml 3-4123 VOL. LXXXL NO. 91 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 (daMlfled Adverttetng on Page t t ) Omr^> will meet tomorrow at PRICE FIVE CEN^ T:46 y.m. at the home of Mrs. Kwmeth Strum, 399 Parker St. FREE PARKING Mrik Leonard Lincoln will .bpeak rear of sfora OB "Why Is BpiphanyT” Hostesses State News will be Mrs. Henry Marx and New Junta Clamps Mrs. Oiarles McCarthy. ' NEMO GIRDLES FAMOUS NAME SLACKS Study Circle, South Methodist I Roundup\ Church,' will meet tomorrow at 3 Strict Controls on for I92V2 p.m> in the chapel. and PANTY GIRDLES Shoe Sale ^ rag. 8.98 5*99 H m annual meeting of the Past pix and pixie, reg. 5.00 Matrons Assoctation of Temple 3.95 • lollda, atripei, ptaida $500 Reward Chapter. Order of Elaatem Star, Dominican Republic will be hrid tonight at 8 at the adjustable waist, a aizca 10 to 18 '' a heme of Mrs. John Trotter, 15 rcg. 10.95. (left) 8.95 fully lined ____ j — For Ones in Blgeloiw St. Officera will be elect­ a aeveral atylea from which to chooaa By T B E ASSOCIATED PRESS ayouUu aet Are to a achoel and ed for 1982. Hostesses will be' Mrs. a atreet floor atomed poUca oara. et, Peak Peace nemo-kins. reg. 7.95 The Dominican Republic’s Hit-Run Case Robert Rldunond and Mrs. Rich­ 6.95 Roving moba in Santo Domingo ard Rhodes. new junta clamped tight re­ also burned a number of houses, MR. THOMSON strictions on the country to­ including one belonging to the par­ Meriden, Jan. 18 (/P)—A Ih e Army-Navy dub will meeti Seamless MESH SUPPORT HOSE ents of Col. Manuel Antonio Cuervo Aenigbt at 8 at the clubhouse. R e -' day with a series of sweeping $500 reward has been offered decrees designed to stifle op- Gomez. He commanded the tank for information leading to the /(rcimments will be served. I STRETCH PANTS WOMEN'S FAMOUS NAME SHOES unit that opened fire on hundreds \ position to the apparent take­ arrest and conviction of the if perfacf 4.95 of demonstrators Tuesday, killing Mail Rate Iij^eFease Mrs. Madeline McAwley, direc-| reg. 12.99 99c over by the military. But un­ at least four persona and wound­ driver of a car which struck tor of Luts Junior Museum, will • woven, 45% woo! a stirrup straps 1/2 PRICE SALE ing a score more.. give an lllustratied talk about the | rest seethed in Santo Domin­ Joseph Hudick, 19, of this 55% stretch nylon e fl.v front e measured lengths go, Bomb explosions could be heard city, Sept; 13, 1961. museum at a meeting of Highland ' e sizes 8% to 11 from many parts of the city. It Parle FTA tonight at 8 at the • Italian extension Huberto Bogaert, a civilian of- The driver sped off without May Bring Surplus was believed they were noise WtgMand Park school. Refresh­ waist band s rosetone flclal of the Trujillo era, waa named stopping, leaving Hudick lying be Now 3.49 to 9.99 to head the junta of four civlliana side Route 71 just over the Meri- ments will be served. • waist gripper (Continued on Page Nine) reg. 6.99 to 19.99 •and three military men that de- Ten town line in Kensington. thli- THK AHSOOIATED PRESS , - BONNIE DOON IGLOO ' poaed the 16-day-old all-civilian Mr. and Mrs. John Gregor, Hu- Bujlg6t Estimates for the Year Ending Jnne 80 Town Defendant ! ONE HEAPING TABLE Council of State Tuesday night. dick's parents, posted the reward. 1062 1968 1 GENUINE ALLIGATOR PUMPS But authoritative reports flltsr- Their son was in critical condi­ Ineopte ...............................$ 82,100,000,000 I 93,000,000,000 ^ LADIES' TAILORED CREW SOCKS Ing through the atrict Dominican Report to OAS tion for days after he was struck. Outgo.............................. 89,075,000,000 Hudick'a companion, Philip 92.587.000. 000 In Damage Suit i a high or medium heel 21.00 value censorship said the real atrong- Siirplns or deficit (— ) .. —6,975,000,000 463,000,000 rag. 1.00 3 for 2.00 man is the armed forces chief, 37- Ferris, told police that Hudick was Year-end debt ............... 295,400,000,000 264.900.000. 000 BLOUSES 69c Blasts Castro’s struck by a light colored converti­ A amt for $10,000 has been instt-1 year-old Air Force Gen. Pedro ble. tnted against the town in connec-' e heavy weight Rodrigues Echavarria. reg. 3.99 to 7.99 "We’ll protect the identity of By FKANK OOKMIEK tion with a fall sustained by ai e Orion and lamb's wool In Washington, State depart­ woman on an icy town sidewalk a ' 14.99 Link with Reds anyone turning in information,” VVasliiiigton, Jan. 18 (TP);, President Kennedy, in the e shapely a judy bond and e colors only—9 to 11 ment officials said the junta ap­ said Mrs. Gregor. year ago today. | peared to be completely under the federal budget of his own making, called today for record ^ . Mn,> VMet Capra. 41 Rusaell St., | a Washington, Jan. 18 The Irj- gabey power of Rodrigues Ekihavarrla. Children Get TV pt^acetime spending of $92.5 billion and a wobbly surplus of : - broivht ault for a broken ankle and a rosecrest TTiey said the Kennedy administra­ ter-Amerlcan Peace Committee to­ $463 million— a margin possible only if revenues riKket *nd .. other injttriei ahe' claims were REDUCED! tion la determined to oppose re­ day denounced the Fidel Castro re­ Hartford, Jan. 18 <JP)—The mood cansed the town'a negligence In : Glove the price of mailing a letter is increased. , 2 vival of strongman rule in Santo gime’s ties with communism, sub­ at St. Francis Hospital swung keejAng enow and ice cleared from | quickly from despair to joy The 1,500-page spending blueprint, which covers the 1963 ~ a pedestrian crosswalk at Main St. Domingo and is planning strong versive activities and violations of ENTIRE STOCK BETTER SKIRTS measures should the new govern­ Wednesday as child patients there fiscal year starling July 1, foresees a spending rise of nearly and Myrtle Bt. Jan. 17, 1961. { reg. 12.99 W OOL JUMPER DRESSES human rights. got television programs back. She is being represented by But-1 SALE ment prove to be a military dicta­ $3.5 billion over the current level. More than 75 per cen^ ^ ; torship. The report said these factors are Despair swept the hospital Mon­ ler. Volpe, Garrity and Sacco. a 5 to 13 .• solid wool flannels and lacy jacquard the increase would involve military and space programs. The junta decreed a modified the principal cause of internation­ day when it waa learned the one Kennedy told Congress he expects outlays to total slightly Another notice' of injury waa re- i 7e00 and 9e00 al tension in the Apiericas and television set available for the Oatved by the town t^ a y , from form of martial law, auspending a 90>«« caahmere aollds constitute "political aggressions '* children’s ward had been stolen more than $92.5 billion’-a n amount exceeded only twice be­ William E .. Darby, who. ia being I LADIES' LINED LEATHER CLOVES' civil guarantees, and imposed a sometime Sunday night or early SPECIAL CROUP ~ a wool flaimela dusk to dawn curfew. "Such acts represent attacks up­ fore, during World War II. Revenues were estimated at |93 represented by Gryk and Gryk. on Inter-American peace and se­ Monday morning. billion, an unprecedented level $11 billion higher than thla Darby: aaid he received a sprained reg. 7.99. imported kidskin, 100% wool lin ed ................5.88 a tweeds and plaids ■ ‘ Heavily armed troops patrolled Orion Pile Lined WINTER COATS a 5 . U U curity as well as on the sovereign­ A story published Wednesday year’s income. arm and other injuries after a fall shirred wrist and 6 button length a sheaths, stitched box pleats, uppressed pleats, full the capital streets. But tanks and ty and political independence of telling of the great void left by eit^ap ley sidewalk Dec. 18 in front ^ more troops had to be called out the disappearance of the set result­ Highlighting the 7,400-word values to 39.99 reg. 4.99. capeskin pull-on, acrylic lined .........................3.68 circle, gored. 7 to 17, 8 to 18. toe American states, and there­ budget meuage which .Kennedy ef tf-48 Chestnut St. yeeterday to break up a student fore (constitute) a serious viola­ ed in offers of at least six TV seta. a tweeds and solids 5 to 13,8 to 18 reg. 3.99. pig grain capeskin, acrylic lined .................... 2.88 sportswear, second floor » demonstration protesting the swift jen t to capitol hill were theae Cold Weather tion of fundamental principles of recommendations: government change the.
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