Frith Morrish Willard OFFICIAL JOURNAL Fruge Murray Windhorst Gautreaux Nevers Winston OF THE Glover Odinet Wooton Green Perkins Wright HOUSE OF Total—102 ABSENT REPRESENTATIVES Strain OF THE Total—1 STATE OF The Speaker announced that there were 102 members present and a quorum. Prayer FIFTY-EIGHTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Prayer was offered by Rep. Romero.

Twenty-fifth Regular Session of the Legislature Pledge of Allegiance Under the Adoption of the Rep. Riddle led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Constitution of 1974 to the Flag of the of America. Reading of the Journal House of Representatives On motion of Rep. Frith, the reading of the Journal was State Capitol dispensed with. Baton Rouge, Louisiana On motion of Rep. Frith, the Journal of June 18, 1999, was Sunday, June 20, 1999 adopted. The House of Representatives was called to order at 2:00 P.M., Suspension of the Rules by the Honorable Hunt Downer, Speaker of the House of Representatives. On motion of Rep. Frith, the rules were suspended to limit the author or proponent handling the legislative instrument to five Morning Hour minutes for opening remarks and all subsequent speakers on the instrument to three minutes. ROLL CALL Conference Committee Appointment The roll being called, the following members answered to their names: The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the PRESENT disagreement to House Bill No. 2119: Reps. Waddell, Lancaster, and Winston. Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Alario Hammett Pinac Alexander Heaton Powell Conference Committee Appointment Ansardi Hebert Pratt Barton Hill Quezaire The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the Baudoin Holden Riddle House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Baylor Hopkins Romero disagreement to House Bill No. 434: Reps. Green, Windhorst, and Bowler Hudson Salter Quezaire. Bruce Hunter Scalise Bruneau Iles Schneider Conference Committee Appointment Carter Jenkins Schwegmann Chaisson Jetson Shaw The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th disagreement to House Bill No. 1500: Reps. Jetson, McDonald, and Crane Kenney Sneed Pratt. Curtis Lancaster Stelly Damico Landrieu Theriot Conference Committee Appointment Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Deville Long Thornhill The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Diez Martiny Travis disagreement to Senate Bill No. 549: Reps. McCain, Windhorst, and Doerge McCain Triche Walsworth. Donelon McCallum Waddell Dupre McDonald Walsworth Conference Committee Appointment Durand McMains Warner Farve Michot Welch The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the Faucheux Mitchell Weston House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Flavin Montgomery Wiggins disagreement to Senate Bill No. 598: Reps. Diez, Theriot, and Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Gautreaux.

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Conference Committee Appointment HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 85— BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the To urge and request the Louisiana State Law Institute to study disagreement to Senate Bill No. 647: Reps. Wright, Long, and Diez. whether the Code of Civil Procedure should be amended to allow in certain cases, when prayed for by the plaintiff, the sale Conference Committee Appointment of mortgaged property under a writ of fifa without appraisal. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 125— The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the BY REPRESENTATIVE WIGGINS House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION disagreement to Senate Bill No. 775: Reps. Windhorst, To urge and request the office of state parks to consider developing Marionneaux, and Wright. a state park in the Pineville area. Conference Committee Appointment HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 126— BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the To urge and request the Orleans Parish School Board to combine the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 893: Reps. Hunter, Windhorst, and Helen S. Edwards Elementary School, the G. W. Carver Middle Murray. School, and the G. W. Carver Senior High School into the Helen S. Edwards/G. W. Carver Accelerated Center for Suspension of the Rules Excellence for purposes of implementing on a pilot basis accelerated school programs designed to improve the academic On motionof Rep. Murray, House Rule 6.14 was suspended to achievement levels of students. permit the appointment of the conferees on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 1108. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 128— BY REPRESENTATIVE DUPRE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Conference Committee Appointment To memorialize the to enact the Estuary The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the Habitat Restoration Partnership Act to be introduced by United House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the States Senators John Chaffe and . disagreement to Senate Bill No. 1108: Reps. Murray, Bruneau, and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 130— Copelin. BY REPRESENTATIVES CARTER AND POWELL A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment To urge and request the Department of Transportation and Development to increase the speed limit on Interstate Highway June 20, 1999 55 between Pontchatoula, Louisiana, and LaPlace, Louisiana, from 60 m.p.h. to 70 m.p.h. To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 134— Representatives: BY REPRESENTATIVES GUILLORY, BAUDOIN, DAMICO, FONTENOT, HOLDEN, KENNEY, MARTINY, MORRISH, ROMERO, WADDELL, AND I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the WOOTON following report: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To memorialize the United States Congress to enact legislation to The following House Concurrent Resolutions have been allow Louisiana to impose requirements on the storage and properly enrolled: transportation of hazardous materials by rail car that are more stringent than federal requirements. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 37— BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 146— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE CARTER To urge and request each state department and agency which employs A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION state classified employees to adopt a rewards and recognition To urge and request the Department of Transportation and policy in accordance with civil service regulations to recognize Development to install lighting at the intersection of Interstate and reward outstanding achievements by its employees in the Highway 55 and Louisiana Highway 40 at the Independence exit performance of their public service. in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 147— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 44— BY REPRESENTATIVE CARTER BY REPRESENTATIVE LANCASTER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Transportation and To urge and request the Louisiana State Law Institute to conduct a Development to install a traffic light at the intersection of feasibility study of adopting Chapters 2 and 2A of the Uniform Louisiana Highway 38 and 13th Street in Kentwood, Louisiana, Commercial Code and repealing the Civil Code articles Tangipahoa Parish. regarding sales and leases. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 149— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 82— BY REPRESENTATIVES WILKERSON AND DURAND BY REPRESENTATIVE POWELL A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request that Indian casinos contribute to the state To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to enter Compulsive and Problem Gambling Fund, monies from which into settlement negotiations with Options, Inc. over their dispute are used to treat and prevent compulsive gambling. regarding Medicaid reimbursement funds.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 154— paperwork, eliminating duplications, finding ways to more fully BY REPRESENTATIVE QUEZAIRE utilize teachers' talents during instructional time, eliminating the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION waste of teachers' talents on noninstructional activities, and To urge and request the Department of Agriculture and Forestry to developing plans that include more volunteer parents and others continue its excellent efforts encouraging merchants to as participants in extracurricular activities and to submit a aggressively promote Louisiana products. written report on the progress of these efforts to the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 155— Education prior to the beginning of the 2000 Regular Session. BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG AND SENATOR SMITH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 215— To urge and request the Department of Transportation and BY REPRESENTATIVES SCHNEIDER, BRUCE, KENNARD, WINDHORST, Development to include the Natchitoches By-Pass project in the AND PERKINS proper priority in the Highway Priority Program for FY 2000- A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 2001 and to include an appropriate level of funding in the To condemn and reject an article in the July 1998 Psychological Capital Outlay Bill for FY 2001-2002. Bulletin published by the American Psychological Association (Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 22-53) which suggests that sexual relations HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 157— between adults and children may not always be harmful to BY REPRESENTATIVES ROMERO, HEBERT, BRUNEAU, COPELIN, children. GREEN, HUNTER, LANCASTER, MONTGOMERY, SCALISE, WADDELL, WALSWORTH, WELCH, AND WILLARD A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 216— BY REPRESENTATIVE JOHN SMITH To memorialize the United States Congress to take such actions as A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION are necessary to ensure that United States military service To memorialize the United States Congress to take such actions as personnel under the age of twenty-one are not sent to participate are necessary to adequately fund and staff the DeRidder in any combat operations carried out by ground troops in Automated Flight Service Station. Yugoslavia. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 220— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 165— BY REPRESENTATIVES WILLARD AND CLARKSON BY REPRESENTATIVE TRAVIS A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To recognize the historical significance of Lincoln Beach and the To approve the State of Louisiana Master Plan for Economic importance of its rehabilitation, to express legislative support for Development, as adopted by the Louisiana Economic its rehabilitation, and to request that the assistant secretary of the Development Council. office of cultural development of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism evaluate the site for possible inclusion HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 192— BY REPRESENTATIVES WILLARD, BAUDOIN, CURTIS, FARVE, on the National Register of Historic Places. KENNEY, NEVERS, POWELL, AND PRATT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 233— To urge and request each city and parish school board to adopt BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG policies to prohibit students from wearing pants too loosely on A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION the hips. To urge and request the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System, the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 202— University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Board BY REPRESENTATIVES FONTENOT AND FAUCHEUX of Supervisors of Southern University and Agricultural and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Mechanical College, and the Board of Supervisors of To urge and request the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to study Community and Technical Colleges, in consultation with the for possible revision the rules applicable to size and creel limits Board of Regents, to each adopt policies for the institutions for black bass on the Amite River, Blind River, Tickfaw River, under their respective jurisdictions to provide for the transfer and Lake Maurepas with the intention of applying the same size and acceptance of all credits earned by students in programs and and creel limits for black bass as those applicable to the courses offered through the Southern Regional Electronic Atchafalaya Basin and the Lake Verret-Lake Palourde area. Campus and the application of such credits toward meeting specific degree program requirements. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 203— BY REPRESENTATIVES LONG, KENNEY, SALTER, THOMPSON, AND HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 250— WRIGHT BY REPRESENTATIVES FAUCHEUX, QUEZAIRE, CHAISSON, AND A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ANSARDI AND SENATORS LANDRY AND LAMBERT To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Education to study certain alternative education programs in the To urge and request the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission to Houston Independent School District and the feasibility of study the cause or causes of the Mother's Day bus accident implementing such programs in Louisiana and to report its which occurred in , Louisiana, and to report its findings and recommendations to the House Committee on findings and recommendations for prevention of future bus Education and the Senate Committee on Education by not later accidents to the House and Senate Transportation, Highways than February 1, 2000. and Public Works Committees prior to January 1, 2000. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 206— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 257— BY REPRESENTATIVES MCDONALD AND SHAW BY REPRESENTATIVES PERKINS AND THORNHILL A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary To appeal to the Congress of the United States to limit the appellate Education to direct efforts within the state Department of jurisdiction of the federal courts regarding the specific medical Education toward reducing the requirements for paperwork and practice of partial-birth abortions. other noninstructional tasks placed on teachers, including a revision of procedures and requirements aimed at streamlining

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 261— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 344— BY REPRESENTATIVE QUEZAIRE BY REPRESENTATIVE WELCH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request higher education governing boards to To commend Dr. Lonise Bias, noted lecturer and consultant, and appropriately fund intramural and recreational sport facilities keynote speaker for the 37th Southwest Regional Conference of and programs. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 266— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 346— BY REPRESENTATIVE WARNER BY REPRESENTATIVE WILKERSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To memorialize the U.S. Congress to appoint a task force to develop To express the condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the a plan to close the Gulf Outlet. death of Gregory A. Brown. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 272— Respectfully submitted, BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION DONALD RAY KENNARD To urge and request the State Boxing and Wrestling Commission to Chairman adopt rules and regulations which require all boxers to wear protective headgear when participating in boxing contests in The above House Concurrent Resolutions contained in the Louisiana. report were signed by the Speaker of the House and taken to the Senate by the Clerk of the House and were signed by the President of HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 275— the Senate and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of BY REPRESENTATIVE MARIONNEAUX State in accordance with the rules of the House. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to jointly study and make Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment recommendations relative to drainage and sedimentation in False River. June 20, 1999 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 278— To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of BY REPRESENTATIVE CLARKSON Representatives: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice and I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the the Senate Committee on Judiciary C to study the feasibility of following report: protecting rape victims by limiting access to the identity of the victim, and to report study findings and recommendations to the The following House Bills have been properly enrolled: legislature prior to the convening of the 2000 Regular Session. HOUSE BILL NO. 64— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 284— BY REPRESENTATIVES THOMPSON AND JENKINS AND SENATOR BY REPRESENTATIVES WRIGHT AND DOWNER IRONS A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION AN ACT To memorialize the United States Congress to take such actions as To enact R.S. 15:574.4(R), relative to parole eligibility of inmates; to are necessary to allow social security recipients born between require testing for certain infectious diseases prior to releasing 1917 and 1921 to receive an equal amount of social security persons on parole; to provide for the testing procedure; to benefits as those recipients born between 1910 and 1916. provide for payment of associated costs by the inmate; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 300— BY REPRESENTATIVE QUEZAIRE HOUSE BILL NO. 68— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE SALTER To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Corrections AN ACT to study the number of criminal offenders who are committed to To amend and reenact R.S. 33:4873(2) and R.S. 43:147(B), (C), and the custody of that department for violations of the terms of (D) and to repeal R.S. 33:4873(3), relative to local government parole or probation and to suggest possible alternatives to spending on advertising; to increase the maximum amount returning those criminal offenders to prison. which some local governing authorities may spend for such purposes; to provide for maximum rates charged for publication HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 338— of legal minutes in official journals; and to provide for related BY REPRESENTATIVE WELCH matters. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To declare June 21st through June 27th, 1999, as Delta Sigma Theta HOUSE BILL NO. 95— Week in Louisiana and to congratulate and commend the host BY REPRESENTATIVE DUPRE of the 37th Southwest Regional Conference of Delta Sigma AN ACT Theta Sorority, Inc. To enact R.S. 32:670, relative to chemical test results for persons under the age of twenty-one; to prohibit certain test results from HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 340— being included on the official driving record of that person; to BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE provide that those results may be used for administrative A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION purposes; to provide that convictions based upon those results To commend and congratulate the Gospel Music Workshop of may be used for other purposes allowed by law; and to provide America, Incorporated, for holding its thirty-second annual for related matters. convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 157— HOUSE BILL NO. 324 (Duplicate of Senate Bill No. 934)— BY REPRESENTATIVES FLAVIN, BARTON, MICHOT, PERKINS, PINAC, BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH AND SENATOR EWING AND TOOMY, AND WALSWORTH AND SENATOR ROMERO COAUTHORED BY REPRESENTATIVES FAUCHEUX, JENKINS, AN ACT KENNEY, AND THOMPSON To enact R.S. 33:4725.1, relative to municipal zoning; to provide AN ACT certain restrictions on zoning of annexed property; to provide To amend and reenact R.S. 36:802(introductory paragraph) and to relative to waivers of such restrictions; and to provide for related enact Chapter 27 of Title 25 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes matters. of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 25:1231 through 1237, and R.S. 36:209(Q), to create the Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial HOUSE BILL NO. 176— Commission; to provide for membership on the commission and BY REPRESENTATIVES KENNARD, SCALISE, MCCALLUM, MCMAINS, its operation; to provide relative to powers, duties, and activities PERKINS, ROMERO, TRAVIS, WINDHORST, WOOTON, AND of the commission; to provide relative to funds and property of THOMPSON AND SENATORS DARDENNE AND ULLO the commission; to provide for termination of the commission; AN ACT and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 14:64(B) and to enact R.S. 14:64.3, relative to the crime of armed robbery; to provide for increases HOUSE BILL NO. 340 (Duplicate of Senate Bill No. 817)— in criminal penalties; to provide for enhanced penalties for use BY REPRESENTATIVE WESTON AND SENATOR EWING AND of firearms in commission of the crime; and to provide for COAUTHORED BY REPRESENTATIVES FRITH AND SCHNEIDER related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 14:70.4(D)(1), (E), and (F) and to enact HOUSE BILL NO. 198— R.S. 14:70.4(G), relative to the crime of access device fraud; to BY REPRESENTATIVES BRUNEAU, COPELIN, AND HOLDEN provide for certain definitions; to provide for increased AN ACT penalties; to provide with regard to restitution to victims; to To enact R.S. 42:855, relative to the State Employees' Group provide for aggregation of offenses; and to provide for related Benefits Program; to prohibit requiring a refund of expenditures matters. from a plan member or health care provider on certain paid claims on the basis of ineligibility under certain circumstances; HOUSE BILL NO. 350— and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE TRAVIS AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 206— To amend and reenact R.S. 9:2721(B) and R.S. 35:1.1 and to enact BY REPRESENTATIVE THOMPSON R.S. 9:2721(C), relative to the recordation of transfers of AN ACT immovable property; to require that certain taxpayer information To amend and reenact R.S. 14:34.3(B), relative to the crime of be included with the act of sale; to provide that certain taxpayer battery of a school teacher; to provide with regard to penalties; information be supplied to the tax assessor; to provide for the and to provide for related matters. validity of certain acts, documents, or other instruments executed or passed before certain notary publics; and to provide HOUSE BILL NO. 292— for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE TRAVIS AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 421— To amend and reenact R.S. 32:771(3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (12), (15), BY REPRESENTATIVE HOPKINS AND SENATOR HOLLIS (16)(a), and (18), 772(F)(8), 773(A)(5) and (7)(a), 773.1(A)(1) AN ACT and (2)(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), and (l)(introductory To amend and reenact R.S. 14:95(A)(5)(b)(i), relative to the crime of paragraph) and (B), 773.2(A), (B), and (C), 774(A), (B)(3), illegal carrying of weapons; to provide for certain exceptions; (D)(2), (E), (G)(1), and (J)(1), (3), and (4), 775(A)(3) and (F)(2) and to provide for related matters. and (3), 776(A)(2) and (C)(1)(a), 779, and 780(A) and (D) and to enact R.S. 32:760(A)(7)(c), 771(1.1), 772(F)(9), 773(C), HOUSE BILL NO. 428— 775(A)(7)(f), (g), (h), and (i), and 777(D), relative to the BY REPRESENTATIVE JOHN SMITH Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle and Parts Commission; to AN ACT provide for grounds to deny application for, revoke, or suspend To require and provide for the transfer, lease, or cooperative licenses; to provide for definitions; to provide for the powers endeavor of certain state property in Vernon Parish to the and duties of the commission; to provide relative to licensure of Vernon Parish Police Jury; to provide certain conditions and dealers, manufacturers, and distributors; to provide relative to requirements; and to provide for related matters. certain unlawful acts; to provide for the repurchase of certain vehicles and parts; to provide for certain educational HOUSE BILL NO. 465— requirements for licensure; to provide relative to fees for BY REPRESENTATIVE MONTGOMERY AND SENATOR SCHEDLER licensure; to provide for bonding; to provide for fines and AN ACT penalties; to provide for procedures for denial, suspension, or To enact R.S. 14:40.2(E), relative to the crime of stalking; to provide revocation of licenses; to provide for the issuance of cease and for certain written notices of convictions; and to provide for desist orders; and to provide for related matters. related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 315— HOUSE BILL NO. 472— BY REPRESENTATIVES DUPRE, CRANE, DOWNER, GAUTREAUX, BY REPRESENTATIVE COPELIN HEBERT, LONG, MCCALLUM, JACK SMITH, STELLY, THORNHILL, AN ACT TRICHE, WELCH, AND DANIEL To enact R.S. 18:1505.2(N), relative to campaign finance; to provide AN ACT that the payment of interest on loans from a candidate shall not To amend and reenact R.S. 11:701(5)(c), relative to the Teachers' be considered personal use of campaign funds under certain Retirement System; to provide with respect to the inclusion of circumstances; and to provide for related matters. certain salary increases in calculating "average compensation" and the recomputation of benefits for certain members and retirees; to provide for retroactive application; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 477— and confidential assistants to registrars of voters; to reduce the BY REPRESENTATIVES TRICHE, HOPKINS, LEBLANC, MCCALLUM, number of population ranges for such salaries; to provide for SALTER, JACK SMITH, THOMPSON, AND KENNEY AND SENATOR LANDRY implementation of the new salary and population ranges; and to A JOINT RESOLUTION provide for related matters. Proposing to amend Article VIII, Section 7.1(D) of the Constitution HOUSE BILL NO. 700— of Louisiana, to provide relative to state general fund BY REPRESENTATIVE MARIONNEAUX AND SENATOR DARDENNE appropriations for certain higher education institutions; to AN ACT prohibit the reduction of such appropriations below certain To amend and reenact R.S. 13:3714, relative to evidence of health amounts under certain circumstances; to provide for submission care charts and records; to provide for the introduction into of the proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for evidence of copies of such charts and records of various health related matters. care providers; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 538— HOUSE BILL NO. 718— BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX BY REPRESENTATIVES DANIEL, BARTON, DOERGE, KENNEY, LONG, AN ACT MCDONALD, POWELL, PRATT, WINSTON, WRIGHT, THOMPSON, AND To enact R.S. 49:214.42, relative to coastal resources; to provide WADDELL AND SENATORS W. FIELDS AND HOLLIS relative to mitigation of coastal wetlands losses; to create a AN ACT Coastal Mitigation Account in the Wetlands Conservation and To enact R.S. 17:421.6, relative to teacher salaries; to provide a Restoration Fund and provide for the deposit of certain monies salary adjustment for certain public school teachers having into the account and the uses of monies in such account; to certificates issued by the National Board for Professional provide terms and conditions; and to provide for related matters. Teaching Standards; to provide conditions and guidelines for receiving the adjustment; to provide the minimum amount of the HOUSE BILL NO. 561— salary adjustment; to provide definitions; to provide for BY REPRESENTATIVES JOHNS, FLAVIN, STELLY, CLARKSON, AND payment; to provide for the reimbursement to school boards of SCHNEIDER certain costs; to provide limitations; to provide for effectiveness; AN ACT and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 14:40.2(B)(1) and (2) and Code of Criminal Procedure Article 335.1(A) and to enact R.S. HOUSE BILL NO. 721— 15:571.3(C)(5), all relative to the criminal offense of stalking; BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT to provide for enhanced sentences when committed against AN ACT certain victims; to prohibit diminution of sentence in certain To amend and reenact Children's Code Article 412(B)(7), relative to cases; to provide for conditions of release on bail; and to confidentiality of juvenile records; to allow for disclosure of provide for related matters. delinquency adjudications for certain juveniles; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 591— BY REPRESENTATIVE MCCALLUM AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 732 (Duplicate of Senate Bill No. 676)— BY REPRESENTATIVE TOOMY AND SENATOR HEITMEIER AND To enact R.S. 9:334(A)(4) and 4106(A)(3), relative to the COAUTHORED BY REPRESENTATIVES BARTON, BRUNEAU, CRANE, qualifications of mediators; to provide that a person who has DONELON, FAUCHEUX, FRUGE, HEATON, JENKINS, KENNARD, served as a state district, appellate, or supreme court judge for LANCASTER, MARTINY, MICHOT, SCALISE, SHAW, WIGGINS, WINDHORST, WINSTON, FRITH, AND GLOVER AND SENATORS DEAN, at least ten years and has retired shall qualify as a mediator; and HAINKEL, LENTINI, AND ROMERO to provide for related matters. AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 592— To enact R.S. 15:1229 and 1229.1, relative to the Commission on BY REPRESENTATIVE COPELIN Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice; to AN ACT establish an automated victim notification system within the To amend and reenact R.S. 9:1841(1), relative to the Louisiana Trust commission; to provide for the functions, powers, and duties of Code; to provide for the distribution of the forced heir's the system; to permit victims and their families to register for legitime; to provide for related matters. notification; to require other state and local agencies to report to the system; to provide for limitation of liability; to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 617— contingency depending upon receipt of adequate funding; and BY REPRESENTATIVES MURRAY (BY REQUEST), HEATON, AND to provide for related matters. WILLARD AND SENATOR JOHNSON A JOINT RESOLUTION HOUSE BILL NO. 746— Proposing to amend Article VII, Section 21(H) of the Constitution of BY REPRESENTATIVES HEBERT AND MORRELL Louisiana, relative to ad valorem property tax exemptions; to AN ACT authorize the State Board of Commerce and Industry to enter To enact R.S. 37:1514(10) and Chapter 18-C of Title 37 of the into tax exemption contracts, with a property owner proposing Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. expansion, restoration, improvement, or redevelopment of an 37:1561 through 1570, relative to equine dentists; to allow existing residential structure or structures that is at least forty persons to apply for equine dentistry permits; to provide for years old, certified as a blighted property located in Orleans certain exceptions to activities performed by licensed Parish; to provide conditions for termination of such contracts; veterinarians; to provide relative to procedures; to provide to provide for submission of the proposed amendment to the relative to rules and regulations; and to provide for related electors; and to provide for related matters. matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 665— BY REPRESENTATIVES BRUNEAU, LANCASTER, JOHN SMITH, HOUSE BILL NO. 787— HAMMETT, AND ROMERO BY REPRESENTATIVE DUPRE AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 18:55(A)(2), 56, and 59(B)(2) and (4) To amend and reenact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 413(B), and (C)(2) and (4), relative to registrars of voters; to provide for relative to the selection of grand jury foremen; to provide for a salary increase for registrars of voters, chief deputy registrars, method of selection; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 788— HOUSE BILL NO. 860— BY REPRESENTATIVE LANCASTER AND SENATOR DARDENNE BY REPRESENTATIVES KENNEY AND WRIGHT AN ACT AN ACT To enact R.S. 18:1461(C), relative to election offenses; to provide To enact R.S. 48:491(D), relative to public roads; to provide that any that any candidate who is elected to public office and is finally road or street used by the public is a public road or street; to convicted of an election offense related to his campaign for such provide the local governing authority shall have the discretion public office shall forfeit such office; to provide for the time and to maintain the road or street; and to provide for related matters. manner in which such public office is declared vacant; to provide for the filling of vacancies due to the forfeiture of the HOUSE BILL NO. 862— public office; and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE LANDRIEU AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 791— To appropriate funds out of the General Fund of the state of BY REPRESENTATIVE MCCAIN Louisiana to be used to pay certain judgments of the Board of AN ACT Tax Appeals; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 40:2616(A), relative to allocation of forfeited property derived from asset forfeiture sales; to provide HOUSE BILL NO. 894— that motor vehicles may be retained for official use for a period BY REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL of six months; and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 11:929(B), relative to the Teachers' HOUSE BILL NO. 794— Retirement System; to provide with respect to the Optional BY REPRESENTATIVE TOOMY Retirement Plan; to provide regarding the payment of benefits AN ACT therefrom and the authorization for various methods for such To amend and reenact R.S. 26:793(A), relative to the Alcoholic payments; to provide an effective date; and to provide for Beverage Control Law; to provide for additional powers of the related matters. commissioner pertaining to Class A-Caterers Permit; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 897— BY REPRESENTATIVES FAUCHEUX, DANIEL, AND JENKINS HOUSE BILL NO. 839— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE DURAND To amend and reenact R.S. 47:301(10)(a)(iii) and (18)(a)(iii) and to AN ACT enact R.S. 47:315.4 and 1711, relative to local sales and use tax; To amend and reenact R.S. 37:3084(B)(1)(a) and 3088(B), to enact to exclude tangible personal property which is to be leased or R.S. 37:3092(C), 3093(C), and 3094, and to repeal R.S. rented; to authorize certain tax credits for sales and use taxes 37:3093(A)(9), relative to the licensure and regulation of paid if there is a waiver of the homestead exemption; to provide dietitians; to provide for annual license renewal; to provide for certain terms, conditions, procedures, and requirements; and to the collection of costs incurred in disciplinary actions; to provide for related matters. provide for exemptions to licensure; to provide for representation of the board by the attorney general; and to HOUSE BILL NO. 900— provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVES LEBLANC AND DOWNER AND SENATORS HAINKEL, ULLO, AND DARDENNE HOUSE BILL NO. 844— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVES DURAND AND BRUCE AND SENATOR To appropriate funds to defray the expenses of the Louisiana LANDRY Judiciary, including the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal, AN ACT District Courts, Criminal District Court of Orleans Parish, and To enact R.S. 14:35.2, relative to crimes; to create the crime of other courts; and to provide for related matters. simple battery of the infirm; to provide for definitions; to provide for penalties; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 913— BY REPRESENTATIVE TOOMY HOUSE BILL NO. 854— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVES HEBERT, SCALISE, SCHNEIDER, AND To enact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 761.1, relative to rights THOMPSON of crime victims and witnesses; to authorize a family member of AN ACT a homicide victim to possess a picture in the courtroom; and to To amend and reenact R.S. 15:831(B)(2), relative to health care for provide for related matters. prisoners in facilities operated by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections; to authorize the department to adopt HOUSE BILL NO. 925— rules requiring copayments from prisoners for medical and BY REPRESENTATIVES HAMMETT, CARTER, AND THOMPSON AND dental treatment received from public hospitals operated by the SENATORS HINES AND SCHEDLER Louisiana State University Medical Center; and to provide for AN ACT related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1300.143(3) and 1300.144(A)(3)(b) and to enact R.S. 40:1300.144(A)(3)(c), relative to the Rural HOUSE BILL NO. 858 (Duplicate of Senate Bill No. 1001)— Hospital Preservation Act; to provide for the definition of rural BY REPRESENTATIVE JOHNS AND SENATOR SIRACUSA AND hospitals; to provide for Medicaid reimbursement to out-of-state COAUTHORED BY REPRESENTATIVES CLARKSON AND WALSWORTH providers; to provide for a lower possible reimbursement rate AN ACT for services rendered; to authorize the secretary of the To amend and reenact Code of Civil Procedure Article 123(B) and Department of Health and Hospitals to negotiate higher (C), relative to forum non conveniens; to provide for transfer of reimbursement rates to out-of-state providers in certain certain civil cases to another court; to provide for dismissal of circumstances; and to provide for related matters. an action to a more convenient forum outside the state; to authorize a court to impose reasonable conditions in an order of dismissal; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 1011— HOUSE BILL NO. 1178— BY REPRESENTATIVE CARTER BY REPRESENTATIVES MCDONALD AND WALSWORTH AND AN ACT SENATORS BAJOIE, HINES, IRONS, AND LANDRY To amend and reenact R.S. 22:636.1(D)(4), relative to automobile AN ACT liability policies; to provide for financed insurance premiums; To amend and reenact R.S. 46:1352(introductory paragraph) and (1) to provide for the return of premium funds; and to provide for and 1353(A), (C), and (D) and to enact R.S. 46:1353(E), (F), related matters. and (G), relative to runaway youth; to provide notice to parents, guardians, or legal custodians of runaway youths admitted into HOUSE BILL NO. 1020 (Duplicate of Senate Bill No. 562)— an approved runaway and homeless youth residence program or BY REPRESENTATIVE MCCAIN AND SENATOR JORDAN facility; to provide reporting requirements to parents, guardians, AN ACT or legal custodians; to provide for certain periods of safe harbor To amend and reenact Code of Criminal Procedure Articles for runaway youths at certain licensed facilities; and to provide 327(A)(4) and (B) and 338, relative to criminal bail bonds; to for related matters. provide for the form of the bail order; to provide for requirements of the bail undertaking; and to provide for related HOUSE BILL NO. 1211— matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE ALARIO AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 1091— To amend and reenact R.S. 48:461.4(introductory paragraph) and BY REPRESENTATIVE MARTINY (a)(1), relative to the Department of Transportation and AN ACT Development; to provide relative to outdoor advertising; to To amend and reenact R.S. 27:301(B)(13), 306(A)(3) and (5)(b), and include certain land, buildings, and structures as areas where (7)(a), 309(B), and 313(A), to enact R.S. 27:301(B)(16), 310(F) outdoor advertising shall be permitted; to include certain and (G), and 311(J), and to repeal R.S. 27:306(A)(6)(a) and illuminated signs, marquees, and electronic readerboard systems (b)(i) and (ii) and (7)(b), relative to video draw poker license as permitted signs; to delete certain provisions relating to qualifications; to provide that the owner or lessor of a qualified illuminated signs which indicate customary public service truck stop facility may lease or sublease certain business information; and to provide for related matters. operations located on his property; to provide exceptions; to provide for the definition of a slot machine; to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 1227 (Duplicate of Senate Bill No. 385)— minimum wagers on certain video draw poker devices; to repeal BY REPRESENTATIVE JACK SMITH AND SENATOR DARDENNE obsolete provisions of law; to define institutional investor; to AN ACT provide with respect to institutional investors and suitability To amend and reenact R.S. 32:407(A)(2), relative to drivers' licenses; requirements; to provide with respect to interest holders in to provide relative to the Class "E" learner's license; to authorize corporations holding licenses; to provide that within one the holder of a Class "E" learner's license to drive while being hundred twenty days of receipt of license application the accompanied by a licensed parent, guardian, or adult at least age Louisiana Gaming Control Board shall either issue the license twenty-one or older, or a sibling at least eighteen or older; and or provide explanation why license has not been issued within to provide for related matters. that time period; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1248— HOUSE BILL NO. 1093— BY REPRESENTATIVES THOMPSON, LONG, AND WALSWORTH BY REPRESENTATIVE MCCAIN AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 39:1595(C)(6) and to enact R.S. To amend and reenact R.S. 22:1065.1, relative to bail bond premium 38:2212(R), 2313(F), R.S. 39:1503.1, 1595(C)(7), and 1595.7, fees; to provide for payment requirements; to provide for R.S. 48:255(B)(7) and 287(G), and R.S. 51:1753.1 and 1753.2, collection and distribution; to provide for authority of sheriffs; relative to public contracts; to provide a preference for paper and to provide for related matters. and paper products manufactured and converted in Louisiana; to provide relative to a mentor-protégé program; to require HOUSE BILL NO. 1106— incentives for participation in such program when awarding BY REPRESENTATIVE THORNHILL AND SENATOR SCHEDLER certain public contracts; and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 51:2605(C)(1)(a) and to enact R.S. HOUSE BILL NO. 1251— 51:2613(I), relative to the Louisiana Open Housing Act; to BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER revise the definition of "housing for older persons"; to provide AN ACT for enforcement by private persons and the awarding of attorney To amend and reenact R.S. 33:4574.1-A(A)(1)(x) and to enact R.S. fees and cost to ensure substantial equivalency with federal law; 33:4574.1-A(A)(1)(oo) and (H), relative to the hotel occupancy and to provide for related matters. tax levied by certain local entities, to authorize the Shreveport- Bossier Convention and Tourist Commission; to increase the tax HOUSE BILL NO. 1119— levied by the commission; to authorize certain convention and BY REPRESENTATIVES JOHNS AND THOMPSON visitor's bureaus or commissions located in certain parishes to AN ACT levy an additional hotel occupancy tax; to provide for the uses To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1379.3.1(A), relative to fees paid for of the proceeds of such increase; and to provide for related concealed handgun permits; to provide for reduced fees for matters. certain persons; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1263— HOUSE BILL NO. 1139— BY REPRESENTATIVES JOHN SMITH, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, BY REPRESENTATIVE SALTER DIEZ, AND CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, AN ACT BARHAM, AND SCHEDLER To enact R.S. 32:866(G) and (H), relative to compulsory liability AN ACT security; to provide for recovery of civil damages; to provide for To enact R.S. 30:86(E)(5), relative to the Oilfield Site Restoration defenses; to provide for applicability; to provide for court costs; Fund; to provide for an additional purpose for which monies in and to provide for related matters. the fund may be disbursed and expended; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 1265— HOUSE BILL NO. 1353— BY REPRESENTATIVE MCMAINS AND SENATOR DARDENNE BY REPRESENTATIVE WESTON AN ACT AN ACT To enact Chapter 14 of Title 6 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of To enact Part XX of Chapter 2 of Code Title XII of Code Book III of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 6:1081 through 1098, relative to Title 9 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be residential mortgage brokers and lenders; to provide for a short comprised of R.S. 9:3578.1 through 3578.5, relative to credit title; to provide for legislative purpose; to provide for cards; to provide for registration of credit card companies on definitions; to provide for prohibitions; to provide for rules and college campuses; to prohibit certain debt collection actions; to regulations; to provide for requirement of licensure; to provide provide for violations and penalties; and to provide for related for exemptions from licensure, annual registration statements matters. and fees; to provide for applications for licensure, issuance of licenses, and application and renewal fees; to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 1378— changes of name or location, closures, and fees; to provide for BY REPRESENTATIVES KENNARD AND MORRELL restrictions; to provide for recordkeeping and retention, AN ACT examinations, and investigation of complaints; to provide for To amend and reenact R.S. 44:9(E) and (F) and to enact R.S. suspension and revocation of licensure, exemptions, and 44:9(G), (H), and (I), relative to expungement or destruction of disposition of funds; to create and provide for the Residential criminal records; to provide for the procedure for the Mortgage Lending Board and its powers; to provide for expungement of records; to provide for maintenance of records certification, examination, and continuing education; to provide for certain purposes; and to provide for related matters. for the scope of the provisions; to provide for residential HOUSE BILL NO. 1391— mortgage loans; to provide for items or charges not considered BY REPRESENTATIVES MCMAINS, DEWITT, DOWNER, DIEZ, AND interest; to provide for residential mortgage loan brokerage CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, BARHAM, contracts; and to provide for related matters. AND SCHEDLER AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 1272— To amend and reenact R.S. 46:446(B), relative to Medicaid BY REPRESENTATIVE ALARIO reimbursement; to provide for inclusion of certain information AN ACT in notice to the Department of Health and Hospitals prior to To amend and reenact R.S. 49:327(B)(1)(b) and (e), relative to compromise of any claim for damages or compensation investments of monies on deposit in the state treasury by the involving Medicaid recipients; and to provide for related state treasurer; to provide for restrictions on certain investments; matters. and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1411— BY REPRESENTATIVES PIERRE, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, DIEZ, HOUSE BILL NO. 1279— AND CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, BY REPRESENTATIVES DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, DIEZ, AND BARHAM, AND SCHEDLER CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, HAINKEL, BARHAM, AND AN ACT SCHEDLER AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 36:401(C)(1) and 405(A)(1)(b) and to To amend and reenact R.S. 14:32.1(B) and to enact R.S. enact R.S. 36:408(E), relative to public safety services of the 14:100(B)(4) and (C)(3), relative to driving offenses; to define Department of Public Safety and Corrections; to establish the accident; to provide for greater penalties if the driver was office of legal affairs within the department; to provide for the previously convicted of certain other crimes involving operation functions of office; to provide for qualifications of the assistant of a vehicle; to increase maximum penalties for the crime of secretary; and to provide for related matters. vehicular homicide; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1428— BY REPRESENTATIVES DIEZ, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, AND HOUSE BILL NO. 1314— CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, BARHAM, BY REPRESENTATIVE ALARIO SCHEDLER, AND BEAN AN ACT AN ACT To enact R.S. 27:93(A)(8), relative to allocation of riverboat To amend and reenact R.S. 32:364, relative to equipment on motor boarding fees; to provide for the allocation of riverboat boarding vehicles; to provide for the use of devices to minimize the spray fees in Jefferson Parish in certain cases; and to provide for or splash of materials; and to provide for related matters. related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1473— BY REPRESENTATIVES HOPKINS AND SCALISE HOUSE BILL NO. 1320— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE FONTENOT To enact R.S. 15:1186(F), relative to prison litigation; to limit the AN ACT number of times a prisoner may file a lawsuit in forma pauperis To amend and reenact R.S. 33:381(D) and 461(C) and to enact R.S. if the prisoner has previously filed a frivolous lawsuit; and to 47:2051.2, relative to the collection of municipal ad valorem provide for related matters. taxes in Livingston Parish; to authorize an agreement between the sheriff, the parish assessor, and the governing authority of HOUSE BILL NO. 1480— the city of Denham Springs which agreement would provide for BY REPRESENTATIVE TRAVIS the collection by the sheriff of taxes and other amounts on the AN ACT municipal tax rolls; to provide relative to the contents of such an To amend and reenact R.S. 9:3572.3(A)(1) and (2) and (B) and agreement; to provide for a public hearing; to provide relative 3576.19, and to enact R.S. 6:1074.1 and 1074.2, relative to to the Lawrason Act requirements for municipal tax assessment consumer loan brokers and check cashing and currency and collection as they relate to such agreements; and to provide exchanges; to provide for an annual fee for licensure and for related matters. renewal; to provide for a change of information and a fee; to provide for license fees for licensure and regulation of check cashing and currency exchange facilities; to provide for civil penalties for violations; to provide relative to a licensee; to provide for collection; to provide for assignment; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 1483— leased state lands; to provide for restricted access in certain BY REPRESENTATIVE DURAND situations; to provide for exceptions for certain activities along AN ACT the Tchefuncte River; and to provide for related matters. To enact R.S. 33:172(E), relative to annexation; to prohibit certain annexations of territory in St. Martin Parish; and to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 1625— related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVES DIEZ, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, AND CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, BARHAM, HOUSE BILL NO. 1506— AND SCHEDLER BY REPRESENTATIVE LANCASTER AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 32:666(B) and 668(A)(introductory To amend and reenact R.S. 18:463(A)(3) and (D) and to enact R.S. paragraph), relative to chemical tests to determine blood alcohol 18:1472, relative to elections; to require that candidates be content of certain persons; to require law enforcement officers provided information regarding election offenses; to require that to execute a sworn report when the person submits to such a summary of the laws relative to election offenses be given to testing; to require that the officer provide certain information each candidate who qualifies for election; to require the notice about the test; to provide relative to hearings; to provide that of candidacy to include a certification that the candidate is such report is competent evidence; and to provide for related aware of the laws governing election offenses; to remove the matters. requirement relative to acknowledgment of receipt of certain HOUSE BILL NO. 1631— informational packets; to provide for the preparation of BY REPRESENTATIVES PERKINS AND JENKINS informational packets concerning election offenses; to provide AN ACT for the dissemination of certain informational packets to To amend and reenact R.S. 9:224(C)(introductory paragraph), candidates; and to provide for related matters. 273(A)(1) and (2), and 275(B)(1) and (C)(1)(a) and (b)(i) and HOUSE BILL NO. 1512— (ii) and to enact R.S. 9:224(E), 273.1, and 275.1, relative to BY REPRESENTATIVE BARTON covenant marriages; to provide relative to information AN ACT requirements; to provide relative to contents of declarations of To amend and reenact R.S. 32:218, relative to soliciting on a intent; to provide forms for the recitation and affidavit of the roadway; to provide relative to professional firefighters or other parties and the attestation of the counselor; and to provide for nonprofit organizations soliciting for charitable purposes; to related matters. provide for the promulgation of rules and regulations; and to HOUSE BILL NO. 1647— provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE BARTON HOUSE BILL NO. 1536— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE BOWLER AND SENATOR SCHEDLER To enact R.S. 27:24(E), relative to the rulemaking authority of the AN ACT Louisiana Gaming Control Board; to prohibit the board from To enact R.S. 9:4802(G)(3) and R.S. 38:2242(F), relative to authorizing phantom or simulated riverboat cruises; and to privileges and liens; to provide for privileges and liens of sellers provide for related matters. under the Private Works Act and materialmen doing work with HOUSE BILL NO. 1664— a public entity; and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVES WINDHORST, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, DIEZ, AND CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, HOUSE BILL NO. 1540— BARHAM, AND SCHEDLER BY REPRESENTATIVE COPELIN AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 15:569.1 and 570(D), relative to To amend and reenact R.S. 46:2624(B)(introductory paragraph) and execution of death sentences; to provide for the times during to enact R.S. 46:2624(B)(7) and (8) and (I)(4), (5), and (6) and which death sentences may be executed; to provide with regard Chapter 53 of Title 46 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of to victim notification; and to provide for related matters. 1950, comprised of R.S. 46:2681 through 2685, relative to community based services; to provide for the licensure of certain HOUSE BILL NO. 1706— providers of community based services; to provide for charging, BY REPRESENTATIVE MCCAIN collection, and expenditure of fees on such providers; to AN ACT establish the Community Based Services Trust Fund; to increase To enact R.S. 33:1448(G), relative to group insurance for sheriffs and the membership and the duties of the Louisiana Medical deputy sheriffs; to require the sheriff of Assumption Parish to Assistance Trust Fund Advisory Council; and to provide for pay certain premium costs of specified group insurance for related matters. certain retired employees; to provide limitations; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1576— BY REPRESENTATIVES TRAVIS, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, DIEZ, HOUSE BILL NO. 1715— AND CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, BY REPRESENTATIVE MONTGOMERY AND JENKINS BARHAM, AND SCHEDLER AN ACT AN ACT To enact Subpart D of Part II of Chapter 4 of Title 33 of the To enact R.S. 40:1578.7, relative to fire safety and prevention; to Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. adopt a State Uniform Fire Prevention Code; to provide for 33:2101, relative to the provision of fire protection services; to adoption of the same code by political subdivisions of the state; authorize certain political subdivisions, subject to voter to authorize the promulgation of rules and regulations by the approval, to contract with private companies for the provision state fire marshal; and to provide for related matters. of such services; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1604— HOUSE BILL NO. 1720— BY REPRESENTATIVES JETSON, ODINET, PIERRE, AND GAUTREAUX BY REPRESENTATIVE WESTON AN ACT AN ACT To enact R.S. 30:127(G) and 148.6(C), R.S. 41:1217(E), R.S. To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1502.1(A)(1) and (2) and (C)(2)(a), 56:30.2 and 1855(J), relative to leased state lands; to require the relative to service charges assessed by certain fire protection lessee to maintain public access to public waterways through districts; to provide relative to the assessment of such charge

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against grounds on which structures are situated; to provide HOUSE BILL NO. 1899— relative to structures subject to such assessment; and to provide BY REPRESENTATIVES TRAVIS, THOMPSON, AND NEVERS for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 32:771(1) and (9) and 773.2(D) and to HOUSE BILL NO. 1725— enact R.S. 32:771(19), (20), (21), and (22), 773.1(A)(2)(m) and BY REPRESENTATIVES MCDONALD AND THOMPSON (n), and 773.2(E), relative to the sale of certain marine and AN ACT motorcycle products regulated by the Louisiana Used Motor To amend and reenact R.S. 17:3048.1(A)(1)(a)(introductory Vehicle and Parts Commission; to provide for certain prohibited paragraph),(b), (c), and (d), (2), (3), (4)(introductory paragraph) activities; to provide for certain appeals to the commission; and and (a), (B)(2)(introductory paragraph), (3)(introductory to provide for related matters. paragraph) and (a), (C)(2)(d) and (f), (D)(introductory paragraph), (E), (P)(1)(a), and (R) and to enact R.S. HOUSE BILL NO. 1924— 17:3048.1(C)(3), (S), and (T), relative to the Tuition BY REPRESENTATIVE DURAND Opportunity Program for Students; to provide for eligibility AN ACT requirements, including residency and attainment of certain To amend and reenact R.S. 33:1426 and to enact R.S. 15:708(A)(5) academic standards for continued program participation; to and (F), relative to inmate labor; to authorize a sheriff to provide for award payments, including purposes and use; to contract with the United States government to provide certain provide limitations on certain award payments and for their services under certain circumstances; to authorize a sheriff to effectiveness; to provide for notification of certain program use inmate labor to work on floodgates or locks situated on a changes; to provide for program administration; to provide for waterway within a parish; to prohibit inmate labor for private an effective date; and to provide for related matters. contractors; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1743— HOUSE BILL NO. 1930— BY REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL BY REPRESENTATIVE LANDRIEU AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 33:3953, 3956, 3965, 3982, 4043, 4044, To amend and reenact R.S. 13:121 and 122, relative to the supreme and 4065.1 and to enact Subpart F of Part I of Chapter 9 of Title court; to increase the number of deputy clerks that the court may 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised appoint; to delete the restriction on the number of deputy clerks of R.S. 33:3980.1, relative to the funding of sewerage systems; in the salary provisions; and to provide for related matters. to express legislative findings and intent; to authorize the levy of ad valorem taxes or parcel fees to fund sewerage systems; and HOUSE BILL NO. 2018— to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 1752— To amend and reenact R.S. 22:636.1(D)(3)(a), (b), (d), and (e), BY REPRESENTATIVES CHAISSON, FAUCHEUX, AND MURRAY relative to the cancellation of an automobile, property, casualty, AN ACT or liability insurance policy; to provide for notification; to To amend and reenact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 894(B) provide for return of funds; and to provide for related matters. and to enact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 894(A)(5) and (D), relative to operating a vehicle while intoxicated; to provide HOUSE BILL NO. 2032 (Substitute for House Bill No. 681 by for storage of records; to provide for a storage and retrieval fee Representative Toomy)— of records; to require proof of retention of records before setting BY REPRESENTATIVE TOOMY aside a conviction; to require the Department of Public Safety AN ACT and Corrections, office of motor vehicles, to be the repository of To enact R.S. 26:81(F) and 281(J), relative to the Alcoholic the records and to maintain them for ten years; and to provide Beverage Control Law; to provide relative to the location of for related matters. licensed premises or businesses; to define "public library"; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1874— BY REPRESENTATIVE SCHNEIDER HOUSE BILL NO. 2033— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE MCDONALD To amend and reenact R.S. 37:2165(A), 2166(3), and 2170(A)(2) AN ACT and to enact R.S. 37:2156.1(A)(10), relative to the State To amend and reenact R.S. 9:5701, relative to prescription; to Licensing Board for Contractors; to provide for new provide for a thirty-year prescriptive period to apply to certain classifications of licenses; to provide relative to membership of educational obligations owed to the state or its agencies; to certain committees; to provide relative to continuing education; provide for applicability; and to provide for related matters. to provide for certain exceptions; and to provide for related HOUSE BILL NO. 2051— matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 1889— To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1662.8(B)(3) and to enact R.S. BY REPRESENTATIVES JETSON AND MCMAINS AND SENATORS BOISSIERE, CAIN, COX, CRAVINS, DARDENNE, DEAN, DYESS, 40:1498(D), relative to safety and fire protection; to provide ELLINGTON, C. FIELDS, W. FIELDS, HAINKEL, HEITMEIER, HINES, relative to per diem paid to members of the governing boards of HOLLIS, IRONS, JOHNSON, JONES, LAMBERT, LANDRY, LENTINI, certain fire protection districts; to provide concerning the MALONE, ROBICHAUX, ROMERO, SCHEDLER, SMITH, THEUNISSEN, THOMAS, AND ULLO application and qualification of an individual for an alarm AN ACT contracting license; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact Children's Code Arts. 606(A)(1) and 610(A) and (E), relative to Child In Need Of Care proceedings; to provide relative to grounds in Child In Need of Care proceedings; to provide relative to child abuse reporting procedures; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 2052 (Substitute for House Bill No. 1185 by and Section 5(A)(4) through (6) and (B) of Act No. 155 of the Rep. Thornhill) (Duplicate of Senate Bill Nos. 655 and 1982 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, as amended 496)— by Act No. 897 of the 1990 Regular Session, and Act No. 726 BY REPRESENTATIVE THORNHILL AND SENATORS MALONE AND of 1995 Regular Session and Section 5(A)(1), (5), and (6) and BEAN AND COAUTHORED BY REPRESENTATIVES BRUCE, ANSARDI, MARTINY, MURRAY, AND PINAC AND SENATOR SCHEDLER (B)(1) of Act No. 788 of the 1979 Regular Session of the AN ACT Louisiana Legislature, as amended by Act No. 441 of the 1981 To amend and reenact R.S. 22:2027(F), to enact Part VI-D of Regular Session, Act No. 7 of the 1982 Regular Session, and Chapter 1 of Title 22 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, Act No. 1241 of the 1995 Regular Session, to enact R.S. to be comprised of R.S. 22:250.31 through 250.37, and to repeal 33:9109, and to repeal Parts III through X of Chapter 31 of Title R.S. 22:657(G), relative to health insurance; to establish claim 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. submission standards for health insurance coverage; to provide 33:9131, 9131.1, 9131.2, 9131.3, 9131.4, 9131.5, 9131.6, and for late payment adjustments for claimants; to establish 9131.7 respectively, relative to communications districts; to requirements for the payment of medical care under health provide for the creation of multiparish communications districts insurance coverage; to provide relative to timely payment of and to authorize contracts between districts; to provide relative health insurance claims and enrollee claims; to provide relative to the rate of the emergency telephone service charge on to coordination of benefits; to provide for enforcement, landline phones; to authorize the levy of an emergency including cease and desist orders, penalties, and suspension or telephone service charge on certain wireless communications revocation of a certificate of authority; and to provide for related systems; to provide for the use of such service charge for certain matters. enhancements to 911 service and other purposes of the districts; to repeal certain existing authority for an emergency telephone HOUSE BILL NO. 2055— service charge; to provide for the collection of the service BY REPRESENTATIVES WINDHORST AND TOOMY charge; to provide for agreements between communications AN ACT districts and service suppliers for the purpose of making To provide that the Jefferson Parish School Board may name an Air technological enhancements; to provide relative to audits of the Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program building districts; to provide relative to standards of service, the sharing at West Jefferson High School in honor of Colonel Louis B. of certain confidential information, and the liability of the Cole and to authorize the Jefferson Parish School Board to name districts and the service suppliers; and to provide for related the multipurpose building at the Paul J. Solis Elementary School matters. located in Gretna, Louisiana as the Virginia Phillips Gaudet Building; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 2103— BY REPRESENTATIVE MONTGOMERY HOUSE BILL NO. 2056— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVES WINSTON AND JENKINS To amend and reenact R.S. 38:2212(I), relative to the bidding AN ACT requirements for public contracts; to exempt volunteer citizen To authorize the use of chelating agents and chelation therapy by labor in certain situations; and to provide for related matters. physicians; for a certain period of time to provide for the nullity of rules and regulations in conflict with this grant of authority; HOUSE BILL NO. 2125— and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE JOHNS AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 2059— To amend and reenact R.S. 33:4576(B)(1) and (3) and to enact R.S. BY REPRESENTATIVES HEATON AND TRAVIS 33:4576(B)(2)(f) and (g), relative to the West Calcasieu Parish AN ACT Community Center Authority; to provide relative to the To amend and reenact R.S. 37:1361(A), 1371, 1373(A), governance of the authority including the appointments and 1378(A)(introductory paragraph), (2), (3), and (8), and (B) and terms of members; and to provide for related matters. to enact R.S. 37:1367(H), 1368(I), and 1377(H), relative to plumbers; to provide for the purposes of and regulation by the HOUSE BILL NO. 2128— State Plumbing Board; to require and provide for licensure of BY REPRESENTATIVE MCCAIN medical gas and vacuum systems verifiers; to provide for fees; AN ACT to provide relative to injunctions; to define medical gas and To enact R.S. 27:3(8) and 27, relative to the rulemaking authority of vacuum systems verifier; to provide for disciplinary action; and the Louisiana Gaming Control Board; to define institutional to provide for related matters. investor; to provide with respect to institutional investors and suitability requirements; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 2101— BY REPRESENTATIVE JACK SMITH HOUSE BILL NO. 2145— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE LEBLANC To enact R.S. 56:1684.1, relative to Cypremort Point State Park; to AN ACT provide that no rule or regulation of the office of state parks To provide with respect to the Revenue Sharing Fund and the regulating design and aesthetic quality standards, construction, allocation and distribution thereof for Fiscal Year 1999-2000; or usage of facilities at state parks shall be applicable to the and to provide for related matters. development, planning, and construction of facilities in Cypremort Point State Park; to provide for an oversight HOUSE BILL NO. 2165— BY REPRESENTATIVES THORNHILL AND SCHNEIDER committee; and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To appropriate funds out of the General Fund of the state of HOUSE BILL NO. 2102 (Duplicate of Senate Bill No. 939)— BY REPRESENTATIVE BARTON AND SENATOR EWING AND Louisiana for the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 to be used to pay the COAUTHORED BY REPRESENTATIVES DOWNER, DUPRE, AND legal expenses incurred by the Honorable Patricia Hedges, state WESTON AND SENATOR LANDRY district court judge, relative to her successful defense of criminal AN ACT charges brought against her; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 33:9101(A) and (B)(4)(introductory paragraph), 9102, 9103(A)(1) and (E), 9105, and 9106(B)(1),

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HOUSE BILL NO. 2166— Louisiana Legislature, Act No. 927 of the 1981 Regular Session BY REPRESENTATIVE WELCH of the Louisiana Legislature, Act No. 476 of the 1984 Regular AN ACT Session of the Louisiana Legislature, Act No. 259 of the 1989 To amend and reenact R.S. 14:313, relative to offenses affecting the Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, and Act No. 640 public generally; to provide an exception to wearing masks or of the 1993 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and hoods in public; and to provide for related matters. R.S. 51:291 and 293, relative to the Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District; to name and designate the Louisiana HOUSE BILL NO. 2168— BY REPRESENTATIVES MCMAINS, FONTENOT, AND KENNARD Superdome as the John J. McKeithen Superdome; to provide AN ACT relative to trade names, trademarks and service marks reserved To amend and reenact R.S. 38:3301 and 3309, relative to the Amite to the district; to require legislative approval of any amendment River Basin Drainage and Water Conservation District; to to the contract or lease with the New Orleans franchise of the provide for the geographical boundaries of the district; to National Football League and of any contract or lease of the provide relative to Comite River Diversion Canal Impact Area; multi-purpose facility with a professional sports franchise; and to provide relative to taxing authority of the district; and to to provide for related matters. provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 2221— HOUSE BILL NO. 2177— BY REPRESENTATIVES MORRELL, FRITH, AND MURRAY BY REPRESENTATIVES QUEZAIRE, CRANE, KENNARD, AND FRITH AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 4:217(D)(2) relative to racing; to provide To amend and reenact R.S. 14:34.4, relative to the crime of battery relative to purse supplements; and to provide for related matters. of school athletic contest officials; to include elementary school and recreation athletic officials; to provide for definitions; to HOUSE BILL NO. 2226— provide for penalties; and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE MARIONNEAUX AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 2194— To enact Chapter 8 of Title 27 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of BY REPRESENTATIVES SCHNEIDER AND CLARKSON AND SENATOR 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 27:401, relative to the Louisiana SCHEDLER Gaming Control Law; to authorize raffles under two hundred AN ACT fifty dollars without requiring the issuance of a license; to define To enact R.S. 56:1431, relative to Bayou Liberty in St. Tammany terms; and to provide for related matters. Parish; to provide for the clearing of a portion of such bayou; to prohibit and provide relative to expropriation of property along HOUSE BILL NO. 2228— a portion of Bayou Liberty; to provide for conservation BY REPRESENTATIVE WESTON easements; and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 14:73.1(5) and (8) through (11) and to HOUSE BILL NO. 2197— BY REPRESENTATIVE FLAVIN enact R.S. 14:73.1(12) and (13) and 73.6, relative to computer- AN ACT related crime; to provide for the commission of computer fraud; To enact R.S. 38:2220.1 through 2220.4, relative to public contracts; to expand the definition of that crime to include certain acts to authorize and provide for certain causes of action; to involving unsolicited bulk electronic mail; to provide for authorize a cause of action against violators of the Public Bid penalties; and to provide for related matters. Law; to provide relative to the persons eligible to institute such an action; to provide certain procedures, requirements, terms HOUSE BILL NO. 2266 (Substitute for House Bill No. 2240 by and conditions; to provide relative to the office of the attorney Representative Marionneaux)— BY REPRESENTATIVE MARIONNEAUX general; to provide for orders, recovery, and certain awards by AN ACT the court; to provide for summary procedure; to provide for To amend and reenact R.S. 15:146(B)(1)(a) and to enact R.S. protection from disciplinary proceedings; and to provide for 13:996.36.1, relative to judicial funds; to authorize a certain related matters. judicial district to assess additional fees or costs for judicial HOUSE BILL NO. 2208— expense funds; to provide for the maximum costs which may be BY REPRESENTATIVES COPELIN, CHAISSON, DANIEL, DURAND, imposed for judicial district indigent offender funds; and to FAUCHEUX, GLOVER, HEATON, HILL, LANDRIEU, MCCAIN, provide for related matters. MONTGOMERY, ODINET, PIERRE, WARNER, WILLARD, ALARIO, ALEXANDER, ANSARDI, BAUDOIN, BAYLOR, BOWLER, BRUCE, BRUNEAU, CARTER, CLARKSON, CRANE, CURTIS, DAMICO, DEVILLE, HOUSE BILL NO. 2268 (Substitute for House Bill No. 1458 by DEWITT, DIEZ, DOWNER, DUPRE, FARVE, FLAVIN, FONTENOT, FRITH, Representative Hebert)— FRUGE, GAUTREAUX, GREEN, GUILLORY, HAMMETT, HEBERT, BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT HOLDEN, HOPKINS, HUDSON, HUNTER, ILES, JENKINS, JETSON, JOHNS, KENNARD, KENNEY, LANCASTER, LEBLANC, LONG, AN ACT MARIONNEAUX, MARTINY, MCCALLUM, MCDONALD, MCMAINS, To amend and reenact R.S. 22:228.7(A) and to enact R.S. 22:230.3, MICHOT, MITCHELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, MURRAY, NEVERS, relative to health insurance; to require the State Employees PERKINS, PINAC, POWELL, PRATT, QUEZAIRE, RIDDLE, ROMERO, Group Benefits program to provide coverage for certain SALTER, SCALISE, SCHNEIDER, SHAW, JACK SMITH, JOHN SMITH, SNEED, STELLY, THOMPSON, THORNHILL, TOOMY, TRAVIS, anesthesia and hospital charges for dental procedures; to provide WADDELL, WALSWORTH, WELCH, WESTON, WIGGINS, WILKERSON, relative to billing insureds, enrollees, or subscribers for certain WINDHORST, WINSTON, WOOTON, AND WRIGHT AND SENATORS balances for medical care not paid or covered by health benefits; BAJOIE, BARHAM, BEAN, BOISSIERE, CAMPBELL, CASANOVA, COX, DYESS, ELLINGTON, C. FIELDS, W. FIELDS, HAINKEL, HEITMEIER, and to provide for related matters. HINES, HOLLIS, IRONS, JOHNSON, JONES, LAMBERT, MALONE, ROBICHAUX, SCHEDLER, SMITH, TARVER, THEUNISSEN, THOMAS, HOUSE BILL NO. 2274 (Substitute for House Bill No. 1082 by AND ULLO Representative Glover)— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER To amend and reenact Section 4.A. of Act No. 541 of the 1976 AN ACT Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, as amended by To enact R.S. 33:2476.1, relative to the municipal fire and police Act No. 499 of the 1978 Regular Session of the Louisiana civil service board in Shreveport; to provide relative to the Legislature, Act No. 449 of the 1980 Regular Session of the composition of such board; to provide relative to the terms of

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members and vacancies on such board; to provide relative to a On motion of Rep. Hebert, and under a suspension of the rules, quorum; and to provide for related matters. the resolution was adopted. Respectfully submitted, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 109— BY REPRESENTATIVES HEBERT, FRITH, MORRELL, MURRAY, AND DONALD RAY KENNARD WESTON Chairman A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Public Service Commission to The above House Bills contained in the report were signed by study the feasibility of lowering pay telephone rates for local the Speaker of the House and taken to the Senate by the Clerk and calls made from hospitals and elderly care facilities in this state, were signed by the President of the Senate and taken by the Clerk of including but not limited to nursing homes, skilled nursing the House to the Governor for executive approval. facilities, assisted living facilities, adult residential care homes, and adult day care facilities, from thirty-five cents per call to ten House and House Concurrent Resolutions cents. The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions lying Read by title. over were taken up and acted upon as follows: On motion of Rep. Hebert, and under a suspension of the rules, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 106— the resolution was adopted. BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE A RESOLUTION HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 110— To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG Education to devise and implement, beginning with the 2000- A RESOLUTION 2001 school year, a standardized student identification To urge and request the Board of Supervisors of Community and numbering system for the purpose of collecting information and Technical Colleges, in consultation with the Board of Regents, data regarding public school students and to discontinue the use to adopt policies to permit and encourage the technical colleges by the board, the state Department of Education, or any local under the jurisdiction of the board to participate in the Southern school board, school administrator, or other school employee of Regional Electronic Campus. students' social security numbers for such purpose. Read by title. Read by title. On motion of Rep. Farve, and under a suspension of the rules, On motion of Rep. Long, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. the resolution was adopted. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 107— HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 111— BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Board of Regents, in cooperation with each To request the House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure to of the public postsecondary education management boards, to study the ramifications of enacting a state law to prohibit laws, study the adequacy and appropriateness of the policies, ordinances, rules, and regulations that restrict a person's free standards, and guidelines adopted by the Board of Regents and exercise of religion, except under certain conditions, and to by the individual management boards to assess and certify the report the findings of the committee to the legislature prior to English fluency of college and university instructional faculty as the convening of the 2000 Regular Session. required by R.S. 17:3388, determine the extent to which the management boards and institutions under their control and Read by title. supervision comply with and enforce the provisions of said statute, and report in writing to the House Committee on On motion of Rep. Long, and under a suspension of the rules, Education and to the Senate Committee on Education on study the resolution was adopted. findings and recommendations by not later than February 1, 2000. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 113— BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX Read by title. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the state Board of Elementary and Secondary On motion of Rep. Hebert, and under a suspension of the rules, Education to comprehensively examine actions taken by city and the resolution was adopted. parish school boards, school system staffs, and school administrators to prevent school violence and to deal with HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 108— incidents of violence in schools and on school property, BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT including but not limited to a survey of the availability and use A RESOLUTION of, and training in the use of, metal detection devices and other To urge and request the Louisiana Public Service Commission to search techniques and of procedures in place to control access study and subsequently implement uniform formats for all utility to school property and facilities, and to report study findings bills, including but not limited to bills for telephone service, and recommendations for legislation or administrative actions electricity, water, sewage treatment, cable television, and any to improve the preparedness of Louisiana's public school wireless telecommunications services, which shall provide the systems and personnel to deal with school violence. consumer with a clearly detailed bill containing a complete and accurate itemization of all charges, fees, and taxes being Read by title. collected. Read by title. On motion of Rep. Faucheux, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted.

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HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 114— On motion of Rep. Glover, and under a suspension of the rules, BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX the resolution was adopted. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Student Financial Assistance HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 121— Commission to study and make recommendations to the House BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on A RESOLUTION Education concerning the payment or repayment to the state of To urge and request that the Louisiana Gaming Control Board costs to the state of a TOPS award for any student who is a require eligible horse racing facilities that conduct slot machine recipient of a TOPS award and who moves from the state after gaming give preferential treatment to Louisiana firms and graduation. residents in the procurement of all resources and goods and in the awarding of contracts for services and entertainment. Read by title. On motion of Rep. Faucheux, and under a suspension of the Read by title. rules, the resolution was adopted. On motion of Rep. Glover, and under a suspension of the rules, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 115— the resolution was adopted. BY REPRESENTATIVE JETSON A RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 337— To urge and request the Louisiana Student Financial Assistance BY REPRESENTATIVES BARTON AND MONTGOMERY Commission, in consultation with the Board of Regents and the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION public postsecondary education management boards, to study To urge and request the Insurance Rating Commission to study the and analyze the academic eligibility requirements of the Tuition disparity in the costs of workers' compensation insurance for Opportunity Program for Students and determine if such horsemen in Louisiana as compared to other Southern states. requirements promote equity in providing benefits to Louisiana students from all walks of life who demonstrate the ability to be Read by title. successful in postsecondary education, to provide that the study shall specifically determine if the program's arbitrarily On motion of Rep. Barton, and under a suspension of the rules, established minimum high school grade point average or the resolution was adopted. arbitrarily established minimum composite norm-referenced test score, or both, have an unjustified disparate impact on program Ordered to the Senate. participation by any identifiable group or groups of students or otherwise unfairly limit participation by worthy and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 339— academically successful students, to provide that the study also BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE shall determine whether or not revision of certain of these A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION eligibility requirements as proposed by House Bill No. 1876 of To urge and request the Louisiana Supreme Court to adopt a juvenile the 1999 Regular Session of the legislature provides a better and diversion program for nonviolent offenders in New Orleans. more fair approach, and to provide that the commission shall report on study findings and recommendations in writing to the Read by title. House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education prior to the 2000 Regular Session of the legislature. On motion of Rep. Farve, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. Read by title. Ordered to the Senate. On motion of Rep. Jetson, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 341— BY REPRESENTATIVE WRIGHT HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 116— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE To urge and request the office of family support of the Department of A RESOLUTION Social Services to develop a brochure for custodial parents To urge and request the Department of Social Services to enter into explaining options for collecting unpaid child support. a cooperative endeavor with the Institute For Responsible Fatherhood and Family Revitalization to establish a program Read by title. designed to promote responsible fatherhood and family revitalization. On motion of Rep. Wright, and under a suspension of the rules, Read by title. the resolution was adopted. On motion of Rep. Farve, and under a suspension of the rules, Ordered to the Senate. the resolution was adopted. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 342— HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 118— BY REPRESENTATIVE WRIGHT BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION To memorialize congress not to cut the Social Security and other To urge and request the Louisiana Gaming Control Board to require government pensions of recipients who marry or remarry. the eligible racing facilities conducting slot machine gaming to plan to recruit, train, and upgrade minorities in all employment Read by title. classifications and to provide the maximum practical opportunities, for participation by the broadest number of On motion of Rep. Wright, and under a suspension of the rules, minority-owned businesses. the resolution was adopted. Read by title. Ordered to the Senate.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 343— Senate Concurrent Resolutions BY REPRESENTATIVE CLARKSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions lying over were To memorialize the United States Congress to take all possible taken up and acted upon as follows: measures at the federal level to ensure that the community of Algiers, Louisiana, will be provided with acute health care SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 165— services in the future. WHEREAS, Tenet Louisiana BY SENATOR HEITMEIER Healthsystem (Tenet) recently closed JoEllen Smith Medical A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Center (JoEllen Smith), a twenty-four-year-old Algiers, To urge and request the Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Louisiana, hospital, on May 31, 1999; and Committee and the House Commerce Committee to meet and function as a joint committee to study the various aspects Read by title. regarding access to multi-tenant buildings by all registered or On motion of Rep. Clarkson, and under a suspension of the certificated telecommunications providers on a rules, the resolution was adopted. nondiscriminatory basis. Ordered to the Senate. Read by title. On motion of Rep. Travis, and under a suspension of the rules, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 345— the resolution was concurred in. BY REPRESENTATIVE CLARKSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 168— To urge and request the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban BY SENATOR EWING Development to state its intentions regarding the Fischer A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Housing Development in Algiers, Louisiana, which is under the To recognize and commend Coach Wilbert Ellis on six hundred local jurisdiction of the Housing Authority of New Orleans career wins and for his inspiration to the Grambling State (HANO). University baseball program, to pay tribute to his many contributions to Grambling State University and his community, Read by title. and to wish him much success in the continuation of his On motion of Rep. Clarkson, and under a suspension of the celebrated career. rules, the resolution was adopted. Read by title. Ordered to the Senate. On motion of Rep. Wilkerson, and under a suspension of the HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 353— rules, the resolution was concurred in. BY REPRESENTATIVES JENKINS, DEWITT, AND WIGGINS A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 169— To commend and congratulate the Honorable Carl N. Gunter, Jr. for BY SENATOR ELLINGTON AND REPRESENTATIVE KENNEY his twenty years of distinguished service as a member of the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Louisiana House of Representatives, and to express the To express the condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the appreciation of the Legislature of Louisiana for his death of William E. "Bill" Young, Sr., husband, father, accomplishments and contributions to the people of Louisiana. grandfather, great-grandfather, businessman, civic and community leader. Read by title. Read by title. Motion On motion of Rep. Jenkins, the resolution was returned to the On motion of Rep. Kenney, and under a suspension of the rules, calendar. the resolution was concurred in. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 355— Suspension of the Rules BY REPRESENTATIVE CRANE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION On motion of Rep. Bruneau, the rules were suspended in order To urge and request each of the public postsecondary education to take up Introduction of Resolutions at this time. management boards to exercise the authority granted them by R.S. 17:3351(A)(5)(b) and establish, by not later than the Fall Introduction of Resolutions, semester of the 2001-2002 academic year, tuition and House and House Concurrent attendance fees applicable to a nonresident student at each institution under its supervision and management that at least The following members introduced the following entitled House equal the median amount of tuition and attendance fees and House Concurrent Resolutions, which were read the first time by applicable to nonresident students at institutions in states their titles and placed upon the calendar for their second reading: comprising the Southern Regional Education Board, excluding Louisiana, which are in the same category as established and HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 122— most recently reported by the Southern Regional Education BY REPRESENTATIVE DOWNER Board. A RESOLUTION To express the condolences of the House of Representatives to the Read by title. family of Mr. Guy Joseph Lato. On motion of Rep. Crane, and under a suspension of the rules, Read by title. the resolution was adopted. On motion of Rep. Bruneau, and under a suspension of the rules, Ordered to the Senate. the resolution was adopted.

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Suspension of the Rules ROLL CALL On motion of Rep. Hopkins, the rules were suspended in order The roll was called with the following result: to take up House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Third Reading for Final Consideration at this time. YEAS Alario Guillory Pierre House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Alexander Hammett Pratt Third Reading for Final Consideration Baylor Holden Quezaire Chaisson Hopkins Schwegmann The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Clarkson Hudson Smith, J.D.—50th third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as Copelin Hunter Thornhill follows: Curtis Iles Travis Damico Jetson Triche HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 285— Deville Landrieu Warner BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER Durand Long Welch A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Farve Marionneaux Weston To create an advisory committee to study the effects of and make Faucheux Montgomery Wilkerson recommendations to certain standing legislative committees Glover Murray Willard concerning changes in the composition of the Shreveport Green Odinet municipal fire and police civil service board made by the Act Total—41 which originated as House Bill No. 2274 of the 1999 Regular NAYS Session of the Louisiana Legislature. Mr. Speaker Gautreaux Salter Read by title. Baudoin Hebert Scalise Bowler Johns Schneider Rep. Hopkins moved the adoption of the resolution. Bruce Kennard Shaw Bruneau Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th By a vote of 93 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. Crane Lancaster Sneed Daniel LeBlanc Stelly Ordered to the Senate. DeWitt McCallum Theriot Diez McDonald Thompson HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 268— Doerge McMains Toomy BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE Donelon Michot Waddell A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Dupre Morrish Walsworth To commend each city and parish school system which is in Flavin Perkins Wiggins compliance with the United States Department of Agriculture's Fontenot Pinac Winston Dietary Guidelines for Americans as stipulated in the United Frith Riddle Wooton States Department of Agriculture's Healthy School Meal Fruge Romero Wright Initiative, relative to providing school children with a diet low Total—48 in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and moderate in salt, ABSENT sodium, and sugars, and to encourage each city and parish school system which is not in compliance with such guidelines Ansardi Jenkins Nevers to make any necessary adjustments to bring all cycle menus into Barton Martiny Powell compliance by not later than July 1, 2001. Carter McCain Strain Heaton Mitchell Windhorst Read by title. Hill Morrell Total—14 On motion of Rep. Farve, the resolution was adopted. The resolution was rejected. Ordered to the Senate. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 290— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 270— BY REPRESENTATIVE WILLARD BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Board of Supervisors for the University of To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Louisiana System, the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State Education to develop and adopt a policy or revise any existing University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Board policy to provide that students' scores on the fourth and eighth of Supervisors of Southern University and Agricultural and grade "high stakes" tests shall not be the only factor in Mechanical College, and the Board of Supervisors of determining grade retention for students who receive Community and Technical Colleges, in consultation with the unsatisfactory grades on such tests but instead shall be only one Board of Regents, to each adopt uniform policies for the factor in making such determination. institutions under their respective supervision and management to provide for notification of parents of students who are victims Read by title. of serious crimes or injuries on campus. Rep. Farve moved the adoption of the resolution. Read by title. Rep. Donelon objected. On motion of Rep. Willard, the resolution was adopted. A record vote was asked for and ordered by the House. Ordered to the Senate.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 291— Rep. Martiny moved the adoption of the resolution. BY REPRESENTATIVE PRATT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION By a vote of 76 yeas and 24 nays, the resolution was adopted. To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to create a professional development academy to be Ordered to the Senate. in existence for the period of time from its first meeting not later than June 29, 1999, through August 20, 1999, to formulate, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 324— develop, and recommend meaningful and effective in-service BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE training programs to assist teachers in the development of A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION professional skills and to report its findings and To urge and request the Louisiana Notary Association to develop a recommendations in writing to the board. program relative to providing pro bono notarial services to the indigent and to the elderly, to encourage its members to Read by title. participate in the program, and to report the results of the program prior to the beginning of the 2000 Regular Session of Motion the Legislature. On motion of Rep. Pratt, the resolution was returned to the calendar. Read by title. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 94— On motion of Rep. Farve, the resolution was adopted. BY REPRESENTATIVE HOLDEN A RESOLUTION Ordered to the Senate To urge and request the Department of Social Services to take necessary measures to promote the Individual Development HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 97— Account Program to recipients of the Temporary Assistance for BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE Needy Families (TANF), and to study the feasibility of A RESOLUTION providing tax incentives to contributors to individual To urge and request the secretary of the Department of Health and development accounts, and to study the feasibility of the state Hospitals and the Louisiana State University Medical Center, providing a match for the funds accumulated in each individual health care services division, to take actions necessary to development account. provide for the utilization of the hyperbaric chamber at the Medical Center of Louisiana - New Orleans for nonemergency Read by title. treatments, including for healing of wounds to avoid amputation. On motion of Rep. Holden, the resolution was adopted. Read by title. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 317— BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE On motion of Rep. Farve, the resolution was adopted. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the State Board of Barber Examiners to review HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 98— certain matters, including the way in which its members are BY REPRESENTATIVE POWELL appointed, with particular regard to achieving racial equity, and A RESOLUTION to report the findings of such review and the final resolutions To urge and request local building permit offices throughout the state reached to the Louisiana Legislature by noon on June 18, 1999. to issue blue placards to owners of property who supervise the work on their property and who are, in effect, acting as Read by title. contractors, and to urge and request financial institutions to require a copy of the builder's license and building contract from Motion the owner of the property when taking a residential construction On motion of Rep. Farve, the resolution was returned to the loan or interim financing loan application. calendar. Read by title. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 320— BY REPRESENTATIVE DURAND On motion of Rep. Powell, the resolution was adopted. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99— provide Medicaid reimbursement for hospice care through the BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT use of proceeds from the multistate tobacco settlement. A RESOLUTION To urge and request any board, commission, department, division, Read by title. agency, office, or other entity within the executive, judicial, or legislative branch of state government when utilizing voice mail On motion of Rep. Durand, the resolution was adopted. to require their staff to employ courteous practices, to have an employee answer the telephone when possible, and to provide Ordered to the Senate. for a method by which a caller can "opt out" of the voice mail system and reach the switchboard when an employee is not able HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 323— to answer the telephone. BY REPRESENTATIVE MURRAY A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Read by title. To approve the proposed casino support services contract between the Louisiana Gaming Control Board and the city of New On motion of Rep. Hebert, the resolution was adopted. Orleans. Read by title.

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HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 102— On motion of Rep. Pratt, the resolution was adopted. BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE A RESOLUTION Ordered to the Senate. To request that the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice study the use of amnesty for reducing drug-related HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 334— crimes. BY REPRESENTATIVES MURRAY AND FARVE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Read by title. To urge and request the Orleans Parish Landmark Commission to consider designating 917 North Tonti Street, New Orleans, On motion of Rep. Farve, the resolution was adopted. Louisiana 70119 as an historic landmark. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 103— BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX Read by title. A RESOLUTION To urge and request that the Department of Insurance and the On motion of Rep. Murray, the resolution was adopted. Department of Health and Hospitals study the availability of health and hospitalization insurance in the river parishes. Ordered to the Senate. Read by title. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 336— BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX On motion of Rep. Faucheux, the resolution was adopted. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request that the Department of Insurance and the HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 104— Department of Health and Hospitals study the availability of BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER health and hospitalization insurance in the river parishes. A RESOLUTION To urge and request each public postsecondary education Read by title. management board to establish special tuition and attendance fee amounts for nonresident students attending institutions at On motion of Rep. Faucheux, the resolution was adopted. which nonresident students comprise twenty percent or more of the institution's enrollment and to provide, notwithstanding the Ordered to the Senate. authority granted by R.S. 17:3351(A)(5)(b), that such amounts shall not exceed the tuition and attendance fee amounts HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 317— established for students at the institution who are Louisiana BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE residents by more than ten percent. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the State Board of Barber Examiners to review Read by title. certain matters, including the way in which its members are appointed, with particular regard to achieving racial equity, and Motion to report the findings of such review and the final resolutions On motion of Rep. Hunter, the resolution was returned to the reached to the Louisiana Legislature by noon on June 18, 1999. calendar. Called from the calendar. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 105— BY REPRESENTATIVES BARTON, ALARIO, ANSARDI, BAYLOR, Read by title. BOWLER, COPELIN, GLOVER, HEATON, HOPKINS, LANCASTER, MARTINY, MONTGOMERY, MURRAY, PRATT, ROMERO, STELLY, Rep. Farve sent up floor amendments which were read as TRAVIS, AND WADDELL follows: A RESOLUTION To direct the Louisiana Gaming Control Board not to prohibit donations from gaming licensees or permittees to public, private HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS or parochial elementary or secondary schools or youth groups Amendments proposed by Representative Farve to Original House and to direct the House Committee on Administration of Concurrent Resolution No. 317 by Representative Farve Criminal Justice not to approve any rules which would prohibit such a donation. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. On page 1, line 6, change "June 18, 1999" to "June 30, 1999" Rep. Barton moved the adoption of the resolution. AMENDMENT NO. 3 By a vote of 77 yeas and 21 nays, the resolution was adopted. On page 1, line 5, after "the" and before "Louisiana" insert "Clerk of HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 332— the" BY REPRESENTATIVE PRATT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION AMENDMENT NO. 4 To urge and request each of the state public postsecondary management boards to require institutions to provide On page 2, line 6, after "the" and before "Louisiana" insert "Clerk of information to incoming freshmen and transfer students to the" increase awareness of the occurrence of date rape, and to designate September twenty-fourth through September thirtieth AMENDMENT NO. 5 of each year as "Date Rape Awareness Week". Read by title. On page 2, lines 7 and 11, change "June 18, 1999" to "June 30, 1999"

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On motion of Rep. Farve, the amendments were adopted. AMENDMENT NO. 9 On motion of Rep. Farve, the resolution, as amended, was On page 2, line 22, after "Budget" inset a period "." and delete the adopted. remainder of the line and delete lines 23 and 24 in their entirety Ordered to the Senate. AMENDMENT NO. 10 On page 2, line 25, after "the" delete the remainder of the line and House Concurrent Resolutions Returned insert "office of elderly affairs is urged and requested to" from the Senate with Amendments AMENDMENT NO. 11 The following House Concurrent Resolutions returned from the Senate with amendments were taken up and acted upon as follows: On page 3, line 4, after "funding" insert a period "." and delete the remainder of the line and delete lines 5 and 6 in their entirety HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 1— BY REPRESENTATIVE SALTER AMENDMENT NO. 12 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To prohibit the Office of Elderly Affairs from making certain On page 3, line 8, after "Budget" insert a period "." and delete the planning and service area changes and federal funding remainder of the line and delete lines 9 and 10 in their entirety distribution changes relative to the Older Americans Act. AMENDMENT NO. 13 Read by title. On page 3, delete lines 11 through 13 in their entirety The above resolution was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. AMENDMENT NO. 14 SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS On page 3, delete lines 15 through 17 in their entirety and insert the following: Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Health and Welfare "transmitted to the executive director of the office of elderly affairs." to Engrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 1 by Representative Salter SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Amendments proposed by Senator Smith to Engrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 1 by Representative Salter On page 1, delete line 2 in its entirety and insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 1 "To urge and request the office of elderly affairs not to make certain planning and" Delete Senate Committee Amendment Nos. 2 through 5, 7 through 9 and 12 through 14 proposed by the Senate Committee on Health AMENDMENT NO. 2 and Welfare and adopted by the Senate on June 17, 1999. On page 1, lines 5 and 6, change "Office of Elderly Affairs" to "office On motion of Rep. Salter, the amendments proposed by the of elderly affairs" Senate were concurred in. AMENDMENT NO. 3 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 23— BY REPRESENTATIVE WILKERSON On page 1, line 12, change "Office of Elderly Affairs" to "office of A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION elderly affairs" To urge and request the State Board of Commerce and Industry to require recipients of the industrial tax exemption to provide AMENDMENT NO. 4 internships to students attending Louisiana educational On page 2, line 2, change "Office of Elderly Affairs" to "office of institutions. elderly affairs" Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 5 The above resolution was taken up with the amendments On page 2, lines 3 and 4, change "Office of Elderly Affairs" to "office proposed by the Senate. of elderly affairs" SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 6 Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal On page 2, line 11, change "by" to "that" and change "that" to Affairs to Engrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 23 by "hereby urges and requests" Representative Wilkerson AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 7 On page 1, line 2, change "require" to "urge" On page 2, line 12, change "Office of Elderly Affairs" to "office of elderly affairs" and change "shall" to "to" AMENDMENT NO. 2 AMENDMENT NO. 8 On page 2, line 1, change "require" to "urge" On page 2, line 18, after "funding" insert a period "." and delete the On motion of Rep. Wilkerson, the amendments proposed by the remainder of the line and delete lines 19 and 20 in their entirety Senate were concurred in.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 38— On motion of Rep. Long, the amendments proposed by the BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT Senate were concurred in. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the legislature and its agencies to use plain HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 62— language to the extent possible in the drafting of laws, rules, and BY REPRESENTATIVE DURAND regulations and in all communications with the public and to A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urge and request the governor and the statewide elected officials To urge and request the office of motor vehicles, Department of to request all executive branch agencies to use plain language to Public Safety and Corrections, to expedite the procedures for the extent possible in the drafting of rules and regulations and acquiring a handicapped insignia. in all communications with the public. Read by title. Read by title. The above resolution was taken up with the amendments The above resolution was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. proposed by the Senate. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Senate and Highways, and Public Works to Original House Concurrent Governmental Affairs to Engrossed House Concurrent Resolution Resolution No. 62 by Representative Durand No. 38 by Representative Hebert AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 1, at the beginning of line 4, change "handicapped" to On page 1, line 16, change "its" to "their" "mobility impaired" On motion of Rep. Hebert, the amendments proposed by the AMENDMENT NO. 2 Senate were concurred in. On page 1, line 5, after "a" change "handicapped" to "mobility HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 57— impaired' BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION AMENDMENT NO. 3 To urge and request the Department of Transportation and Development to select the route of the east-west corridor project On page 1, line 10, after "needing a" change "handicapped" to from Vidalia, Louisiana, to Clarence, Louisiana. "mobility impaired" Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 4 The above resolution was taken up with the amendments On page 1, at the beginning of line 17, change "handicapped" to proposed by the Senate. "mobility impaired" SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS On motion of Rep. Durand, the amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works to Engrossed House Concurrent HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 64— Resolution No. 57 by Representative Long BY REPRESENTATIVES DOWNER, BARTON, BAUDOIN, CRANE, DOERGE, KENNEY, LONG, MCDONALD, POWELL, PRATT, SALTER, AMENDMENT NO. 1 SHAW, WINSTON, WRIGHT, AND JETSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION On page 1, at the end of line 3, change "Vidalia" to "the Mississippi To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Corrections state line to the state line in the vicinity of Louisiana Highway and the Department of Labor to work together to develop a 84 and Louisiana Highway 6." comprehensive prison education, vocation, and rehabilitation program which encourages industry-based training with AMENDMENT NO. 2 competent transferable skills. On page 1, delete line 4 in its entirety Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 3 The above resolution was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. On page 2, line 13, after "from" change "Vidalia, Louisiana, to Clarence, Louisiana," to "the Mississippi state line to the Texas state SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS line in the vicinity of Louisiana Highway 84 and Louisiana Highway 6" Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Judiciary B to Reengrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 64 by Representative AMENDMENT NO. 4 Downer On page 2, at the end of line 17, change "Vidalia, Louisiana, to" to AMENDMENT NO. 1 "the Mississippi state line to the Texas state line in the vicinity of Louisiana Highway 84 to Louisiana Highway 6" On page 2, line 20, after "skills," and before "and" insert "to provide comprehensive life skills training," AMENDMENT NO. 5 On motion of Rep. Downer, the amendments proposed by the On page 2, at the beginning of line 18 delete "Clarence, Louisiana," Senate were concurred in.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 90— The above resolution was taken up with the amendments BY REPRESENTATIVE CLARKSON proposed by the Senate. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To direct the House and Senate Committees on Transportation, SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Highways and Public Works to review all information relative to the installation of the video or photo monitoring system on Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Education to the Greater New Orleans Mississippi River Bridge and to Engrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 138 by Representative require the Crescent City Connection Division of the Pratt Department of Transportation and Development to report to, and submit such information to, the House and Senate AMENDMENT NO. 1 Transportation, Highways and Public Works Committees. On page 1, line 4, change "September 30, 1999, through February Read by title. 29," to "April 1, 2000, through October 31," The above resolution was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. AMENDMENT NO. 2 SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS On page 2, lines 12 and 13, change "September 30, 1999, through February 29," to "April 1, 2000, through October 31," Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works to Original House Concurrent AMENDMENT NO. 3 Resolution No. 90 by Representative Clarkson On page 3, line 19, change "September 30, 1999" to "April 1, 2000" AMENDMENT NO. 1 Rep. Pratt moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate On page 1, line 2, after "To" change "direct" to "urge and request" be concurred in. AMENDMENT NO. 2 ROLL CALL On page 1, line 5, after "to" change "require" to "request' The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 3 YEAS On page 2, line 22, after "are" change "directed" to "urged and requested" Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac Alario Heaton Powell AMENDMENT NO. 4 Alexander Hebert Pratt Ansardi Hill Quezaire On page 2, line 25, after "to" change "require" to "request" Barton Holden Riddle Baudoin Hopkins Romero On motion of Rep. Clarkson, the amendments proposed by the Baylor Hudson Salter Senate were concurred in. Bowler Hunter Scalise Bruce Iles Schwegmann HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 135— Bruneau Jenkins Shaw BY REPRESENTATIVE HAMMETT Carter Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Chaisson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th To direct the Department of Transportation and Development to Clarkson Kennard Sneed install a traffic light at the intersection of LA Hwy. No. 15 and Copelin Kenney Stelly Delaware Street in Ferriday, Louisiana. Crane Lancaster Theriot Curtis Landrieu Thompson Read by title. Damico LeBlanc Thornhill Deville Long Toomy Motion DeWitt Marionneaux Travis On motion of Rep. Hammett, the resolution was returned to the Doerge Martiny Triche calendar. Donelon McCain Waddell Dupre McDonald Walsworth HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 138— Durand McMains Warner BY REPRESENTATIVE PRATT Farve Michot Welch A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Faucheux Mitchell Weston To create the Task Force on Alternative Education Programs, Flavin Montgomery Wiggins hereafter referred to as the "task force", to be in existence for the Frith Morrell Wilkerson period from its first meeting not later than September 30, 1999, Fruge Morrish Willard through February 29, 2000, to review the most effective Gautreaux Murray Windhorst operation of alternative education programs for students, Glover Nevers Winston including any current programs in operation, and to report its Green Perkins Wooton findings and recommendations to the House Committee on Guillory Pierre Wright Education and the Senate Committee on Education at least sixty Total—96 days prior to the beginning of the 2000 Regular Session. NAYS Read by title. Total—0

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ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 2 Daniel McCallum Strain On page 1, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following: Diez Odinet Fontenot Schneider "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature of Total—7 Louisiana hereby directs the Department of Transportation and Development to report to the member of the House of The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Representatives representing District 21 and the member of the the House. Senate representing District 34 within six weeks of adoption of this Resolution on the status of implementation of the provisions of this HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 162— Resolution, including but not limited to information regarding the BY REPRESENTATIVE MURRAY type of signalization to be installed, the time frame for installation, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION and any other information regarding the installation of signalization To urge and request the Honorable M.J. "Mike" Foster, governor of at the intersection of Louisiana Highway 15 and Delaware Street in Louisiana, to take all necessary actions to prevent the New Ferriday, Louisiana." Orleans Saints football franchise from having to relocate to another city. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Read by title. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works to Engrossed House Concurrent The above resolution was taken up with the amendments Resolution No. 135 by Representative Hammett proposed by the Senate. AMENDMENT NO. 1 SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS On page 1, line 2, after "To" change "direct" to "urges and Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Original requests"and at the end of the line change "a" to "signalization" House Concurrent Resolution No. 162 by Representative Murray AMENDMENT NO. 2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 1, at the beginning of line 3, delete "traffic light" On page 1, line 3, after "to take" delete "all necessary actions" and insert "appropriate action" AMENDMENT NO. 3 AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 1, line 14, after "hereby" change "directs" to "urges and requests" On page 2, delete lines 10 through 15 in their entirety AMENDMENT NO. 4 AMENDMENT NO. 3 On page 1, at the beginning of line 15, change "a traffic light" to On page 2, line 18, after "to take" delete "all necessary actions" and "signalization" insert "appropriate action" Rep. Hammett moved that the amendments proposed by the On motion of Rep. Murray, the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. Senate were concurred in. ROLL CALL HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 135— BY REPRESENTATIVE HAMMETT The roll was called with the following result: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To direct the Department of Transportation and Development to YEAS install a traffic light at the intersection of LA Hwy. No. 15 and Delaware Street in Ferriday, Louisiana. Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell Alario Hammett Pratt Called from the calendar. Alexander Heaton Quezaire Ansardi Hebert Riddle Read by title. Barton Hill Romero Baudoin Holden Salter The above resolution was taken up with the amendments Baylor Hopkins Scalise proposed by the Senate. Bowler Hudson Schneider Bruce Hunter Schwegmann SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Bruneau Iles Shaw Carter Jenkins Smith, J.D.—50th Amendments proposed by Senator Irons to Engrossed House Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.R.—30th Concurrent Resolution No. 135 by Representative Hammett Clarkson Johns Sneed Copelin Kennard Stelly AMENDMENT NO. 1 Crane Kenney Theriot Curtis Lancaster Thompson On page 1, line 4, between "Louisiana" and the period "." insert ", Damico Landrieu Thornhill and to direct the department to provide a status report to the Daniel LeBlanc Toomy appropriate representative" Deville Long Travis

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DeWitt Marionneaux Triche The above resolution was taken up with the amendments Diez Martiny Waddell proposed by the Senate. Doerge McCallum Walsworth Donelon McDonald Warner SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Dupre McMains Welch Durand Michot Weston Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Education to Farve Montgomery Wiggins Engrossed House Concurrent Resolution No. 204 by Representative Faucheux Morrell Wilkerson Walsworth Flavin Morrish Willard Fontenot Murray Windhorst AMENDMENT NO. 1 Frith Nevers Winston Fruge Odinet Wooton On page 3, line 12, change "BESE" to "the State Board of Elementary Gautreaux Perkins Wright and Secondary Education" and change "30" to "thirty" Glover Pierre Green Pinac AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total—100 NAYS On page 3, after line 12, insert the following: Total—0 "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution ABSENT shall be transmitted to the president of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education." McCain Mitchell Strain Total—3 On motion of Rep. Walsworth, the amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in. The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 259— BY REPRESENTATIVES ALEXANDER, SCHWEGMANN, AND PRATT HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 170— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVES DOWNER, DUPRE, GAUTREAUX, THERIOT, To create the Louisiana Child Day Care Task Force to study the AND TRICHE current law and regulations governing child day care facilities A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION and workers in Louisiana, to study what laws and regulations To urge and request the Department of Transportation and govern child day care facilities and workers in other states, and Development to divide Highway District 2 and create an to make any recommendations for changes in the laws, rules, additional district. and regulations governing child day care facilities and workers in Louisiana. Read by title. Read by title. The above resolution was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. The above resolution was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works to Original House Concurrent Amendments proposed by Senator Bajoie to Reengrossed House Resolution No. 170 by Representative Downer Concurrent Resolution No. 259 by Representative Alexander AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 1, line 14, change "190" to "90" On page 3, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following: On motion of Rep. Dupre, the amendments proposed by the "(21) The executive director of the Louisiana Early Childhood Senate were concurred in. Association. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 204— (22) The director of the bureau of licensing in the Department BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH of Social Services. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary (23) The assistant secretary for the office of community services Education to develop a program of instruction on school bus in the Department of Social Services. safety, to adopt policies requiring each city and parish school board to provide such instruction to students in kindergarten (24) A member from the Louisiana Advisory Committee of through grade three, and to submit such proposed program of Child Care Facilities and Child Placing Agencies." instruction to the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education for review and comment at Rep. Alexander moved that the amendments proposed by the least thirty days prior to the approval of such program by the Senate be rejected. board. The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. Read by title. Conference committee appointment pending.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 273— Conference Committee Appointment BY REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Corrections House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the to honor out-of-state motor vehicle inspection stickers until their disagreement to Senate Bill No. 871: Reps. Bruneau, DeWitt, and expiration. Michot. Read by title. Conference Committee Appointment The above resolution was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS disagreement to Senate Bill No. 1050: Reps. Windhorst, Toomy, and Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, LeBlanc. Highways, and Public Works to Original House Concurrent Resolution No. 273 by Representative Alexander Conference Committee Appointment AMENDMENT NO. 1 The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the On page 1, line 14, after "the" add "secretary of the" disagreement to House Bill No. 1187: Reps. Winston, LeBlanc, and Schwegmann. On motion of Rep. Alexander, the amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in. Conference Committee Appointment HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 296— The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the BY REPRESENTATIVE TRICHE AND SENATOR LANDRY House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION disagreement to House Bill No. 2079: Reps. Daniel, LeBlanc, and To urge and request the city of Thibodaux to use a portion of the Stelly. parish transportation allocation to fund the project to widen Louisiana Highway 20 in Thibodaux north near Rienzi Drive. Suspension of the Rules Read by title. On motion of Rep. Scalise, the rules were suspended in order to The above resolution was taken up with the amendments take up Senate Concurrent Resolutions on Third Reading for Final proposed by the Senate. Consideration at this time. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Senate Concurrent Resolutions on Third Reading for Final Consideration Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works to Original House Concurrent The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions on third reading Resolution No. 296 by Representative Triche for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as follows: AMENDMENT NO. 1 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 158— BY SENATOR ULLO On page 1, at the beginning of line 10, change "Parish" to "parish" A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To create and provide with respect to a joint legislative committee to On motion of Rep. Triche, the amendments proposed by the study and make recommendations with respect to certain aspects Senate were concurred in. of Medicaid and uncompensated care expenditures. Conference Committee Appointment Called from the calendar. The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the Read by title. House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Concurrent Resolution No. 259: Reps. Rep. Scalise sent up floor amendments which were read as Alexander, Schwegmann, and Iles. follows: Conference Committee Appointment HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the Amendments proposed by Representative Scalise to Original Senate House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Concurrent Resolution No. 158 by Senator Ullo disagreement to Senate Bill No. 328: Reps. Stelly, Alario, and Daniel. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Conference Committee Appointment On page 1, line 6, change "Medicare" to "Medicaid" The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the On motion of Rep. Scalise, the amendments were adopted. House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 648: Reps. McCallum, Toomy, and Rep. Green sent up floor amendments which were read as McCain. follows:

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HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS to provide for the power of the legislature to legislate with regard to such objects; to provide for submission of the Amendments proposed by Representative Green to Original Senate proposed amendment to the electors; and to specify an election Concurrent Resolution No. 158 by Senator Ullo for submission of the proposition to electors and provide a ballot proposition. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Read by title. On page 1, delete line 2 and insert: "To direct the House and Senate Committees on Health and Welfare to study" Motion AMENDMENT NO. 2 Rep. DeWitt moved to table the entire subject matter. On page 2, line 28, delete "creates a joint legislative committee" and Rep. Windhorst objected. insert "directs the House and Senate Committees on Health and Welfare" By a vote of 51 yeas and 42 nays, the House agreed to table the entire subject matter AMENDMENT NO. 3 Suspension of the Rules On page 3, delete lines 2 through 15 On motion of Rep. LeBlanc, the rules were suspended in order AMENDMENT NO. 4 to take up House Bills and Joint Resolutions Returned from the Senate with Amendments at this time. On page 4, line 20, change "committee" to "committees" AMENDMENT NO. 5 House Bills and Joint Resolutions Returned from the Senate with Amendments On page 4, line 21, change "its" to "their" The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions returned from On motion of Rep. Green, the amendments were adopted. the Senate with amendments were taken up and acted upon as follows: Rep. Alexander sent up floor amendments which were read as follows: HOUSE BILL NO. 2027— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEBLANC HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS AN ACT Amendments proposed by Representative Alexander to Original To appropriate funds from certain sources to be allocated to Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 158 by Senator Ullo designated agencies and designated purposes in specific amounts for the purpose of making supplemental appropriations AMENDMENT NO. 1 for the funding of said agencies and purposes during the 1998- 1999 Fiscal Year; and to provide for related matters. On page 4, line 18, after "Insurance," and before "and the" insert "the Louisiana Rural Hospital Association," Called from the calendar. On motion of Rep. Alexander, the amendments were adopted. Read by title. Rep. Scalise moved the concurrence of the resolution, as The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by amended. the Senate. By a vote of 100 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution, as amended, SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS was concurred in. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Suspension of the Rules Reengrossed House Bill No. 2027 by Representative LeBlanc On motion of Rep. Windhorst, the rules were suspended in order to take up Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on Third Reading and AMENDMENT NO. 1 Final Passage at this time. On page 1, delete lines 8 through 15 in their entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following: Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on Third Reading and Final Passage "Section 1. The sum of Fifty-seven Million Four Hundred Seventy-six Thousand One Hundred-sixty and 72/100 The following Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on third ($57,476,160.72) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General reading and final passage were taken up and acted upon as follows: Fund of the state of Louisiana, the sum of Twenty Thousand and No/100 ($20,000.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Regular Calendar General Fund by Statutory Deductions from the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission Additional Cost Fund, the Sum of Five SENATE BILL NO. 25— Hundred Thousand and No/100 ($500,000.00) Dollars is hereby BY SENATORS COX AND JORDAN appropriated to the General Fund by Statutory Dedications from the A JOINT RESOLUTION Lottery Proceeds Fund, and One Thousand Three Hundred and Proposing to amend Article III, Section 2(B) of the Constitution of No/100 ($1,300.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the State Louisiana, relative to extraordinary sessions of the legislature; General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Vermilion Parish to provide that the proclamation for extraordinary sessions of Enterprise Fund to be allocated" the legislature state in general terms the objects of the session;

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AMENDMENT NO. 2 on page 1, delete lines 4 and 5 and insert in lieu thereof the following: On page 2, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following: "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) "Section 1. The sum of Fifty-seven Million Four Hundred for expenses incurred by East Baton Rouge Seventy-eight Thousand Four Hundred-four and 78/100 Parish during Hurricane Georges $ 299,562" ($57,478,404.78) Dollars is hereby" AMENDMENT NO. 3 AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 2, at the end of line 29, delete the figure "$2,700,000" and In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 proposed by the Senate insert in lieu thereof the figure "$2,200,000" Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on June 14, 1999 on page 2, delete lines 9 and 10 and insert in lieu thereof the AMENDMENT NO. 4 following: On page 3, between lines 17 and 18, insert the following: "Section 3. The sum of Forty-nine Million Five Hundred Fifty- "20-901 SALES TAX DEDICATION eight Thousand Three Hundred Two and 78/100 ($49,558,302.78) Dollars is hereby" Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Vermilion Parish Rep. LeBlanc moved that the amendments proposed by the Enterprise Fund in accordance with R.S. 47:302.23, Senate be rejected. 322.31 and 332.11 $ 1,300" ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 5 On page 3, after line 36, insert the following: The roll was called with the following result: "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) YEAS to the South Lafourche Levee District for the Larose to Golden Meadow Hurricane Protection Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell Project Feasibility Study $ 80,000" Alario Hammett Pratt Alexander Heaton Quezaire AMENDMENT NO. 6 Ansardi Hebert Riddle Barton Hill Romero On page 5, between lines 5 and 6, insert the following: Baudoin Holden Salter "Section 3. The sum of Forty-nine Million Five Hundred Fifty- Baylor Hopkins Scalise six Thousand Fifty-four and 72/100 ($49,556,054.72) Dollars is Bowler Hudson Schneider hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the State of Louisiana Bruce Hunter Schwegmann to the state treasurer, to be comprised wholly of cash recognized as Bruneau Iles Shaw available for appropriation by the Revenue Estimating Conference Carter Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th from the unreserved-undesignated general fund balance as identified Chaisson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th in the 'Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year Clarkson Kennard Sneed ended June 30, 1998' to be used exclusively for the purpose of Copelin Kenney Stelly retiring debt or defeasance of bonds in advance and in addition to the Crane Lancaster Theriot existing amortization requirements of the state. The selection of Curtis Landrieu Thompson specific bonds to be retired or defeased and all other actions required Damico LeBlanc Thornhill to accomplish the retiring or defeasance shall be effected pursuant to Daniel Long Toomy a plan adopted by the State Bond Commission. Additionally, the Deville Martiny Travis retiring of debt or defeasance of the selected bonds shall be effected DeWitt McCain Triche no later than June 30, 1999." Doerge McCallum Waddell Donelon McDonald Walsworth AMENDMENT NO. 7 Dupre McMains Warner Durand Michot Welch On page 5, line 6, delete "Section 3" and insert "Section 4" Farve Mitchell Weston Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins AMENDMENT NO. 8 Flavin Morrish Wilkerson Fontenot Murray Willard On page 5, line 11, delete "Section 4.A" and insert "Section 5.A" Frith Nevers Windhorst Fruge Odinet Winston AMENDMENT NO. 9 Gautreaux Perkins Wooton Glover Pierre Wright On page 5, line 23, delete "Section 5" and insert "Section 6" Green Pinac Total—98 SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS NAYS Amendments proposed by Senator Hainkel to Reengrossed House Bill No. 2027 by Representative LeBlanc Total—0 ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 Diez Marionneaux Strain In Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate Jenkins Morrell Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on June 14, 1999 Total—5

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The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. YEAS Conference committee appointment pending. Mr. Speaker Green Pierre Alario Guillory Pinac Suspension of the Rules Alexander Hammett Powell Ansardi Hebert Pratt On motion of Rep. Stelly, the rules were suspended in order to Barton Hill Quezaire take up Conference Committee Reports for Consideration at this Baudoin Holden Riddle time. Baylor Hopkins Salter Bowler Hudson Scalise Bruce Hunter Schneider Conference Committee Reports for Consideration Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Carter Jenkins Shaw The following Conference Committee Reports were taken up Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th and acted upon as follows: Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Copelin Kennard Sneed CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Crane Kenney Stelly Curtis Lancaster Theriot House Bill No. 1182 By Representative Stelly Damico Landrieu Thompson Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill June 2, 1999 Deville Long Toomy DeWitt Marionneaux Travis To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Diez Martiny Triche Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Doerge McCain Waddell Senate. Donelon McCallum Walsworth Dupre McDonald Warner Ladies and Gentlemen: Durand McMains Welch Farve Michot Weston We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1182 by Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Representative Stelly, recommend the following concerning the Fontenot Morrish Willard Engrossed bill: Frith Murray Windhorst Fruge Nevers Winston 1. That all Senate Floor Amendments proposed by Senator Cravins Gautreaux Odinet Wooton and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 1999, be rejected. Glover Perkins Wright 2. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator Bean Total—99 and adopted by the Senate on May 6, 1999, be rejected. NAYS 3. That Senate Floor Amendment No's 2, 3, 4, and 5 proposed by Total—0 Senator Bean and adopted by the Senate on May 6, 1999, be ABSENT adopted. Heaton Romero 4. That the amendment proposed by the Legislative Bureau and Mitchell Strain adopted by the Senate on May 10, 1999, be adopted. Total—4 5. That the following amendment to the Engrossed bill be adopted: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Acting Speaker John Smith in the Chair On page 2, line 2, after "the" and before "selling" insert "transactions CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT covered in this Part of" House Bill No. 297 By Representative Fruge Respectfully submitted, June 9, 1999 Representative Victor T. Stelly Representative James Donelon To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative Ronnie Johns Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senator Gregory Tarver Senate. Senator Ron Bean Senator Donald R. Cravins Ladies and Gentlemen: Rep. Stelly moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 297 by ROLL CALL Representative Fruge, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: The roll was called with the following result: 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by Senator Cravins and adopted by the Senate on April 22, 1999 be rejected.

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2. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be Flavin Mitchell Welch adopted: Fontenot Montgomery Weston Frith Morrell Wiggins AMENDMENT NO. 1 Fruge Morrish Wilkerson Glover Nevers Willard On page 2, at the end of line 26, insert the following: Green Odinet Windhorst Guillory Perkins Winston "The commission may also enter into an intergovernmental agreement Hammett Pierre Wright with the governing authority of the St. Landry Parish Economic and Total—96 Industrial Development District to use such funds, not to exceed two NAYS hundred fifty thousand dollars, to pay engineering costs associated with improvements to be made to Louisiana state highways 743 and Farve Murray 744 leading to a proposed Wal-Mart distribution center in St. Landry Total—2 Parish. The commission may adopt rules governing the disbursement ABSENT of such funds prior to any disbursement." Carter Gautreaux Wooton AMENDMENT NO. 2 Curtis Strain Total—5 On page 3, after line 6, insert the following: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. "Section 2. This Act shall become effective upon signature by the governor or, if not signed by the governor, upon expiration of the CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT time for bills to become law without signature by the governor, as provided in Article III, Section 18 of the Constitution of Louisiana. House Bill No. 305 By Representative Hill If vetoed by the governor and subsequently approved by the legislature, this Act shall become effective on the day following such June 10, 1999 approval." To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Respectfully submitted, Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Representative Gregory L. Fruge Representative Sharon Weston Broome Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Charles I. Hudson Senator Diana E. Bajoie We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator Donald R. Cravins between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 305 by Senator Ron Landry Representative Hill, recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Rep. Fruge moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the ROLL CALL Senate Committee on Natural Resources and adopted by the Senate on April 19, 1999, be rejected. The roll was called with the following result: 2. That the following amendment to the Reengrossed bill be YEAS adopted: Mr. Speaker Heaton Pinac AMENDMENT NO. 1 Alario Hebert Powell Alexander Hill Pratt On page 2, at the end of line 7, insert the following: Ansardi Holden Quezaire Barton Hopkins Riddle "The provisions of this Section shall apply only to private property Baudoin Hudson Romero which, as of June 30, 1999, is surrounded by a wildlife management Baylor Hunter Salter area or property which is privately owned as of June 30, 1999, and is Bowler Iles Scalise subsequently surrounded by a newly created or expanded wildlife Bruce Jenkins Schneider management area." Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann Chaisson Johns Shaw Respectfully submitted, Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th Representative Herman R. Hill Crane Lancaster Sneed Representative John R. Smith Damico Landrieu Stelly Representative Bryant O. Hammett, Jr. Daniel LeBlanc Theriot Senator Craig F. Romero Deville Long Thompson Senator James D. Cain DeWitt Marionneaux Thornhill Senator Donald E. Hines Diez Martiny Toomy Doerge McCain Travis Rep. Hill moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Donelon McCallum Triche Dupre McDonald Waddell ROLL CALL Durand McMains Walsworth Faucheux Michot Warner The roll was called with the following result:

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YEAS 2. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 2 through 47 of the set of 47 Conforming Floor Amendments proposed by Senator Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Dardenne and adopted by the Senate on May 17, 1999, be Alario Hammett Pinac adopted. Alexander Heaton Powell Ansardi Hebert Pratt 3. That the set of 3 Legislative Bureau Amendments proposed by Barton Hill Quezaire the Bureau and adopted by the Senate on May 18, 1999, be Baudoin Holden Riddle adopted. Baylor Hopkins Romero Bowler Hudson Salter 4. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Bruce Hunter Scalise adopted. Bruneau Iles Schneider Carter Jenkins Schwegmann AMENDMENT NO. 1 Chaisson Jetson Shaw Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th On page 1, at the end of line 3, delete "(7)(d) and" Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Crane Kenney Sneed AMENDMENT NO. 2 Curtis Lancaster Stelly Damico Landrieu Theriot On page 4, line 21, after "23:1021" delete (7)(d) and (11) are" and Daniel LeBlanc Thompson insert in lieu thereof "(11) is" Deville Long Thornhill DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy AMENDMENT NO. 3 Diez Martiny Travis Doerge McCain Triche On page 5, delete lines 5 through 14 in their entirety Donelon McCallum Waddell Dupre McDonald Walsworth AMENDMENT NO. 4 Durand McMains Warner Farve Michot Welch On page 5, line 20, after "psychologist," insert "graduate social Faucheux Mitchell Weston worker or licensed clinical" Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson AMENDMENT NO. 5 Frith Morrish Willard Fruge Murray Windhorst On page 39, between lines 5 and 6 insert the following: Gautreaux Nevers Winston Glover Odinet Wooton "(4) Non-social work degreed governmental employees from Green Perkins Wright performing their assigned job responsibilities." Total—102 NAYS Respectfully submitted, Total—0 Representative ABSENT Representative Shirley Bowler Representative Sharon Weston Strain Senator Jay Dardenne Total—1 Senator Donald Hines Senator Tom Schedler The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Rep. Weston moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ROLL CALL House Bill No. 1848 By Representatives Weston, et al. The roll was called with the following result: June 15,1999 YEAS To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Alario Green Odinet Senate. Alexander Guillory Perkins Ansardi Hammett Pierre Ladies and Gentlemen: Barton Heaton Powell Baudoin Hebert Pratt We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Baylor Hill Quezaire between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1848 by Bowler Holden Riddle Representatives Weston, et al., recommend the following concerning Bruce Hopkins Romero the Reengrossed bill: Bruneau Hunter Salter Carter Iles Scalise 1. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 of the set of 47 Chaisson Jenkins Schneider Conforming Floor Amendments proposed by Senator Dardenne Clarkson Jetson Schwegmann and adopted by the Senate on May 17, 1999, be rejected. Copelin Johns Shaw Crane Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Curtis Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th

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Damico Lancaster Sneed YEAS Daniel Landrieu Stelly Deville LeBlanc Thompson Mr. Speaker Green Pierre DeWitt Long Thornhill Alario Guillory Powell Diez Marionneaux Toomy Alexander Hammett Pratt Doerge Martiny Triche Ansardi Heaton Quezaire Donelon McCain Waddell Barton Hill Riddle Dupre McCallum Walsworth Baudoin Holden Romero Durand McDonald Warner Baylor Hopkins Salter Farve McMains Welch Bowler Hudson Scalise Faucheux Michot Weston Bruce Hunter Schneider Flavin Mitchell Wiggins Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Fontenot Montgomery Willard Carter Jenkins Shaw Frith Morrell Windhorst Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Fruge Morrish Winston Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Gautreaux Murray Wooton Copelin Kennard Sneed Glover Nevers Wright Crane Kenney Stelly Total—96 Curtis Lancaster Theriot NAYS Damico Landrieu Thompson Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill Total—0 Deville Long Toomy ABSENT DeWitt Marionneaux Triche Diez Martiny Waddell Mr. Speaker Strain Wilkerson Doerge McCain Walsworth Hudson Theriot Donelon McCallum Warner Pinac Travis Dupre McDonald Welch Total—7 Durand McMains Weston Farve Michot Wiggins The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds Faucheux Montgomery Wilkerson vote of the elected members, was adopted. Flavin Morrell Willard Fontenot Morrish Windhorst CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Frith Murray Winston Fruge Nevers Wooton House Bill No. 412 By Representative Carter Gautreaux Odinet Wright Glover Perkins June 16,1999 Total—98 NAYS To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Total—0 Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the ABSENT Senate. Hebert Pinac Travis Ladies and Gentlemen: Mitchell Strain Total—5 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 412 by The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Representative Carter, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 1. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator House Bill No. 110 By Representative Faucheux Ellington and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999 be adopted. June 16, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Robert J. "Robby" Carter Senate. Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Representative Henry "Tank" Powell Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Noble E. Ellington We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator Charles D. Jones between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 110 by Senator John L. "Jay" Dardenne Representative Faucheux, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Rep. Carter moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 5 proposed ROLL CALL by Senate Committee on Judiciary A and adopted by the Senate on May 19, 1999, be adopted. The roll was called with the following result: 2. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be adopted:

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT On page 4, after line 20, add the following: House Bill No. 903 By Representative McCain, et al. "Section 2. This Act shall become effective on January 1, 2000; if vetoed by the governor and subsequently approved by the June 16, 1999 legislature, this Act shall become effective on January 1, 2000, or on To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of the day following such approval by the legislature, whichever is Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the later." Senate. Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Robert Faucheux, Jr. Representative F. Charles McMains We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Audrey A. McCain between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 903 by Senator Chris Ullo Representative McCain, et al., recommend the following concerning Senator Ron Landry the Engrossed bill: Senator Thomas A. Greene 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1, 3 and 4 proposed Rep. Faucheux moved to adopt the Conference Committee by the Senate Committee on Judiciary B and adopted by the Report. Senate on May 26, 1999 be adopted. ROLL CALL 2. That Senate Committee Amendments No. 2 proposed by the The roll was called with the following result: Senate Committee on Judiciary B and adopted by the Senate on May 26, 1999 be rejected. YEAS 3. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 5 proposed by Mr. Speaker Green Pierre Senator Ellington and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999 be Alario Guillory Powell adopted. Alexander Hammett Pratt Ansardi Heaton Quezaire 4. That Senate Floor Amendments No. 2 proposed by Senator Barton Hill Riddle Ellington and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999 be Baudoin Holden Romero rejected. Baylor Hopkins Salter Bowler Hudson Scalise 5. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be Bruce Hunter Schneider adopted: Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Carter Jenkins Shaw AMENDMENT NO. 2 Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th In Amendment No. 5 in the set of five Senate Floor Amendments Copelin Kennard Sneed proposed by Senate Ellington and adopted by the Senate on June 1, Crane Kenney Stelly 1999, on page 2, delete lines 1 through 10 in their entirety Curtis Lancaster Theriot Damico Landrieu Thompson AMENDMENT NO. 3 Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill Deville Long Toomy On page 1, line 2, after "92(C)(1)," delete the remainder of the line DeWitt Marionneaux Triche and insert "270(B), 312(C)(2), and 392(B)(2)(b), relative to the" Diez Martiny Waddell Doerge McCain Walsworth AMENDMENT NO. 4 Donelon McCallum Warner Dupre McDonald Welch On page 1, delete line 4 in its entirety, and insert in lieu thereof the Durand McMains Weston following: Farve Michot Wiggins Faucheux Montgomery Wilkerson "gaming, land-based casino operations, video draw poker device Flavin Morrell Willard operations, and the operation of slot machines at eligible facilities; to Fontenot Morrish Windhorst provide for use of" Frith Murray Winston Fruge Nevers Wooton Respectfully submitted, Gautreaux Odinet Wright Glover Perkins Representative Audrey A. McCain Total—98 Representative Jerry Luke LeBlanc NAYS Representative Emile Bruneau Total—0 Senator Noble Edward Ellington ABSENT Senator John L. Dardenne Senator Charles D. Jones Hebert Pinac Travis Mitchell Strain Rep. McCain moved to adopt the Conference Committee Total—5 Report. The Conference Committee Report was adopted.

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ROLL CALL 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 8 proposed by the Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways and The roll was called with the following result: Public Works and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999, be adopted. YEAS 2. That Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Legislative Bureau and Mr. Speaker Green Pierre adopted by the Senate on June 2, 1999, be adopted. Alario Guillory Powell Alexander Hammett Pratt 3. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by Ansardi Heaton Quezaire Senator Hainkel and adopted by the Senate on June 7, 1999, be Barton Hebert Riddle rejected. Baudoin Hill Romero Baylor Holden Salter Respectfully submitted, Bowler Hopkins Scalise Bruce Hudson Schneider Representative B. L. Shaw Bruneau Hunter Schwegmann Representative John C. Diez Carter Iles Shaw Senator Ron J. Landry Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Senator Max Tatum Malone Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Senator John T. Schedler Copelin Kennard Sneed Crane Kenney Stelly Rep. Shaw moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Curtis Lancaster Theriot Damico Landrieu Thompson ROLL CALL Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill The roll was called with the following result: Deville Long Toomy DeWitt Martiny Triche YEAS Diez McCain Waddell Doerge McCallum Walsworth Mr. Speaker Green Perkins Donelon McDonald Warner Alario Guillory Pierre Dupre McMains Welch Alexander Hammett Powell Durand Michot Wiggins Ansardi Heaton Pratt Farve Mitchell Wilkerson Barton Hebert Quezaire Faucheux Montgomery Willard Baudoin Hill Riddle Flavin Morrell Windhorst Baylor Holden Romero Fontenot Morrish Winston Bowler Hopkins Salter Frith Murray Wooton Bruce Hudson Scalise Gautreaux Nevers Wright Bruneau Hunter Schneider Glover Odinet Carter Iles Schwegmann Total—95 Chaisson Jenkins Shaw NAYS Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Total—0 Crane Kenney Sneed ABSENT Curtis Lancaster Stelly Damico Landrieu Theriot Fruge Perkins Travis Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Jenkins Pinac Weston Deville Long Thornhill Marionneaux Strain DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Total—8 Diez Martiny Triche Doerge McCain Waddell The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Donelon McCallum Walsworth Dupre McDonald Warner Speaker Pro Tempore Bruneau in the Chair Durand McMains Welch Farve Michot Weston CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Faucheux Mitchell Wiggins Flavin Montgomery Wilkerson House Bill No. 141 By Representative Shaw Fontenot Morrell Willard Frith Morrish Windhorst June 17, 1999 Fruge Murray Winston Gautreaux Nevers Wooton To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Glover Odinet Wright Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Total—99 Senate. NAYS Jetson Ladies and Gentlemen: Total—1 ABSENT We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 141 by Pinac Strain Travis Representative Shaw, recommend the following concerning the Total—3 Engrossed bill:

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The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds DeWitt Marionneaux Travis vote of the elected members, was adopted. Diez Martiny Triche Doerge McCain Waddell CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Donelon McCallum Warner Dupre McDonald Welch House Bill No. 331 By Representative Murray Farve Michot Weston Faucheux Mitchell Wiggins June 17, 1999 Flavin Montgomery Wilkerson Fontenot Morrell Willard To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Frith Morrish Windhorst Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Fruge Murray Winston Senate. Gautreaux Nevers Wooton Glover Odinet Wright Ladies and Gentlemen: Green Pierre Guillory Pinac We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Total—91 between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 331 by NAYS Representative Murray, recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Crane Landrieu Toomy Daniel McMains Walsworth 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by Jenkins Perkins the Senate Committee on Judiciary A and adopted by the Senate Total—8 on May 5, 1999, be adopted. ABSENT Respectfully submitted, Mr. Speaker Smith, J.R.—30th Durand Strain Representative Edwin R. Murray Total—4 Representative Emile Bruneau Senator J. Chris Ullo The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Senator James Joseph Cox Senator Robert J. Barham CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Rep. Murray moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. House Bill No. 389 By Representative McMains As a substitute, Rep. Landrieu moved to recommit the bill to the June 15, 1999 Conference Committee. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Rep. Murray objected. Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. The vote recurred on the substitute motion. Ladies and Gentlemen: By a vote of 29 yeas and 68 nays, the House refused to recommit the bill to the Conference Committee. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 389 by Rep. Murray insisted on his motion to adopt the Conference Representative McMains, recommend the following concerning the Committee Report. Reengrossed bill: ROLL CALL 1. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate Committee on Judiciary A and adopted by the Senate on The roll was called with the following result: May 12, 1999, be rejected. YEAS 2. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator Dardenne and adopted by the Senate on May 26, 1999, be Alario Hammett Powell rejected. Alexander Heaton Pratt Ansardi Hebert Quezaire 3. That the following amendment to the Reengrossed bill be Barton Hill Riddle adopted: Baudoin Holden Romero Baylor Hopkins Salter AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bowler Hudson Scalise Bruce Hunter Schneider On page 2, line 2, after "which" and before "prudent" change Bruneau Iles Schwegmann "ordinarily" to "ordinary" Carter Jetson Shaw Chaisson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th AMENDMENT NO. 2 Clarkson Kennard Sneed Copelin Kenney Stelly On page 3, line 23, after "an" and before "prudent" change Curtis Lancaster Theriot "ordinarily" to "ordinary" Damico LeBlanc Thompson Deville Long Thornhill

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AMENDMENT NO. 3 Doerge Mitchell Winston Flavin Morrell Wright On page 5, at the end of line 17, delete "a conscious" Total—12 Respectfully submitted, The House refused to table the Conference Committee Report. Representative F. Charles McMains, Jr. Suspension of the Rules Representative Charles W. DeWitt, Jr. Senator John L. Dardenne, Jr. On motion of Rep. Hudson, and under a suspension of the rules, Senator John Joseph Hainkel, Jr. the above roll call was corrected to reflect him as voting yea. Senator J. Chris Ullo Rep. McMains insisted on his motion to adopt the Conference Rep. McMains moved to adopt the Conference Committee Committee Report. Report. ROLL CALL Motion The roll was called with the following result: Rep. Thornhill moved to table the Conference Committee YEAS Report. Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac Rep. McMains objected. Alario Heaton Powell Alexander Hebert Quezaire A record vote was asked for and ordered by the House. Ansardi Hill Riddle Barton Hudson Salter ROLL CALL Bowler Iles Scalise Bruneau Jenkins Schneider The roll was called with the following result: Chaisson Jetson Schwegmann Clarkson Johns Shaw YEAS Crane Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Damico Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th Baudoin Heaton Riddle Daniel Lancaster Sneed Baylor Holden Schwegmann Deville LeBlanc Stelly Bruce Hudson Thornhill DeWitt Long Theriot Carter Hunter Welch Diez Martiny Thompson Copelin Iles Weston Doerge McCain Toomy Curtis Landrieu Wilkerson Donelon McCallum Travis Farve Marionneaux Willard Dupre McDonald Triche Green Murray Wooton Durand McMains Walsworth Guillory Pratt Faucheux Michot Warner Hammett Quezaire Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Total—28 Fontenot Morrish Windhorst NAYS Frith Nevers Winston Fruge Odinet Wooton Alario Hebert Pierre Gautreaux Perkins Wright Alexander Hill Pinac Green Pierre Ansardi Hopkins Powell Total—77 Barton Jenkins Romero NAYS Bowler Jetson Salter Baudoin Guillory Pratt Bruneau Johns Scalise Baylor Holden Thornhill Chaisson Kennard Schneider Carter Hunter Welch Crane Kenney Shaw Copelin Landrieu Weston Damico Lancaster Smith, J.R.—30th Curtis Mitchell Wilkerson Daniel LeBlanc Sneed Farve Morrell Willard Deville Long Stelly Glover Murray DeWitt Martiny Theriot Total—20 Diez McCain Thompson ABSENT Donelon McCallum Toomy Dupre McMains Travis Bruce Marionneaux Strain Durand Michot Triche Hopkins Romero Waddell Faucheux Montgomery Waddell Total—6 Fontenot Morrish Walsworth Frith Nevers Warner The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Fruge Odinet Wiggins Gautreaux Perkins Windhorst Total—63 Suspension of the Rules ABSENT On motion of Rep. Hudson, and under a suspension of the rules, the above roll call was corrected to reflect him as voting yea. Mr. Speaker Glover Smith, J.D.—50th Clarkson McDonald Strain

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Conference Committee Appointment community service activities, at least half of which shall consist of participation in a litter abatement or collection program, participate The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the in a court-approved substance abuse program, and participate in a House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the court-approved driver improvement program. An offender, who disagreement to Senate Bill No. 806: Reps. Green, Diez, and participates in a litter abatement or collection program pursuant to Fontenot. this Paragraph Subparagraph, shall have no cause of action for damages against the entity conducting the program or supervising his Conference Committee Appointment participation therein, including a municipality, parish, sheriff, or other entity, nor against any official, employee, or agent of such The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the entity, for any injury or loss suffered by him during or arising out of House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the his participation in the program, if such injury or loss is a direct result disagreement to House Bill No. 2027: Reps. LeBlanc, Downer, and of the lack of supervision or act or omission of the supervisor, unless DeWitt. the injury or loss was caused by the intentional or grossly negligent act or omission of the entity or its official, employee, or agent. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT (2) If the offender had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15 House Bill No. 1444 By Representatives Windhorst and Scalise percent or more by weight based on grams of alcohol per one hundred cubic centimeters of blood, at least forty-eight hours of the June 17, 1999 sentence imposed pursuant to Paragraph (B)(1) of this Section shall be served without the benefit of parole, probation, or suspension of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of sentence. Imposition or execution of the remainder of the sentence Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the shall not be suspended unless the offender complies with Paragraph Senate. (B)(1)(a) or (b) of this Section." Ladies and Gentlemen: AMENDMENT NO. 6 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement On page 2, line 1, after "C." and before "On" insert "(1)" between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1444 by Representatives Windhorst and Scalise, recommend the following AMENDMENT NO. 7 concerning the Reengrossed bill: On page 2, line 8, after "sentence" delete the remainder of the line 1. That the Senate Committee Amendments proposed by the and delete lines 9 and 10 Senate Committee on Judiciary C and adopted by the Senate on May 19, 1999, be rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 8 2. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be On page 2, at the beginning of line 11, delete "suspension of adopted: sentence" AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 9 On page 1, lines 2 and 7, after "14:98(B)" and before "and" delete On page 2, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: "(introductory paragraph)" "(1) (a) The offender is placed on probation with a minimum AMENDMENT NO. 2 condition that he serve fifteen days in jail and participate in a court- approved substance abuse program and participate in a court- On page 1, line 3, after "(C)" and before the comma "," delete approved driver improvement program; or "(introductory paragraph)" and on line 7, after "(C)" delete "(introductory" and on line 8, delete "paragraph)" (2) (b) The offender is placed on probation with a minimum condition that he perform thirty eight-hour days of court-approved AMENDMENT NO. 3 community service activities, at least half of which shall consist of participation in a litter abatement or collection program, and On page 1, line 11, after "B." and before "On" insert "(1)" participate in a court-approved substance abuse program, and participate in a court-approved driver improvement program. An AMENDMENT NO. 4 offender, who participates in a litter abatement or collection program pursuant to this Paragraph Subparagraph, shall have no cause of On page 1, line 14, after "months." delete the remainder of the line action for damages against the entity conducting the program or and delete lines 15 through 17, and insert "Imposition or" supervising his participation therein, including a municipality, parish, sheriff, or other entity, nor against any official, employee, or agent of AMENDMENT NO. 5 such entity, for any injury or loss suffered by him during or arising out of his participation therein, if such injury or loss is a direct result On page 1, delete line 19 and insert in lieu thereof the following: of the lack of supervision or act or omission of the supervisor, unless the injury or loss was caused by the intentional or grossly negligent "(1) (a) The offender is placed on probation with a minimum act or omission of the entity or its official, employee, or agent. condition that he serve two days in jail and participate in a court- approved substance abuse program and participate in a court- (2) If the offender had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15 approved driver improvement program; or percent or more by weight based on grams of alcohol per one hundred cubic centimeters of blood, at least ninety-six hours of the (2) (b) The offender is placed on probation with a minimum sentence imposed pursuant to Paragraph (C)(1) of this Section shall condition that he perform four eight-hour days of court-approved be served with the benefit of parole, probation, or suspension of

3348 Page 37 HOUSE 58th Day's Proceedings - June 20, 1999 sentence. Imposition or execution of the remainder of the sentence CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT shall not be suspended unless the offender complies with Paragraph (C)(1)(a) or (b) of this Section." House Bill No. 1070 By Representative Alexander and Senator Landry Respectfully submitted, June 18, 1999 Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Representative Steve J. Scalise To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative Mitchell J. Landrieu Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senator J. Lomax "Max" Jordan, Jr. Senate. Senator Francis C. Heitmeier Senator Arthur J. Lentini Ladies and Gentlemen: Rep. Windhorst moved to adopt the Conference Committee We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Report. between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1070 by Representative Alexander and Senator Landry, recommend the ROLL CALL following concerning the Reengrossed bill: The roll was called with the following result: 1. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator Hines and adopted by the Senate on June 4, 1999, be adopted. YEAS 2. That the following admendments to the Reengrossed bill be Mr. Speaker Hammett Powell adopted: Alario Heaton Pratt Alexander Hill Quezaire AMENDMENT NO. 1 Ansardi Holden Riddle Baudoin Hopkins Romero On page 1, line 2, after "R.S." delete the remainder of the line and Baylor Hudson Salter delete line 3 and at the beginning of line 4, delete "board;" and insert Bowler Hunter Scalise the following: Bruneau Iles Schneider Carter Jenkins Schwegmann "37:483(B), 1263, 1264, and 1265, relative to members of Chaisson Jetson Shaw professional licensing boards and commissions; to change Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th qualifications for members of the Louisiana State Board of Copelin Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th Cosmetology;to provide for an effective date for said change; to Crane Lancaster Sneed change the membership of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Curtis Landrieu Stelly Examiners;" Damico Long Theriot Daniel Marionneaux Thompson AMENDMENT NO. 2 Deville Martiny Thornhill DeWitt McCain Toomy On page 1, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following: Diez McCallum Travis Doerge McDonald Waddell "Section 1. R.S. 37:483(B) is hereby amended to read as Donelon McMains Walsworth follows: Dupre Michot Warner Durand Mitchell Welch §493. Board; creation; domicile; membership; officers; vacancies; Farve Montgomery Weston executive director Faucheux Morrell Wiggins Fontenot Morrish Wilkerson * * * Frith Murray Willard Fruge Nevers Windhorst B. Board members shall have been actively engaged for at least Gautreaux Odinet Winston five years prior to their appointment, in this state, in the activities Glover Perkins Wooton described in the definition of the "operator" and/or "teacher" as set Green Pierre Wright forth in this Part. The board members shall not all be graduates of Guillory Pinac the same school of the art, nor shall more than one two board member Total—95 members be connected directly or indirectly with the ownership of a NAYS school licensed in this state. No board member connected with the ownership of a licensed school shall be involved directly or indirectly Total—0 with the administering of the examination of applicants by the board ABSENT for certificates as registered cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists, or teachers, as provided in R.S. 37:509. However, such member may Barton Hebert Strain observe such examinations. Bruce Johns Triche Flavin LeBlanc * * *" Total—8 AMENDMENT NO. 3 The Conference Committee Report was adopted. On page 1, at the beginning of line 7, change "Section 1." to "Section 2."

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AMENDMENT NO. 4 ABSENT On page 3, after line 22, add the following: Carter Hudson Farve Strain "Section 3. Section 1 of this Act shall become effective upon Total—4 signature by the governor or, if not signed by the governor, upon expiration of the time for bills to become law without signature by The Conference Committee Report was adopted. the governor, as provided in Article III, Section 18 of the Constitution of Louisiana. If vetoed by the governor and CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT subsequently approved by the legislature, this Act shall become effective on the day following such approval." House Bill No. 1084 By Representative Hill and Senator Cain Respectfully submitted, June 15, 1999 Representative Rodney Alexander To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative John Travis Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Heulette "Clo" Fontenot Senate. Senator Donald E. Hines Senator Paulette Irons Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Tommy Casanova, III We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Rep. Alexander moved to adopt the Conference Committee between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1084 by Report. Representative Hill and Senator Cain, recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: ROLL CALL 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by The roll was called with the following result: Senator Hines and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999 be adopted. YEAS 2. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 proposed by Senator Hines Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999 be rejected. Alario Heaton Powell Alexander Hebert Pratt 3. That the following amendment to the Reengrossed bill be Ansardi Hill Quezaire adopted. Barton Holden Riddle Baudoin Hopkins Romero AMENDMENT NO. 1 Baylor Hunter Salter Bowler Iles Scalise On page 2, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: Bruce Jenkins Schneider Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann "§3008. Gaming Revenue Distribution Committee; Tunica-Biloxi Chaisson Johns Shaw Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, in a parish in Copelin Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th which the Tunica-Biloxi Indian tribe operates a Class III gaming Crane Lancaster Sneed facility pursuant to an Indian gaming compact the Gaming Revenue Curtis Landrieu Stelly Distribution Committee shall consist of the following: Damico LeBlanc Theriot Daniel Long Thompson (1) The senators and representatives who represent the parish. Deville Marionneaux Thornhill DeWitt Martiny Toomy (2) The sheriff of said parish or his designee. Diez McCain Travis Doerge McCallum Triche (3) The district attorney of said parish or his designee. Donelon McDonald Waddell Dupre McMains Walsworth (4) The president of the parish police jury or his designee. Durand Michot Warner Faucheux Mitchell Welch (5) The president of the school board in the parish or his Flavin Montgomery Weston designee. Fontenot Morrell Wiggins Frith Morrish Wilkerson (6) A representative member of the parish municipal Fruge Murray Willard association, selected by the association." Gautreaux Nevers Windhorst Glover Odinet Winston Respectfully submitted, Green Perkins Wooton Guillory Pierre Wright Representative Herman R. Hill Total—99 Representative Sharon Weston NAYS Senator James David Cain Senator Donald E. Hines Total—0 Senator Gerald J. Theunissen Rep. Hill moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report.

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As a substitute, Rep. Riddle moved to recommit the bill to the Ladies and Gentlemen: Conference Committee. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Rep. Hill objected. between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1373 by Representative Walsworth, recommend the following concerning the By a vote of 38 yeas and 48 nays, the House refused to recommit Reengrossed bill: the bill to the Conference Committee. 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 11 proposed Rep. Hill insisted on his motion to adopt the Conference by the Senator Dardenne and adopted by the Senate on May 27, Committee Report. 1999, be adopted. ROLL CALL 2. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 4 through 10 proposed by the Senator Dardenne and adopted by the Senate on May 27, The roll was called with the following result: 1999, be rejected. YEAS 3. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Alario Hammett Pierre adopted: Alexander Heaton Pinac Barton Hebert Powell AMENDMENT NO. 1 Baylor Hill Pratt Bowler Holden Quezaire On page 1, line 2, delete "(2)(a), (d)," and insert "(2)(d)," Carter Hopkins Salter Chaisson Hudson Schneider AMENDMENT NO. 2 Clarkson Hunter Schwegmann On page 1, line 8, delete "(2)(a), (d)," and insert "(2)(d)," Copelin Iles Shaw Crane Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th AMENDMENT NO. 3 Damico Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Deville Kennard Sneed On page 2, delete lines 9 and 10 in their entirety DeWitt Kenney Stelly Diez Lancaster Theriot AMENDMENT NO. 4 Doerge LeBlanc Thompson Donelon Long Thornhill On page 3, line 6, after "office" delete the remainder of the line and Dupre Marionneaux Travis insert in lieu thereof the following: Durand McCain Triche Farve McCallum Waddell "$ 250.00 $ 250.00" Faucheux McMains Walsworth Flavin Michot Warner AMENDMENT NO. 5 Fontenot Mitchell Welch Frith Montgomery Weston On page 3, line 8, after "permit" delete the remainder of the line and Fruge Morrell Wiggins insert in lieu thereof the following: Gautreaux Morrish Wilkerson Glover Murray Willard "$ 400.00 $ 400.00" Green Nevers Wooton Guillory Odinet Wright AMENDMENT NO. 6 Total—84 On page 3, line 10, after "permit" delete the remainder of the line and NAYS insert in lieu thereof the following: Baudoin Jenkins Toomy Bruce Landrieu Windhorst "$ 50.00 $ 50.00" Bruneau Perkins Daniel Riddle AMENDMENT NO. 7 Total—10 On page 3, line 11, after "permit" delete the remainder of the line and ABSENT insert in lieu thereof the following: Mr. Speaker Martiny Scalise Ansardi McDonald Strain "$ 50.00 $ 50.00" Curtis Romero Winston Total—9 AMENDMENT NO. 8 On page 4, line 4, after "anesthesia" delete the remainder of the line The Conference Committee Report was adopted. and insert in lieu thereof the following: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT "$ 100.00 $ 100.00" House Bill No. 1373 By Representative Walsworth AMENDMENT NO. 9 June 18, 1999 On page 4, line 7, after "anesthesia" delete the remainder of the line To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of and insert in lieu thereof the following: Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. "$ 100.00 $ 100.00"

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Respectfully submitted, The House refused to recommit the bill to Conference Committee. Representative Michael Walsworth Representative Rodney Alexander Rep. Walsworth insisted on his motion to adopt the Conference Senator John L. "Jay" Dardenne Committee Report. Senator Tom Schedler Senator Donald E. Hines ROLL CALL Rep. Walsworth moved to adopt the Conference Committee The roll was called with the following result: Report. YEAS As a substitute, Rep. Copelin moved to recommit the bill to Conference Committee. Alario Hammett Powell Alexander Hebert Quezaire Rep. Walsworth objected. Barton Hill Riddle Baudoin Hopkins Romero The vote recurred on the substitute motion. Bowler Hudson Salter Bruce Hunter Scalise A record vote was asked for and ordered by the House. Bruneau Iles Schneider Chaisson Johns Schwegmann ROLL CALL Clarkson Kennard Shaw Crane Kenney Smith, J.D.—50th The roll was called with the following result: Curtis Lancaster Smith, J.R.—30th Damico Landrieu Sneed YEAS Daniel LeBlanc Stelly Deville Long Theriot Baylor Hudson Romero DeWitt Marionneaux Thompson Carter Hunter Thornhill Diez Martiny Thornhill Copelin Jenkins Travis Doerge McCallum Toomy Curtis McCain Waddell Donelon McDonald Travis Deville Morrell Welch Dupre McMains Triche Durand Murray Weston Durand Michot Waddell Guillory Perkins Wilkerson Farve Montgomery Walsworth Heaton Pratt Willard Faucheux Morrish Warner Holden Quezaire Flavin Murray Wiggins Total—26 Fontenot Nevers Wilkerson NAYS Frith Odinet Wright Fruge Pierre Alario Gautreaux Odinet Gautreaux Pinac Alexander Hammett Pierre Total—79 Barton Hebert Pinac NAYS Baudoin Hill Powell Bowler Hopkins Riddle Baylor Jenkins Welch Bruce Iles Salter Carter McCain Weston Bruneau Johns Scalise Copelin Morrell Willard Chaisson Kennard Schneider Guillory Perkins Clarkson Kenney Schwegmann Holden Pratt Crane Lancaster Shaw Total—13 Damico Landrieu Smith, J.D.—50th ABSENT Daniel LeBlanc Smith, J.R.—30th DeWitt Long Sneed Mr. Speaker Heaton Windhorst Diez Marionneaux Theriot Ansardi Jetson Winston Doerge Martiny Thompson Glover Mitchell Wooton Donelon McCallum Toomy Green Strain Dupre McDonald Triche Total—11 Faucheux McMains Walsworth Flavin Michot Warner The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds Fontenot Montgomery Wiggins vote of the elected members, was adopted. Frith Morrish Wright Fruge Nevers CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Total—65 ABSENT House Bill No. 1397 By Representative Alexander Mr. Speaker Green Strain June 18, 1999 Ansardi Jetson Windhorst Farve Mitchell Winston To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Glover Stelly Wooton Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Total—12 Senate.

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Ladies and Gentlemen: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement House Bill No. 2127 By Representative Johns between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1397 by Representative Alexander, recommend the following concerning the June 18, 1999 Engrossed bill: To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of 1. That Senate Floor Amendments proposed by Senator Thomas Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the and adopted by the Senate on June 7, 1999, be rejected. Senate. Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Rodney Alexander Representative Kay Iles We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Melinda Schwegmann between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 2127 by Senator Donald E. Hines Representative Johns, recommend the following concerning the Senator Tom Schedler Reengrossed bill: Senator Jerry Thomas 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 3 and 11 and 12 Rep. Alexander moved to adopt the Conference Committee proposed by Senator Cox and adopted by the Senate on June 9, Report. 1999 be rejected. ROLL CALL 2. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 4 through 10 proposed by The roll was called with the following result: Senator Cox and adopted by the Senate on June 9, 1999 be adopted. YEAS Respectfully submitted, Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Alario Hammett Pinac Representative Ronnie Johns Alexander Heaton Powell Representative Sharon Weston Ansardi Hebert Pratt Representative Victor T. Stelly Barton Hill Quezaire Senator Jim Cox Baudoin Holden Riddle Senator Diana E. Bajoie Baylor Hopkins Romero Senator Donald E. Hines Bowler Hudson Salter Bruce Hunter Scalise Rep. Johns moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Bruneau Iles Schneider Carter Jenkins Schwegmann ROLL CALL Chaisson Jetson Shaw Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th The roll was called with the following result: Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Crane Kenney Sneed YEAS Curtis Lancaster Stelly Damico Landrieu Theriot Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Alario Hammett Pinac Deville Long Thornhill Alexander Heaton Powell DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Ansardi Hebert Pratt Diez Martiny Travis Barton Hill Quezaire Doerge McCain Triche Baudoin Holden Riddle Donelon McCallum Waddell Baylor Hopkins Romero Dupre McDonald Walsworth Bowler Hudson Salter Durand McMains Warner Bruce Hunter Scalise Farve Michot Welch Bruneau Iles Schneider Faucheux Mitchell Weston Carter Jenkins Schwegmann Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Chaisson Jetson Shaw Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Frith Morrish Willard Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Fruge Murray Windhorst Crane Kenney Sneed Gautreaux Nevers Winston Curtis Lancaster Stelly Glover Odinet Wooton Damico Landrieu Theriot Green Perkins Wright Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Total—102 Deville Long Thornhill NAYS DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Diez Martiny Travis Total—0 Doerge McCain Triche ABSENT Donelon McCallum Waddell Strain Dupre McDonald Walsworth Total—1 Durand McMains Warner Farve Michot Welch The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Faucheux Mitchell Weston

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Flavin Montgomery Wiggins NAYS Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Frith Morrish Willard Alario Hammett Powell Fruge Murray Windhorst Ansardi Heaton Romero Gautreaux Nevers Winston Bowler Hill Scalise Glover Odinet Wooton Bruneau Hopkins Schneider Green Perkins Wright Chaisson Iles Shaw Total—102 Clarkson Johns Sneed NAYS Crane Kennard Stelly Damico Lancaster Theriot Total—0 Daniel LeBlanc Thompson ABSENT DeWitt Martiny Toomy Doerge McCain Travis Strain Donelon McDonald Triche Total—1 Dupre McMains Waddell Durand Michot Warner The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Faucheux Montgomery Weston Flavin Morrish Wiggins CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Fontenot Nevers Winston Frith Odinet Wooton Senate Bill No. 832 by Senator Romero Fruge Pierre Wright Gautreaux Pinac June 8, 1999 Total—59 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the ABSENT Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Mr. Speaker Hudson Smith, J.R.—30th Ladies and Gentlemen: Deville Jetson Strain Diez Long Walsworth We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Glover Mitchell Wilkerson between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 832 by Senator Green Quezaire Windhorst Romero recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Hebert Smith, J.D.—50th 1. That Conforming House Floor Amendments proposed by Total—17 Representative Johns and adopted by the House on April 23, 1999, be rejected. The House refused to reject the Conference Committee Report. Rep. Johns insisted on his motion to adopt the Conference Respectfully submitted, Committee Report. Senators Craig F. Romero Senator Chris Ullo ROLL CALL Senator Jim Cox Representative F. Charles McMains, Jr. The roll was called with the following result: Representative Ronnie Johns YEAS Rep. Johns moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Mr. Speaker Heaton Powell As a substitute, Rep. Landrieu moved to reject the Conference Alario Hebert Riddle Committee Report. Ansardi Hill Romero Barton Hopkins Scalise Bowler Hudson Schneider Rep. McMains objected. Bruneau Iles Shaw Chaisson Jenkins Smith, J.D.—50th The vote recurred on the substitute motion. Clarkson Johns Sneed Crane Kennard Stelly ROLL CALL Damico Lancaster Theriot Daniel LeBlanc Thompson The roll was called with the following result: DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Diez Martiny Travis YEAS Doerge McCain Triche Donelon McDonald Waddell Alexander Guillory Murray Dupre McMains Walsworth Barton Holden Perkins Durand Michot Warner Baudoin Hunter Pratt Faucheux Montgomery Weston Baylor Jenkins Riddle Flavin Morrish Wiggins Bruce Kenney Salter Fontenot Nevers Wilkerson Carter Landrieu Schwegmann Frith Odinet Windhorst Copelin Marionneaux Thornhill Fruge Perkins Winston Curtis McCallum Welch Gautreaux Pierre Wooton Farve Morrell Willard Hammett Pinac Wright Total—27 Total—72

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NAYS (1) The use of any camera, videotape, photo-optical, photo- electric, or any other image recording device for the purpose of Alexander Farve Murray observing, viewing, photographing, filming, or videotaping a person Baudoin Guillory Pratt where that person has not consented to the observing, viewing, Baylor Holden Salter photographing, filming, or videotaping and it is for a lewd or Bruce Kenney Schwegmann lascivious purpose; or Carter Landrieu Thornhill Copelin McCallum Welch (2) The transfer of an image obtained by activity described in Curtis Morrell Willard Paragraph (1) of this Subsection by live or recorded telephone Total—21 message, electronic mail, the Internet, or a commercial online ABSENT service." Deville Jetson Smith, J.R.—30th AMENDMENT NO. 4 Glover Long Strain Green Mitchell On page 3, delete lines 4 through 22 in their entirety and insert in lieu Hunter Quezaire thereof the following: Total—10 "C. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the The Conference Committee Report was adopted. transference of such images by a telephone company, cable television company, or any of its affiliates, an Internet provider, or commercial Suspension of the Rules online service provider, or to the carrying, broadcasting, or performing of related activities in providing telephone, cable On motion of Rep. Windhorst, and under a suspension of the television, Internet, or commercial online services." rules, the above roll call was corrected to reflect him as voting yea. Respectfully submitted, CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Representative Willie Hunter, Jr. House Bill No. 67 By Representative Hunter Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Representative Michael A. Walsworth June 18, 1999 Senator J. Lomax "Max" Jordan Senator Robert J. Barham To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Rep. Hunter moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Senate. ROLL CALL Ladies and Gentlemen: The roll was called with the following result: We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 67 by YEAS Representative Hunter, recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac Alario Hammett Powell 1. That the Legislative Bureau amendments proposed by the Alexander Heaton Pratt Legislative Bureau and adopted by the Senate on June 9, 1999 Ansardi Hebert Quezaire be rejected. Barton Hill Riddle Baudoin Holden Romero 2. That Senate Committee amendments Nos. 1 through 12 Baylor Hopkins Salter proposed by the Senate Committee on Judiciary C and adopted Bowler Hudson Scalise by the Senate on June 8, 1999 be rejected. Bruce Hunter Schneider Bruneau Iles Schwegmann 3. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Carter Jenkins Shaw adopted. Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th AMENDMENT NO. 1 Copelin Kennard Sneed Crane Kenney Stelly On page 1, line 7, change "penalty" to "penalties" Curtis Lancaster Theriot Damico Landrieu Thompson AMENDMENT NO. 2 Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill Deville Long Toomy On page 1, delete lines 8 through 10 in their entirety DeWitt Marionneaux Travis Diez Martiny Triche AMENDMENT NO. 3 Doerge McCain Waddell Donelon McCallum Walsworth On page 2, delete lines 1 through 4 in their entirety and insert in lieu Dupre McDonald Warner thereof the following: Durand McMains Welch Farve Michot Weston "A. "Video voyeurism" is: Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Fontenot Morrish Willard

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Frith Murray Windhorst Barton Hill Riddle Fruge Nevers Winston Baudoin Holden Romero Gautreaux Odinet Wooton Baylor Hopkins Salter Glover Perkins Wright Bowler Hudson Scalise Green Pierre Bruce Hunter Schneider Total—101 Bruneau Iles Schwegmann NAYS Carter Jenkins Shaw Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Total—0 Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th ABSENT Copelin Kennard Sneed Crane Kenney Stelly Mitchell Strain Curtis Lancaster Theriot Total—2 Damico Landrieu Thompson Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Deville Long Toomy DeWitt Marionneaux Triche CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Diez Martiny Waddell House Bill No. 482 By Representatives DeWitt and Crane Doerge McCain Walsworth Donelon McCallum Warner June 17, 1999 Dupre McDonald Welch Durand McMains Weston To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Farve Michot Wiggins Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Faucheux Montgomery Wilkerson Senate. Flavin Morrell Willard Fontenot Morrish Windhorst Ladies and Gentlemen: Frith Murray Winston Fruge Nevers Wooton We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Gautreaux Odinet Wright between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 482 by Glover Perkins Representatives DeWitt and Crane, recommend the following Green Pierre concerning the Reengrossed bill: Total—100 1. That the Senate floor amendment proposed by Senator Dardenne NAYS and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 1999, be accepted. Total—0 2. That the first set of Senate floor amendments proposed by ABSENT Senator Campbell, designated as number 493 and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 1999, be accepted. Mitchell Strain Travis Total—3 3. That the second set of Senate floor amendments proposed by Senator Campbell, designated as number 494 and adopted by The Conference Committee Report was adopted. the Senate on May 24, 1999, be rejected. 4. That the third set of Senate floor amendments proposed by Acting Speaker LeBlanc in the Chair Senator Campbell, designated as number 495 and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 1999, be accepted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 5. That the fourth set of Senate floor amendments proposed by House Bill No. 497 By Representatives DeWitt and Crane Senator Campbell, designated as number 496 and adopted by the Senate on May 24, 1999, be accepted. June 18, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Charles DeWitt Senate. Representative Carl Crane Representative Michael Michot Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Jay Dardenne Senator John Hainkel We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 497 by Rep. DeWitt moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Representatives DeWitt and Crane, recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: ROLL CALL 1. That the Senate floor amendment proposed by Senator Hainkel The roll was called with the following result: and adopted by the Senate on June 2, 1999, be adopted. YEAS 2. That the set of four floor amendments proposed by Senator Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac Campbell and adopted by the Senate on June 2, 1999, be Alario Hammett Powell rejected. Alexander Heaton Pratt Ansardi Hebert Quezaire 3. That Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 and the Amendment designated No. 6, affecting page 2, line 22, in the set of seven

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floor amendments proposed by Senator Campbell and adopted YEAS by the Senate on June 2, 1999, be accepted. Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac 4. That Amendment No. 5 and the Amendment designated No. 2, Alario Hebert Powell affecting page 2 between lines 13 and 14, in the set of seven Alexander Hill Quezaire floor amendments proposed by Senator Campbell and adopted Ansardi Holden Riddle by the Senate on June 2, 1999, be rejected. Barton Hopkins Romero Bruce Hudson Salter 5. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Bruneau Iles Scalise adopted: Carter Jenkins Schneider Chaisson Jetson Schwegmann AMENDMENT NO. 1 Clarkson Johns Shaw Copelin Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th On page 1, line 6, after "sold" and before the semicolon ";" insert "or Crane Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th converted to a domestic stock insurer" Damico Lancaster Sneed Daniel Landrieu Stelly AMENDMENT NO. 2 Deville LeBlanc Theriot DeWitt Long Thompson On page 2, line 8, after "sold" and before the comma "," insert "or Diez Marionneaux Toomy converted to a domestic stock insurer" Doerge Martiny Triche Donelon McCain Waddell AMENDMENT NO. 3 Dupre McCallum Walsworth Durand McDonald Warner On page 2, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following: Faucheux McMains Weston Flavin Michot Wiggins "(e) Upon the failure of the corporation to maintain security as Fontenot Montgomery Wilkerson required herein and as certified by the commissioner of insurance, the Frith Nevers Winston provisions of Subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) shall be null." Fruge Odinet Wooton Gautreaux Perkins Wright AMENDMENT NO. 4 Green Pierre Total—83 On page 2, line 22, after "created" and before the comma "," insert NAYS "and the full faith and credit guarantee of the state is extinguished" Baudoin Guillory Pratt AMENDMENT NO. 5 Baylor Hunter Thornhill Bowler Morrell Welch On page 3, line 1, after "sold" and before "nor" insert "or converted Curtis Morrish Willard to a domestic stock insurer" Farve Murray Windhorst Total—15 AMENDMENT NO. 6 ABSENT On page 3, line 2, after "transferred" and before the semicolon ";" Glover Mitchell Travis insert "after the extinguishment of the full faith and credit guarantee Heaton Strain of the state" Total—5 AMENDMENT NO. 7 The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds vote of the elected members, was adopted. On page 3, line 6, after "insurance" and before the period ".", insert "after the extinguishment of the full faith and credit guarantee of the CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT state; and to provide that the provisions set forth herein shall become null if the corporation fails to maintain the required security" House Bill No. 828 By Representative Bruneau Respectfully submitted, June 15, 1999 Representative Charles DeWitt To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative Carl Crane Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Randy Wiggins Senate. Senator C. D. Jones Senator John Hainkel Ladies and Gentlemen: Rep. DeWitt moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. HB828 by ROLL CALL Representative Bruneau, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: The roll was called with the following result: 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by Senate Committee on Judiciary A and adopted by the Senate on May 26, 1999, be rejected.

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2. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Senator Cox and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999, be rejected. House Bill No. 2047 By Representative Bruneau and Senator Hainkel 3. That Senate Floor Amendement No. 1 proposed by Senator Hainkel and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999, be adopted. June 18, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative C. E. "Peppi" Bruneau, Jr. Senate. Representative F. Charles McMains, Jr. Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Senator John Hainkel We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator Chris Ullo between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 2047 by Senator Jim Cox Representative Bruneau and Senator Hainkel, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Rep. Bruneau moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1. That the Senate Floor Amendments proposed by Senator Hainkel and adopted by the Senate on May 19, 1999, be deleted. ROLL CALL 2. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be The roll was called with the following result: adopted: YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 1, line 4, after "greater than" delete the remainder of the line Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac and delete line 5 in its entirety and insert: Alario Hammett Powell Alexander Heaton Pratt "two hundred dollars; to provide for reimbursement of expenses; and Ansardi Hebert Quezaire to provide for" Barton Hill Riddle Baudoin Holden Romero AMENDMENT NO. 2 Baylor Hopkins Salter Bowler Hudson Scalise On page 2, line 14, after "receive a" delete the remainder of the line Bruneau Hunter Schneider and delete lines 15 through 17 in their entirety, and insert: Carter Iles Schwegmann Chaisson Jenkins Shaw "reasonable per diem as may be determined by the trustees not to Clarkson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th exceed two hundred dollars and be reimbursed for actual Copelin Johns Smith, J.R.—30th vouchered expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as Crane Kennard Sneed trustees at the reimbursement rates applicable to state officers as Curtis Kenney Stelly provided by rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner Damico Lancaster Theriot of administration." Daniel Landrieu Thompson Deville LeBlanc Thornhill Respectfully submitted, DeWitt Long Toomy Diez Marionneaux Travis Representative Emile "Peppi" Bruneau Doerge Martiny Triche Representative Jerry Luke LeBlanc Donelon McCain Waddell Representative Dupre McCallum Walsworth Senator Jay Dardenne Durand McDonald Warner Senator John Hainkel Farve McMains Welch Senator Ken Hollis Faucheux Michot Weston Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Rep. Bruneau moved to adopt the Conference Committee Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Report. Frith Morrish Willard Fruge Murray Windhorst ROLL CALL Gautreaux Nevers Winston The roll was called with the following result: Glover Perkins Wooton Green Pierre Wright YEAS Total—99 NAYS Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Alario Hammett Pinac Total—0 Alexander Heaton Powell ABSENT Ansardi Hebert Pratt Barton Hill Quezaire Bruce Odinet Baudoin Holden Riddle Mitchell Strain Baylor Hopkins Romero Total—4 Bowler Hudson Salter Bruce Hunter Scalise The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Bruneau Iles Schneider

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Chaisson Jenkins Schwegmann a motor vehicle or its contents solely because of a failure to wear a Clarkson Jetson Shaw safety belt; to provide relative to probable cause;" Copelin Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Crane Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th AMENDMENT NO. 2 Curtis Kenney Sneed Damico Lancaster Stelly On page 1, at the beginning of line 4, delete "being detained for Daniel Landrieu Theriot failure to wear a safety belt;" Deville LeBlanc Thompson DeWitt Long Thornhill AMENDMENT NO. 3 Diez Marionneaux Toomy Doerge Martiny Travis On page 1, line 11, after "F." delete the remainder of the line and add Donelon McCain Triche in lieu thereof "Probable cause for violation of this Section shall be Dupre McCallum Walsworth based solely upon a law enforcement officer's clear and unobstructed Durand McDonald Warner view of a person not restrained as required by this Section. A law Farve McMains Welch enforcement officer may not search or inspect a motor vehicle, its Faucheux Michot Weston contents, the driver, or a passenger solely because of a violation of Flavin Montgomery Wiggins this Section." Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Frith Morrish Willard AMENDMENT NO. 4 Fruge Murray Windhorst Gautreaux Nevers Winston On page 1, delete lines 12 and 13 in their entirety Glover Odinet Wooton Green Perkins Wright Respectfully submitted, Total—99 NAYS Senator Ron Landry Senator J. Lomax Jordan, Jr Total—0 Senator Arthur J. Lentini ABSENT Representative John C "Juba" Diez Representative Victor Stelly Carter Strain Mitchell Waddell Rep. Stelly moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Total—4 ROLL CALL The Conference Committee Report was adopted. The roll was called with the following result: Speaker Pro Tempore Bruneau in the Chair YEAS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Speaker Green Riddle Senate Bill No. 362 by Senator Landry Barton Guillory Romero Bruce Hebert Salter June 19, 1999 Bruneau Hill Scalise Chaisson Johns Schwegmann To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Clarkson Kennard Shaw Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Crane Lancaster Sneed Daniel Landrieu Stelly Ladies and Gentlemen: Diez LeBlanc Theriot Doerge Long Thompson We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Donelon McCain Walsworth between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 362 by Senators Dupre McDonald Wiggins Landry and Irons recommend the following concerning the Durand McMains Willard Engrossed bill: Faucheux Michot Windhorst Flavin Morrish Winston 1. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Fontenot Odinet Representative Copelin and adopted by the House on June 2, Frith Powell 1999, be rejected. Total—49 NAYS 2. That House Floor Amendments No. 1 and 2 proposed by Representative Murray and adopted by the House on June 2, Alario Holden Pierre 1999, be rejected. Alexander Hopkins Pinac Ansardi Hudson Pratt 3. That the following amendments to the engrossed bill be Baudoin Hunter Quezaire adopted: Baylor Iles Smith, J.D.—50th Bowler Jenkins Smith, J.R.—30th AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carter Jetson Thornhill Copelin Kenney Toomy On page 1, line 3, after the semicolon ";" delete the remainder of the Curtis Marionneaux Travis line and add in lieu thereof " to prohibit the search or inspection of Damico Martiny Waddell Deville McCallum Warner

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DeWitt Montgomery Welch Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Farve Morrell Weston Copelin Kenney Sneed Fruge Murray Wilkerson Crane Lancaster Stelly Gautreaux Nevers Wooton Curtis Landrieu Theriot Hammett Perkins Wright Damico LeBlanc Thompson Total—48 Daniel Long Thornhill ABSENT Deville Marionneaux Toomy DeWitt Martiny Travis Glover Mitchell Strain Diez McCain Triche Heaton Schneider Triche Doerge McCallum Waddell Total—6 Donelon McDonald Walsworth Dupre McMains Warner The House refused to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Durand Michot Welch Farve Mitchell Weston CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Senate Bill No. 936 by Senator Thomas Fontenot Morrish Willard Frith Murray Windhorst June 17, 1999 Fruge Nevers Winston Gautreaux Odinet Wooton To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Glover Perkins Wright Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Total—99 NAYS Ladies and Gentlemen: Total—0 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement ABSENT between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 936 by Senator Thomas recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Green Quezaire Heaton Strain 1. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 19 and Nos. 21 Total—4 through 25 proposed by Representative Thompson and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 1999, be adopted. The Conference Committee Report was adopted. 2. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 3 proposed by CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Representative Schneider and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 1999, and House Floor Amendment Senate Bill No. 296 by Senator Greene No. 20 proposed by Representative Thompson and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 1999, be rejected. June 18, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Senator James David Cain Senator Tom Greene Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Jerry Thomas Representative Herman Hill We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Matthew P. Schneider, III between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 296 by Senator Representative Francis C. Thompson Greene recommend the following concerning the reengrossed bill: Rep. Thompson moved to adopt the Conference Committee 1. That House Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Report. House Committee on Appropriations and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 3, 1999, be adopted. ROLL CALL 2. That Legislative Bureau Amendments No. 1, 2, and 3 proposed The roll was called with the following result: by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 3, 1999, be adopted. YEAS 3. That House Floor Amendments No. 1, 2, and 3 in a set of Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre amendments comprised of three amendments proposed by Alario Hammett Pinac Representative McDonald and adopted by the House of Alexander Hebert Powell Representatives on June 9, 1999, be adopted. Ansardi Hill Pratt Barton Holden Riddle 4. That House Floor Amendments No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, Baudoin Hopkins Romero 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18 proposed by Representative Baylor Hudson Salter McDonald and adopted by the House of Representatives on Bowler Hunter Scalise June 9, 1999, be adopted. Bruce Iles Schneider Bruneau Jenkins Schwegmann 5. That House Floor Amendments No. 3, 9, and 15 proposed by Carter Jetson Shaw Representative McDonald and adopted by the House of Chaisson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Representatives on June 9, 1999, be rejected.

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6. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be (b) "Immediate family member" means a spouse, parent, or adopted: child of a teacher. AMENDMENT NO. 1 (c) "Parent" means the biological parent of a teacher or an individual who stood in loco parentis to the teacher." On page 1, line 15, after "D.(1)" insert "(a)" Respectfully submitted, AMENDMENT NO. 2 Senator Thomas A. Greene On page 2, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following: Senator Tommy Casanova, III "(b) As used in this Subsection the following terms shall have Senator Donald E. Hines the following meanings: Representative Henry "Tank" Powell Representative Carl Crane (i) "Child" means a biological son or daughter, an adopted son Representative Charles McDonald or daughter, a foster son or daughter, a stepson or daughter, or a legal ward of a teacher standing in loco parentis to that ward who is either Rep. McDonald moved to adopt the Conference Committee under the age of eighteen, or who is eighteen years of age but under Report. twenty-four years of age and is a full-time student, or who is nineteen years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental ROLL CALL or physical disability. The roll was called with the following result: (ii) "Immediate family member" means a spouse, parent, or child of a teacher. YEAS (iii) "Parent" means the biological parent of a teacher or an individual who stood in loco parentis to the teacher." Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Alario Hammett Pinac AMENDMENT NO. 3 Alexander Heaton Powell Ansardi Hebert Pratt On page 5, line 3, after "A." insert "(1)" Barton Hill Riddle Baudoin Holden Romero AMENDMENT NO. 4 Baylor Hopkins Salter Bowler Hudson Scalise On page 5, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following: Bruce Hunter Schneider Bruneau Iles Schwegmann "(2) As used in this Section the following terms shall have the Carter Jenkins Shaw following meanings: Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th (a) "Child" means a biological son or daughter, an adopted son Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th or daughter, a foster son or daughter, a stepson or daughter, or a legal Copelin Kennard Sneed ward of a school bus operator standing in loco parentis to that ward Crane Kenney Stelly who is either under the age of eighteen, or who is eighteen years of Damico Lancaster Theriot age but under twenty-four years of age and is a full-time student, or Daniel Landrieu Thompson who is nineteen years of age or older and incapable of self-care Deville LeBlanc Thornhill because of a mental or physical disability. DeWitt Long Toomy Diez Marionneaux Travis (b) "Immediate family member" means a spouse, parent, or Doerge Martiny Triche child of a school bus operator. Donelon McCain Waddell Dupre McCallum Walsworth (c) "Parent" means the biological parent of a school bus Durand McDonald Warner operator or an individual who stood in loco parentis to the school bus Farve McMains Welch operator." Faucheux Michot Weston Flavin Montgomery Wiggins AMENDMENT NO. 5 Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Frith Morrish Willard On page 8, line 10, after "A." insert "(1)" Fruge Nevers Windhorst Gautreaux Odinet Winston AMENDMENT NO. 6 Glover Perkins Wright On page 8, between lines 25 and 26 insert the following: Total—96 NAYS "(2) As used in this Section the following terms shall have the following meanings: Murray Total—1 (a) "Child" means a biological son or daughter, an adopted son ABSENT or daughter, a foster son or daughter, a stepson or daughter, or a legal ward of a teacher standing in loco parentis to that ward who is either Curtis Mitchell Strain under the age of eighteen, or who is eighteen years of age but under Green Quezaire Wooton twenty-four years of age and is a full-time student, or who is nineteen Total—6 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability. The Conference Committee Report was adopted.

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CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann Chaisson Johns Shaw Senate Bill No. 297 by Senator Greene Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th June 18, 1999 Crane Lancaster Sneed Damico Landrieu Stelly To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Daniel LeBlanc Theriot Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Deville Long Thompson DeWitt Marionneaux Thornhill Ladies and Gentlemen: Diez Martiny Toomy Doerge McCain Travis We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Donelon McCallum Triche between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 297 by Senator Dupre McDonald Waddell Greene recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Durand McMains Walsworth Faucheux Michot Warner 1. That House Floor Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 proposed by Flavin Mitchell Welch Representative Wright and adopted by the House of Fontenot Montgomery Weston Representatives on May 19, 1999, be rejected. Frith Morrell Wiggins Fruge Morrish Wilkerson 2. That House Floor Amendments No. 1 through 19 proposed by Glover Nevers Willard Representative McDonald and adopted by the House of Green Odinet Windhorst Representatives on May 19, 1999, be rejected. Guillory Perkins Winston 3. That House Floor Conforming Amendments No. 1 through 53 Hammett Pierre Wright proposed by Representative McDonald and adopted by the Total—96 House of Representatives on May 7, 1999, be rejected. NAYS 4. That the following amendments to the reengrossed bill be Farve Murray adopted: Total—2 ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carter Gautreaux Wooton On page 7, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: Curtis Strain Total—5 "(3)(a) Each person on sabbatical leave, as a condition of the leave, shall be prohibited from being employed during his leave by The Conference Committee Report was adopted. any public or private elementary or secondary school in Louisiana or in any other state." Suspension of the Rules AMENDMENT NO.2 On motion of Rep. Farve, and under a suspension of the rules, On page 13, line 24 and 25, delete "for professional or cultural the above roll call was corrected to reflect her as voting nay. improvement," CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Respectfully submitted, Senate Bill No. 170 by Hainkel Senator Thomas A. Greene Senator Tommy Casanova, III June 18, 1999 Senator Donald E. Hines Representative Charles McDonald To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Representative Henry "Tank" Powell Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representative Carl Crane Ladies and Gentlemen: Rep. McDonald moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 170 by Hainkel ROLL CALL recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: The roll was called with the following result: 1. That House Floor Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 proposed by Representative Pratt and adopted by the House of YEAS Representatives on June 14, 1999, be rejected. Mr. Speaker Heaton Pinac Respectfully submitted, Alario Hebert Powell Alexander Hill Pratt Senator John Hainkel Ansardi Holden Quezaire Senator Thomas A. Greene Barton Hopkins Riddle Senator Tommy Casanova, III Baudoin Hudson Romero Representative Mitch Landrieu Baylor Hunter Salter Representative Charles McDonald Bowler Iles Scalise Representative Renee Pratt Bruce Jenkins Schneider

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Rep. Landrieu moved to adopt the Conference Committee 1. That the Conforming Amendments proposed and adopted by the Report. House on May 24, 1999, be adopted. ROLL CALL 2. That the House Floor Amendment proposed by Representative Jack Smith and adopted by the House on June 11, 1999, be The roll was called with the following result: adopted. YEAS 3. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be adopted: Alario Hebert Powell Alexander Hill Pratt AMENDMENT NO. 1 Ansardi Holden Quezaire Barton Hunter Riddle On page 1, line 4, between "license;" and "and" insert "to authorize Baudoin Iles Romero the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to assess certain Baylor Jenkins Salter fees;" Bowler Jetson Scalise Bruce Johns Schneider AMENDMENT NO. 2 Chaisson Kennard Schwegmann Clarkson Kenney Smith, J.D.—50th On page 3, after line 12 insert the following: Copelin Lancaster Smith, J.R.—30th Crane Landrieu Sneed "Section 2. The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, Damico LeBlanc Stelly after consulting with the Spanish Lake State Game and Fish Preserve, Daniel Long Theriot is hereby authorized to assess an entrance fee for persons or vehicles Deville Marionneaux Thompson entering any and all areas of the Spanish Lake game and fish DeWitt Martiny Thornhill preserve." Doerge McCain Toomy Donelon McCallum Travis Respectfully submitted, Dupre McDonald Triche Durand McMains Waddell Senator Mike Smith Farve Michot Walsworth Senator Mike Robichaux Faucheux Mitchell Warner Senator Craig Romero Flavin Montgomery Welch Representative Jack Smith Fontenot Morrell Weston Representative John Smith Frith Morrish Wiggins Fruge Murray Wilkerson Rep. Jack Smith moved to adopt the Conference Committee Gautreaux Nevers Willard Report. Glover Odinet Windhorst Green Perkins Winston ROLL CALL Guillory Pierre Wooton Hammett Pinac Wright The roll was called with the following result: Total—93 NAYS YEAS Total—0 Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac ABSENT Alario Heaton Powell Alexander Hebert Pratt Mr. Speaker Diez Shaw Ansardi Hill Quezaire Bruneau Heaton Strain Barton Holden Riddle Carter Hopkins Baudoin Hopkins Romero Curtis Hudson Baylor Hudson Salter Total—10 Bowler Hunter Scalise Bruce Iles Schneider The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Bruneau Jenkins Schwegmann Chaisson Jetson Shaw CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Senate Bill No. 154 by Senator Mike Smith Crane Kenney Sneed Curtis Lancaster Stelly June 18, 1999 Damico Landrieu Theriot Daniel LeBlanc Thompson To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Deville Long Thornhill Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Diez Martiny Travis Ladies and Gentlemen: Doerge McCain Triche Donelon McCallum Waddell We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Dupre McDonald Walsworth between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 154 by Senator Smith Durand McMains Warner recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Farve Michot Welch Faucheux Mitchell Weston

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Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Rep. Walsworth moved to adopt the Conference Committee Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Report. Frith Morrish Willard Fruge Murray Windhorst ROLL CALL Gautreaux Nevers Winston Glover Odinet Wooton The roll was called with the following result: Green Perkins Wright Guillory Pierre YEAS Total—101 NAYS Mr. Speaker Green Pinac Alario Guillory Powell Total—0 Alexander Hammett Pratt ABSENT Ansardi Hebert Quezaire Barton Hill Riddle Carter Strain Baudoin Holden Romero Total—2 Baylor Hopkins Salter Bowler Hudson Scalise The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds Bruce Hunter Schneider vote of the elected members, was adopted. Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Carter Jenkins Shaw CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Chaisson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Senate Bill No. 770 by Senator Jay Dardenne Copelin Kenney Sneed Crane Lancaster Stelly June 18, 1999 Curtis Landrieu Theriot Damico LeBlanc Thompson To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Daniel Long Thornhill Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Deville Marionneaux Toomy DeWitt Martiny Travis Ladies and Gentlemen: Diez McCain Triche Doerge McCallum Waddell We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Donelon McDonald Walsworth between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 770 by Senator Jay Dupre McMains Warner Dardenne recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Durand Michot Welch Farve Mitchell Weston 1. That House Committee Amendments proposed by the House Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Committee on Health and Welfare and adopted by the House on Flavin Morrish Wilkerson June 7, 1999, be adopted. Fontenot Murray Willard Frith Nevers Windhorst 2. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by Fruge Odinet Winston Representative Barton and adopted by the House on June 16, Gautreaux Perkins Wooton 1999, be adopted. Glover Pierre Wright Total—99 3. That House Floor Amendment No. 3 proposed by NAYS Representative Barton and adopted by the House on June 16, 1999, be rejected. Total—0 ABSENT 4. That the following amendment to the reengrossed bill be adopted: Heaton Morrell Jetson Strain AMENDMENT NO. 1 Total—4 On page 12, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following: The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds vote of the elected members, was adopted. "D. The board shall not include in its general operating budget any funds collected from a fine or penalty imposed pursuant to this CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Section. However, the board may utilize such funds to pay for administrative costs that have been assessed against a party but have Senate Bill No. 1041 by Senator Lambert not been collected after reasonable efforts have been made to collect such costs." June 18, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Senator Jay Dardenne Senator Donald Hines Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Paulette Irons Representative Mike Walsworth We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Robert E. Barton between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 1041 by Senator Representative Rodney Alexander Lambert recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill:

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1. That House Floor Amendment No.1 proposed by Representative NAYS Damico and adopted by the House on June 9, 1999, be adopted. Total—0 2. That House Floor Amendment Nos. 2 and 3 proposed by ABSENT Representative Damico and adopted by the House on June 9, 1999, be rejected. Mitchell Strain Theriot 3. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be Total—3 adopted: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. AMENDMENT NO. 1 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT On page 4, at the end of line 9, after "that" delete "is" House Bill No. 223 By Representative Morrish AMENDMENT NO. 2 June 20, 1999 On page 4, delete line 10 in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof "has either of the following" To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Respectfully submitted, Senate. Senator Louis Lambert Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Max T. Malone Senator Jon D. Johnson We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative N. J. Damico between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 223 by Representative Danny Martiny Representative Morrish, recommend the following concerning the Representative Dan W. Morrish Engrossed bill: Rep. Damico moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 8 proposed by the Senate committee on Judiciary C and adopted by the ROLL CALL Senate on June 8, 1999, be adopted. The roll was called with the following result: 2. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by Senator Lentini and adopted by the Senate on June 14, 1999, be YEAS rejected. Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac Alario Hammett Powell Respectfully submitted, Alexander Heaton Pratt Ansardi Hebert Quezaire Representative Dan W. Morrish Barton Hill Riddle Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Baudoin Holden Romero Senator Gerald Theunissen Baylor Hopkins Salter Senator Arthur J. Lentini Bowler Hudson Scalise Bruce Hunter Schneider Rep. Morrish moved to adopt the Conference Committee Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Report. Carter Jenkins Shaw Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th ROLL CALL Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Copelin Kennard Sneed The roll was called with the following result: Crane Kenney Stelly Curtis Lancaster Thompson YEAS Damico Landrieu Thornhill Daniel LeBlanc Toomy Mr. Speaker Green Pierre Deville Long Travis Alario Guillory Pinac DeWitt Marionneaux Triche Ansardi Hammett Powell Diez Martiny Waddell Barton Heaton Pratt Doerge McCain Walsworth Baudoin Hebert Quezaire Donelon McCallum Warner Baylor Hill Riddle Dupre McDonald Welch Bowler Holden Romero Durand McMains Weston Bruce Hopkins Scalise Farve Michot Wiggins Bruneau Hudson Schneider Faucheux Montgomery Wilkerson Carter Hunter Schwegmann Flavin Morrell Willard Chaisson Iles Shaw Fontenot Morrish Windhorst Clarkson Jenkins Smith, J.D.—50th Frith Murray Winston Copelin Jetson Smith, J.R.—30th Fruge Nevers Wooton Crane Johns Sneed Gautreaux Odinet Wright Curtis Kenney Theriot Glover Perkins Damico Lancaster Thompson Green Pierre Daniel Landrieu Thornhill Total—100 Deville Long Toomy

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DeWitt Martiny Travis YEAS Diez McCain Triche Doerge McCallum Waddell Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Donelon McDonald Walsworth Alario Hammett Pinac Dupre McMains Warner Alexander Heaton Powell Durand Michot Welch Ansardi Hebert Pratt Farve Mitchell Weston Barton Hill Quezaire Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Baylor Holden Riddle Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Bowler Hopkins Salter Fontenot Morrish Willard Bruce Hudson Scalise Frith Murray Windhorst Bruneau Hunter Schneider Fruge Nevers Winston Carter Iles Schwegmann Gautreaux Odinet Wooton Chaisson Jenkins Shaw Glover Perkins Wright Clarkson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Total—96 Copelin Johns Smith, J.R.—30th NAYS Crane Kennard Sneed Curtis Kenney Theriot Total—0 Damico Lancaster Thompson ABSENT Daniel Landrieu Thornhill Deville LeBlanc Toomy Alexander Marionneaux Strain DeWitt Long Travis Kennard Salter Diez Marionneaux Triche LeBlanc Stelly Doerge Martiny Waddell Total—7 Donelon McCain Walsworth Dupre McCallum Warner The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Durand McDonald Welch Farve McMains Weston CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Faucheux Mitchell Wiggins Flavin Montgomery Wilkerson House Bill No. 365 By Representative Dupre Fontenot Morrell Willard Frith Murray Windhorst 20 June 1999 Gautreaux Nevers Winston Glover Odinet Wooton To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Green Perkins Wright Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Total—96 Senate. NAYS Ladies and Gentlemen: Romero Total—1 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement ABSENT between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 365 by Representative Dupre, recommend the following concerning the Baudoin Michot Stelly Engrossed bill: Fruge Morrish Strain Total—6 1. That the amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and adopted by the Senate on 1 June 1999, The Conference Committee Report was adopted. be rejected. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 2. That the following amendment be adopted: House Bill No. 920 By Representatives Winston and Waddell AMENDMENT NO. 1 June 18, 1999 On page 2, line 2, change "2001" to "2000" To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Respectfully submitted, Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Representative Reggie P. Dupre, Jr. Representative John Smith Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative D. A. "Butch" Gautreaux Senator Craig F. Romero We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator Mike Robichaux between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 920 by Senator Ron J. Landry Representatives Winston and Waddell, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Rep. Dupre moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1 That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator ROLL CALL Hainkel and adopted by the Senate on June 1, 1999, be rejected. The roll was called with the following result: 2. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be adopted:

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AMENDMENT NO.1 Dupre McCallum Warner Durand McDonald Welch On page 1, at the end of line 11 delete "all" and insert "a percentage, Farve McMains Wiggins as specified by the legislative committee, of the total" Faucheux Mitchell Wilkerson Flavin Montgomery Willard AMENDMENT NO. 2 Fontenot Morrell Winston Frith Morrish Wooton On page 1, line 13, delete "or committees" Gautreaux Murray Wright Total—87 AMENDMENT NO. 3 NAYS On page 1, at the end of line 14 delete "or" and at the beginning of Jenkins Perkins Windhorst line 15, delete "committees" Jetson Toomy Total—5 AMENDMENT NO. 4 ABSENT On page 1, line 16, after "care." and before "Such" insert the Ansardi Michot Strain following: Bowler Powell Thornhill Fruge Shaw Weston "The size of the specific group to be studied shall be large enough to Martiny Stelly preserve the anonymity of individual children." Total—11 AMENDMENT NO. 5 The Conference Committee Report was adopted. On page 2, at the end of line 2, insert the following: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT "Information pertaining to children who have been adopted shall be Senate Bill No. 647 by Senator Smith strictly confidential and shall be released only in accordance with existing laws." June 18, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representative Diane Winston Representative Charles D. Lancaster Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Wayne Waddell Senator Diana E. Bajoie We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator John L. "Jay" Dardenne between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 647 by Senator Smith Senator Tom Schedler recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Rep. Winston moved to adopt the Conference Committee 1. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Report. Representative Diez and adopted by the House on June 11, 1999, be adopted. ROLL CALL 2. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be The roll was called with the following result: adopted: YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Glover Nevers On page 1, line 9, after "designated" delete "in this Part" Alario Green Odinet Alexander Guillory Pierre AMENDMENT NO. 2 Barton Hammett Pinac Baudoin Heaton Pratt On page 1, line 15, change "highway" to "byway" Baylor Hebert Quezaire Bruce Hill Riddle Respectfully submitted, Bruneau Holden Romero Carter Hopkins Salter Senator Mike Smith Chaisson Hudson Scalise Senator Ronald J. "Ron" Landry Clarkson Hunter Schneider Senator Noble Ellington Copelin Iles Schwegmann Representative John C. "Juba" Diez Crane Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Representative Jimmy D. Long, Sr. Curtis Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Representative Tommy Wright Damico Kenney Sneed Daniel Lancaster Theriot Rep. Wright moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Deville Landrieu Thompson DeWitt LeBlanc Travis ROLL CALL Diez Long Triche Doerge Marionneaux Waddell The roll was called with the following result: Donelon McCain Walsworth

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YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre On page 2, line 22, change "thirteen" to "sixteen" Alario Hammett Pinac Alexander Heaton Powell AMENDMENT NO. 2 Ansardi Hebert Pratt Barton Hill Quezaire On page 2, line 24, change "college of business administration" to Baudoin Holden Riddle "College of Business Administration" Baylor Hopkins Romero Bowler Hudson Salter AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bruce Hunter Scalise On page 3, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following: Bruneau Iles Schneider Carter Jenkins Schwegmann "(n) One person who is a member of the Beer Industry League Chaisson Jetson Shaw of Louisiana. Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th (o) One person who is a member of the Louisiana Association Crane Kenney Sneed of Beverage Alcohol Licensees. Curtis Lancaster Stelly Damico Landrieu Theriot (p) The dean of the College of Applied Life Sciences at the Daniel LeBlanc Thompson University of Southwestern Louisiana, or his designee." Deville Long Thornhill DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Respectfully submitted, Diez Martiny Travis Doerge McCain Triche Senator Lambert Boissiere Donelon McCallum Waddell Senator Tom Greene Dupre McDonald Walsworth Senator Ken Hollis Durand McMains Warner Representative Melinda Schwegmann Farve Michot Welch Representative John Travis Faucheux Mitchell Weston Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Rep. Schwegmann moved to adopt the Conference Committee Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Report. Frith Morrish Willard Fruge Murray Windhorst ROLL CALL Gautreaux Nevers Winston Glover Odinet Wooton The roll was called with the following result: Green Perkins Wright Total—102 YEAS NAYS Mr. Speaker Guillory Odinet Total—0 Alexander Hammett Pierre ABSENT Ansardi Heaton Pinac Barton Hebert Powell Strain Baylor Holden Pratt Total—1 Bruneau Hudson Quezaire Chaisson Hunter Romero The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Copelin Jetson Salter Curtis Johns Scalise CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Damico Kenney Schneider Daniel Landrieu Schwegmann Senate Bill No. 798 by Senator Boissiere Deville LeBlanc Smith, J.D.—50th DeWitt Long Sneed June 18, 1999 Diez Marionneaux Stelly Doerge Martiny Thompson To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Donelon McCain Travis Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Dupre McCallum Triche Durand McDonald Waddell Ladies and Gentlemen: Farve Michot Warner Faucheux Mitchell Welch We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Flavin Montgomery Wiggins between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 798 by Senator Frith Morrell Wilkerson Boissiere recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Gautreaux Morrish Willard Glover Murray Windhorst 1. That House Committee Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Green Nevers Wright proposed by the House Committee on Commerce and adopted Total—75 by the House of Representatives on June 1, 1999, be adopted. NAYS 2. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Alario Hopkins Smith, J.R.—30th adopted: Baudoin Iles Theriot Bowler Jenkins Thornhill

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Bruce Kennard Toomy Doerge McCain Triche Clarkson Lancaster Walsworth Donelon McCallum Waddell Crane McMains Winston Dupre McDonald Walsworth Fontenot Perkins Wooton Durand McMains Warner Fruge Riddle Farve Michot Welch Hill Shaw Faucheux Mitchell Weston Total—25 Flavin Montgomery Wiggins ABSENT Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Frith Morrish Willard Carter Strain Weston Fruge Murray Windhorst Total—3 Gautreaux Nevers Winston Glover Odinet Wooton The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Green Perkins Wright Total—102 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT NAYS Senate Bill No. 833 by Senator Johnson Total—0 ABSENT June 18, 1999 Strain To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Total—1 Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Acting Speaker John Smith in the Chair between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 833 by Senator Johnson recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 1. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senate Bill No. 919 by Senator Ewing Representative Alario and adopted by the House on June 10, 1999, be rejected. June 18, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Senator Jon D. Johnson Senator Diana E. Bajoie Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Robert J. Barham Representative John A. Alario, Jr. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Sherman N. Copelin, Jr. between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 919 by Senator Representative Edwin M. Murray Ewing recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: 1. That House Floor Amendments proposed by Representative Rep. Copelin moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Hudson and adopted by the House of Representatives on May 26, 1999, be adopted. ROLL CALL 2. That House Floor Amendments proposed by Representative The roll was called with the following result: Wilkerson and adopted by the House of Representatives on May YEAS 26, 1999, be adopted. Mr. Speaker Guillory Pierre Respectfully submitted, Alario Hammett Pinac Alexander Heaton Powell Senator Randy L. Ewing Ansardi Hebert Pratt Senator Diana E. Bajoie Barton Hill Quezaire Senator Robert J. Barham Baudoin Holden Riddle Representative Charles I. Hudson Baylor Hopkins Romero Representative Sharon Weston Bowler Hudson Salter Representative Pinkie C. Wilkerson Bruce Hunter Scalise Bruneau Iles Schneider Rep. Wilkerson moved to adopt the Conference Committee Carter Jenkins Schwegmann Report. Chaisson Jetson Shaw Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th ROLL CALL Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th The roll was called with the following result: Crane Kenney Sneed Curtis Lancaster Stelly YEAS Damico Landrieu Theriot Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac Deville Long Thornhill Alario Heaton Powell DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Alexander Hebert Pratt Diez Martiny Travis Ansardi Hill Quezaire

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Barton Holden Riddle 4. The Legislative Bureau Amendments No. 2 proposed by the Baudoin Hopkins Romero Legislative Bureau and adopted by the House of Representatives Bowler Hudson Salter on May 10, 1999, be rejected. Bruce Hunter Scalise Bruneau Iles Schneider Respectfully submitted, Carter Jenkins Schwegmann Chaisson Jetson Shaw Senator John L. "Jay" Dardenne Copelin Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Senator Thomas A. Greene Crane Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Senator Mike Branch Curtis Kenney Sneed Representative Charles McDonald Damico Lancaster Stelly Representative William Daniel Daniel Landrieu Theriot Representative Charles W. DeWitt, Jr. Deville LeBlanc Thompson DeWitt Long Thornhill Rep. McDonaldmoved to adopt the Conference Committee Diez Marionneaux Toomy Report. Doerge Martiny Travis Donelon McCain Triche ROLL CALL Dupre McCallum Waddell Durand McDonald Walsworth The roll was called with the following result: Farve McMains Warner Faucheux Michot Welch YEAS Flavin Mitchell Weston Fontenot Montgomery Wiggins Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac Frith Morrell Wilkerson Alario Hammett Powell Fruge Morrish Willard Alexander Heaton Pratt Gautreaux Nevers Windhorst Ansardi Hebert Quezaire Glover Odinet Winston Barton Hill Riddle Green Perkins Wooton Baudoin Holden Romero Guillory Pierre Wright Baylor Hopkins Salter Total—99 Bowler Hudson Scalise NAYS Bruce Hunter Schneider Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Total—0 Carter Jenkins Shaw ABSENT Chaisson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Baylor Murray Copelin Kenney Sneed Clarkson Strain Crane Lancaster Stelly Total—4 Curtis Landrieu Theriot Damico LeBlanc Thompson The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Daniel Long Thornhill Deville Marionneaux Toomy CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT DeWitt Martiny Travis Diez McCain Triche Senate Bill No. 1024 by Senator Dardenne Doerge McCallum Waddell Donelon McDonald Walsworth June 18, 1999 Dupre McMains Warner Durand Michot Welch To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Farve Mitchell Weston Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Ladies and Gentlemen: Fontenot Morrish Willard Frith Murray Windhorst We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Fruge Nevers Winston between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 1024 by Dardenne Gautreaux Odinet Wooton recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Glover Perkins Wright Green Pierre 1. That House Committee Amendments No. 1, 2, and 3 proposed Total—101 by the House Committee on Education and adopted by the NAYS House of Representatives on May 10, 1999, be adopted. Total—0 2. That House Floor Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 proposed by ABSENT Representative Daniel and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 10, 1999, be rejected. Jetson Strain Total—2 3. The Legislative Bureau Amendments No. 1 proposed by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the House of Representatives The Conference Committee Report was adopted. on May 10, 1999, be adopted.

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CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT AMENDMENT NO. 11 House Bill No. 1007 By Representatives Copelin, et al. On page 9, line 10, change "Subsection" to "Section" June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative Sherman Copelin Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Joseph Toomy Senate. Representative Edwin Murray Senator Randy Ewing Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Jay Dardenne We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Rep. Copelin moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1007 by Representatives Copelin, et al., recommend the following concerning ROLL CALL the Reengrossed bill: The roll was called with the following result: 1. That the amendment proposed by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the Senate on May 17, 1999, be adopted. YEAS 2. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Alario Guillory Pratt adopted: Alexander Heaton Quezaire Ansardi Hebert Riddle AMENDMENT NO. 1 Barton Hill Romero Baudoin Holden Salter On page 7, line 3, change "may" to "shall" Baylor Hudson Scalise Bowler Hunter Schneider AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bruce Iles Schwegmann Bruneau Jetson Shaw On page 7, line 5, after "and" and before "its", change"meet" to Carter Johns Smith, J.D.—50th "generally perform" Chaisson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Clarkson Kenney Sneed AMENDMENT NO. 3 Crane Lancaster Stelly Curtis Landrieu Theriot On page 7, line 7, change "may" to "shall" Damico LeBlanc Thompson Daniel Long Thornhill AMENDMENT NO. 4 Deville Marionneaux Toomy DeWitt Martiny Travis On page 7, at the end of line 13, delete "after the effective date of Diez McCain Triche this" , and at the beginning of line 14, delete "Part" Doerge McCallum Waddell Donelon McDonald Walsworth AMENDMENT NO. 5 Dupre McMains Warner Durand Michot Welch On page 7, at the end of line 15, delete "after", and at the beginning Farve Mitchell Weston of line 16, delete "the effective date of this Part" Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Flavin Morrell Wilkerson AMENDMENT NO. 6 Fontenot Morrish Willard Frith Murray Windhorst On page 7, delete line 18 and insert a period "." Fruge Nevers Winston Gautreaux Odinet Wooton AMENDMENT NO. 7 Glover Pierre Wright Green Pinac On page 7, line 20, after "sold", delete"after the effective date of this Total—95 Part" NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 8 Hopkins Jenkins Perkins Total—3 On page 8, line 24, change "Subsection" to "Section" ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 9 Mr. Speaker Hammett Strain Copelin Powell On page 8, line 26, change "Subsection" to "Section" Total—5 AMENDMENT NO. 10 The Conference Committee Report was adopted. On page 9, line 2, change "Subsection" to "Section"

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CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Rep. Travis moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. House Bill No. 351 By Representative Travis ROLL CALL June 20, 1999 The roll was called with the following result: To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of YEAS Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Alario Hammett Pinac Alexander Heaton Powell Ladies and Gentlemen: Ansardi Hebert Pratt We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Barton Hill Quezaire between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 351 by Baudoin Holden Riddle Representative Travis, recommend the following concerning the Baylor Hopkins Romero Reengrossed bill: Bowler Hudson Salter Bruce Hunter Scalise 1. That the amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Bruneau Iles Schneider Judiciary C and adopted by the Senate on June, 1999, be Carter Jenkins Schwegmann adopted. Chaisson Jetson Shaw Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th 2. That the following amendments be adopted: Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Crane Kenney Sneed AMENDMENT NO. 1 Curtis Lancaster Stelly On page 1, line 2, after "reenact" change "R.S. 14:67(B)(3) and Damico Landrieu Theriot 69(B)(3)" to "R.S. 14:67(B) (2) and (3) and 69(B)(2) and (3)" and Daniel LeBlanc Thompson delete the remainder of the line Deville Long Thornhill DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Diez Martiny Travis AMENDMENT NO. 2 Doerge McCain Triche Donelon McCallum Waddell On page 1, at the beginning of line 3, delete "14:67(B)(2) and Dupre McDonald Walsworth 69(B)(2)" Durand McMains Warner Farve Michot Welch AMENDMENT NO. 3 Faucheux Mitchell Weston Flavin Montgomery Wiggins On page 1, line 9, after "Section 1." and before "are hereby" change Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson "R.S. 14:67(B)(3) and 69(B)(3)" to "R.S. 14:67(B)(2) and (3) and Frith Morrish Willard 69(B)(2) and (3)" Fruge Murray Windhorst Gautreaux Nevers Winston AMENDMENT NO. 4 Glover Odinet Wooton Green Perkins Wright On page 1, between lines 14 and 15, and insert the following: Guillory Pierre "(2) When the misappropriation or taking amounts to a value of Total—101 one three hundred dollars or more, but less than a value of five NAYS hundred dollars, the offender shall be imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than two years, or may be fined not more Total—0 than two thousand dollars, or both." ABSENT Mr. Speaker Strain AMENDMENT NO. 5 Total—2 On page 2, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. "(2) When the value of the stolen things is one three hundred dollars or more, but less than five hundred dollars, the offender shall CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT be imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than two years, or may be fined not more than two thousand dollars, or both." House Bill No. 1921 By Representative Pratt AMENDMENT NO. 6 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of On page 2, delete lines 20 and 21 Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Respectfully submitted, Senate. Representative John D. Travis Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Gillis James Pinac We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Stephen J. Windhorst between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1921 by Senator J. Lomax "Max" Jordan, Jr. Representative Pratt, recommend the following concerning the Senator Arthur J. Lentini Engrossed bill:

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1. That all Senate Committee Amendments proposed by the Senate ABSENT Committee on Health and Welfare and adopted by the Senate on June 3, 1999, be adopted. Mr. Speaker Fontenot Strain Total—3 2. That the one Senate Floor Amendment proposed by Senator Hines and adopted by the Senate on June 10, 1999, be adopted. The Conference Committee Report was adopted. 3. That the Senate Floor Amendment proposed by Senator Bean CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT and adopted by the Senate on June 10, 1999, be adopted. House Bill No. 1997 By Representatives Triche, 4. That the four Senate Floor Amendments proposed by Senator McCallum, and Hill Hines and adopted by the Senate on June 10, 1999, be rejected. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative Renee Gill Pratt Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Rodney Alexander Senate. Representative Reggie P. Dupre, Jr. Senator Donald E. Hines Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Ron Bean Senator Paulette R. Irons We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1997 by Rep. Pratt moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Representatives Triche, McCallum, and Hill recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: ROLL CALL 1. That the Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 3 proposed The roll was called with the following result: by Senator Landry and adopted by the Senate on June 7, 1999, be rejected. YEAS 2. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Alario Green Pierre adopted: Alexander Guillory Pinac Ansardi Hammett Powell AMENDMENT NO. 1 Barton Heaton Pratt Baudoin Hebert Quezaire On page 1, line 9, change "A." to "A.(1)" Baylor Hill Riddle Bruce Holden Romero AMENDMENT NO. 2 Carter Hudson Schwegmann Chaisson Hunter Shaw On page 1, line 15, change "(1)" to "(a)" Clarkson Iles Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Jetson Smith, J.R.—30th AMENDMENT NO. 3 Crane Johns Sneed Curtis Kennard Stelly On page 2, line 1, change "(2)" to "(b)" Damico Landrieu Theriot Daniel LeBlanc Thompson AMENDMENT NO. 4 Deville Long Thornhill DeWitt Marionneaux Travis On page 2, line 4, change "(3)" to "(c)" Diez Martiny Triche Doerge McCain Waddell AMENDMENT NO. 5 Dupre McCallum Warner Durand McDonald Welch On page 2, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following: Farve Mitchell Weston Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins "(2) Notwithstanding any provision of law or rule or regulation Flavin Morrell Wilkerson to the contrary, a retired state employee who has terminated health Frith Morrish Willard and accident coverage shall be eligible for re-enrollment under Gautreaux Murray Wooton special enrollment provisions of the program, but only in the event Glover Odinet that such retiree meets all of the following provisions: Total—80 NAYS (a) The state employee retired from the state after January 1, 1985, with not less than twenty-five years of service. Bowler Lancaster Schneider Bruneau McMains Toomy (b) The retiree can document that creditable coverage was in Donelon Michot Walsworth force through a spouse at the time of election not to participate or Fruge Nevers Windhorst continue participation in the program and that creditable coverage Hopkins Perkins Winston through the spouse continued throughout the retiree's state Jenkins Salter Wright employment and until the divorce, and that the termination of Kenney Scalise coverage was a result of the termination of marriage. Total—20

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(c) The retiree can demonstrate through affidavit that creditable CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT coverage was maintained from the time of the election until the time of requesting special enrollment." House Bill No. 1954 By Representative Hunter Respectfully submitted, June 18, 1999 Representative Warren Triche To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative Jerry Luke LeBlanc Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Joseph Francis Toomy Senate. Senator Gregory Williams Tarver, Sr. Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Ron J. Landry Senator Arthur J. Lentini We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1954 by Rep. Triche moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Representative Hunter, recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: ROLL CALL 1. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator The roll was called with the following result: Landry and adopted by the Senate on June 4, 1999, be rejected. YEAS Respectfully submitted, Alario Heaton Pinac Representative Willie Hunter, Jr. Alexander Hebert Powell Representative Charles D. Lancaster, Jr. Ansardi Hill Pratt Representative F. Charles "Chuck" McMains, Jr. Barton Holden Quezaire Senator Jay Dardenne Bowler Hopkins Riddle Senator Charles D. Jones Bruce Hudson Romero Senator Ron Landry Bruneau Hunter Scalise Carter Iles Schneider Rep. Hunter moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Chaisson Jenkins Schwegmann Clarkson Jetson Shaw ROLL CALL Copelin Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Crane Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th The roll was called with the following result: Curtis Kenney Sneed Damico Lancaster Stelly YEAS Daniel Landrieu Theriot Alario Hammett Pinac Deville LeBlanc Thompson Alexander Heaton Powell DeWitt Long Thornhill Ansardi Hebert Pratt Diez Marionneaux Toomy Barton Hill Quezaire Doerge Martiny Travis Baylor Holden Riddle Donelon McCain Triche Bowler Hopkins Romero Dupre McCallum Waddell Bruneau Hudson Scalise Durand McDonald Warner Carter Hunter Schneider Farve McMains Welch Chaisson Iles Schwegmann Faucheux Michot Weston Clarkson Jetson Shaw Flavin Mitchell Wiggins Copelin Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Fontenot Montgomery Wilkerson Crane Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Frith Morrell Willard Curtis Kenney Sneed Fruge Morrish Windhorst Damico Lancaster Stelly Gautreaux Murray Winston Daniel Landrieu Theriot Glover Nevers Wooton Deville LeBlanc Thompson Green Odinet Wright DeWitt Long Toomy Guillory Perkins Diez Marionneaux Travis Hammett Pierre Doerge Martiny Triche Total—97 Donelon McCain Waddell NAYS Dupre McCallum Walsworth Durand McDonald Warner Total—0 Farve McMains Welch ABSENT Faucheux Michot Weston Flavin Mitchell Wiggins Mr. Speaker Baylor Strain Fontenot Montgomery Wilkerson Baudoin Salter Walsworth Frith Morrell Willard Total—6 Fruge Morrish Winston Gautreaux Murray Wooton The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Glover Nevers Wright Green Odinet Guillory Pierre Total—94

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NAYS Crane Landrieu Stelly Curtis LeBlanc Theriot Jenkins Thornhill Windhorst Damico Long Thompson Total—3 Daniel Marionneaux Thornhill ABSENT Deville Martiny Toomy DeWitt McCain Travis Mr. Speaker Bruce Salter Diez McCallum Triche Baudoin Perkins Strain Doerge McDonald Waddell Total—6 Donelon McMains Walsworth Dupre Michot Warner The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Durand Mitchell Welch Faucheux Montgomery Weston Speaker Pro Tempore Bruneau in the Chair Flavin Morrell Wiggins Fontenot Morrish Wilkerson CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Frith Murray Willard Fruge Nevers Windhorst House Bill No. 1047 By Representative DeVille Gautreaux Odinet Winston Green Pierre Wooton June 20, 1999 Guillory Pinac Wright Total—96 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of NAYS Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Jenkins Perkins Total—2 Ladies and Gentlemen: ABSENT We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Bruce Glover Strain between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1047 by Farve Hudson Representative DeVille, recommend the following concerning the Total—5 Reengrossed bill: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 6 proposed by Senator Dardenne and adopted by the Senate on June 2, 1999, CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT be rejected. House Bill No. 1167 By Representatives John Smith 2. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 2 proposed by and Hudson Senator W. Fields and adopted by the Senate on June 2, 1999, be rejected. 20 June 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative Dirk DeVille Senate. Representative F. Charles McMains, Jr. Representative Jack D. Smith Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Donald E. Hines Senator Jay Dardenne We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator Jim Cox between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1167 by Representatives John Smith and Hudson, recommend the following Rep. Deville moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. concerning the Engrossed bill: ROLL CALL 1. That Amendment No. 3 of the set of four amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare and adopted by The roll was called with the following result: the Senate on 3 June 1999, be adopted. YEAS 2. That Amendment Nos. 1, 2, and 4 of the set of four amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare and Mr. Speaker Hammett Powell adopted by the Senate on 3 June 1999, be rejected. Alario Heaton Pratt Alexander Hebert Quezaire 3. That the Senate Floor Amendments proposed by Senator Cain Ansardi Hill Riddle and adopted by the Senate on 9 June 1999, be rejected. Barton Holden Romero Baudoin Hopkins Salter 4. That the following amendments be adopted: Baylor Hunter Scalise Bowler Iles Schneider AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann Carter Johns Shaw On page 1, line 4, after "regulations;" insert "to create the Vital Chaisson Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Records Conversion Fund and to provide for expenditure of monies Clarkson Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th from that fund;" Copelin Lancaster Sneed

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AMENDMENT NO. 2 (4) All unexpended and unencumbered monies in the fund at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in the fund. The monies in the On page 1, line 9, after "courts" add a semi-colon ";" and "Vital fund shall be invested by the treasurer in the same manner as monies Records Conversion Fund" in the state general fund. All interest earned on monies invested by the treasurer shall be deposited in the fund." AMENDMENT NO. 3 On page 1, line 13, after "parish." delete the remainder of the line and AMENDMENT NO. 5 delete lines 14 through 16 in their entirety and insert in lieu thereof On page 2, at the end of line 15, add the following: "Any birth the following: certificate or death certificate issued by the clerk of a district court "Such rules shall apply only to issuance of those birth and death shall be accepted as an original record." records that are available for electronic issuance from the Vital Records Registry birth and death databases and shall include access Respectfully submitted, to the following items: Representative John Smith (1) Automated access, retrieval, and production of short-form Representative Rodney Alexander birth certificates, long-form birth certificates, and death certificates Representative Charles Hudson by the clerks of district courts using the data network available to the Senator Donald E. Hines secretary of state. Senator James David Cain Senator Art Lentini (2) Record searches to be conducted by the offices of the clerks of court. Rep. John Smith moved to adopt the Conference Committee (3) Sale of certified copies of birth and death certificates issued Report. by the offices of the clerks of court." ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 4 The roll was called with the following result: On page 2, delete lines 1 through 10 in their entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following: YEAS "B.(1) The clerk of district court in each parish may issue Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell certified copies of short-form birth certificate cards and long-form Alario Hammett Pratt birth certificates and death certificates in accordance with rules Alexander Hebert Quezaire promulgated under R.S. 40:39.1(A) pursuant to Subsection A of this Ansardi Hill Riddle Section. In addition to fees collected for issuance of a certified copy Barton Holden Romero of a birth record or death certificate as provided in R.S. 40:40, the Baudoin Hopkins Salter clerk of court shall collect a fee of five dollars for the a short-form Baylor Hudson Scalise birth certificate and nine dollars for the a long-form birth certificate Bowler Hunter Schneider or a death certificate. Bruce Iles Schwegmann Bruneau Jenkins Shaw (2) Clerks shall pay to the state registrar such amounts as are Carter Johns Smith, J.D.—50th required in R.S. 40:40. for providing services to the clerks as are Chaisson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th established for services in R.S. 40:40 In addition, four dollars for Clarkson Kenney Sneed each long-form birth certificate or death certificate issued by each Copelin Lancaster Stelly clerk of court shall be remitted to the state treasurer on the tenth day Crane Landrieu Theriot of each month for deposit in the state treasury. The funds deposited Curtis LeBlanc Thompson shall be credited to the Bond Security and Redemption Fund. Out of Damico Long Thornhill the funds remaining in the Bond Security and Redemption Fund after Daniel Marionneaux Toomy a sufficient amount is allocated to pay all obligations secured by the Deville Martiny Travis full faith and credit of the state which become due and payable in any DeWitt McCain Triche Diez McCallum Waddell fiscal year, the treasurer shall credit to the Vital Records Conversion Doerge McDonald Walsworth Fund, hereby created, an amount equal to the funds deposited under Donelon McMains Warner the provisions of this Section. Dupre Michot Welch Durand Mitchell Weston (3) The monies held in the Vital Records Conversion Fund shall Farve Montgomery Wiggins only be appropriated with the mutual consent of the secretary of state Faucheux Morrell Wilkerson and the secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals for the Flavin Morrish Willard following purposes: Fontenot Murray Windhorst Frith Nevers Winston (a) For installation and establishment of a communications Fruge Odinet Wooton network and computer hardware to provide for the electronic issuance Gautreaux Perkins Wright of birth and death certificates. Glover Pierre Green Pinac (b) For maintenance of the communications network and related Total—100 computer hardware. NAYS (c) For conversion of existing birth and death records to a format suitable for electronic issuance. Total—0

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ABSENT (2) An employer's annuity which, together with the member's annuity provided above, shall be equal to three and one-third percent Heaton Jetson Strain of the average final compensation for each year of membership Total—3 service. The Conference Committee Report was adopted. (3) A prior service employer's annuity equal to three and one- third percent of the average final compensation for each year of prior CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT service for which the member is allowed credit. (4) For any former active contributing member who returns to House Bill No. 1025 By Representative Morrish service as an active contributing member on and after July 1, 1999, the provisions of this Subsection shall only apply to the service credit June 18, 1999 earned after the date such member returns to service. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of C. The sum of the benefits provided in Paragraphs (1), (2), and Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the (3) of Subsection A or B of this Section, whichever is applicable shall Senate. not exceed one hundred percent of average final compensation." Ladies and Gentlemen: Respectfully submitted, We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative William B. Daniel between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1025 by Senator Francis C. Heitmeier Representative Morrish, recommend the following concerning the Senator Ron J. Landry Engrossed bill: Senator Lamert C. Boissiere, Jr. 1. That Senate Committee Amendment Nos. 1 and 3 proposed by Rep. Daniel moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. the Senate Committee on Retirement and adopted by the Senate on May 25, 1999, be rejected. ROLL CALL 2. That Senate Committe Amendment Nos. 2 and 4 proposed by The roll was called with the following result: the Senate Committee on Retirement and adopted by the Senate YEAS on May 25, 1999, be adopted. Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell 3. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be Alario Hammett Pratt adopted: Alexander Hebert Quezaire Ansardi Hill Riddle AMENDMENT NO. 1 Baudoin Holden Romero Baylor Hopkins Salter On page 1, line 2, between "reenact" and "relative" delete "R.S. Bowler Hudson Schneider 11:2072," and insert "R.S. 11:2072(A)(introductory paragraph) and Bruce Hunter Schwegmann (B) and to enact R.S. 11:2072(C) and 2078," Bruneau Iles Shaw Carter Jenkins Smith, J.D.—50th AMENDMENT NO. 2 Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.R.—30th Clarkson Kennard Sneed On page 1, line 10, after "Section 1." delete the remainder of the line Copelin Kenney Theriot and insert in lieu thereof "R.S. 11:2072(A)(introductory paragraph) Curtis Lancaster Thompson and (B) are hereby amended and reenacted and R.S. 11:2072(C) and Damico LeBlanc Thornhill 2078 are hereby enacted to read as" Daniel Long Toomy Deville Marionneaux Travis AMENDMENT NO. 3 DeWitt Martiny Triche Diez McCain Waddell On page 1, line 13, between "allowance" and "shall" insert "for Doerge McCallum Walsworth persons who retired from this system on or before June 30, 1999," Donelon McMains Warner Dupre Mitchell Welch AMENDMENT NO. 4 Durand Montgomery Weston Farve Morrell Wiggins On page 1, delete lines 15 through 18 in their entirety and on Page 2, Faucheux Murray Wilkerson delete lines 1 through 15 in their entirety and insert: Fontenot Nevers Willard Frith Odinet Windhorst "* * * Gautreaux Perkins Wooton Glover Pierre Wright B. The annual amount of the retirement allowance for any Green Pinac person who is an active contributing member of this system on and Total—89 after July 1, 1999, and for any person who first becomes a member of NAYS this system on and after July 1, 1999, shall consist of: Barton Johns Morrish (1) A member's annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent Crane Landrieu Scalise of the accumulated contributions of the member at the time of Flavin McDonald Stelly retirement, computed according to the actuarial table in use by the Fruge Michot Winston system. Total—12

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ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 Heaton Strain On page 3, delete lines 7 through 9, and insert the following: Total—2 "care provider solely for educational or charitable purposes, whose The Conference Committee Report was adopted. principal function is to supply or to make arrangements" CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Respectfully submitted, Senate Bill No. 507 by Senator Casanova Senator Chris Ullo Senator Tommy Casanova June 20, 1999 Senator J. Lomax Jordan Representative Sharon Weston To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Representative Pinkie C. Wilkerson Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representative F. Charles McMains, Jr. Ladies and Gentlemen: Rep. Weston moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement ROLL CALL between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 507 by Senator Casanova recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: The roll was called with the following result: 1. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 2 and 3 proposed by YEAS Representative Weston adopted by the House on June 2, 1999, be adopted. Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac Alario Hammett Powell 2. That House Floor Amendment Nos. 1 and 4 proposed by Alexander Hebert Pratt Representative Weston and adopted by the House on June 2, Ansardi Hill Quezaire 1999, be rejected. Barton Holden Riddle Baudoin Hopkins Romero 3. That the following amendment to the Reengrossed bill be Baylor Hudson Salter adopted: Bowler Hunter Scalise Bruce Iles Schneider AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bruneau Jenkins Schwegmann Carter Jetson Shaw On page 2, line 17, delete "either" and on line 18, change "or" to Chaisson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th "and" Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Copelin Kenney Sneed AMENDMENT NO. 2 Crane Lancaster Stelly Curtis Landrieu Theriot On page 3, between lines 1 and 2 insert the following: Damico LeBlanc Thompson Daniel Long Thornhill "(3) A community health care clinic shall conduct a financial Deville Marionneaux Toomy screening to determine a prospective patient's eligibility to receive DeWitt Martiny Travis gratuitous medical or dental treatment, including whether such Diez McCain Triche patient is eligible for health care benefits under a public entitlement Doerge McCallum Waddell program, including, but not limited to Medicaid, Louisiana Children's Donelon McDonald Walsworth Health Insurance Program (LaCHIP), or Medicare. A community Dupre McMains Warner health care clinic shall not provide or arrange health care services to Durand Michot Welch a patient who is eligible for benefits for those services under such any Farve Mitchell Weston entitlement program. The limitation of liability provided for in this Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Section shall not apply to any services rendered which violate the Flavin Morrell Wilkerson provisions of this Section. Fontenot Morrish Willard Frith Murray Windhorst (4) A community health care clinic that provides or arranges Fruge Nevers Winston for services at the office of a licensed health care provider after due Gautreaux Odinet Wooton notice is provided pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection and Glover Perkins Wright appropriate financial screening shall refer a person who is qualified Green Pierre to receive gratuitous health care services to a primary care physician Total—101 or a general dentist for a medical assessment or examination and NAYS treatment, if appropriate, or to determine the necessity to refer such person to a medical or dental specialist for treatment." Total—0 ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 3 Heaton Strain On page 3, on line 6, after "a" and before "health" insert "licensed" Total—2 The Conference Committee Report was adopted.

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CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT "(c) Per diem paid to members during a regular session held in an odd-numbered year shall be limited to eighty-five days." Senate Bill No. 245 By Senator Hines and Representative Windhorst, et al. AMENDMENT NO. 6 June 20, 1999 In Conforming House Floor Amendment No. 4 proposed by Representative Windhorst and adopted by the House of To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and the Representatives on May 21, 1999, on page 2, line 30, delete Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. "legislative" and insert "calendar" Ladies and Gentlemen: AMENDMENT NO. 7 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 245 by Senator In Conforming House Floor Amendment No. 4 proposed by Hines and Representative Windhorst, et al., recommend the following Representative Windhorst and adopted by the House of concerning the Reengrossed bill: Representatives on May 21, 1999, on page 3, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: 1. That the Conforming House Floor Amendments Nos. 1, 2, and 4 proposed by Representative Windhorst and adopted by the "(c) Per diem paid to members during a regular session held in House of Representatives on May 21, 1999, be adopted. an even-numbered year shall be limited to sixty days." 2. That the Conforming House Floor Amendments Nos. 3 and 5 AMENDMENT NO. 8 proposed by Representative Windhorst and adopted by the On page 4, line 15, after "1999" delete the period "." and insert a House of Representatives on May 21, 1999, be rejected. comma "," and the following: 3. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Representative Windhorst and adopted by the House of "and shall be the first ballot proposition for constitutional Representatives on June 2, 1999, be rejected. amendments to appear on the ballot for such election." 4. That House Floor Amendment No. 2 proposed by AMENDMENT NO. 9 Representative Windhorst and adopted by the House of In House Floor Amendment No. 2 proposed by Representative Representatives on June 2, 1999, be adopted. Windhorst and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 5. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by 1999, on page 1, line 7, between "To" and "limit" insert "prohibit the Representative Alario and adopted by the House of legislature from considering measures which result in an increase in Representatives on June 2, 1999, be adopted. tax liability in an odd-numbered year; to" 6. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be AMENDMENT NO. 10 adopted: In House Floor Amendment No. 2 proposed by Representative AMENDMENT NO. 1 Windhorst and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 1999, on page 1, line 8, after "prefiled bills" and before "which are" On page 2, line 2, immediately following "in session." insert the insert "per member" following: AMENDMENT NO. 11 "No regular session shall continue beyond June thirtieth of any year." In House Floor Amendment No. 2 proposed by Representative AMENDMENT NO. 2 Windhorst and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 1999, on page 1, line 17, after "regular" and before "convene" delete On page 2, at the end of line 3, delete "Friday" and insert "legislative sessions" and insert "sessions in even-numbered years" "Wednesday" Respectfully submitted, AMENDMENT NO. 3 In Conforming House Floor Amendment No. 4 proposed by Senator Jay Dardenne Representative Windhorst and adopted by the House of Senator Don Hines Representatives on May 21, 1999, on page 1, line 30, delete Senator Randy L. Ewing "fifteenth legislative" and insert "twenty-third calendar" Representative C. E. "Peppi" Bruneau, Jr. Representative Charles D. Lancaster, Jr. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Representative Stephen J. Windhorst In Conforming House Floor Amendment No. 4 proposed by Rep. Windhorst moved to adopt the Conference Committee Representative Windhorst and adopted by the House of Report. Representatives on May 21, 1999, on page 2, line 12, after "credits" and before "shall" insert "in a manner which results in or has the ROLL CALL effect of an increase in tax liability" The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 5 YEAS In Conforming House Floor Amendment No. 4 proposed by Mr. Speaker Hammett Pratt Representative Windhorst and adopted by the House of Alario Heaton Quezaire Representatives on May 21, 1999, on page 2, between lines 14 and Alexander Hebert Riddle 15, insert the following: Ansardi Hill Romero

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Barton Holden Salter Rep. Holden moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Baudoin Hopkins Scalise Baylor Hudson Schneider ROLL CALL Bowler Hunter Schwegmann Bruce Iles Shaw The roll was called with the following result: Bruneau Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Carter Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th YEAS Clarkson Kenney Sneed Copelin Lancaster Stelly Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac Crane Landrieu Theriot Alario Hebert Powell Curtis LeBlanc Thompson Alexander Hill Pratt Damico Long Thornhill Ansardi Holden Quezaire Daniel Marionneaux Travis Barton Hopkins Riddle Deville Martiny Triche Baudoin Hudson Romero Diez McCain Waddell Baylor Hunter Salter Doerge McDonald Walsworth Bowler Iles Scalise Dupre Michot Warner Bruce Jenkins Schneider Durand Mitchell Welch Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann Farve Montgomery Weston Chaisson Johns Shaw Faucheux Morrell Wiggins Clarkson Kenney Smith, J.D.—50th Flavin Morrish Wilkerson Copelin Lancaster Smith, J.R.—30th Fontenot Murray Willard Crane Landrieu Sneed Frith Nevers Windhorst Curtis LeBlanc Theriot Fruge Odinet Winston Damico Long Thompson Glover Perkins Wooton Daniel Marionneaux Toomy Green Pierre Wright Deville Martiny Travis Guillory Pinac DeWitt McCain Triche Total—92 Diez McCallum Waddell NAYS Doerge McDonald Walsworth Donelon McMains Warner Chaisson Gautreaux McMains Dupre Michot Welch DeWitt Jenkins Powell Durand Mitchell Weston Donelon McCallum Toomy Farve Montgomery Wiggins Total—9 Faucheux Morrell Wilkerson ABSENT Flavin Morrish Willard Fontenot Murray Windhorst Jetson Strain Frith Nevers Winston Total—2 Gautreaux Odinet Wooton Green Perkins Wright The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds Guillory Pierre vote of the elected members, was adopted. Total—95 NAYS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Total—0 House Bill No. 369 By Representative Holden ABSENT June 20, 1999 Carter Heaton Strain To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Fruge Kennard Thornhill Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Glover Stelly Senate. Total—8 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 369 by Representative Holden, recommend the following concerning the House Bill No. 886 By Representatives Murray, et al. Engrossed bill: June 20, 1999 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by Senator Barham and adopted by the Senate on June 14, 1999, be To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of rejected. Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Melvin "Kip" Holden Representative Joseph F. Toomy We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Yvonne Welch between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 886 by Senator J. "Max" Jordan, Jr. Representatives Murray, et al., recommend the following concerning Senator Wilson E. Fields the Reengrossed bill:

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1. That all Senate Committee Amendments proposed by the Senate CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Committee on Conmmerce and Consumer Protection and adopted by the Senate on June 3, 1999, be adopted. House Bill No. 998 by Representatives John Smith and Triche June 20, 1999 2. That Senate Floor Amendments 1 through 8 proposed by Senator Landry and adopted by the Senate on June 8, 1999, be To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of rejected. Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Edwin R. Murray We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Joseph F. Toomy between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 998 by Representative C. E. "Peppi" Bruneau, Jr. Representatives John Smith and Triche, recommend the following Sentor J. "Ken" Hollis, jr. concerning the Reengrossed bill: Senator J. "Tom" Schedler Senator Wilson E. Fields 1. That the amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and adopted by the Senate on 6 June 1999, Rep. Murray moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. be rejected. ROLL CALL 2. That the floor amendments proposed by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the Senate on 8 June 1999, be rejected. The roll was called with the following result: 3. That the following amendments be adopted: YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac On page 1, line 1, change "(11)(g)" to "(12)(a)" Alario Hammett Powell Alexander Hebert Pratt AMENDMENT NO. 2 Ansardi Hill Quezaire Barton Holden Riddle On page 1, line 17, change "2002" to "2004" Baudoin Hopkins Romero AMENDMENT NO. 3 Baylor Hunter Salter Bowler Iles Scalise On page 2, line 5, change "(11)(g)" to "(12)(a)" Bruce Jenkins Schneider Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann AMENDMENT NO. 4 Chaisson Johns Shaw Clarkson Kenney Smith, J.D.—50th On page 2, delete lines 15 and 16 and insert in lieu thereof the Crane Lancaster Smith, J.R.—30th following: Curtis Landrieu Sneed "(12) July 1, 2003:" Damico LeBlanc Stelly Daniel Long Theriot AMENDMENT NO. 5 Deville Marionneaux Thompson DeWitt Martiny Thornhill On page 2, line 17, change "(g)" to "(a)" Diez McCain Toomy Doerge McCallum Travis Respectfully submitted, Donelon McDonald Triche Representative John Smith Dupre McMains Walsworth Representative Herman Hill Durand Michot Warner Representative D. A. "Butch" Gautreaux Farve Mitchell Welch Senator Craig Romero Faucheux Montgomery Weston Senator Ken Hollis Flavin Morrell Wiggins Senator Chris Ullo Fontenot Morrish Wilkerson Frith Murray Willard Rep. John Smith moved to adopt the Conference Committee Fruge Nevers Windhorst Report. Gautreaux Odinet Winston Glover Perkins Wooton ROLL CALL Green Pierre Wright Total—96 The roll was called with the following result: NAYS YEAS Total—0 Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell ABSENT Alario Hammett Pratt Alexander Hebert Quezaire Carter Hudson Waddell Ansardi Hill Riddle Copelin Kennard Barton Holden Romero Heaton Strain Baudoin Hopkins Salter Total—7 Baylor Hudson Scalise Bowler Hunter Schneider The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Bruce Iles Schwegmann

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Bruneau Jenkins Shaw ROLL CALL Carter Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Chaisson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th The roll was called with the following result: Clarkson Kennard Sneed YEAS Copelin Kenney Stelly Crane Lancaster Theriot Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell Curtis Landrieu Thompson Alario Hammett Pratt Damico LeBlanc Thornhill Alexander Hebert Quezaire Daniel Long Toomy Ansardi Hill Riddle Deville Marionneaux Travis Barton Holden Romero DeWitt Martiny Triche Baudoin Hopkins Salter Diez McCallum Waddell Baylor Hudson Scalise Doerge McDonald Walsworth Bowler Hunter Schneider Donelon McMains Warner Bruce Iles Schwegmann Dupre Michot Welch Bruneau Jenkins Shaw Durand Mitchell Weston Carter Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Farve Montgomery Wiggins Chaisson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Faucheux Morrell Wilkerson Clarkson Kennard Sneed Flavin Morrish Willard Copelin Kenney Stelly Fontenot Murray Windhorst Crane Lancaster Theriot Frith Nevers Winston Curtis Landrieu Thompson Fruge Odinet Wooton Damico LeBlanc Thornhill Gautreaux Perkins Wright Daniel Long Toomy Glover Pierre Deville Marionneaux Travis Green Pinac DeWitt Martiny Triche Total—100 Diez McCallum Waddell NAYS Doerge McDonald Walsworth Donelon McMains Warner McCain Dupre Michot Welch Total—1 Durand Mitchell Weston ABSENT Farve Montgomery Wiggins Heaton Strain Faucheux Morrell Wilkerson Total—2 Flavin Morrish Willard Fontenot Murray Windhorst The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Frith Nevers Winston Fruge Odinet Wooton CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Gautreaux Perkins Wright Glover Pierre House Bill No. 1009 By Representative Durand Green Pinac Total—100 June 20, 1999 NAYS To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of McCain Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Total—1 Senate. ABSENT Ladies and Gentlemen: Heaton Strain We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Total—2 between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1009 by The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Representative Durand, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by House Bill No. 1131 By Representative Diez the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare and adopted by the Senate on June 3, 1999, be rejected. June 20, 1999 2. That Legislative Bureau Amendment No. 1 proposed by the To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Legislative Bureau and adopted by the Senate on June 4, 1999, Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the be rejected. Senate. Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Sydnie Mae M. Durand We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative John D. Travis between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1131 by Representative Willie Hunter, Jr. Representative Diez, recommend the following concerning the Senator Donald E. Hines Engrossed bill: Senator Diana E. Bajoie Senator Tom Schedler 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by Senator and adopted by the Senate on June 11, Rep. Durand moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1999, be rejected.

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Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative John "Juba" Diez We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Reggie Dupre between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1592 by Representative Mitchell Theriot Representatives Damico, DeWitt, Downer, McMains, and Diez, Senator Ron Landry recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Senator Kenneth "Mike" Smith 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 6 proposed Rep. Diez moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. by the Senate Committee on Environmental Quality and adopted by the Senate on May 26, 1999, be adopted. ROLL CALL The roll was called with the following result: 2. The Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by Senator Wilson Fields and adopted by the Senate on June 3, YEAS 1999, be rejected. Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac 3. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Alario Hebert Powell adopted: Alexander Hill Pratt Ansardi Holden Quezaire AMENDMENT NO. 1 Barton Hopkins Riddle Baudoin Hudson Romero On page 1, line 2, after "R.S. 30:2289.1(D)" insert "and 2417(N)" Baylor Hunter Salter Bowler Iles Scalise AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bruce Jenkins Schneider Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann On page 1, line 6, after "fees;" insert "to require certain used oil Chaisson Johns Shaw facilities to obtain licenses or permits from the department;" Clarkson Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th AMENDMENT NO. 3 Crane Lancaster Sneed Curtis Landrieu Stelly On page 1, line 8, after "R.S. 30:2289.1(D)", delete "is" and insert Damico LeBlanc Theriot "and 2417(N) are" Daniel Long Thompson Deville Marionneaux Thornhill AMENDMENT NO. 4 DeWitt Martiny Toomy Diez McCain Travis On page 2, between lines 2 and 3, insert the following: Doerge McCallum Triche Donelon McDonald Waddell "* * * Dupre McMains Walsworth Durand Michot Warner §2417. Used oil; collection; recycling and reuse; disposal Farve Mitchell Welch Faucheux Montgomery Weston * * * Flavin Morrell Wiggins Frith Morrish Wilkerson N. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, Fruge Murray Willard the regulations and guidelines promulgated pursuant to this Section Gautreaux Nevers Windhorst shall require all used oil collection centers, transfer facilities, and Glover Odinet Winston transporters as defined in LAC 33:V.4001, which are or will be Green Perkins Wooton located in a parish with a population of between nine thousand eight Guillory Pierre Wright hundred seventy and nine thousand eight hundred ninety people Total—99 based on the 1990 federal census, to obtain licenses or permits NAYS authorizing such centers, facilities, and transporters to handle used oil Total—0 in compliance with this Section, if any such centers, facilities, and ABSENT transporters are also conducting processing as defined in LAC 33:V.4001. Such processing includes but is not limited to physical Carter Heaton separation of water from the used oil. Nothing in this Subsection Fontenot Strain shall apply to businesses that primarily engage in oil changes. Total—4 Further, nothing in this Subsection shall apply to any center, facility, or transporter that is validly permitted or licensed and that began The Conference Committee Report was adopted. operations prior to January 1, 1999." CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Respectfully submitted, House Bill No. 1592 By Representatives Damico, DeWitt, Representative N. J. Damico Downer, McMains, and Diez Representative Daniel Martiny Representative Ernest Wooton June 20, 1999 Senator Louis J. Lambert Senator Ronald Bean To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Rep. Damico moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Senate.

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ROLL CALL 1. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments proposed by Senator Barham, et al., and adopted by the Senate on June 9, 1999, be The roll was called with the following result: rejected. YEAS Respectfully submitted, Mr. Speaker Hammett Powell Representative John C. Diez Alario Hebert Pratt Representative Dudley A. Gautreaux Alexander Hill Quezaire Representative Mitchell R. Theriot Ansardi Holden Riddle Senator Ron J. Landry Barton Hopkins Romero Senator Paulette Riley Irons Baudoin Hudson Salter Baylor Hunter Scalise Rep. Diez moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Bowler Iles Schneider Bruce Jenkins Schwegmann ROLL CALL Bruneau Jetson Shaw Carter Johns Smith, J.D.—50th The roll was called with the following result: Chaisson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Clarkson Kenney Sneed YEAS Copelin Lancaster Stelly Crane Landrieu Theriot Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac Curtis LeBlanc Thompson Alario Hebert Powell Damico Long Thornhill Alexander Hill Pratt Daniel Marionneaux Toomy Ansardi Holden Quezaire Deville Martiny Travis Barton Hopkins Riddle DeWitt McCain Triche Baudoin Hudson Romero Diez McCallum Waddell Baylor Hunter Salter Doerge McDonald Walsworth Bowler Iles Scalise Donelon McMains Warner Bruce Jenkins Schneider Dupre Michot Welch Bruneau Jetson Schwegmann Durand Mitchell Weston Chaisson Johns Shaw Farve Montgomery Wiggins Copelin Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Crane Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th Fontenot Morrish Willard Curtis Lancaster Sneed Frith Murray Windhorst Damico Landrieu Stelly Fruge Nevers Winston Daniel LeBlanc Theriot Gautreaux Odinet Wooton Deville Long Thompson Glover Perkins Wright DeWitt Marionneaux Thornhill Green Pierre Diez Martiny Toomy Guillory Pinac Doerge McCain Travis Total—100 Donelon McCallum Triche NAYS Dupre McDonald Waddell Durand McMains Walsworth Total—0 Farve Michot Warner ABSENT Faucheux Mitchell Welch Flavin Montgomery Weston Faucheux Heaton Strain Fontenot Morrell Wiggins Total—3 Frith Morrish Wilkerson Fruge Murray Willard The Conference Committee Report, having received a two-thirds Gautreaux Nevers Windhorst vote of the elected members, was adopted. Glover Odinet Winston Green Perkins Wooton CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Guillory Pierre Wright Total—99 House Bill No. 1709 By Representative Diez NAYS June 20, 1999 Total—0 ABSENT To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Carter Heaton Senate. Clarkson Strain Total—4 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1709 by Representative Diez, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill:

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CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT AMENDMENT NO. 4 House Bill No. 1919 By Representatives Travis and Murray On page 1, line 14, after "R.S." and before "hereby" delete "9:3516(22) is" and insert in lieu thereof "9:3514, 3517(C), 3521(A) June 20, 1999 and (B)(introductory paragraph), 3528(A) and (B), 3531, 3543(A), 3554(I), (J), and (L), 3555(D), 3556.1(A), and 3561.1(A) are" and at To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of the end of line 14, add "R.S. 3511(E), 3530(F), 3554(E)(3)(c), and" Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the and on line 16, after "3578.8, " and before "hereby" change "is" to Senate. "are" Ladies and Gentlemen: AMENDMENT NO. 5 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1919 by On page 2, delete lines 1 through 8 in their entirety and insert in lieu Representatives Travis and Murray, recommend the following thereof the following: concerning the Engrossed bill: "§3511. Scope 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 22 and 24 * * * through 28, proposed by the Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection and adopted by the Senate on June 3, E. All consumer credit transactions shall comply with federal 1999, be adopted. Regulation Z of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Failure to comply with Regulation Z is a violation of this 2. That Senate Committee Amendments No. 23, proposed by the Chapter. Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection and adopted by the Senate on June 3, 1999, be rejected. * * * 3. That Amendments Nos. 1 through 7 proposed by the Legislative §3514. Agreement to contract; disclosures of the contract Bureau and adopted by the Senate on June 4, 1999, be adopted. A. The parties to a transaction other than a consumer credit 4. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 3 proposed by transaction may contract with one another that such transactions shall Senator Campbell and adopted by the Senate on June 10, 1999, be subject to the provisions of this Chapter, in which event the be rejected. transaction shall be a consumer credit transaction within the provisions of this Chapter. However, a licensed lender under this 5. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by Chapter, who is not at the same time licensed under R.S. 6:951 et Senator Hollis and adopted by the Senate on June 10, 1999, be seq., may not contract a class one retail installment transaction adopted. subject to R.S. 6:951 et seq. under the provisions of this Chapter. This restriction shall apply only to licensed lenders under this 6. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 proposed by Senator Chapter, who are not at the same time licensed under R.S. 6:951 et Hollis and adopted by the Senate on June 10, 1999, be rejected. seq., and shall not apply to supervised financial organizations that are exempt from licensing under both statutes. Unless a creditor is 7. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be exempt from the licensing requirements of this Chapter under R.S. adopted: 9:3560, a creditor may not contract more than four transactions under the provisions of this Chapter over any calendar year without first AMENDMENT NO. 1 complying with the licensing requirements under Part IX of this On page 1, line 2, after "R.S." delete the remainder of the line and Chapter. insert in lieu thereof "9:3514, 3517(C), 3521(A) and (B)(introductory B. Written credit contracts and agreements shall accurately paragraph), 3528(A) and (B), 3531, 3543(A), 3554(I), (J), and (L), reflect the actual terms, conditions, and repayment schedule agreed 3555(D), 3556.1(A), and 3561.1(A) and to enact R.S. 9:3511(E), to by the parties. If a loan is to be repaid on demand, in a lump sum, 3530(F), 3554(E)(3)(c), and Chapter 2-A of Title 9 of the" or at undefined intervals of time, interest on the loan shall be computed by the actuarial or simple interest method when allocating AMENDMENT NO. 2 payments made on the loan. On page 1, line 6, after "loans" delete the remainder of the line and * * * at the beginning of line 7, delete "of "licensed lender"" and insert in lieu thereof a comma "," and "licensed lenders, and consumer credit" §3517. Terms; construction; additional fees and charges AMENDMENT NO. 3 * * * On page 1, line 12, after "regulations;" and before "and" insert the C. Except to the extent specifically limited in amount or following: prohibited by this Chapter, an extender of credit may impose and collect additional fees and charges contractually provided for under "to provide for convenience fees; to provide for the scope of the the consumer's promissory note or credit agreement. Those fees and Louisiana Consumer Credit Law; to provide for disclosures of the charges that are not considered to be finance charges for Federal contract; to provide for definitions; to provide for additional fees and Truth in Lending purposes shall not be considered to be loan finance charges; to provide for maximum charges after negotiations; to charges or credit service charges for purposes of this Chapter. The provide for maximum deferral charges; to provide for disclosure of commissioner shall prescribe, by rule not inconsistent with the prepayment information; to provide relative to property insurance; to provisions of this Chapter, additional fees and charges which may be provide for revocations or suspensions; to provide for the institution imposed and collected by an extender of credit if such fees and of civil actions; to provide for examination authority; to provide charges have been contractually provided for in the consumer's relative to the Louisiana Consumer Credit Education Fund; to promissory note, or credit contract or agreement. provide for the maintenance of records; to provide for application and license fees;" * * *

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§3521. Maximum charges after negotiations any time. An extender of credit may within its discretion accept the amount tendered by the consumer to be a prepayment in full of a A. The obligation arising out of any consumer credit sale, simple interest loan if the amount tendered is within one dollar, or to including a revolving charge account, may be evidenced by a written the extent provided by federal law, more or less, of the amount agreement which may provide for a credit service charge not in actually owed. Under such circumstances, the extender of credit may excess of the maximum loan finance charge which could be charged, retain any excess amount tendered by the consumer provided that the contracted for, or received by a supervised financial organization, amount tendered does not exceed the amount actually owed by more lender who files notification pursuant to R.S. 9:3564, or licensed than one dollar, or to the extent provided by federal law. lender in a consumer loan transaction where the principal is the same as the amount financed and the term is a corresponding term. B.(1) The extender of credit shall provide the consumer, within five days of the date a written request is received from the consumer, B. Such written agreement must be transferred or assigned to a with the amount necessary to prepay the account in full; and if the supervised financial organization, lender who files notification amount disclosed includes an amount which is required to be pursuant to R.S. 9:3564, or a licensed lender within thirty-five days refunded under this Section with respect to such prepayment, the from the date of making. If such written agreement is not so amount of such refund. transferred or assigned within the said time limit, the seller or holder shall: (2) A consumer shall be entitled to receive one such disclosure of information statement each year without charge. Thereafter, the * * * extender of credit may impose a reasonable fee to cover the cost of providing an additional disclosure statement; however, the charge §3528. Maximum deferral charges imposed must be disclosed to the consumer before furnishing such A. With respect to a precomputed consumer credit transaction disclosure statement. payable in more than one installment, the parties before or after default may agree in writing to a deferral of all or part of one or more * * * unpaid installments, and the extender of credit may make and collect §3543. Property insurance a charge not exceeding the rate previously stated to the consumer calculated without regard to differences in the lengths of months, but A. An extender of credit may, in addition, request or require a proportionately for a part of a month, counting each day as consumer to insure property, all or part of which is involved in a one-thirtieth of a month. A deferral charge may be collected at the contract or agreement, made under the authority of this Chapter, and time it is assessed or at any time thereafter. Deferral charges on a include the cost of the insurance as a separate charge in the contract precomputed consumer credit transaction may be computed on a pro or agreement. The property shall be described so as to readily rata basis or any other method of calculation that does not yield a identify it and such description shall be included as part of the greater sum than the maximum rates permitted in this Chapter. In contract or agreement. This insurance and the premiums or charges lieu of the above, the entire unpaid balance of the transaction may be thereon shall bear a reasonable relationship to the amount, term, and deferred by charging an amount equal to the rate previously stated to conditions of the contract or agreement, and to the existing hazards the consumer times the balance at the time of deferral for the period or risk of loss, damage, or destruction. This insurance and the of deferral. In such a case, the transaction maturity date will be premiums or charges thereon shall also bear a reasonable relationship extended by the number of months that the balance is deferred. to the character and value of the property insured or to be insured, when, in the event of loss, such insurance policy does not pay off the B. The parties may agree in writing at the time of a entire balance of the loan. Such insurance shall not provide for precomputed consumer credit transaction that if an installment is not unusual or exceptional risks or coverages which are not ordinarily paid within ten days after its due date, the extender of credit may included in policies issued to the general public. unilaterally grant a deferral and make charges as provided in this Section, provided the transaction consists of more than one * * * installment. No deferral charge may be made for a period after the date that the extender of credit elects to accelerate the maturity of the §3554. Powers of commissioner agreement. A delinquency charge made by the extender of credit on an installment may not be retained if a deferral charge is made * * * pursuant to this Section with respect to the period of delinquency. E. The commissioner may, upon notice to a person regulated by this Chapter and reasonable opportunity to be heard at an * * * administrative hearing, revoke or suspend the license, notification, or §3530. Fees; origination; notary, documentation; registration if: over-the-credit-limit fee * * * * * * (3) F.(1) A lender may charge the consumer the convenience fee * * * authorized by R.S. 47:532.1(C) for services performed by a public license tag agent. Such fee shall not be charged to the consumer (c) The commissioner finds any fact or condition exists which, more than once. if it had existed at the time of the original application for licensure, notification, or registration, would have warranted the refusal of its (2) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the issuance. convenience fee authorized by R.S. 47:532.1(C) shall not be considered as interest, nor shall it be included in the calculation of * * * interest. I.(1) The commissioner may remove from office any individual §3531. Right to prepay with power to direct the management or policies of a person regulated A. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of a consumer credit by this Chapter, including but not limited to any officer, director, or transaction, the consumer may prepay in full the unpaid balance at manager, if any such individual is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or

3386 Page 75 HOUSE 58th Day's Proceedings - June 20, 1999 is found guilty after a plea of nolo contendere, of any felony under for reimbursement of the office of financial institutions' costs in any state or federal law, or of a misdemeanor of which fraud is an enforcing the provisions of this Chapter as provided in R.S. essential element or which involves any aspect of the business of 9:3554(A)(3). making loans. Prior to such removal, the commissioner shall serve written notice upon such individual and upon the person regulated by * * * this Chapter, of his intent to remove such individual from office. If such individual remains in office thirty days after such written notice, §3556.1. Records; rules the commissioner may revoke the license or other privileges granted A. Each person regulated by this Part shall maintain records of by this Chapter without any further notification or a hearing. its consumer credit sales or loans as required by the commissioner or (2) The commissioner may, upon notice to an individual with by rule. Persons who make consumer credit sales and do not transfer the power to direct the management or policies of a person regulated or assign their agreements to a supervised financial organization, a by this Chapter, including but not limited to any officer, director, or lender who files notification pursuant to R.S. 9:3564, or a licensed manager, and after reasonable opportunity to be heard at an lender within thirty-five days, as provided by R.S. 9:3521, shall administrative hearing, remove the individual from participating in comply with the Records Retention Rule for licensed lenders, and the affairs of a licensee if that individual has been prohibited, shall promptly notify the commissioner that such person is collecting temporarily or permanently, by any other state or federal regulator or otherwise enforcing consumer sales agreements or consumer loans from participating in activities for which he is licensed under this and shall further retain copies of all such documents and contracts on Chapter. file for examination by the commissioner. J. When the commissioner has If it is found, after an * * * administrative hearing, that consumers who have done business with the extender of credit have been aggrieved by an improper loan §3561.1. License; examination; renewal fees; records finance charge, credit service charge, deferral charge, delinquency charge, or improper rebate, or has included an improper item in the A. The initial application, survey, and license fee for a license amount financed, he shall bring the commissioner may institute a to make consumer loans shall be five hundred dollars and shall be civil action on behalf of such consumers in any form which he deems payable only by cashier's check, certified check, or money order. No appropriate to effectuate the provisions of this Subsection, in order portion of the fee shall be refunded if the application is denied. Such to recover any such money improperly exacted from the consumer by application, survey, and license fee shall be nonrefundable. If the the extender of credit provided that sixty days have passed after license is not issued for any reason, upon written request of the giving notice by certified mail of his intentions. All monies applicant, the fee shall be applied to the submission of a new recovered shall be returned to the aggrieved consumer who shall be application. made a party to such litigation in a manner deemed to be reasonable * * *" and which shall assure prompt and expeditious payment to the consumer, in whole or in part, and is calculated to minimize the AMENDMENT NO. 6 expenses associated with the distribution of such monies. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the commissioner On page 4, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following: shall not have the authority to bring a class action for or against any "(7) Renew or roll over a deferred presentment transaction or party. small loan. However, a licensee may accept a partial payment of * * * twenty-five percent of the amount advanced plus fees charged and enter into a new deferred presentment transaction or renew the small L. The commissioner shall have authority to examine the books, loan for the remaining balance owed. Once a deferred presentment records, and accounts of all persons regulated under or making loans transaction or small loan has been completed, a consumer may enter subject to the Louisiana Consumer Credit Law. Such examination into a new transaction or loan with the licensee. A deferred shall not occur more frequently than once a year unless there arises presentment transaction or small loan shall be considered completed the necessity for an additional examination based on a probable when the amount advanced has been paid in full by the consumer." cause. Respectfully submitted, * * * Representative John Travis §3555. Injunctions; investigations; enforcement actions; civil Representative Dan Flavin penalties; costs Representative Edwin R. Murray Senator Ken Hollis * * * Senator Gerald Theunissen D. Civil penalties paid to the commissioner, and overcharge violations of five dollars or less per consumer ordered by the Rep. Travis moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. commissioner to be refunded, and paid to the commissioner, shall be credited to a special fund hereby created in the state treasury to be ROLL CALL known as the Louisiana Consumer Credit Education Fund. Such monies shall be deposited in the fund after compliance with the The roll was called with the following result: requirements of Article VII, Section 9(B) of the Constitution of Louisiana relative to the Bond Security and Redemption Fund, and YEAS prior to such monies being placed in the state general fund. The Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac monies in this fund shall be invested by the state treasury in the same Alario Hammett Powell manner as monies in the state general fund, and interest earned on the Alexander Heaton Pratt investment of such monies shall be credited to the fund. The monies Ansardi Hebert Quezaire in the fund, and any interest or dividend which may be earned, shall Barton Hill Riddle be used solely to finance education programs for consumers and Baudoin Holden Romero lenders concerning the provisions of the consumer credit laws, and Baylor Hopkins Salter

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Bowler Hudson Scalise Rep. Montgomery moved to adopt the Conference Committee Bruce Hunter Schneider Report. Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Carter Jenkins Shaw ROLL CALL Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th The roll was called with the following result: Copelin Kennard Sneed Crane Kenney Stelly YEAS Curtis Lancaster Theriot Damico Landrieu Thompson Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill Alario Hammett Powell Deville Long Toomy Alexander Heaton Pratt DeWitt Marionneaux Travis Ansardi Hebert Quezaire Diez Martiny Triche Barton Hill Riddle Doerge McCain Waddell Baudoin Holden Romero Donelon McCallum Walsworth Baylor Hopkins Salter Dupre McDonald Warner Bowler Hudson Scalise Durand McMains Welch Bruce Hunter Schneider Farve Michot Weston Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Carter Jenkins Shaw Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Fontenot Morrish Willard Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Frith Murray Windhorst Copelin Kennard Sneed Fruge Nevers Winston Crane Kenney Stelly Gautreaux Odinet Wooton Curtis Lancaster Theriot Glover Perkins Wright Damico Landrieu Thompson Green Pierre Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill Total—101 Deville Long Toomy NAYS DeWitt Marionneaux Travis Diez Martiny Triche Total—0 Doerge McCain Waddell ABSENT Donelon McCallum Walsworth Dupre McDonald Warner Mitchell Strain Durand McMains Welch Total—2 Farve Michot Weston Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Fontenot Morrish Willard CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Frith Murray Windhorst Fruge Nevers Winston House Bill No. 1906 By Representative Montgomery Gautreaux Odinet Wooton Glover Perkins Wright June 20, 1999 Green Pierre To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Total—101 Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the NAYS Senate. Total—0 Ladies and Gentlemen: ABSENT We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Mitchell Strain between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1906 by Total—2 Representative Montgomery, recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. 1. That all Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 5 proposed by the Senate Committee on Judiciary B and adopted CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT by the Senate on June 8, 1999, be rejected. Senate Bill No. 775 by Senator Dardenne 2. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator Ellington and adopted by the Senate on June 14, 1999, be June 20, 1999 rejected. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Respectfully submitted, Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representative Billy W. Montgomery Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Representative Beverly G. Bruce We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator John L. Dardenne between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 775 by Dardenne Senator Jesse Kendrick Hollis, Jr. recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Senator Noble Ellington

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1. That House Committee Amendment Nos. 1 through 5 proposed CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT by House Committee on Criminal Justice and adopted by the House on June 11, 1999, be rejected. House Bill No. 1732 By Representative Wright Respectfully submitted, June 16, 1999 Senator John L. "Jay" Dardenne To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Senator Charles D. Jones Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senator J. Lomax, Jordan, Jr. Senate. Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Representative Tommy Wright Ladies and Gentlemen: Rep. Windhorst moved to adopt the Conference Committee We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Report. between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1732 by Representative Wright, recommend the following concerning the ROLL CALL Engrossed bill: The roll was called with the following result: 1. That all Senate Committee Amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and adopted by the Senate on YEAS May 17, 1999, be rejected. Mr. Speaker Hammett Pratt 2. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be Alario Heaton Quezaire adopted: Alexander Hill Riddle Ansardi Holden Romero AMENDMENT NO. 1 Barton Hopkins Salter Baudoin Hudson Scalise On page 1, line 3, after "Jury" and before "from" insert a comma "," Baylor Hunter Schneider and "and certain state property in Vermillion Parish to the Vermillion Bowler Iles Schwegmann Parish Police Jury," Bruce Jenkins Shaw Bruneau Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th AMENDMENT NO. 2 Carter Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Chaisson Kennard Sneed On page 3, between lines 18 and 19 insert the following: Clarkson Kenney Stelly Copelin Lancaster Theriot "Section 3. The secretary of the Department of Health and Crane Landrieu Thompson Hospitals, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, Curtis LeBlanc Thornhill is hereby authorized and empowered to convey, transfer, assign, Deville Long Toomy lease, and deliver any interest, excluding mineral rights, the state may DeWitt Martiny Travis have to the following two described properties to the Vermilion Diez McCain Triche Parish Police Jury: Doerge McCallum Waddell Donelon McDonald Walsworth A certain parcel of ground designated as Lot No. Two of the Dupre McMains Warner Stebbins Addition to the City of Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Durand Michot Welch Louisiana, measuring eighty feet on the East and West lines thereof, Farve Mitchell Weston 156.8 feet on the North line thereof, and 156.3 feet on the South line Flavin Montgomery Wiggins thereof, and being bounded on the North by strip of land to be below Fontenot Morrish Wilkerson described and Railroad right of way, South by Lot Four of said Frith Murray Willard Stebbins Addition, West by Lot One of said Stebbins Addition, and Fruge Nevers Windhorst East by South St. Charles Street. Gautreaux Perkins Winston Glover Pierre Wooton A strip of land in this Town of Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Green Pinac Wright Louisiana, measuring 1.5 feet on its East line, .7 feet on its West line, Guillory Powell by the depth East and West of the brick building , a portion of which Total—95 is on said strip of land (said building being 61.5 feet wide on its NAYS North line), and being bounded South by the property firstly above described, and on the North, East and West by right of way belonging Marionneaux Morrell to the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company. Total—2 ABSENT With all buildings and improvements thereon situated and thereto belonging. And all as per plat of survey thereof prepared by Damico Faucheux Odinet Noy O. Lewis, licensed surveyor, under date of May 1, 1954, and Daniel Hebert Strain being the same property aquired by the Department of Health and Total—6 Hospitals under cash sale dated June 22, 1976. The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Lot 13 and the Southern 2 feet of Lot 11, Stebbins Addition, City of Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana. The subject site measures 82 feet frontage on the East side of South St. Charles Street by a depth of 146 feet between equal and parallel lines; together with all buildings and improvements thereon situated and thereto

3389 Page 78 HOUSE 58th Day's Proceedings - June 20, 1999 belonging, and being the same property aquired by the Department ABSENT of Health and Hospitals under cash sale dated February 11, 1985. Damico Hopkins Stelly Section 4. The secretary of the Department of Health and Daniel Hudson Strain Hospitals, on behalf of the state of Louisiana, is hereby authorized to Faucheux Michot Waddell enter into such agreements, covenants, conditions, and stipulations Green Odinet and to execute such documents as are necessary to properly effectuate Total—11 any conveyance, transfer, assignment, lease or delivery of title, excluding mineral rights, to the property described in Section 3 The Conference Committee Report was adopted. herein, and as more specifically described in any such agreements entered into and documents executed by and between the secretary of Suspension of the Rules the Department of Health and Hospitals and the Vermilion Parish Police Jury." On motion of Rep. Scalise, the rules were suspended in order to take up Petitions, Memorials and Communications at this time. AMENDMENT NO. 3 On page 3, line 19, change "Section 3." to "Section 5." Petitions, Memorials and Communications The following petitions, memorials and communications were Respectfully submitted, taken up and acted upon at this time: Representative Thomas D. Wright Representative John Smith Message from the Senate Representative Lelon L. Kenney Senator Craig F. Romero APPOINTMENT OF Senator Kenneth "Mike" Smith CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Senator Noble E. Ellington June 20, 1999 Rep. Wright moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: ROLL CALL I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President The roll was called with the following result: of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to YEAS House Bill No. 1500: Senators Greene, W. Fields, and Hines. Mr. Speaker Hammett Powell Alario Heaton Pratt Respectfully submitted, Alexander Hebert Quezaire Ansardi Hill Riddle MICHAEL S. BAER, III Barton Holden Romero Secretary of the Senate Baudoin Hunter Salter Baylor Iles Scalise Message from the Senate Bowler Jenkins Schneider Bruce Jetson Schwegmann APPOINTMENT OF Bruneau Johns Shaw CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Carter Kennard Smith, J.D.—50th Chaisson Kenney Smith, J.R.—30th June 20, 1999 Clarkson Lancaster Sneed Copelin Landrieu Theriot To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Crane LeBlanc Thompson Representatives: Curtis Long Thornhill I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Deville Marionneaux Toomy of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a DeWitt Martiny Travis like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Diez McCain Triche House Bill No. 1639: Senators Ullo, Dardenne, and C. Fields. Doerge McCallum Walsworth Donelon McDonald Warner Dupre McMains Welch Respectfully submitted, Durand Mitchell Weston Farve Montgomery Wiggins MICHAEL S. BAER, III Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Secretary of the Senate Fontenot Morrish Willard Frith Murray Windhorst Message from the Senate Fruge Nevers Winston Gautreaux Perkins Wooton APPOINTMENT OF Glover Pierre Wright CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Guillory Pinac Total—92 June 20, 1999 NAYS To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Total—0 Representatives:

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I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Chaisson Lancaster Theriot of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Clarkson LeBlanc Thompson like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Crane Long Thornhill House Bill No. 49: Senators Hollis, Campbell, and Cain. Curtis Martiny Toomy Daniel McCain Travis Respectfully submitted, Deville McCallum Triche DeWitt McDonald Waddell MICHAEL S. BAER, III Diez McMains Walsworth Secretary of the Senate Doerge Michot Warner Donelon Montgomery Wiggins CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Dupre Morrish Windhorst Durand Nevers Winston House Bill No. 1639 By Representative Scalise Flavin Odinet Wooton Fontenot Perkins Wright June 18, 1999 Frith Pinac Fruge Powell To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Total—76 Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the NAYS Senate. Baylor Hudson Pratt Ladies and Gentlemen: Copelin Hunter Quezaire Farve Jetson Schwegmann We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Glover Landrieu Welch between the two houses concerning House Bill No. HB 1639 by Green Mitchell Weston Representative Scalise, recommend the following concerning the Guillory Morrell Wilkerson Engrossed bill: Heaton Murray Willard Holden Pierre 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 10 proposed by Total—23 Senator Dardenne and adopted by the Senate on June 14, 1999, ABSENT be adopted. Damico Marionneaux 2. That Senate Floor Amendment proposed by Senator C. Fields Faucheux Strain and adopted by the Senate on June 14, 1999, be rejected. Total—4 3. That the following amendment to the engrossed bill be adopted: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. AMENDMENT NO. 1 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT On page 3, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following: House Bill No. 780 By Representative McMains "G. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to assault June 18, 1999 weapons manufactured in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922 (v)." To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Respectfully submitted, Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Representative Steve Scalise Representative F. Charles McMains, Jr. Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative C. E. "Peppi" Bruneau, Jr. Senator Jay Dardenne We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator Chris Ullo between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 780 by Representative McMains, recommend the following concerning the Rep. Scalise moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Reengrossed bill: ROLL CALL 1. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate Committee on Judiciary A and adopted by the Senate on The roll was called with the following result: June 2, 1999, be adopted. YEAS 2. That Senate Floor Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by Senator Landry and adopted by the Senate on June 9, 1999, be Mr. Speaker Gautreaux Riddle adopted. Alario Hammett Romero Alexander Hebert Salter 3. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Ansardi Hill Scalise adopted: Barton Hopkins Schneider Baudoin Iles Shaw AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bowler Jenkins Smith, J.D.—50th Bruce Johns Smith, J.R.—30th On page 1, line 4, after "and (2)," and before "1811(A)(1)" insert Bruneau Kennard Sneed "1450(C)," Carter Kenney Stelly

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AMENDMENT NO. 2 Faucheux Morrell Wiggins Flavin Morrish Wilkerson On page 1, line 16, after the semicolon ";" and before "and" insert the Fontenot Murray Willard following: Frith Nevers Windhorst Gautreaux Odinet Winston "to provide for conflicts between the Code of Evidence and the Code Glover Perkins Wooton of Civil Procedure regarding the use of depositions;" Green Pierre Wright Guillory Pinac AMENDMENT NO. 3 Hammett Powell Total—97 On page 2, line 3, after "(2)," and before "1811(A)(1)" insert NAYS "1450(C)," Total—0 AMENDMENT NO. 4 ABSENT On page 5, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following: Carter Fruge Michot Damico Jetson Strain "Art. 1450. Use of depositions Total—6 * * * The Conference Committee Report was adopted. C. Conflicts between this Article and Code of Evidence Article CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 804, regarding the use of depositions, shall be resolved by the court in its discretion. House Bill No. 1858 By Representatives Diez, et al. * * *" June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representative F. Charles McMains Senate. Representative Mitchell Joseph Landrieu Representative Glenn B. Ansardi Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Ron J. Landry Senator John L. Dardenne, Jr. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator J. Chris Ullo between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1858 by Representative Diez, et al., recommend the following concerning the Rep. Landrieu moved to adopt the Conference Committee Engrossed bill: Report. 1. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Senator W. ROLL CALL Fields and adopted by the Senate on June 4, 1999, be rejected. The roll was called with the following result: Respectfully submitted, YEAS Representative John C. Diez Representative Mitchell R. Theriot Mr. Speaker Heaton Pratt Representative Reggie Paul Dupre Alario Hebert Quezaire Senator Ron J. Landry Alexander Hill Riddle Senator Wilson E. Fields Ansardi Holden Romero Senator Arthur J. Lentini Barton Hopkins Salter Baudoin Hudson Scalise Rep. Diez moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Baylor Hunter Schneider Bowler Iles Schwegmann ROLL CALL Bruce Jenkins Shaw Bruneau Johns Smith, J.D.—50th The roll was called with the following result: Chaisson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Clarkson Kenney Sneed YEAS Copelin Lancaster Stelly Crane Landrieu Theriot Mr. Speaker Hammett Pratt Curtis LeBlanc Thompson Alario Heaton Quezaire Daniel Long Thornhill Alexander Hill Riddle Deville Marionneaux Toomy Ansardi Holden Romero DeWitt Martiny Travis Barton Hopkins Salter Diez McCain Triche Baudoin Hudson Scalise Doerge McCallum Waddell Baylor Hunter Schneider Donelon McDonald Walsworth Bruce Iles Schwegmann Dupre McMains Warner Bruneau Jenkins Shaw Durand Mitchell Welch Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Farve Montgomery Weston Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th

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Copelin Kennard Sneed YEAS Crane Kenney Stelly Curtis Landrieu Theriot Mr. Speaker Guillory Pinac Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Alario Hammett Powell Deville Long Thornhill Alexander Heaton Pratt DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Ansardi Hill Quezaire Diez Martiny Travis Barton Holden Riddle Doerge McCain Triche Baudoin Hopkins Romero Donelon McCallum Waddell Baylor Hudson Salter Dupre McDonald Walsworth Bowler Hunter Scalise Durand McMains Warner Bruce Iles Schwegmann Farve Michot Welch Bruneau Jenkins Shaw Faucheux Montgomery Weston Carter Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Flavin Morrell Wiggins Chaisson Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Fontenot Murray Wilkerson Clarkson Kenney Sneed Frith Nevers Willard Copelin Lancaster Stelly Fruge Odinet Windhorst Crane Landrieu Theriot Gautreaux Perkins Winston Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Glover Pierre Wooton Deville Long Thornhill Green Pinac Wright DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy Guillory Powell Diez Martiny Travis Total—95 Doerge McCain Triche NAYS Donelon McCallum Waddell Dupre McDonald Walsworth Total—0 Durand McMains Welch ABSENT Farve Mitchell Weston Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Bowler Hebert Morrish Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson Carter Lancaster Strain Frith Murray Willard Damico Mitchell Gautreaux Nevers Windhorst Total—8 Glover Odinet Winston Green Pierre Wright The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Total—90 NAYS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Total—0 Senate Bill No. 684 by Senator Dardenne ABSENT June 20, 1999 Curtis Jetson Strain Damico Michot Warner To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Faucheux Morrish Wooton Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Fruge Perkins Hebert Schneider Ladies and Gentlemen: Total—13 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement The Conference Committee Report was adopted. between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 684 by Senator Dardenne recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Ladies and Gentlemen: House Bill No. 49 By Representative Holden 1. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 proposed by June 20, 1999 Representative Perkins and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 15, 1999, be rejected. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Respectfully submitted, Senate. Senator Jay Dardenne Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Paulette Irons Senator Chris Ullo We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Rodney Alexander between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 49 by Representative Charles A. Riddle, III Representative Holden, recommend the following concerning the Representative Diane Winston Engrossed bill: Rep. Riddle moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1, proposed by Senator Smith and adopted by the Senate on June 9, 1999, be accepted. ROLL CALL 2. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1, proposed by Senator C. The roll was called with the following result: Fields and adopted by the Senate on June 16, 1999, be accepted.

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3. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4, proposed by Ladies and Gentlemen: Senator Campbell and adopted by the Senate on June 16, 1999, be rejected. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1867 by Respectfully submitted, Representative Alexander, recommend the following concerning the Representative Melvin "Kip" Holden Reengrossed bill: Representative John Travis Senator Ken Hollis 1. That all Senate Committee Amendments proposed by the Senate Senator James David Cain Committee on Health and Welfare and adopted by the Senate on June 9, 1999, be adopted. Rep. Holden moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. ROLL CALL 2. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be adopted: The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 1 YEAS On page 1, at the end of line 4, insert "to provide for the transfer of Mr. Speaker Green Perkins certain state property to the Vermillion Parish Police Jury for the Alario Guillory Pierre maintenance and operation of the parish health unit;" Alexander Hammett Pinac Ansardi Heaton Quezaire AMENDMENT NO. 2 Barton Hebert Riddle Baudoin Hill Romero On page 2, after line 20, insert the following: Baylor Holden Salter Bowler Hopkins Scalise "Section 2. For the express purpose for the maintenance, Bruce Hudson Schneider operation and the construction of an expansion to the parish health Bruneau Hunter Schwegmann unit and parking lot by the Vermilion Parish Police Jury, the Carter Iles Shaw secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals, notwithstanding Chaisson Jenkins Smith, J.D.—50th any other provision of law to the contrary, is hereby authorized and Clarkson Jetson Sneed empowered to convey, transfer, assign, lease, and deliver any interest, Copelin Johns Stelly excluding mineral rights, the state may have to the following two Crane Kennard Theriot described properties to the Vermilion Parish Police Jury: Curtis Kenney Thompson Damico Lancaster Thornhill A certain parcel of ground designated as Lot No. Two of the Daniel Landrieu Toomy Stebbins Addition to the City of Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Deville LeBlanc Travis Louisiana, measuring eighty feet on the East and West lines thereof, DeWitt Long Triche 156.8 feet on the North line thereof, and 156.3 feet on the South line Diez Marionneaux Waddell thereof, and being bounded on the North by strip of land to be below Doerge Martiny Walsworth described and Railroad right of way, South by Lot Four of said Donelon McCain Warner Stebbins Addition, West by Lot One of said Stebbins Addition, and Dupre McCallum Welch East by South St. Charles Street. Durand McDonald Weston Farve McMains Wiggins A strip of land in this Town of Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Faucheux Michot Wilkerson Louisiana, measuring 1.5 feet on its East line, .7 feet on its West line, Flavin Mitchell Willard by the depth East and West of the brick building , a portion of which Fontenot Montgomery Windhorst is on said strip of land (said building being 61.5 feet wide on its Frith Morrish Winston North line), and being bounded South by the property firstly above Fruge Murray Wooton described, and on the North, East and West by right of way belonging Gautreaux Nevers Wright to the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company. Glover Odinet Total—98 With all buildings and improvements thereon situated and NAYS thereto belonging. And all as per plat of survey thereof prepared by Total—0 Noy O. Lewis, licensed surveyor, under date of May 1, 1954, and ABSENT being the same property acquired by the Department of Health and Hospitals under cash sale dated June 22, 1976. Morrell Pratt Strain Powell Smith, J.R.—30th Lot 13 and the Southern 2 feet of Lot 11, Stebbins Addition, Total—5 City of Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana. The subject site measures 82 feet frontage on the East side of South St. Charles Street The Conference Committee Report was adopted. by a depth of 146 feet between equal and parallel lines; together with all buildings and improvements thereon situated and thereto CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT belonging, and being the same property acquired by the Department of Health and Hospitals under cash sale dated February 11, 1985. House Bill No. 1867 By Representative Alexander June 20, 1999 Section 4. The secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals, on behalf of the state of Louisiana, is hereby authorized to To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of enter into such agreements, covenants, conditions, and stipulations Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the and to execute such documents as are necessary to properly effectuate Senate. any conveyance, transfer, assignment, lease or delivery of title,

3394 Page 83 HOUSE 58th Day's Proceedings - June 20, 1999 excluding mineral rights, to the property described in Section 2 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT herein, and as more specifically described in any such agreements entered into and documents executed by and between the secretary of House Bill No. 1500 By Representative Jetson the Department of Health and Hospitals and the Vermilion Parish June 20, 1999 Police Jury for the benefit received by the department from the maintenance, operation and the construction of an expansion to the To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of parish health unit and parking lot by the Vermilion Parish Police Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Jury" Senate. Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Rodney M. Alexander We the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Mickey Frith between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1500 by Representative Jay B. McCallum Representative Jetson, recommend the following concerning the Senator Donald E. Hines Engrossed bill: Senator John T. Schedler 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1, 2, and 4 proposed Rep. Alexander moved to adopt the Conference Committee by the Senate Committee on Education and adopted by the Report. Senate on June 10, 1999, be adopted. ROLL CALL 2. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 proposed by the Senate Committee on Education and adopted by the Senate on The roll was called with the following result: June 10, 1999, be rejected. YEAS 3. That the Senate Floor Amendment proposed by Senators W. Mr. Speaker Green Pinac Fields and Hines and adopted by the Senate on June 16, 1999, Alario Guillory Powell be rejected. Alexander Hammett Pratt Ansardi Heaton Quezaire 4. That the following amendment to the Engrossed bill be adopted: Barton Hebert Riddle Baudoin Hill Romero AMENDMENT NO. 1 Baylor Holden Salter Bowler Hopkins Scalise On page 2, at the end of line 12, add "Performance-based criteria as Bruce Hudson Schneider established by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Bruneau Hunter Schwegmann Education shall be used to allocate such funds on an annual basis." Carter Jenkins Shaw Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Respectfully submitted, Clarkson Kennard Sneed Copelin Kenney Stelly Representative Charles McDonald Crane Lancaster Theriot Representative Raymond Jetson Curtis Landrieu Thompson Representative Renee Pratt Damico LeBlanc Thornhill Senator Tom Greene Daniel Long Toomy Senator Wilson Fields Deville Marionneaux Travis Senator Donald Hines DeWitt Martiny Triche Diez McCain Waddell Rep. McDonald moved to adopt the Conference Committee Doerge McCallum Walsworth Report. Donelon McDonald Warner Dupre McMains Welch ROLL CALL Durand Michot Weston Farve Montgomery Wiggins The roll was called with the following result: Flavin Morrish Wilkerson Fontenot Murray Willard YEAS Frith Nevers Windhorst Fruge Odinet Winston Mr. Speaker Hammett Powell Gautreaux Perkins Wooton Alario Heaton Pratt Glover Pierre Wright Alexander Hebert Quezaire Total—96 Ansardi Hill Riddle NAYS Barton Holden Romero Baudoin Hopkins Salter Total—0 Baylor Hudson Scalise ABSENT Bowler Hunter Schneider Bruneau Iles Schwegmann Faucheux Mitchell Strain Carter Jenkins Shaw Iles Morrell Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Clarkson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Total—7 Copelin Kennard Sneed Crane Kenney Stelly The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Curtis Lancaster Theriot

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Damico Landrieu Thompson ten thousand dollars and which are greater than fifty percent of the Daniel LeBlanc Thornhill annual adjusted gross income of the debtor, as established by an Deville Long Toomy average of federal income tax returns for the three preceding years." DeWitt Marionneaux Travis Diez Martiny Triche AMENDMENT NO. 2 Doerge McCain Waddell Donelon McCallum Walsworth On page 3, line 13, delete "(a)" and delete lines 19 through 26 in their Dupre McDonald Warner entirety Durand McMains Welch Farve Michot Weston Respectfully submitted, Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Senator John L. "Jay" Dardenne Fontenot Morrish Willard Senator Foster L. Campbell Frith Murray Windhorst Senator J. Chris Ullo Fruge Nevers Winston Representative Charles W. DeWitt, Jr. Gautreaux Odinet Wooton Representative F. Charles McMains, Jr. Glover Perkins Wright Representative Robert J. Carter Green Pierre Guillory Pinac Rep. Carter moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Total—100 NAYS ROLL CALL Total—0 The roll was called with the following result: ABSENT YEAS Bruce Mitchell Strain Mr. Speaker Hammett Powell Total—3 Alario Heaton Pratt Alexander Hebert Quezaire The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Ansardi Hill Riddle Barton Holden Romero CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Baudoin Hopkins Salter Baylor Hudson Scalise Senate Bill No. 855 by Senator Dardenne Bowler Hunter Schneider June 20, 1999 Bruce Iles Schwegmann Bruneau Jenkins Shaw To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Carter Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Chaisson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Clarkson Kennard Sneed Ladies and Gentlemen: Copelin Kenney Stelly Crane Lancaster Theriot We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Curtis Landrieu Thompson between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 855 by Dardenne Damico LeBlanc Thornhill recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Daniel Long Toomy Deville Martiny Travis 1. That House Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 6 proposed DeWitt McCain Triche by House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure and adopted Diez McCallum Waddell by the House on May 6, 1999, be adopted. Doerge McDonald Walsworth 2. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Dupre McMains Warner proposed by Representative DeWitt and adopted by the House Durand Michot Welch on June 16 , 1999, be adopted. Farve Mitchell Weston Faucheux Montgomery Wiggins 3. That House Floor Amendment No. 3 proposed by Flavin Morrell Wilkerson Representative DeWitt adopted by the House on June 16, 1999, Fontenot Morrish Willard be rejected. Frith Murray Windhorst Fruge Nevers Winston 4. That the following amendment to the Reengrossed bill be Gautreaux Odinet Wooton adopted: Glover Perkins Wright Green Pierre AMENDMENT NO.1 Guillory Pinac On page 2, delete lines 7 and 8 in their entirety and insert the Total—100 following: NAYS "twenty-five thousand dollars in value of a the homestead, except in Total—0 the case of obligations arising directly as a result of a catastrophic or ABSENT terminal illness or injury, in which case the exemption shall apply to Donelon Marionneaux Strain the full value of the homestead based upon its value one year before Total—3 such seizure. For the purposes of this Section, "catastrophic or terminal illness or injury" shall mean an illness or injury which The Conference Committee Report was adopted. creates uninsured obligations to health care providers of more than

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CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Farve Michot Wiggins Faucheux Montgomery Wilkerson House Bill No. 635 By Representatives Weston, Long, Flavin Morrell Willard and Thompson Fontenot Murray Windhorst Frith Nevers Winston June 20, 1999 Fruge Odinet Wooton Gautreaux Perkins Wright To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Glover Pierre Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Green Pinac Senate. Total—100 NAYS Ladies and Gentlemen: Total—0 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement ABSENT between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 635 by Mitchell Morrish Strain Representative Weston, Long, and Thompson, recommend the Total—3 following concerning the Engrossed bill: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. 1. That the Amendment proposed by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the Senate on June 10, 1999, be adopted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 2. The the following amendment to the Engrossed bill be adopted: Senate Bill No. 1008 by Senator Ullo AMENDMENT NO. 1 June 20, 1999 On page 1, line 18, change "41:1605(B)" to "41:1608(B)" To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Respectfully submitted, Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Sharon Weston We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Jerry Luke LeBlanc between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 1008 by Ullo Representative Wilfred T. Pierre recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Senator Kenneth Michael Smith Senator John Joseph Hainkel, Jr. 1. That House Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senator Arthur J. Lentini House Committee on Appropriations and adopted by the House on June 6, 1999, be adopted. Rep. Weston moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 2. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by ROLL CALL Representative Alario and adopted by the House on June 16, 1999, be rejected. The roll was called with the following result: 3. That House Floor Amendment No. 2 proposed by YEAS Representative Alario and adopted by the House on June 16, 1999, be adopted. Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell Alario Hammett Pratt 4. That the following amendments to the Engrossed bill be Alexander Heaton Quezaire adopted: Ansardi Hebert Riddle Barton Hill Romero AMENDMENT NO. 1 Baudoin Holden Salter Baylor Hopkins Scalise On page 5, delete lines 25 through 27 and insert the following: Bowler Hudson Schneider Bruce Hunter Schwegmann "Section 3. The provisions of this Act shall be implemented to Bruneau Iles Shaw the extent funded in that Act which originated as House Bill No. 1 of Carter Jenkins Smith, J.D.—50th the 1999 Regular Session of the Legislature. However, any parish not Chaisson Jetson Smith, J.R.—30th funded in that Act which originated as House Bill No. 1 of the 1999 Clarkson Johns Sneed Regular Session of the Legislature may be funded through Copelin Kennard Stelly interagency transfers between agencies for which appropriations were Crane Kenney Theriot made if approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget." Curtis Lancaster Thompson Damico Landrieu Thornhill Respectfully submitted, Daniel LeBlanc Toomy Deville Long Travis Senator J. Chris Ullo DeWitt Marionneaux Triche Senator Noble Ellington Diez Martiny Waddell Senator Jon D. Johnson Doerge McCain Walsworth Representative Charles A. Riddle, III Donelon McCallum Warner Representative , Jr. Dupre McDonald Welch Representative Stephen J. Windhorst Durand McMains Weston

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Rep. Riddle moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. 1. That Legislative Bureau Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the House on May 18, 1999, ROLL CALL be adopted. The roll was called with the following result: 2. That Conforming House Floor Amendment Nos. 1 through 6 proposed by Representative Faucheux and adopted by the House YEAS on May 18, 1999, be adopted. 3. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Mr. Speaker Guillory Powell Representative Faucheaux and adopted by the House on June Alario Hammett Pratt 11, 1999, be adopted. Alexander Heaton Quezaire Ansardi Hebert Riddle 4. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Barton Hill Romero Representative Martiny and adopted by the House on June 11, Baudoin Holden Salter 1999, be rejected. Baylor Hopkins Scalise Bowler Hudson Schneider 5. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Bruce Hunter Schwegmann adopted: Bruneau Iles Shaw Carter Jetson Smith, J.D.—50th AMENDMENT NO. 1 Chaisson Johns Smith, J.R.—30th Clarkson Kennard Sneed On page 2, line 11, after "composed of" delete the remainder of the Copelin Kenney Stelly line and add in lieu thereof the following: Crane Lancaster Theriot "seven members to be appointed in the following manner: Curtis Landrieu Thompson Damico LeBlanc Thornhill (a) One member from each of the three parishes to be appointed Daniel Long Toomy by the governing authority of such parish. Deville Marionneaux Travis DeWitt Martiny Triche (b) One member to be appointed by the governing authority of Diez McCain Waddell St. Charles Parish from a list of three nominees submitted by the St. Doerge McCallum Walsworth Charles Business Association, one nominee submitted by the River Donelon McDonald Warner Area Council of the New Orleans Regional Chamber of Commerce, Dupre McMains Welch and three nominees submitted by the Louisiana AFL-CIO. Durand Michot Weston Farve Mitchell Wiggins (c) One member to be appointed by the governing authority of Faucheux Montgomery Wilkerson St. James Parish from a list of three nominees submitted by the St. Flavin Morrell Willard James Business Association, one nominee submitted by the River Fontenot Morrish Windhorst Area council of the New Orleans Regional Chamber of Commerce, Frith Murray Winston and three nominees submitted by the Louisiana AFL-CIO. Fruge Nevers Wooton (d) One member to be appointed by the governing authority of Gautreaux Odinet Wright St. John the Baptist Parish from a list of three nominees submitted by Glover Pierre the St. John Business Association, one nominee submitted by the Green Pinac River Area Council of the New Orleans Regional Chamber of Total—100 Commerce, and three nominees submitted by the Louisiana AFL- NAYS CIO. Jenkins Perkins (e) One at large member representing the local workforce Total—2 investment board and appointed by a majority vote of the three ABSENT parishes." Strain AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total—1 On page 2, delete lines 12 through 16 in their entirety The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Respectfully submitted, CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Senator Ron J. Landry Senate Bill No. 982 by Senator Landry Senator Mike Smith and Representative Faucheux Senator Paulette Irons Representative Robert Faucheux June 18, 1999 Representative John "Juba" Diez Representative Roy Quezaire, Jr. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Rep. Quezaire moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Ladies and Gentlemen: ROLL CALL We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning Senate Bill 982 by Senator The roll was called with the following result: Landry recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill:

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YEAS provisions with respect to membership and enrollment in the system, physical examinations, definitions, creditable service, Mr. Speaker Hammett Pinac transfers and reciprocal recognition of service, regular Alario Heaton Powell retirement and disability benefits and the application for such Alexander Hebert Pratt benefits, plan fraud, qualified plan status, a deferred retirement Ansardi Hill Quezaire option plan, the board of trustees and the administration of the Barton Holden Riddle system, employee and employer contributions, funding, and Baudoin Hopkins Romero assessments; and to provide for related matters. Baylor Hudson Salter Bowler Hunter Scalise Read by title. Bruce Iles Schneider Bruneau Jenkins Schwegmann Motion Carter Jetson Shaw On motion of Rep. Stelly, the bill was returned to the calendar. Clarkson Johns Smith, J.D.—50th Copelin Kennard Smith, J.R.—30th Crane Kenney Sneed Speaker Downer in the Chair Curtis Lancaster Stelly Damico Landrieu Theriot Suspension of the Rules Daniel LeBlanc Thompson Deville Long Thornhill On motion of Rep. Wooton, the rules were suspended in order DeWitt Marionneaux Toomy to take up Petitions, Memorials and Communications at this time. Diez Martiny Travis Doerge McCain Triche Petitions, Memorials and Communications Donelon McCallum Waddell Dupre McDonald Walsworth The following petitions, memorials and communications were Durand McMains Warner taken up and acted upon at this time: Farve Michot Welch Faucheux Mitchell Weston Message from the Senate Flavin Montgomery Wiggins Fontenot Morrell Wilkerson ASKING CONCURRENCE IN Frith Morrish Willard SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Fruge Murray Windhorst Gautreaux Nevers Winston June 20, 1999 Glover Odinet Wooton To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Green Perkins Wright Representatives: Guillory Pierre Total—101 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has NAYS adopted and asks your concurrence in the following Senate Concurrent Resolutions: Total—0 ABSENT Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 170 Chaisson Strain Respectfully submitted, Total—2 MICHAEL S. BAER, III The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Secretary of the Senate Suspension of the Rules Message from the Senate On motion of Rep. Faucheux, the rules were suspended in order HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS to take up House Bills and Joint Resolutions on Third Reading and June 20, 1999 Final Passage at this time. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of House Bills and Joint Resolutions on Representatives: Third Reading and Final Passage I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has finally passed the following House Concurrent Resolutions: The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions on third reading and final passage were taken up and acted upon as follows: House Concurrent Resolution No. 268 Returned without amendments. Local and Consent Calendar House Concurrent Resolution No. 285 HOUSE BILL NO. 2132— Returned without amendments. BY REPRESENTATIVE STELLY AN ACT House Concurrent Resolution No. 290 To amend and reenact Chapter 7 of Subtitle III of Title 11 of the Returned without amendments. Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. House Concurrent Resolution No. 317 11:2171.1 through 2201.3, relative to the Sheriffs Pension and Returned without amendments. Relief Fund; to revise provisions for the system, including

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House Concurrent Resolution No. 320 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Returned without amendments. refused to concur in the proposed House Amendments to Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 58 by Sen. Jones, and ask the Speaker to House Concurrent Resolution No. 323 appoint a committee to confer with a like committee from the Senate Returned without amendments. on the disagreement. House Concurrent Resolution No. 324 Respectfully submitted, Returned without amendments. House Concurrent Resolution No. 332 MICHAEL S. BAER, III Returned without amendments. Secretary of the Senate House Concurrent Resolution No. 334 Message from the Senate Returned without amendments. APPOINTMENT OF House Concurrent Resolution No. 336 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Returned without amendments. June 20, 1999 House Concurrent Resolution No. 337 Returned without amendments. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: House Concurrent Resolution No. 339 Returned without amendments. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a House Concurrent Resolution No. 341 like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Returned without amendments. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 58: Senators Jones, Greene, and Hainkel. House Concurrent Resolution No. 342 Returned without amendments. Respectfully submitted, House Concurrent Resolution No. 343 MICHAEL S. BAER, III Returned without amendments. Secretary of the Senate House Concurrent Resolution No. 345 Returned without amendments. Message from the Senate House Concurrent Resolution No. 347 RECOMMITTAL OF Returned without amendments. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT House Concurrent Resolution No. 348 June 20, 1999 Returned without amendments. House Concurrent Resolution No. 349 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Returned without amendments. Representatives: House Concurrent Resolution No. 350 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Returned without amendments. recommitted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 242. House Concurrent Resolution No. 352 Returned without amendments. Respectfully submitted, House Concurrent Resolution No. 354 MICHAEL S. BAER, III Returned without amendments. Secretary of the Senate House Concurrent Resolution No. 355 Returned without amendments. Message from the Senate Respectfully submitted, ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate June 20, 1999 Message from the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement June 20, 1999 to House Bill No. 1007. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Respectfully submitted, Representatives: MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1009. to House Bill No. 1084. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 482. to House Bill No. 1397. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1373. to Senate Bill No. 1041. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1182. to Senate Bill No. 936 Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 770. to Senate Bill No. 170. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 362. to Senate Bill No. 296. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 54. to Senate Bill No. 297. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 154. to House Bill No. 2127. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1025. to Senate Bill No. 684. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1070. to Senate Bill No. 648. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 2047. to Senate Bill No. 507. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 828. to Senate Bill No. 392. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 245. to Senate Bill No. 919. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 497. to Senate Bill No. 854. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 1024. to Senate Bill No. 833. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 982. to Senate Bill No. 798. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 1999 June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has toSenate Bill No. 685. adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 223. Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III Respectfully submitted, Secretary of the Senate MICHAEL S. BAER, III Message from the Senate Secretary of the Senate ADOPTION OF Message from the Senate CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ADOPTION OF June 20, 1999 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: June 20, 1999 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement Representatives: to House Bill No. 920. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Respectfully submitted, adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 351. MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate Respectfully submitted, Message from the Senate MICHAEL S. BAER, III ADOPTION OF Secretary of the Senate CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Conference Committee Appointment June 20, 1999 The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of the To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the Representatives: disagreement to House Bill No. 1424: Reps. Hainkel, Jordan, and I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Dardenne. adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 780. Message from the Senate Respectfully submitted, APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate June 20, 1999 Message from the Senate To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of ADOPTION OF Representatives: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President June 20, 1999 of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of House Bill No. 2120: Senators Tarver, Cravins, and Hainkel. Representatives: Respectfully submitted, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement MICHAEL S. BAER, III to House Bill No. 365. Secretary of the Senate Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL S. BAER, III Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 232: Senators Hainkel, Malone, and Bajoie. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 743: Senators Jordan, Lentini, and Jones. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 233: Senators Hainkel, Dardenne, and Ewing. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1187: Senators Hainkel, Dardenne, and Bajoie. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 2027: Senators Hainkel, Hollis, and Dardenne. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 92: Senators Ullo, Schedler, and Lentini. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 792: Senators Ellington, Heitmeier, and Dardenne June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 1242: Senators Barham, Hainkel, and C. Fields. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 635: Senators Hainkel, Smith, and Lentini APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 1776: Senators Ellington, Heitmeier, and Lentini. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 434: Senators Ellington, Ullo, and Jordan. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 1793: Senators Bajoie, Smith, and Ewing. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1072: Senators Tarver, Hines, and Schedler. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 1784: Senators Ullo, Hainkel, and Landry. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a APPOINTMENT OF like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE House Bill No. 2076: Senators Barham, Thomas, and Branch. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Message from the Senate like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1867: Senators Hines, Schedler, and Landry. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Message from the Senate of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to APPOINTMENT OF House Bill No. 2079: Senators Landry, Lambert, and Irons. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Message from the Senate of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to APPOINTMENT OF House Bill No. 1906: Senators Ellington, Dardenne, and Hollis. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Message from the Senate of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to APPOINTMENT OF House Bill No. 2265: Senators Ellington, Jordan, and Smith. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Message from the Senate of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to APPOINTMENT OF House Bill No. 1923: Senators Ullo, Landry, and Cain. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted, June 20, 1999 MICHAEL S. BAER, III To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Message from the Senate of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to APPOINTMENT OF House Concurrent Resolution No. 259: Senators Bajoie, Hines, and CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Ellington. June 20, 1999 Respectfully submitted, To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of MICHAEL S. BAER, III Representatives: Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 123— BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG A RESOLUTION APPOINTMENT OF To commend Dr. Ken Ward for completing his doctoral dissertation CONFERENCE COMMITTEE in legislative ethics. June 20, 1999 Read by title. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: On motion of Rep. Long, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 124— of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to A RESOLUTION House Bill No. 1362: Senators Ellington, Hollis, and Dardenne. To urge and request the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Board Respectfully submitted, of Supervisors of Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Board of Supervisors for the University MICHAEL S. BAER, III of Louisiana System, and the Board of Supervisors of Secretary of the Senate Community and Technical Colleges, in consultation with the Board of Regents, to each adopt policies for the institutions Message from the Senate under their respective jurisdictions providing a waiver of nonresident tuition charges for any nonresident student for any APPOINTMENT OF course taken through the Southern Regional Electronic Campus CONFERENCE COMMITTEE provided the student is a resident of a state in which one or more colleges or universities offer courses through the Southern June 20, 1999 Regional Electronic Campus and those colleges or universities waive nonresident tuition charges for such courses if taken by To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of a Louisiana resident. Representatives: Read by title. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a On motion of Rep. Long, and under a suspension of the rules, like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to the resolution was adopted. House Bill No. 2230: Senators Lambert, Bean, and Malone. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 125— Respectfully submitted, BY REPRESENTATIVE WILKERSON A RESOLUTION MICHAEL S. BAER, III To commend and congratulate Mr. Alvin Kendrick on his Secretary of the Senate outstanding contributions to the city of Haynesville and to Claiborne Parish, Louisiana. Message from the Senate Read by title. APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE On motion of Rep. Wilkerson, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. June 20, 1999 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 126— BY REPRESENTATIVE HOLDEN To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of A RESOLUTION Representatives: To urge and request the Board of Commerce and Industry to prohibit recipients of certain tax exemption contracts from issuing I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President employee bonuses or stock dividends. of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Read by title. House Bill No. 2119: Senators Dardenne, Bean, and Irons. On motion of Rep. Holden, and under a suspension of the rules, Respectfully submitted, the resolution was adopted. MICHAEL S. BAER, III HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 127— Secretary of the Senate BY REPRESENTATIVE WILKERSON A RESOLUTION Introduction of Resolutions, To commend and congratulate Judy C. Davis of Homer, Louisiana, House and House Concurrent for her dedication to civic duty and her contributions to the city of Homer and to Claiborne Parish. The following members introduced the following entitled House and House Concurrent Resolutions, which were read the first time by Read by title. their titles and placed upon the calendar for their second reading: On motion of Rep. Wilkerson, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted.

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HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 128— On motion of Rep. Wilkerson, and under a suspension of the BY REPRESENTATIVE SCALISE rules, the resolution was adopted. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Ordered to the Senate. Education to make special provisions in the minimum foundation program formula adopted by the board for the 1999- HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 358— 2000 school year to restore the level of funding through the BY REPRESENTATIVES PRATT, COPELIN, FARVE, GREEN, MORRELL, minimum foundation program formula to at least the 1998-1999 MURRAY, AND WILLARD AND SENATORS BOISSIERE, BAJOIE, IRONS, funding level for all "Hold Harmless" school systems. AND JOHNSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Read by title. To commend Mr. Nat LaCour upon the occasion of his retirement as president of United Teachers of New Orleans after twenty-eight On motion of Rep. Scalise, and under a suspension of the rules, years of service with that organization, to congratulate Mr. the resolution was adopted. LaCour upon his election in July of 1998 as executive vice president of the American Federation of Teachers, and to HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 129— recognize his many accomplishments. BY REPRESENTATIVE PERKINS A RESOLUTION Read by title. To express the sincere condolences of the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the death of Mr. Ted A. On motion of Rep. Pratt, and under a suspension of the rules, the Elkins of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. resolution was adopted. Read by title. Ordered to the Senate. On motion of Rep. Perkins, and under a suspension of the rules, Reconsideration of Vetoed Bills the resolution was adopted. HOUSE BILL NO. 1307— HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 130— BY REPRESENTATIVE MURRAY BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE AN ACT A RESOLUTION To amend and reenact R.S. 23:1221(3)(a) and (d)(iii), relative to To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Corrections supplemental earnings benefits; to provide relative to the and all parish and local law enforcement agencies who house calculation thereof; to remove the termination of supplemental prisoners to give notice to prisoners and to prisoners' families of earnings benefits when one begins to receive old age insurance the prisoner's inability to sue for injury or wrongful death in the benefits; and to provide for related matters. event the prisoner is injured or dies while working on a project for which the prisoner volunteered. Read by title. Read by title. Motion On motion of Rep. Farve, and under a suspension of the rules, On motion of Rep. Murray, the bill was returned to the calendar. the resolution was adopted. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 356— Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment BY REPRESENTATIVE SCALISE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION June 20, 1999 To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to make special provisions in the minimum To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of foundation program formula adopted by the board for the 1999- Representatives: 2000 school year to restore the level of funding through the minimum foundation program formula to at least the 1998-1999 I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the funding level for all "Hold Harmless" school systems. following report: Read by title. The following House Concurrent Resolutions have been properly enrolled: On motion of Rep. Scalise, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 1— BY REPRESENTATIVE SALTER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Ordered to the Senate. To urge and request the office of elderly affairs not to make certain planning and service area changes and federal funding HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 357— BY REPRESENTATIVES WILKERSON AND ALEXANDER distribution changes relative to the Older Americans Act. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend and congratulate the Lincoln Parish Branch of the HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 2— BY REPRESENTATIVE GUILLORY National Association for the Advancement of Colored People A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION for its work in the voter registration movement in Lincoln To urge and request the Department of Transportation and Parish, Louisiana. Development to study the traffic problems at the intersection of Prien Lake Road and Interstate 210 in Lake Charles, and to Read by title. consider the inclusion of traffic mitigation improvements at this intersection when compiling the Highway Priority Program.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 19— BY REPRESENTATIVE MORRISH BY REPRESENTATIVES BAYLOR AND BAUDOIN A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and To request the enforcement of littering laws and the renewal of Corrections, office of state police, to strictly enforce the efforts to beautify the communities of the state of Louisiana. provisions of the Louisiana Revised Statutes which govern vehicles driving on the right side of the road, overtaking, and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 20— passing. BY REPRESENTATIVE BAYLOR AND SENATOR BAJOIE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 7— BY REPRESENTATIVES LONG AND JOHN SMITH To proclaim support for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION their services to the youth of our communities and urge To urge and request the Department of Transportation and municipal officials to become better informed about the benefits Development to establish a rest area at the Interstate 49 and of working with these organizations. Highway 6 interchange and to urge and request the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism to maintain a tourist HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 23— BY REPRESENTATIVE WILKERSON information center at that site. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 11— To urge and request the State Board of Commerce and Industry to BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG AND SENATOR SMITH urge recipients of the industrial tax exemption to provide A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION internships to students attending Louisiana educational To urge and request the Department of Transportation and institutions. Development and United States Army Corps of Engineers to study drainage problems on the lower Cane River in HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 24— Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana, and make recommendations to BY REPRESENTATIVE WILLARD the legislature prior to the 2000 Regular Session. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To direct the Louisiana Gaming Control Board to study the HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 12— feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness of offering compulsive BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG AND SENATOR SMITH gambling services in more than one language. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Transportation and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 26— Development to erect lighting at the intersection of Interstate BY REPRESENTATIVE THERIOT Highway 49 and Louisiana Highway 6 in Natchitoches Parish, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Louisiana. To direct the Department of Transportation and Development to install a traffic light at the intersection of Louisiana Highway 1 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 13— and Louisiana Highway 3235 in Cut Off, Louisiana, Lafourche BY REPRESENTATIVE JOHN SMITH Parish no later than one hundred twenty days after passage of A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION this Resolution. To request that the Department of Natural Resources study the possibility of establishment of new rental and royalty HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 28— requirements for the lease of state land and the possibility of BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX AND SENATOR LAMBERT incorporating such new requirements into existing leases. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Transportation and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 15— BY REPRESENTATIVE ANSARDI Development to construct an exit ramp from Louisiana Highway A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 3213 to Louisiana Highway 641 in Gramercy, Louisiana. To memorialize the United States Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Transportation, the National HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29— BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX Transportation Safety Board, and the United States A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Environmental Protection Agency, to require all barges, cargo To urge and request the Department of Transportation and ships, and commercial vessels of any type transporting Development to install a new traffic light at the intersection of hazardous materials on the navigable waters of the state to Louisiana Highway 3274 and Louisiana Highway 3125 in identify all hazardous materials being transported by utilizing a Gramercy, Louisiana. placarding system recognized by the United Nations or the North American Placarding System. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 30— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16— BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX BY REPRESENTATIVE MURRAY A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Transportation and To request the House Committee on House and Governmental Development to update and modernize Louisiana Highway Affairs and the Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental 3274, located in the town of Gramercy, Louisiana. Affairs to meet and to function as a joint committee to study the feasibility of increasing campaign contribution limits based on HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 36— BY REPRESENTATIVE MICHOT the rate of inflation and to report the findings of the joint A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION committee to the legislature prior to the convening of the 2001 To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Regular Session. Corrections, office of motor vehicles, to extend its office hours and to open additional "express" offices. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 18— BY REPRESENTATIVE BAYLOR AND SENATOR BAJOIE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To encourage municipal officials to provide increased funding for youth-based facilities, programs, and services of recreation departments and agencies as a budget priority.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 38— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 64— BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT BY REPRESENTATIVES DOWNER, BARTON, BAUDOIN, CRANE, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION DOERGE, KENNEY, LONG, MCDONALD, POWELL, PRATT, SALTER, To urge and request the legislature and its agencies to use plain SHAW, WINSTON, WRIGHT, AND JETSON language to the extent possible in the drafting of laws, rules, and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION regulations and in all communications with the public and to To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Corrections urge and request the governor and the statewide elected officials and the Department of Labor to work together to develop a to request all executive branch agencies to use plain language to comprehensive prison education, vocation, and rehabilitation the extent possible in the drafting of rules and regulations and program which encourages industry-based training with in all communications with the public. competent transferable skills. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 66— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 43— BY REPRESENTATIVE JETSON BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the division of administration to study and To urge and request the legislative auditor to conduct a develop a strategy to preserve public access to public waterways comprehensive study and comparison of state operated and to report findings and recommendations to the House and correctional and privately operated facilities in Louisiana to Senate Committees on Natural Resources prior to the convening determine the overall effectiveness and efficiency of each. of the 2000 Regular Session of the Legislature. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 46— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 74— BY REPRESENTATIVE WRIGHT BY REPRESENTATIVE FARVE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Corrections study the results and consequences of the introduction of to promulgate rules to authorize and encourage members of the livestock on the Dewey Wills Wildlife Management Area, and clergy to provide daily ministerial services to state and parish to report findings and recommendations to the House and prisoners. Senate Committees on Natural Resources prior to the convening of the 2000 Regular Session of the Legislature. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 75— BY REPRESENTATIVE HEBERT HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 56— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVES ANSARDI AND CHAISSON To urge and request the Department of Natural Resources to study A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION the effects of the Keystone Lock and Dam located on Bayou To memorialize the United States Congress to appropriate sufficient Teche on fields and siltation, and to report study findings and funds to install lighting on Interstate Highway 10 and Interstate recommendations to the House and Senate Committees on Highway 310 in the vicinity of the intersection of Jefferson Natural Resources prior to the convening of the 2000 Regular Parish, Louisiana, and St. Charles Parish, Louisiana. Session of the Legislature. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 84— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 57— BY REPRESENTATIVE DEWITT BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG AND SENATOR SMITH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Transportation and To urge and request the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State Development to select the route of the east-west corridor project University and Agricultural and Mechanical College to from the Mississippi state line to the Texas state line in the reconsider a recent change in its season ticket policy for vicinity of Louisiana Highway 84 and Louisiana Highway 6. football, basketball, and baseball that provides for season ticket renewal only by the account holder and for very limited changes HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 58— in the account holder. BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 87— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH To urge and request the Department of Transportation and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Development to investigate solutions to flooding problems at To urge and request the Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Black Lake/Clear Lake and to present to the legislature by Nursing Facility Administrators to waive all or part of March 1, 2000, a report detailing its findings and administrator-in-training requirements for internships completed recommendations. for persons with degrees in gerontology. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 59— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 89— BY REPRESENTATIVES RIDDLE, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, DIEZ, BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH AND CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BARHAM, SCHEDLER, AND LANDRY To designate the square dance as the American Folk Dance of the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION state of Louisiana. To authorize and request the Louisiana State Law Institute to review the following statutory provisions and in all locations it deems HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 90— appropriate change current references to the Department of BY REPRESENTATIVE CLARKSON Health and Human Resources to the correct agency indicated. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To direct the House and Senate Committees on Transportation, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 63— Highways and Public Works to review all information relative BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX AND SENATOR LAMBERT to the installation of the video or photo monitoring system on A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION the Greater New Orleans Mississippi River Bridge and to To urge and request the Department of Transportation and require the Crescent City Connection Division of the Development to install a left-turn signal light at the intersection Department of Transportation and Development to report to, and of Louisiana Highway 3125 and Louisiana Highway 3274 in St. submit such information to, the House and Senate James Parish, Louisiana. Transportation, Highways and Public Works Committees.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 93— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 138— BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH BY REPRESENTATIVE PRATT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana State Law Institute to study and To create the Task Force on Alternative Education Programs, make recommendations to the legislature on Code of Civil hereafter referred to as the "task force", to be in existence for the Procedure Article 1263, which provides for service of process period from its first meeting not later than September 30, 1999, on a partnership through "any partner". through February 29, 2000, to review the most effective HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 94— operation of alternative education programs for students, BY REPRESENTATIVES COPELIN AND WILKERSON including any current programs in operation, and to report its A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION findings and recommendations to the House Committee on To urge and request the House and Senate Health and Welfare Education and the Senate Committee on Education at least sixty Committees to meet and function as a joint committee to study days prior to the beginning of the 2000 Regular Session. potential reforms of the Medicaid system. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 139— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 98— BY REPRESENTATIVES DANIEL AND LEBLANC AND SENATORS BY REPRESENTATIVES HEBERT, ROMERO, AND WIGGINS AND HAINKEL AND DARDENNE SENATOR ROMERO A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To request the House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure and the To memorialize the United States Congress to take appropriate action to provide that reimbursement of operational expenses of school Senate Committee on Judiciary A to meet and to function as a bus drivers who own their own school buses and are contract joint committee to study and make recommendations with employees of a school system will not be taxed as income. respect to the practices of state departments, boards, and commissions relative to contracting for outside legal counsel for HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 99— general counsel duties in lieu of utilizing the attorney general as BY REPRESENTATIVE QUEZAIRE counsel. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the state Department of Health and Hospitals to HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 142— monitor any action by the federal government that would affect BY REPRESENTATIVE THERIOT the patients' rights to remain at the Gillis Long Hansen's Disease A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Center. To memorialize the Congress of the United States to authorize and to urge the governor of the state of Louisiana to support the HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 101— BY REPRESENTATIVE DURAND development of the "Comprehensive Hurricane Protection Plan A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION for Coastal Louisiana" by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to To urge and request the federal government not to attempt to recover provide continuous hurricane protection from Morgan City to any of the tobacco settlement money granted to the state of the Mississippi border. Louisiana. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 143— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 103— BY REPRESENTATIVE POWELL BY REPRESENTATIVES DURAND, DEWITT, DOWNER, MCMAINS, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION DIEZ, CRANE, DOERGE, FRITH, MICHOT, MORRELL, MURRAY, PINAC, To urge and request the Department of Transportation and POWELL, SCHNEIDER, AND SCHWEGMANN AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, BARHAM, AND SCHEDLER Development to install lighting at the intersections of Interstate A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Highway 55 and U.S. Highway 190, Interstate Highway 55 and To create a task force to study and make recommendations to the Wardline Road, and Interstate Highway 12 and U.S. Highway legislature on issues affecting the flammability of upholstered 51 in Hammond, Louisiana. furniture. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 153— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 105— BY REPRESENTATIVE JOHN SMITH BY REPRESENTATIVE LONG AND SENATOR SMITH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To establish the Louisiana Alligator Task Force and to provide for its To urge and request the Department of Transportation and membership, powers, duties, and responsibilities, and to provide Development to raise the Black Lake Bridge located along for submission of a report. Louisiana Highway 9 in Natchitoches Parish and to include in the bridge replacement project, listed in the Highway Priority HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 159— Program and scheduled for construction in Fiscal Year 2001- BY REPRESENTATIVE THERIOT 2002, a plan to raise the approaches to such bridge. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To memorialize the United States Congress to support the efforts of HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 107— United States Senators and John Breaux and BY REPRESENTATIVES DANIEL, DOWNER, DEWITT, DIEZ, MCMAINS, United States Representatives , , Jim AND CRANE AND SENATORS DARDENNE, EWING, HAINKEL, BARHAM, AND SCHEDLER McCrery, William Jefferson, and John Cooksey to enact the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 1999. To memorialize the United States Congress to amend the Federal Migratory Bird Conservation Act (16 U.S.C.A. 715) to HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 162— authorize certain states to issue temporary federal duck stamp BY REPRESENTATIVE MURRAY privileges through electronic license issuance systems. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Honorable M.J. "Mike" Foster, governor of HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 121— Louisiana, to take all necessary actions to prevent the New BY REPRESENTATIVE ILES AND SENATOR CAIN Orleans Saints football franchise from having to relocate to A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION another city. To urge and request the Department of Transportation and Development to install a traffic light at the intersection of Louisiana Highway No. 114 and Louisiana Highway No. 171 in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 170— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 200— BY REPRESENTATIVES DOWNER, DUPRE, GAUTREAUX, THERIOT, BY REPRESENTATIVES LONG, ALARIO, ALEXANDER, ANSARDI, AND TRICHE BARTON, BAUDOIN, BAYLOR, BOWLER, BRUCE, BRUNEAU, CARTER, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION CHAISSON, CLARKSON, COPELIN, CRANE, CURTIS, DAMICO, DANIEL, DEVILLE, DEWITT, DIEZ, DOERGE, DONELON, DOWNER, DUPRE, To urge and request the Department of Transportation and DURAND, FARVE, FAUCHEUX, FLAVIN, FONTENOT, FRITH, FRUGE, Development to divide Highway District 2 and create an GAUTREAUX, GLOVER, GREEN, GUILLORY, HAMMETT, HEATON, additional district. HEBERT, HILL, HOLDEN, HOPKINS, HUDSON, HUNTER, ILES, JENKINS, JETSON, JOHNS, KENNARD, KENNEY, LANCASTER, LANDRIEU, LEBLANC, MARIONNEAUX, MARTINY, MCCAIN, MCCALLUM, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 172— MCDONALD, MCMAINS, MICHOT, MITCHELL, MONTGOMERY, BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX MORRELL, MORRISH, MURRAY, NEVERS, ODINET, PERKINS, PIERRE, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION PINAC, POWELL, PRATT, QUEZAIRE, RIDDLE, ROMERO, SALTER, To urge and request the Department of Transportation and SCALISE, SCHNEIDER, SCHWEGMANN, SHAW, JACK SMITH, JOHN SMITH, SNEED, STELLY, STRAIN, THERIOT, THOMPSON, THORNHILL, Development to install a left-turn lane and an acceleration lane TOOMY, TRAVIS, TRICHE, WADDELL, WALSWORTH, WARNER, on U.S. Highway 61 at the entrance to the Reserve Christian WELCH, WESTON, WIGGINS, WILKERSON, WILLARD, WINDHORST, Church and School in St. John Parish. WINSTON, WOOTON, AND WRIGHT AND SENATORS BRANCH, CASANOVA, DEAN, ELLINGTON, W. FIELDS, GREENE, AND THEUNISSEN HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 173— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVES MURRAY AND QUEZAIRE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request Northwestern State University, through its To urge and request the Louisiana Public Service Commission to management board, to designate an existing scholarship formulate and begin broadcasting public service announcements available to students enrolled in the College of Education in the to warn consumers against the illegal practices of slamming and name of the Honorable Everett G. Doerge, former State cramming. Representative. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 201— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 180— BY REPRESENTATIVE FAUCHEUX AND SENATOR LANDRY BY REPRESENTATIVES MCDONALD, BARTON, BAUDOIN, CRANE, CURTIS, DOERGE, KENNEY, NEVERS, POWELL, PRATT, SHAW, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION SNEED, AND WRIGHT AND SENATORS GREENE, JONES, AND To urge and request the Department of Transportation and THEUNISSEN Development to install lighting at the intersections of Interstate A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Highway 55 and Interstate Highway 10 and Interstate Highway To create the Task Force on School Discipline and Safety, hereinafter 10 and United States Highway 51 in La Place, Louisiana. referred to as the "task force", to be in existence for the period from its first meeting not later than July 15, 1999, through HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 204— December 15, 1999, to study and review current policies, BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH procedures, programs, and laws in place in Louisiana as well as A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION in other select states as the task force deems appropriate relative To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary to providing disciplined, safe, and productive learning Education to develop a program of instruction on school bus environments for all children, including effective measures for safety, to adopt policies requiring each city and parish school assisting students who engage in or who are at risk of engaging board to provide such instruction to students in kindergarten in disruptive and disorderly behavior, and to report its findings through grade three, and to submit such proposed program of and recommendations to the House Committee on Education instruction to the House Committee on Education and the and the Senate Committee on Education by not later than Senate Committee on Education for review and comment at January 15, 2000. least thirty days prior to the approval of such program by the board. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 183— BY REPRESENTATIVE THOMPSON HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 205— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE WESTON AND SENATORS DARDENNE AND To urge and request the Department of Transportation and JORDAN Development to study the drainage problems along Interstate A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Highway 20 in Richland Parish and especially in the towns of To memorialize the United States Congress to amend federal law Rayville, Delhi, and Start. relating to the compensation of retired military personnel to permit full, concurrent receipt of military longevity pay and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 185— service-connected disability compensation pay. BY REPRESENTATIVE FLAVIN A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 210— To memorialize the United States Congress to restore budget cuts to BY REPRESENTATIVE WILKERSON the U.S. Geological Survey's water resources programs, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION particularly the State-Federal Cooperative program. To urge and request the boards of trustees of all state and statewide public retirement systems to establish an internship program for HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 197— undergraduate college students who would not ordinarily have BY REPRESENTATIVES STELLY, BOWLER, DANIEL, DURAND, FLAVIN, an opportunity to work directly in administrative or managerial JOHNS, SHAW, TRICHE, WILKERSON, AND WALSWORTH positions in major corporations and allow such students to be A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION exposed to the administrative and managerial functions involved To memorialize the Congress of the United States to preserve the in the business and financial aspects of the retirement industry. right of state and local governments to operate pension plans for their employees in place of the federal social security system HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 211— and to develop legislation for responsible reform of the federal BY REPRESENTATIVES FLAVIN, JOHNS, AND STELLY social security system that does not include mandatory A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION participation by employees of state and local governments. To urge and request the governor to renegotiate this state's obligation under the federal Social Security Act and particularly Section 218 thereof, with the objective of releasing from participation therein those municipalities whose police departments are

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covered by both the federal social security system and the HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 238— Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System; further BY REPRESENTATIVES CLARKSON, FLAVIN, AND LEBLANC requests the governor to make it a high state priority to work A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION with this state's congressional delegation to accomplish the same To direct the Louisiana Real Estate Commission and the Louisiana REALTORS Association to form a working task force to study objective through federal legislation, if federal law, rule, or the possibility of improving real estate licensee educational regulation preempts this state's governor from such programs throughout the state. renegotiation. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 242— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 212— BY REPRESENTATIVE WINSTON BY REPRESENTATIVE WESTON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Supreme Court to adopt rules To urge and request the Department of Culture, Recreation and governing the appointment of counsel for children in Child In Tourism to develop a plan for implementation of a golf trail in Need of Care proceedings. the state of Louisiana and to submit such plan and related recommendations to the Legislature of Louisiana. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 245— BY REPRESENTATIVE WINSTON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 213— BY REPRESENTATIVE QUEZAIRE To urge and request the Judicial Council of the Supreme Court of A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Louisiana to review child support guidelines for the purpose of To urge and request the Department of Transportation and determining whether those guidelines are sufficient to Development to erect signs indicating the location of the implement the purposes for which they were enacted, to community of Wallace, Louisiana. determine the effects of inflation and economic development on those guidelines, and to recommend any changes which the HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 221— Judicial Council believes are necessary in order to insure that BY REPRESENTATIVE MCCALLUM those guidelines continue to reflect the needs of the children. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana State Law Institute to study a HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 253— BY REPRESENTATIVE PERKINS successor's rights relative to transfers of succession interests in A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION immovable property prior to the judicial opening of the To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary succession, the effect of creating a peremptive period for actions Education to adopt rules and procedures permitting a city or arising out of transfers of succession interests in immovable parish school board, under specified circumstances, to add property which occurred prior to the judicial opening of the elective courses to its program of studies for high school succession, and to report its findings and recommendations to students without obtaining the approval of the state Department the Legislature of Louisiana no later than January 1, 2001. of Education and for BESE to treat successful completion of such courses by students in the same manner as successful HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 222— BY REPRESENTATIVE HOLDEN completion by students of elective courses that have been A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION approved by the department. To memorialize the United States Congress to continue to support HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 255— and fund the United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, the BY REPRESENTATIVE WIGGINS Environmental Technology Network for Asia, and the Council A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION of State Governments' State Environmental Initiative. To urge and request the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism and the Department of Transportation and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 231— Development to preserve a portion of Military Highway as an BY REPRESENTATIVE WALSWORTH historical route. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 273— Corrections, office of motor vehicles, to authorize third parties BY REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER to administer the skills tests necessary to obtain drivers' licenses. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Public Safety and Corrections HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 234— to honor out-of-state motor vehicle inspection stickers until their BY REPRESENTATIVE MURRAY expiration. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 282— BY REPRESENTATIVE WINSTON Education to study the feasibility of developing, adopting, and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION submitting to the legislature for its approval and funding a To urge and request the House Committee on Health and Welfare minimum foundation program formula that provides a base per and the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare to meet and pupil funding amount at least equal to one-half of the most function as a joint committee to study the methods by which recently reported average annual cost to the state and its children are identified and placed when adoption is indicated. political subdivisions to care for adults and juveniles incarcerated in correctional facilities. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 351— BY REPRESENTATIVES FAUCHEUX, CHAISSON, AND QUEZAIRE AND SENATORS LAMBERT AND LANDRY HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 236— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVES WILKERSON AND DOWNER To commend Mr. Cleveland Farlough on the occasion of his A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION retirement from the position of Superintendent of Schools of St. To urge and request the office of state parks of the Department of John the Baptist Parish. Culture, Recreation and Tourism and other persons and agencies to proceed with efforts to make Camp Ruston a state Respectfully submitted, commemorative area. DONALD RAY KENNARD Chairman

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The above House Concurrent Resolutions contained in the report were signed by the Speaker of the House and taken to the Senate by the Clerk of the House and were signed by the President of the Senate and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the rules of the House. Leave of Absence Rep. Strain - 1 day Adjournment On motion of Rep. Kenney, at 10:35 P.M., the House agreed to adjourn until Monday, June 21, 1999, at 8:30 A.M. The Speaker of the House declared the House adjourned until 8:30 A.M., Monday, June 21, 1999. ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House C. Wayne Hays Journal Clerk, Emeritus